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Like youre eating an onion in a warm room

Excoriating nasal discharge, dripping like water and

making the area about the nose red and raw.
Bland and excessive eyes watering with burning, sting-
ing eyes.
The excessively painful tearing cough as if the larynx
would be torn out.
Aggravation in the evening and in a warm room. Better in
open air.
Neuralgic pains like a long thread.
Flatulent colic.
Pain in an amputated stump.

In ancient Greece, the onion was esteemed and eaten in vast quantities. One of the oldest cultivated plants, its
decongestant, diuretic, and other medicinal properties have been utilized by many cultures over the centuries. In
the Middle Ages its strong smell was thought to prevent infection, and it was hung outside houses to ward off the
plague. Onion causes the eyes and nose to water, and is used homeopathically to treat conditions that cause
the same reaction in the body such as colds and influenza. The remedy Allium cepa was proved in 1847 by Dr.
Constantine Hering.
Melancholy, anxiety, fear of pain, and dullness of mind are not uncommon in individuals who respond well to
Allium cepa, but there are no marked emotional symptoms indicative of the remedy.
Allium cepa is used primarily for the treatment of coughs and colds characterized by profuse, watery catarrh that
leaves the skin irritated and sore. Symptoms usually develop following exposure to cold weather and damp
winds (often in August). They may be associated with hay fever, especially if accompanied by sensitivity to the
scent of flowers. Allium cepa is also used to treat burning neuralgic pain that alternates from one side of the
body to the other.
Allium Cepa (Massimo) (See Liliflorae notes)
Constitutionally not for common cold or dripping nose
most of them where patients with pancreas and arthritis (unsure about arthritis)
possibly allergies that were suppressed
severe digestive problems come after these light allergic symptoms
or in children, clear evident difficult digestion then later allergy symptoms and later suppressed
and the later digesting symptoms
like liver insufficiencies
common to see diabetes
Usually pretty STOUT (per Massimo)
Politely loquacious
usually extremely loquacious
very formal and mild and polite loquaciousness
Saturating the therapeutic field
if you put too much into a solution, it cannot be dissolved any more
this means someone is over talking and trying to saturate the field
in order to impede your questions, to impede your capacity to ask tell me more
to be polite and well behaving, but avoiding the therapist asking questions that are too difficult to
Allium cepa (Onion) (All-c) Liliaceae Family
cope with
if you try to say get them to face something... very
kindly they close move back and withdraw
Sensation of a bad taste
commonly - old pathology, somewhat hysterical of a burned tongue
or mouth
Playfully Adult
playful in an adult way but an aspect of childishness
childish - a more regressive behavior
the sense of pleasure of an adult
playing is usually something somewhat childish
they could spend a fortune buying little trains and playing
this space extremely important - an area where they can recharge
(this back to the idealistic space)
for them it is important to be able to go back to this idealistic child-
hood in an intimate way, often they go by themselves
Dullness, Closed off
sensation of being really congested with a severe cold, dullness and sense of close off - a kind
of acute relapse
Cant face any loss
All-c cannot face any kind of loss, a friend, an important object, this car, this house, this tree,
strongly related to a part of my life
for them to loose something like that, could mean those emotions related to this are lost forever
like also for all-c financial loss, not for money, but for loss of image. for them if effecting family,
it is important to have this family to recover from this situation
Dreams - fear of falling, of losing a position of rank, very dark and very deep and sometimes very
Aggression can be in their dreams, stinking, rotten
an over idealization of what is important, this purity, the light
on other hand, this stinking, rotten, awful well in which they are falling

if remedy is working - they can get in touch with this rotten part

AFFINITY: mucous membranes, nose, eyes, larynx, nerves
KEYNOTES: Watery discharge like a faucet; thread-like pains
THEMES: watery discharge, thread-like pains, left sided, symptoms move from left to right side (Stuffing
up of the side of the nose, watery, acrid discharge from the left side of the nose - in another twenty-
four hours the right side is invaded.)

