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496 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADJUDICATION AND REGISTRATION OF TITLES TO LANDS IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Section 1. The short title of this Act shall be The Land Registration Act. Section 2. A court is hereby established to be called the Court of Land Registration, which shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of all a lications for the registration under this Act of title to land or buildings or an interest therein within the !hili ine "slands, with ower to hear and deter#ine all $uestions arising u on such a lications, and also have jurisdiction over such other $uestions as #ay co#e before it under this Act, subject, however, to the right of a eal, as hereinafter rovided. The roceedings u on such a lications shall be roceedings in re# against the land and the buildings and i# rove#ents thereon, and the decrees shall o erate directly on the land and the buildings and i# rove#ents thereon, and vest and establish title thereto. The court shall hold its sittings in %anila, but #ay adjourn fro# ti#e to ti#e to such other laces as the ublic convenience #ay re$uire, and #ay hold sessions at any ti#e in the ca ital of any rovince. "n the city of %anila, the %unici al &oard, and in the rovinces, the rovincial boards, shall rovide suitable roo#s for the sittings of the Court of Land Registration in the sa#e building with, or convenient to, the office of the registrar of deeds, and shall rovide all necessary boo's and such rinted blan's and stationery for use in registration roceedings as #ay be ordered by the court hereby created. The court shall have jurisdiction throughout the !hili ine Archi elago, and shall always be o en, exce t on (undays and holidays established by law. "t shall be a court of record, and shall

cause to be #ade a seal, and to be sealed therewith all orders, rocess, and a ers #ade by or roceeding fro# the court and re$uiring a seal. All notices, orders, and rocess of such court #ay run into any rovince and be returnable, as the court #ay direct. The court shall fro# ti#e to ti#e #a'e general rules and for#s for rocedure, confor#ing as near as #ay be to ractice in s ecial roceedings in Courts of )irst "nstance, but subject to the ex ress rovisions of this Act and to general laws. (uch rules and for#s before ta'ing effect shall be a roved by the judges of the (u re#e Court or a #ajority thereof. "n this Act, exce t where the context re$uires a different construction, the word court shall #ean the Court of Land Registration. Section . The Civil *overnor, with the advice and consent of the !hili ine Co##ission, shall a oint two judges of the Court of Land Registration, one of who# shall be a ointed, co##issioned, and $ualified as judge of the Court of Land Registration, and the other as associate judge thereof, each of who# #ay be re#oved by the Civil *overnor, with the advice and consent of the !hili ine Co##ission, and any vacancy shall be filled in the #anner in this section rovided. (uch further associate judges of the Court of Land Registration shall be a ointed in the #anner in this section rovided, as ex erience shall rove to be necessary, but the necessity for such additional judges shall be deter#ined by act of the !hili ine Co##ission. Section 4. The authority and jurisdiction of the Court of Land Registration shall begin and ta'e effect as soon as the judges thereof are a ointed and $ualified in the #anner re$uired by law for judicial officers. The court #ay be held by a single judge, and when so held shall have all the authority and jurisdiction co##itted to said court. +ifferent sessions #ay be held at the sa#e ti#e, either in the sa#e rovince or in different rovinces, as the judges #ay decide, and they shall so arrange sessions as to insure a ro# t discharge of the

business of the court. Section !. Citations, orders of notice, and all other rocess issuing fro# the court shall be under the seal of the court and signed by the judge or cler' thereof, and shall be served in the #anner rovided for the service of rocess in the Code of !rocedure in Civil Actions and ( ecial !roceedings, and by the officers therein designated as officers of the court, unless otherwise s ecially ordered in this Act. Section 6. "n case of a vacancy in the office of judge of the Court of Land Registration, or of his absence or inability to erfor# his duties, the associate ,udge shall erfor# the# until the vacancy is filled or any disability is re#oved. Section ". The Civil *overnor, with the advice and consent of the !hili ine Co##ission, shall a oint a cler', who #ay be re#oved in the #anner rovided for the re#oval of a judge by virtue of section three, and vacancy in his office #ay be filled in the #anner in that section rovided. -e shall attend the sessions of the court and 'ee a doc'et of all causes and shall affix the seal of the court to all rocess or a ers roceeding therefro# and re$uiring a seal. Section #. The cler' shall be under the direction of the court, shall have the custody and control of all a ers and docu#ents filed with hi# under the rovisions of this Act, and shall carefully nu#ber and index the sa#e. (aid a ers and docu#ents shall be 'e t in the city of %anila, in an office to be called the Land Registration .ffice, which shall be in the sa#e building as the Court of Land Registration or near to it. Cler's shall have authority, subject to the rovisions of the Civil (ervice Law, to e# loy such de uties, assistants, translators, stenogra hers, ty ewriters, and #essengers as #ay be necessary, the nu#ber and salaries of such e# loyees to be fixed with the a roval of the Attorney *eneral.

Section 9. The cler' #ay act in the city of %anila and in any rovince, and after land has been registered under this Act he #ay #a'e all #e#oranda affecting the title, and enter and issue certificates of title as rovided herein. Section 1$. There shall be a register of deeds in the city of %anila and one in each rovince, who shall be a ointed and re#oved in the #anner rovided for the a oint#ent and re#oval of judges by section three, and who, after any land within their res ective districts has been registered under this Act, shall have the sa#e authority as the cler' of the Court of Land Registration to #a'e all #e#oranda affecting the title of such land, and to enter and issue new certificates of title as rovided herein, and to affix the seal of the court to such certificates and du licate certificates of title/ but in executing the rovisions of this Act the register of deeds shall be subject to the general direction of the cler' of the Court of Land Registration, in order to secure unifor#ity throughout the Archi elago, and their official designation shall be registers of deeds for the rovince or for the city of %anila, in which their duties are to be erfor#ed, as the case #ay be. "n case of the death or disability of the cler' of the Court of Land Registration, the register of deeds for the city of %anila shall erfor# the duties of the cler' until the vacancy is filled or the disability is re#oved. Section 11. The cler' of the Court of Land Registration and all registers of deeds shall be sworn before any official authori0ed to ad#inister oaths, and a record thereof shall be #ade in the records of the court. They shall each give a bond to the *overn#ent of the !hili ine "slands for the benefit of who# it #ay concern in a su# to be fixed by the court for the faithful erfor#ance of their official duties, before entering u on the sa#e. The judge and the associate judges, and the cler' of the Court of Land Registration and all registers of deeds, will have ower to ad#inister oaths in all #atters

and cases in which an oath is re$uired, whether ertaining to the registration of lands or otherwise. The cler' and his de uty and all registers of deeds shall 'ee an accurate account of all #oneys received, as fees or otherwise, which shall be subject to exa#ination by the Auditor for the !hili ine Archi elago in the city of %anila, and by the rovincial treasurers in the several rovinces, and to revision thereof by the Auditor for the !hili ine Archi elago, and they shall ay over such #oneys at the end of each calendar #onth to the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago, exce t such #oneys as are otherwise dis osed of by the rovisions of section thirteen of this Act. "n the case of the death, absence, or disability of any register of deeds, the assistant register, or if there is no assistant register, the erson acting as cler' in the office of register of deeds, shall erfor# the duties of the register, and the register, if living, shall be held res onsible for hi#. The cler' of the Court of Land Registration and all registers of deeds #ay re$uire bonds of inde#nity fro# all de uties, assistants, and e# loyees in their res ective offices. 1ach register of deeds #ay a oint such de uties, assistants, cler's, stenogra hers, ty ewriters, and translators and at such salaries as the rovincial board or the %unici al &oard of the city of %anila, as the case #ay be, authori0e with the a roval of the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago. Section 12. The Civil *overnor, with the advice and a roval of the !hili ine Co##ission, #ay a oint one or #ore exa#iners of titles in each of the fifteen judicial districts of the !hili ine Archi elago, who shall be lawyers, and who shall be subject to re#oval in the #anner rovided in section three, and vacancies therein #ay be filled in the #anner in that section rovided. Section 1 . The salary of the judge of the Court of Land Registration shall be five thousand dollars er annu#, that of associate judge, and of any associate judge subse$uently a ointed under this Act, shall

be four thousand dollars er annu#, and that of the cler' of the court shall be two thousand five hundred dollars er annu#. The salaries of registers of deeds and exa#iners of titles shall be fixed by act of the !hili ine Co##ission in ro ortion to the a#ount of business and res onsibility of their several offices to which a oint#ents #ay be #ade. All salaries and ex enses of the court, including those for necessary inter reters, translators, stenogra hers, ty ewriters, and other e# loyees, as well as those de uty or assistant cler's duly authori0ed and exa#iners of titles, shall be aid fro# the Treasury of the !hili ine Archi elago, but the salaries of the registers of deeds and of all de uties, assistants, or cler's duly authori0ed and by the# a ointed, and all the ex enses of every 'ind incident to the office of register of deeds, including necessary boo's and stationery, shall be aid out of the res ective rovincial treasuries or out of the "nsular Treasury fro# funds belonging to the city of %anila, as the case #ay be. All fees ayable under this Act for the services of the cler' of the Court of Land Registration and those of the exa#iner of titles, including the fee for the original a lication, for filing lans, for indexing and recording an instru#ent while a lication for registration is ending, for exa#ining title, for notices by #ail, for notices by ublication, for entry of order dis#issing a lication, or decree of registration, and sending #e#orandu# thereof to register of deeds, co y of decree of registration, filing etitions in court, and #a'ing certified co ies of decrees, shall be aid into the Treasury of the !hili ine Archi elago. All fees ayable under this Act for the services of the register of deeds or his de uty or cler's, including those for entry of original certificate of title, issuing all du licates thereof, #a'ing and entering new certificates of title and all du licates thereof, for the registration of instru#ents, #a'ing and attesting co ies of #e#orandu# on instru#ents, for filing and registering adverse clai#s, for entering state#ent of change of residence or ost office, for entering any note on registration boo', for registration of a suggestion of death or notice of roceedings in ban'ru tcy,

insolvency or the li'e, for the registration of a discharge of a lease or a #ortgage or instru#ent creating an encu#brance, for the registration of any levy or any discharge or dissolution of attach#ent or levy or of any certificate of or recei t for ay#ent of taxes or a notice of any ending action, of a judg#ent or decree, for indorsing of any #ortgage lien or other instru#ent, #e#orandu# of artition, certified co ies of registered instru#ents, shall be aid into the a ro riate rovincial treasury or into the Treasury of the !hili ine Archi elago for the city of %anila, as the case #ay be. All fees ayable under this Act for services by sheriff or other officer shall be aid to the officer entitled thereto. Registers of deeds shall ay over to the rovincial treasury or to the Treasury of the !hili ine Archi elago, as the case #ay be, at the end of each calendar #onth all funds received by the# in accordance with the rovisions of this Act. Section 14. 1very order, decision, and decree of the Court of Land Registration shall be subject to a eal to the Court of )irst "nstance of the city or rovince where the land lies, concerning which the order, decision, or decree a ealed fro# was #ade/ but the roceeding shall not ass to the Court of )irst "nstance for review u on the a eal until final deter#ination by the Court of Land Registration of the whole roceeding in which the order, decision, or decree a ealed fro# was #ade. The a eal shall be #ade and entered within thirty days fro# the date of the final order, decision, or decree, and the arty a ealing shall, at the ti#e of entering his a eal, file in the Court of )irst "nstance co ies of all #aterial a ers in the case certified by the cler'. A earances and answers shall be filed in the Court of )irst "nstance within thirty days after the a eal is entered, unless for good cause further ti#e is allowed, and u on #otion of either arty the case shall be advanced for s eedy hearing, and shall be tried by the Court of )irst "nstance as other actions are tried in that court. All co# etent testi#ony which has been ta'en in

writing before the Court of Land Registration #ay be used on the trial in the Court of )irst "nstance. 2uestions of law arising in the Court of )irst "nstance on trial of the a eal #ay be ta'en to the (u re#e Court for revisions by any arty aggrieved, in the sa#e #anner as in ordinary actions in the Court of )irst "nstance. 3henever the facts before the Court of Land Registration shall not be in dis ute, but a ure $uestion of law only is deter#inative of the decision or decree to be #ade, that court #ay, after its decision or decree therein, re ort such decision or decree directly for the consideration of the (u re#e Court with so #uch of the case as #ay be necessary for the understanding of such $uestions of law, without trans#itting the sa#e to the Court of )irst "nstance. &ut the rocedure last rovided shall not be #ade in any case where any arty desires to a eal to the Court of )irst "nstance. Section 1!. At the end of the roceedings on a eal, the cler' of the a ellate court in which the final decision was #ade shall certify to the Court of Land Registration the final decision on the a eal, and the Court of Land Registration shall enter the final decree in the case, in accordance with the certificate of the cler' of the a ellate court in which final decision was #ade. Section 16. "f the arty a ealing does not rosecute his a eal within the ti#e li#ited, the original order, decision, or decree shall stand as if no a eal had been ta'en. Section 1". The Court of Land Registration, in all #atters over which it has jurisdiction, #ay enforce its orders, judg#ents, or decrees in the sa#e #anner as orders, judg#ents, and decrees are enforced in the Courts of )irst "nstance, and, u on the re$uest of the judge of the Court of Land Registration, the governor or sheriff of any rovince or of the city of %anila, as the case #ay be, shall assign a de uty to attend the sittings of the court in that rovince or city.

