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Fall Semester of 2014

Admission Guide for International Students (Undergraduate)

2014. 4


Chonbuk National Universit is not linke! "ith an !o#esti$ or overseas a%ents &or international stu!ent re$ruit#ent' No &ees are $har%e! other than the a((li$ation &ee o& KR) *+,+++ or US- *+ "hen a((l in% &or a!#issions'

[Form 5] Academic Inquiry..................................................................................................22 [Form 6] List of Required Documents ...........................................................................22

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

Important Notice for

.' A((li$ants #ust al"a s &ollo" instru$tions &ro# the /Noti$e Boar! 0 12 on the CBNU "ebsite'
A. Various testing information and accepted candidate notices are posted on the website; they will not be notified individually. B. Applicants must print out the tuition fee payment receipts on-line and follow the Application Instructions.


3' 4ollo"in% a((li$ants #a be -enie! or -is5uali&ie! &or A!#ission'

A. Applicants who submitted their Prospective raduate !ertificate" but# fail to submit their proof of graduation $diploma and official transcripts% before the enrollment date. B. Applicants who fail to pay their tuition fee before the designated deadline. !. Applicants who are accepted and enrolled by false entry# forged# or any other dishonest means. &. Applicants who fail to submit all re'uired materials by the deadline. (. Applicants who are ineligible for application. ). Applicants who are enrolled in two or more universities on the same semester. . Applicants who fail the visa screening process $only for visa candidates%.

6' I#(ortant In&or#ation "hen A((l in%

A. *ou must be well-ac'uainted with this Admissions uide to minimi+e mista,es. B. *ou will be unable t- cancel or change the application status after submission $paying the application fee%# so please cautiously review all materials before ma,ing the payment. !. .he application fee and submitted documents will not be returned. &. Applicants must submit a valid phone number and address during the application. *ou must notify the International Affairs /ffice if there are any changes made $Applicant will be liable for any disadvantages resulting from being out of contact%.

7' Stu!ents "ho are s$he!ule! &or an intervie" #ust brin% a vali! Ialon% "ith the &ilin% re$ei(t' *' A((li$ation Status "ill not be announ$e! in (ubli$'

.' A!#ission Ti#eline

Contents Applying Period )nter/ie* )nter/ie* the Ad-itted (eli/ery o2 Ad-issions (o.u-ents Pay-ent o2 Tuition Fee Date May. 1st(Thu), 2014 ~ May. 16th(Fri), 2014 May. 00th(Fri), 2014 4un. 0rd(Tue), 2014 4un. 20rd(Mon), 2014 17!00 4un. 26th(Thu), 2014 Note Fee! "#$ %0,000 (&'( %0) )nternet (***.studyin+orea.go.+r) )n person or ,y post -ail 1o.ation and (ate noti2i.ation on the *e,site (http!33***..hon,u+.a..+r) There5ll ,e a phone inter/ie* in .ase the student is a,road $ill ,e dis6uali2ied i2 a,sent 8n the *e,site 9oti2i.ation to the depart-ent :erti2i.ate o2 Ad-ission #egistration )n2or-ation Ma+e ,ill pay-ents ,y /isiting the designated ,an+, or -a+e deposit to designated ,an+ a..ount(gi/en) <ill .an ,e printed out at http!33ho-e..hon,u+.a..+r3dungro+ :<9& Portal Fall 'e-ester, 2014

Aug. %th(Tue), 2014 ~ Aug. ;th(Thu), 2014 Aug. 12th(Tue), 2014 ~ Aug. 17th(Thu), 2014 'ep. 1st(Mon), 2014

:ourse #egistration 'tart o2 the 'e-ester

3' 8a9ors
Colle%e o& e!u$ation, nursin%, veterinar 8e!i$ine e:$lu!e! Colle%e ;ubli$ Servi$e International Stu!ies En%ineerin% -e(art#ent Public 0ervice International 0tudies$% Architectural (ngineering Polymer-1ano 0cience 2 .echnology 3echanical (ngineering &ivision of 3echanical &esign (ngineering $3echanical &esign (ngineering 3a4or% &ivision of 3echanical &esign (ngineering $1ano-Bio 3echanical 0ystem (ngineering 3a4or% &ivision of 3echanical 0ystem (ngineering $Applied 3echanical (ngineering 3a4or# Precision 3echanical (ngineering 3a4or% 5rban (ngineering &ivision of Biomedical (ngineering $6ealthcare Instrument (ngineering 3a4or# 6ealthcare Information (ngineering 3a4or% Infrastructure !ivil (ngineering Industrial and Information 0ystems (ngineering /rganic 3aterials and )iber (ngineering &ivision of Advanced 3aterials (ngineering $3etallurgical 0ystem (ngineering 3a4or% &ivision of Advanced 3aterials (ngineering $(lectronic 3aterials (ngineering 3a4or %


Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014


A%ri$ulture < Li&e S$ien$e

So$ial S$ien$e


Hu#an E$olo%



-e(art#ent &ivision of Advanced 3aterials (ngineering $Information 3aterials (ngineering 3a4or% &ivision of !onvergence .echnology (ngineering $Automobile !onvergence .echnology (ngineering 3a4or# Information .echnology !onvergence (ngineering 3a4or% 3ineral 7esources and (nergy (ngineering (lectrical (ngineering &ivision of (lectronics (ngineering $1ano-(lectronics (ngineering 3a4or# !ontrol 2 7obotics (ngineering 3a4or# Information 2 !ommunications (ngineering 3a4or# Information .echnology !onvergence (ngineering 3a4or% &ivision of !omputer 0cience and (ngineering !ivil (ngineering $!ivil (ngineering# Infrastructure !ivil (ngineering 3a4or% Aerospace (ngineering &ivision of !hemical (ngineering $1anochemical (ngineering 3a4or# Biochemical (ngineering 3a4or# (nergy-!hemical (ngineering 3a4or% (nvironmental (ngineering I. Applied 0ystem (ngineering 0oftware (ngineering Information .echnology 8uantum 0ystem (ngineering Agricultural (conomics $Agricultural (conomics ma4or# )ood 7esource 3ar,eting (conomics 3a4or% Agricultural Biology 9ood 0cience 2 .echnology Bioindustrial 3achinery (ngineering !rop 0cience and Biotechnology 7ural !onstruction (ngineering 6orticulture Animal Biotechnology Animal 0cience )orest (nvironmental 0cience Bioenvironmental !hemistry :andscape Architecture Bioscience and 7ural 7esources 0ocial 9elfare 0ociology ;ournalism 2 !ommunications Psychology Political 0cience 2 &iplomacy Public Administration &ivision of Business Administration $Business Administration 3a4or# Accounting 3a4or% &ivision of (conomics $(conomics 3a4or% International .rade !hild 0tudies )ood 0cience and 6uman 1utrition )ashion &esign 6ousing (nvironmental &esign &ance )ine Arts Industrial &esign 3usic <orean .raditional 3usic <orean :anguage and :iterature

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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014


Natural S$ien$e

Environ#ental an! Bio= resour$e S$ien$e 0Iksan Ca#(us1

-e(art#ent 6istory Archaeology 2 !ultural Anthropology erman :anguage and :iterature :ibrary 2 Information 0cience 0panish 2 :atin American :anguage and :iterature (nglish :anguage and :iterature ;apanese :anguage and :iterature !hinese :anguage and :iterature Philosophy )rench 0cience 0tudies Physics 0emiconductor 0cience 2 .echnology Biological 0ciences 3olecular Biology 3athematics 0ports 0cience (arth 2 (nvironmental 0cience 0tatistics !hemistry &ivision of Biotechnology /riental 3edicine 7esources (cology :andscape Architecture-&esign

6' Available Slots> Li#ite!

-e$isions "ill be #a!e b ea$h !e(art#ent' 4ailure to #eet the a$a!e#i$ re5uire#ents o& CBNU #eans no a!#ission, re%ar!less o& the availabilit o& slots'

7' Eli%ibilit &or A((li$ation

A' Nationalit an! E!u$ational ba$k%roun!
= )oreigners whose parents are not <orean and have graduated or are e>pected to graduate from high school either in <orea or abroad# or that of e'uivalent academic achievement $i.e. those who have passed the high school 'ualification e>am in <orea%

B' Lan%ua%e ;ro&i$ien$

On$e a!#itte!, stu!ents #ust attain TO;IK ?ra!e 7 or above be&ore a %ra!uation' ?% Applicants with ./PI< rade @ or above or students who have completed :evel A <orean class at the <orean :anguage (ducation !enter in !honbu, 1ational 5niversity If registered to ta,e the ./PI< e>am in April# applicants must submit their ./PI< Identification or (>amination 1umber. 6owever# the applicants must submit their ./PI< rade @ certification until ;un Bth# C-?A. )ailure to do so will result in automatic dis'ualification

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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

C% .he applicants for the !ollege of Arts may apply without the above mentioned language proficiency certifications if they are capable of Dtakin% $lasses in Korean.E

C' -e(art#ent o& International Stu!ies 0 1

?% 3inimum score re'uired for standard e>ams ./():= PB. BB-# !B. C?-# iB. F-# I(:.0= B.B# .(P0= BB- or !ompletion of secondary or higher education in countries where (nglish is the primary language of education $(>. 5.0.A# !anada# (ngland# Australia and 7epublic of 0outh Africa%. C% )rom a non-native (nglish country but completed the education from an institute where the primary language of education is (nglish. G 3ust submit a proof document showing the primary language of education is (nglish $e>. Principal"s confirmation%

*' I#(ortant Announ$e#ent &or A!#issions

E:$lu!es stu!ents a((l in% &or International Stu!ies'

A' A((li$ants "ith TO;IK $erti&i$ation lo"er than ?ra!e 6 or no $erti&i$ation at all
- If admitted# applicants will only be able to register for a ma>imum of ?C course credits per semester until ./PI< certification rade @ or higher is attained.

