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The flow of sand in an hourglass can be used to keep track of elapsed time. It also concretely represents the present as being between the past and the future. Time is a part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change such as the motions of objects. The temporal position of events with respect to the transitory present is continually changing; events happen, then are located further and further in the past. Time has been a major subject of religion, philosophy, and science, but defining it in a non-controversial manner applicable to all fields of study has consistently eluded the greatest scholars. A simple definition states that "time is what clocks measure". Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in the International System of Units. Time is used to define other quantities such as velocity so defining time in terms of such quantities would result in circularity of definition.[2] An operational definition of time, wherein one says that observing a certain number of repetitions of one or another standard cyclical event (such as the passage of a free-swinging pendulum) constitutes one standard unit such as the second, is highly useful in the conduct of both advanced experiments and everyday affairs of life. Two contrasting viewpoints on time divide many prominent philosophers. One view is that time is part of the fundamental structure of the universe, a dimension in which events occur in sequence. Sir Isaac Newton subscribed to this realist view, and hence it is sometimes referred to as Newtonian time. Time travel, in this view, becomes a possibility as other "times" persist like frames of a film strip, spread out across the time line.

Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the

purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and natural resources. Since organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportunity to 'manage' oneself, a pre-requisite to attempting to manage others.

Time is money
Indeed, if you treat your time as the valuable commodity it is, you are more likely to spend it conservatively and only on the things that hold the most value for you. Therefore, adopting and implementing an effective time management procedure should top any serious business person's agenda. The reward for managing your time and consistently working toward your goals is the enrichment of not only your professional life, but your personal life.

Time management
Time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals. This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing. Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well. A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Usually time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope.

Time management concepts

Time management has been considered as subsets of different concepts such as:

Project management. Time Management can be considered as a project management subset and is more commonly known as project planning and project scheduling. Time Management has also been identified as one of the core functions identified in project management.[6]

Attention management: Attention Management relates to the management of cognitive resources, and in particular the time that humans allocate their mind (and organizations the minds of their employees) to conduct some activities.

Personal knowledge management: see below (Personal time management).

Time Management is key to success

Today time has become one of the most precious thing in this competitive world. Every loose or win is the matter of time . Everybody knows the value of it, but everyone is not able to use time efficiently and effectively. This is because generally people fell prey to procrastination. People delay their work until they reach the deadlines. But with efforts in right direction and strong willpower, one can easily attain goals in time. Its all about curing procrastination. Students generally dont notice that slowly and steadily, this act of delaying become their habit and result in unwanted consequences. In order to avoid such situation one should do time management and attain the goals. Here are some steps to attain goals through proper time management. To do an effective time management the first thing required is strong will power. This is very important because it is said, where there is will there is a way. No matter how many plans you have made, none could be successful if you are not following it willingly. Through strong will power one can beat the delaying factor inside you Planning is another important factor involved in time management. Systematic working is the most effective approach towards the goals. But most of the time it happens that plan remains

a plan and do not turn into a reality. So to avoid such instances it is important that plan should be practically done at apt timing Setting your priorities: Procrastination can infiltrate in your planning, and can still make a delay in doing important work. So to avoid this, set your priorities. Keep your most important work or the difficult task in the starting and assign proper time period to finish them. Last but not the least, materializing your plan. This is the most important aspect of time management because time management should start from the point it came to your mind. Actually, Some people show delay in initializing time management and loose precious time which could be included in their planning. Time in the organization is permanent and unvarying. Once time is lost, it can not be gained back. Every minute in the organization is imperative and very precious. Managers have plentiful demands on the narrow time they have.

The dean of International Academy of Management and Entrepreneurship - Bangalore, BK Murthy always enlightened his students by saying that Gandhi, Ratan Tata, Ambani had the same time we are having now. But what made them different? Its how they handled their time in doing their tasks and together with that its their hard work and enthusiasm towards their goal. If one has a goal to achieve, he/ she will unquestionably know how to manage ones timings. No matter what position you hold in the organization,, one can not catch hold of time. Time keeps getting away and they have they difficulty holding it. So, its very vital that time should be effectively managed to be effectual.

