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POLYGRAPHICES Liser Sextus. Containing the 112 Arcanums of Peter Jon Faber, a moft Eminent and Learned Phyfician. Tranflated out of Latin iato Englifh , William Salmon Profefjor of santa CHAP. L The higheft Tinkture of Sol, fixed, for Luna. l Ake of Gold and Venus of each equal parts, mele them together ina ftrong Crucible , then beat them into thin Plates, and cement them together with a part of the following Cement. , II, Take Antimony and Cinnabar A. 3ij. Lapis Hematitis, common Vitriol calcined red, common Salt eed A3j. Bole Armoniack 3“. German Azure i a . giz Polygraphices Lib. VI Azure ftone 34 reduce all into a fine Powder, which ftrew upon the aforefaid Plates (in a ftrong Crucible) Stratum fuper Stratum, II. Cement them together with a fire of rever- beration for twelve hours; then take out the Cru- cible, andymele the metal within it: how raych of the Venus is carried away in fumes, you may know by weighing it. 1V. Repeat the werk again with new ‘Venus ex- riven: ge pe Mine, by melting tiem, beating into Plates, and ic again j aforefaid Powder for other twelve hours, with a re- verberacory Fire. Y. Continue the Repetition for twelve times, always adding new Venus; {0 fhall you have at laft a moft rubicund:Gold, one part of which being put upon twelve parts of fixed Luna, {hall tranfmute it into moft fine Sol; and by this isGold multiplied. CHAP. IL The manner of fixing Luna. L T*« of the beft Luna calcined with Mercury, as much as you pleafe, reduce it into Powder, and mix it, with an equal quantity of the (4) Cinnabar of Antimony. . TL. Sublime, and in avery Sublimation, renew the Cinnabar .for three times: what remains in the ‘bottom after the third Sublimation; diffolve in this ‘following Aqua fortis. ; IM. Take Niter ard Vitriol A. tj. Antimony,and Verdigrife A.3iij, mix them,and make an Aquatords according to Art. VV. In Chap.3. The Fixed Tinitivé for Venus. 513 IV. Inthe preftribed A. F. diffolve the above Ke pared Luna; ning the diffolution in warm A\ for three days; after the third day draw off the Aqua fortis by diftillation. Vv. That which remains in the bottom, reduce in- to-a body with Borax; {0 is it fixed and tinged; and after a wonderful manner will embrace the above prepared Tin¢ture of Gold. VI. And this is the way by the help of which the Tin@ure of Venus is drawn out of the body of Venus, and is tranfinitted fixed me the body of Sol, and out of Sol again into fixed Luna. (a) Some fuppofe, that for want theresf, you thay afe Hungarian Cinnabar. 7 CHAP. IIL The white fixed Tinkure for Venusi “MU Ercury fublimate f5%.. or as much as you pleafes of the moft pure and limpid- Oil of Tartar fb j, Borax tb ij. diffolve the Borax in di- filled Vinegar a fufficient quantity; filtrate the iiffolution, which being clear and limpid, joyn with the former: Oil of Tartar; then mix with them the Mercury fablimate in fine Powder, and let it be dif Olved in warm athes. . If, Upon that which: will not be diffolved, pus. rew Oil of Tartar conjoyned as before, with the ‘iffolution of Borax. Il. Then diftill the diffolution in athes; and. - 1pon what remains. in the bottom, put new Oil of Tartar and Borax as before, till the Mercury fhall Ll become

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