Section 1#. Costs shall be taxed in contested cases in the Court of Land Registration in the sa#e #anner and for the sa#e ite#s of cost as in Court of )irst "nstance where no different rovisions is #ade. O%i&in'( Re&i)t%'tion Section 19. A lication for registration of title #ay be #ade by the following ersons, na#ely4 )irst. The erson or ersons clai#ing, singly or collectively, to own the legal estate in fee si# le. (econd. The erson or ersons clai#ing, singly or collectively, to have the ower of a ointing or dis osing of the legal estate in fee si# le. Third. "nfants or other ersons under disability #ay #a'e a lication by their legally a ointed guardians, but the erson in whose behalf the a lication is #ade shall be na#ed as a licant by the guardian. )ourth. Cor orations #ay #a'e a lication by any officer duly authori0ed by vote of the directors. &ut the authority given to the foregoing four classes of ersons is subject to the following rovisos4 a. That one or #ore tenants for a ter# of years shall not be allowed to #a'e a lication exce t jointly with those clai#ing the reversionary interest in the ro erty which #a'es u the fee si# le at co##on law. b. That a #ortgagor shall not #a'e a lication without the consent in writing of the #ortgagee. c. That a #arried wo#an shall not #a'e a lication without the consent in writing of her husband unless she holds the land as her se arate ro erty or has a ower to a oint the sa#e in fee si# le. or has obtained a decree of the court authori0ing her to deal with her real estate as though she were sole and un#arried. d. That one or #ore tenants clai#ing undivided shares less than a fee si# le in the whole land described in the a lication shall not #a'e a lication exce t jointly with the other tenant owing

undivided shares, so that the whole fee shall be re resented in the action. &ut, notwithstanding the foregoing rovisos if the holder of a #ortgage u on the land described in the a lication does not consent to the #a'ing of the a lication, it #ay be entered nevertheless and the title registered subject to such #ortgage, which #ay be dealt with or foreclosed as if the land subject to such #ortgage, describing it, and shall rovide that no subse$uent certificate shall be issued and not further a ers registered relating to such land after a foreclosure of such #ortgage. Section 2$. The a lication #ay be filed with the cler' of the Court of Land Registration, or with the register of deeds of the rovince a #e#orandu# stating that a lication for registration has been filed, and the date and lace of filing, and a co y of the descri tion of the land contained in the a lication. This #e#orandu# shall be recorded and indexed by the register with the records of deeds. 1ach register of deeds shall also 'ee an index of all a lications in his rovince or city, and, in every case where the a lication is filed with hi#, shall trans#it the sa#e, with the a ers and lans filed therewith. and such #e#orandu# when recorded, to the cler' of the Court of Land Registration. Section 21. The a lication shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by a licant, or by so#e erson duly authori0ed in his behalf. All oaths re$uired by this Act #ay be ad#inistered by any officer authori0ed to ad#inister oaths in the !hili ine "slands. "f there is #ore than one a licant, the a lication shall be signed and sworn to by and in behalf of each. "t shall contain a descri tion of the land and shall state whether the a licant, the a licant is #arried/ and if #arried, the na#e of the wife or husband/ and if #arried, whether he or she has been #arried, and if so, when and how the #arried relation ter#inated. "f by divorce, when, where, and by what court

the divorce was granted. "t shall also state the na#e in full and the address of the a licant, and also the na#es and addresses of all adjoining owners and occu ants, if 'nown/ and, if not 'nown, it shall state what search has been #ade to find the#. "t #ay be in for# as follows4 UNITED STATES OF A*ERICA+ PHILIPPINE ISLANDS To the -onorable ,udge of the Court of Land Registration4 " 5or we6, the undersigned, hereby a ly to have the land hereinafter described brought under the o erations of the Land Registration Act, and to have under the o erations of the Land Registration Act, and " have #y 5or our6 title herein registered and confir#ed. And " 5or we6 declare4 576 That " a# 5or we are6 the owner 5or owners6 in fee si# le of a certain arcel of land with the buildings 5if any/ if not, stri'e out the words with the buildings6, situated in 5here insert accurate descri tion6. 586 That said land at the last assess#ent for taxation was assessed at 99999999999999999 dollars/ and the buildings 5if any6 at 99999999999999 dollars. 5:6 That " 5or we6 do not 'now of any #ortgage or encu#brance affecting said land, or that any other erson has any estate or interest therein, legal or e$uitable, in ossession, re#ainder, reversion, or ex ectancy 5if any, add other than as follows, and set forth each clearly6. "f in any other way, state it6. 5;6 That said land is 99999999999999 occu ied 5if occu ied, state na#e in full and lace of residence and ost<office address of occu ant and nature of his occu ancy. "f unoccu ied, insert not6. 5=6 That the na#es in full and addresses as far as 'nown to #e 5or us6 of the occu ants of all lands adjoining said land are as follows 5give street and nu#ber wherever ossible. "f na#es not 'nown, state whether in$uiry has been #ade, and what in$uiry has been #ade, and in$uiry6. 5>6 That the na#es and addresses so far as 'nown to #e 5or us6 of the owners of all lands adjoining the above land are as follows 5sa#e directions as above6. 5?6 That " a#

5or we are6 #arried. 5)ollow literally the directions given in the rior ortions of this section6. 5@6 That #y 5or our6 full na#e 5or na#es6, residence, and ost<office address is 5or are6 as follows4 9999999999999999999 +ated this 999999 day of 99999999 in the year nineteen hundred and 99999999999999 5(ignature6 99999999999999999 5(chedule of docu#ents.6 UNITED STATES OF A*ERICA+ PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. !R.A"BC1 .) 5 or city of 6 99999999999999 5 date 6 Then ersonally a eared the above<na#ed 999999999999999999999, 'nown to #e to be the signer 5or signers6 of the foregoing a lication, and #ade oath that the state#ents therein, so far as #ade of his 5or their6 own 'nowledge are true, and so far as #ade u on infor#ation and belief, that he 5or they6 believe the# to be true, before #e. 999999999999999999999999999 ,ustice of the !eace 5or other officer authori0ed to ad#inister oaths6 Section 22. "f the a licant is not a resident of the !hili ine "slands, he shall file with his a lication a a er a ointing an agent residing in the !hili ine "slands, giving his na#e in full, and his ost< office address, and shall therein agree that the service of any legal rocess in roceedings under or growing out of the a lication shall be of the sa#e legal effect if served u on the agent as if u on the a licant if within the !hili ine "slands. "f the agent dies or beco#es insane, or re#oves fro# the !hili ine "slands, the a licant shall at once #a'e another a oint#ent/ and if he fails to do so, the court #ay dis#iss the a lication. Section 2 . A#end#ents to the a lication, including joinder, substitution, or discontinuing as to arties, shall be allowed by the court at any ti#e u on ter#s that are just and reasonable. &ut all

a#end#ents shall be in writing, signed and sworn to li'e the original. Section 24. The a lication #ay include two or #ore contiguous arcels of land, or two or #ore arcels constituting one holding under one and the sa#e title, if within the sa#e rovince or city. &ut two or #ore ersons clai#ing in the sa#e arcels different interests, which, collectively, #a'ing u the legal estate in fee si# le in each arcel, shall not join in one a lication for #ore than one arcel, unless their interests are ali'e in each and every arcel. The court #ay at any ti#e order an a lication to be a#ended by stri'ing out one or #ore arcels, or by severance of the a lication. Section 2!. "f the a lication described the land as bounded on a ublic or rivate way or road, it shall state whether or not the a licant clai#s any and what land within the li#its of the way or road, and whether the a licant desires to have the line of the way or road deter#ined. Section 26. The a licant shall file with the a lication a lan of the land, and all original #uni#ents of title within his control #entioned in the schedule of docu#ents, such original #uni#ents to be roduced before the exa#iner or the court at the hearing when re$uired. 3hen an a lication is dis#issed or discontinued, the a licant #ay, with the consent of the court, withdraw such original #uni#ents of title. Section 2". 3hen an a lication is #ade subject to an existing recorded #ortgage, the holder of which has consented thereto, or to a recorded lease, or when the registration is to be #ade subject to such #ortgage or lease executed after the ti#e of the a lication and before the date of the transcri tion of the decree, the a licant shall, if re$uired by the court, file a certified co y of such #ortgage or lease, and shall cause the original, or, in the discretion of the court, a

certified co y thereof to be resented for registration before the decree of registration is entered, and no registration fee shall be charged for registering such original #ortgage or lease or such certified co y. Section 2#. The court #ay by general rule re$uire facts to be stated in the a lication in addition to those rescribed by this Act, and not inconsistent therewith, and #ay re$uire the filing of any additional a ers. Section 29. After the filing of the a lication and before registration the land therein described #ay be dealt with and instru#ents relating thereto shall be recorded, in the sa#e #anner as if no a lication has been #ade, but all instru#ents left for record relating to such land shall be indexed in the usual #anner in the registry index and also in the index of a lications. As soon as an a lication is dis osed of, the cler' of the Court of Land Registration shall #a'e a #e#orandu# stating the dis osition of the case and shall send the sa#e to the register of deeds for the ro er rovince or city, who shall record and index it with the records of deeds and in the index of a lications. "f the roceedings u on the a lication end in a decree of registration of title, the land included therein shall, as soon as said decree is transcribed, as hereinafter rovided in section forty<one, beco#e registered land, and thereafter no deeds or other instru#ents relating solely to such land shall be recorded with the records of deeds, but shall be registered in the registration boo' and filed and indexed with records and docu#ents relating to registered lands. Section $. "##ediately after the filing of the a lication the court shall enter an order referring it to one of the exa#iners of titles, who shall search the records and investigate all the facts in the a lication, or otherwise brought to his attention, and file in the case a re ort thereon, concluding with a certificate of his o inion u on the title.

The cler' shall give notice to the a licant of the filing of such re ort. "f the o inion of the exa#iner is adverse to the a licant, he shall be allowed by the court a reasonable ti#e in which to elect to roceed further, or withdraw his a lication. The election shall be #ade in writing and filed with the cler'. Section 1. "f, in the o inion of the exa#iner, the a licant has a good title, as alleged, and ro er for registration, or if the a licant, after an adverse o inion of the exa#iner, elects to roceed further, the cler' of court shall, i##ediately u on the filing of the exa#inerCs o inion or the a licantCs election, as the case #ay be, cause notice of the filing of the a lication to be ublished once in two news a ers, one of which news a ers shall be rinted in the 1nglish language and one in ( anish, of general circulation in the rovince or city where any ortion of the land lies, or if there be no ( anish or 1nglish news a er of general circulation in the rovince or city where any ortion of the land lies, then it shall be a sufficient co# liance with this section if the notice of the filing of the a lication be ublished in a daily 1nglish news a er and a daily ( anish news a er of the city of %anila having a general circulation. The notice shall be issued by order of the court, attested by the cler', and shall be in for# substantially as follows4 R1*"(TRAT".B .) T"TL1 !rovince 5or city6 of 9999999999999 C.DRT .) LAB+ R1*"(TRAT".B To 5here insert the na#es of all ersons a earing to have an interest and the adjoining owners so far as 'nown6, and to all who# it #ay concern4 3hereas an a lication has been resented to said court by 5na#e or na#es, and addresses in full6 to register and confir# his 5or their6 title in the following<described lands 5insert descri tion6, you are hereby cited to a ear at the Court of Land Registration, to be held