Alternatively, one becomes a time extremist who switch by building time management spreadsheet by having creating precedence folders and lists, colors coding tasks and unscrambling paperwork into priority heaps that you start to waste more time by managing it to intensely. And slowly but surely the technique you have taken on becomes a little bit multifarious and you have a propensity to return In your old shoes. I must say that I am really lucky to have a dean who is very efficient person in his every dealings. He said that most people actually need to do is to scrutinize how they spend their time and put into action a few time saving ways that will add them the most time.

Most of the people waste their time in worrying about things that are not actually in their hands which puts them off which later leads them to indecision. They create inefficiency by implementing first instead of analyzing. Its always better for us for see what the situation is like and to have an scrutiny on it and then take a levelheaded decision. Sometimes it so happens that they lack making priorities, standards, policies and procedure. In the organization every situation is really critical and how you take and make pronouncement really counts. Being a team leaders is the most important factor because for there on you can take on the flight to the success of the organization. If time is not managed appropriately, they can fail to pass on. Therefore it is very vital for us to pay attention to the things that are very important for us and spending time for them is very much essential. To mention some would be like that spending time with families, spending time with the people we love, give time for your work and set your priorities, Believe in yourself and know what you want and make it happen. Learn to use your time wisely.

Time Management Tips

Time management tips and tools are only effective to the extent they are used. Knowing what to do is not enough. You need to master the "How To" of good time management techniques. We all know the importance of the feeding time. We all offer 24 hours every day, but some people manage to do more things because they use their time to the maximum. Today I will present three excellent techniques that will help you organize your time better and will use the most every minute of every day, following that in future article will present three other important techniques. Time management is one of those skills no one teaches you in school but you have to learn. It doesn't matter how smart you are if you can't organize information well enough to take it in. And it doesn't matter how skilled you are if procrastination keeps you from getting your work done. Younger workers understand this, and time management is becoming a topic of hipsters. One of the most popular blogs in the world is Lifehacker, edited by productivity guru Gina

Trapani, and her forthcoming book by the same name is a bestseller on Amazon based so far on pre-orders. So here are 10 tips to make you better at managing your work: Admit multitasking is bad For people who didn't grow up watching TV, typing out instant messages and doing homework all at the same time, multitasking is deadly. But it decreases everyone's productivity, no matter who they are. "A 20-year-old is less likely to feel overwhelmed by demands to multitask, but young people still have a loss of productivity from multitasking," says Trapani. So try to limit it. Kathy Sierra at Creating Passionate Users suggests practicing mindfulness as a way to break the multitasking habit. Do the most important thing first. Trapani calls this "running a morning dash". When she sits down to work in the morning, before she checks any email, she spends an hour on the most important thing on her to-do list. This is a great idea because even if you can't get the whole thing done in an hour, you'll be much more likely to go back to it once you've gotten it started. She points out that this dash works best if you organize the night before so when you sit down to work you already know what your most important task of the day is. Know when you work best Industrial designer Jeff Beene does consulting work, so he can do it any time of day. But, he says, "I try to schedule things so that I work in the morning, when I am the most productive." Each person has a best time. You can discover yours by monitoring your productivity over a period of time. Then you need to manage your schedule to keep your best time free for your most important work. Think about keystrokes If you're on a computer all day, keystrokes matter because efficiency matters. "On any given day, an information worker will do a dozen Google searchers," says Trapani. "How many keystrokes does it take? Can you reduce it to three? You might save 10 seconds, but over time, that builds up."

