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Western Plots to Divide the Muslim Ummah, by Syed Ali Shahbaz

(23rd November 2012 - 12:25 a.m.)

Read this history to know what happened to Khilafat.
Western Plots to Divide the Muslim Ummah
By: Syed Ali Shahbaz
Sykes-Picot Accord for dividing up the Arab lands of the Ottoman Empire
On May 9 in 1916 AD, the scandalous Sykes-Picot Accord as si!ned "y
re#resentatives o$ %ritain, &rance, and 'ussia in Paris $or dividin! u# the Ara" lands o$
the Ottoman (m#ire and limitin! the )urkish #ossessions to Anatolia or #resent day
)urkey* &olloin! the %olshevik 'evolution, 'ussia ithdre*
(ven "e$ore the $ormal de$eat o$ the Ottomans in 191+, lines ere dran on #a#er to
share the s#oils "y the to #rinci#al (uro#ean colonial #oers* )he %ritish took control
o$ ,ra- and the .i/a0* Shaam or 1reater Syria as s#lit u# into $our #arts, ith the
%ritish takin! 2ordan and Palestine, and the &rench takin! Syria and 3e"anon* )he
main !oal o$ this #lan as to set u# in Palestine, an ille!al entity called ,srael as a
homeland $or (uro#ean 2es*
The Treaty of Sevres was forced upon the decaying Ottoman Empire by Britain
and rance
On Au!ust 14, 1954 AD, the )reaty o$ Sevres as $orced u#on the decayin! Ottoman
(m#ire "y %ritain and &rance, stri##in! it o$ 647 o$ its territory* )he remainin!
(uro#ean #arts o$ the (m#ire ere handed over to 1reece and several islands to ,taly,
$orcin! hundreds o$ thousands o$ Muslims to leave their ancestral homes and cross into
the Asian #arts*
At the same time, ,ra-, 2ordan, and Palestine ere #laced under %ritish mandate, and
Syria and 3e"anon under &rench mandate, hile .i/a0 ith its holy cities o$ Mecca and
Medina, the resort o$ )a8e$ and the 'ed Sea #orts o$ 2eddah and 9an"u, declared an
inde#endent kin!dom under the %ritish a!ent, Sheri$ .ussain* Armenia also !ot a share
o$ )urkish territory hile a #art o$ Asia Minor as $urther !iven to 1reece as ,onia*
,stan"ul and its surroundin!s ere declared demilitari0ed, hile the ancient Sel/u-
ca#ital o$ :onya as #laced under ,talian 0one o$ in$luence* )he #lan as to se#arate
the :urdish areas as ell, "ut as de$erred $or the time "ein!*
)his harsh and humiliatin! treatment led to the u#risin! o$ the )urkish #eo#le, and the
)urkish army soon drove aay the 1reek occu#iers $rom #arts o$ Asia Minor and the
surroundin!s o$ ,stan"ul on the (uro#ean side* )his $orced the estern #oers to dra$t
a ne treaty in 195;, hich has $i<ed the #resent "oundaries o$ modern )urkey,
althou!h in 19;+, the &rench ille!ally handed over to )urkey the Syrian territories o$
,skenderun and Antakya =Antioch>, hich )urkey calls .atay Province, "ut hose
soverei!nty Damascus has never reco!ni0ed, callin! it #art o$ Syria* Meanhile, in
195?, the :in!dom o$ .i/a0 as occu#ied "y Wahha"i "ri!ands $rom the @e/d ith the
"lessin!s o$ the %ritish ho in 19;5 $ormally installed their a!ent, A"dul-A0i0 Aal-Saud
as kin! o$ the #seudo country called Saudi Ara"ia* A"del-A0i0 conse-uently sei0ed