at, 99999999999999 in said !rovince 5or city6 of 99999999999, on the 9999999 day of 99999999999999999, A.+. nineteen hundred and, 999999999999999 at 99999 oCcloc' in the forenoon, to show cause, if any you have, why the rayer of said a lication shall not be granted. And unless you a ear at such court, at the ti#e and lace aforesaid, your default will be recorded and the said a lication will be ta'en as confessed, and you will be forever barred fro# contesting said a lication or any decree entered thereon. 3itness4 999999999999, judge of said court, this 999999 day of 9999999, in the year nineteen hundred and 99999999999. Attest4 9999999999999999999 Cler' of (aid Court. Section 2. The return of said notice shall not be less than twenty nor #ore than sixty days fro# date of issue. The court shall also, within seven days after the ublication of said notice in the news a ers, as hereinbefore rovided, cause a co y of the ublication in ( anish to be #ailed by the cler' to every erson na#ed therein whose address is 'nown. The court shall also cause a duly<attested co y of the notice to be osted, in the ( anish language, in a cons icuous lace on each arcel of land included in the a lication, and also in a cons icuous lace u on the chief #unici al building of the ueblo in which the land or a ortion thereof is situated, by the governor or sheriff of the rovince or city, as the case #ay be, or by his de uty, fourteen days at least before the return day thereof, and his return shall be conclusive roof of such service. "f the a licant re$uests to have the line of a ublic way deter#ined, the court shall order a notice to be given by the cler' by #ailing a registered letter to the resident of the #unici al council, or to the %unici al &oard, as the case #ay be, of the #unici ality or city in which the land lies. "f the land borders on a river, navigable strea#, or shore, or on an ar# of the sea where a river or harbor line has

been established, or on a la'e, or if it otherwise a ears fro# the a lication or the roceedings that the "nsular *overn#ent #ay have a clai# adverse to that of the a licant, notice shall be<given in the sa#e #anner to the Attorney<*eneral. The court #ay also cause other or further notice of the a lication to be given in such #anner and to such ersons as it #ay dee# ro er. The court shall, so far as it dee#s it ossible, re$uire roof of actual notice to all adjoining owners and to all ersons who a ear to have interest in or clai# to the land included in the a lication. Botice to such ersons by #ail shall be by registered letter if racticable. The certificate of the cler' that he has served the notice as directed by the court, by ublishing or #ailing, shall be filed in the case before the return day, and shall be conclusive roof of such service. Section . D on the return day of the notice, and roof of service of all orders of notice issued, the court #ay a oint a disinterested erson to act as guardian ad lite# for #inors and ersons not in being, unascertained, un'nown, or out of the !hili ine "slands, who #ay have an interest. The co# ensation of the guardian or agent shall be deter#ined by the court and aid as art of the ex enses of the Court. Section 4. Any erson clai#ing interest, whether na#ed in the notice or not, #ay a ear and file an answer on or before the return day, or within such further ti#e as #ay be allowed by the court. The answer shall state all the objections to the a lication, and shall set forth the interest clai#ed by the arty filing the sa#e, and shall be signed and sworn to by hi# or by so#e erson in his behalf. Section !. "f no erson a ears and answers within the ti#e allowed, the court #ay at once u on #otion of the a licant, no reason to the contrary a earing, order a general default to be recorded and the a lication to be ta'en for confessed. &y the

descri tion in the notice, To all who# it #ay concern, all the world are #ade arties defendant and shall be concluded by the default and order. After such default and order the court #ay enter a decree confir#ing the title of the a licant and ordering registration of the sa#e. The court shall not be bound by the re ort of the exa#iner of titles, but #ay re$uire other and further roof. Section 6. "f in any case an a earance is entered and answer filed, the case shall be set down for hearing on #otion of either arty, but a default and order shall be entered against all ersons who do not a ear and answer, in the #anner rovided in the receding section. The court #ay hear the arties and their evidence or #ay refer the case or any art thereof to one of the exa#iners of title, as referee, to hear the arties and their evidence, and #a'e re ort thereon to the court. The trial before the referee #ay occur at any convenient lace within the rovince or city, and the ti#e and lace of trial shall be fixed by the referee and reasonable notice thereof shall be given by hi# to the arties. The court shall render judg#ent in accordance with the re ort as though the facts had been found by the judge hi#self, unless the court shall for cause shown set the re ort aside or order it to be reco##itted to the referee for further finding4 !rovided, nevertheless, That the court #ay in its discretion acce t the re ort in art or set it aside in art. The court #ay in any case before decree re$uire a survey to be #ade for the ur ose of deter#ining boundaries, and #ay order durable bounds to be set, and referred to in the a lication, by a#end#ent. The ex ense of survey and bounds shall be taxed in the costs of the case and #ay be a ortioned a#ong the arties as justice #ay re$uire. "f no ersons a ear to o ose the a lication, such ex ense shall be borne by the a licant. "f two or #ore a lications clai# the sa#e land, or art of the sa#e land, the court #ay order the hearing u on all such a lications to be consolidated, if such consolidation is in the interest of econo#y of ti#e and ex ense.

Section ". "f in any case the court finds that the a licant has not ro er title for registration, a decree shall be entered dis#issing the a lication, and such decree #ay be ordered to be without rejudice. The a licant #ay withdraw his a lication at any ti#e before final decree, u on ter#s to be fixed by the court. Section #. "f the court after hearing finds that the a licant has title as stated in his a lication, and ro er for registration, a decree of confir#ation and registration shall be entered. 1very decree of registration shall bind the land, and $uiet title thereto, subject only to the exce tions stated in the following section. "t shall be conclusive u on and against all ersons, including the "nsular *overn#ent and all the branches thereof, whether #entioned by na#e in the a lication, notice, or citation, or included in the general descri tion To all who# it #ay concern. (uch decree shall not be o ened by reason of the absence, infancy, or other disability of any erson affected thereby, nor by any roceeding in any court for reversing judg#ents or decrees/ subject, however, to the right of any erson de rived of land or of any estate or interest therein by decree of registration obtained by fraud to file in the Court of Land Registration a etition for review within one year after the entry of the decree, rovided no innocent urchaser for value has ac$uired an interest. "f there is any such urchaser, the decree of registration shall not be o ened, but shall re#ain in full force and effect forever, subject only to the right of a eal hereinbefore rovided. &ut any erson aggrieved by such decree in any case #ay ursue his re#edy by action for da#ages against the a licant or any other erson for fraud in rocuring the decree. 3henever the hrase innocent urchaser for value or an e$uivalent hrase occurs in this Act, it shall be dee#ed to include an innocent lessee, #ortgagee, or other encu#brancer for value. Section 9. 1very a licant receiving a certificate of title in

ursuance of a decree of registration, and every subse$uent urchaser of registered land who ta'es a certificate of title for value in good faith, shall hold the sa#e free of all encu#brance exce t those noted on said certificate, and any of the following incu#brances which #ay be subsisting, na#ely4 )irst. Liens, clai#s, or rights arising or existing under the laws or Constitution of the Dnited (tates or of the !hili ine "slands which the statutes of the !hili ine "slands can not re$uire to a ear of record in the registry. (econd. Taxes within two years after the sa#e have beco#e due and ayable. Third. Any ublic highway, way, or rivate way established by law, where the certificate of title does not state that the boundaries of such highway or way have been deter#ined. &ut if there are ease#ents or other rights a urtenant to a arcel of registered land which for any reason have failed to be registered, such ease#ents or rights shall re#ain so a urtenant notwithstanding such failure, and shall be held to ass with the land until cut off or extinguished by the registration of the servient estate, or in any other #anner. Section 4$. 1very decree of registration shall bear the day of the year, hour, and #inute of its entry, and shall be signed by the cler'. "t shall state whether the owner is #arried or un#arried, and if #arried, the na#e of the husband or wife. "f the owner is under disability, it shall state the nature of the disability, and if a #inor, shall state his age. "t shall contain a descri tion of the land as finally deter#ined by the court, and shall set forth the estate of the owner, and also, in such #anner as to show their relative riority, all articular estates, #ortgages, ease#ents, liens, attach#ents, and other incu#brances, including rights of husband or wife, if any, to which the land or ownerCs estate is subject, and #ay contain any other #atter ro erly to be deter#ined in ursuance of this Act. The decree shall be stated in a convenient for# for transcri tion u on the certificates of title

hereinafter #entioned. Section 41. "##ediately u on the entry of the decree of registration the cler' shall send a certified co y thereof, under the seal of the court to the register of deeds for the rovince, or rovinces or city in which the land lies, and the register of deeds shall transcribe the decree in a boo' to be called the Registration &oo', in which a leaf, or leaves, in consecutive order, shall be devoted exclusively to each title. The entry #ade by the register of deeds in this boo' in each case shall be the original certificate of title, and shall be signed by hi# and sealed with the seal of the court. All certificates of title shall be nu#bered consecutively, beginning with nu#ber one. The register of deeds in each case #a'e an exact du licate of the original certificate, including the seal, but utting on it the words ownerCs du licate certificate, and deliver the sa#e to the owner or to his attorney duly authori0ed. "n case of a variance between the ownerCs du licate certificate and the original certificate the original shall revail. The certified co y of the decree of registration shall be filed and nu#bered by the register of deeds with a reference noted on it to the lace of record of the original certificate of title4 !rovided, however, That when an a lication includes land lying in #ore than one rovince or one rovince and the city of %anila, the court shall cause the art lying in each rovince or in the city of %anila to be described se arately by #etes and bounds in the decree of registration, and the cler' shall send to the register of deeds for each rovince, or the city of %anila, as the case #ay be, a co y of the decree containing a descri tion of the land within that rovince or city, and the register of deeds shall register the sa#e and issue an ownerCs du licate therefor, and thereafter for all #atters ertaining to registration under this Act the ortion in each rovince or city shall be treated as a se arate arcel of land. Section 42. The certificate first registered in ursuance of the decree

of registration in regard to any arcel of land shall be entitled in the registration boo', original certificate of title, entered ursuant to decree of the Court of Land Registration, dated at 5stating the ti#e and lace of entry of decree and the nu#ber of case6. This certificate shall ta'e effect u on the date of the transcri tion of the decree. (ubse$uent certificates relating to the sa#e land shall be in li'e for#, but shall be entitled Transfer fro# nu#ber 5the nu#ber of the next revious certificate relating to the sa#e land6, and also the words .riginally registered 5date, volu#e, and age of registration6. Section 4 . 3here two or #ore ersons are registered owners, as tenants in co##on, or otherwise, one ownerCs du licate certificate #ay be issued for the whole land, or a se arate du licate #ay be issued to each for his undivided share. Section 44. A registered owner holding one du licate certificate for several distinct arcels of land #ay surrender it, with the a roval of the court, and ta'e out several certificates for ortions thereof. (o a registered owner holding se arate certificates for several distinct arcels #ay surrender the#, and, with li'e a roval, ta'e out a single du licate certificate for the whole land, or several certificates for the different ortions thereof. Any owner subdividing a tract of registered land into lots shall file with the cler' a lan of such land, when a lying for a new certificate or certificates, and the court, before issuing the sa#e, shall cause the lan to be verified and re$uire that all boundaries, streets, and assageways shall be distinctly and accurately delineated thereon. Section 4!. The obtaining of a decree of registration and the entry of a certificate of title shall be regarded as an agree#ent running with the land, and binding u on the a licant and all successors in title that the land shall be and always re#ain registered land, and subject to the rovisions of this Act and all Acts a#endatory thereof.

Section 46. Bo title to registered land in derogation to that of the registered owner shall be ac$uired by rescri tion or adverse ossession. Section 4". The original certificate in the registration boo', any co y thereof duly certified under the signature of the cler', or of the register of deeds of the rovince or city where the land is situated, and the seal of the court, and also the ownerCs du licate certificate, shall be received as evidence in all the courts of the !hili ine "slands and shall be conclusive as to all #atters contained therein exce t as far as otherwise rovided in this Act. Section 4#. 1very certificate of title shall set forth the na#es of all the ersons interested in the estate in fee si# le in the whole land and du licate certificates #ay be issued to each erson, but the cler' or register of deeds, as the case #ay be, shall note in the registration boo', and u on such certificate, to who# such du licate was issued. Section 49. The cler', under the direction of the court, shall #a'e and 'ee indexes of all a lications, of all decrees of registration, and shall also index and classify all a ers and instru#ents filed in his office relating to a lications and to registered titles. -e shall also, under direction of the court, cause for#s of index and registration and entry boo's to be re ared for use of the registers of deeds. The court shall re are and ado t convenient for#s of certificates of title, and shall also ado t general for#s of #e#oranda to be used by registers of deeds in registering co##on for#s of deeds of conveyance and other instru#ents, and to ex ress briefly their effect. Vo(,nt'%- De'(in& .it/ L'n0 '1te% O%i&in'( Re&i)t%'tion Section !$. An owner of registered land #ay convey, #ortgage, lease, charge, or otherwise deal with the sa#e as fully as if it had not

been registered. -e #ay use for#s of deeds, #ortgages leases, or other voluntary instru#ents li'e those now in use and sufficient in law for the ur ose intended. &ut no deed, #ortgage, lease, or other voluntary instru#ent, exce t a will, ur orting to convey or affect registered land, shall ta'e effect as a conveyance or bind the land, but shall o erate only as a contract between the arties and as evidence of authority to the cler' or register of deeds to #a'e registration. The act of registration shall be the o erative act to convey and affect the land, and in all cases under this Act the registration shall be #ade in the office of register of deeds for the rovince or rovinces or city where the land lies. Section !1. 1very conveyance, #ortgage, lease, lien, attach#ent, order, decree, instru#ent, or entry affecting registered land which would under existing laws, or recorded, filed, or entered in the office of the register of deeds, affect the real estate to which it relates shall, if registered, filed, or entered in the office of the register of deeds in the rovince or city where the real estate to which such instru#ent relates lies, be notice to all ersons fro# the ti#e of such registering, filing, or entering. Section !2. Bo new certificate shall be entered or issued u on any transfer of registered land which does not divest the land in fee si# le fro# the owner or fro# so#e one of the registered owners. All interests in registered land less than an estate in fee si# le shall be registered by filing with the register of deeds the instru#ent creating or transferring or clai#ing such interest and by a brief #e#orandu# thereof #ade by the register of deeds u on the certificate of title, signed by hi#. A si#ilar #e#orandu# shall also be #ade on the ownerCs du licate. The cancellation or extinguish#ent of such interests shall be registered in the sa#e #anner. Section ! . 3here the register of deeds is in doubt u on any