Organize your to-do list every day If you don't know what you should be doing, how can you manage your time to do it? Some people like writing this list out by hand because it shows commitment to each item if you are willing to rewrite it each day until it gets done. Other people like software that can slice and dice their to-do list into manageable, relevant chunks. For example, Beene uses tasktoy because when he goes to a client site tasktoy shows him only his to do items for that client, and not all his other projects. Dare to be slow Remember that a good time manager actually responds to some things more slowly than a bad time manager would. For example, someone who is doing the highest priority task is probably not answering incoming email while they're doing it. As Markowitz writes: "Obviously there are more important tasks than processing email. Intuitively, we all know this. What we need to do now is recognize that processing one's work (evaluating what's come in and how to handle it) and planning one's work are also mission-critical tasks." Make a list of what needs to get done. Create a detailed list of all of your upcoming assignments, quizzes and tests. This can be done in no particular order. The purpose is to determine exactly what you need to accomplish in your online high school class.

Prioritize your list. Decide what's most important, or what needs to get done first. You can arrange your list in order of when each assignment is due. Dont forget to add in time to study for the quizzes and chapter tests. The final result should include a comprehensive list of tasks that need to be completed at specific times.

Get a calendar. You should get yourself a calendar with room to write in notes. This will enable you to create an effective schedule so that you can fulfill your online high school requirements.

Make a schedule. This is the important part. Take your prioritized list and determine how long it will take to accomplish each task. For example, if you have a test on Friday, you might want to start to study on Monday. If you can complete an assignment in one night, make a note of it. Do this for all of the assignments, quizzes and tests.

Fill your calendar. Now it's time to use that calendar you bought. You can take the schedule you created and simply write it onto your calendar. Include the necessary deadlines, due dates and schedule of daily work. Be careful not to overbook yourself and give yourself ample time to get things done. You are in charge of your schedule.

Time Management Techniques

Are you finding it difficult to fit all of the things you want to do into each day? Do you wish you could spend less time working and more time with your family? Do you find that you don't have time for the things that matter to you?

Hopefully, this isn't you but unfortunately most of us feel this way some time. Perhaps you are spending extra hours each evening at the weekend trying to get your work completed. Or you just do not have enough leisure time to pursue your hobbies and do the things you enjoy. Manage yourself

We have only so much time in each day. That is not going to change so we are going to have to accept it. You cannot manage time, but you can manage yourself. This is the secret of effective time management. You have to identify the things in life that truly matter to you - this is where you should spend your time. Everything else is just a waste of time.

It is important to point out at this stage that making the changes necessary to manage your time effectively can mean making some fundamental changes in your lifestyle. However, there is no need to rush, you can make the necessary changes at your own pace. It is best to go slowly, at least to begin with, as you may not succeed if you try to do too much, too soon.

Know yourself

Knowing yourself is the essential first step on the road to effective time management. In modern

society there are so many distractions we can easily lose our focus on what we really want in our lives. For most people, this is an unfortunate fact of life.

So this is the first step in effective time management - finding out what you really want from life. This is where you find your vision. Remember a time earlier in your life when you felt anything was possible. How did you envisage your life at that time? This could help you to get in touch with your vision. It is likely that some of your priorities will have changed since then, but many will have remained the same.

Planning your day.

To get started you should choose two goals that are important to you, one big and one small. Now, you want to think of one small step you can take towards achieving these that you can incorporate into one day. If you can complete the one step towards achieving each goal then you have made an excellent start. In truth, there is much more to it than this but this will show you that it is far from impossible and can be very rewarding. However, you must be much more meticulous in planning your days so that you complete everything you need to do while only spending time on the things that really matter to you.

The 4 Ds of time management

Now you can move onto looking more closely at the things you need to do each day and deciding how to handle them. For this you will need the four Ds of self-management. These are: * Do it - This can not wait and needs to be taken care of now. * Delegate it - It needs to be done, but someone else can take care of it. * Dump it - This is not important, thrash it. * Defer it - This needs to be done, but it can wait until later. You should be able to file any task that arises in your average day under one of the four Ds.