#arts o$ 9emen and occu#ied the Shi8ite Muslim sheikhdoms o$ the eastern #arts o$ the
Ara"ian Peninsula on the oil-rich Persian 1ul$ coast*
rench occupation of Tunisia
On May 56 in 1661, &rance sei0ed )unisia and started #lunderin! its resources* A$ter
World War 5, hile leavin! this @orth A$rican Muslim land, &rance set u# a laic system,
headed "y .a"i" %our-i"a, ho "rutally su##ressed the #eo#le and even "anned o$$ice
orkers $rom #er$ormin! #rayers and kee#in! $asts* ,n 196+ a$ter his death, Aain al
A"idin "in Ali came to #oer and continued the same re#ressive #olicies, until he as
overthron on 2anuary 5411 and $led to Saudi Ara"ia*
Algeria under rench Occupation
On Se#tem"er 6, 1646 AD, Al!erian $reedom $i!hter, A"dul-Bader i"n Mohi od-Din al-
.assani al-2a0aCiri, as "orn near Mascara in Oran* .e claimed descent $rom ,mam
.asan Mo/ta"a =AS>, the elder !randson o$ Pro#het Mohammad =SAWA>* ,n 165?, he
set out $or the .a// #il!rima!e, ith his $ather* ,n Mecca, he met and as im#ressed "y
,mam Shamil o$ Da!hestan, the leader o$ the stru!!le a!ainst 'ussian e<#ansion in the
Daucasus hich had recently "een sei0ed "y the D0ar $rom the Ba/arid rulers o$ ,ran*
.e then traveled to Syria and ,ra- here he visited the !raves o$ saints includin! the
cele"rated S#anish Muslim #hiloso#her and 1nostic, Shaikh Mohi od-Din ,"n Ara"i in
Damascus and that o$ the ,ranian Su$i Shaikh A"dul-Bader 1ilani in %a!hdad* On his
ay "ack to Al!eria, he as im#ressed "y the re$orms carried out in (!y#t "y the
Ottoman !overnor Mohammad Ali Pasha the Al"anian* A$ter $ive years a"road, he
returned to his homeland in 19;4 a $e months "e$ore the )urks lost it to the &rench
invaders* As a Su$i scholar, he no led the military stru!!le a!ainst &rance, and ithin
to years he as made an amir "y tri"es $i!htin! the &rench* .e or!ani0ed !uerrilla
ar$are and $or a decade scored many victories* .e o$ten si!ned tactical truces ith the
&rench, "ut these did not last* .is $ailure to !et su##ort $rom eastern tri"es, a#art $rom
the %er"ers o$ estern :a"ylie led to the -uellin! o$ his u#risin!*
On Decem"er 51, 16E+, a$ter "ein! denied re$u!e in Morocco "ecause o$ &rench
#ressure, he surrendered on condition he ould "e alloed to !o to Ale<andria in (!y#t
or to Acre in Palestine* )he &rench re$used to honour their ord and A"dul-Bader as
e<iled to &rance, here he remained under detention until Octo"er 16?5, hen he as
released "y @a#oleon ,,, on takin! an oath never a!ain to -uestion &rench rule in
Al!eria* .e "rie$ly took u# residence in %ursa in todayCs )urkey, "e$ore shi$tin! in 16??
to Damascus, here he devoted himsel$ ane to theolo!y and #hiloso#hy* .e also
rote a "ook on the Ara"ian horse* .e as decorated "y &rance and o$$icially lauded
"y President A"raham 3incoln o$ the US $or his !esture toards Dhristians durin! the
stru!!le ith the Dru0e*
,n 166? he as invited to Paris as the kin!8s s#ecial !uest* A"dul-Bader ho died in
Damascus on 56 May 166;, and as "uried near the tom" o$ ,"n Ara"i, had
