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AP French Language Syllabus 2013-2014

Course Overview, Objectives and Design

The AP French Language course aims to: o Develop the ability to understand spoken French in various contexts. o Develop a French vocabulary sufficient for reading ne spaper and maga!ine articles" literary texts and more" ithout dependence on a dictionary. o Develop the ability to express oneself in French" both orally and in riting" coherently" resourcefully" and ith reasonable fluency and accuracy. From the first year" students are encouraged to participate in French #lub activities and in $ational French %eek celebrations. They are urged to build the necessary skills and credentials to become eligible for the $ational French &onor 'ociety" as ell as try out for state and national French competitions. These activities prove to be strong motivating factors in the students( desire to pursue French studies. All course activities are geared to the course goals and expectations listed in the #ollege )oard publication pertaining to the Course Description for AP French Language that covers all 6 themes in the AP French Language and Culture curriculum framework. *n order to achieve this" the teacher ill use French almost exclusively in the teaching of the course and students are encouraged to do like ise. The primary ob+ective of AP French Language is to enable students to communicate in oral and ritten French in both formal and informal situations" hile gaining a further appreciation of Francophone cultures. )y the end of the second semester" students should be able to exercise the follo ing skills: , Listening: understand and interpret the main ideas of increasingly longer stretches of speech ith different accents" utili!e context clues to piece together noncomprehended information. , Speaking: initiate a general conversation by means of asking .uestions/ paraphrase hat somebody else has said/ begin to sustain conversation by utili!ing effective communicative strategies/ use increasingly precise vocabulary ords/ describe things and people/ narrate experiences or events in various tense and mood/ exchange opinions on cultural topics. , Reading: read a variety of authentic materials. , Writing: provide ritten responses to assigned .uestions/ increase precision in the expression of ideas/ describe or narrate ideas in extended informal riting/ prepare a composition ith a clear organi!ation of topic sentences.

, Culture: gain a greater understanding of and appreciation for French peoples and cultures. Course Activities Reading 0eading is a daily activity. The texts come from a variety of sources: former AP exams" the textbooks" ne spapers and maga!ines" the *nternet" and literature. To build reading comprehension" the specific reading strategies taught in French 1 through 2 are revie ed and practiced: activation of prior kno ledge" cognates3false cognates" deriving meaning from context" ord families" compound nouns" prefixes and suffixes" orthographic changes from French to 4nglish" recognition of tone" and the identification of signal ords" main ideas" supporting details" audience" and ob+ective. 5any of the themes present in the ne AP French Language exam are already present in various textbooks" uant ! moi" #ne fois pour toutes" $r%sors du temps" but the teacher ill also use more recent online material that pertains to the rest of the themes that are on the AP exam but do not exist in the established textbooks. Additionally students ill be exposed to author biographies" samples of francophone literature" and articles ith the same theme as the literature. 4xamples of authentic resources are the follo ing: Authors and readings: o o o o o o 0en6 7oscinny: 7uy de 5aupassant : Pagnol" 5arcel : #ontes africaines #amara Laye : 7is8le &alimi Le Petit &icolas La Parure La 'loire de mon p(re Le P(re %l%phant" etc. L)*nfant noir L)*nfance d)une fille

Writing 'tudents are led through the riting process as they begin to compose paragraphs" short compositions" and essays that originate from the information presented and ideas explored in the various text chapters. 4ssays are done as home ork every other eek and turned in to the instructor. The essays are then returned to the students ith errors coded 9not corrected: so that the responsibility of the correction falls on the riter. )oth copies receive a grade based on the official rubric for evaluating AP compositions. 4ach nine eek period" the students ill be given a 2; minute riting assignment ithout advanced kno ledge of the sub+ect. 4very 5onday" the students ill rite in their +ournals. There ill be eekly riting activities related to topics covered in class and usually assigned by the instructor. There ill also be several opportunities for the students to rite informally so that they may create stories or poems on topics of their choosing. They ill be encouraged to sho precision and variety in the choice of vocabulary and verb tenses and never to translate from 4nglish. Peer-editing and selfediting ill be practiced" along ith varied group activities and al ays brainstorm to

