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Is It Christian or pagan?

The Trinity

The early church in it's simplicity and simple Faith in God, believed in One God; and that God was all in all to them. He was their Father in creation, their Saviour manifested in esus !hrist and their Salvation in the form of the Holy Spirit 'in' them. "t was not until after the death of the 'ori#inal' apostles, and false apostles $%evelation &'&( entered the church, that the Godhead became an issue. These false apostles be#an to brin# heresy into the church, attemptin# to )or#ani*e) the !hristian Faith and e+ercise )control) over the laity. "n %evelation &', esus identified this in the first !hurch -#e $.phesus( as )the deeds of the /icolaitanes). 0y the third !hurch -#e $1er#amos( these 'deeds' had become a 'doctrine', called 'the doctrine of the /icolaitanes' $%evelation &'23(. /ow, most of the !hristian movement had become )or#ani*ed) under the )control) of man. Those opposin# the teachin#s of this /icolaitane $con4uer the laity( form of !hristianity were put to death.

The /icolaitane influence continued to #row in the church, causin# more and more controversy and division. 1eter's prophecy had come to pass. "n &nd 1eter &'2 he warned the Saints, sayin#, )0ut there were false prophets also amon# the people, even as there shall be false teachers amon# you, who privily shall brin# in damnable heresies, even denyin# the 5ord that bou#ht them, and brin# upon themselves swift destruction.) One of those damnable heresies was the teachin# of the trinity 6 three person concept of the Godhead. 7urin# the -postolic -#e of the early !hurch the 7octrine of the Trinity was unheard of. The early church did not believe in three persons in the Godhead. They believed in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit 6 simply believin# that each was a )dispensational manifestation) of One and the same God. 0ut with or#ani*ed reli#ion came intellectual theolo#ians, without Spiritual revelation. They too8 it upon themselves to ta8e the understandin# of the 9ord out of the hands of the Holy Ghost and place it in the hands of the 'cler#y' of the or#ani*ed church. :ntil finally, durin# the dar8 a#es, the or#ani*ed anti6!hrist church forbid the ordinary person to read the Scriptures, causin# them to depend entirely on the cler#y for spiritual #uidance or rather, mis6#uidance. "t was /OT until after the apostolic a#e that the theory of three persons in the Godhead was introduced into the !hurch. Slowly but surely, the theolo#ians were ma8in# the Godhead an issue which eventually caused divisions within the !hristian community. Finally, in ;&3 -.7. .mperor !onstantine called for a meetin# of all the 0ishops of the )or#ani*ed) church to settle the dispute. Hundreds of others attended this meetin# to e+press their views. There were about fifteen hundred dele#ates in all; and the laity outnumbered the bishops five to one in the dele#ation. -t this, the first of all ).cumenical !ouncils), held in /icaea $now "*ni8, Tur8ey( in ;&3 -.7., the sub<ect of the Godhead became an issue and a cardinal doctrine, causin# a two way split amon# the people. 0ut in spite of the lar#e number of lay people present, opposin# the idea of 'three persons' in the Godhead, the /icolaitanes $cold, formal cler#y(, or#ani*ed

reli#ion and !onstantine's political plan out6maneuvered and out6voted the true church. The vast ma<ority of %oman 0ishops came away from that council believin# in three persons in the Godhead, thus believin# in three Gods. 0ut the true church, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, maintained their Scriptural stand that God is O/. 6 not three; 0ecause the %evelation throu#h ohn by the Spirit to the churches was, )" am the 5ord esus !hrist, and " am -55 of it 6 the -lpha and Ome#a, the -lmi#hty. There isn't any other God). -nd He = esus> put His seal on this %evelation. The or#ani*ed church of %ome became so powerful that it be#an a campai#n of persecution of the )True !hurch, eventually, puttin# ,?,@@@,@@@ of them to death. Fo+e's 0oo8 of Aartyrs clearly details the 'brutality' with which or#ani*ed /icolaitane reli#ion, in the form of the %oman !atholic !hurch, brutally murdered ,?,@@@,@@@ protestants. Aa8e no wonder, ohn, in the 0oo8 of %evelation said that 'she' $the false /icolaitane church( was )drun8 with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of esus) $%evelation 2B',(. Still, after 2B@@ years no other 7octrine is as )sacred) to Traditional or#ani*ed !hristianity $both %oman !atholic and 1rotestant( as the doctrine of the 'Trinity'. To the 'traditional !hristian' the teachin# of the 'three person' concept of the Godhead is a 'precious <ewel' in their !hristian confession. 7are anyone, even God Himself, challen#e the Scripturalness of it. Aost professin# !hristians turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the truth of where the trinity 6 three person concept of God ori#inated. The tradition of the elders have made a false trinity doctrine the cornerstone of the !hristian Faith. For this they will answer to God. !oncernin# the Godhead, 9illiam 0ranham made the followin# statement in a Aessa#e entitled, '-braham's !ovenant !onfirmed' $2C,2(' )" am not ' esus Only'..."'m not Oneness. /ot at all. "'m not trinity either. "'m a !hristian. " believe in God. " believe in God manifested in three offices. /O9, His office is in

