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Unit Plan: Genetics

Whitney Powell
Table of Contents
I. Rational/Reflection on Unit Plan .............................................................................................................................. 3
Standards Covered ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Reflection ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Lesson Plan Outline .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Virginia SOLs ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
NGSS Core Ideas ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
III. Daily Lesson Plans..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Day 1: Mendelian Genetics ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Day 2: Monohybrid Crosses ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Day 3 & 4: Dihybrid Crosses ................................................................................................................................... 13
Day 5: Incomplete & Codominance ........................................................................................................................ 16
Day 6 & 7: Sex Linked Traits ................................................................................................................................... 22
Day 8: Pedigrees ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Day 9 & 10: Review and Test Day ........................................................................................................................... 29
IV. Assessment ............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Day 2, 3, & 4 Formative Assessment (Solving Simple Crosses Activity Sheet) ........................................... 33
Day 5 Formative Assessment (Incomplete & Codominance Activity Sheet) ............................................... 33
Day 7 Formative Assessment (Sex Linked Traits Posterboard Activity) .................................................... 33
Day 8 Formative Assessment (Pedigree Activity Sheet) ................................................................................. 33
Day 10 Summative Assessment (Unit Test) ...................................................................................................... 33
V. PowerPoint Slides ..................................................................................................................................................... 34

I. Rational/Reflection on Unit Plan
Standards Covered
INTASC 4 The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the
discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline
accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of content
NSTA 1c Show an understanding of state and national curriculum standards and their impact on the
content knowledge necessary for teaching P-12 students.
INTASC 6 The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their
own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teachers and learners decision making.
NSTA 3c Plain fair and equitable assessment strategies to analyze student learning and to evaluate if the
learning goals are met. Assessment strategies are designed to continuously evaluate preconceptions and
ideas that students hold and the understandings that students have formulated.
INTASC 7 The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals
by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well
as knowledge of learners and the community context.
NSTA 3b Develop lesson plans that include active inquiry lessons where students collect and interpret
data using applicable science-specific technology in order to develop concepts, understanding scientific
processes, relationships and natural patterns from empirical experiences. These plans provide for
equitable achievement of science literacy for all students.

II. Lesson Plan Outline
This section provides an outline of the unit plan. First, I have stated the Virginia SOLs and NGSS Core
ideas followed throughout the unit plan. In addition, the following table shows an outline of what
occurred each day throughout the entire unit.
Virginia SOLs
BIO.5 The student will investigate and understand common mechanisms of inheritance and protein
synthesis. Key concepts include

d. prediction of inheritance of traits based on the Mendelian laws of heredity;
f. genetic variation

NGSS Core Ideas

Ask questions to clarify relationships about the role of DNA and chromosomes in coding the instructions for
characteristic traits passed from parents to offspring.
Make and defend a claim based on evidence that inheritable genetic variations may result from: (1) new
genetic combinations through meiosis, (2) viable errors occurring during replication, and/or (3) mutations
caused by environmental factors.

Apply concepts of statistics and probability to explain the variation and distribution of expressed traits in a

III. Daily Lesson Plans
In this section I will provide the lesson plans that were executed during my unit. Any assessment
instruments will be provided in the next section.
Day 1: Mendelian Genetics
Students will be able to:
- Identify Gregor Mendel as the Father of Genetics
- Understand his experiment with pea plants and then compare it to Modern Genetic experiments
- Compare and contrast how things are different in todays science world to the past
SOL: BIO 5 d&e

Materials and resources
Mendelian Genetics Note Guide

Science Safety - NA
Engage: Time: 5
1. Poll the class
a. How many of you remember the word genetics from life science?
b. What are some things, ideas, or theories that you remember?
2. Video: How Mendels Pea Plants Helped Us Understand Genetics
This video is used to trigger their brains, in an attempt to recall Genetics.
What did Gregor Mendel use to discover the principles that rule heredity?
o Pea plants
What happened to the green trait in Mendels pea plants?
o It was hidden by the dominant yellow gene.

Explore: Time: 5 minutes
Students will be given 5 minutes to google Gregor Mendel on their smartphones, tablets, or laptops and
find one interesting thing about him or his experiments with pea plants. Students should be ready to
share their interesting facts to the class.
Explain: Time: 30 minutes
1. Students will share their interesting Mendelian facts in a roundtable like manor, students will be
encouraged to connect their facts together so that it makes one cohesive story.
2. Teacher will introduce Mendelian Genetics notes through a PPT with several visual aids, including
pictures, manipulatives, stimulations, and videos. Students will be given slot notes to follow along
throughout the notes (both PPT and Note Guide attached below.)
Elaborate: Time: 15 minutes
1. Students will use posters posted in the classroom to travel around the classroom and fill out the
last portion of the Slotted Note Guide labeled Modern Genetics.

Evaluate: Time: 5 minutes
1. Students will be expected to complete six questions at the end of their slotted note guide either in
the last minute of class or as homework. Students will know that they will need to be signed off
on or initialed by the beginning of class tomorrow.

Genetics Notes
In the past, people did not understand how traits were inherited, but there were many guesses based on things
that could be observed
Two theories emerged.
_______________________________ offspring are a straight mix
_______________________________ -- traits are inherited as particles. Offspring receive a piece from each parent,
some pieces hide the others.