respond to a topic ith as many ideas as possible. 'tudents ill first try to understand various topics given at the AP exam previous years" orking ith partners in order to translate them. Then they ill organi!e their ideas" vocabulary and ork on the grammar and syntax. The ultimate goal ill be to build fluency and ease of expression. <ournaling" reflections to readings and persuasive response to current issues ill be a constant focus in the class. Speaking The course includes numerous partner activities" small group activities" and individual presentations so that more students are speaking more often. 'tudents ill speak fluidly" accurately" and intelligently on a variety of topics by: speaking and hearing nothing but French in class/ narrating" describing" and explaining images" picture se.uences" and other visual cues to a partner" the teacher" or a tape3#D/ discussing a variety of topics ith a partner" or a group" and make presentations in front of the class/ talking in small groups to plan skits" dialogues" or presentations. 'tudents ill also be able to use formal and conversational forms of the language. The students ill prepare a formal presentation on a famous French artist and ill present the information to the class as that person. The AP French+ Preparing for the Language *,amination book is utili!ed to provide students ith additional speaking practice for both the informal and formal components of the exam. 'tudents should be motivated to use the language henever possible: in class" ith friends ho take French" if possible ith native speakers. They ill memori!e poems" to improve their pronunciation" and intonation. =arious pronunciation exercises ill be done every day in class. *t is important for the students to understand that learning any language is an on-going process that re.uires continual study and practice and Mistakes are a normal part of the learning process and students should expect to self-correct or to be corrected. Active participation is re.uired to learn and students ill be given points based on participation. Listening All communication in the AP French Language class is conducted in French. The students( class participation grades reflect the re.uirement that they only use French in the classroom. Listening is practiced every day in class hen the teacher and other students are speaking. 7uest speakers provide the opportunity for the students to hear other voices and accents. 'tudents are exposed to other recorded materials on a regular basis such as: French films" songs" videos and D=Ds" radio" and the *nternet. To emphasi!e aural skills" the students vie a selection of French videos3D=Ds that correlate to the lessons being taught. 'ome examples of authentic visual resources are the follo ing: o La gloire de mon p(re o Contes africaines 'tudents ill listen to French songs at school and at home. They ill try to rite do n he ords they hear and look up. French music is also available on the *nternet. Lyrics of the

songs of #6line Dion" Adamo" #harles A!navour" 4dith Piaf and Dalida are available online. 'pending ten minutes a day listening to French songs trying to understand ill definitely improve students listening skills. *n addition" students ill be re.uired to register for any of the audio3video ne s channels that are provided daily on the T=> ebsite. *n this course students ill listen to some of the released AP Listening files available. French Films are also very helpful listening tools and are idely available in video stores. %hile listening" students can(t expect to understand every single ord but the general meaning. *n addition" each year e have an exchange ith a high school in Toulouse" France for 1; days. This is an excellent occasion for my students to use French in real life settings and expand upon the relationships they have already begun to build through email or Facebook prior to their hosting or travel experience. This interpersonal communicative interchange in the target language offers the students the opportunity to clarify meaning and negotiate it hen exchanging ne information ith their French counterparts. ?n many occasions this is also an opportunity to keep an interactive +ournal in hich they note linguistic differences and variations bet een 4nglish and French. Student Evaluation 4xams generally contain a variety of components" including reading" riting" listening" speaking" and culture. These assessments contain matching" true3false" fill-in" and free response .uestions in reading" grammar" vocabulary" and culture. 'peaking and riting compositions are done as a separate evaluation ith rubrics based on the AP format. There is an ongoing assessment through interactive reading" oral reading" oral and ritten story summaries" and formal and informal essays. Course uidelines !or participation:

)ecause the goal of this course is to allo you to communicate in French" e ill speak French bell to bell" #o en$ance listening co%pre$ension t$e teac$er will communicate ith the students during class and out of class in French including during explanation of French grammar. #o en$ance speaking skills, students are expected to communicate ith their classmates and ith the teacher O&L' in French. 'tudents ill get points subtracted from the participation grade if communication occurs in 4nglish. 'peaking only in French can be challenging but it is so much fun and at the end of each class students should notice improvement of their ability to express in French. *nteraction out of class ith other French teachers and the exchange students from France and other French speaking countries needs to be al ays entirely in French. 5aking mistakes hile speaking in French are normal and should not prevent students from using the target language all the time. This ill accelerate the development of the follo ing skills: listening more carefully" thinking critically" self-correcting and becoming more confident in their kno ledge. Course (aterials Primary textbooks: o uant ! moi

o $riangle o AP French+ Preparing for the Language *,amination AP French 9@;1@ edition: 0ichard Ladd o AP French Language and culture - All access 9@;1@ edition: Angelini" ?($eill" Alexandru" &untington" 'tofanak 'upplementary texts: o $r%sors du temps o .oments litt%raires o French /0 1ears o #ne Fois Pour $outes Ane fois pour toutes 9@nd edition:9Ane r6vision grammaticale: &ale 'turges **" Linda #regg $ielsen" &enry L. &erbst o French2*nglish3*nglish2French dictionar4 9&arper-#ollins-0obert or Larousse recommended" si!e compact or concise: Course planner: )subject to c$ange* #i%e !ra%e: Week + Class work 'yllabus et introduction Discuss the practice 'trategies in order to develop reading and listening comprehension" riting and speaking skills. Assess%ents 'ubscribe to a French maga!ine or make a list of French %ebsites hich develop listening and reading skills 9T=>" etc. Learn to keep a +ournal in French Technology: school ebsite