un$ortunately "ecome a mem"er o$ the notorious 2eish secret or!ani0ation, the
The Anglo-Egyptian !ar
On 2uly 11, 1665, the %ritish $leet started the "om"ardment o$ the #ort city o$ Ale<andria
in (!y#t as #art o$ the An!lo-(!y#tian War, $olloin! a cou# "y Dolonel Ahmed Ora"i
a!ainst )o$i- Pasha, the :hedive o$ (!y#t and Sudan, "ecause o$ !rievances over
dis#arities in #ay "eteen (!y#tian and (uro#ean em#loyees, as ell as other
concerns* As a nation (!y#t as in lim"o*
Althou!h a #rovince o$ the Ottoman (m#ire, the )urks neither !overned nor cared $or
(!y#tian a$$airs, "ecause o$ their on internal decline* Donse-uently, (!y#t had "een
looted and mis!overned $or decades "y the :hedives, ho in turn ere e<#loited "y the
%ritish and the &rench* )his naturally caused resentment amon! nationalist $orces in
(!y#t, mani$ested "y Ora"i8s cou#*
)he %ritish ho had no ri!ht to meddle in the internal a$$airs o$ (!y#t, "om"arded
Ale<andria $or three days, $olloed "y marines occu#yin! it* Much o$ the city as
destroyed "y $ires that "roke out as a result o$ the "om"ardment* )he %ritish then
restored to #oer :hedive )o$i-, ho declared Ora"i a re"el* Ora"i counteracted "y
o"tainin! a $ata $rom the al-A0har Shaykhs statin! that )o$i- as a traitor ho
"etrayed his reli!ion and "rou!ht on the occu#ation o$ (!y#t "y a $orei!n nation*
Ora"i ordered conscri#tion and the %ritish army tried to reach Dairo throu!h Ale<andria,
"ut as sto##ed $or $ive eeks at :a$r ad-Daar "y Ora"i* ,n Au!ust, a %ritish army o$
over E4,444, commanded "y 1arnet Wolseley invaded the Sue0 Danal Aone* Ora"i
rede#loyed to de$end Dairo hile his main $orce du! in at )el al-:a"ir, north o$ the
railay and the Seetater Danal, "oth o$ hich linked Dairo to ,smailia on the Sue0
Wolseley, on "ein! in$ormed o$ the eak de$ences o$ the (!y#tians, attacked them and
killed to thousand (!y#tian Muslims* Ora"i8s $orces ere routed, and %ritish cavalry
#ursued them and ca#tured Dairo, hich as unde$ended* :hedive #oer as restored
hile the %ritish occu#ied (!y#t until the An!lo-(!y#tian )reaties o$ 1955 and 19;6,
!ivin! !radual control "ack to the corru#t and ine$$icient :hedives, ho ere $inally
overthron in the 19?5 revolution "y Dolonel 2amal A"dun-@asser and 1eneral
Mohammad @a/i"*
The irst Balkan !ar
On May ;4 in 191;, the &irst %alkan War ended ith the )reaty o$ 3ondon, and the
emer!ence o$ Al"ania as an inde#endent nation* ,t "e!an in Octo"er 1915, and #itted
the %alkan 3ea!ue, made u# o$ Ser"ia, 1reece, Montene!ro and %ul!aria, a!ainst the
eakened Ottoman (m#ire* As a result o$ the ar, almost all remainin! (uro#ean
territories o$ the Ottoman (m#ire ere sei0ed "y Dhristian #oers and #artitioned
amon! themselves*
The Second Balkan war
On 2une 59, 191; AD, the second %alkan ar "roke out a!ainst the totterin! Ottoman
(m#ire "y an alliance o$ %ul!aria, Ser"ia, 1reece, Monte @e!ro, and 'omania =all o$
them $ormer Ottoman Provinces>, resultin! in the loss o$ almost 647 o$ the remainin!