my heart, in your heart. /ot another God somewhere else; another God somewhere else; and another God somewhere else. That's as pa#an as pa#an can be. /.D.% one time was that even thou#ht of until the /icene !ouncil. =Eou can't> find it in the 0ible, or find it in history 6 till that time 6 it's not there.) Thou#h he embraced the )Oneness) formula for water baptism 6 in the /-A. of the 5ord esus !hrist, 9illiam 0ranham's view of the Godhead is far from the ):nitarian) concept or the concept preached by the :nited 1entecostal !hurch. Eet, the teachin# of )three persons' in the Godhead is so in#rained in the people that to 4uestion it's validity is immediately called heresy and branded as a 'cult'. The !hurches which follow the Aessa#e brou#ht by 9illiam 0ranham have lon# been listed as cults; but recently, on the internet, some self6proclaimed 'cult e+pert' branded the :nited 1entecostal !hurch as a cult 6 all because they don't believe in the trinity. This is ridiculous 6 /o where, in Scripture are we )commanded) or as8ed to believe in 'three persons' in the GodheadFFF The first of the Ten !ommandments #ives instruction concernin# how many Gods we are to have 6 )Thou shalt have no other #ods before me) $.+odus &@';(. /otice, it says 'me' not 'us'. To interpret the word )us) in Genesis 2'&, as referrin# to a plurality of persons in the Godhead is to say that there are three Gods. The term )us) is mentioned a#ain in Genesis 22'B and in Genesis 2?. "n Genesis 2? the )us) comes down to commune with -braham. )One) of them is the 5O%7 $ ehovah( Himself in human form. -braham bowed to this One, callin# Him $capital( )5O%7). The other two were -n#els in human form. 0ecause of the use of the plural pronoun in Genesis 2'&,, this Scripture reference is used e+tensively by Trinitarian theolo#ians in their attempt to prove a 'three person' concept of the Godhead. 0ut they fail to perceive that this is God's way of indicatin#, not a plurality of persons, but of offices or manifestations of the same God. 7own throu#h the a#es, since the be#innin# of time, He has revealed Himself to man in many different 'forms' and different ways. 0ut He forever remains the O/. and self6same 0ein#.

Trinitarians also point out the use of the plural name ).lohim) in Genesis 2'2, sayin# that it conclusively indicates 'persons' in the Godhead. .lohim, however, is used to depict other Old Testament deities $whether real or ima#inary(. 0aal, ud#es ,';2 and 0eel*ebub, &nd Gin#s 2'& are both called ).lohim), but they were not trinities. Therefore the word, ).lohim) does not e+press a plurality of persons but of attributes and of ma<esty. "n the ancient theaters of hundreds of years a#o an 'actor' could be called ).lohim) because it was the custom for 'one' actor to portray many characters in the same play, simply by chan#in# from one mas8 to another 6 but he was still O/. person, playin# many different characters. 9ithout 'spiritual revelation' most people are stumbled by such terms as 'we' and 'us'. Of course, ta8in# the terminolo#y out of the conte+t of the whole %evelation of the Godhead leads the carnal mind to conclude that there must be three persons in the Godhead. They count' the Father $2( H the Son $2( H the Holy Ghost $2( I ;. 0ut with 7ivine 'Spiritual revelation', the 0eliever starts with the Great .ternal Spirit 6 for God is a Spirit 6 He is the Holy Spirit; and out of the Holy Spirit came the Fatherhood dispensation, the Sonship dispensation and the Holy Ghost $Spirit( dispensation 6 three manifestations of the O/. God. God above us in the Fatherhood; God with us in the Sonship; and God in us by the Holy Ghost. 9ithout a doubt, the ma<ority of denominational, non6 denominational and inter6denominational church members have yet to ac8nowled#e the Truth that has now been accepted by most !hristian intellectuals for decades 6 the Truth that a belief in a trinity of )Three 1ersons) $in the Godhead(, in modern lan#ua#e is nothin# less than tri6theism 6 a belief in )three God's). The distin#uished theolo#ian, 7r. Hans Gun#, in his boo8, 0ein# - !hristian, $2CB,, p.JJ,( wrote, )The monotheistic faith ta8en over from "srael...must never be abandoned in any doctrine of the Trinity. There is no God but God.) Eet that is e+actly what denominational !hristianity did 6 they abandoned the )one) God of "srael in favor of a three6headed

