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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sac City Public Library
The regular monthly meeting of the Sac City Planning & Zoning Board was held on
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at the Sac City Public Library with the following board
members present: Micki Quail, Susan McCollum, Arnold Thomas, Frank Strain, Curtis
Bloes, and Vicki Strouth. Board member Bobbie Wells was absent. Also present for the
meeting were: City Administrator Adam Ledford, Planning & Zoning Enforcement
Officer Stacy Carlson, and City Council Representative Teresa Bruening.
Meeting was called to order by President Micki Quail who welcomed Vicki Strouth
and Curtis Bloes as new additions to the board.
Motion by Arnold Thomas and seconded by Susan McCollum to approve the agenda
as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Susan McCollum and seconded by Arnold Thomas to approve the minutes
of the February 18, 2014 board meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Enforcement Officer Stacy Carlson reviewed with the board a list of 10 property
owners who had received notices that their properties were in need of repair to bring
them up to city codes. Several of the owners have responded that they plan to make
repairs and fix deficiencies. One of the properties may be sold and the new owner has
plans to tear down the house. Some owners have not responded and second notices will
be mailed to them this week.
Curtis Bloes reported that he had learned of possible grant money that might be
available for the clean-up of the old Sun Wise site at 108 North 5th Street. Motion by
Susan McCollum and seconded by Arnold Thomas to authorize Curtis Bloes to proceed
on behalf of the Planning & Zoning Board to pursue possible grant money for this
project. Motion carried.
The city wide Spring Cleanup scheduled for the last week of April was discussed.
The city council has indicated an interest in extending this project as a Fix-Up &
Repair project throughout the year with possible prizes being awarded to property
owners who show the most improvement to their property. Board members Micki Quail,
Curtis Bloes, and Vicki Strouth volunteered to represent the Planning & Zoning Board on
a committee to work with the city council on this project.
City Administrator Adam Ledford recommended to the board that they continue with
their review of city ordinances that was started last year. The board agreed to do so.

There being no further business or discussion, motion by Curtis Bloes and seconded
by Susan McCollum to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Frank Strain, Secretary

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