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International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"


PhD. Scholar (Economics)

VAT is an improvement over the existing
union excise dut at the central level and
over the sale tax at the state level !hile
"ST is a #urther improvement over the
existing VAT !hich is et to $e
implemented most pro$a$l in the coming
#inancial ear as promise made $ our
union #inance minister. The ne! "ST !ill
ensure the greater uni#ormit in the tax
rates throughout the countr and !ill end
the cascading e##ects. The o$%ective o# this
paper is to trace the progress o# &ndia's
indirect tax re#orms #rom an origin($ased
)ST to a proposed destination $ased "ST.

Key Words: GST, VAT, MODVAT,

Taxes are not a new phenomenon; they are
as o! as "#$##sat#on #tse%. The h#story o%
In!#an taxat#on &oes 'a"( to an"#ent per#o!
when we %o)n! "erta#n re%eren"e a'o)t
taxes #n many o! 'oo( #(e Arthshastra
wr#tten 'y *ot#ya pop)ary (nown as
Chan(ya. Th#s 'oo( pro$#!es $ery
$a)a'e #n%ormat#on re&ar!#n& how to
&o$ern an! r)e. A""or!#n& to Arthshastra,
#n an"#ent t#me taxes were e$#e! an!
"oe"te! #n 'oth "ash an! (#n!. Taxat#on
+o#"y has 'een a w#!ey !e'ate! #ss)e a
o$er the wor! an! a ar&e n)m'er o%
st)!#es ha$e 'een "on!)"te! "o$er#n&
!#%%erent aspe"ts o% #n!#re"t taxes. In!#re"t
taxes are aso (nown as "ommo!#ty
taxat#on. The #mpa"t an! #n"#!en"e o%
#n!#re"t taxes may 'e on !#%%erent persons
an! that,s why the ')r!en o% #n!#re"t taxes
"an 'e sh#%te!. A %#xe! proport#on o% the
taxes "oe"te! 'y the Centre !e$o$e to
the states, 'ase! on the re"ommen!at#ons
o% the Centra F#nan"e Comm#ss#on.
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

The wa$e o% tax re%orms a"ross the wor!
was 'e&an #n m#!-./0s, ')t as %ar as In!#a
#s "on"erne! the tr)e an! systemat#" e%%orts
re&ar!#n& the tax re%orms were #n#t#ate! #n
-..- when the &o$ernment o% In!#a
appo#nte! a h#&h e$e "omm#ttee o%
experts #n A)&)st -..- )n!er the
"ha#rmansh#p o% +ro%. 1.Cha#ah wh#"h #s
pop)ary (nown as 2TRC3 Tax Re%orm
Comm#ttee or Cha#ah Comm#ttee. Most
o% the re"ommen!at#on o% th#s "omm#ttee
has 'een a""epte! an! #n")!e! #n the
')!&et proposa o% -..45.6. In -..-
In!#an e"onomy was pass#n& thro)&h the
e"onom#" "r#s#s, 'aan"e o% tra!e an!
'aan"e o% payment was ne&at#$e, %#s"a
!e%#"#t an! re$en)e !e%#"#t was mo)nt#n&,
#n%at#onary press)re were h#stor#"ay
h#&h, %ore#&n ex"han&e were 'arey
s)%%#"#ent to meet the o$ern#&ht #mport
re7)#rements o% ne"ess#ty &oo!s an! we
were os#n& %a#th #n the #nternat#ona
mar(et. In th#s pan#" s#t)at#on to p) the
e"onomy o)t o% "r#s#s an! to p)t #t on the
r#&ht path o% e"onom#" !e$eopment a
wa$e o% #'era#sat#on, pr#$at#sat#on an!
&o'a#8at#on was #n#t#ate! wh#"h #s
pop)ary (nown as e"onom#" re%orms.
Tax Re%orms Comm#ttee -..-, "ha#re! 'y
Mr. R. 1. Che#ah, was aso a step
re&ar!#n& the str)"t)ra "han&es #n#t#ate!
'y the &o$ernment o% In!#a. 9nt# then, the
e%%#"#en"y o% the #n!#re"t tax system an!
"omp#an"e e$es were se$erey
"omprom#se! 'y $ery h#&h rates o% !)ty,
"o)pe! w#th a ar&e n)m'er o%
exempt#ons %or meet#n& a $ar#ety o% so"#o5
e"onom#" o':e"t#$es. S)"h a tax str)"t)re
was not "on!)"#$e to a"h#e$e h#&h
e"onom#" &rowth.

Apart %rom th#s, the tax re%orms -..- was
mot#$ate! 'y a n)m'er o% %a"tors s)"h as
press#n& %#s"a #m'aan"es, to "orre"t
se$ere ')!&etary press)res, trans#t#on %rom
a panne! e"onomy to a mar(et e"onomy,
#nternat#ona#8at#on o% e"onom#" a"t#$#t#es
ar#s#n& %rom &o'a#8at#on, wh#"h
emphas#8e! the nee! to m#n#m#8e 'oth
#ne%%#"#en"#es an! "omp#an"e "osts o% the
tax system. The tax system #n In!#a #s
ma#ny a three t#er system wh#"h #s 'ase!
'etween the "entra, state an! the o"a
&o$ernment or&an#8at#ons. In most "ases,
these o"a 'o!#es #n")!e the o"a
"o)n"#s an! the m)n#"#pa#t#es. Art#"e
;6<, o% the In!#an Const#t)t#on, !#str#')tes
e&#sat#$e powers #n")!#n& taxat#on,
'etween the +ar#ament an! the state
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

e&#sat)re. S"he!)e VII en)merates these
s)':e"t matters w#th the )se o% three #sts;
Centra =#st5 enta##n& the areas on wh#"h
ony the par#ament #s "ompetent to ma(es
aws, State =#st 5 enta##n& the areas on
wh#"h ony the state e&#sat)re "an ma(e
aws, Con")rrent =#st 5 enta##n& the areas
on wh#"h 'oth the +ar#ament an! the State
=e&#sat)re "an ma(e aws )pon