1. Heredity the delivery of _____________________ or _________________ from __________________________ to
2. Genetics the scientific study of ___________________. The key to understanding what makes each organism
3. Fertilization process in which male and female reproductive cells join to produce a ___________________. The
uniting of _______________________________________ __________________________________.
4. Trait A ________________________ characteristic like seed color, hair color, or plant height. Most traits
_______________ from one individual to another.
5. Hybrid the offspring of crosses between parents with ______________________ ________________________.
6. Gene Factor that is passed from _________________________ to _____________________. Located on chromosomes
and ________________________ how an organism develops.
7. Allele the __________________________________________ of a gene.
8. Segregation the separation of _________________________ during ______________________ formation.
9. Gametes the ________________ _________________

The Work of Gregor Mendel
Known as The Father of Genetics!
Mendel carried out his genetic work with ordinary ____________________________________
Why? Because pea plants are _______________________ and ______________________. One single pea plant can produce
Pea plants are ______________________________ or ____________________________
This means that sperm cells fertilize egg cells from ________________________________________.
Thus, a self-pollinating plants offspring will inherit _______________________________________________
AKA They all look the same!!
The Role of Fertilization
When beginning his experiment, Mendel knew that
The __________ part of each flower made ________________. Which contains the _________________.
The _________________ part of the plant produced _____________________.
During ____________________ ____________________ the male & female cells (sperm & egg) joined to produce a new

Mendels Experiment
To learn how traits were inherited, Mendel decided to ________________ his stocks of true-breeding pea plants
(Cause one plant to reproduce with another)
_______________________________________ - Cutting away the pollen producing male parts of a flower and putting
pollen from a different flower on the female (egg) parts of the plant.
o Results in a plant with ___________ different parents.
Mendel studied ____________ different types of pea plants
Each characteristic had two contrasting (different) characteristics
o Has to be one or the other not a combination of both.
o Seed color: yellow OR green Height: tall OR short
Mendel crossed plants with each of the seven contrasting characteristics and studied the offspring.
The offspring crosses between parents with different traits are called ______________________.
Five Simplified Steps of Mendels Experiment
1. Mendel chose the pea-plant because it was ____________________________
2. Mendel crossed a true breeding plant with a plant of the opposite trait (tall plant x short plant). He called
this the _______________________________.
3. Mendel recorded information on the offspring of this cross and called it _______________________
4. Mendel self-pollinated the F1 offspring
5. Mendel recorded information on the offspring of the second generation and called it the
Mendels Analysis

___________ always displayed only one trait
F1 must have one trait from the original parents
________ displayed the hidden trait
Each individual has ________ factors that determine the
external appearance of the offspring.
Principle of Segregation (The First Law)
Two factors (________________) for a trait separate during gamete formation.
Principle of Independent Assortment (The Second Law)
Factors of a trait separate ______________________ of one another during gamete formation.
o Example: If the flower is purple, its color has nothing to do with if the pea plant is tall or not. Each
trait is independently inherited.
Principle of Dominance & Recessiveness (The Third Law)
Some traits are _______________________ over other
The traits that are masked or hidden are _______________________ traits.
Example: Mendels cross of tall x short pea plants
o All the offspring are tall . Thus,
Tall =
Short =

Content Check
The Father of Genetics, is ______________________.
Genetics is the study of __________, which is how traits are passed from __________________ to _________________.
What organism did Mendel study?
True or False: A true-breeding plant is one that can only produce plants like itself.
If a tall plant and short plant are crossed it will create at
A. zygote B. gene C. hybrid

Modern Genetics
Mendels factors are now called __________________.
o For every trait a person has, two alleles determine _______________________________________
____________________ are used to denote alleles.
o Since every gene has two alleles, all genes can be represented by a pair of letters
o Example: Bb, DD, aa
o _______________________________ alleles are signified by a ____________________________ letter (D)
o _______________________________ alleles are shown through a ________________________ letter (d)

Homozygous When alleles are the ________, an individual is homozygous or __________________________________.
o Can be uppercase or lowercase letters as long as they are the same!
o Example:
Heterozygous When the two alleles are _________________.
o The ____________________________ allele is expressed.
o Shown as one uppercase letter and one lowercase letter
o Example:
The dominant allele must always be shown _____________
______________________________ - the letters used to denote alleles
o Example: BB, Dd, ee
______________________________ - what the organism acutally looks like
o Example: Tall plant, purple flowers, wrinkled pod
Punnet Squares used to determine the __________________________ of having a certain type of ___________________
given the alleles of the parent.

Day 2: Monohybrid Crosses
Students will be able to:
- Predict the outcomes of simple genetic crosses.
- Differentiate between genotype and phenotype and assign the two to different traits.
- use a Punnett square to show all possible combinations of gametes and the likelihood that
particular combinations will occur in monohybrid and dihybrid crosses
- identify the traits expressed from a given genotype.

SOL: BIO 5.d

Materials and resources
Solving Crosses PPT Slides 1-6, Dry Erase Boards, EXPO markers, Monohybrid Crosses HW sheet
Science Safety - NA
Engage: Time: 10 minutes
Teacher will remind students of what we learned the day before by asking a few questions including,
a. Who is the Father of Genetics?
b. What did he study?
c. How did he determine inheritance from looking at pea plants? (What was his experiment?)
d. How can we determine what a possible cross may look like?
This should remind students of Punnett Squares and so the lesson will begin.

Explore: Time: 5 minutes
Teacher will instruct students that a red eyed fruit fly is mating with a white eyed fruit fly. Most fruit flies
do have red eyes. What do you think their unborn fruit flies will look like?