monstrosity called )The Holy Trinity). "t is anythin# but )holy). "n fact the 0ible spea8s of )three unclean spirits) li8e fro#s, comin# out of the mouth of the 7ra#on, the 0east and the false prophet $%ev. 2,'2;(. The True 1rophet of God to this .ndtime -#e said that these 'three unclean spirits' is the )three person trinity) teachin# which was introduced into the !hurch in ;&3 -.7. "t is one of the bi##est deceptions which the 7evil has pushed over on the church since the Serpent persuaded .ve that the fruit of the forbidden tree would ma8e her wise 'li8e God'. 0ut the carnal wisdom and 8nowled#e she inherited was bitter and not better 6 she could well have done without it. The church world could well do without the Trinity teachin# concept of 'three persons' in the Godhead. For some protestants the teachin# of a Saturday6Sabbath or some other doctrine is the 8ey to their e+perience and relationship with God; to the vast ma<ority of protestants the trinity teachin# seems to be the cornerstone of their faith. 9ith the same fervor with which patriotic citi*ens sin# their national anthem, even so the Trinitarians sin# )Holy, Holy, Holy, 5ord God -lmi#hty; God in three persons, 0lessed Trinity). Such an idea flies in the face of not only common sense but more importantly, the HO5E Scriptures. "t is written...... esus answered them, Aany #ood wor8s have " shewed you from my Father; for which of those wor8s do ye stone meF The ews answered him, sayin#, For a #ood wor8 we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, bein# a man, ma8est thyself God........................ ohn 2@';&6;; 0ecause esus claimed to be God 6 not 'one6third' part of God, but God Himself, the 1harisees were about to stone Him to death. "n ohn chapter ? they a#ain wanted to stone Him when He said, )0efore -braham was, " -A.) He declared Himself to be the )" -A) $verses 3?63C(. 9hen God commissioned Aoses to #o down into .#ypt to brin# "srael out of bonda#e He identified Himself to Aoses as the )" -A) 6 /OT the )9. -%.). esus plainly declared Himself to be the )" -A).

"n "saiah JJ', The ehovah of the Old Testament identified Himself to "srael with these words' Thus saith the 5O%7 the Gin# of "srael, and his redeemer the 5O%7 of hosts; " =am> the first, and " =am> the last; and beside me =there is> no God. "n %evelation 2'?, 22 the esus of the /ew Testament identified Himself to the !hurch with these words' " am -lpha and Ome#a, the be#innin# and the endin#, saith the 5ord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the -lmi#hty.....the First and the 5ast. Therefore, the ehovah of the Old Testament is the esus of the /ew Testament. -ll these e+pressions, '-lpha', 'Ome#a', 'be#innin#', 'endin#', KHim 9hich "s', and KHim 9hich 9as', and K"s To !ome', and 'the -lmi#hty' are titles and descriptions of the O/. -/7 TH. S-A. 1.%SO/ 6 the 5ord esus !hrist, 9ho washed us from our sins in His own blood. 9e have been redeemed with the 'blood of God'. 1aul in -cts &@'&? said. )Ta8e heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the floc8, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.) -fter esus had e+perienced death, burial and resurrection, Thomas, in ohn &@'&? declared Him to be )Ay 5ord and my God). 2st. ohn 3'&@ declares esus !hrist to be )the True God, and eternal 5ife). %omans C'3 also declares esus !hrist to be God 6 Supreme 7eity. The references #oes on and on. The Spirit of God in ohn, especially in the 0oo8 of %evelation, clearly e+presses the Supreme 7eity of esus !hrist and reveals the Godhead as O/. God. Still man insists on tellin# God that He is 'three' and not 'one'. 9ith the carnal mind, man 'starts' with the Father and says' The Father is God; then the Son is God; and of course the Holy Spirit is God; therefore, that ma8es three persons. 0ut the 'spiritual' mind 'starts' with )One God) and says' God is the Father; God is the Son; and God is the Holy