Review o !i"er#"$re
Re%orm#n& the tax system #s "r#t#"a to
a"h#e$e %#s"a "onso#!at#on, m#n#m#se
!#stort#ons an! to "reate sta'e an!
pre!#"ta'e en$#ronment %or the mar(et to
%)n"t#on. In many !e$eop#n& "o)ntr#es,
tax po#"y was !#re"te! to "orre"t %#s"a
#m'aan"es 2Ahma! an! Stren, -..-3. In
other wor!s the trans#t#on %rom "entra#se!
pann#n& to mar(et or#ente! e"onomy
re7)#re! w#!e ran&#n& tax re%orms to
repa"e p)'#" enterpr#se w#th taxes as
pr#n"#pa so)r"e o% re$en)e. On the other
han! &o'a#sat#on emphas#se! the nee! to
m#n#m#se 'oth #ne%%#"#en"y an! "omp#an"e
"ost o% tax system. In the #n#t#a years, the
tax po#"y was !#re"te! to #n"rease the
e$e o% sa$#n&s, trans%er a$a#a'e sa$#n&s
%or #n$estment as en$#sa&e! 'y pan
strate&y an! the nee! to ens)re a %a#r
!#str#')t#on o% #n"ome, to "orre"t
#ne7)a#t#es ar#s#n& %rom the o#&opo#st#"
mar(et str)"t)re, ex"han&e "ontro an!
a!m#n#stere! pr#"e !eterm#nat#on 2>a&"h#
an! Naya(, -..63.

F#rsty, the sae tax #s e$y on "ommo!#t#es
wh#"h #n most "ases, are s)':e"t to ex"#se
!)t#es >a&"h#, 2-..<3. As ex"#se !)ty an!
sae tax are e$#e! 'y the !#%%erent ayers o%
&o$ernment, #t 'e"omes !#%%#")t to
!eterm#ne :)!#"#o)sy the #mpa"t o% these
e$#es on pro!)"t#on, #n$estment an! the
"ons)mers. No attempt to rat#ona#se
"ommo!#ty tax system "an s)""ee! #% the
"entre an! the states a"t #n!epen!enty
w#tho)t "o5or!#nat#on amon& themse$es.
A "osey reate! pro'em #s the taxat#on o%
#np)ts an! "ap#ta &oo!s, 'y the "entra an!
state &o$ernments, thro)&h ex"#se !)ty an!
sae tax respe"t#$ey. The taxat#on o%
#np)ts an! "ap#ta &oo!s "ontr#')te to
"as"a!#n& 2tax on tax3 an! $ert#"a
#nte&rat#on o% %#rms 2Rao an! Rao, ;00?3.

Apart %rom &enerat#n& "as"a!#n& e%%e"t,
sae taxat#on o% #np)ts 'ene%#ts the
"omparat#$ey r#"her states at the "ost o%
poorer states. The sae taxat#on o% #np)ts
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

aso means that #ts ')r!en %as on
"ons)mers o)ts#!e the state. The tax was
re%)n!e! #% a &oo! was exporte! o)ts#!e
the "o)ntry ')t sae tax on #np)t was not
re'ate!, #n "onse7)en"es the more
!e$eope! states are a'e to !er#$e
a!!#t#ona reso)r"es, 'y tax#n& "ons)mers
#n other states 2Report o% the In!#re"t
Taxat#on En7)#ry Comm#ss#on, -.@@3.
D#%%erent#a rates o% saes tax on the same
set o% "ommo!#t#es #n !#%%erent states o%ten
ea! to )ne"onom#" !#$ers#on o% tra!e an!
pro!)"t#on "entres. It was $ery "ommon
peope ma(e p)r"hase %rom the ow tax
states an! sae them #n h#&her tax states so
on& as the "ost o% transport#n& &oo!s are
ower than the tax !#%%erent#a. Th#s
!#storts nat)ra see"t#on o% pro!)"t#on
"entres 'ase! on &eo&raph#"a a!$anta&e.
S)"h m#sao"at#on o% reso)r"es
)n!erm#nes e"onom#" e%%#"#en"y an!
there'y retar!s !e$eopmenta e%%orts 2Rao
an! Va#an"o)rt, -..63. O$er a !#%%erent
rate o% sae tax #n !#%%erent states 2m)t#5
po#nt, !o)'e5po#nt an! s#n&e5po#nt3 w#th
!#%%erent pro"e!)res an! r)es "a)se
!#%%#")ty %or the tra!ers, "ons)mers an!
tax a)thor#t#es an! wh#"h %)rther ea! to
"orr)pt#on an! #t#&at#on.

Tr)e an! systemat#" e%%orts re&ar!#n& tax
re%orms were starte! #n -..- when mar(et
'ase! e"onom#" re%orms were #n#t#ate! to
p) the e"onomy o)t o% "r#s#s. The Tax
Re%orm Comm#ttee 2TRC -..-3 "ame
%orwar! w#th a new %ramewor( an! "ear
")t roa! map to 'r#n& "han&es #n 'oth
!#re"t an! #n!#re"t taxes as a part o%
str)"t)ra re%orms 'y (eep#n& #n $#ew the
on&o#n& s#t)at#on o% the e"onomy. The
TRC p)t %orwar! many "han&es #n #n!#re"t
tax str)"t)re #(e re!)"t#on #n a ma:or
#n!#re"t taxes #(e ex"#se !)t#es, ")stom
!)t#es )p to a reasona'e extent so that #t
"o)! not ea! to tax e$as#on. It aso
re"ommen!e! that the taxes on !omest#"
pro!)"t#on sho)! 'e %)y "on$erte! #n to
a $a)e a!!e! tax, an! sho)! 'e
#mpemente! thro)&ho)t the "o)ntry #n
"ons)tat#on w#th states.