Students will have 5 minutes to discuss with the students surrounding them.

Explain: Time: 30 minutes
Teacher will pass out dry erase boards and markers to the students in the classroom.
Together the teacher and the students will work out the question presented on their respective dry erase

Teacher will then pull up PPT slides to aid instruction. Together the teacher and students will work
through the first question.

Next, teacher will put up another example on the board for students to complete individually. When
students are finished with the question presented, they can compare with their partner and talk each
other through the steps they took.

Teacher will present slides 1-6

Elaborate: Time: (15 minutes at Home!)

Students will be given an Activity sheet to complete for Homework. Students will be instructed to
complete the first side of the Activity sheet, only the side on Monohybrid Crosses. Teacher will caution
the students not to proceed to the second side of the sheet, because it will only confuse them for

Evaluate: Time: NA
Teacher will collect activity sheet and formatively assess students and leave feedback on the sheets. The
activity sheets will be handed back and discussed the next day.
First Side of Activity Sheet Attached below.

Name: _________________________________________ Date:______________________

Monohybrid &Dihybrid Crosses

Part I: Vocabulary
Match the definitions on the left with the terms on the right.
____ 1. genotypes made of the same alleles A. alleles
____ 2. different forms of genes for a single trait B. dominant
____ 3. gene that is always expressed C. heterozygous
____ 4. gene that is expressed only in the homozygous state D. homozygous
____ 5. genotypes made of two different alleles E. recessive

Part II: Monohybrid Crosses

12. In guinea pigs, short hair, S, is dominant to long hair, s. Complete the following Punnett
squares according to the directions given. Then, fill in the blanks beside each Punnett square
with the correct numbers.

a. One guinea pig is Ss and one is ss.
Expected number of offspring:
____ Short hair (SS or Ss)
____ Long hair (ss)

b. Both guinea pigs are heterozygous for short hair.

Expected number of offspring:
____ Short hair
____ Long hair
13. In humans brown eyes (BB) are dominant over blue (bb) eyes. What type of offspring would you
expect if you crossed a heterozygous brown eyed person to a heterozygous brown eyed person?

14. A widows peak hairline (W) is dominant to straight (w) hairline. Cross a heterozygous widows
peak hairline person to a straight hairline person. What are the phenotypes?

15. In humans premature gray hair (G) is dominant over normal hair (g) coloring. Cross a homozygous
premature gray haired person to a homozygous normal haired person. What are the phenotypes?

Day 3 & 4: Dihybrid Crosses
Students will be able to:

- use a Punnett square to show all possible combinations of gametes and the likelihood that
particular combinations will occur in monohybrid and dihybrid crosses
- identify the traits expressed from a given genotype.

SOL: BIO 5.d

Materials and resources
Solving Crosses PPT Slides 7-14, Dry Erase Boards, Dry Erase Markers, Other side of HW sheet
Science Safety
Engage: Time: 5 minutes
Teacher will have a monohybrid cross problem up on the board as students walk into the classroom.
Students will have the first two minutes of class to solve the problem on the side of their HW sheet.
Teacher and students will then discuss the question to eliminate any alternate conceptions students have
from the day before of the homework.

Explore: Time: 10 minutes
Teacher will ask students, What if we want to examine the probability of two different traits in one cross?
How would we as scientists explore and investigate that?

Students will have 5 minutes to discuss with the people surrounding them WHAT and HOW they could
possibly set up a cross to show the correlation of two traits.

Students will then have 5 minutes to present their methods to the rest of the classroom.

Explain: Time: 30 minutes
Teacher will distribute dry erase boards and markers to the students. Teacher and students will work
through slides 7-14 together as a class answering the first question. Then students will be expected to
complete the next question with a partner, and the third as an individually. Throughout the lesson, the
teacher will be walking around monitoring the students work on their dry erase board. In addition, the
teacher will intervene if she notices any student becoming particularly frustrated or confused.

Elaborate: Time: 35 minutes
Teacher will pass back the Monohybrid Crosses HW and together the teacher and students will go over
the corrected questions on the HW sheet. Students will be asked to volunteer to work through each of the
Monohybrid Cross questions on the board and explain them. I decided for students to explain the method
they found their answer incase their wording could help another student who was struggling. (15

After explaining all the monohybrid cross questions, students will be given 20 minutes to complete the
other side of the worksheet.
Evaluate: Time: 10 minutes

Teacher and students will review the opposite side of the HW sheet that contains Dihybrid Crosses.
Teacher will collect the activity sheet and count it as a participation grade for the day!

16. In humans tongue rolling (T) is dominant to non-tongue (t) rolling. What would be the expected
type of offspring if a homozygous tongue roller was crossed to a heterozygous tongue roller?

Part III: Dihybrid Crosses

Set up a punnett square using the following information:
- Dominate allele for tall plants (D)
- Recessive allele for dwarf plants (d)
- Dominate allele for purple flowers (W)
- Recessive allele for white flowers (w)
- Cross a homozygous dominate parent (DDWW) with a homozygous recessive parent (ddww)

17. What is the probability of producing tall plants with purple flowers?

Possible genotype(s)?

18. What is the probability of producing dwarf plants with white flowers?

Possible genotype(s)?

Set up a punnett square using the following information:
- Dominate allele for purple corn kernels = R
- Recessive allele for yellow corn kernels = r
- Dominate allele for starchy kernels = T
- Recessive allele for sweet kernals = t
- Cross a homozygous dominate parent with a homozygous recessive parent

19. What is the probability of producing purple, starchy corn kernels?

Possible genotype(s)?