Spirit 6 One God in three ma<or manifestations of His !haracterL The Trinity 6 three person concept of the Godhead is a carnal interpretation of a spiritual revelation 6 hidden from the eyes of the wise and prudent and revealed to babes such as would learn $Aatthew 22'&?(. -s we have already stated above 6 to have 'three persons' is to have 'three Gods'. "t is also pointed out by Trinitarians that there were )three) present at the 0aptism of esus by ohn the 0aptist. They e+plain that the Father was in Heaven, the Holy Spirit was somewhere between heaven and earth; and esus, the Son, was on earth. 0ut there is no )clearer proof) of God's ma<esty and manifestations than this picture of esus in the river ordan. "t is well within the realms of 7ivine Omnipotence for God to be in heaven and on earth at the same time. .S:S !5-"A.7 H"AS.5F TO 0. :ST TH-T 6 on earth and in heaven at the same time. /ote ohn ;'2;..... -nd no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, =even> the Son of man which is in heaven. /ote ohn 2'2?..... /o man hath seen God at any time; the only be#otten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared =him>. "n ohn 2J'2@ esus claimed that it was the Father who dwelt "/ Him that did the marvelous wor8s. "F the Father remains in heaven while the Spirit descended, 9H.%. and HO9 did the Father #et into !hristF This 4uestion leads us to one conclusion 6 the Spirit who descended also had to be the Father. -nother point in 4uestion for the trinitarians is the scene of esus prayin# in the Garden of Gethsemane 6 to whom did He prayF -lso, in an attempt to support their concept of two or three persons in the Godhead, they point to esus on the !ross, prayin# to the Father. - Trinitarian would as8, )7id esus pray

to HimselfF "f not, then there must be another person in the Godhead to whom He is prayin#.) The 8ey to simplify our understandin# of these scenarios is in reco#ni*in# His deity and His humanity. esus was not prayin# to Himself. "f He were an ordinary man 6 born in sin, that would have been the case; but esus was /OT an ordinary man 6 He was God and manL He had a dual nature and was performin# a dual role. "n esus, it was His humanity prayin# to His divinity 6 a man prayin# to the God that He was. - God that was both in Him and in heaven $ ohn 2J'2@; Aatthew 2&'3@(. One well68nown '!hristian' ma#a*ines contained the followin# statement, by a modern theolo#ian, defendin# the Trinity teachin#' ).....the /ew Testament with e4ual clearness teaches that the Father is God, and the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and that these three are /OT three aspects of the same 1erson, but three persons standin# in a truly personal relationship to one another. There we have the #reat doctrine of the Three 1ersons but one God.) Such a statement ma8es neither common or spiritual sense. To believe such a statement can best be described in the 9ords of esus' )=Ee> blind #uides, which strain at a #nat, and swallow a camel....which indeed appear beautiful outward..... outwardly appear ri#hteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and ini4uity.) Aatthew &;'&J,&B6&?. 9e preach to a #eneration blinded by the )tradition of the elders). 0ut there is hope 6 9e have a promise of a restoration of Truth and God has fulfilled that promise. -lon# with many other teachin#s of the early church, the true understandin# of the Godhead as O/. God was lost when the leadership of the Holy Spirit in the church was usurped by the leadership of man. Holy Ghost leadership and God's 'predestinated plan' was feed to the lions, burned at the sta8e, tortured to death; and $without the Holy Ghost( human leadership, or#ani*ed reli#ion and made6made theolo#y and pro#rams came in. The True !hurch entered that time of it's history which we refer to as 'the dar8 a#es'.