In many ways the re%orms s#n"e -..-, w#th
emphas#s on s#mp#"#ty an! e%%#"#en"y
ma(e mar(e! !epart)re %rom the past. =ay
stress on s#mp#%#"at#on o% r)es,
re&)at#ons an! pro"e!)res so as to re!)"e
the "omp#an"e "ost an! to ens)re a 'etter
an! transparent tax system. Many "han&es
were #ntro!)"e! to re%orm the tax
a!m#n#strat#on. As #t #s one o% the we
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

(nown %a"t that In!#an tax a!m#n#strat#on
was "o)nte! one o% the most #ne%%#"#ent
system. Corr)pt#on, re! tape#sm, !eay an!
'y %a$o)r#t#sm are $ery )s)a %eat)res o%
In!#an tax a!m#n#strat#on system e$en
to!ay, ')t the o$era s#t)at#on are %ar
'etter than 'e%ore as a these are the
res)ts o% $ar#o)s tax re%orms #ntro!)"e! #n
In!#a %rom t#me to t#me.
Ex"#se !)ty #s asso"#ate! w#th the
pro!)"t#on o% &oo!s #n In!#a an! #s meant
%or !omest#" "ons)mpt#on. >y the m#!!e
o% -.@0s, the str)"t)re o% ex"#se !)ty was
h#&hy "ompex an! !#stort#onary an! was
a m#x o% spe"#%#" an! A!5Vaorem taxes.
On the ater aone there were ;6 !#%%erent
rates $ary#n& %rom ;A to -00. The tax
GD+ rat#o was 7)#te ow wh#"h are now #n
"om%orta'e pos#t#on. >)t w#th the
#mpementat#on o% the re"ommen!at#ons o%
TRC the re&#me o% ex"#se !)t#es was ma!e
s#mp#%#e! an! rat#ona#se!. >es#!e
re!)"t#on #n n)m'er o% tax rates, the tax
has 'een pro&ress#$ey "on$erte! %rom
spe"#%#" to A!5Vaorem e$y. In -... 5
;000 amost ee$en tax rates were mer&e!
#n to three w#th a han!%) )x)ry #tems. In
;00050- there were %)rther mer&e! #n to a
s#n&e tax rate to 'e "ae! 2CENVAT3
aon& w#th three spe"#a a!!#t#ona ex"#se
!)t#es /A, -<A, an! ;6A %or %ew

A ma#n %eat)re o% ex"#se !)ty #s that #(e
"orporat#on tax, a ma:or proport#on a'o)t
60A o% tota "oe"t#on #s pa#! 'y p)'#"
se"tor enterpr#ses an! #t #s o% %)"t)at#n&
nat)re year a%ter year. The %)"t)at#on #s
!)e to the %)"t)at#ons #n a!m#n#stere!
pr#"e on #tems s)"h as stee, "oa, m#nera
an! petroe)m pro!)"ts et". Contr#')t#on
%rom ")stom !)ty was not eno)&h #n the
#n#t#a years o% #n!epen!ent In!#a !)e to
$ar#o)s 7)ant#tat#$e restr#"t#ons on
#mports. The C)stoms A"t was %orm)ate!
#n -.<; to pre$ent #e&a #mports an!
exports o% &oo!s.

T# -..05.- the tar#%% str)"t)re was h#&hy
"ompex $ary#n& %rom 0A to 600A. +ea(
rate was 'ro)&ht !own %rom 600 to ?0A
'y -..?5.<. In!#a has aso #%te!
7)ant#tat#$e restr#"t#ons on #mports )n!er
BTO o'#&at#ons. The pea( rate o% #mport
!)ty has 'een 'ro)&ht !own o$er the years
howe$er the tar#%% rate #s st# h#&h an!
In!#an #n!)stry #s h#&hy prote"te!. B#th
re&ar! to #mport !)ty, re%orms pro"ess
re7)#re! %)rther re!)"t#on an! )n#%#"at#on
o% rates. E7)ay #mportant #s to %a"e o)t
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

most o% the "on"ess#ons an! exempt#ons
a$a#a'e aon& w#th ex"#se !)ty an!
#mport !)ty wh#"h "reates a ro)n!
"ompex#t#es an! ero!e! the tax 'ase.
9nt# ;004 In!#a,s "onst#t)t#on !#! not
exp#"#ty re"o&n#8e an! ass#&n to any e$e
o% &o$ernment the power to tax ser$#"es.
Cowe$er, s#n"e a res#!)ary tax powers
were ass#&ne! to the "entra &o$ernment,
#n -..6, th#s a)thor#ty 'e"ame the 'as#s %or
e$y#n& a tax on see"te! ser$#"es.

At the state e$e, "on$ert#n& the sae tax #n
to VAT has 'een "ompete! 'y aow#n&
%or #np)t tax "re!#t not ony %or #ntra5state
sae an! p)r"hase ')t aso %or #nter5state
transa"t#ons. The o"a e$e tax re%orms
#(e a'o#t#on o% o"tr#o an! other
s)r"har&es ha$e 'een a'o#she! as there #s
no pa"e %or these a&e o! pra"t#"es #n the
mo!ern tax system. More has 'een !one to
re%orm the tax a!m#n#strat#on so as to
#n"rease the net tax re$en)e an! re!)"e the
"omp#an"e "osts an! to ma(e #t more
transparent an! tax payer %r#en!y. So
many new steps #(e "omp)ter#sat#on o%
tax ret)rns, stren&then the #n%ormat#on
system, on#ne Tax A""o)nt#n& System
2O=TAS3, the C)stoms e5"ommer"e
&ateway 2ICEGATE3, C)stoms
Ee"tron#" Data Inter"han&e System
2ICES3 has hepe! to #mpro$e the
#n%ormat#on system an! spee! )p "earan"e