$uestion of law, or where any arty in interest does not agree as to the ro er #e#orandu# to be #ade in ursuance of any deed, #ortgage, or other voluntary instru#ent resented for registration, the $uestion shall be referred to the court for decision, either on the certificate of the register of deeds stating the $uestion u on which he is in doubt or u on the suggestion in writing of any arty in interest/ and the court, after notice to all arties and hearing, shall enter an order rescribing the for# of #e#orandu# to the register of deeds to #a'e registration in accordance therewith. Section !4. 1very deed or other voluntary instru#ent resented for registration shall contain or have indorsed u on it the full na#e, lace of residence, and ost<office address of the grantee or other erson ac$uiring or clai#ing such interest under such instru#ent, and every such instru#ent shall also state whether the grantee is #arried or un#arried, and, if #arried, give the na#e in full of the husband or wife. Any change in the residence or ost<office address of such erson shall be indorsed by the register of deeds on the original instru#ent, on receiving a sworn state#ent of such change. All na#es and addresses shall also be entered u on all certificates. Botices and rocess in relation to registered land in ursuance of this Act #ay be served u on any erson in interest by #ailing the sa#e to the address so given, and shall be binding whether such erson resides within or without the !hili ine "slands, but the court #ay, in its discretion, re$uire further or other notice to be given in any case, if in its o inion the interests of justice so re$uire. Section !!. Bo new certificate of title shall be entered, no #e#orandu# shall be #ade u on any certificate of title by the cler', or by any register of deeds, in ursuance of any deed or other voluntary instru#ent, unless the ownerCs du licate certificate is resented for such indorse#ent, exce t in cases ex ressly rovided for in this Act, or u on the order of the court, for cause shown/ and

whenever such order is #ade, a #e#orandu# thereof shall be entered u on the new certificate of title and u on the ownerCs du licate. The roduction of the ownerCs du licate certificate whenever any voluntary instru#ent is resented for registration shall be conclusive authority fro# the registered owner to the cler' or register of deeds to enter a new certificate or to #a'e a #e#orandu# of registration in accordance with such instru#ent, and the new certificate or #e#orandu# shall be binding u on the registered owner and u on all ersons clai#ing under hi#, in favor of every urchaser for value and in good faith4 !rovided, however, That in all cases of registration rocured by fraud the owner #ay ursue all his legal and e$uitable re#edies against the arties to such fraud, without rejudice, however, to the rights of any innocent holder for value of a certificate of title4 And rovided further, That after the transcri tion of the decree of registration on the original a lication, any subse$uent registration under this Act rocured by the resentation of a forged du licate certificate, or of a forged deed or other instru#ent, shall be null and void. "n case of the loss or theft of an ownerCs du licate certificate, notice shall be sent by the owner or by so#eone in his behalf to the register of deeds of the rovince in which the land, lies as soon as the loss or theft is discovered. Section !6. 1ach register of deeds shall 'ee an entry boo' in which he shall enter in the order of their rece tion all deeds and other voluntary instru#ents, and all co ies of writs and other rocess filed with hi# relating to registered land. -e shall note in such boo' the year #onth, day, hour, and #inute of rece tion of all instru#ents, in the order in which they are received. They shall be regarded as registered fro# the ti#e so noted, and the #e#orandu# of each instru#ent when #ade on the certificate of title to which it refers shall bear the sa#e date. 1very deed or other instru#ent, whether voluntary or involuntary, so

filed with the cler' or register of deeds shall be nu#bered and indexed, and indorsed with a reference to the ro er certificate of title. All records and a ers relating to registered land in the office of the cler' or of any register of deeds shall be o en to the ublic, subject to such reasonable regulations as the cler', under the direction of the court, #ay #a'e. +u licates of all deeds and voluntary instru#ents filed and registered #ay be resented with the originals, and shall be attested and sealed by the cler' of the register of deeds, and indorsed with the file nu#ber and other #e#oranda on the originals, and #ay be ta'en away by the erson resenting the sa#e. Certified co ies of all instru#ents filed and registered #ay also be obtained at any ti#e, u on the ay#ent of the fees of the register of deeds. Con2e-'nce in Fee Section !". An owner desiring to convey in fee his registered land or any ortion thereof shall execute a deed of conveyance, in which the grantor or grantee #ay resent to the register of deeds in the rovince where the land lies. The grantorCs du licate certificate shall be roduced and resented at the sa#e ti#e. The register of deeds shall thereu on, in accordance with the rules and instructions of the court, #a'e out in the registration boo' a new certificate of title to the grantee, and shall re are and deliver to hi# an ownerCs du licate certificate. The register of deeds shall note u on the original and du licate certificates the date of transfer, the volu#e and age of the registration boo' where the new certificate is registered, and a reference by nu#ber to the last rior certificate. The grantorCs du licate certificate shall be surrendered, and the word canceled sta# ed u on it. The original certificate shall also be sta# ed canceled. The deed of conveyance shall be filed and indorsed with the nu#ber and lace of registration of the certificate of title of the

land conveyed. Section !#. 3hen a deed in fee is for a art only of the land described in a certificate of title, the register of deeds shall also enter a new certificate and issue an ownerCs du licate to the grantor for the art of the land not included in the deed. "n every case of transfer the new certificate or certificates shall include all the land described in the original and surrendered certificates4 !rovided, however, That no new certificate to a grantee of a art only of the land shall be invalid by reason of the failure of the register of deeds to enter a new certificate to the grantor for the re#aining unconveyed ortion4 And rovided further, That in case the land described in a certificate of title is divided into lots, designated by nu#bers or letters, with #easure#ents of all the bounds, and a lan of said land has been filed with the cler' and verified ursuant to section forty<four of this Act, and a certified co y thereof is recorded in the registration boo' with the original certificate, when the original owner #a'es a deed of transfer, enter on the original certificate and on the ownerCs du licate certificate a #e#orandu# of such deed of transfer, with a reference to the lot or lots thereby conveyed as designated on such lan, and that the certificate is canceled as to such lot or lots/ and every certificate with such #e#orandu# shall be effectual for the ur ose of showing the grantorCs title to the re#ainder of the land not conveyed as if the old certificate had been canceled and a new certificate of such land had been entered/ and such rocess #ay be re eated so long as there is convenient s ace u on the original certificate and the ownerCs du licate certificate for #a'ing such #e#orandu# of sale of lots. Section !9. "f at the ti#e of any transfer there a ear u on the registration boo' encu#brances or clai#s adverse to the title of the registered owner, they shall be stated in the new certificate or certificates exce t so far as they #ay be si#ultaneously released or

discharged. *o%t&'&e) Section 6$. The owner of registered land #ay #ortgage the sa#e by executing a #ortgage deed, and such deed #ay be assigned, extended <discharged, released, in whole or in art, or otherwise dealt with by the #ortgagee by any for# of deed or instru#ent sufficient in law for the ur ose. &ut such #ortgage deed, and all instru#ents assigning extending, discharging, and otherwise dealing with the #ortgage, shall be registered, and shall ta'e effect u on the title only fro# the ti#e of registration. Section 61. Registration of a #ortgage shall be #ade in the #anner following, to wit4 The ownerCs du licate certificate shall be resented to the register of deeds with the #ortgage deed, and he shall enter u on the original certificate of title and also u on the ownerCs du licate certificate a #e#orandu# of the ur ort of the #ortgage deed, the ti#e of filing and the file nu#ber of the deed, and shall sign the #e#orandu#. -e shall also note u on the #ortgage deed the ti#e of filing and a reference to the volu#e and age of the registration boo' where it is registered. The register of deeds shall also, at the re$uest of the #ortgagee, #a'e out and deliver to hi# a du licate of the certificate of title, li'e the ownerCs du licate, exce t that the words #ortgageeCs du licate shall be sta# ed u on it in large letters diagonally across its face. A #e#orandu# of the issue of the #ortgageeCs du licate shall be #ade u on the original certificate of title. Section 62. 3henever a #ortgage u on which a #ortgageeCs du licate has been issued is assigned, extended, or otherwise dealt with, the #ortgageeCs du licate shall be resented with the instru#ent assigning, extending, or otherwise dealing with the

#ortgage, and a #e#orandu# of the instru#ent shall be #ade u on the #ortgageeCs du licate certificate. 3hen the #ortgage is discharged or otherwise extinguished the #ortgageeCs du licate certificate shall be surrendered and sta# ed canceled. The roduction of the #ortgagee s du licate certificate shall be conclusive authority to register the instru#ent therewith resented, subject, however, to all the rovisions and exce tions contained in section fifty<five of this Act so far as the sa#e are a licable. A #ortgage on registered land #ay also be discharged, by the #ortgagee in erson, on the registration boo', by indorsing u on the original certificate of title and u on the ownerCs du licate certificate a #e#orandu# stating that the #ortgage has been satisfied and is discharged, together with the date of such entry, signed by the #ortgagee, and such discharge shall be attested by the register of deeds, the #ortgageeCs du licate certificate being at the sa#e ti#e surrendered and sta# ed canceled. Section 6 . %ortgages of registered land #ay be foreclosed in the #anner rovided in the Code of !rocedure in Civil Actions and ( ecial !roceedings. A certified co y of the final decree of the court confir#ing the sale under foreclosure roceedings #ay be filed with the register of deeds after the ti#e for a ealing therefro# has ex ired, and the urchaser shall thereu on be entitled to the entry of a new certificate and to the issuance of a new ownerCs du licate certificate, a #e#orandu# thereof being at the sa#e ti#e li'ewise indorsed u on the #ortgagorCs original certificate and the #ortgageeCs du licate, if any, being first delivered u and canceled4 !rovided, however, That nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to revent the #ortgagor or other erson interested fro# directly i# eaching by any ro er legal roceedings any foreclosure roceedings affecting registered land, rior to the entry of a new certificate of title.

Le')e) Section 64. Leases of registered land shall be registered in the #anner rovided in section fifty<two of this Act, in lieu of recording. A lesseeCs du licate certificate #ay be issued to the lessee u on his re$uest, subject to the rovisions hereinbefore #ade in regard to a #ortgageeCs du licate certificate, so far as the sa#e are a licable. T%,)t) Section 6!. 3henever a deed or other instru#ent is filed for the ur ose of transferring registered land in trust, or u on any e$uitable condition or li#itation ex ressed therein, or for the ur ose of creating or declaring a trust or other e$uitable interest in such land without transfer, the articulars of the trust, condition, li#itation, or other e$uitable interest shall not be entered on the certificate/ but a #e#orandu# thereof shall be by the words in trust, or u on condition, or other a t words, and by a reference by nu#ber to the instru#ent authori0ing or creating the sa#e. A si#ilar #e#orandu# shall be #ade u on the du licate certificate. The register of deeds shall note u on the original instru#ent creating or declaring the trust or other e$uitable interest a reference by nu#ber to the certificate of title to which it relates, and to the volu#e and age in the registration boo' where it is registered. "f the instru#ent creating or declaring trust or other e$uitable interest is already recorded in the land register of the !hili ine "slands, a certified co y #ay be filed by the register of deeds and registered. Section 66. "f the instru#ent creating or declaring a trust or other e$uitable interest contains an ex ress ower to sell, #ortgage, or deal with the land in any #anner, such ower shall be stated in the certificate of title by the words with ower to sell, or with ower to #ortgage, and by a t words of descri tion in case of other owers.