0:T 1%-"S. TH. 5O%7 FO% F:5F"55"/G TH. 1%OA"S. OF - %.STO%-T"O/ OF -55 TH"/GS 6 includin# the mystery of the Godhead, the correct formula for 9ater 0aptism, the 'Ori#inal' sin, and many other mysteries 6 finishin# the Aystery of God, as promised in Aalachi J'36,, %evelation 2@'26B, Aatthew 2B'22 and -cts ;'&2 15:S many other references. Than8 God for sendin# His 1rophet, with the Truth, to this end6 time a#e. Further Revelation On The Godhead 0ased on e+cerpts from a series of messa#es preached by 9illiam 0ranham on The Seven !hurch -#es. 5et's seriously consider what esus said in %evelations chapter 2 6 He said, )" am -lpha and Ome#a, the 0e#innin# and the .ndin#, saith the 5ord, 9hich "s, and 9hich 9as, and 9hich "s to !ome, the -lmi#hty). This is 7eity. This is not simply a prophet, a man. This is God. -nd it is not a revelation of three Gods, but of O/. God, the -lmi#hty. 1onder this Muestion' "n the li#ht of a trinity 6 three person teachin#, 9ho was the Father of esusF The Trinitarian would say that the 'first' person of the Godhead 6 God the Father was the Father of esus. 0:T in Aatthew 2'2? the 0ible says, )She was found with child of the Holy Ghost). esus, Himself, claimed that God was His Father. Therefore, God the Father and God the Holy Ghost, as we often e+press these terms, ma8e the Father and the Spirit O/.. "ndeed they are, or else esus had two Fathers. 0ut notice that esus said that He and His Father were One66not two. That ma8es O/. God. This trinity $an absolutely unscriptural word( was based upon the many #ods of %ome. The %omans had many #ods to whom they prayed. They also prayed to ancestors as mediators. "t was <ust a step to #ive new names to old #ods, so we have saints to ma8e it more 0iblical. Thus, instead of upiter, Denice, Aars, etc., we have 1aul, 1eter, Fatima, !hristopher, etc., etc. They could not ma8e their pa#an reli#ion wor8 out with <ust one God,

so they split Him up into three, and they made intercessors of the saints as they had made intercessors of their ancestors. .ver since then people have failed to reali*e that there is <ust one God with three offices or manifestations. They 8now there is one God accordin# to Scripture, but they try to ma8e it the fantastic theory that God is li8e a three leaf clover 6 one stem with three leaves; or li8e a bunch of #rapes; three persons with the same 7ivinity shared e4ually by all. 0ut it plainly says here in %evelation that esus is )That 9hich "s), )That 9hich 9as), and )That 9hich "s to !ome). He is the )-lpha and Ome#a), which means that He is the )- to N) or TH. -55 OF "T. He is everythin# 6 the -lmi#hty. He is the %ose of Sharon, the 5ily of the Dalley, the 0ri#ht and Aornin# Star, the %i#hteous 0ranch, the .verlastin# Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. He is God, -lmi#hty God. O/. GO7. "n 2st. Timothy ;'2, the 0ible says... )-nd without controversy #reat is the mystery of #odliness' God was manifest in the flesh, <ustified in the Spirit, seen of an#els, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into Glory). The 0ible doesn't say a thin# about a first or second or third person here. "t says God was manifest in flesh. One God. That O/. GO7 was manifested in flesh. That ou#ht to settle it. God came in a human form. That didn't ma8e Him -/OTH.% GO7. H. 9-S GO7, TH. S-A. GO7. "t was a revelation then, and it is a revelation now. One God 6 revealed to babes such as would learn. 5et's #o bac8 in Scripture and see what He was in the be#innin# accordin# to the revelation He #ave of Himself. 9e will not consider every Scripture relatin# to the Godhead because once one #ets into the Spirit of %evelation -55 Scriptures are tied to#ether, showin# O/. God 6 One 1erson. "n Genesis 2'2 God is revealed as 'the !reator'. The 0ible says, )"n the be#innin# God created the heaven and the earth.) 9ell,

who was this God 6 .lohim, the )self6e+istin# One) who created -55 thin#sF The answer is found in ohn 2'26;, C622. %eferrin# to esus, the !hrist, ohn said' Derses 26;' "n the be#innin# was the 9ord, and the 9ord was with God, and the 9ord was God. The same was in the be#innin# with God. -ll thin#s were made by him; and without him was not any thin# made that was made. Derses C 6 22' =That> was the true 5i#ht, which li#hteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world 8new him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. -#ain in !olossians 2'2J62C the 0ible says' "n whom we have redemption throu#h his blood, =even> the for#iveness of sins' 9ho is the ima#e of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature' For by him were all thin#s created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether =they be> thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers' all thin#s were created by him, and for him' -nd he is before all thin#s, and by him all thin#s consist. -nd he is the head of the body, the church' who is the be#innin#, the firstborn from the dead; that in all =thin#s> he mi#ht have the preeminence. For it pleased =the Father> that in him should all fulness dwell; 9ithout a doubt the !reator )God) referred to in Genesis 2'2 is none other than the 5ord esus !hrist. The above Scriptures prove this beyond any show of doubt. )He was in the world and the world was made by Him and the world 8new Him not). -nd the world, blinded by a three person conception of God, still doesn't 8now Him. 0efore there was a star, a sun, a moon, or the earth 6 there was God, in .ternity 6 the Great .ternal invisible Spirit, dwellin# alone with his thou#hts. There was still no )9O%7) $as spo8en of in ohn 2'2 above( because God had not yet e+pressed His