9n!er the "onst#t)t#on the state
&o$ernment has the power to e$y an!
"oe"t taxes on sae or p)r"hase o% &oo!s
w#th #n #ts terr#tory a""or!#n& to the r)es
%rame! 'y #t. As per the CST 2Centra Sae
Tax3 A"t -.?<, th#s pre$a#e! pr#or to the
#ntro!)"t#on o% VAT !#%%erent states )se!
to e$y !#%%erent rate o% tax on w#!e ran&e
o% &oo!s w#th !#$erse pro"e!)re an! r)es
%or #ts "oe"t#on. Cowe$er the "entra
&o$ernment has #nter$ene! 'y pre$ent#n&
the states tax#n& #n the "o)rse o% #nter5state
tra!e an! "ommer"e.

Ta'e -D Tax Re$en)e o% State Go$ernments 2#n >##on Rs.3
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

.- <<6.<@ 66?./< -@<.<@ -6;.6;
.; /0?.4< ?;<.06 ;-0.<6 ?6.4. -</.6/
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.? -;04.04 @//.4; 4-/./4 @6.4. ;6/./?
.< -46?.0@ .0/.0; 4<@.06 /-./ ;.0.6/
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.. -@;@./@ -;?4.;/ ?-0.04 -;/.<- 4.6.;-
00 ;0;..;@ -64;.@; ?...?? -66.<< 66-.;-
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0; ;6.6.;; -@?6.-? @4-./- -<?.06 ?;;.-?
04 ;@4<.@6 -.46.@6 /;-.?? -/;.</ ?<<.??
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

06 40.-./@ ;;--.-@ .4-.@; -/..;/ <@0./
0? 4<4?.-; ;<0?.@@ ---?.?6 ;-0..< @/?.?
0< 64-0.;- 40<4.4; -;/@.<. ;?0.4< .60.;6
0@ ?40?.?< 4@;/.6- -?4?.@4 ;.4.-< -;0;..4
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-4 -440..@/ .6@; 6046.0; /;@.66 40;-.//

So)r"eD >)!&et !o")ments o% the State Go$ernments.

International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

Ta'eD ; Tax Re$en)e o% Centra Go$ernments 2#n >##on Rs.3

Eear Tax Re$en)e D#re"t Tax In!#re"t
A Share o%
In!#re"t taxes
.- 6;..@/ <..04 4<0.@? /4A -6- ;0<.66
.; ?00.<. -0-.04 4...<< /0A -<0.-@ ;;;.?@
.4 ?60.66 -;0.@? 6-..<. @/A -<4.<@ ;4@.@<
.6 ?46.6. -;?.;; 60..;@ @@A -@;.;6 ;;-..4
.? <@6.?6 -/6.0. 6.0.6? @4A ;-0.<6 ;<@./.
.< /-..4. ;;;./@ ?.<.?; @;A ;;-.@< 4?@.?@
.@ .4@.0- ;?4.@6 </4.;@ @;A 6;/.?- 4;?.@/
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.. -06<.?; 4;-.; @;?.4; <.A ;/?./- 60<.</
00 -;/;.@- 6-6.4< /</.4< <@A 46..66 6/6.-.
0- -4<<.?/ 6.<.?- /@0.0@ <4A 6.@.?/ 46-.<4
0; -44?.4; 6@@.04 /?/.;/ <6A ?66.<. ;/4.6
04 -?/?.66 <-<.-; .<..4; <-A <;4.// 4-/../
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

06 -/<../; @<?.. --04..; ?.A @0;.6? 46?./<
0? ;;6@../ .?..66 -;//.?6 ?@A @@;.6- 6-/.--
0< ;@0;.<6 -;0<..; -6.?.@; ??A /<<.6; 6<<.6?
0@ 4?--./; -<.@.4/ -/-6.66 ?;A .;<.?- <;/.-.
0/ 64.?.6@ ;4-?.@6 ;0@..@; 6@A .<-.@/ @?4./;
0. 6644.-. ;6/-.?; -.?-.<. 66A /-/.@; <.;.-@
-0 6?<?.4< ;@-<.;4 -/6..-4 6-A /64./4 <0;.;4
-- ?<./.<. 4-4?.0- ;?<4.<@ 6?A --0;.;; .@?../
-; <;.@.<. 4644.- ;/<6.?6 6<A --<;.;< -0?<.-6
-4 @6;-.-? 4.@4.6? 466@.<. 6<A -4@/.-. --?6.?-
-6 //60.@/ 6@;/.<- 6--;.-@ 6@A -?@;.;< -4-0..6
So)r"eD >)!&et !o")ments o% the Go$ernment o% In!#a an! F#nan"e A""o)nts 2$ar#o)s

%#&$e Added T#': Ce("r#& #(d ")e S"#"e
+r#or to tax re%orms #n#t#ate! #n -..-, sae
tax was "hara"ter#se! 'y a m)t#p#"#ty o%
tax rate an! exempt#ons, a"( o% )n#%orm#ty
a"ross states, ar&e n)m'ers o% "on"ess#ons
an! exempt#ons an! !#%%er#n& pro"e!)re
%or tax "oe"t#on. Many states mo!#%#e!
the#r sae tax re&#me to a)n"h a state e$e
VAT )n!er the s"heme prepare! 'y
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

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International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