20. What is the probability of producing yellow, starchy corn kernels?

Possible genotype(s)?

Day 5: Incomplete & Codominance
Students will be able to:
- Analyze the difference between simple (mono- and dihybrid crosses) and incomplete and
codominance crosses.

SOL: BIO 5.d

Materials and resources
Solving Cross PPT Slides 15-30, Solving Crosses Note Guide
Science Safety - NA
Engage: Time: 5 minutes
Teacher will take 5 minutes to review monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, the concepts of phenotype and
genotype, Mendels experiment and other concepts discussed the previous week as an introduction and
refresher from the weekend.

Explore: Time: 5 minutes
Teacher will put up a picture of a roan horse. Students will have five minutes to discuss with their
neighbors how these horses have two different color coats. How can this happen if this goes against
Mendels laws on inheritance.

Explain: Time: 20 minutes
Student and teacher will work through Slides 15-30 together. Students will be expected to follow along
with the slotted notes and answer all the questions presented. Students will have this note guide as a
study tool for their test. In addition, after each question, the teacher will immediately review the question
to eliminate any alternate conceptions. (Note Guide Attached)

Elaborate: Time: 10 minutes
Students will be given a worksheet for Incomplete and Codominance They will have 10 minutes and
class and should finish the rest of the assignment for Homework. Teacher will collect Activity sheets the
following day in class.

Evaluate: Time: NA
Teacher will collect and grade the activity sheets. Teacher will supplement material when students are
confused throughout the worksheet.

Attached Note Guide
Solving Crosses
1. Complete Dominance phenotype of the heterozygote ______________ be distinguished from the homozygotes.
(Also known as simple dominance)
Example: Pp looks the same as PP (They are both purple!)
2. Incomplete Dominance - _____________________ of traits in the heterozygote.
- _______________________ allele is completely dominant over the other.
- This is how you get pink flowers
-RR= Red
-Rr= ______________________
Example Problem: Incomplete Dominance
In snapdragons, flower color is controlled by incomplete dominance.
The two alleles are Red (R) and white (W).
The heterozygous genotype is expressed as pink.
A pink flower is crossed with a red flower. What is the probability of producing a pink-flowered plant?
Show your work in a punnett square!

3. Codominance Can see ___________ alleles at the same time
- Heterozygous individuals show ____________ alleles ______________!
- This is shown through __________________________________________________ alleles so they cant be mixed up
- Example: Roan coats in horses
o Some white hairs, some red hairs.
Example Problem: Codominance
In cattle coloration there is a codominance;
(R) is the symbol for red hair,
(W) is the symbol for white hair,
(RW) is the symbol for roan.
Cross a homozygous red cow with a homozygous white cow.
What are the genotypes from the punnett square?
What are the possible phenotypes?

_____________ % pink

_____________ % red

_____________ % white

4. Polygenic Traits- traits that are determined by _______________ than one gene.
- Example: Eye color, skin color, hair color.
5. Multiple Alleles Genes with _____________ or more alleles
- Example: Blood types in humans
- Universal Donor:
- Universal Recipient:
Rh Factor Type of protein on the __________________ of red blood cells.

Example Problems: Multiple Alleles
Multiple Alleles Polygenic Traits
More than ________________ forms of the same gene are in
the population
More than __________ gene contributes to the phenotype

_____________ % red hair

_____________ % white hair

_____________ % roan

6. Sex-Linked Genes mostly present on the _________________________________

Remember: Female ___________ & Male _____________
Sex linked problems are more common in ___________________

Examples: Cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia, tay-sachs, phenylketonuria (PKU) ____________________,
Huntingtons disease, muscular dystrophy, _________________________________________________

Sex-linked genes can be located on the X or Y chromosome,
but why are they more common on the X chromosome?

Key to Sex Linked Traits
Hemophelia (h) is recessive to normal (H) to no hemophilia.

X X = Female, Normal X Y= Male, Normal
X X = Female, Carrier X Y= Male, Affected
X X = Fmeale, Affected

- Cross an affected male with a female carrier for hemophilia.

- What is the probability that their children will have the disease?

- A woman who is a carrier for hemophilia marries a normal man. What is the probability that their
children will have hemophilia? Show your cross!

- What sex will a child in the family with hemophilia be?

Name: ___________________________________________

Incomplete and Codominance

1. Explain the difference between incomplete dominance and
2. In some chickens, the gene for feather color is controlled by
codominance. The allele for black is B and the allele for white is W.
The heterozygous phenotype is known as erminette.
a. What is the genotype for black chickens? _____________
b. What is the genotype for white chickens? _____________
c. What is the genotype for erminette chickens? ___________
3. If two erminette chickens were crossed, what is the probability that:
a. They would have a black chick? __________%
b. They would have a white chick? __________%
4. A black chicken and a white chicken are crossed. What is the
probability that they will have an erminette chick? ________%
5. In snapdragons, flower color is controlled by incomplete dominance.
The two alleles are red (R) and white (w). The heterozygous
genotype is expressed as pink.
a. What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype RR?
b. What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype WW?
c. What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype RW?
6. A pinkflowered plant is crossed with a whiteflowered plant. What
is the probability of producing a pinkflowered plant? _________ %
7. What cross will produce the most pinkflowered plants? Show a
punnett square to support your answer.