,&-# + ). weeks* Weeks 3, 4, .56

La /u0te de soi : Les cro1ances et les s1st2%es de valeurs - LaBcit6 en France 9ne spaper articles" original education documents" etc.: - AP French" Ladd - AP French" Angelini" ?($eill" Alexandru =erb revie : pa4er" s)ennuier Present de l(*ndicatif *nfinitives

'peaking: picture story and discussions related to the topic Le Petit $icolas 9dra ing collection: Long #omposition 1 Fill-ins 9 ords3verbs: Dict6e 0eading: Le petit $icolas Technology: T itter

Weeks 7

Listening: French ne s" L(4xpress" etc. *mperatives Faire causatif

Discussions #omposition @ 8 %rite a summary of the movie and

Listening 8 9il%: historical overvie : The )attle of Algiers

Ans er to .uestions follo ing the movie preparing for a discussion Fill-ins Dict6e Technology: %iki

,&-# 3 ). weeks* Weeks <, =, > 5 +?

L:est$eti;ue: Les Arts visuels L:-%pressionnis%e - =irtual museums - Temporary exhibitions - =isit to the %ads orth 5useum in &artford =erb revie : d%crire" s)asseoir Descriptive ad+ectives #omparative and 'uperlative of ad+ectives *nterrogatives $out5 C)est vs. /l est Listening: 9renc$ &ews Le mot +uste: man6uer !" render" partir" sortir" 6uitter 9il% : @ean de 9lorette Speaking: impromptu topics Les dA!is %ondiauB : L:environne%ent - French *= Fears - GLe francais dans le mondeH - Triangle =erb revie : conduire" mettre Articles ?b+ect pronouns" 4" and" en ?rder of pronouns Dis+unctive pronouns Le mot +uste: se mo6uer de Listening: French $e s from $. Africa =irtual 5useum Tours : L(?rsay C Le Louvre. Duestions C Discussions Long #omposition E Fill-ins 9AP: 0eading: Dict6e Technology : =oicethread

Weeks ++

#omposition 2 - 5ovie criti.ue > minute speaking prompts Technology: Pre!i

,&-# 4 ). weeks* Weeks +3, +4, +. 5+6

Picture story" .uestions" C Discussions 9 Long #ompositions > Fill-ins 9AP: Dict6e Technology: =oki

Week +7

RAvision (idter% eBa% 8 Le rand concours End o! t$e !irst se%ester

0evie packet

,&-# . ). weeks* Weeks +<, +=, +> 5 3?

La vie conte%poraine: les loisirs et le sport - AP French" Ladd - AP French Language and culture I All access =erb revie : verbs in I ger5 prendre5 d%couvrir Prepositions ith geographical names Future tense and #onditional forms Future perfect and past conditional /f2 clauses Pass% 7imple and Pass% ant%rieur Listening: 9renc$ news Listening: 9il% 8 -ndoc$ine =erb revie : pr%f%rer" pro8eter $egative expressions 0elative pronouns Le mot +uste: il s)agit de Listening: 9renc$ &ews

Picture story" .uestions" C Discussions Long #omposition J Fill-in 9AP: 0eading: AP texts Dict6e Technology: Facebook

Weeks 3+

Picture story" .uestions" C Discussions #omposition K I criti.ue of the film Fill-ins 9AP: =oicethread Dict6e

,&-# 6 La science et la tec$nologie: les ). weeks* dAcouvertes et les inventions Week 33, Le 9ranCais dans le %onde, #D6 34, 3., 5 36 =erb revie : croire %hat is sub+unctiveL Formation of the sub+unctive Asage of 'ub+unctive Listening: #hamps-4lys6es I intervie s on discoveries in alternative sources of energy Week 37 =erb revie : vivre" venir Adverbs #omparison of adverbs Demonstrative pronouns Le mot +uste: plaire ! Listening: 'tudents atch the movie: Eeita some pro+ects related

Picture story" .uestions" C Discussions Long #omposition M Fill-in 9AP: 0eading: French 5aga!ines targeting science and technology Dict6e Technology: 7logster" Picture story" .uestions" C Discussions #omposition N - %rite a summary of the movie and Ans er to .uestions follo ing the movie preparing for a discussion Fill-in 9AP:

to the movie.

