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Form for Performance Evaluation (Sample 1)

Be able to discuss the following criteria for the person you are evaluat- ing. Use opinions and comments that reflect the strengths and weak- nesses of the performance. A. Group work 1. Cooperated with the group. 2. Took an active part in the group. . !ad a good attitude. ". #hared in responsibilities in getting the task completed. B. 1. 2. . Voice Used correct pronunciation of words. #poke clearly. Used ade$uate volume.

C. Bo ! 1. Used e%pressive facial e%pressions. 2. Used appropriate posture and body language. ". C#aracteri$ation 1. #tayed in character while performing. 2. &as believable while performing. . &as motivated in all actions. ". 'istened to other performers. (. )esponded to other performers. E. %verall performance 1. &as totally involved in activity. 2. )elated to other characters.

II. Form for Performance Evaluation (Sample &)

*nswer and your classmates. 1. +id the actor stay focused on his or her assignments and purpose of the presentation, +iscuss what he or she did to accomplish this. 2. !ow well did the actor pro-ect his or her voice, . &as the actor.s use of dialogue effective and clearly pronounced, /%plain. ". +id the actor use appropriate posture and body language, 0ive e%amples. (. 1n what ways was the actor believable, Be specific. 2. +id the actor skillfully handle the props 3if used4, 5. !ow poised and rela%ed was the actor, 0ive e%amples. 6. +id the actor achieve his or her purpose, Be specific. the following $uestions in evaluating yourself

III. Form for Aut#entic Evaluation (Sample ')

The following criteria are intended to help evaluate your interview with a person involved in the theatre or other performing arts. 1. &hat procedure did you use in persuading the professional to be interviewed, 2. !ow did you determine which $uestions to use, . &hat was the professional.s attitude toward his or her career, ". &hat was the professional.s attitude toward you, (. &hat were the most interesting comments that the professional made during the interview, 2. &hat surprised you about the person you interviewed, 5. &hat comments did the professional make that will be the most useful to your life, 6. &as the interview a success, &hy or why not, 7. &ould you like to interview this person again, &hy or why not, 8our teacher will discuss evaluation or criti$ue procedures as you are assigned an activity. The criti$ues will vary and should have appropriate criteria for the assignments. Brainstorming with your classmates is another e%cellent method to develop criteria for your future evaluations.

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