Empowere! Comm#ttee %or th#s p)rpose.
VAT #s wor(#n& #n more than -?0
"o)ntr#es o% the wor!. *eep#n& #n $#ew
the #mportan"e o% VAT an! #ts wor!w#!e
a""eptan"e, In!#a too !e"#!e! to a!opt an!
#mpement the VAT thro)&ho)t the
"o)ntry. In In!#a, VAT was %#rst
#ntro!)"e! at the Centra e$e %or a
n)m'er o% see"te! "ommo!#t#es #n terms
o% MODVAT w#th e%%e"t %rom Mar"h -,
-./<, an! #n a step5'y5step manner %or a
"ommo!#t#es #n terms o% CENVAT #n
;00;504. At the state e$e VAT was
#ntro!)"e! #n ;00? an! Caryana was the
%#rst state to a!opt an! #mpement the
VAT. A%ter o$er"om#n& the #n#t#a
!#%%#")t#es, a the States an! 9n#on
Terr#tor#es ha$e now #mpemente! VAT.
In#t#ay most o% the states were oppos#n&
the a!opt#on an! #mpementat#on o% VAT
'e"a)se o% "erta#n e"onom#" an! po#t#"a

A"t)ay the #ntro!)"t#on o% VAT at the
State e$e has 'een a more "haen&#n&
exer"#se #n a %e!era "o)ntry #(e In!#a,
where ea"h State, #n terms o%
Const#t)t#ona pro$#s#on, #s so$ere#&n #n
e$y#n& an! "oe"t#n& State taxes. >e%ore
#ntro!)"t#on o% VAT, #n the saes tax
re&#me there was no harmony #n the rates
o% saes tax on !#%%erent "ommo!#t#es
amon& the States. Not ony were the rates
o% saes tax n)mero)s 2o%ten more than ten
#n se$era States3, ')t !#%%erent %rom one
another %or the same "ommo!#ty #n
!#%%erent States. There was aso an
)nheathy "ompet#t#on amon& the States #n
terms o% saes tax rates F so5"ae! Grate
warH F o%ten res)t#n& #n, re$en)e5w#se, a
"o)nter5pro!)"t#$e s#t)at#on.

The exper#en"e o% #mpement#n& VAT was
7)#te en"o)ra&#n& an! was we"ome! 'y
a sta(e ho!ers. Insp#re! 'y the s)""ess o%
VAT the &o$ernment o% In!#a #n!#"ate! #n
Fe'r)ary ;00@ that the "o)ntry sho)!
mo$e towar!s a nat#ona e$e Goo!s an!
Ser$#"e Tax 2 GST3 at )n#%orm rate
thro)&ho)t the "o)ntry, "o$er#n& 'oth
&oo!s an! ser$#"es as name s)&&ests. An
anno)n"ement was ma!e 'y Sh. +.
Ch#!am'aram, the then 9n#on F#nan"e
M#n#ster o% In!#a, #n the Centra >)!&et
2;00@F;00/3 to the e%%e"t that GST wo)!
'e #ntro!)"e! %rom Apr# -, ;0-0 an! that
the Empowere! Comm#ttee o% State
F#nan"e M#n#sters, on h#s re7)est, wo)!
wor( w#th the Centra Go$ernment to
prepare a roa! map %or the #ntro!)"t#on o%
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

GST #n In!#a. A%ter th#s anno)n"ement, the
Empowere! Comm#ttee ha! set )p a 1o#nt
Bor(#n& Gro)p wh#"h has s)'m#tte! #ts
report on a mo!e an! roa! map %or GST.

Cowe$er some states are st# oppos#n&
GST !)e to "erta#n e"onom#" an! po#t#"a
reasons. These are o%ten $o"a#se! 'y
states wh#"h has a poor "ons)mpt#on 'ase
an! who stan! to ose on or#&#n5'ase!
taxat#on o% reso)r"es wh#"h they presenty
re"e#$e 'ase! on sae to other states. It
"annot 'e !en#e! there w# 'e some osers
#mme!#atey )pon the #mpementat#on o%
the GST an! sh#%t#n& %rom or#&#n 'ase to
!est#nat#on 'ase. It #s there%ore, #mperat#$e
that the "entre sho)! "ome %orwar! w#th a
'roa! ass)ran"e %or the pro$#s#on o%
"ompensat#on %or os#n& states as
s)&&este! 'y the empowere! "omm#ttee.
Th)s a these #ss)es reat#n& to the
#mpementat#on o% GST nee! to 'e
a!!resse! a!e7)atey.

GST w# repa"e the ex#st#n& VAT 'y
mer&#n& most o% #n!#re"t taxes )n!er a
s#n&e name wh#"h w# 'e "ae! as GST,
&oo!s an! ser$#"e tax wh#"h #s yet to 'e
#mpemente! most pro'a'y #n the next
"om#n& year. GST #s #(ey to 'e VAT an!
w# 'e "oe"te! on $a)e a!!#t#on o%
e$ery transa"t#on %rom pro!)"t#on to
!#str#')t#on. GST w# 'e e$#e! on a s#n&e
rate thro)&ho)t the "o)ntry on 'oth &oo!s
an! ser$#"es. As GST #s an #n!#re"t tax, the
%) an! %#na ')r!en o% the tax w# 'e on
the "ons)mer. One o% the !#st#n"t %eat)re
o% GST #s that more an! more ser$#"es
w# 'e 'ro)&ht )n!er the tax net wh#"h
were not "o$ere! ear#er.

