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Where do they come from?

Werewolves are creatures that can be found in ancient history. Spanning through several hundreds of cultures around the world, werewolves are one of the eldest mystical creatures that can be dated back to 1 AD.

Native Americans
A tribe of Native Americans in Wisconsin, USA, believed in a spirit named Wisakachek who was a shape shifter. One day 2 boys names Kame & Matchitehew were spotted hunting by the spirit & so the spirit approached them as a wandered, lost & hungry. The boys gave the spirit some of their catch. A month or so passed when the spirit encountered the same boys again. The boys told the spirit they couldnt catch anything else sine they last saw him. The spirit decided to share his power of transforming into a wolf with the boys, so they could hunt more efficiently. However, the boys could not use this power to harm people. This deal went well for a while, until one day Matchitehew killed a person out of anger, in his wolf form. The spirit was enraged & cursed Matchitehew with the inability to choose when he turns. He was forever bound by day as human & night as a wolf.

Native Americans believe the werewolf is a man who can turn into an actual wolf. Not a morph of a wolf/human Doesnt possess any unearthly powers Helpful not harmful Can change by will

Ancient Roman
It is said that werewolves are also called Lyncaonthropes. This is so, because of an ancient roman myth Written by Ovid in the Metamorphoses: King Lycaon offered human meat as a dish for a offering of the gods. The gods were disgusted & turned the king into a wolf, so he could continue his revolting habits. The king was just a simple wolf No extra powers

Not unusually large

A wolf forever, so choice to change Blood thirsty

Europeans actually mistook serial killers for werewolves! There was a time where, like the witch trials, there were werewolf trials. Crazy murderers were accused of being mystical creatures, such as werewolves. 16th Century Europe - Murderer only killed on full moons 1573 - Murderer cannibal claimed to be a werewolf 1589 -Peter Stumpp(Werewolf od Bedburg) killed 16 people, said he proactive magic w/devil & devil gave him a wolf Girdle that changed him into a wolf

How Ancient Greeks/Romanians Identify Werewolves!

Red hair Born on 25th of December Has a uni-brow Index & Middle finger are same length Love rare or raw meat Hair on palm of hands Hair under their skin Turn back into a human if you throw a piece of iron or steel over a wolfs head

Different types of werewolves from different cultures

You a wolf skin & witchery to turn into a werewolf Werewolves are a curse by the devil Werewolves are a curse from a witch Vampires or witches that take form of wolves Simply shapeshifters, wolves are a common form but not their only capability Werewolves prefer treasures over blood Werewolves are nice & created to protect people Werewolves are just another creature whore very shy

Classic werewolf traits

Man/wolf cross bread
Blood thirsty Prefer solitude & come out at night

Only transform on full moon

Howl at the moon Very hairy & tall Can be killed with a silver bullet or wolfsbane Vampires are their enemies

Why people believe in Werewolves?


Stories told
Boredom To explain the unexplainable!

Why are there still stories about werewolves?

Mainly there are still stories about werewolves because they are entertaining and are thrilling to watch something supernatural walk among us People add onto the story; they change over time

Sometimes its easier to believe a story than the scary truth

"History of the Werewolf." History of the Werewolf. Gods & Monsters .com, n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2014. Radford, Benjamin. "Werewolves: Lore, Legend & Lycanthropy." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 30 Oct. 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2014. "The History of the Werewolf Legend." Historic Mysteries. History Mysteries, n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2014.

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