Codominance*Worksheet*(Blood*types)* * * Name*______________________________*
Genotype* Can*donate*blood*to:* Can*receive*blood*from:*
1. Write*the*genotype*for*each*person*based*on*the*description:*
a. Homozygous*for*the*B*allele* * * ______*
b. Heterozygous*for*the*A*allele* * * ______*
c. Type*O* * * * * * ______*
d. Type*A*and*had*a*type*O*parent* * ______*
e. Type*AB* * * * * ______*
f. Blood*can*be*donated*to*anybody** * ______*
g. Can*only*get*blood*from*a*type*O*donor* * ______*
2. Pretend*that*Brad*Pitt*is*homozygous*for*the*type*B*allele,*and*Angelina*Jolie*is*type*O.*
3. Draw*a*Punnett*square*showing*all*the*possible*blood*types*for*the*offspring*produced*by*a*
4. Mrs.*Clink*is*type*A*and*Mr.*Clink*is*type*O.*They*have*three*children*named*Matthew,*
a. Mr.*Clink*must*have*the*genotype*______**
b. Mrs.*Clink*must*have*the*genotype*______*because*___________*has*blood*type*______*
c. Luke*cannot*be*the*child*of**these*parents*because*neither*parent*has*the*allele*_____.*
5. Two*parents*think**their*baby*was*switched*at*the*hospital.*Its*1968,*so*DNA*fingerprinting*
a. Mothers*genotype:*_______*
b. Fathers*genotype:*_______*
c. Babys*genotype:**______*or*________*
d. Punnett*square*showing*all*possible*genotypes*for*children*produced*by*this*couple*

Day 6 & 7: Sex Linked Traits
Students will be able to:
- Identify the reason for sex-linked disorders
- Use a punnett square to solve for sex linked disorders
- Create a poster board to explain the most common sex linked disorders

SOL: BIO d&f

Materials and resources
Solving Crosses PPT, Solving Crosses Note Guide, Large pieces of bulletin board paper, makers, laptops
Science Safety
Stay on websites that are school appropriate. If students are caught on inappropriate sites, they will be
given a 0 and will be sent to the office. This includes but is not limited to facebook, twitter, instagram,
reddit, buzzfeed, etc.

Engage: Time: 5 minutes
Teacher will tell students that colorblindness twice as common in males as females. Students will be
given 5 minutes to discuss why they think this is.

Explore: Time: 35 minutes
Students will be shown a video to test if they are colorblind.
Students and teacher will finally finish the Solving Crosses PPT and their note guide. Upon completion
students will be given an activity sheet with four questions to answer to test their knowledge of Sex
Linked Traits.

Explain: Time: 7 mintues
Students and teacher will go over the activity sheet in the last seven minutes of class. Students can ask
any questions they may have and teacher will address them.
Elaborate: Time: 47 minutes
Students will be asked to get into groups of 5. After creating a group, one member will come to the front
of the classroom and draw a genetic disorder. Students will then have 35 minutes to use the laptops and
create a quick posterboard describing their disease. Each group will be given a rubric that shows what
each group will include on their poster. In addition, in the last 10 minutes of class groups will need to
present their poster to the entire class.

Evaluate: Time: NA
Teacher will grade the students posters with the rubric given to students before beginning the project.

Item Needed Points assigned
Title 5

Prevalence 10

Most common in which
Ethnicity & Sex

Symptoms 10

Prognosis 10

Cause 10

Phenotypic Effects 10

Genotype 10

Posterboard 10

Presentation 10

Total: /100

Day 8: Pedigrees
Students will be able to:
- Use pedigrees to follow the passing of a genetic disorder through a pedigree.

SOL: BIO d&e
Materials and resources

Science Safety - NA
Engage: Time: 2minutes
Students will be asked to draw their family tree

Explore: Time: 5
I will also draw my family tree on the board and will tell the definition or overview of pedigrees.
Students will discuss with their neighbors how pedigrees are similar to family trees.

Explain: Time: 15
I will explain pedigrees with students, together we will make my family tree into a pedigree

Elaborate: Time: 25
Students will make their family trees into pedigrees and then complete the quick activity sheet on

Evaluate: Time: NA
Teacher will collect activity sheet and formatively assess students and leave feedback on the sheets. The
activity sheets will be handed back and discussed the next day.
Activity Sheet for Students (attached)

Name: _________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Pedigree Worksheet

1. In a pedigree, a square represents a male. If it is darkened he has hemophilia; if clear, he had

normal blood clotting.
a. Howmany males are there? _________________
b. Howmany males have hemophilia? ______________________
2. A circle represents a female. If it is darkened, she has hemophilia; if open she is normal.
a. Howmany female are there? __________________
b. Howmany females have hemophilia? _______________________
3. A marriage is indicated by a horizontal line connecting a circle to a square
a. Howmany marriages are there? ____________________
4. A line perpendicular to a marriage line indicates the offspring. If the line ends with either a
circle or a square, the couple had only one child. However, if the line is connected to another
horizontal line, then several children were produced, each indicated by a short vertical line
connected to the horizontal line. The first child born appears to the left and the last born to
the right.
a. Howmany children did the first couple (couple in row I) have? ______________
b. Howmany children did the third couple (couple in row III) have? ________________
5. Level I represent the first generation, level II represents the second generation.
a. Howmany generations are there? _________________
b. Howmany members are there in the fourth generation? _________________

