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Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

JavaScript Basics

Pre-Requisites: Knowledge in ABAP

This document teaches you the basics of JavaScript in comparison with ABAP Language. Remember JavaScript and ABAP are not similar languages or substitute for one another. Since every program has the basic syntax, keywords, variables, functions and conditions we are just going to compare how to do the same in JavaScript of what we do in ABAP.

1. Introduction to JavaScript 2. Syntax overview 3. Variables 4. Operators 5. Control statements 6. Control break statements 7. Functions 8. Events 9. Dialog Box 10. Predefined functions

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 1: Introduction to Javascript

What is JavaScript? Javascript is a scripting language and it supports client side scripting. JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language with object-oriented capabilities that allows you to build interactivity into otherwise static HTML pages. JavaScript is:

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language Designed for creating network-centric applications Complementary to and integrated with Java Complementary to and integrated with HTML Open and cross-platform

Client-side JavaScript: Client-side JavaScript is the most common form of the language. The script should be included in or referenced by an HTML document for the code to be interpreted by the browser. It means that a web page need no longer be static HTML, but can include programs that interact with the user, control the browser, and dynamically create HTML content. The JavaScript client-side mechanism features many advantages over traditional CGI server-side scripts. For example, you might use JavaScript to check if the user has entered a valid e-mail address in a form field. The JavaScript code is executed when the user submits the form, and only if all the entries are valid they would be submitted to the Web Server. JavaScript can be used to trap user-initiated events such as button clicks, link navigation, and other actions that the user explicitly or implicitly initiates.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Advantages of JavaScript: The merits of using JavaScript are:

Less server interaction: You can validate user input before sending the page off to the server. This saves server traffic, which means fewer loads on your server. Immediate feedback to the visitors: They don't have to wait for a page reload to see if they have forgotten to enter something. Increased interactivity: You can create interfaces that react when the user hovers over them with a mouse or activates them via the keyboard. Richer interfaces: You can use JavaScript to include such items as drag-and-drop components and sliders to give a Rich Interface to your site visitors. Limitations with JavaScript: We cannot treat JavaScript as a full-fledged programming language. It lacks the following important features:

Client-side JavaScript does not allow the reading or writing of files. This has been kept for security reason. JavaScript cannot be used for networking applications because there is no such support available. JavaScript doesn't have any multithreading or multi-process capabilities. Once again, JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language that allows you to build interactivity into otherwise static HTML pages. JavaScript Development Tools: One of JavaScript's strengths is that expensive development tools are not usually required. You can start with a simple text editor such as Notepad. Since it is an interpreted language inside the context of a web browser, you don't even need to buy a compiler. To make our life simpler, various vendors have come up with very nice JavaScript editing tools. Few of them are listed here:

Microsoft FrontPage Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Macromedia Home site 5 Netbeans IDE

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 2: Syntax Overview Syntax Overview:

In a webpage, Javascript statements are inserted inside <script> </script> tags. This script can be included to the webpage by including the script code in : 1. <head></head> tags. 2. <body></body> tags. 3. Create a separate .js file and link it to the webpage. The script tags contain two attributes namely: Language javascript Text text/javascript Both the attributes indicates the scripting language used. Usage of type attribute is recommended.

A simple Script program:

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Script program:

Document is an object that calls the function write and writes the value in the webpage. This is similar to that of ABAP statement displayed below.

Syntax Explanation: Start with a keyword or object reference. Literals are passed in double quotes in Script where it is passed in single quotes in ABAP. We can also pass literals in single quotes in scripts. End of the statement is indicated by . in ABAP and ; in javascript. White spaces and line breaks are ignored. Hence we can give any no of line spaces between two statements as in ABAP. Unlike ABAP, Javascript statements are case sensitive.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Comments in ABAP can be written in following ways.

Whereas comments in Scripts can be written in three possible ways The comment in javascript can be written as below.