*ro+osed GST ,ode& or I(di#
GST #s s#m#ar to VAT an! "an 'e terme!
as Nat#ona =e$e VAT on &oo!s, w#th one
!#%%eren"e, #n GST not ony &oo!s ')t
ser$#"es are aso #n")!e! an! rate o% tax
on 'oth &oo!s as we on ser$#"es w# 'e
the same. Most "o)ntr#es ha$e a )n#%#e!
GST system I.e a s#n&e rate o% tax
app#"a'e thro)&ho)t the "o)ntry.
Cowe$er #n many %e!era "o)ntr#es #(e
>ra8# an! Cana!a a !)a GST system #s
wor(#n& where GST #s e$#e! 'y 'oth
"entra an! state &o$ernments. Amost a
"o)ntr#es o% the E)rope ha$e aso a!opte!
a !)a GST system. A!opt#on o% GST #s
one o% the pre5"on!#t#on %or a "o)ntry who
wants to :o#n the 2E93 E)ropean 9n#on.
As %ar In!#a #s "on"erne! we ha$e a!opte!
a !)a GST system 'e"a)se o% the %e!era
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

nat)re o% o)r "onst#t)t#on #n wh#"h the
power has 'een !#$#!e! 'etween the "entre
an! states. Th)s #n In!#a )n!er the !)a
GST system 'oth "entre an! states w#
ha$e the power to e$y taxes on the sae o%
&oo!s an! ser$#"es.

Key Fe#"$res o GST i( I(di#

In In!#a the GST w# ha$e two
"omponents one #s e$#e! 'y the "entre,
herea%ter re%erre! to as 2CGST3 "entra
&oo!s an! ser$#"e tax an! other #s e$#e!
'y the state herea%ter re%erre! to as state
&oo!s an! ser$#"e tax 2SGST3. Cowe$er
the rate o% CGST an! SGST wo)! 'e
!e"#!e! ater on 'y (eep#n& #n $#ew the
re$en)e "ons#!erat#on an! a""epta'##ty.
The "om'#ne! rate #s expe"te! to 'e -6 to
-< per "ent. C)rrenty #t #s the s)':e"t
matter o% !#s")ss#on 'e%ore the empowere!
"omm#ttee 2"omm#ttee o% state %#nan"e
m#n#sters3. CGST an! SGST wo)! 'e
app#"a'e to a transa"t#ons o% &oo!s an!
ser$#"es ex"ept a sma ne&at#$e #st wh#"h
are (ept o)ts#!e the p)r$#ew o% GST an!
the many transa"t#ons wh#"h are 'eow the
pres"r#'e thresho! #m#t. Commo!#t#es
amon& ne&at#$e #st are a"oho, "#&arettes,
"#&ar, to'a""o, =+G, +etro, an! D#ese et".
A"oho#" 'e$era&es wo)! 'e (ept o)t o%
the p)r$#ew o% GST. Saes TaxIVAT "an
'e "ont#n)e! to 'e e$#e! on a"oho#"
'e$era&es as per the ex#st#n& pra"t#"e.
Ex"#se D)ty, wh#"h #s presenty 'e#n&
e$#e! 'y the States, may not 'e aso
a%%e"te!. To'a""o pro!)"ts wo)! 'e
s)':e"te! to GST w#th ITC. Centre may 'e
aowe! to e$y ex"#se !)ty on to'a""o
pro!)"ts o$er an! a'o$e GST w#tho)t
ITC. Atho)&h on most o% &oo!s an!
ser$#"es the rate o% tax rema#ns the same
')t as per the ne"ess#ty o% the nat#on some
&oo!s or ser$#"es "an 'e !e"are! as
Gexempte!H or 8ero rate!.

Many Taxes has 'een s)'s)me! )n!er
Goo!s an! Ser$#"e Tax. Centra Ex"#se
D)ty, A!!#t#ona Ex"#se D)t#es,
CENVAT, A!!#t#ona C)stom D)t#es
pop)ary (nown as Co)nter$a##n& D)ty,
Ser$#"e tax, a "entra "esses an!
s)r"har&es has 'een s)'s)me! #n to
CGST. Bh#e VAT, CST, Sae Tax,
+)r"hase tax, =)x)ry Tax, =ottery Tax,
Enterta#nment Tax, Taxes on 'ett#n& an!
&am'#n&, Ee"tr#"#ty !)ty, O"tro# , a
state "esses an! s)r"har&es has 'een
mer&e! #n to SGST. S#n"e GST #s e$#e!
on !omest#" "ons)mer o% %#na &oo!s an!
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

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International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

ser$#"es so 8ero rate o% exporte! &oo!s an!
ser$#"es are poss#'e. S#m#ar 'ene%#ts may
'e &#$en to Spe"#a E"onom#" Jones
2SEJs3. Cowe$er, s)"h 'ene%#ts w# ony
'e aowe! to the pro"ess#n& 8ones o% the
SEJs. No 'ene%#t to the saes %rom an SEJ
to Domest#" Tar#%% Area 2DTA3 w# 'e

Imports w# 'e e$#e! the same taxes as
!omest#" &oo!s an! ser$#"es a!her#n& to
the !est#nat#on pr#n"#pe. In "ase o%
#mporte! &oo!s an! ser$#"es the ")stom
!)t#es w# rema#n o)ts#!e the p)r$#ew o%
GST. Th)s the app#"a'e 'as#" ")stom
!)t#es w# 'e "ont#n)e to 'e e$#e! on
#mporte! &oo!s an! ser$#"es. In a!!#t#on
'oth CGST an! SGST are expe"te! to 'e
e$#e! on #mporte! &oo!s an! ser$#"es.
The #n"#!en"e o% tax w# %oow the
!est#nat#on pr#n"#pe an! the tax re$en)e #n
"ase o% SGST w# a""r)e to the State
where the #mporte! &oo!s an! ser$#"es are
"ons)me!. F) an! "ompete set5o%% w#
'e a$a#a'e on the GST pa#! on #mport o%
&oo!s an! ser$#"es.
In "ase o% #ntra5state transa"t#ons 2w#th #n
the state3 the seer has to "oe"t 'oth
CGST K SGST %rom the p)r"haser an!
amo)nt o% CGST has to 'e !epos#t #n the
a""o)nt o% "entra &o$ernment an! the
amo)nt o% SGST has to 'e !epos#t #n the
a""o)nt o% state &o$ernment.
In "ase o% #nter5state transa"t#ons 2amon&
!#%%erent states3 "entre wo)! e$y IGST
Inter State Goo!s an! Ser$#"es Tax wh#"h
wo)! 'e e7)as to the 2CGSTLSGST3 on
a #nter5State transa"t#ons o% taxa'e &oo!s
an! ser$#"es. Cowe$er the amo)nt o%
SGST wo)! 'e trans%er to the "ons)mer
state #.e p)r"has#n& state. +resenty the
#nter5state transa"t#ons are s)':e"t to CST
"entra sae tax wh#"h #s or#&#n 'ase!.
Cowe$er the GST w# wor( )n!er a
!est#nat#on 'ase I "ons)mpt#on 'ase!
"on"ept an! hen"e tax on #nter5state
transa"t#ons w# a""r)e to the !est#nat#on