thou#hts 6 a 'word' is a thou#ht e+pressed. 0efore e+pressin# His Great .ternal thou#hts He devised a plan and a purpose for the creation of the an#els, the universe and man8ind. He rehersed that plan from it's be#innin# to it's end 6 8nowin# every aspect of it 6 even the 'fall of man' thereby producin# $in His thou#hts( the )5amb slain before the foundation of the world) $%evelation 2;'?(. "n the mind of God )the wor8s were finished from the foundation of the world) $Hebrews J';(. Then one day God )e+pressed) his )thou#hts) and the 9O%7 appeared in 5o#os61illar of Fire form 6 li8e a Son before the doorstep of His Father; yet, not another person, but an )attribute) of the fullness of God 6 the ima#e of God in 5o#os6 9ord form. God was made visible in His universe. -nd in this -nointed 5o#os form He created -55 thin#s. "n the fullness of time He would condescend to be manifested in flesh and be called ) esus, the !hrist). -ll that was in God 6 the #reat .ternal Spirit, was poured into !hrist 6 the -nointed O/.; -55 that was in !hirst $in the form of the Holy Ghost( was poured into the 0ride of !hrist. "t is )!hrist in us), the hope of #lory. SeeF "t's one 1erson, One God, ust chan#in# His form. He appeared to "srael in a pillar of fire by ni#ht and a cloud by day. -s the -n#el of the !ovenant He lived in that pillar of fire and led "srael throu#h the wilderness. -t the temple He announced His comin# with a #reat cloud. Then one day He was manifested in a vir#in born body that was prepared for Him. The God that tabernacled above the tents of "srael now too8 on Himself a tent of flesh and tabernacled as a man amon#st men. 0ut He was the S-A. GO7. The 0ible teaches that GO7 was manifested in flesh and 8nown amon# men as ) esus, the !hrist). The 0O7E was esus but in Him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead, 0O7"5E. /othin# can be plainer than that. Aystery, yes. 0ut actual truth O it can't be plainer. So if He wasn't three people then, He can't be three now. esus said, )" came from God and " #o $bac8( to God). ohn 2,'&B6&?. That is e+actly what happened. He disappeared from

earth by way of His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Then 1aul met Him on the road to 7amascus O 9hat form was he inF He was bac8 to a 1illar of Fire a#ain. Spea8in# out of the 1illar of Fire a voice spo8e sayin#, )Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou AeF) 1aul said, )9ho art Thou, 5ordF) The Doice answered sayin#, )" am esus.) He had turned bac8, e+actly as He said He would. 0ac8 to the same form that He was before He too8 on a tabernacle of flesh. That is e+actly how ohn saw it. ohn 2'2? )/o man hath seen God at any time; the only be#otten Son, 9hich is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him). /otice where ohn says that esus "S. He is "/ the bosom of the Father. "n 5u8e &'22 the 0ible says, )For unto you is born this day in the city of 7avid a Saviour, 9hich is !hrist the 5ord). He was born the !hrist, and ei#ht days later when He was circumcised He was named esus, even as the an#el had told them. " was born a 0ranham. 9hen " was born they #ave me the name of 9illiam. He was !H%"ST but He was #iven a name down here amon# men. That outward tabernacle men could see was called esus. He was the 5ord of Glory, the -lmi#hty manifested in flesh. He is God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. He is all that. -nother 8ey to understandin# the Godhead is to remember that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are <ust titles 6 They are not names. That is why we bapti*e in the /ame of the 5ord esus !hrist 6 "t is the name of those titles, <ust li8e you ta8e a new born baby who is a son and name him. 0aby is what it is, son is the title, then you name him, ohn Henry 0rown. Eou <ust don't bapti*e in ' esus /ameK. There are thousands in the world we are called esus; and have been even before esus, our Saviour came to earth. 0ut there was only one of them born the !hrist. -nd 1eter said in -cts &';, that God had made this same esus both )5ord) and )!hrist) 6 The 5ord esus !hrist 6 the /-A. of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. God has many titles but He has only one human name and that name is esus. Then of course, there is the issue of esus )supposedly) bein# the .ternal Son of God. /ow isn't that a contradictionF 9hoever heard of a KSon' bein# eternalF Sons have be#innin#s, but that