)urkish territories in (uro#e* )he %alkan ars in $act set the sta!e $or the "reakout o$
World War , in 191E, in hich the Ottomans allied ith 1ermany and Austria-.un!ary,
tried to re!ain their lost !lory, "ut lost all their West Asian territories o$ Ara"ia, Syria,
Palestine, and ,ra-, as ell, "ecomin! con$ined to Anatolia or #resent day )urkey*
"amascus occupied by the British troops
On Se#tem"er ;, 1916 AD, the historical and ancient ,slamic city, Damascus, as
occu#ied "y the %ritish troo#s, $olloin! the end o$ World War , as #art o$ the (uro#ean
#lot to destroy the Ottoman (m#ire* %ritain, alon! ith &rance occu#ied most o$ the
West Asian Ara" territories o$ the )urkish sultans* Syria and Damascus ere eventually
handed over to &rance "y the %ritish*
The last Ottoman caliph# Abdul $a%id &&
On 2uly 5E, 19EE AD, the last Ottoman cali#h, A"dul Ma/id ,,, died in his e<ile in Paris,
&rance at the a!e o$ +6, tenty years a$ter the cali#hate as a"olished "y Musta$a
:emal Ata )urk, thus endin! the cali#hate o$ the )urks that Sultan Selim , had $orce$ully
ac-uired in 1?1+ $rom the A""asid #u##et cali#h in Dairo, on his con-uest o$ Mamluk
(!y#t, $olloin! a $ata issued "y court mullahs that non Ara"s could also "ecome
)he cali#hate or #olitical rule o$ the ,slamic state had "e!un in Medina immediately a$ter
the #assin! aay o$ Pro#het Mohammad =SAWA> hen some o$ his com#anions held
the scandalous assem"ly o$ Sa-i$a %ani Sa8dah, here a$ter $ist$i!hts Omar ,"n :hatta"
!ra""ed the hand o$ a sur#rised A"u %akr and declared him cali#h* )herea$ter, e<ce#t
$or a "rie$ $our-and-a-hal$ year #eriod hen the Pro#het8s ri!ht$ul heir, the divinely-
decreed vice!erent o$ 1hadeer-:hom, ,mam Ali i"n A"i )ale" =AS> took char!e o$ the
#olitical rule o$ the ,slamic realm, those ho mas-ueraded as cali#hs included $ormer
idol-orshi##ers, hy#ocrites, drunkards, mass murderers, adulterers, cardinal sinners,
and even atheists*
A"dul-Ma/id, ho as "uried in Medina, had "een cali#h $or less than to years and
never had any #olitical #oer* ,n 1916, hen his cousin Fahideddin Mohammad F,
"ecame Sultan, he as named Dron Prince, and on 1st @ovem"er, 1955 ith the
a"olishment o$ the Sultanate, he as elected cali#h "y the )urkish @ational Assem"ly
on 19 @ovem"er 1955, "e$ore "ein! stri##ed o$ his #osition and e<#elled $rom )urkey
on ; March 195E* .e married his children into the rulin! $amilies o$ other countries, "ut
they also ere not destined to rule* .i dau!hter $rom his third marria!e, Princess
:hadi/a :hairiyya Ayesha Durr-e Shahar as married in 19;1 to the Prince o$ %erar
A0am 2ah, the son o$ Ase$ 2ah F,, Osman Ali :han, the 'uler o$ .ydera"ad Deccan in
,ndia, ho lost his throne in 19E6*
.is !randdau!hter, &atema @a0lishah Sultan =dau!hter o$ his eldest son Prince Omar
&arou- and maternal !randdau!hter o$ last Ottoman Sultan Mohammad F,> as
married to Prince Mohammad A"dul-Moneim, son o$ (!y#tCs last :hedive, A""as .ilmi
,,, ho "rie$ly served as head o$ re!ency council $or (!y#t8s de#osed kin!, &arou-8s
enthroned in$ant son, &ouad, "e$ore the end o$ monarchy*
The 'prising of people of &ra( against the British occupiers in )*+,
On 2une ;4, 1954, the #eo#le o$ ,ra- sta!ed their u#risin! a!ainst the %ritish occu#iers,
under the leadershi# o$ Ayatollah Mir0a Mohammad )a-i Shira0i* )he %ritish a$ter initial
de$eats resorted to treachery "y martyrin! Ayatollah Shira0i throu!h #oisonin! and
e<ilin! Shaikh :ashe$ al-1heta to ,ran* )hey then de#rived the ShiCite Muslim ma/ority o$
,ra- o$ re#resentative rule, "y installin! in %a!hdad an im#orted kin! G &aisal, the son o$
the %ritish a!ent, Sheri$ .ussain o$ .e/a0*
Thomas Edward -awrence known as .-awrence of Arabia.