Bo instru#ent transferring, #ortgaging, or in any way dealing with registered land held in trust shall be registered, unless the ower thereto enabling is ex ressly conferred in the instru#ent of trust, or unless the decree of a court of co# etent jurisdiction has construed the instru#ent in favor of such ower, in which case a certified co y of such decree #ay be filed with the register of deeds, and he shall #a'e registration in accordance therewith. Section 6". 3hen a new trustee of registered land is a ointed by a court of co# etent jurisdiction, a new certificate shall be entered to hi# u on resentation to the register of deeds of a certified co y of the decree and the surrender and cancellation of the du licate certificate. Section 6#. 3hoever clai#s an interest in registered land by reason of any i# lied or constructive trust shall file for registration a state#ent thereof with the register of deeds. The state#ent shall contain a descri tion of the land, and a reference to the nu#ber of the certificate of title and the volu#e and age of the registration boo' where it is entered. (uch clai# shall not affect the title of a urchaser for value and in good faith before its registration. Section 69. Any trustee shall have authority to file an a lication for registration of any land held in trust by hi#, unless ex ressly rohibited by the instru#ent creating the trust. Legal "ncidents of Registered Land Section "$. Registered land, and ownershi therein, shall in all res ects be subject to the sa#e burdens and incidents attached by law to unregistered land. Bothing contained in this Act shall in any way be construed to relieve registered land or the owners thereof fro# any rights incident to the relation of husband and wife, or fro# liability to attach#ent on #esne rocess or levy on execution, or fro#

liability to any lien of any descri tion established by law on land and the buildings thereon, or the interest of the owner in such land or buildings, or to change the laws of descent, or the rights of artition between co arceners, joint tenants and other cotenants, or the right to ta'e the sa#e by e#inent do#ain, or to relieve such land fro# liability to be a ro riated in any lawful #anner for the ay#ent of debts, or to change or affect in any other way any other rights or liabilities created by law and a licable to unregistered land, exce t as otherwise ex ressly rovided in this Act or in the a#end#ents hereof. Att'c/3ent) 'n0 Ot/e% Lien) Section "1. "n every case where a writing of any descri tion or a co y of any writ is re$uired by law to be filed or recorded in the registry of deeds in order to create or reserve any lien, right, or attach#ent u on unregistered land, such writing or co y when intended to affect registered land, in lieu of recording, shall be filed and registered in the office of the register of deeds for the rovince in which the land lies, and, in addition to any articulars re$uired in such a ers for recording with records of deeds, shall also contain a reference to the nu#ber of the certificate of title of the land to be affected, and the volu#e and age in the registration boo' where the certificate is registered, and also, if the attach#ent, right, or lien is not clai#ed on all the land in any certificate of title, a descri tion sufficiently accurate for identification of the land intended to be affected. Section "2. "n every case where an attach#ent or other lien or adverse clai# of any descri tion is registered, and the du licate certificate is not resented at the ti#e of registration to the register of deeds, he shall within twenty<four hours thereafter send notice by #ail to the registered owner, stating that such a er has been

registered, and re$uesting hi# to send or roduce the du licate certificate in order that a #e#orandu# of the attach#ent or other lien or adverse clai# shall be #ade thereon. "f the owner neglects or refuses to co# ly within a reasonable ti#e the register of deeds shall suggest the fact to the court, and the court, after notice shall enter an order to the owner to roduce his certificate at a ti#e and lace to be na#ed therein, and #ay enforce the order by suitable rocess. Section " . Attach#ent on #esne rocess and liens of every descri tion u on registered land shall be continued, reduced, discharged, and dissolved by any #ethod sufficient in law to continue, reduce, discharge or dissolve li'e liens on unregistered land. All certificates or other instru#ents which are er#itted or re$uired by law to be recorded in the registry of deeds to give effect to the continuance, reduction, discharge, or dissolution of attach#ents or other liens on unregistered lands, or to give notice of such continuance, reduction, discharge, or dissolution, shall in the case of li'e liens on registered land be filed with the register of deeds and registered in the registration boo', in lieu of recording. Section "4. All the rovisions of law now in force relating to attach#ents of real estate and leasehold estates on #esne rocess shall a ly to registered land, exce t that the duties re$uired to be erfor#ed by the resent recording officer shall be erfor#ed by the register of deeds for the rovince where the land lies, who, in lieu of recording, shall register the facts heretofore re$uired to be recorded, and for that ur ose shall 'ee suitable boo's. Section "!. The na#e and address of the laintiffCs lawyer shall in all cases be indorsed on the writ or rocess where an attach#ent is #ade, and he shall be dee#ed to be the attorney of the laintiff until written notice that he has ceased to be such shall be filed for registration by the laintiff.

Section "6. 3henever an attach#ent on #esne rocess is continued, reduced, dissolved, or otherwise affected by an order, decision, or judg#ent of the court in which the action or roceeding in which said attach#ent was #ade is ending, or by the order of any judge or court having jurisdiction thereof, a certificate of the entry of such order, decision, or judg#ent fro# the cler' of the court or judge by which such order, decision, or judg#ent has been rendered and under the seal of the court or judge, shall be entitled to be registered on resentation to the register of deeds. Section "". A lien of any descri tion on registered land shall be enforced in the sa#e #anner as li'e liens u on unregistered land. 3henever registered land is sold on execution, or ta'en or sold for taxes or for any assess#ent, or to enforce a lien of any character, or for any costs and charges incident to such liens, any execution or co y of execution, any officerCs return, or any deed, de#and, certificate, or affidavit, or other instru#ent #ade in the course of roceedings to enforce such liens and re$uired by law to be recorded in the registry of deeds in the case of unregistered land, shall be filed with the register of deeds for the rovince where the land lies and registered in the registration boo', and a #e#orandu# #ade u on the ro er certificate of title, in each case, as an adverse clai# or encu#brance. Section "#. D on the ex iration of the ti#e, if any, allowed by law for rede# tion after registered land has been sold on any execution, or ta'en or sold for the enforce#ent of any lien of any descri tion, the erson clai#ing under the execution or under any deed or other instru#ent #ade in the course of the roceedings to levy such execution or enforce any lien, #ay etition the court for the entry of a new certificate to hi#, and the a lication #ay be granted4 !rovided, however, That every new certificate entered under this section shall contain a #e#orandu# of the nature of the roceeding on which it is

based4 !rovided further, That at any ti#e rior to the entry of a new certificate the registered owner #ay ursue all his lawful re#edies to i# each or annul roceedings under executions or to enforce liens of any descri tion. Pen0in& S,it)+ J,0&3ent)+ Dec%ee) 'n0 P'%tition) Section "9. Bo action to recover ossession of real estate, or to $uiet the title thereto, or to re#ove clouds u on the title thereof, or for artition of other roceeding of any 'ind in court affecting the title to real estate or the use and occu ation thereof or the buildings thereon, and no judg#ent or decree, and no roceeding to vacate or reverse any judg#ent or decree, shall have any effect u on registered land as against ersons other than the arties thereto, unless a #e#orandu# stating the institution of such action or roceeding and the court wherein the sa#e is ending, and the date of the institution thereof, containing also a reference to the nu#ber of the certificate of title of the land affected and the volu#e and age of the registration boo' where it is entered, shall be filed and registered. This section shall not a ly to attach#ents, levies of execution, or to roceedings for the robate of wills, or for ad#inistration of the estates of deceased ersons in the Court of )irst "nstance4 !rovided, however, That in case notice of the endency of the action has been duly registered it shall be sufficient to register the judg#ent or decree in such action within sixty days after the rendition thereof. Section #$. At any ti#e after final judg#ent or decree in favor of the defendant, or other dis osition of the action such as to ter#inate finally all rights of the laintiff in and to the land and buildings involved, in any case in which a #e#orandu# has been registered as rovided in the receding section, a certificate of the cler' of the court in which the action or roceeding was ending stating the #anner of dis osal thereof shall be entitled to registration.

Section #1. 3henever in any action to recover the ossession or ownershi of real estate or any interest therein affecting registered land judg#ent is entered for the laintiff, such judg#ent shall be entitled to registration on resentation of a certificate of the entry thereof fro# the cler' of the court where the action is ending to the register of deeds for the rovince where the land lies, who shall enter a #e#orandu# u on the certificate of title of the land to which such judg#ent relates. "f the judg#ent does not a ly to all the land described in the certificate of title, the certificate of the cler' of the court where the action is ending and the #e#orandu# entered by the register of deeds shall contain a descri tion of the land affected by the judg#ent. Section #2. 3hen in any action to recover the ossession or title of real estate or an interest therein execution has been issued directing the officer to lace the laintiff in ossession of the land affected by the judg#ent on which the execution was issued, the officer shall cause an attested co y of the execution, with a return of his doings thereon, to be filed and registered within three #onths after the service, and before the return of the execution into the office of the cler' whence it issued, and the laintiff, in case the judg#ent was that he was entitled to an estate in fee si# le in the de#anded re#ises or in any art thereof, and for which execution issued, shall thereu on be entitled to the entry of a new certificate of title and to a cancellation or the certificate and ownerCs du licate certificate of the for#er registered owner. "f the for#er registered owner neglects or refuses within a reasonable ti#e after re$uest to roduce his du licate certificate in order that the sa#e #ay be canceled, the court on a lication and after notice shall enter an order to the owner to roduce his certificate at the ti#e and lace na#ed therein, and #ay enforce the order by suitable rocess. Section # . 1very court assing a judg#ent or decree in favor of the

laintiff affecting registered land shall, u on a lication of the laintiff, order any arties before it to execute for registration any deed or instru#ent necessary to give effect to its judg#ent or decree, and #ay re$uire the registered owner to deliver his du licate certificate to the laintiff to be canceled or to have a #e#orandu# entered u on it by the register of deeds. "n case the erson re$uired to execute any deed or other instru#ent necessary to give effect to the judg#ent or decree is absent fro# the !hili ine "slands, or is a #inor, or insane, or for any reason not a#enable to the rocess of the court, the court assing the judg#ent or decree #ay a oint so#e suitable erson a trustee to execute such instru#ent, and the sa#e when executed shall be registered and shall have full force and effect to bind the land to be affected thereby. Section #4. "n all roceedings for artition of registered land, after the entry of the final judg#ent or decree of artition and the filing of the re ort of the co##ittee or co##issioners and final judg#ent thereon, a co y of the final judg#ent or decree, certified by the cler' of the court rendering the sa#e, shall be filed and registered/ and thereu on, in case the land is set off to the owners in severalty, any owner shall be entitled to have his certificate entered to the share set off to hi# in severalty, and to receive an ownerCs du licate thereof. "n case the land is ordered by the court to be sold, the urchaser or his assigns shall be entitled to have a certificate of title entered to hi# or to the# on resenting the deed of the co##issioners or co##ittee for registration. "n case the land is ordered by the court rendering the judg#ent to be set off in entirety to one of the arties u on ay#ent to the other arties to the action, the arty to who# the land is thus ordered to be set off shall be entitled to have a certificate of the title entered to hi# on resenting a co y of the judg#ent or decree certified by the cler' of the court rendering the sa#e4 !rovided, however, That any new certificate entered in ursuance of artition roceedings, whether by way of set<off or of assign#ent or of sale,

shall contain a reference to the final judg#ent or decree of artition and shall be conclusive as to the title to the sa#e extent against the sa#e erson as such judg#ent or decree is #ade conclusive by the laws a licable thereto4 And rovided also, That any erson holding such certificates of title or transfer thereof shall have the right to etition the court at any ti#e to cancel the #e#orandu# relating to such judg#ent or decree, and the court after notice and hearing, #ay grant the a lication. (uch certificate shall thereafter be conclusive in the sa#e #anner and in the sa#e extent as other certificates of title. Section #!. 3hen a certified co y of a judg#ent or decree #a'ing final artition of land or buildings is resented for registration, of a #ortgage or lease affecting a s ecific ortion or an undivided share of the re#ises had reviously been registered, the #ortgagee, or tenant clai#ing under the #ortgagor or lessor, shall cause the #ortgage or lease and any du licate certificate of title issued to the #ortgagee or lessee to be again resented for registration, and the register of deeds shall indorse on each the #e#orandu# of such artition, with a descri tion of the land set off in severalty on which such #ortgage or lease re#ains in force. (uch #ortgage or tenant shall not be entitled to receive his own du licate certificate of title until such #ortgage or lease has been so resented for registration. 4'n5%,6tc-+ In)o(2enc- 'n0 An'(o&o,) P%ocee0in&) Section #6. 3henever roceedings in ban'ru tcy or insolvency, or analogous roceedings, are instituted. against a debtor who is an owner of registered land, it shall be the duty of the officer serving the notice of the institution of such roceedings on the debtor to file a co y thereof in the registry of deeds for the rovince wherein the land of the debtor lies. The assignee or trustee a ointed by the court having jurisdiction thereof in such roceedings shall be entitled to the entry of a new certificate of registered land of the debtor u on

resenting and filing a certified co y of the order a ointing hi# such assignee or trustee, with the debtorCs du licate certificate of title/ the new certificate shall state that it is entered to hi# as assignee or trustee in insolvency or ban'ru tcy or other roceedings, as the case #ay be. Section #". 3henever roceedings of the character na#ed in the receding section against a registered owner, of which notice has been registered, are vacated by decree or judg#ent, a certified co y of the decree or judg#ent #ay be filed and registered. "f a new certificate has been entered to the assignee or trustee as registered owner, the debtor shall be entitled to the entry of a new certificate to hi#, and the certificate of the assignee or trustee shall be surrendered. E3inent Do3'in Section ##. 3henever any land of a registered owner, or any right or interest therein, is ta'en by e#inent do#ain, the *overn#ent or #unici ality or cor oration or other authority exercising such right shall file for registration in the ro er rovince a descri tion of the registered land so ta'en, giving the na#e of each owner thereof, referring by nu#ber and lace of registration in the registration boo' to each certificate of title, and stating what a#ount or interest in the land is ta'en, and for what ur ose. A #e#orandu# of the right or interest ta'en shall be #ade on each certificate of title by the register of deeds, and where the fee si# le is ta'en a new certificate shall be entered to the owner for the land re#aining to hi# after such ta'ing, and a new certificate shall be entered to the *overn#ent, #unici ality, cor oration or other authority exercising such right for the land so ta'en. All fees on account of any #e#orandu# of registration or entry of new certificates shall be aid by the authority ta'ing the land.