Time wasters

And finally a quick word on time wasters. Time wasters eat into our time and can make it very difficult to manage our time effectively. They can be the most trivial of things, and are therefore very hard to spot. Here are just a few time wasters:

* Lack of or poor planning - File things properly, write down appointments, that kind of thing. Basically, you need to be organized to use your time effectively.

* Procrastination - If you keep putting things off you will miss all the best opportunities in life.

* Not delegating - No one person can be good at everything. You need to delegate tasks that eat into your time unnecessarily to other people.

* Interruptions - Don't let clutter and noise eat into your productive time. Make sure there are no interruptions when you want to work.

These and other time wasters are probably eating into your time, so try to identify them and get rid of them.

Set goals Goals give your life, and the way you spend your time, direction. When asked the secret to amassing such a fortune, one of the famous Hunt brothers from Texas replied: "First you've got to decide what you want." Set goals which are specific, measurable, realistic and achievable. Your optimum goals are those which cause you to "stretch" but not "break" as you strive for achievement. Goals can give creative people a much-needed sense of direction. Use a to do list Some people thrive using a daily To Do list which they construct either the last thing the previous day or first thing in the morning. Such people may combine a To Do list with a calendar or schedule. Others prefer a "running" To Do list which is continuously being updated. Or, you may prefer a combination of the two previously described To Do lists. Whatever method works is best for you. Don't be afraid to try a new system you just might find one that works

even better than your present one! Be flexible Allow time for interruptions and distractions. Time management experts often suggest planning for just 50 percent or less of one's time. With only 50 percent of your time planned, you will have the flexibility to handle interruptions and the unplanned "emergency." When you expect to be interrupted, schedule routine tasks. Save (or make) larger blocks of time for your priorities. When interrupted, ask Alan Lakein's crucial question, "What is the most important thing I can be doing with my time right now?" to help you get back on track fast. Consider your biological prime time That's the time of day when you are at your best. Are you a "morning person," a "night owl," or a late afternoon "whiz?" Knowing when your best time is and planning to use that time of day for your priorities (if possible) is effective time management. our day on paper well in advance. Doing so shouldn't take more than 20 minutes a day. It can significantly lower the time spent on wasteful activities. Mention an estimated time frame for each task that you are going to be doing and stick to that allocated time.

Start your day the right way Being busy all day means you are constantly frazzled and rushing to complete tasks, which wreaks havoc on your ability to manage time and, consequently, your productivity. Take 10 minutes to sit in silence each morning. During those ten minutes, breathe deeply and plan for your day. Multi-task Another suggestion is to combine several activities into one time spot. For example: when traveling to work, read your newspaper. You will have more time in the day if you do multiple activities at the same time. Remember, not to degrade the quality of your work when multitasking because that makes it pointless.

Time Management Tools

There are many tools available online that help us in managing our time effectively. Some of the useful ones are as follows: Todolist and Vitalist: These are some of the task list managers available online, which are easy to use and available in various formats. MS Outlook and Google Calendar: Calendar is one of the most important tools in time management and is required for scheduling the tasks well. They have features like email reminders, meeting schedules, and multiple formats and so on. High Rise and Big Contacts: These are tools for managing the contacts more efficiently with features like phone numbers, emails, addresses, notes for each contact, meetings, calls made, tasks due and so on. Base camp and Backpack: These are project management tools that help in collaboration and storing notes and files. They also have features like checklists, task lists, page sharing to name a few.

Time management techniques are useful for all people and businesses that have set targets and want to succeed in the future. A laid-back attitude can never help in rising up the ladder. So time management is crucial for everyone and must be done religiously.

Learning time management of skills

Learning time management skills and principals help most people to become more productive. Direct knowledge of each person's strengths, values, etc. is also a key consideration.

The organization's culture is also an important factor. Change is often quite difficult to accomplish, so each specific situation - the culture, the type of changes desired, etc. - should be carefully assessed.