B' A((li$ants "ith TO;IK $erti&i$ation o& ?ra!e 7 or hi%her

- If admitted# applicants will be able to register for the ma>imum of credits allowed per semester

C' ?ra!uation ;ost(one#ent ;oli$

- Admitted students who fail to attain ./PI< certification of graduation will have their graduation date postponed indefinitely. rade A or higher before

@' A((li$ationAre5uire! !o$u#ents sub#ission

via Internet or visit

A' Internet a((li$ation> Visit Stu! A((li$ation

a. After applying online# send the printed application via post mail or visit. b. Internet website= www.studyin,orea.go.,r

in Korea "ebsite B Coin 8e#bershi( B A((l

B ;rint

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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

c. )ee= B-#--- <79 $HB- 50&%. .ransfer the fee to the listed ban, account under your (nglish name and submit the receipt along with the printed application. All the re'uired documents must be submitted before the deadline to avoid automatic dis'ualification.

B' Visit> Visitin% a((li$ants #ust brin% an! sub#it all the re5uire! !o$u#ents 0liste! in DE belo"1 se(aratel '

E' Re5uire! -o$u#ents

-o$u#ents shoul! be sub#itte! in the &ollo"in% or!er' In$o#(lete !o$u#ents "ill NOT be a$$e(te!' All !o$u#ents in other &orei%n lan%ua%es #ust have a Korean or En%lish translation' There is no nee! to sub#it a notariFation'

A' All A((li$ants

?% Application I)orm ?J C% :etter of 0elf-Introduction I)orm CJ @% 0tudy Plan I)orm @J A% Affidavit of )inancial 0upport I)orm AJ B% Academic in'uiry I)orm BJ K% :ist of 7e'uired &ocuments I)rom KJ L% An original copy# a photocopy and a translation of the of (>pected raduation% from high school GAfter submitting the !ertificate of (>pected raduation# applicant must submit original copy of raduation !ertificate by Aug. CMth# C-?A. GApplicants who have passed the <orean high school 'ualification e>am may apply; Any e'uivalent e>am from another country will not be accepted. F% An original copy# a photocopy and a translation of the /fficial .ranscript from high school M% An original copy and a photocopy of the !ertificate of ./PI< $ rade @ or higher% or the original !ompletion !ertificate of the <orean :anguage !ourse $ rade A or higher% at !B15. ?-% .he applicant can submit their ./PI< Identification or (>amination 1umber if registered to ta,e the ./PI< e>am in April. 6owever# the applicant must submit their dis'ualification ??% A Photocopy of Passport $own% ?C% Proof of )amily 7elations
- 5 -

raduation !ertificate $or !ertificate

rade @ or

higher ./PI< certification until ;un. B th# C-?A. )ailure to do so will result in automatic

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

.he original or translated copy in (nglish must be submitted. < (>ample >
!hina: )amily !ensus or 1otari+ation of )amily 7elation Philippine : )amily !ensus Indonesia: 1otari+ation of )amily 7elation $<A7.5 <(:5A7 A% Bangladesh: Vietnam: )amily !ertificate $0o 6o <hau% or Birth !ertificate $ iay <hai 0inh% 3ongol: 1otari+ation of )amily 7elation Pa,istan: )amily !ertificate 0ri :an,a: !ertificate 3yanmar: 1otari+ation of )amily 7elation () 1epal: !"#$"%&'()* !(%(+,&'()* -%./+0&'()* -+#(0)/ 1,(02()3 : Birth !ertificate ?@% !ertificate of Balance - 7esidents in <orea= !ertificate of Balance showing ?C#---#--- <79 or more. - 7esidents in )oreign !ountry= A financial guarantor"s certificate of balance showing ?C#---#--- <79 $?C#--- 50&% or more. ?A% Application )ee= B-#--- <79 $HB- 50&% ?B% An original copy of the Proof of International 0tudent Insurance Policy $After applying# submit the certificate by ?NA of the semester period# 0ep.CM# C-?A% - )ailure to submit the Proof of International 0tudent Insurance Policy will prevent scholarship candidates from receiving a scholarship the following semester. ?K% @ photos $@.BcmOA.Bcm% Please write your name on the bac,. ?L% !ertificate of .ranscript and &iploma Verification accredited by one of the following institutions= A% Apostille B% <orean embassy in your homeland or the (mbassy of your country stationed in <orea !% )or !hinese applicants# the (ducation Verification can be done through the following websites= - !hina 6igher 0tudent Information= - !hina 8ualification Verification= -/r you can apply for the verification through !onfucius Institute in 0eoul !onfucius Institute in 0eoul= http://cis.or. r .el = -C-BBA-CKFF If an issue of the verification form is not yet complete at the time of applying# applicants must submit copies of transcriptNdiploma and proof of application along with other re'uired documents. Applicants must submit the original transcriptsNdiplomas and verification form $approved by the above institutions only% by ;un.Bth# C-?A. )ailure to do so will cause your admission cancelled. Prospective graduates must submit their !ertificate of the (>pectant raduation first# and submit an original copy of raduation !ertificate by Aug CMth# C-?A. )ailure to do so will cause your admission cancelled.