1 2 = Huntingtons


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 2 3 4 5
1. Which members of the family above are affected with Huntingtons disease? ___________________
2. There are no carriers for Huntingtons disease, you either have it or you dont. Is Huntingtons
disease caused by a dominant or recessive trait?______________________________________________
3. How many children did individuals I-1 and I-2 have? ___________________________________
4. How many girls did II-1 and II-2 have? _____________ How man have Huntingtons disease? _______
5. How is individual III-2 and II-4 related? ____________ I-2 and III-5? _______________________


1 2

II. 3 4
1 2


1 2 3 4

1 2 3

1. The pedigree above shows the passing of Hitchhikers thumb in a family. Is this trait dominant
or recessive?__________________
2. How do you know?__________________________________________________
3. How are individuals III-1 and III-2 related? ______________________________
4. Name 2 individuals that have hitchhikers thumb: __________________________
5. Name 2 individuals that are carriers of hitchhikers thumb:____________________

Draw a pedigree for the following:

A. Joe marries Sue; they are carriers for the jumping disease. They have 4 kids: Jack, Zack, Luke,
and Sara. Zack and Sara have the jumping disease (recessive). Jack marries Amy, she has the
disease. They have Lorie, who is also affected. Sara marries Dan who is a carrier for the
disease. Sara is pregnant.

B. What are the chances of Sara and Dan having a baby with the jumping disease?

Day 9 & 10: Review and Test Day
The purpose of this lesson is to prepare students for the test and administer the test.

Materials and resources
Review worksheet; Summative Test
Science Safety - NA
Procedure: 2 Day lesson; Day 1 Review, Day 2 Test
Engage: Time: 7 minutes
Students will be shown a quick video that will review everything learned in the past 8 days. Students will
be able to write down any questions that they still have.

Explore: Time: 30 minutes
Students will be given 30 minutes to work through the Review Guide.

Explain: Time: 10 minutes
Students will have the last 10 minutes of class to ask any questions they have from the study guide.
Teacher will review questions students have on the SMART board for everyone to see.

Elaborate: Time: 45 minutes
Students will have the entire period to take the summative test

Evaluate: Time: NA
Teacher will grade the tests.

Genetics Test Review

Monohybrid Crosses
In cattle, the hornless condition (H) is dominant and the horned condition (h) is recessive.
1. What would the genotype be for a heterozygous individual? ________
2. What would the phenotype of the above genotype be? ________________
3. What would a homozygous recessive genotype look like? _______
4. What would the phenotype be for the above genotype? _________

A homozygous cow without horns is crossed with a cow with horns. Cross these two cows in a punnett square.

5. What percentage of their offspring will have horns?
6. What percentage of their offspring will be hornless?
Dihybrid Crosses
In wolves, having a normal shaded coat (N) is dominant to a spotted coat (n). In addition, brown eyes (B) are
dominant to green eyes (b). Cross a heterozygous parent with another heterozygous parent.
Remember to use the three steps discussed in class (1. getting all your 8 genotypes, 2. punnett square, 3.
determining possible phenotypes) to answer the following questions.

1. What is the probability of producing a wolf with a normal coat color and brown eyes?

2. What is the probability of producing a wolf with normal coat color and green eyes?

3. What is the probability of producing a wolf with a spotted coat and brown eyes?

4. What is the probability of producing a wolf with a spotted coat and green eyes?

Incomplete Dominance
1. What does it mean to be incompletely dominant?

Oompah Loompas can have red, blue, or purple hair. The allele that controls this trait is incompletely
dominant, where purple hair is caused by the heterozygous condition. (Red hair = RR, Blue hair = BB, and
Purple hair = BR)
Orville Oompah has purple hair is married to Opal who brags that she has the bluest blue hair in the
2. What is the chance that her future child will have the ability to brag about their blue hair too?

3. What percent will take after their father's blue hair?

Cocker spaniels can be black (BB) or red (RR). A heterozygous genotype creates a spaniel that is both black
and red. Cross a solid black cocker spaniel (BB) with a solid red cocker spaniel (RR).
1. What are the genotypes of the parents? Cross these parents.

2. How many of their offspring will have black coats?
3. How many will have red coats?
4. How many will have both black and red coats?

Sex Linked Traits
In humans, red-green colorblindness (r) is recessive to normal sight (R ). A woman with color-blindness
marries a normal man.
1. What is the chance that their daughters will have normal vision?
2. What is the chance that their daughters will be color-blind?
3. What is the chance that their sons will have normal vision?
4. What percent of their sons will be color-blind?

Multiple Alleles
1. What possible genotypes can a person with type A blood have?
2. What phenotype is represented by ii ?
3. If the mother has type AB blood and the father is heterozygous for type B blood, what are the possible
blood types of their children?
4. What are the possible genotypes of the parents if the child has type A blood? Think about all the possible

Create a pedigree!
A man and a woman marry.
They have 5 children, 1 girls and 2 boys.
Their mother is a carrier of hemophilia, an X-linked disorder.
She passes the gene on to two of the boys and her daughter is a carrier.
The oldest daughter marries a man without hemophilia.
Together they have a son with hemophilia.
The youngest son marries a woman that is normal (not a carrier) for hemophilia.

1. What is the chance that their son will have hemophilia? Remember that hemophilia is SEX LINKED! (You
will need to use a punnett square at the end to answer this question!)

IV. Assessment
In this section I will discuss how I plan to assess student learning related to my unit goals, objectives, and
Virginia SOLs. All goals, objectives, and Virginia SOLs can be found in the Lesson Plan Outline. My
assessment plan provides both formative and summative assessment to gage student growth.