Things are not always how they appear. You see that guy flying the paper airplane? He's goofing off on the job, isn't he, playing one of those time management jokes? Actually, did you know he just won a multi-million dollar contract he's been working diligently on for months? This is how he's celebrating at the moment! (And he's actually the founder and CEO of the organization.) Whats really going on? As you begin your time management activities, you should accurately assess work procedures, work flow, who's doing what, etc. Don't take this on alone; get everyone's input so you'll more likely get people's buy-in later. Do a time study: It's often very informative to account for how you spend your time over a typical period of work time, perhaps a week or two. You will likely learn a lot about what you actually do, how many interruptions you get, etc. You may want to suggest (or require) your staff to do this, too. Time for analysis: You will likely learn a lot by studying the information gathered from the time study sheets. What do you and others actually do? What should be delegated to others? What tasks should be lumped together and done in batches? Get buy in as you go: People want to be given the opportunity to have input on things that affect them. The top-down management approach doesn't work well and will usually backfire in obvious and subtle ways. By giving everyone a variety of ways to think about making things more effective, organizations stand to gain on many fronts. Make things enjoyable whenever practical: Just because it's called "work" doesn't mean it can't be fun, at least some of the time! Remember: "Attitude is just about everything." As your attitude and those around you rise, so will productivity. Time management activities should revolve around this, not working "every minute". Time is money: Each person and organization has its own unique qualities and characteristics. The better this is factored in, the more likely productivity will improve.

Personal Time Management

Time management strategies are often associated with the recommendation to set personal goals. These goals are recorded and may be broken down into a project, an action plan, or a simple task list. For individual tasks or for goals, an importance rating may be established, deadlines may be set, and priorities assigned. This process results in a plan with a task list or a schedule or calendar of activities. Authors may recommend a daily, weekly, monthly or other planning periods associated with different scope of planning or review. This is done in various ways, as follows. Time management also covers how to eliminate tasks that don't provide the individual or organization value.

The Benefits of time management

The benefits of time management are many and varied, but some of the most important include greater productivity, confidence, the ability to meet goals, the opportunity to have fun and gain control over ones life. Those who fail to properly manage their time often end up with a list of things left undone. These individuals also are often stressed out, edgy and simply not living up to their potential. Time management is a crucial component for anyone who desires to truly get the most out of life. Check out the list below and increase your knowledge of how time management can benefit you. Control: Proper time management allows you to take some measure of control over your life. By pre-planning your activities you help your days to become ordered. Things come up and you may be forced to change your plan at times, but for the most part, knowing exactly what you need to achieve each day and having a plan to ensure that these things get done, will help you be more in control of your destiny. Productivity: Proper time management allows you to be more productive. When you dont properly manage your time, you often have too many activities and not enough day. Time gets away from you. To counteract this, write down what you need to get done and allocate a definite and realistic period of time to achieve it. When the time

period is up for each activity, move on. Doing this will mean that you at least get some things finished and have moved towards completing the other activities. Confidence: Proper time management gives you confidence. This is partly because you have taken back control of your life. Checking things off your to-do-list will cause your confidence to soar as you realize that you can finish what you start. As your accomplishments grow so will your confidence. Fun: Proper time management allows you to have more time for fun. By prioritizing and getting the most important and pressing things done first, you then have time to do the things you really want to do. This might be a favorite hobby, going dancing, enjoying time with your family, or simply resting. Ability to Meet Goals: Another one of the benefits of time management is the ability to meet your goals. It is nearly impossible to meet your goals when you fail to properly manage your time. This is because you never get around to doing what needs to be done in order to achieve the goals you've set for yourself. Something always comes up, or you spend too much time on frivolous tasks, eating away time that should go toward meeting your goals.

Clarity of purpose. I used to sit down at my desk in the mornings and react to whatever shouted the loudest for my attention at that moment. Often it was the latest crisis to deal with. At other times, it was something completely irrelevant to anything I should have been doing. But that was part of the problem -- most of the problem, in fact. I didnt really know what to do, because thinking was too tough and planning was too boring. It took me years to figure out that both were, and are, central to my satisfaction about how to spend my time. Knowing what matters to you, and being able to express it, is one of the key benefits of time management. This is often in the form of goals, either in your head, or that youve put on paper (of all the tips on setting goals, this ones a must do).