- ! -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

?F% Applicants of the !ollege of Arts should submit the appropriate documents# if necessary# that proves the applicant"s 'ualifications andNor e>perience for the selected departmentNma4or $e>= degree certifications# awards# performance e>perience# portfolio# etc.%

B' Chinese A((li$ants "ho nee! to obtain a Visa onl

?% /riginal boo, of 6ousehold 7egister It must contain up-to-date information of all family member records of K months from the application date at least. If the 6ousehold 7egister does not contain the records of all family members# you must submit a !ertificate of 7elationship of your family which can be obtained from the local police office. If you are currently enrolled in a university and your name is not on the 6ousehold 7egister of your family# you need to get the 6ousehold 7egister from the university and submit it additionally. C% /riginal copy of the certificate of 6igh school raduation .est" including the transcript @% An (nglish certificate of 6igh 0chool raduation (>amination issued by the !hina Academic &egrees 2 raduate (ducation &evelopment !enter. $!& &!# # !60I# 0tudents who do not have any certificate cannot apply. A% (mployment !ertificate of the applicant"s father and mother It must show the institution"s name# employment period# position# salary$monthly or yearly% and phone number. If it is in !hinese# a <orean or (nglish translation must be attached. A private company owner must submit a photocopy of Business 7egistration !ertificate.

G .he applicant who is submitting the !ertificate of (>pected

scanned copy of the obtained the raduation !ertificate.

raduation must e-mail a

raduation !ertificate to,r as soon as one has

G I#(ortant Noti$e &or Chinese A((li$ants "hen sub#ittin% Certi&i$ate o& Balan$e
0ubmit after the Admission Announcement on ;un @-th# C-?A It must show that the owner has deposited 50& H?C#--- or more $.he issue date should be ;un @-th# C-?A and the money should be fro+en until Aug @? st# C-?A% It must show that the owner will ,eep the balance until Aug' C-?A. In other words# the date of fro+en account must be after Aug. @?st# C-?A. .he deposit date# issuance date and period of fro+en account must be included.
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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

Please include the phone number of the Ban,"s office in charge at the bottom of the page. Isa#(leJ 1ame of Ban, Certi&i$ate o& -e(osit 1o.= GGGGGGGGG &ate= GGGGNGGNGG 0$% 9e hereby certify that up to GGGGNGGNGG 0& 1 3r.N3rs. GGGGGG has deposit accounts with this ban, as follows; !&NPassboo, 1o. .ype of &eposit !urrency 2 Amount &ate of &eposit GGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGG# GGGGG GGGGNGGNGG 1. $ must 'e d(ted )un. 3*th+ 2*14 2. & must 'e d(ted (,ter -ug. 31th+ 2*14.

-' A((li$ants "ho are $urrentl sta in% in Korea onl

?% 3ust submit a photocopy of both sides of the Alien 7egistration !ard C% Applicants must submit a receipt of application fee or remittance receipt when apply by mail $post%.

H' A((li$ation Re#in!er

?% 9rite down the e>act name of the department applied for in <orean or (nglish. C% !hanging of ma4ors is not allowed once the application has been accepted. @% All documents must be in <orean or (nglish. All other documents in another language must have a <orean or (nglish translation. A% All applications must contain all the necessary documents and are to be completed before the deadline. /nly the application that met the deadline is acceptable when you apply via mail. B% 3ail applications with incomplete documents will be returned after deducting <79 C-#--$50& C-%. K% All the submitted documents and application fee will not be returned. .he 6ousehold 7egister# !ertificate of L% All documents are not to be stapled. F% All documents must be in siFe A7 format# if not it should be pasted on an A7 siFe! (a(er. M% .he applicant who has graduated high school or college C years ago or more must submit an ob4ective document$attached with <orean translation% which indicates the applicant"s goals or plans after graduation and the motivation to study. raduation# /fficial .ranscript and ban,boo, from !hinese applicants will be returned after all entrance procedures are completed.

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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

K' A((li$ation 4ee

?% Amount = <79 B-#--- or 50& BC% Payment a% If applying in person# you must pay <79 B-#---. b% If applying via mail# you must remit <79 B-#--- through the following account. - 1ame of Ban, = ;eonbu, Ban, - Account 1umber = BCM-?@--@@-F@F - 6olderQs 1ame = !honbu, 1ational 5niversity $International Affairs /ffice% - 0ender"s 1ame = It must be the same as the applicant"s name. c% If applying via air mail from abroad# you must remit 50& B- through the following account. - 1ame of Ban, = ;eonbu, Ban, - Account 1umber = B-?-F@--@?CKM- 6olderQs 1ame = !honbu, 1ational 5niversity $International Affairs /ffice% - 0wift !ode = ;(/1<70( - 0ender"s 1ame = It must be same as the a((li$ant2s na#e. G After remitting the fee# the applicant must send the application fee receipt by fa> $-K@-CL--C-MM% or by e-mail after scanning the receipt$,r%.