Goo!s an! Ser$#"e Tax #s a tax on &oo!s
an! ser$#"es, e$#a'e on ea"h po#nt o% sae
or pro$#s#on o% ser$#"e, #n wh#"h at the
t#me o% sae the seer or ser$#"e pro$#!er
"an "a#m the #np)t "re!#t o% tax wh#"h he
has pa#! wh#e p)r"has#n& the &oo!s or
pro")r#n& the ser$#"e.
Bhen VAT #s #ntro!)"e! #n pa"e o%
Centra ex"#se !)ty, a set5o%% #s &#$en #.e. a
!e!)"t#on #s ma!e %rom the o$era tax
')r!en %or #np)t tax. In the "ase o% VAT #n
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

pa"e o% saes tax system, a set5o%% #s &#$en
%rom tax ')r!en not ony %or #np)t tax pa#!
')t aso %or tax pa#! on pre$#o)s
p)r"hases. B#th VAT, the pro'em o% Gtax
on taxH an! reate! ')r!en o% "as"a!#n&
e%%e"t #s th)s remo$e!. +ro$#s#on o% #np)t
tax "re!#t %rom the o$era tax ')r!en has
'een aowe! #n "ase o% GST too. A"t)ay
pr#or to the #ntro!)"t#on o% VAT at the
"entra an! state e$e there was a ')r!en
o% m)t#pe 5taxat#on. >e%ore any
"ommo!#ty was pro!)"e #np)ts were %#rst
taxe! an! then the "ommo!#ty &ot
pro!)"e! w#th #np)t tax oa!, o)tp)t was
taxe! a&a#n. Th#s was "a)s#n& a ')r!en o%
m)t#pe taxat#on #.e. tax on tax w#th
"as"a!#n& e%%e"t. >)t w#th the #ntro!)"t#on
o% VAT an! now GST a set o%% was
aowe! #.e. the !e!)"t#on "an 'e ma!e
%rom the o$era tax ')r!en %or #np)t tax.
Cowe$er "ross )t##8at#on o% ITC 'etween
the Centra GST an! the State GST wo)!
not 'e aowe! ex"ept #n the "ase o% #nter5
State s)ppy o% &oo!s an! ser$#"es )n!er
the IGST.

The a!m#n#strat#$e #a'##t#es re&ar!#n& the
CGST w# 'e on "entra &o$ernment
a)thor#t#es wh#e #n "ase o% SGST w# 'e
on the respe"t#$e state &o$ernment
a)thor#t#es. The taxpayers wo)! nee! to
s)'m#t per#o!#"a ret)rns #n "ommon
%ormat as %ar as poss#'e to 'oth "entra
an! state GST a)thor#t#es. GST w# 'e
e7)ay app#"a'e to the ser$#"e pro$#!ers
too. 9n#(e the transa"t#ons %rom the sae
tax re&#me to the VAT, where ony
')s#ness !ea#n&s #n &oo!s were a%%e"te!
')t #n "ase o% GST , as the name s)&&este!
'oth &oo!s an! ser$#"es pro$#!ers wo)!
'e #mpa"te!. Th)s e$en the p)re ser$#"e
pro$#!ers nee! to pan %or the transa"t#on
to the GST. In!#a #s one o% the %astest
emer&#n& "o)ntr#es #n the ser$#"e se"tor
an! th)s tra!e #n ser$#"es "an 'e #mpro$e!
'y rat#ona#sat#on o% taxes.

It #s expe"te! that GST re&#me wo)!
ower the pr#"es o% &oo!s an! ser$#"es.
GST #s expe"te! to %oster the e"onom#"
e%%#"#en"y 'y ower#n& the "ost o% s)ppy
o% &oo!s an! ser$#"es 'y way o% #np)t
"re!#t me"han#sm an! re!)"#n& the
"as"a!#n& e%%e"ts. F)rther #n "ontext o%
In!#a #t #s expe"te! that a&&re&ate
#n"#!en"e o% !)a GST w# 'e ower than
the present #n"#!en"e o% the m)t#pe
#n!#re"t taxes #n %or"e. The "om'#ne! GST
#s expe"te! to 'e #n the ran&e o% -65-<A.
To!ay ser$#"es are taxe! at -0A an! the
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

"om'#ne! #n"#!en"e o% #n!#re"t taxes on
most o% &oo!s #s aro)n! ;0A. At present
the &oo!s an! ser$#"es are taxe! separatey
')t #n GST the !#%%eren"e w# 'e $an#she!.