Whether its a simple task, a major project, or even a lifetime ambition, clarity about what youre doing makes decision making so much easier. You know what you want to do and why you want to do it. This is why planning is so important. Any time spent thinking about what to do is an investment that will pay you back many times over, in both the short and longer term. Planning creates clarity. Doing things right. Clarity about what to do matters, but so does your ability to actually do it. Even when you know what you want to do, there are countless time traps to negotiate in order for you to do it.. The advantages of time management skills here? You have the know-how and confidence to deal with them all. There are some really effective time management activities to try that will help you handle pretty much every difficulty you could face in this respect. Doing things right means you cut to the chase with a lot less fluff and nonsense to slow you down. One of the best ways to do this is to experiment with some time management systems. Whichever one you prefer, youll have a framework with which to process whatever you decide to do, smoothly and efficiently. Peace of mind. You cant put a price on this. Its the foundation of everything you create. Being able to manage time effectively doesnt necessarily bring peace of mind itself, but it certainly creates the conditions for you to do so. Having said that, it does affect how you feel about what youve done. When you know your time has been well spent, it brings a deep and lasting sense of satisfaction that is sweet to savour and hard to beat. Peace of mind and stress levels are both closely linked to your ability to manage time effectively. Being able to do more of what matters before it turns into a crisis has a major impact on your physical and mental well-being.

The Importance of Time Management in Student Life

Students must budget their time to perform successfully. The classroom is the place for students to further their knowledge through education, but not all learning and school obligations happen during the class day. Coursework, extracurricular activities and other obligations can easily consume a student's day. Time management is important for ensuring that students perform well. Class Schedules Students in high school and college enrollment often find their classes take up a good deal of the day. College classes can begin at 8 a.m. or earlier and continue into the evening. A student might attend four or more classes, depending on his schedule. With long class days, it is important for students to manage their time well to complete assignments and fit in other obligations. Studies With instructors giving out class assignments, a student will need to spend additional time outside of the classroom learning. Homework, class projects and tests can consume much of a student's free time. In addition, midterm exams and finals can require common late-night cram sessions. Course loads can vary and students might need to spend additional time studying subjects they have difficulty comprehending. This only reinforces how valuable a student's time is and why he must manage it well to be successful. Extracurricular Activities Students participating in extracurricular activities, including sports and clubs, will find their time further restrained. Involvement in these activities takes time away studying and completing assignments. This makes time management even more important. College students who have sports scholarships must balance their sport obligations with their education. Personal Life

Students must also have a life outside of school. Spending time with friends, family and having fun is important to provide a healthy balance. To successfully satisfy their personal life and meet education obligations, students must learn to juggle the two effectively by managing time well. Jobs Some students work part-time and full-time jobs. A student might do this for spending money or to help pay for her schooling and other bills. When work takes time away from studying, personal life and extracurricular activities, a student must learn to be especially proficient at balancing all aspects. This is where prioritizing can be helpful. A student must prioritize what comes first in her life. If a job starts to interfere with school, a student might need to change her work schedule or find a different job.

Time Management Tips Because a student's time is so valuable, it is important to use it wisely. This can be done by taking advantage of idle time that could be spent studying. This could happen during lunch, on the bus ride to and from school or before a class starts. By taking advantage of these extra minutes, you will more efficiently use your time, reducing time spent studying at home, which will leave time for other activities. Another useful tip is to find out when you do your best work. Some students are night owls and perform well late into the evening. Others perform better in the morning. Find out which time works for you and concentrate studying and assignment efforts during that period. This uses your time more effectively.

Time Management Time management Time management concepts Time management is key to success Time management tips Time management techniques Learning time management of skills Personal time management Benefits of time management The importance of time management in student life Bibliography

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