All the lines between /* .*/ are commented. (Multi line comments)

Single line Comments:

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 3: Variables
Variables: One of the fundamental characteristics of any programming languages is the set of data types that the programming languages support. Javascript support all the primitive data types like 1. Numbers 2. Strings 3. Boolean (true or false) Lets see how to create variables and assign value to the variables.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy ABAP Code:

Var is the keyword used in javascript for declaring the variable. The value to the variable can be assigned at the time of declaring the variable or at any point of time in the program. We need not declare data type for the variables. The variables in javascript are flexible and adjust itself to the type of data assigned to it. A number of variables can also be declared with a var keyword separated by comma. E.g: var name, age;

Variables in javascript are case sensitive. Variable name and Name are two different variables whereas name and Name are the same variables in ABAP. Name of the variables in javascript should not begin with numbers. Following name for variables is reserved and may not be used.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 4: Operators
Operators: Operators form the backbone of any programming language. Operators help us in several ways like performing calculation, checking conditions and so on. We have different types of operators supported in our programming languages. The most categories of operators are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Arithmetic operator Comparison operator Logical operator Assignment operator Conditional operators

Arithmetic operators:

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Example: Assume that variable A holds the value 10 and Variable B holds value 20:

Here while writing the output I have concatenated the variable to the text using + operator and written the output. e.g document.write(Literals are passed within quotations + variable ); Note: We dont have the increment or decrement operator in ABAP, we normally achieve it through a = a + 1;

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Assignment operators:


Note: We dont have any of the assignment operators other than equals to ABAP. All other forms are achieved as in example. e.g a += b; is written as a = a + b.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Comparison operator:

All these operators are similar in usage as with ABAP, except that we dont use double equal to check the equality between two variable and not equal to operator differs from the normal usage. Equal to operator: In javascript, if (a == b); In ABAP, if a = b. Not equal to operator: In Javascript, if (a!= b); In ABAP if a<>b. Note: All other operators remain same in usage compared with ABAP

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Logical Operators:

We dont have any of these operators in usage in our ABAP program, Instead we have keyword AND for &&, OR for || and NOT for !. In javascript, instead of keywords we need to use the symbolic representation. Remaining usage of these operators remains the same as with that of ABAP. Bitwise Operators: Bitwise operators are bit advance and will be discussed in later chapters. We dont have this operation in ABAP.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Conditional Operators:

The condition operator checks condition and assign value to the variables. If the condition is true then value after question mark is assigned, if condition is false value after colon is assigned.

If the value of x is greater than 18 then old enough will be the value assigned to variable votable. Note: This operator is similar to that of ifelse.. condition in ABAP.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 5: Control Statements

Control statement: Control statements are used to control flow logic or sequence of statement execution in other words. Like in ABAP we have the control statement in Javascript. They are as below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If else condition While Do while Switch case For loop For in

IF Conditions: If condition is true then executes the statement within the if block. Syntax: If (condition) { Statements to be executed; }; Example:

Note: In ABAP we write within ifendif block and we dont have brackets. In Javascript there is no endif, an block is formed with curly brackets.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy IF...ELSE Condition: If the condition is true then statements within if block executes else the statement within the else block executes. In simple words if not this, then do that. Syntax: If (condition) { Statement to be executed; } Else { Statement to be executed; }; Example:

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy IFELSEIFcondition: This is similar to if else condition, the sequence executes till the condition matches and condition can be checked for each block. Syntax: If (condition) { Statements to be executed; } else if (condition) { Statements to be executed; } else .. };


Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Switch Case: Case statement in ABAP is Switch case in Javascript. Syntax: switch (expression) { case condition 1: statement(s) break; case condition 2: statement(s) break; ... case condition n: statement(s) break; default: statement(s) } Example:

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Note: Break statements are important after every case condition, otherwise the output will be like this.

While Condition: When we want some statements to be executed again and again until the condition fails we use the while statements. Syntax: while (expression) { Statements to be executed; };

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Do while: The do while also repeats the execution of statements repeatedly until the condition fails. The difference between do while and while statement as below. When condition fails in while statement no execution at all:

In do while even if the condition is not fulfilled the statement gets executed once.

Note: We do not have the do..while in ABAP, instead we have do..enddo statements.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy For Loops: For loop is another form of looping. This is similar to that of loop statements in ABAP. The For loops contains, three major parts: 1. Initialization 2. Condition 3. Iteration Syntax:
for (initialization; test condition; iteration statement){ Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is true }


For in: There is one more looping keyword called which is used to loop the JS objects. Since we are not familiar with JS objects, skipping this part for now.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 6: Control breaks statements

Break: Break statements exits the control out of the closing brackets.


