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Development, Design and Optimization of Planetary Gear Trains for Vehicles

Computer Aided Fre uency Analysis of Planetary Gears PhD !"P" !toyanov, Assoc. Prof. PhD A"#" Do$reva, University of Ruse, Ruse; Bulgaria

A$stract A research model for investigating frequency characteristics of a planetary gear train of special type with one ring has een created. !ontemporary methods and means have een applied. "he solid odies have een created through #olid$or%s. "he model creation of the elastic parameters of the gear mesh and the theoretical research has een reali&ed in the wor%ing environment of the software system '#!.ADA'#. #ntroduction "he frequency analysis is especially important for decreasing the noise and vi ration of planetary gear trains. "he application of the relationships of natural frequencies and vi ration modes concerning the parameters of the gear train gives the opportunity for tuning resonances away from operating speeds, minimi&ing response, and optimi&ing the structural design. "he design of planetary gear trains requires an optimi&ation ased upon a variety of criteria. #ome of them are( appropriate load distri ution, avoiding of resonance case, reducing the weight. Besides, it is very important to investigate how the values) variation of one of those parameters influences the dynamic response of the gear train. "his su *ect area is a relative new one in the research field of gears +,, -, ./. "he o$%ective of the presented material is to introduce the automated implementation of frequency analysis of a planetary gear train of special type. "he automated processing is much more effective concerning the invested time in the calculation processes. Dynamic model of the planetary gear train "he research o$%ect is a planetary gear train from a 0.1) type according to the 2udr*av&ev classification characteri&ed additionally through with one ring satellite 3 4ig. ,. "he satellite gear of the planetary gear train 5g6 is in meshing contact with the fi7ed ring 5 6 and with the

ring 5e6, which is connected with the output shaft. "he satellite gear along its width is ta%ing part in two different meshing areas. "herefore, the strength calculation according to the criteria ending strength and contact strength is not sufficient for ensuring the normal functioning of that type of meshing contact +8/.

4ig. ,( Principle design of the investigated planetary gear train

A model for the investigation of the movements regarding the equili rium state, i.e. the vi rations, is ela orated. "he mesh stiffness parameters are presented through elastic elements. "he rest of the elements are presented in the model as solid odies 3 4ig. -.

4ig. -( 'echanical model of the meshing contact !election of a soft&are system "he geometry model of the gear train is created in #olid$or%s and imported in the software system '#!.ADA'# 5Automatic Dynamic Analysis of 'echanical #ystem6. "he software system '#!.ADA'# is selected ecause it is characteri&ed through a powerful modeling and a simulation environment. 9t ena les the user to design, visuali&e, and improve the mechanical system model prior to uilding a physical prototype +:/. 'ealization of the model in the selected soft&are system ( )!C"ADA)! After the model of the gear train elements, which are assumed to e ideal solid odies, has een created in #olid$or%s, the mesh stiffness is to e presented through elastic elements in the wor%ing environment of '#!.ADA'# 3 4ig. .. "he system '#!.ADA'# allows the

consideration of the mesh stiffness as a function of the deformation 3 4ig. 8. "his model is ased upon the analytic methods from +,/, +-/ ; +./, which consider the mesh stiffness as a constant parameter.

4ig. .( 'odel of the investigated gear train in equili rium

4ig. 8( !haracteristics y modelling of elasticity in the system '#!.ADA'# !imulation research and results Different variants for fi7ing and applying of the distortion influence are possi le. At this stage of the investigation, a simulation is reali&ed for fi7ed sun gear and moving the ring <=> 54ig. , and 4ig. -6 from its equili rium. "he equili rium is presented in 4ig. 8. "he vi ration, which the gear train carries out are characteri&ed with five natural frequencies and vi ration modes 3 "a le , and 4ig. ?. "a le ,( Results, o tained through the computer research with ADA'# 'ode r , . 8 : Undammed Real F-.888--BCFBBE -.G,E,B?CFBBE B.BBBBBBCDBBB B.BBBBBBCDBBB ?..:A...CFBBA 9maginary :.A8-A.BCDBB. A.BG,ABBCDBB. ,.:-,B.GCDBB8 ,.:8B?8-CDBB8 ,.GAAE--CDBB8 @& :.A8-A.BCDBB. A.BG,ABBCDBB. ,.:-,B.GCDBB8 ,.:8B?8-CDBB8 ,.GAAE--CDBB8 num e natural frequency, Damping ratio 8.,,-E,ACFB,-.AA?,E,CFB,B.BBBBBBCDBBB FB.BBBBBBCDBBB ..:...,.CFB,.

"he equili rium position in 4ig. ? is presented with continuous line and the relevant natural mode 3 with lue dashed line.

4ig. ?( 4irst and second vi ration mode Conclusions "he frequency analysis is of specific importance doe decreasing the noise and vi ration for planetary gear trains. A model for researching the frequency characteristics of a planetary 0.1> gear train with one ring satellite is ela orated. !ontemporary methods are applied. "he elements of the gear train are presented in the mechanical model as solid odies through #olid$or%s. "he modeling of the elastic features of the gear mesh contact and the calculation research is reali&ed in the wor%ing environment of the system '#!.ADA'#. "he natural frequencies and vi ration modes of the gear trains are determined. "he results are shown in a ta le and they are visuali&ed through graphical presentations. "he study was supported y contract H BIB:,PJBB,F....B8K-E, L#upport for the

#cientific #taff Development in the 4ield of Cngineering Research and 9nnovation>. "he pro*ect is funded with support from the Jperational Programme L@uman Resources DevelopmentL -BBGF-B,., financed y the Curopean #ocial 4und of the Curopean Union. 'eferences +,/ Iuo, M., Par%er R. I.( Purely rotational model and vi ration model of compound planetary gears, Nournal of 'echanism and 'achine "heory 8: 5-B,B6, pp. .?:F.GG. +-/ Oin, N., Par%er R. I.( #ensitivity of planetary gear natural frequencies and vi ration modes to model parameters, Nournal of #ounds and Pi rations 5,AAA6 --E5,6, pp.,BA3,-E. +./ Dresing, @( Pi ration Analysis for Planetary Iears. 'odeling and 'ulti ody #imulation, Proceedings of 9!'C'-BB:, Jcto er -?F-E, -BB:, Qan*ing, !hina.

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