In o)r "o)ntry the &oo!s are taxa'e s#n"e
on& ')t the same "annot 'e sa#! %or
ser$#"es. T# -..6 there was no tax on
ser$#"es an! th#s tax was #ntro!)"e! 'y the
then F#nan"e M#n#ster Dr. Manmohan
S#n&h. The o&#" 'eh#n! the tax was G#%
&oo!s are taxa'e why not ser$#"esMH
There #s no separate ser$#"e tax a"t an!
ser$#"e tax !epartment #n In!#a an! taxes
on ser$#"es #n o)r "o)ntry are &o$erne! 'y
some o% the pro$#s#on o% F#nan"e A"t -..6
an! ser$#"e Tax R)es -..6 an! the
!epartment "on"erne! #s Centra Ex"#se

T)e S"#"es o E-o(o,y #(d GST

Bhen GST w# 'e #ntro!)"e! #t w#
repa"e the most o% taxes. T# !ate the
"entre has the monopoy power to tax
ser$#"es an! state ha$e the power to tax the
sae o% &oo!. Now states w# ha$e to
s)rren!er the#r power to tax the &oo!s an!
share the "entra tax an! "erta#ny th#s w#
'e a $ery to)&h 'ar&a#n#n& %or them. The
states are !eman!#n& that they sho)! 'e
&#$en power to tax the ser$#"es aso ')t #n
GST they w# a"t)ay ose the#r power to
tax e$en the &oo!s. The tax w# 'e
"oe"te! at the "entra e$e an! then #t
w# 'e share! 'y the states. Th)s GST w#
")rta# the power o% states to tax the &oo!s
an! ser$#"es an! th#s ")rta#ment w#
a%%e"t the#r e"onomy an! a)tonomy an!
that,s why many states are not #n %a$o)r o%
GST. Th#s w# 'e a ma:or h)r!e #n the
way o% "entra &o$ernment wh#e
#ntro!)"#n& the GST.


There has 'een s#&n#%#"ant pro&ress #n the
tax re&#me s#n"e #mpementat#on o%
mo!#%#e! $a)e a!!e! tax 2MODVAT3
-./< an! Va)e a!!e! tax 2VAT3 ;00?.
En"o)ra&e! 'y the s)""ess%)
#mpementat#on o% VAT the Go$ernment
o% In!#a now !e"#!e! to a)n"h GST wh#"h
wo)! repa"e a n)m'er o% #n!#re"t taxes
presenty 'e#n& e$#e! 'y "entre an! state
&o$ernments an! #s #nten!e! to remo$e
"as"a!#n& e%%e"ts o% taxes an! wo)!
pro$#!e a "ommon nat#ona mar(et %or
&oo!s an! ser$#"es. The propose! "entra
an! state GST wo)! 'e e$#e! on a
International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

transa"t#ons #n$o$#n& s)ppy o% &oo!s an!
ser$#"es ex"ept those that are exempt or
(ept o)t o% the p)r$#ew o% the GST. I%
GST #s to 'e a s)""ess, there sho)! 'e
)n#%orm#ty o% approa"h a"ross a states as
we as stron& !#s#n"ent#$es %or non5
"omp#an"e w#th a&ree! %ramewor(.
The GST at the Centra an! the State e$e
are expe"te! to &#$e more re#e% to
#n!)stry, tra!e, a&r#")t)re an! "ons)mers
thro)&h a more "omprehens#$e an! w#!er
"o$era&e o% #np)t tax set5o%% an! ser$#"e
tax seto%%, s)'s)m#n& o% se$era taxes #n
the GST an! phas#n& o)t o% CST.
Responses o% #n!)stry an! aso o% tra!e
ha$e 'een #n!ee! en"o)ra&#n&. Th)s GST
o%%ers )s the 'est opt#on to 'roa!en o)r tax
'ase an! we sho)! not m#ss th#s
opport)n#t#es to #ntro!)"e #t when the
"#r")mstan"es are 7)#te %a$ora'e an!
e"onomy #s en:oy#n& stea!y &rowth w#th
ony m#! #n%at#on.

Ahma!, Eh%#sham, K Stern, N"hoas,
2-..-3. Theory an! pra"t#"e o% tax re%orm
#n !e$eop#n& "o)ntr#es, Cam'r#!&eD
Cam'r#!&e 9n#$ers#ty +ress.

>a&"h#, A.,K Naya(, +)#n. 2-..63. A
s)r$ey o% p)'#"e %#nan"e an! the pann#n&
pro"essD The In!#an exper#en"e. In
Amaresh >a&"h#, K N#"h#as Stern 2E!s.3,
Tax po#"y an! pann#n& #n !e$eop#n&
"o)ntr#es. Deh#, Ox%or! an! New Eor(D
Ox%or! 9n#$ers#ty +ress.

>a&"h#, A. 2-..<3. GCarmon#8#n& sae
taxes #n a %e!erat#on "ase st)!#esD In!#a
an! Cana!aH, Bor(#n& paper N0. ..
Nat#ona Inst#t)te %or +)'#" F#nan"e an!
+o#"y, New Deh#.

Casane&ra !e 1ants"her, M#(a. 2-..03 .
A!m#n#ster#n& VAT #n. In Ma"om G##s,
Cars5S. Sho)p, Gerar!o5p.S#"at 2E!s3,
Va)e a!!e! taxat#on #n !e$eop#n&
"o)ntr#es. Bash#n&ton,DC. Bor! >an( .

Exe")t#$e S)mmary Report o% Tas( For"e
on Impementat#on o% GST -? De"em'er
;00. Retr#e$e! on - O"to'er ;0-0.

FM Shr# M)(her:ee "as )pon the State
F#nan"e M#n#sters to ma(e a e%%orts to
meet the t#me#nes o% Intro!)"t#on o% GST
'y Apr# ;0-- 9p!ates on Goo!s an!
Ser$#"e Tax 2GST3 -. A)&)st ;0-0.

International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research

ISSN (Online) : 2249!"4#

$olume 4 Issue % Januar& 2!%4

International 'anuscript I( : 2249!"4#$4I%!%2!%4!"

Rao, M.G. an! Fran"o#s Va#an"o)rt.
2-..63. GS)'nat#ona tax !#sharmony #n
#n!#aD A Comparat#$e perspe"t#$eH,
Bor(#n& paper No. 6I.6, Nat#ona Inst#t)te
o% +)'#" F#nan"e.

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