T%'n)3i))ion 7- De)cent 'n0 De2i)e Section #9. Lands and any estate or interest therein registered under this Act shall, u on the death of the owner, go to the executor or ad#inistrator of the deceased in li'e #anner as ersonal estate, whether the owner dies testate or intestate, and shall be subject to the sa#e rules of ad#inistration as if the sa#e were ersonalty, exce t as otherwise rovided in this Act, and exce t that the rule of division shall be the sa#e as in the descent of real ro erty, or as shall be rovided by. Section 9$. &efore the executor or ad#inistrator of a deceased owner of registered land or any estate or interest therein shall deal with the sa#e, he shall file in the office of the register of deeds a certified co y of his letter of ad#inistration, or if there is a will, a certified co y of the sa#e and of the letters testa#entary, or of ad#inistration, with the will annexed, as the case #ay be, and shall roduce the du licate certificate of title, and thereu on the register of deeds shall enter u on the certificate and the du licate certificate a #e#orandu# thereof with a reference to the letters or will and letters by their file nu#ber, and the date of filing the sa#e. Section 91. 1xce t in case of a will devising the land to an executor to his own use or u on so#e trust or giving to the executor ower to sell, no sale or transfer of registered land shall be #ade by an executor or by an ad#inistrator in the course of ad#inistration for the ay#ent of debts or for any other ur ose, exce t in ursuance of an order of a court of co# etent jurisdiction obtained as rovided by law. Section 92. &ut after a #e#orandu# of the will, letters testa#entary or letters of ad#inistration have been entered u on the register as hereinbefore rovided, the executor or ad#inistrator #ay

deal with #ortgages, leases, and other ersonal interests in or u on registered land as if he were the registered owner thereof. Section 9 . 3here it a ears by the will, a certified co y of which with letters testa#entary is filed as rovided in this Act, that registered land is devised to the executor to his own use, or u on so#e trust, the executor #ay have the land transferred to hi#self u on the register in li'e #anner and subject to li'e ter#s and conditions and to li'e rights as in the case of a transfer ursuant to deed filed in the office of the register of deeds. Section 94. 3hen the will of a deceased owner of registered land, or any estate or interest therein, e# owers the executor to sell, convey, encu#ber, charge, or otherwise deal with the land, it shall not be necessary for such executor to be registered as the owner, but a certified co y of the will and letters testa#entary being filed as rovided in this Act, such executor #ay sell, convey, encu#ber, charge, or otherwise deal with the land ursuant to the ower in li'e #anner as if he were the registered owner, subject to the li'e conditions as to the trusts, li#itations, and conditions ex ressed in a will as in case of trusts, li#itations, and conditions ex ressed in a deed. Section 9!. &efore #a'ing distribution of undevised registered land the executor or ad#inistrator shall file in the office of the register of deeds a certified co y of the final decree of the court having jurisdiction of the estate, which shall be conclusive evidence in favor of all ersons thereafter dealing with the land that the ersons therein na#ed as the only heirs at law of the deceased owner are such heirs. Section 96. 3henever the court having jurisdiction of the settle#ent of an estate shall, for the ur ose of distribution thereof or for other

ur oses rovided by law, order registered land or any interest or estate therein to be sold by the executor or ad#inistrator, u on the filing of a certified co y of the order of sale and the deeds executed in ursuance of the sa#e in the office of the register of deeds, a transfer of the land, estate, or interest to the urchaser #ay be #ade u on the register as in the case of other sales by deed, and the original certificate and ownerCs du licate shall be canceled and a new certificate and ownerCs du licate be issued to the urchaser. Section 9". 3henever, after the final deter#ination of the a#ount of all clai#s against the estate of the deceased, it shall be #ade to a ear to the court having jurisdiction of the estate that the estate will justify it and the roof of heirshi has been #ade clear to that court, it #ay direct the executor or ad#inistrator to #a'e over and transfer to the devisees or heirs, or so#e of the#, in antici ation of final distribution, a ortion or the whole of the registered lands to which they #ight be entitled on final distribution/ and u on the filing of a certified co y of such order in the office of the register of deeds, the executor or ad#inistrator #ay cause such transfer to be #ade u on the register in li'e #anner as in case of a sale, and a certificate and ownerCs du licate certificate shall be issued to the devisees or heirs entitled thereto as in other cases. The land so transferred shall be held free fro# all liens or clai#s against the estate. "n the roceedings to rocure such order or directions such notice shall be given to all arties in interest as the court having jurisdiction of the estate #ay direct. Section 9#. )or the ur ose of final distribution of the estate the court having jurisdiction thereof #ay deter#ine the rights of all ersons in registered land, or any estate or interest therein of the deceased, declare and enforce the rights of devisees, heirs, surviving husbands or wives, and others, and #a'e artition and distribution according to the rights of the arties, and #ay give direction to the

executor and ad#inistrator as to the transfer of registered lands and any estate or interest therein to the devisees or heirs, and #ay direct the transfer to be to the several devisees or heirs or tenants in co##on, or otherwise, as shall a ear to the court to be #ost convenient, consistently with the rights of the arties, or as the arties interested #ay agree. A certified co y of the final order, judg#ent, or decree of the court having jurisdiction of the estate #a'ing final distribution shall be filed with the register of deeds and thereu on new certificates and ownerCs du licate certificates shall be issued to the arties severally entitled thereto in accordance with such order, judg#ent, or decree, but nothing in this section contained shall in any way affect or i# air existing re$uire#ents of law as to notice to be given to all arties interested in the estate of a deceased erson before the final decree of distribution thereof. A)),%'nce F,n0 Section 99. D on the original registration of land under this Act, and also u on the entry of a certificate showing title as registered owners in heirs and devisees, there shall be aid to the register of deeds one< tenth of one er centu# of the assessed value of the real estate on the basis of the last assess#ent for #unici al taxation, as an assurance fund. Section 1$$. All #oney received by the register of deeds under the receding section shall be aid to the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago. -e shall 'ee the sa#e invested, with the advice and a roval of the Civil *overnor, and shall re ort annually to the legislative body of the !hili ine "slands the condition and inco#e thereof. Section 1$1. Any erson who without negligence on his art sustains loss or da#age through any o#ission, #ista'e, or

#isfeasance of the cler', or register of deeds, or of any exa#iner of titles, or of any de uty or cler' of the register of deeds in the erfor#ance of their res ective duties under the rovisions of this Act, and any erson who is wrongfully de rived of any land or any interest therein, without negligence on his art, through the bringing of the sa#e under the rovisions of this Act or by the registration of any other erson as owner of such land, or by any #ista'e, o#ission, or #isdescri tion in any certificate or ownerCs du licate, or in any entry or #e#orandu# in the register or other official boo', or by any cancellation, and who by the rovisions of this Act is barred or in any way recluded fro# bringing an action for the recovery of such land or interest therein, or clai# u on the sa#e, #ay bring in any court of co# etent jurisdiction an action against the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago for the recovery of da#ages to be aid out of the assurance fund. Section 1$2. "f such action be for recovery for loss or da#age arising only through any o#ission, #ista'e, or #isfeasance of the cler', or of the register of deeds, or of any exa#iner of titles, or of any de uty or cler' of the register of deeds in the erfor#ance of their res ective duties under the rovisions of this Act, then the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago shall be the sole defendant to such action. &ut if such action be brought for loss or da#age arising only through the fraud or willful act of so#e erson or ersons other than the cler', the register of deeds, the exa#iners of titles, de uties, and cler's, or arising jointly through the fraud or wrongful act of such other erson or ersons and the o#ission, #ista'e, or #isfeasance of the cler', the register of deeds, the exa#iners of titles, de uties, or cler's, then such action shall be brought against both the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago and such erson or ersons aforesaid. "n all such actions where there are defendants other than the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago and da#ages shall have been recovered, no final judg#ent shall be entered against the Treasurer of the

!hili ine Archi elago until execution against the other defendants shall be returned unsatisfied in whole or in art, and the officer returning the execution shall certify that the a#ount still due u on the execution can not be collected exce t by a lication to the assurance fund. Thereu on the court having jurisdiction of the action, being satisfied as to the truth of such return, #ay, u on ro er showing, order the a#ount of the execution and costs, or so #uch thereof as re#ains un aid, to be aid by the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago out of the assurance fund. "t shall be the duty of the Attorney *eneral in erson or by de uty to a ear and defend all such suits with the aid of the fiscal of the rovince in which the land lies or the City Attorney of the city of %anila as the case #ay be4 !rovided, however, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to de rive the laintiff of any action which he #ay have against any erson for such loss or da#age or de rivation of land or of any estate or interest therein without joining the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago as a defendant therein. Section 1$ . "f the assurance fund at any ti#e be not sufficient to #eet the a#ount called for by such judg#ent, the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago shall #a'e u the deficiency fro# any funds in the Treasury not otherwise a ro riated/ and in such case any su#s thereafter received by the Treasurer on account of the assurance fund shall be transferred to the general fund of the Treasury until the a#ount aid on account of the deficiency shall have been #ade u . Section 1$4. "n every case where ay#ent has been #ade by the Treasurer of the !hili ine Archi elago in accordance with the rovisions of this Act, the *overn#ent of the !hili ine "slands shall be subrogated to all rights of the laintiff against any other arties or securities, and the Treasurer shall enforce the sa#e in behalf of the *overn#ent. Any su# recovered by the Treasurer shall be aid into the Treasury of the !hili ine "slands to the account of the assurance

fund. Section 1$!. The inco#e of the assurance fund shall be added to the rinci al and invested until such fund a#ounts to the su# of two hundred thousand dollars, and thereafter the inco#e of such funds shall be aid into the "nsular Treasury for the general ur oses of the "nsular *overn#ent. The ter# dollars wherever used in this Act shall be construed to #ean #oney of the Dnited (tates. Section 1$6. The assurance fund shall not be liable to ay for any loss or da#age or de rivation occasioned by a breach of trust, whether ex ress, i# lied, or constructive, by any registered owner who is a trustee, or by the i# ro er exercise of any sale in #ortgage< foreclosure roceedings. Bor shall any laintiff recover as co# ensation in an action under this Act #ore than the fair #ar'et value of the real estate at the ti#e when he suffered the loss, da#age, or de rivation thereof. Section 1$". All actions for co# ensation under this Act by reason of any loss or da#age or de rivation of land or any estate or interest therein shall be begun within the eriod of six years fro# the ti#e when the right to bring or ta'e such action or roceeding first accrued, and not afterwards4 !rovided, That the right of action herein rovided shall survive to the ersonal re resentative of the erson sustaining loss or da#age, if deceased, unless barred in his lifeti#e4 And rovided further, That if at the ti#e when such right of action first accrues the erson entitled to bring such action or ta'e such roceeding is within the age of #ajority, or insane, or i# risoned, such erson, or anyone clai#ing fro#, by, or under hi#, #ay bring the action or ta'e the roceeding at any ti#e within two years after such disability is re#oved, notwithstanding the ti#e before li#ited in that behalf has ex ired.