which is eternal never had a be#innin#. He is the .ternal God $ ehovah( manifested in the flesh. To produce the body in which He would live on earth, God by His creative spo8en 9ord place a #erminated e## $conceived by the Holy Spirit( in the womb of a vir#in named Aary 6 the only 9oman in Scripture ordained to carry the 9ord 6 she carried it for nine months. "n St. ohn's Gospel the 0ible says, )"n the be#innin# was the 9ord and the 9ord was with God, and the 9ord was God. -nd the 9ord was made flesh and dwelt amon# us.) He was the True and Faithful 9itness to the Father's eternal 9ord. He was the God6Aan; the God61rophet; the 5amb of God and could say what the Father bade Him say. He said, )" and my Father are one...Ay Father is in Ae). He is the 9-E, the Truth, the 5ife 6 /o man can come to the Father e+cept throu#h esus !hrist; and no man can come to !hrist e+cept the Father draws him. 9e're dealin# with O/. and the S-A. bein#. 7on't be confused because he has three offices or that He has a threefold manifestation. /oticeL On earth He was a 1rophet; in heaven He is the 1riest; and comin# bac8 to earth, He is Gin# of Gin#s. )He That 9as) 6 That is esus, the 1rophet. )He That "s) 6 That is He, the Hi#h 1riest, ma8in# intercession 6 One 9ho can be touched with the feelin#s of our infirmities. )9hich "s to !ome) 6 That is the comin# Gin#. -lso, notice this fact about esus. On earth He was 1rophet, 5amb, and Son. Thisdid not ma8e Him three. These were but manifestations or offices of the One 1erson, esus. Eou the reader may be in the same situation 6 "f a man, you are a son, a brother, perhaps a husband, father and #randfather 6 but that does not ma8e you three, for our five different persons 6 you are O/.. Some have claims on you as a son, others have claims on you as a brother, a husband or father, etc.; but you're still only one person, possessin# the peresonality of a son, a brother, a husband and a father. "n another futile attempt to prove that there is more than one person in the Godhead the trinitarians #o to %evelation 3',6?'

)-nd " beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a 5amb as "t had been slain, havin# seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. -nd He came and too8 the boo8 out of the ri#ht hand of Him That sat upon the throne. -nd when He had ta8en the boo8, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the 5amb, havin# every one of them harps, and #olden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of saints) "ndeed these verses, if isolated, would seem to prove their point. Eou notice, " said, these "SO5-T.7 verses. 0ut we're intructed to compare Scripture with Scripture. Therefore, let's #o a little further and read %evelation J'&6; and C622' )-nd immediately " was in the Spirit' and behold, a throne was set in heaven, and O/. sat on the throne. -nd He That sat was to loo8 upon li8e a <asper and a sardine stone' and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in si#ht li8e unto an emerald. -nd when those beasts #ive #lory and honor and than8s to Him That sat on the throne, 9ho liveth for ever and ever, the four and twenty elders fall down before Him That sat on the throne, and worship Him That liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, sayin#, Thou art worthy, O 5ord, to receive #lory and honor and power' for Thou hast created all thin#s, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.) !arefully note in verse two it says, )O/.) $not two or three but O/.( sat on the throne. "n verse three it says, )H.) $/OT they( was to loo8 upon as a <asper stone. "n verse nine it says that the beasts #ave honor to )H"A) $not them(. "n verse ten it says that the elders fell down before )H"A) $not them(. "n verse eleven it says that they cried, Thou art worthy O 5O%7) $not 5ords(. -lso in verse eleven it says this O/. on the throne was the )!reator), 9hich is esus $ ohn 2';(, which is ehovah6Spirit6God of the Old Testament $Genesis 2'2(. 5et's #o a little further and consider %evelation ;'&2'