.+' A!#issions Criteria

?% Admissions !riteria = &ocument screening and interview C% !riteria and !onsideration

-ivision All

Criteria an! Consi!eration <orean :anguage Academic Aptitude Attitude and Proficiency .est Basic :iteracy @A@-

Total ?--

@% Procedure a% &ocument screening= .he International Affairs /ffice e>amines whether or not the applications contain all necessary documents specified on the guideline. b% Interview = Cun' +60Tue1, 3+.7 (ach department conducts the interview $/verseas residents may have a phone-interview after receiving an e>cuse by the appropriate department% /nly applicants who succeed in &ocument 0creening can apply for interview. .he .ime

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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

2 location of the interview will be announced on 8a ' 6+04ri1, 3+.7 htt(>AA"""'$honbuk'a$'kr, htt(>AAenter'$honbuk'a$'kr A% .he number of admission may be limited within the capacity of each department. B% Additional tests may be conducted by the department if necessary. K% By rule# on-campus interview is mandatory; however# a phone interview can be conducted for applicants living abroad. L% If it is found that the applicant has conducted the interview by a substitute# the admission will be canceled even though the semester has already started. F% Interview location and .ime will be announced on website on 8a ' 6+04ri1, 3+.7. M% An applicant who is not eligible for application will still not be admitted regardless of his scores. ?-% /ther aspects regarding admission are based on the policy of the !ommittee of Admission 0creening for International 0tudents.

..' Announ$e#ent o& A!#ission an! Re%istration

A' A!#ission Announ$e#ent
?% &ate > Cun' 3608on1, 3+.7, .H>++ C% :ocation = on the following websites a% <orean = http=NNwww.chonbu,.ac.,r# http=NNenter.chonbu,.ac.,r b% (nglish = http=NNen.chonbu,.ac.,r - admission c% !hinese = http=NNchina.chonbu,.ac.,r

B' Tuition 4ee ;a #ent

?% Period = Aug. B$.ue%# C-?A R Aug. L$.hu%# C-?A C% :ocation = .he ban, indicated on the tuition fee statement @% If the tuition fee is not paid prior to the deadline# the admission will be cancelled automatically. A% Applicants may pay the bill by visiting the designated ban, or remit it to the designated ban, account $refer to bill%. Bill can be printed out at http=NNhome.chonbu,.ac.,rNdunro,. $0tudent I& number can be found at the right-hand bottom corner of the !ertificate of Admission% B% 0tudents who live abroad may have a representative in <orea remit the tuition fee by pro>y. K% 9e will notify the detailed 7egistration Information on the website after the admission announcement.

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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

.3' Re#in!ers
?% Admitted students who are e>pected to graduate from 0econdary 0chool $6igh 0chool% must submit their graduation certificate $or e>pected certificate of graduation% before the beginning of the semester# otherwise admission will be cancelled. C% If any of the application documents contain false information or forgery# admission will be cancelled immediately. @% If it is found that an applicant is admitted by illegal means or the applicantQs graduation is unapproved by !B15# admission will be cancelled# even if the applicant is already attending the university. .uition fee is non-refundable. A% !B15 is not responsible for admission cancellation due to the mista,es made on the application# missing documents# and unfulfilled entry procedures. B% All the information including admission announcements will be posted on the homepage. Please follow the directions carefully. K% All accepted applicants must complete all admission and registration procedures before the deadline. If the tuition fee is not paid on the deadline# admission will be cancelled. L% 7egulations of !honbu, 1ational 5niversity are applied to the items that are not defined on this prospectus and other particulars are decided by the !ommittee of Admission 0creening for International 0tudents. F% Admitted students must submit their International 0tudent Insurance Policy by ?NA of the semester period $0ep.CM# C-?A%. )ailure to submit the Proof of International 0tudent Insurance Policy will prevent scholarship candidates from receiving scholarships the following semester - If applying for International 0tudent Accidental Insurance# the ma>imum indemnification amount must be at least ?C#--- dollars for overseas insurance policies and ?- million won for domestic insurance policies with regards to in4ury or hospitali+ation.

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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

.6' 8atri$ulation ;ro$e!ures a&ter A!#ission

Admission ranted

Issuing of !ertificate of Admission < A !t"er Forei#n Countries $

< For C"ina !NL% $

!ertificate of Admission will be delivered to the mailing address indicated on the application.

!ertificate of Admission will be delivered to the mailing address indicated on the application.

!B15 applies for the 7ecognition of Visa Issuance at the ;eon4u Immigration /ffice.

.he ;eon4u Immigration /ffice notifies !B15 the results. G Appro>imately C months for the results.

(-mail the 7ecognition of Visa Issuance !ode to each applicant.

Apply a student visa at the <orean (mbassy or !onsulate at one"s home country.

Apply a student visa with the !ode at the <orean (mbassy or !onsulate at one"s home country.

(ntry to <orea

7eport the entry to the International Affairs /ffice

!houbu, 1ational 5niversity will send the Certi&i$ate o& A!#ission to the a!!ress on the a((li$ation &or# of the successful candidates who are staying in <orea# and they may also need to apply for a change of visa status or e>tension of the permitted so4ourn period.