On May 19 in 19;? AD, the %ritish #olitician and intelli!ence o#erative, )homas (dard
3arence, died in a drivin! accident at the a!e o$ E+ years* %orn out o$ edlock to a
"aron, and knon as H3arence o$ Ara"iaH, he as a notorious s#y hose /o" as to
"e$riend, deceive and destroy Muslim rulers in Ara"ia* Durin! the years 1914-to-191E,
under !uise as a mem"er o$ an archeolo!ical dele!ation to ,ra-, Syria, and Palestine,
he soed the seeds o$ seditions amon! the Ara"s and )urks as #art o$ the %ritish #olicy
to disinte!rate the Ottoman (m#ire*
,t as throu!h his e$$orts that the arti$icial country called 2ordan as created $or
A"dullah, the son o$ the %ritish a!ent, Shari$ .ussain o$ .e/a0I hile another son,
&aisal, as $irst made kin! o$ Syria, and $our months later hen driven out $rom
Damascus, as installed as kin! o$ ,ra- in order to crush the as#irations o$ the ShiCite
Muslim ma/ority* @e<t, hen Shari$ .ussain as driven out $rom the .i/a0 "y the
Wahha"i desert "ri!and o$ @a/d, A"dul-A0i0 Aal-e Saud, another arti$icial state called
Saudi Ara"ia as created, on condition that no o"/ection ould "e raised to the %ritish
#lan to create $or (uro#ean Aionists an ille!al entity called ,srael in Palestine* 3arence
has re$erred to #art o$ these #lots durin! World War , in his "ook titledJ KSeven Pillars o$
British invasion of &ra( in )*/)
On May 5 in 19E1, %ritain a!ain invaded ,ra- to oust the nationalist !overnment o$
Prime Minister 'ashid Aali al-1ilani ho had sta!ed a cou# to end %ritish in$luence "y
removin! $rom #oer A"dullah "in Ali, the re!ent o$ the 6-year old kin!, &aisal ,,, hose
!rand$ather &aisal , o$ .i/a0 as installed as kin! in 1951 "y 3ondon a!ainst the ishes
o$ the ,ra-i #eo#le, a$ter crushin! the #o#ular u#risin! o$ 1954 led "y Ayatollah Shaikh
:ashe$ al-1heta and Ayatollah Mir0a Mohammad )a-i Shira0i*
3ondon $eared that 1ilani mi!ht take control o$ the oil industry $rom %ritain, in vie o$ his
links to 1ermany and the A<is #oers* )he ar ended on May 59 hen 1ilani $led to
,ran and an armistice as si!ned on May ;1* 1ilani, a Sunni Muslim and descendant o$
%a!hdad8s #rominent Su$i o$ ,ranian ori!in, Sheikh A"dul-Bader 1ilani, could not stay
lon! in ,ran and $led to 1ermany hen the %ritish dethroned their a!ent 'e0a :han
Pahlavi $or his #ro-1erman vies and e<iled him to the island o$ Mauritius, and then
installed his 51 year old son Mohammad 'e0a on the Peacock )hrone*
&mposed Treaty of Ta0ef
On May 54 in 19;E, the one-sided )reaty o$ )aCe$ as im#osed u#on ,mam 9ahya o$
9emen "y A"dul-A0i0 Aal-e Saud, ruler o$ the %ritish created state called Saudi Ara"ia,
accordin! to hich the re!ions o$ @a/ran, 2ee0an, and Asir ere occu#ied $or a #eriod
o$ E4 years* ,n the 1994s, 9emen demanded the return o$ these vast territories, "ut ith
American "ackin! Saudi Ara"ia has re$used to return them in violation o$ the )reaty o$
(arlier A"dul-A0i0 had sei0ed the .i/a0 and a$ter violent massacres in the holy cities o$
Mecca and Medina, and the #ort city o$ 2eddah, includin! sacrile!e o$ the holy shrines
in 2annat al-%a-ie and 2annat al-Mu8alla* )he Saudis are also in occu#ation o$ the oil-
rich eastern coast o$ the Ara"ian Peninsula on the Persian 1ul$ a!ainst the ishes o$
the local #eo#le, and are re$usin! to ithdra as #er the terms o$ a se#arate treaty*
The illegitimate birth of the 1ionist entity called &srael
On May 1E in 19E6 AD, the most scandalous event o$ the 54th century occurred ith
the ille!itimate "irth in Palestine o$ the Aionist entity called ,srael* Prior to sei0in! #oer,
the ille!al Aionist mi!rants o$ (uro#e had resorted to all sorts o$ racist and terrorist acts