Day 2, 3, & 4 Formative Assessment (Solving Simple Crosses Activity Sheet)
Days 2, 3, & 4 will consist of students learning how to complete and predict simple crosses. As students complete
this activity sheet, it will help them learn to solve both Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses. This activity sheet will
be collected and assessed for correct concrete answers.
Day 5 Formative Assessment (Incomplete & Codominance Activity Sheet)
Day 5 will be dedicated to the students understanding of incomplete and codominance. Activity sheets will be
given in class and students will be given 10 minutes to start the activity sheet. However, any incomplete answers
should be completed for homework. The teacher will collect the activity sheets the following day. The activity
sheets will be graded for completion rather than correctness.
Day 7 Formative Assessment (Sex Linked Traits Posterboard Activity)
Day 7 will focus on sex linked traits and disorders. Students will be assigned to create and present a
poster based on their drawn sex-linked disorder. Students will be given a rubric and their poster will be
graded by the rubric.
Day 8 Formative Assessment (Pedigree Activity Sheet)
Day 8 will focus on reading pedigrees, that show a family history of a particular genetic disorder. Students will be
asked to complete the worksheet on pedigrees. The activity sheet will be collected the following day and will be
graded partially for completion and partially for accuracy.
Day 10 Summative Assessment (Unit Test)
Days 9 and 10 consist of a review day and test day. The summative test is used to assess students understanding in
the content area listed in the SOLs given in the Lesson Plan Outline. The summative test was made with a test
bank given by the textbook which was published by Pearson. In addition, Pearson also makes the SOL test, thus
students should become acclimated to the wording that Pearson creates.

V. PowerPoint Slides

4. Trait
A specific characteristic
Such as
seed color, hair color, plant height
Most traits vary from one individual to
5. Hybr id
The offspr ing of crosses between
parents with different traits.
6. Gene
Factor that is passed
from parent to offspring
Located on chromosomes
and controls how
an organism develops.
7. Allele
The different forms of a gene
8. Segregation
The separation of alleles
during gamete formation.
9. Gametes

Sex cell

Section I: The Work of Mendel
Gregor Mendel
n Born in 1822 in the Czech
n After becoming an Austrian
monk, he spent several years
studying Science and
Mathematics at the University
of Vienna
n He spent the next 14 years
teaching high school & tending
to the monastery gardens.
n In this simple high school
garden, he did work that
changed biology forever.
Mendel Cont.
n Mendel carried out his genetic
work with ordinary garden pea
n Because pea plants are small and
easy to grow.
n One single pea plant can produce
hundreds of offspr ing
n So, Mendel was able to carry out
his experiments with peas in one
or two growing seasons where it
would have taken decades or
centuries with humans.
The 411 on Pea Plants
n Pea plants are self-pollinating or true-breeding
n Sperm cells fertilize egg cells from within the same flower
n Thus, a self-pollinating plants offspr ing will inherit all the
original characteristics
n Meaning the traits (characteristics) in each generation would be
the same
n So if one type of pea plant was tall they would all be tall.
n If another was short they would all be short.
The Role of Fertilization
n The male part of each
flower makes pollen, which
contains the sperm.
n The female part of the
plant produced eggs.
n Dur ing sexual
reproduction, the male and
female cells (sperm & egg)
joined to produce a new
cell .
n Fertilization!

When beginning his experiment.. Mendel knew
Mendels Experiment
To lear n how traits were inher ited he decided to cross his
stocks of true-breeding pea plants.
Thus, he caused one plant to reproduce with another plant.
Cross pollination

By cutting away the pollen producing male parts of a flower,
and putting pollen from a different flower on the female (egg)
parts of the plant.
Results in a plant with TWO different parents

Solving Crosses
Steps for Solving a Genetics
n Trait dominant = A (AA or Aa)
Trait recessive = a (aa)
n ___________ x ___________
n Punnett Square

n Answer questions based on results from
Punnett Square
____ ____
Monohybrid Crosses
n Cross that involves one pair of
contrasting traits
n Solve using Punnett Square
n Sample problems:
Rr x rr
RR x rr
Rr x Rr
Rr x RR
Lets Solve Together
n Short hair (L) is dominant to long hair (l)
in mice. What is the genotype and
phenotype ratio of a heterozygous
short-haired mouse crossed with a long-
haired mouse?
Example 1: Monohybrid
n Short hair = dominant = L (LL or Ll)
long hair = recssive = l
n Ll x ll (heterozygote parent = Ll)
n Punnett Square:
n Genotype ratio: Ll: ll
n Phenotype ratio: short hair: long hair
L l
l Ll ll
l Ll ll
Example 2:
n Widows peak (W) is dominant over
non-Widows peak (w). Cross a
heterozygous dominant parent with a
homozygous recessive parent.
What are the possible phenotypes?