The Village of Allium Cepa
Everyone in the village seems to be suffering from colds or hay fever, for what a sound of sneezing and
coughing greets us from all sides as we come amongst and the community! Everyone seems to be sniffing
and blowing, with streaming eyes and noses.
We notice that the nasal discharge drips like water and is obviously excoriating judging by the red, sore -
looking noses; even the upper lips are red and raw and sore. Tears stream down the cheeks and even our
own eyes begin to sting and smart and water, though we notice that the actual tears themselves are bland and
make no red marks as they course down our cheeks.
When we talk to the inhabitants they tell us that the colds and hay fever are always worse towards evening
and worse indoors in the warmth of the house. That is why we find them strolling out of doors in the evening.
Allium cepa (Onion) (All-c) Liliaceae Family
"Why not pull up the onions?", we ask. Because they love eating raw on-
ions, they tell us; and anyway, eating a raw onion at bedtime ensures a good
night's sleep, they assure us. But those sneezes! To say they are good and
hearty sneezes would be an understatement.
These colds have a way of travelling quite rapidly down to the throat and
larynx where they settle, causing a hoarse, painful cough precipitated by a
tickle in the throat. So painful is the cough that it feels as if the larynx is being
torn out, and causes the sufferer to cringe and clutch at the throat when he
coughs. His eyes water and his head aches. He has neuralgic pains in the
head and face like a long thread of pain which may spread to the jaws and
teeth, and seems to affect the left side more than the right - the left ear, the
left eye, left side of the head and face. The headache is of a congestive na-
ture and accompanies these colds which are brought on by cold, damp winds
and in cold damp weather. Earache often adds to the discomfort, with tearing,
jerking pains extending from the eustachian tubes to the ears. All the mucous
membranes (including the bladder) feel raw and burning.
The babies in this village suffer greatly from flatulent colic, pulling up their
little legs and screaming with pain.
The humble onion in Homoeopathic attenuation is a God send to people
who suffer great pain in an amputated stump.
So we think of ALLIUM CEPA when the colds and hay fever show these signs: -
1. Excoriating nasal discharge, dripping like water and making the area about the nose red and raw.
2. Bland and excessive lachrymation with burning, stinging eyes.
3. The excessively painful tearing cough as if the larynx would be torn out.
4. Aggravation in the evening and in a warm room. Better in open air.
5. Neuralgic pains like a long thread.
6. Flatulent colic.
7. Pain in an amputated stump.

GENERALS: Coryza, with acrid nasal discharge, with bland lacrimations. Laryngeal symptoms. Neural-
gic pains, like a thin thread.
WORSE: warm rooms, evenings, spring, flowers, left side
Sensitive to smell of flowers, Mind, P, oversensitive to flowers; Sneezing, from odor of flowers
BETTER: cold rooms, open air
MENTALS: great dullness of mind, worse evenings and commencement of coryza either burning or neu-
ralgic pain that alternates from side to side
HEAD: Headache during coryza; Headache worse closing eyes. Thread-like neuralgic pains.
EYES: Profuse lacrimation, usually bland, while nasal discharge is acrid & excoriating (opposite Euphr)
NOSE: Coryza w/ acrid nasal discharge, may excoriate nose or upper lip. Profuse watery discharge, like
a faucet. Hayfever. Nasal polyps. The nasal discharge of All-c. fairly eats the hair off of the upper lip.
And there is so much congestion that the patient has a sensation of fulness in the nose,
THROAT: Severe tearing pain in larynx during cough. Hoarseness, raw throat.
GI: Desires onions. Averse to cucumbers.
URO/GENITAL: Increased secretion of urine with coryza
CHEST: Colds progress rapidly to larynx & chest.
EXTREMITIES: Neuralgic or phantom limb pain after amputation (Hyper, Am-m, Staph)
COMPARISON/ RELATIONSHIP: Sabad, Euphr, Wyeth, Arund, Sin-n
ETIOLOGY: Exposure to damp cold winds & weather; wet feet. Spring colds; hayfever. Injuries; surgical
Allium cepa (Onion) (All-c) Liliaceae Family

Allium cepa (repertory additions per MM)

MIND; ACTIVITY; desire for (36) ***
MIND; AILMENTS from; death; parents or friends, of (74) *
MIND; FEAR; depression (8) **
MIND; FEAR; pain; of (20) ***
MIND; MEMORY; weakness, loss of; grief, after (9) *
MIND; WELL; says he is, when very sick (21) **
EYE; LACHRYMATION; profuse (4) **
EYE; LACHRYMATION; profuse; hayfever during (4) ***
NOSE; CORYZA; annual, hay fever (135) ***
NOSE; SNEEZING; paroxysmal; hayfever during (9) ***
TASTE; WANTING; loss of taste (112) *
STOMACH; NAUSEA; brushing the teeth (5) *
STOMACH; THIRST; extreme (224) **
RESPIRATION; ASTHMATIC; hay asthma (71) **
GENERALITIES; DISCHARGES, secretions; offensive (13) *
GENERALITIES; FOOD and drinks; coffee; agg. (90) *
GENERALITIES; FOOD and drinks; garlic; desires (11) *

Allium cepa (Onion) (All-c) Liliaceae Family

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