a!ainst the sons o$ the soil, and ith %ritish connivance drove into e<ile some +44,444
Palestinian Muslims and Dhristians on this day*
Since then, the Aionist entity has im#osed several ars on Ara" states and sei0ed their
territory, in addition to terrori0in! Palestinians and denyin! them their "irthri!hts* With
the hel# o$ the US, %ritain, &rance and certain other countries, ,srael has ac-uired a
nuclear arsenal o$ around E44 atomic arheads, and indul!es in almost daily threats o$
attackin! the ,slamic 'e#u"lic o$ ,ran* )oday, Palestinians and Muslims throu!hout the
orld hold rallies to sho their determination $or li"eration o$ their homeland $rom the
clutches o$ the (uro#ean 2es and the eventual end o$ ,srael*
Occupation of 2arabagh by Armenia
On May 9, in 1995 AD, Armenia invaded the Daucasus 'e#u"lic o$ A0er"ai/an and
occu#ied Bara"a!h re!ion and the Armenian troo#s occu#ied 547 o$ A0eri soil* Des#ite
the cease$ire "eteen the to countries as o$ 199;, this #art o$ the A0er"ai/an 'e#u"lic
is still under Armenian military occu#ation*
$assacre of $uslims in 3igeria
On May 5 in 544E AD, the in$amous 9ela massacre occurred in @i!eria hen the
Dhristians "rutally massacred over 6;4 Muslim nomads includin! omen, children and
old men* )he Dhristians surrounded 9ela ton, and accordin! to .uman 'i!hts
Watch, over the ne<t to days 664 Muslims ere massacred, includin! the #atients in
the Al-Amin clinic* )elve mos-ues and ;44 houses ent u# in $lames* 9oun! !irls
ere marched to a near"y Dhristian ton and $orced to eat #ork and drink alcohol*
Many ere ra#ed, and ?4 ere "rutally killed*
Occupation of $alaysia by British
On 2une 14, 1+94 AD, %ritish troo#s attacked and occu#ied Malaya $rom the
@etherlands* U#on the in$iltration o$ %ritain, the Dutch troo#s ere $orced to retreat $rom
Malaya and even #arts o$ ,ndonesia* ,n 165E, %ritish soverei!nty as $irmly esta"lished
in hat is no Malaysia, hile ,ndonesia remained a colony o$ the @etherlands called
Dutch (ast ,ndies* )hese to (uro#ean #oers antonly looted the ealth o$ these to
Muslim lands* Malaysia !ained inde#endence $rom %ritish rule in 19?6 hile ,ndonesia
!ained inde#endence in 19?+*
Sarawak under British Occupation
On Se#tem"er 5E, 16E1 AD, the Sultan o$ %runei as $orced to cede Saraak on the
lar!e %orneo ,sland to the %ritish invaders, ho installed a certain 2ames %rooke as the
White 'a/ah, and hose descendants ruled this land till 19E? hen %ritain took direct
control o$ Saraak, a $e years "e$ore the inde#endence o$ Malaysia* Saraak is no
a #rovince o$ Malaysia*
The "utch East &ndia 4ompany in &ndonesia
On 2uly ;4, 1645 AD, the Dutch "y settin! u# a trade #ost in Sumatra started their
#olitical in$luence in ,ndonesia, under the name o$ the Dutch (ast ,ndia Dom#any
=FOD>* ,n 1644 FOD as $ormally dissolved "ecause o$ "ankru#tcy and the !overnment
o$ the @etherlands esta"lished the Dutch (ast ,ndies as a nationali0ed colony* &or most
o$ the colonial #eriod, Dutch control over the archi#ela!o as tenuous outside o$ coastal
Only in the early 54th century did Dutch dominance e<tend to hat as to "ecome
,ndonesiaCs current "oundaries* )he country, hich is made u# o$ over 1+,?44 islands
and a #redominantly Muslim #o#ulation, as occu#ied "y 2a#an durin! World War 5* ,n
16E9, ,ndonesia declared its inde#endence under the leadershi# o$ Ahmad Sukarno "y
thartin! Dutch e$$orts to re-esta"lish colonial he!emony*
A sacrilegious bomb attacks carried out at the holy shrine of al-Askariyayn in
2une 1;, 544+, at around 9 a*m* local time, a sacrile!ious "om" attack as carried out
"y a!ents o$ 1lo"al Arro!ance at the holy shrine o$ al-Askariyayn at Samarra, resultin!