Dihybrid Crosses
! Involves two pairs of contrasting traits
Pea shape and pea color
Coat length and coat color in rodents
Plant height and flower color
Let s Solve Together
! In guinea pigs, the allele for short hair
(S) is dominant to long hair (s), and the
allele for black hair (B) is dominant over
the allele for brown hair (b). What is the
probable offspring phenotype ratio for a
cross involving two parents that are
heterozygotes for both traits?
Example 2: Dihybrid
! Short hair = dominant = SS or Ss
Long Hair = recessive = ss
Black coat = dominant = BB or Bb
Brown coat = recessive = bb
! SsBb x SsBb (gametes done by the
FOIL method)
SB, Sb, sB, sb and SB, Sb, sB, sb
Example 2: Punnett Square
SB Sb sB sb
Sb SSBb SSbb SsBb Ssbb
sB SsBB SsBb ssBB ssBb
sb SsBb Ssbb ssBb ssbb
Example 2: Answer the Question
! What is the probable offspring
phenotype ratio for a cross involving two
parents that are heterozygotes for both
9/16 Black, short coats
3/16 Black, long coats
3/16 Brown, short coats
1/16 Brown, long coats
! Right-handiness (R) is dominant over
left-handiness (r). In addition, brown
eyes (B) are dominant over blue eyes
! RREe x rree
! What are the outcomes?
How many are right handed with blue
Right handed with brown eyes?
Left handed with blue eyes?
Left handed with brown eyes?

n 50% Right handed with blue eyes
n 50% Right handed with brown eyes
n 0% Left handed with blue eyes
n 0% Left handed with brown eyes
The End!
n 1. Complete
Phenotype of
cannot be
from the
What weve been studying.. Other Types of Heredity Patterns
n 2. Incomplete
blending of traits in
n Neither allele is
completely dominant
over the other
Pink flowers
RR = red
Rr = pink
rr = white
Other Types of Heredity Patterns
n Incomplete
blending of traits in
n Neither allele is
completely dominant
over the other
Pink flowers
RR = red
Rr = pink
rr = white
Incomplete Dominance Example
n In snapdragons, flower color is
controlled by incomplete dominance.
The two alleles are Red (R) and white (r).
The heterozygous genotype is expressed
as pink.
n A pink flower is crossed with a red
flower. What is the probability of
producing a pink-flowered plant?


R r
n What is the
probability of
producing a pink-
flowered plant?
50% pink
50% red
0% pink
Other Types of Heredity Patterns
n 3. Codominance can see both alleles
at the same time.
Heterozygous individuals show both
alleles equally!
This is shown through TWO DIFFERENT
CAPITAL alleles so they cant be mixed
Roan coats in horses
Some white hairs, some red hairs

Other Types of Heredity Patterns
n Codominance can see both alleles at
the same time.
Heterozygous individuals show both
alleles equally!
This is shown through TWO CAPITAL
alleles so they cant be mixed up.
Roan coats in horses
Some white hairs, some red hairs

Other Types of Heredity Patterns
n Codominance can see both alleles at
the same time.
Heterozygous individuals show both
alleles equally!
This is shown through TWO CAPITAL
alleles so they cant be mixed up.
Roan coats in horses
Some white hairs, some red hairs

R = allele for red flowers
W = allele for white flowers
red x white ---> red & white spotted
RR x WW ---> 100% RW
Codominance Example
n In cattle coloration there is a codominance;
(R) is the symbol for red hair,
(W) is the symbol for white hair,
(RW) is the symbol for roan.
n Cross a homozygous red cow with a
homozygous white cow.
What are the genotypes from the punnett square?
What are the possible phenotypes?
4. Polygenic Traits
n Traits that are determined by more than
one gene
n Examples
Eye color
Skin color
Hair color
For example, the current
model of skin color is that
there are 3 genes that
contribute to skin color. So
there are 6 total alleles, 3
from the mother and 3 from
the father.

5. Multiple Alleles
n Genes with three or more alleles.
n Blood Types in Humans
Universal Donor = O
Universal Recipient = AB
n The Rh factor is a type of protein on the surface of
red blood cells.
Multiple Alleles Example
n Anne is Type O blood. Her and her
husband, Scott (Type AB) have a child.
What is the chance that their baby will
have type A blood?
n 50% Type A
n 50% Type B
n Patricia is heterozygous Type A and
Larry is Type AB. What are the possible
phenotypes of their children?
n 50% Type A
n 25% Type AB
n 25% Type B
n Multiple Alleles
More than two forms
of the same gene in
the population
n Polygenic traits
More than one gene
contributes to the

6. Sex-linked Genes
n Present on the X chromosome
Female = XX
Male =XY
Men dont care if their clothes
So naturally their
chromosomes dont either
Sex-linked Genes
n Present on the X chromosome
Female = XX
Male =XY
n More common in males
n Examples:
Some Human Genetic Disorders
Of Interest
n Cystic Fibrosis
n Sickle-cell Anemia
n Tay-Sachs Disease
n Phenylketonuria (PKU)
n Hemophilia
n Huntingtons Disease
n Muscular Dystrophy
n Red-Green Colorblindness
Sex Linked Genes
n Sex-linked genes can be located on the X or Y
n So why are they mostly on the X chromosome?
X chromosome is longer so it has more genes that arent
typically found on the Y chromosome
Key to Sex Linked Traits
=Female, Normal X
Y =Male, Normal

=Female, Carrier X
Y =Male, Affected

=Female, Affected
Hemophilia (h) is recessive
to normal (H) no hemophilia.
Key to Sex Linked Traits

=Female, Normal X
Y =Male, Normal
=Female, Carrier X
Y =Male, Affected
=Female, Affected
Hemophilia (h) is recessive
to normal (H) no hemophilia.

Cross an affected male with a female
carrier for hemophilia.

What is the probability that their children
will have the disease?
=Female, Normal X
Y =Male, Normal
=Female, Carrier X
Y =Male, Affected
=Female, Affected
Another example
n A woman who is a carrier marries a
normal man.
n Show the cross
n What is the probability that their children
will have hemophilia?
n What sex will a child in the family with
hemophilia be?

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