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Charlie Uhi
Mr. Peterson
English 1010
Global warming multimedia
Throughout the last century Earth has been introduced to another factor that will
increase the temperature, and that factor is us. As we burn carbon fuels we releases carbon
dioxide in to the atmosphere in which creates a layer of Co2 particles that act like a blanket and
bounce back the sun rays towards earth and traps the heat in. When the heat cannot escape back
in to space the earths atmosphere keeps warm and the layer of Co2 particles will continue to
increase as long as we keep burning fossil fuels.


Cutting down carbon absorbing trees that help regulate the Co2 levels and make
sure they do not get out of control, and when the trees are dropped they release all of the carbon
that they absorbed. without those trees they wont be able to help keep the carbon dioxide levels
down, and the more that we cut down the trees, all that extra Co2 that would have been absorbed
will now go in to the atmosphere.


The planet globally has already risen one degree, and things will continue to get hotter
until we find alternatives to our resources.

Animals all over are suffering because we are so careless with all the chemicals
that we are putting in the air. Adeline penguins have already seen some of the effects of global
warming. Many of them have already died, their population has dropped dramatically. Because
lack of land for them to make their home and lack of food.

Polar bears have also seen the effects that global warming has to offer, they are unable to
get to fishing holes because of the trails that have melted away. And because they are unable to
get to their food they become skinny and die.

We can even get sick because of global warming. Bugs that carry diseases that thrive in
warm weather, will multiply and infect more people, and possibly even kill. The only way to
stop this is to find a way to reduce the heat that the bugs need for them to thrive, and the only
way to do that is to cut the greenhouse emissions.


We also can see effects that are happening under the sea, coral that supports a lot of the
underwater sea life have been dying off because of too much carbon dioxide that is being
absorbed in the water. When the coral gets sick they began to lose their color, (that is call coral
bleaching), then when the entire alga goes away the coral dies.

We also see a lot of pollen that is due to the fact that as the climate gets warmer a lot of
the weeds that give off pollen will double, and because its warmer they even can pollenate earlier
in the spring and also increase in size. This can cause a lot of discomfort to people who have
issues with allergies.


We will also see a lot of storms that become stronger, storms that are a lot
stronger tend to break a lot of things more severely, which means our homes and building will
become more damaged and become unlivable.

As storms get stronger, they become bigger and last longer they become more likely to
happen. When they happen will have to repair more and more, and we as a world will have a lot
more injured and killed. The storms become stronger because of all the warm air around the sea,

and that warmer air will fuel the storms.

If we do not stop all the carbon dioxide that is being released in to the air, we will
see very different world in the next century. It is estimated that it will be ten times hotter than
what the world is currently, and that means we will see a lot of animals that go extinct because

they could not find a climate that they could adapt to fast enough.

Earth already absorbs a lot of the carbon dioxide, and earth does this by using soil, water,
and trees. Those are Earths natural defenses against the greenhouse effect. But as we put more
greenhouse emissions in to the air, we are pushing them to their limit, and it doesnt help that we

are destroying the defenses that earth has.

Glaciers are melting as well, and that can be a real problem because it causes the seal
level to rise and it also melts away the water supply that a lot of people rely on in the summer.
And without water, the villages that rely on the water will have nothing to help grow their crops

with. Without water a lot of people will starve.

Unclean water can even happen in our own back yards. Big companies that use water to
help them create power like hydro plants. The water that is used to power the hydro plants
becomes contaminated when it exits the plant, and that water is dumped in to lakes and ponds
that go in to our ecosystems and canals which water our produce and then when we eat our
produce, we also are eating the chemicals that were dumped.

Pesticides are also one of the things that really hurt our environment, even though they
help keep the bugs and other plant eating critters away from the crops. One of the things that
pesticides can do that can hurt our environment, is that they spread farther than their intended
target, and then they can land on something that is sensitive to it and can kill it. It also can land
on us hurt us.

Because of global warming and what it does to the climates, the weather that we are
living in today has already changed. We have had intense heat waves that have killed people in
the past, and as the Co2 layers continues to get thicker, the more heat we will see and feel, and
we will see the death tolls of the last few summers in the past and notice that they will
continually increase or even double when in the future.


Charlie uhi
Mr. Peterson
English 1010

When I think of myself as a writer, I have that feeling that I am flawed. I know that I
have a lot of work to do before I am fully confident in myself as a writer. This last project really
tested all of my writing ability as a writer, I know that it was only words and pictures but for
some reason it was really hard for me to comprehend. This year I know that I have grown as a
writer; this class has really opened up my eyes to what I can do to help me become a better
One of the things that I thought really could help me become a better writer is to really
understand my audience. And when I truly understand my audience I will be able to connect to
them in such a way through my writing so that they will be able to fully understand what my
main idea is. That I will not lose my audience to boredom because they can relate to my writing
on a personal level.
The second thing that I think will help me a become a better writer is to find a way to express
myself through the words that I put on paper, and when I find a way to express myself through
words, my audience will be able to understand what kind of writer I am, and when they
understand what kind of writer I am they will understand my point of view of the subject better
and will also understand what kind of point they as an audience has against my point, and will
know where they stand on the subject.

I was always that kid who hated English so much, I never wanted to go to class because all that I
would do is just sit there and play on my phone. I know that, that is the reasons why I have so
much trouble know. I also blame it on the teachers that I had in high school, they never really
looked out for my best interests, and I always felt that they really didnt care if I understood what
they were saying. The one thing that I really liked about SLCC is that all of my English teachers
have been really nice to me; they even help explain things that I dont really understand in a way
that I can understand. I also dont play on my phone any more during class. I know that I have
grown because of the people I have met and that now that I can understand the class. I can
actually have fun.
Even though I dont really have the confidence in myself as a writer, I know that I have the
motivation to find a way to learn and become better. I really want to become a better writer, I
have always wanted to be good at writing things like essays, research papers, etc. I know that it
will take time and I am willing to wait. I really liked the class; I know that I have grown in my
writing abilitys. When it first started I was kind of nervous, because it was going to be my first
hybrid and I wasnt sure on how it was going to turn out. The teacher really made it fun, I really
like the class and I highly recommend it.

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