Dict6e Technology: %iki

,&-# 7 ). weeks* Week 3<, 3=, 3> 5 4?

La !a%ille et la co%%unautA : La !a%ille La Francophonie dans le 5aghreb - 7isele &alimi" - Ta+ar )en<elloun - #amara Laye I rites of passage =erb revie : vaincre" convaincre %hat is functionL 0e.uesting information &ypothesi!ing Describing 4xpression of opinion or reaction Disagreeing $arrating Listening: /nterview with 'is(le 9alimi

Picture story" .uestions" C Discussions Long #omposition 1; Fill-in 9AP: 0eading: L(4nfant noir Posting on %*O* reflections of chapters Dict6e 0eading: L(4nfance d(une fille Technology: %iki

Week 4+, 43, 44, 4. Week 46, 47, 4<, 4= 9-&AL

AF FREF 9-&AL EGA( FREF 5 course evaluation RADE: E;P 1;P @>P @>P 6H >P

0evie packet 0evie packet

*n class-?ral3%ritten daily Participation &ome ork Tests Dui!!es (idter% 9inal EBa%: AF8Speci!ic #raining

To practice the AP French Language 4xamination" the students ill be tested periodically in conditions similar to those of the AP 4xam. Approximately 2; minutes of reading comprehension and 2; minutes of listening comprehension ith #D or online audio files ill be given in one session. The next session ill consist of 2; minutes of compositional riting and @; minutes of fill-ins of function ords and verbs.

For the speaking portion of the AP exam" the students ill train by speaking and recording directly into the digital lab language system using pictures from past exams or the online text 90. Ladd:. Feed-back from the teacher ill be given at regular intervals. Iibliograp$1 #eBts )ragger" <eannette D." 0ice" Donald ). Duant Q 5oi. )oston" 5assachusetts: Thompson &einle #orporation" @;;>. )lume" 4li" 'tein" 7ail. French Four Fears. $e Fork" $e Fork: Amsco 'chool Publications" @;;2. &irsch" )ette 7." Thompson" #hantal P. 5oments Litt6raires. Lexington" 5assachusetts: D.#. &eath and #ompany" 1NN@. Ladd" 0ichard" 7irard" #olette. AP French: Preparing for the Language 4xamination. 7lenvie " *llinois: Addison %esley Longman" @;11. Lenard" Fvone. Tr6sors du Temps. #olumbus" ?hio: 7lencoe35c7ra &ill" 1NNK. 0ice" Anne-#hristine. #inema for French #onversation. $e buryport" 5assachusetts: Focus Publishing" @;;E. Angelini" 4ileen/ ?($eill" 7eraldine/ Alexandru" Adina/ &untington" <ulie/ 'tofanak" 4rica. AP French Language and culture I All access. 0esearch and 4ducation Association" @;1@ (agaJines Paris 5atch" <ournal FranRais" etc. Web sites . anadoo.fr3accueil .class! T=>.com http:33 .publicis.fr3corporate3fr Listen to a daily ne s summary on France *nfo. http:33 .matin..c.ca3 For the ne s from #anada" read 5atinternet. http:33 .meteo.fr3 #heck the eather today at 5eteo France. 9French34nglish: http:33 .paris-menus.com3 %hen you(re in Paris" go to this site to help you decide here to eatS Fou ill find descriptions of various restaurants" as ell as menus from many of them. http:33 .sncf.fr3index.htm The train is one of the most convenient ays to travel through France. At the official site of the French rail service" called the '$#F" you get train schedules" make your reservations and purchase tickets for everything from local trains to the T7=. The eb site for the daily ne spaper Le $ouvel ?bservateur" allo s you to read today(s edition. http:33

Le %eb des spectateurs du cin6ma provides information about films" locations" and time. http:33 This eb site offers to facilitate French study abroad through immersion programs. *ts programs include staying ith a local family and either orking on a farm or attending a specially designed group program for a limited period. http:33 A very Thippie"T disorgani!ed eb site that offers help to people traveling all over the orld ho have specific needs" budgets" and life styles. *t offers guide books" leaders" charter travel" and a forum for discussing trips. This home page of the French T= sports channel 9France E: provides updates on all current sporting events.

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