Po.e%) o1 Atto%neSection 1$#. Any erson #ay by ower of attorney rocure land to be registered and convey or otherwise deal with registered land, but the letters of attorney shall be ac'nowledged before a notary ublic or a judge or cler' of a court of record attested by at least one witness and shall be filed with the cler' or register of deeds of the rovince where the land lies, and registered. Any instru#ent revo'ing such letters shall be ac'nowledged, attested, and registered in li'e #anner. LOST DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE Section 1$9. "f a du licate certificate is lost or destroyed, or can not be roduced by a grantee, heir, devisee, assignee, or other erson a lying for the entry of a new certificate to hi# or for the registration of any instru#ent, a suggestion of the fact of such loss or destruction #ay be filed by the registered owner or other erson in interest, and registered. The court #ay thereu on, u on the etition of the registered owner or other erson in interest, after notice and hearing, direct the issue of a new du licate certificate, which shall contain a #e#orandu# of the fact that it is issued in lace of the lost du licate certificate, but shall in all res ects be entitled to li'e faith and credit as the original du licate, and shall thereafter be regarded as the original du licate for all the ur oses of this Act. A02e%)e C('i3) Section 11$. 3hoever clai#s any right or interest in registered land adverse to the registered owner, arising subse$uent to the date of the original registration, #ay, if no other rovision is #ade in this Act for registering the sa#e, #a'e a state#ent in writing setting forth fully his alleged right or interest, and how or under who# ac$uired, and a

reference to the volu#e and age of the certificate of title of the registered owner, and a descri tion of the land in which the right or interest is clai#ed. The state#ent shall be signed and sworn to, and shall state the adverse clai#antCs residence and designate a lace at which all notices #ay be served u on hi#. This state#ent shall be entitled to registration as an adverse clai#, and the court, u on a etition of any arty in interest, shall grant a s eedy hearing u on the $uestion of the validity of such adverse clai# and shall enter such decree therein as justice and e$uity #ay re$uire. "f the clai# is adjudged to be invalid, the registration shall be canceled. "f in any case the court after notice and hearing shall find that a clai# thus registered was frivolous or vexatious, it #ay tax the adverse clai#ant double or treble costs in its discretion. S,%%en0e% o1 D,6(ic'te Ce%ti1ic'te) Section 111. "n every case where the cler' or any register of deeds is re$uested to enter a new certificate in ursuance of an instru#ent ur orting to be executed by the registered owner, or by reason of any instru#ent or roceedings which divest the title of the registered owner against his consent, if the outstanding ownerCs du licate certificate is not resented for cancellation when such re$uest is #ade, the cler' or register of deeds shall not enter a new certificate, but the erson clai#ing to be entitled thereto #ay a ly by etition to the court. The court, after hearing, #ay order the registered owner or any erson withholding the du licate certificate to surrender the sa#e, and direct the entry of a new certificate u on such surrender. "f in any case the erson withholding the du licate certificate is not a#enable to the rocess of the court, or if for any reason the outstanding ownerCs du licate certificate can not be delivered u , the court #ay by decree annul the sa#e and order a new certificate of title to be entered. (uch new certificate and all du licates thereof shall contain a #e#orandu# of the annul#ent of the outstanding

du licate. "f in any case an outstanding #ortgageeCs or lesseeCs du licate certificate is not roduced and surrendered when the #ortgage is discharged or extinguished or the lease is ter#inated, li'e roceedings #ay be had to obtain registration as in the case of the non roduction of the ownerCs du licate. A3en03ent 'n0 A(te%'tion o1 Ce%ti1ic'te) o1 Tit(e Section 112. Bo erasure, alteration, or a#end#ent shall be #ade u on the registration boo' after the entry of a certificate of title or of a #e#orandu# thereon and the attestation of the sa#e by the cler' or the register of deeds, exce t by order of the court. Any registered owner or other erson in interest #ay at any ti#e a ly by etition to the court, u on the ground that registered interests of any descri tion, whether vested, contingent, ex ectant, or inchoate, have ter#inated and ceased/ or that new interests have arisen or been created which do not a ear u on the certificate/ or that any error, o#ission, or #ista'e was #ade in entering a certificate or any #e#orandu# thereon, or on any du licate certificate/ or that the na#e of any erson on the certificate has been changed/ or that the registered owner has been #arried/ or, if registered as #arried, that the #arriage has been ter#inated/ or that a cor oration which owned registered land and has been dissolved has not conveyed the sa#e within three years after its dissolution/ or u on any other reasonable ground/ and the court shall have jurisdiction to hear and deter#ine the etition after notice to all arties in interest, and #ay order the entry of a new certificate, the entry or cancellation of a #e#orandu# u on a certificate, or grant any other relief u on such ter#s and conditions, re$uiring security if necessary, as it #ay dee# ro er4 !rovided, however, That this section shall not be construed to give the court authority to o en the original decree of registration, and that nothing shall be done or ordered by the court which shall i# air

the title or other interest of a urchaser holding a certificate for value and in good faith, or his heirs or assigns, without his or their written consent. Any etition filed under this section and all etitions and #otions filed under the rovisions of this Act after original registration shall be filed and entitled in the original case in which the decree of registration was entered. Se%2ice o1 Notice) A1te% Re&i)t%'tion Section 11 . All notices re$uired by or given in ursuance of the rovisions of this Act by the cler' or any register of deeds, after original registration, shall be sent by #ail to the erson to be notified at his residence and ost<office address as stated in the certificate of title, or in any registered instru#ent under which he clai#s an interest, in the office of the cler' or register of deeds, relating to the arcel of land in $uestion. All notices and citations directed by s ecial order of the court under the rovisions of this Act, after original registration, #ay be served in the #anner above stated, and the certificate of the cler' shall be conclusive roof of such service4 !rovided, however, That the court #ay in any case order different or further service, by ublication or otherwise, and shall in all cases do so when the interests of justice re$uire such action. Fee) 1o% Re&i)t%'tion Section 114. )ees ayable under this Act shall be as follows4 )or every a lication to bring land under this Act, including indexing and recording the sa#e, and trans#itting to the cler', when filed with the register of deeds, three dollars. )or every lan filed, seventy<five cents. )or indexing any instru#ent recorded while a lication for

registration is ending, twenty<five cents. )or exa#ining title, five dollars and one<tenth of one er centu# of the value of the land, as fixed by the last receding valuation for the ur oses of taxation. )or each notice by #ail, twenty<five cents and the actual cost of rinting. )or all services by a sheriff or other officer under this Act, the sa#e fees as are now rovided by law for li'e services. . )or each notice by ublication, twenty<five cents and the actual cost of ublication. . )or entry of order dis#issing a lication, or decree of registration, and sending #e#orandu# to register of deeds, one dollar. . )or co y of decree of registration, one dollar. . )or entry of original certificate of title and issuing one du licate certificate, three dollars. . )or #a'ing and entering a new certificate of title, including issue of one du licate, one dollar. . )or each du licate certificate, after the first, fifty cents. . )or the registration of every instru#ent, whether single or in du licate or tri licate, including entering, indexing, and filing the sa#e, and attesting registration thereof, and also #a'ing and attesting co y of #e#orandu# on one instru#ent or a du licate certificate when re$uired one dollar and fifty cents. . )or #a'ing and attesting co y of #e#orandu# on each additional instru#ent or du licate certificate if re$uired, fifty cents. . )or filing and registering an adverse clai#, three dollars. )or entering state#ent of change of residence or ost<office address, including indorsing and attesting the sa#e on a du licate certificate, twenty<five cents. . )or entering any note in the entry boo' or in the registration boo', twenty<five cents. .

)or the registration of a suggestion of death or notice of ban'ru tcy, insolvency, or analogous roceeding, twenty<five cents. . )or the registration of a discharge or release of #ortgage or other instru#ent creating an incu#brance, fifty cents. . )or the registration of any levy, or of any discharge or dissolution of any attach#ent or levy, or of any certificate of a recei t for the ay#ent of taxes, or notice of any ending action, or of a judg#ent or decree, fifty cents. . )or indorsing on any #ortgage, lease, or other instru#ent a #e#orandu# of artition, one dollar. . )or every etition filed under this Act after original registration, one dollar. . )or a certified co y of any decree or registered instru#ent, the sa#e fees as are rovided by the Code of !rocedure in Civil Actions and ( ecial !roceedings for cler's of Courts of )irst "nstance for li'e services. . "n all cases not ex ressly rovided for by law the fee of all ublic officers for any official duty or service under this Act shall be at the sa#e rate as those rescribed herein for li'e services/ !rovided, however, That if the value of the land sought to be registered does not exceed one hundred dollars the fees ayable for the a lication to bring land under this Act and for the indexing and recording instru#ents while a lication for registration is ending, for exa#ining title, for notices by #ail or by ublication, for services by sheriff or other officer, for entry of order dis#issing a lication or decree of registration, and for entry of original certificate of title and issuing one du licate shall be ten dollars.

Pen'(tie) Section 11!. Certificates of title and du licate certificates issued under this Act shall be subjects of larceny.

Section 116. 3hoever 'nowingly swears falsely to any state#ent re$uired to be #ade under oath by this Act shall be guilty of erjury and liable to the enalties rovided by law for erjury. Section 11". 3hoever fraudulently rocures, or assists in fraudulently rocuring, or is rivy to the fraudulent rocure#ent of any certificate of title or ownerCs du licate certificate, or of any entry in the register or other boo' 'e t in the office of the cler' or of any register of deeds, or of any erasure or alteration in any entry in any set of boo's or in any instru#ent authori0ed by this Act, or 'nowingly defrauds or is rivy to defrauding any erson by #eans of a false or fraudulent instru#ent, certificate, ownerCs du licate certificate, state#ent or affidavit affecting registered land, shall be fined not exceeding five thousand dollars or i# rison#ent not exceeding five years, or both, in the discretion of the court. Section 11#. 7. 3hoever forges or rocures to be forged or assists in forging the seal of the cler' or of any register of deeds, or the na#e, signature, or handwriting of any officer of the court or of the register of deeds, in case where such officer is ex ressly or i# liedly authori0ed to affix his signature/ or 8. )raudulently sta# s or rocures to be sta# ed or assists in sta# ing any docu#ent with any forged seal of the cler' or register of deeds/ or :. )orges, or rocures to be forged, or assists in forging the na#e, signature, or handwriting of any erson whosoever to any instru#ent which is ex ressly or i# liedly authori0ed to be signed by such erson under this rovisions of this Act/ or E. Dses any docu#ent u on which an i# ression, or art of the i# ression, of any seal of the cler' or of a register of deeds has been forged, 'nowing the sa#e to have been forged, or any docu#ent the signature to which has been forged, 'nowing the

sa#e to have been forged, shall be i# risoned not exceeding ten years or fined not exceeding five thousand dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court. !rosecutions for offenses for violations of any of the rovisions of this Act shall be instituted and conducted in the ro er Court of )irst "nstance. Section 119. 3hoever, with intent to defraud, sells and conveys registered land, 'nowing that an undischarged or any other incu#brance exists thereon which is not noted by #e#orandu# on the du licate certificate of the title, without infor#ing the grantee of such attach#ent or other incu#brance before the consideration is aid, shall be unished by i# rison#ent not exceeding three years or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by both, in the discretion of the court. Section 12$. Bo conviction for any act rohibited by this Act shall affect any re#edy which any erson aggrieved or injured by such act shall be entitled to by law against the erson who has co##itted such act or against his estate. Re&i)te% o1 Dee0) in *'ni(' Section 121. 3herever in this Act the hrase the register of deeds in the rovince where the land lies, or an e$uivalent hrase, occurs, it shall be construed to include and be a licable to the register of deeds in the City of %anila. P,7(ic L'n0) Section 122. 3henever ublic lands in the !hili ine "slands belonging to the *overn#ent of the Dnited (tates or to the *overn#ent of the !hili ine "slands are alienated, granted, or

conveyed to ersons or to ublic or rivate cor orations, the sa#e shall be brought forthwith under the o eration of this Act and shall beco#e registered lands. "t shall be the duty of the official issuing the instru#ent of alienation, grant, or conveyance in behalf of the *overn#ent to cause such instru#ent, before its delivery to the grantee, to be filed with the register of deeds for the rovince where the land lies and to be there registered li'e other deeds and conveyances, whereu on a certificate shall be entered as in other cases of registered land, and an ownerCs du licate certificate issued to the grantee. The deed, grant, or instru#ent of conveyance fro# the *overn#ent to the grantee shall not ta'e effect as a conveyance or bind the land, but shall o erate as a contract between the *overn#ent and the grantee and as evidence of authority to the cler' or register of deeds to #a'e registration. The act of registration shall be the o erative act to convey and affect the lands, and in all cases under this Act registration shall be #ade in the office of the register of deeds for the rovince where the land lies. The fees for registration shall be aid by the grantee. After due registration and issue of the certificate and ownerCs du licate such land shall be registered land for all ur oses under this Act. Act+ Ho. Con)t%,e0 Section 12 . This Act shall be construed liberally so far as #ay be necessary for the ur ose of effecting its general intent. Contin,'nce o1 E8i)tin& S-)te3 ') to Un%e&i)te%e0 L'n0 Section 124. As to land not registered in accordance with the rovisions of this Act, the syste# of registration and recording heretofore established by law in these islands shall continue and re#ain in force, exce t in so far as hereinafter #odified, and the evidential weight given by existing law to titles registered as existing