.7' Tuition 4ee < S$holarshi(

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Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

A' Tuition 4ee &or the &irst se#ester

Co e#e =ngineering Agri.ulture ? 1i2e '.ien.e 'o.ial '.ien.e :o--er.e @u-an =.ology Arts @u-anities 9atural '.ien.e De&artment All All Agri.ultural =.ono-y All All All
!hild 0tudies

0Unit> Korean )on1 'uition Fee '"e *"o e 'uition 2,46;,000 2,000,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 2,000,000 2,%0%,000 1,700,000 2,000,000 1,70>,000 2,000,000 1,700,000

Admission Fee 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000

Instruction Fee 410,000 074,000 0;%,000 0;%,000 0;%,000 074,000 410,000 0;%,000 074,000 074,000 074,000

(ni)ersity Fee 1,77>,000 1,;%1,000 1,27;,000 1,27;,000 1,27;,000 1,;%1,000 1,>%;,000 1,27;,000 1,;%1,000 1,27;,000 1,;%1,000 1,27;,000

All All All All =n/iron-ental and <io <io resour.e resour.e '.ien.e Mar+eting 167,000 0;%,000 =.ono-i.s L .he table above is based on the year of C-?A. !hanges may apply.

B' S$holarshi( &or International Stu!ents

Stu!ents #ust sub#it their ;roo& o& International Stu!ent Insuran$e ;oli$ b .A7 o& the se#ester (erio!' 4ailure to a!#it the ;roo& o& International Stu!ent ;oli$ "ill (revent s$holarshi( $an!i!ates &ro# re$eivin% s$holarshi(s the &ollo"in% se#ester' ?% 0cholarship for the first semester $based on proficiency in <orean language% - applies to all ma4ors e>cept International 0tudies - ?st :evel 0cholarship $Admission )ee S Instruction )ee S 5niversity )ee 9aived%= 0tudents who have ./PI< rade B certification or higher. - Cnd :evel 0cholarship $5niversity )ee 9aived%= 0tudents with ./PI< rade A - @rd :evel 0cholarship $B-T of 5niversity )ee 9aived%= 0tudents with ./PI< rade @ C% 0cholarship for International 0tudies ma4ors - 0cholarship for the first semester All a!#itte! stu!ents "ill re$eive .st Level S$holarshi( ?st :evel 0cholarship$entire tuition waived% = 0tudents whose previous semester"s grade point average is A.-K or higher Cnd :evel 0cholarship$5niversity )ee waived% = 0tudents whose previous semester"s grade point average is between @.K@ and A.-K @rd :evel 0cholarship$B-T of 5niversity )ee waived% = 0tudents whose previous semester"s grade point average is between @.?M and @.K@ Bth :evel 0cholarship$Instruction )ee waived% = 0tudents whose previous semester"s grade point average is between C.LB and @.?M - 0cholarship starting from second semester

- 13 -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

0tudents who obtain a semester grade point average lower than C.LB will not receive scholarship @% 0cholarship for International 0tudents $e>cluding International 0tudies ma4ors% - All 0cholarships will abide by the !honbu, 1ational 5niversity International 0tudent 0cholarship 7egulations starting from the second semester. - 8ualification= among those with a previous semester grade point average of C.LB or higher# students that apply to criteria set by the !honbu, 1ational 5niversity International 0tudent 0cholarship 7egulations. - .he scholarship is available for F semesters at most. - .ypes of 0cholarship= 9hole .uition $?--T%# 5niversity )ee$L--F-T%# 6alf of the 5niversity )ee# Instruction )ee$C--@-T% A% 0cholarship for International )amilies - 0cholarships will be provided if there are two or more family members enrolled at !honbu, 1ational 5niversity.

.*' A!!itional S$hool Li&e In&or#ation

A' 4all Se#ester 3+.7> Se(' . 08on1 M -e$' 360Tue1 B' Course Re%istration> Au%' *, 0Tue1 MAu%' +E 0Thu1, 3+.7 C' Resi!en$e Hall 0-or#itor 1
?% )ee= Appro>imately CA-#--- 9onNmonth $for the new B.: dormitory# !hamBit uan% C% Applying for 7esidence 6all - An applicant who wishes to live in the 7esidence 6all must chec, on the Application )orm $form ?%. - Accepted applicants may register at the International Affairs /ffice# but the fees must be paid in person during the fi>ed period. - If payments are not completed during the fi>ed period# the application will be canceled Please refer to the 7esident 6all webpage announcement. $http=NNli,ehome.chonbu,.ac.,r- 7esident 6all Announcement% @% )acilities - .wo persons share a room. - @ meals a day e>cept 0aturdays and 0undays - (ach room is furnished with a des,# chair# bed# wardrobe# shoe rac,# boo,shelf# Internet# bathroom. *ou need to provide your own blan,et and pillows# as well as toiletry $soap# towel# etc.% - !ommon 7oom= lounge# seminar room# reading room# computer room# training room# AV room