)To him that overcometh will " #rant to sit with Ae in Ay throne, even as " also overcame, and am set down with Ay Father in His throne.) -lso Hebrews 2&'&' )5oo8in# unto esus the -uthor and Finisher of our faith; 9ho for the <oy that was set before Him endured the cross, despisin# the shame, and is set down at the ri#ht hand of the throne of God.) /otice that accordin# to esus, Himself, 9ho wrote the %evelation, He is set down 9"TH the Father in H"S throne. The Spirit in 1aul $9hich Spirit is the Spirit of !hrist, for That is the Spirit of 1rophecy whereby the 9ord comes( says He is set down at the %"GHT H-/7 of the throne of God. 0ut when ohn loo8ed he saw only )O/.) upon the throne. -nd it was not until %evelation 3',6? $which follows %evelation J'&6; in se4uence of time( that we see the )5amb) ta8in# the boo8 from )H"A) that sat on the throne, as indicated in %evelation J'&6; and C62@. 9hat is itF "t is the mystery of )O/. GO7.) -#ain, the 8ey to understandin# this portion of Scripture is to understand that the )5amb) which ohn saw was in symbolic form 6 a 5amb, as it had been slain, havin# seven horns and seven eyes, representin# esus !hrist and His ministry throu#h the oncomin# Seven !hurch -#es. He $ esus(, came out from God, became manifested in flesh, died and rose a#ain, and returned to the )0osom of the Father.) -s ohn said, )The only be#otten Son 9hich is "/ the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.) ohn 2'2?. On the 7ay of 1entecost, accordin# as esus promised in ohn 2J'2, 6 2?, &;, the Father and the Son came to abide with the !hurch in the form of the Holy Ghost. Aost Trinitarians use ohn 2J'2, 6 out of conte+t 6 in an effort to prove a plurality of persons in the Godhead. 0ut once we read the conte+t of that Scripture we see a#ain the #lorious revelation of O/. person in the Godhead. The 0ible says...

-nd " will pray the Father, and he shall #ive you another !omforter, that he may abide with you for ever; =.ven> the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither 8noweth him' but ye 8now him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. " will not leave you comfortless' " will come to you. esus answered and said unto him, "f a man love me, he will 8eep my words' and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and ma8e our abode with him............ ohn 2J'2,6 2?,&; The Trinitarians emphasi*e only verse 2, wherein ' esus' said that He would pray to the 'Father' to #ive the disciples 'another' !omforter to 'abide' with them forever. 0ut they fail to continue on to verse 2B wherein esus told them that the !omforter $The Spirit of Truth( was )already with them) but shall be )in them). Of course, that was esus )9"TH) them because esus is the Truth and the 5ife. Then esus #oes on in verse 2? to identify the !omforter sayin#, )") will not leave you comfort' )") will come to you). esus Himself was the !omforter, but before He could come "/ TH.A He would have to e+perience 'death, burial, resurrection' and #o bac8 into 5o#os form a#ain $ ohn2'26;(; and then return on the 7ay of 1entecost to indwell the !hurch 6 His 0ride. "n this same chapter of ohn 2J, esus, further ma#nifies the )Oneness) of the Godhead. "n Derse &@ He said, )-t that day ye shall 8now that " -A in my Father, and ye in me, and " in you). He continues onto verse &; and crowns this revelation statin# that )"f a man love me, he will 8eep my words' and Ay Father will love him, and 9. 9"55 !OA. and ma8e our -0O7. 9"TH H"A.) So, who is abidin# with whoF -ccordin# to verse 2, the !omforter $the Spirit of Truth( was to abide with them $the disciples( for ever. -ccordin# to verse &; esus and the Father would come and ma8e their abode with the disciples. "t couldn't be more clear 6 -55 these Scriptures spea8 of O/. and the Self6same bein# 6 the O/. True and 5ivin# God 6 the 5ord

esus !hrist. 1aul e+pressed it this way' )!hrist in us, the hope of #lory). The apostle ohn said, ).....he that ac8nowled#eth the Son hath the Father also) $2st ohn &'&;(. "n this Scriptural study about the offices and manifestations of the one true God, let us remember that H. is not to be 8nown intellectually. He is 8nown Spiritually; by Spiritual revelation. The Great " -m, the -lmi#hty God, has come as Spirit to fill His true church. He has a ri#ht to move anywhere He wants to, and upon anybody He wants to. 9e don't ma8e any )holy men) amon#st us, but the whole true con#re#ation of the 5ord is holy, because of the presence of the Holy Spirit. "t is He, the Holy Spirit, that is holy, not the con#re#ation of itself. This study could easily have been e+panded far beyond these pa#es; but sufficient Scripture and e+hortation has been put forward for the Holy Spirit to use and enli#hten those of a humble and contrite spirit. esus !hrist is God. The ehovah of the Old Testament is the esus of the /ew. /o matter how hard you try, you can't prove there are TH%.. Gods. 0ut it also ta8es a revelation by the Holy Spirit to ma8e you understand the truth that He is One. "t ta8es a revelation to see that the ehovah of the Old Testament is the esus of the /ew. Satan crept into the church and blinded the people to this truth. -nd when they were blinded to it, it wasn't lon# until the !hurch of %ome stopped bapti*in# in the /ame of the 5ord esus !hrist, and substituted the )titles) of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost 6 omittin# the )/ame).

!ompiled by' ohn Gabriel %. Salamanes

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