law now rovides shall be accorded to such titles in the hearings had under this Act before the exa#iners and before the court. The duties of registering and recording land titles in accordance with the law heretofore existing shall be erfor#ed in the several rovinces and the city of %anila by the register of deeds in this Act rovided, after such register of deeds have been a ointed4 !rovided, however, That the originals of deeds, #ortgages, leases, and other instru#ents affecting the title to unregistered land shall not be retained by notaries ublic or other officials before who# the sa#e are sole#ni0ed, but after having been duly executed #ay be delivered to the grantee, #ortgagee, lessee, or other erson entitled to the sa#e and be by hi# resented to the register of deeds for the rovince where the land lies for registration and recording, in the sa#e #anner and with the sa#e legal effect that co ies thereof certified by notaries ublic under existing law are registered and recorded. The register of deeds u on receiving any such deed, #ortgage, lease, or other instru#ent dealing with land not registered under this Act shall indorse u on the instru#ent so received the true year, #onth, day, hour, and #inute when the sa#e is received, and the sa#e shall be dee#ed to have been registered and recorded as unregistered land fro# the ti#e of the indorse#ent of such #e#orandu# thereon. -e shall also indorse thereon the volu#e and age wherein the sa#e is registered and recorded. After the due registration and recording of such instru#ent the owner thereof shall be entitled to the custody and ossession of the sa#e. The original instru#ent, the record thereof in the boo's of the register of deeds, and any certified co y of such record shall be co# etent evidence in any court of justice. The fees of the register of deeds for registering and recording any such instru#ent shall be the sa#e as those now rovided by law for registering and recording a certified co y of a notarial instru#ent dealing with land. Section 12!. Dntil registers of deeds shall be a ointed in

accordance with the rovisions of this Act, the officials erfor#ing the duties of registrars and recorders of deeds in the several rovinces and in the city of %anila shall be registers of deeds and erfor# the duties of registers or deeds as defined by this Act. Their de uties shall be de uty registers of deeds. All laws relative to existing registrars of deeds and recorders, their de uties, including their co# ensation, cler' hire, and ex enses shall extend to registers of deeds and their de uties under this Act so far as the sa#e #ay be a licable. Not'%ie) P,7(ic Section 126. All notaries ublic in the "slands, and all other officials and ersons having in their ossession notarial boo's, records, rotocols, archives, and other docu#ents, shall i##ediately deliver to the Chief of the &ureau of Archives all such notarial boo's, records, rotocols, archives, and docu#ents in accordance with the rovision of section eighty of Act Bu#bered one hundred and thirty<six, entitled An Act roviding for the organi0ation of courts in the !hili ine "slands, and hereafter notaries ublic shall only have the owers and erfor# the duties rescribed for notaries ublic in sections eighty< one to ninety<one, inclusive, of said Act Bu#bered one hundred and thirty<six. Fo%3) Section 12". +eeds, conveyances, #ortgages, leases, releases, and discharges affecting lands, whether registered under this Act or unregistered, shall be sufficient in law when #ade substantially in accordance with the following for#s, and shall be as effective to convey, encu#ber, lease, release, discharge, or bind the lands as though #ade in accordance with the #ore rolix for# heretofore in use4 !rovided, That every such instru#ent shall be signed by the

erson or ersons executing the sa#e, in the resence of two witnesses, who shall sign the instru#ent as witnesses to the execution thereof, and shall be ac'nowledged to be his or their free act and deed by the erson or ersons executing the sa#e, before the judge of a court of record or cler' of a court of record, or a notary ublic, or a justice of the eace, who shall certify to such ac'nowledg#ent substantially in the for# next hereinafter stated4 7. )or# of ac'nowledg#ent by erson executing deed of conveyance, #ortgage, lease, release, or discharge affecting land. DB"T1+ (TAT1( .) A%1R"CA, !-"L"!!"B1 "(LAB+( !rovince of 5or city of %anila6FFFF. At the #unici ality of 999999, in said rovince, on this 999999 day of 9999999999, A.+. 7@ ,9999999 ersonally a eared 99999999, 'nown to #e to be the sa#e erson 5or ersons6 who executed the foregoing instru#ent, and ac'nowledged that the sa#e is his 5or their6 free act and deed. &efore #e 9999999999999999999999999999 5Botary ublic or other official as the case #ay be.6 8. +eed of land registered under this Act. ", 9999999999999, of 99999999999, in the !rovince of 999999, in the !hili ine "slands, in consideration of 9999999999 dollars, to be aid by 9999999999999, of 9999999999999, in the rovince of 999999999999 in the !hili ine "slands, do hereby sell and convey to said 9999999999999 and his heirs and assigns that arcel of land, together with all the buildings and i# rove#ents thereon, situated in the #unici ality of 999999999999 rovince of 9999999999999999, in the !hili ine "slands, bounded and described as follows 5here insert boundaries and descri tion6, of which land " a# the registered owner in accordance with the rovisions of the Land Registration Act, #y title thereto being evidenced by Certificate Bu#ber 99999999999999 in the land records of said rovince.

"n witness whereof " have hereunto signed #y na#e on this 9999 day of 9999999999999, A.+. 7@ 9999999. 9999999999999999999999 (igned in the resence of4 99999999999999999999 999999999999999999 5To be followed by ac'nowledg#ent according to )or# 7.6 :. +eed of land not registered under this Act, without covenants of warranty. ", 9999999999999999, of 999999999, in the !rovince of 99999999999999999, in the !hili ine "slands, in consideration of dollars, to #e aid by 9999999999999, of 999999999, in the !rovince of in the !hili ine "slands, do hereby sell and convey to the said 9999999999999999, his heirs and assigns, that arcel of land, together with all the buildings and i# rove#ents thereon, situated in the #unici ality of 999999999999, in the !rovince of 99999999999, in the !hili ine "slands, bounded and described as follows 5here insert boundaries and descri tion6. "n witness whereof, " have hereunto signed #y na#e, on this 999 day of 99999999999999 , A.+. 7@ 9999. 999999999999999999999999 (igned in the resence of4 99999999999999999999 99999999999999999999 5Ac'nowledg#ent.6 E. +eed of land not registered under this Act, with covenants of warranty. ", 99999999999, of 9999999999999, in the !rovince of 99999999999 in the !hili ine "slands, in consideration of 999999999 dollars, to #e aid by 9999999, of 9999999999, in the !rovince of 99999999999999 in the !hili ine "slands, do hereby sell and convey to the said

99999999999999, his heirs and assigns, that arcel of land, together with all the buildings and i# rove#ents thereon, situated in the #unici ality of 9999999999999, in the !rovince of 9999999999, in the !hili ine "slands, bounded and described as follows 5here insert boundaries and descri tion6/ and the said 999999995seller6 does hereby covenant and agree with the said 99999999999995 urchaser6 that he is lawfully sei0ed in fee of said re#ises that they are free fro# all incu#brances that he has a erfect right to convey the sa#e, and that he will warrant and forever defend the sa#e unto the said 9999999999999 5 urchaser6, his heirs and assigns, against the lawful clai#s of all ersons who#soever 5or insert other covenants, whatever they #ay be6. "n witness whereof, " have hereunto signed #y na#e on this 99999999999999 day of 99999999, A.+. 7@ 99999. 9999999999999999999999 (igned in the resence of4 99999999999999999999 99999999999999999999 5Ac'nowledg#ent.6 ;. %ortgage of land registered under this Act. ", 9999999999999, of 999999999999, in the !rovince of 9999999999 in the !hili ine "slands, in consideration of 9999999999 dollars, to #e aid by 99999999999, of 9999999999, in the !rovince of 999999999999999 in the !hili ine "slands, do hereby, by way of #ortgage, convey to the said 99999999999999, his heirs and assigns, that arcel of land, together with all the buildings and i# rove#ents thereon, situated in the #unici ality of 99999999999999, in the !rovince of 999999999999999999, in the !hili ine "slands, bounded and described as follows 5here insert boundaries and descri tion6, of which land " a# the registered owner, in accordance with the rovisions of Land Registration Act, #y title thereto being evidenced by Certificate Bu#ber 99999999999999, in the land records of said

rovince4 !rovided, nevertheless, That if ", the said 9999999999999999999 5#ortgagor6 shall duly ay, or cause to be aid, to the said 999999999999999999, 5#ortgagee6 #y certain ro#issory notes of this date by #e signed, and ayable to the said 999999999999999, 5#ortgagee6, all dated on this date, each for the su# of 999999999999 dollars, and ayable in one, two, and three years fro# date 5or otherwise, as the case #ay be6, with lawful interest, then this #ortgage shall be thereby discharged and of no further effect, otherwise it shall re#ain in full force and be enforceable in the #anner rovided by law. "n witness whereof, " have hereunto signed #y na#e on this 99999999999999 day of 9999999, A.+. 7@ 99999. 99999999999999999999999 (igned in the resence of4 99999999999999999999 99999999999999999999 5Ac'nowledg#ent.6 =. %ortgage of land not registered under this Act. 5This #ortgage #ay be in the sa#e for# as that rescribed in )or# ;, but o#itting that ortion of )or# ; which describes the land as registered under the Land Registration Act, and including such covenants of warranty as the arties #ay agree u on.6 >. +ischarge of #ortgage of land registered under this Act. ", 9999999999999999, of 9999999999999, in the !rovince of 9999999999999 in the !hili ine "slands, #ortgagee of the land e#braced in Certificate Bu#ber 999999999999 in the land records of the !rovince of 999999999999999, by virtue of a #ortgage executed by 99999999999999, of 999999999999999, in the !rovince of 999999999999999, in the !hili ine "slands, on the 99999999999 day of 999999, 7@ 9999, having received the full consideration na#ed as the condition of said #ortgage, do hereby forever release and

discharge the sa#e. "n witness whereof, " have hereunto signed #y na#e on this 999999999999 day of 999999, A.+. 7@ 99999. 99999999999999999999999 (igned in the resence of4 99999999999999999999 99999999999999999999 5Ac'nowledg#ent.6 ?. +ischarge of #ortgage of land not registered under this Act. 5The discharge in this case #ay be as in )or# Bo. >, varying the descri tion of the #ortgage to suit the facts.6 @. Lease of land registered under this Act. ", 999999999999999, of 999999999999, in the !rovince of 9999999999999 in the !hili ine "slands, in consideration of the agree#ents hereinafter contained, do hereby lease unto 99999999999, of 9999999999999999, in the !rovince of 9999999999999999, in the !hili ine "slands, and his assigns 5if the lease is to be assignable6, that arcel of land, together with all the buildings and i# rove#ents thereon, situated in the #unici ality of 9999999999999, in the !rovince of 9999999999999999, in the !hili ine "slands, bounded and described as follows 5here insert boundaries and descri tion6, of which land " a# the registered owner, in accordance with the rovisions of the Land Registration Act, #y title thereto being evidenced by Certificate Bu#ber in the land records of said rovince, for the eriod of years fro# this date. And ", the said lessee, in consideration of this lease, do hereby ro#ise, for #yself and #y heirs and assigns, that " will cause to be aid to the said 9999999999999999, 5lessor6, an annual rental 5or #onthly rental6 of 999999999999999, dollars er year 5or er #onth, as the case #ay be6 during the whole eriod of this lease, ayable on the 999999999999 day of 999999999999 of each year 5or at such

other ti#es as #ay be agreed u on6. 5.ther s ecial agree#ents of the lease #ay be here inserted.6 "n witness whereof, " have hereunto signed #y na#e on this 9999999999 day of 99999999, A.+. 7@ 99999. 99999999999999999999999 (igned in the resence of4 99999999999999999999 99999999999999999999 5Ac'nowledg#ent.6 7G. Lease of land not registered under this Act. H 5This lease #ay be as in )or# Bo. @, o#itting that ortion thereof that relates to the certificate of title and inserting such covenants of warranty as #ay be agreed u on. 6 77. Release of leased lands, whether registered under this Act or not. 5(uch release #ay be as in )or# Bos. > and ?, for the discharge of #ortgages, using the ter# release, instead of discharge, and inserting such descri tion as fully identifies the lease.6. Section 12#. This Act shall ta'e effect ,anuary first, nineteen hundred and three. 1BACT1+, Bove#ber =, 7@G8.

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