The for loop breaks after the count becomes 3. Break keyword is similar to that of Exit keyword in ABAP and it terminates the loop pass unconditionally. The remaining executions of the loop are not continued further after triggering break keyword. In above example the loop pass us not carried out the fourth and fifth time.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Continue:

Continue keyword is similar to that of continue keyword in ABAP and it terminates the loop pass only for the satisfied condition. The remaining execution of loop continues further.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Using labels to control the flow: We can specify labels in the program and control the sequence of execution. This concept is not there in the ABAP. We create a label by specifying the name before the loop pass starting and then control the execution back to the point where the label is created. This is specifically used when there is a loop inside a loop. Example:

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 7: Functions
Functions in javascript are similar to that of Function modules in ABAP. It is mainly used for modularization and reusability of the Code. The functions can be written anywhere in the html page or functions can be written in a separate .js file and include it in the webpage. Syntax:
function functionname(parameter-list) { Statements; }

In the above example the function is called on the click of the button. The function to be called is assigned to the button using on click attribute. Lets see an example of function with parameters:

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Example:

Return statement in the function is the one that exports the value back. The variable in the function perform add is not necessarily has to have the name as a and b respectively. It can be any name, the functions take the arguments in the order it was passed. Say for example we have variables num1 and num2 and call the method add (num1, num2) then num1 will be assigned to a and num2 will be assigned to b.

The logic for the function can also be written at the time of calling the function. e.g. var result = new add (x, y, return parseInt(x) + parseInt(y) ) These types of functions are known as constructors and we will see a lot of those while creating the UI element in UI5.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 8: Events
Events in Javascript are similar to that of events in ABAP object. Both indicate the occurrence of something and that event is to be handled. Like in ABAP we have methods to handle the event we have functions in javascript to handle the event. To trigger the event handler method we dont have to go through the event registration process as in ABAP. We just have to specify the method to be called to the event attribute. Unlike ABAP for an event we can have only one event handler method. Take the previous example for function:

In the above example, on click attribute of the input tag is considered as event and is triggered by the browser when the button is being clicked. The performadd() function is the event handler and this function gets called when the user presses the button. Likewise, each of the tags in html has a certain sets of events associated to it. You can get to know about the events available for the tag, while working with code editing software like macromedia. It list out the events with tag attributes, you can choose one and assign functions to it.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 9: Dialog boxes

Dialog boxes in Javascript: Javascript supports three important forms of dialog boxes. They are listed as below. 1. Alert dialog box 2. Confirmation dialog box 3. Prompt dialog box

Alert dialog box: Alert dialog boxes are mostly used to create warning to the user or display some message to the user in the form of pop up.

Alert is a standard function which creates the dialog box for the warning message. We just need to pass the warning text to the standard function.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Confirmation dialog box: Confirmation dialog box asks the user for action, whether yes or no to continue the process.

Executing the html file in browser and clicked on confirmation dialog:

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A pop up appears, clicking on Ok button.

While clicking on the ok button the browser returns the value of confirmation as true and when we presses cancel button it return the value as false.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy Prompt Dialog box: Prompt dialog box is used to get the values from the user. The pop up opens with the text provided to the prompt function asking for the value. The user entered value is returned and can be captured in variable and proceed further. Example: Clicking on the prompt user name button calls the function my prompt which in turn calls the function prompt(). Prompt() is a standard function that creates the dialog, this function has two parameters one is text that appear on the popup and other is a default value to the input field.

Result after entering the name and clicking on ok.

Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy

Chapter 10: Predefined functions

Like we have predefined function modules in ABAP there are many predefined functions available in Javascript. Some of the standard functions which we saw in previous examples are: Functions alert() confirm() prompt() parseInt write() Description Alerts a warning message to the user Ask for confirmation from the user Prompt a value from the user Converts the string into integers Writes the value in the output page. Called by its object reference document.write( ) getElementById() Get reference to HTML tag by using the ID. Called by its object reference document.getElementById() In this example I am going to use one such standard function that does a routine job like printing the page. Example:

You can also specify the function window.print() directly to the onclick event.

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Document Prepared By: Arun Krishnamoorthy


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