- 14 -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

- Attached )acilities= laundry room $coin operated%# dining hall# convenience store $!V0%# stationery store# cafe# etc. - /ffice= -K@-CL--ALC@ - 9ebsite= http=NNli,ehome.chonbu,.ac.,r - (-mail=

-' Tra!itional Korean Culture Classes

-.raditional <orean !ulture !lasses= C !redits# @- 6ours# )ree# 7efer to homepage announcement for !lass registration period

.@' International A&&airs O&&i$e

?% 3ailing Address= Internatioanl Affairs /ffice$?st fl# :anguage (ducation !enter% !honbu, 1ational 5niversity BKL Bae,4e-daero &eo,4in- u ;eon4u-si ;eollabu,-do BK?-LBK#7epublic of <orea C% /ffice= SFC-K@-CL--AKB@ @% )a>= SFC-K@-CL--C-MM A% (-mail=,r B% 6omepage of !honbu, 1ational 5niversity - 3ain =,r http=NNenter.,r - (nglish =,r - admission - !hinese=,r K% 6omepage of International Affairs /ffice -

- 15 -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

456#7 89

: ; < = >
[A&& ication for Admission]
/012 345 6789 :;< =>4?@. (Please type data ,y .o-puter in "orean or in =nglish.)

. +,ersona Information.. >A +Name :B(=nglish) !

>(1ast) 8C(First)

67("orean) !
>(1ast) 8C(First)

P@8T8 @=#= (0.%D4.%.-)

6D(:hinese) !
>(1ast) 8C(First)

2. EFGH +Date of /irt"- 0


G(Month) H((ay)

1. IJK LMNO +A ien Re#istration No.-0

JP QRDS =>(2or the appli.ant residing in "orea 8nly)

2. JT +Citi3ens"i&- 0 5. >U +4e5- 0 ( ) V(Male) ( ) 5(Fe-ale) 6. 5WNO +,ass&ort No.- 0 ;. XYU ! Z[[\ IJKK IJK( ) IJ]^ X_`ab 8c IJK( ) 6. def cg hi +Current 7ai in# Address JP hiK jd 6J;< =>, kI hiK jd :;< => ()2 the -ailing address is in "orea, please *rite in "orean and i2 it is a,road, please *rite in =nglish..) 2014.6.2; Hj lmnop^ q LMrPDs tu vb8w, 8 ^R2 cgx c yz hi {| (Please *rite an address *here you .an o,tain your Ad-ission :erti2i.ate. )t *ill ,e deli/ered a2ter 4un. 2;, 2014)

8. }~ +Contact Information X(Phone) ! B X(:ell Phone) ! = -ail !

h@ }~ c8< c p6 8H b {| (This is the -ain *ay to .onta.t you. "indly *rite the eCa.t e -ail address.)

.9. }~ +,arenta or Le#a :uardian[6J +;orea-] B >A(9a-e) ! B (#elationship) ! B XNO(Phone) ! [J +<ome Country-] B >A(9a-e) ! B (#elationship) ! B XNO(Phone) ! hi(@o-e Address) !

. +A&& ication Detai s a +De&artment- 0

- 1! -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014


. +!t"er Information.. { 5Z +Dormitory A&& ication- 0 ( ) (Aes) ( ) r(9o) Q45 . ((o N!' F!R:=' to .he.+ Aes or 9o.) 2. JP QR 5Z +Current Residence( ) 6J("orea) QRD(Gisa 'tatus)! ( ) kI(8/erseas) QRJ(:ountry)! { P3 a C8 w S o< A- z n opp i-z ] 45 8p K. ) .erti2y that the in2or-ation pro/ided in this appli.ation is true and .o-plete to the ,est o2 -y +no*ledge, and ) understand that any ina..ura.y and 2alsi2i.ation -ay a22e.t -y ad-ission in.luding its .an.ellation a2ter enroll-ent.

^ cH +A&& ication Date- 0 D ^A +A&& icant?s 4i#nature- 0

- 1" -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

456#7 ?9

@ A B C >
[4e f@Intrduction]
.. >A +Name :B(=nglish)!
>(1ast) 8C(First)

>(1ast) 8C(First)

2. a +De&artment- 0 1. p +Fami y /acA#roundDE (F/2('06)&,0G) HI (J('/ 6K L0#',) MN(O(7/) Z[ (\)$20&,) ]^[ (V,0)/&/) PQ (RSSTG('06)) PUN (V67G()") WXY (1/2/G,6)/)

2. j< +7et"od of A&& yin# ( ) _c (#e.o--endation o2 a Pro2essor) ( ) K (#e.o--endation o2 an A.6uaintan.e) ( ) [ (Announ.e-ents on the $e,site) ( ) {(8ther) !
D(#e.o--enderHs 9a-e and :onta.t )n2or-ation) >A(9a-e) ! X(Phone) ! (8..upation) ! 8H(= -ail) !