in the destruction o$ the to ten-story hi!h !old-#lated minarets, $lankin! the earlier
destroyed !olden dome* )his as the second "om"in! o$ the holy shrine o$ ,mam Ali al-
.adi =AS> and ,mam .assan al-Askari =AS> G res#ectively the 14th and 11th ,n$alli"le
Successors o$ Pro#het Mohammad =SAWA>* )he $irst sacrile!ious "om" attack had
occurred on 55 &e"ruary 5446, destroyin! the shrine8s ma!ni$icent !olden dome* )he
holy shrine is no under construction on a !rand scale*
5enocide of $uslims of the city of Srebrenica 6Bosnia7
On 2uly 11, 199? AD, durin! the %osnian War, more than 6,444 Muslims o$ the city o$
Sre"renica ere slau!htered "y the Ser"s* )his crime a!ainst humanity as the "i!!est
massacre in (uro#e since World War ,,* Althou!h the U@ Security Douncil had declared
Sre"renica a sa$e haven in 199; and its $orces ere stationed in this city, the Ser"
militias occu#ied the city and cold-"loodedly slau!htered the #eo#le* At the site o$
carna!e, the Dutch #eacekee#in! $orces stationed in the re!ion took no measures to
save the lives o$ the Muslim civilians*
)he indi$$erence o$ (uro#ean states toard this human catastro#he as -uestiona"le*
All the three $act-$indin! committees, $ormed a$ter the end o$ the %osnian War held the
(uro#ean Union and the United @ations res#onsi"le $or the massacre o$ Muslims in
8ussia declares 5eorgia as its protectorate
On 2uly 51, 1+6; AD, the 'ussians takin! advanta!e o$ the eakness o$ ,ran $le<ed
their military muscles in the Daucasus "y declarin! 1eor!ia as their #rotectorate* )he
1eor!ians, hich $or over to millenniums ere #art o$ the Persian (m#ire, ere
"anned $rom maintainin! direct relations ith either ,ran or the Ottoman )urks*
rance invades Tunisia
On 2uly 55, 1961 AD, &rance landed +,444 troo#s on %i0erte, in @ortheast )unisia,
$olloin! the "lockade o$ this #ort city "y the )unisian army and navy, a$ter the &rench
re$used to evacuate it* Due to %i0erteCs strate!ic location on the Mediterranean Sea,
&rance had ke#t its control even a$ter !rantin! inde#endence to )unisia in 19?6* )he ;-
day "attle resulted in over +44 dead and 1,;44 ounded* )he &rench $inally le$t %i0erte
on 1? Octo"er 196;*
The $andate of the -eague of 3ations
On 2uly 5E, 1951 AD, )he 3ea!ue o$ @ations ar"itrarily handed over to %ritain the
mandate to !overn the $ormer Ottoman Provinces o$ Palestine, ,ra-, and )rans/ordan,
hile &rance as !iven control o$ Syria and 3e"anon, as #er the #lan dran to
traumati0e the $ate o$ Muslim lands a$ter World War 1 and to $inally im#lant in the re!ion
the ille!al Aionist entity called ,srael*
Tataristan under 8ussian Occupation
On Octo"er 5, 1??5, :a0an, the ca#ital o$ )ataristan, as occu#ied a$ter a sie!e "y
'ussiaCs ,van the )erri"le, ho massacred as many as 114,444 Muslims, and $orci"ly
converted to Dhristianity several o$ them, a$ter destroyin! mos-ues or turnin! them into
churches* )he $all o$ )ataristan as the culmination o$ almost a century o$ sea-sa
stru!!le $or domination o$ the re!ion "y the Muslims and 'ussians* )he )artar :han
9ade!ar Mohammad as ca#tured "y the 'ussians*
%y 1?9;, all mos-ues in the area ere destroyed and 'ussia $or"ade the construction
o$ ne mos-ues, a #rohi"ition that as not li$ted until the 16th century* )oday )ataristan
is an autonomous re#u"lic ithin the 'ussian &ederation and the overhelmin! ma/ority
o$ its #eo#le are Muslims*

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