5. ; +Lan#ua#e ,roficiency_(`/a/2) 8c Q def gh i j klm nf opq rs (52T/)' /)6T$, '6 T)3/#&'()3 ',/ t,62/ 2/S'T#/) ?c B uv w<x Q de yz{ | g m} (V() T)3/#&'()3 ',/ yz{ 6K ',/ 2/S'T#/) ~c H b^[ m}h A m} (V() S677T)0S('/ T&0)$ .(&0S !6#/()) b^[(!6#/()) Z[(\)$20&,)

456#7 ~9

- 1# -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

; E >
[4tudy , an]
p@i<^ @6 Ds8< A2 3 2 8 < ] n45 ?4 K8 => +'"is document is crucia to t"e a&& icant?s admissionB t"us must Ce Dritten carefu y and accurate y on at east tDo s"eets of A2 si3ed &a&er... >A +Name :B(=nglish) !
>(1ast) 8C(First)

67("orean) !
>(1ast) 8C(First)

2. a +De&artment- 0 1. > ab +,ersona <istory-

2. { q l +Reasons for A&& ication and ,ersona :oa -

5. c +Future 4tudy , an-

- 1. -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

6. { +!t"er Information-

Zx jd U 3 (Aou .an use additional paper i2 ne.essary.)

- 2* -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

456#7 9

r; >>
[Affida)it of Financia 4u&&ort]
4 j2 Zx K89 {A . +, ease Drite t"e name of t"e s&onsor D"o Di &ro)ide a t"e funds durin# t"e a&& icant?s studies... j ZD +4&onsor >A(9a-e) ! (8..upation) ! A(:o-pany 9a-e) ! XNO(Phone) ! 8H(= -ail) ! hi(Mailing Address) ! 2. cD +Reci&ient >A(9a-e) ! EFGH((ate o2 <irth) ! 1. +Re ations"i&- 0

K { D { HQ j2 Zx ^ . I "ereCy confirm t"at I Di Ce "e d res&onsiC e for a tuition fee and i)in# e5&enses of t"e &erson mentioned aCo)e for t"e D"o e duration of t"e &ro#ram.

+Date- 0 jZD ^A +4&onsor?s 4i#nature- 0

X_ 4
+'o t"e ,resident of C"onCuA Nationa (ni)ersity-

- 21 -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

4 56#7 9

; > (S(3/70S )T0#")




(Mother Tongue)

(Screening) , - ! .(/) (0((l1ing 2e(artment)

!("reshman) #

$ !(Trans%er in) & !'(So(homore) #) * !'(+unior) # 3! 4 !.(/)

6 7

! 8 9 :(4;<) (0=ress o% School)

> ?@AB TelC D "aEC


(Name o% School)

' F A

L M (English) JH!8 (Kigh School) NOM (Mother Tongue)

L M 3 ! 8 (Pollege or QniRersit1) NOM (Mother Tongue) (English)

! ,-TU VW JH!8 XY Z[\ ) $

! ,-TU VW 3!8 XY Z[\ 7

]^_7 `abcC S >ABd ?@ABU ef_ OgABd ,hABi jk 7]^7 `abc C l) mn&op* o&qrospt* S u7 TvU ,-T !wxy z{| Zz} Tv~b) 5 7]^_7 `abcC

456#7 9

- 22 -

S ~ ^,

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

S i | 7

} (lease list the =ocuments in or=er o% sumittance)


Noti$e &or ;ros(e$tive Stu!ents

/nce submitted# applications cannot be cancelled and prospective students cannot change ma4ors.
Applications fees are non-refundable after submission of application. Prospective students may not apply for multiple programs within !B15 so please ta,e careful consideration when choosing ma4or and department.

Prospective students must bring a form of photo identification $i.e. Passport# Alien 7egistration !ard% to
the test site. 0tudents who fail to bring photo I& will not be able to ta,e the tests.

3obile phones or any form of wireless communication is not allowed inside the e>amination rooms.
Please note that trying to bring in a wireless communication device into the e>amination rooms will be a direct violation of the 0tudent !ode of !onduct# and thus will result in automatic dis'ualification.

- 23 -

Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Course, Fall Semester 2014

Any disadvantage caused by an input error in the application form is the sole responsibility of the
applicant. If the applicant provides falsified information or attains credentials through dishonest means# !B15 has the right to cancel admission.

Interviews will be conducted on ;un. @ th $.ue%# C-?A# are mandatory and will be organi+ed according to
the ma4or and department of prospective students. Applicants who fail to participate will be dis'ualified. 3ore information on the interview process will be announced on 3ay. @-th $)ri%# C-?A# on the 1otice Board$!Z4,% from the !B15 website.

9ith the e>ception of applicants who have been re'uested to provide supplementary information# if the
applicant"s admission documents do not arrive before the stated deadline or if the application is incomplete# the prospective student will not gain admission and the application fee will not be refunded.

Prospective students must be in contact$phone number listed on application% even during e>amination
periods and any disadvantage caused by not being able to reach the applicant is the responsibility of the applicant.

rades for admission e>ams will not be disclosed.

- 24 -

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