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ASTECHNOVA Conference Sample Extended Abstract

First A. Author !" Second #. Author$%" Third C.&. Author '


First-Third Department, First-Third University, Address Including Country Name


econd Company, Address Including Country Name


Keywords( Include at least 3 keywords or phrases

E)TEN&E& A#ST*ACT This document is a template. An electronic cop+ can be do,nloaded from the conference ,ebsite. For -uestions on paper .uidelines" please contact the conference paper committee as indicated on the conference ,ebsite. /nformation about final paper submission is a0ailable from the conference ,ebsite. An eas+ ,a+ to compl+ ,ith the conference paper formattin. re-uirements is to use this document as a template and simpl+ t+pe +our text into it. A! "age #ayout Extended abstract is one to t,o 1our paper must use a pa.e si2e correspondin. to A3 ,hich is %!4mm 56.%789 ,ide and %:7mm 5!!.;:89 lon.. The mar.ins must be set as follo,s< Top = !:mm 54.7>89 #ottom = 3'mm 5!.;:89 ?eft = * = !3.'%mm 54.>;89 1our paper must be in t,o column format ,ith a space of 3.%%mm 54.!789 bet,een columns. All para.raphs must be indented. All para.raphs must be @ustified" i.e. both leftA@ustified and ri.htA@ustified. A! Te$t Font o% &ntire Document The entire document should be in Times Ne, *oman or Times font. T+pe ' fonts must not be used. Other font t+pes ma+ be used if needed for special purposes. *ecommended font si2es are sho,n in Table !. '! Title and Author Details Title must be in %3 pt *e.ular font. Author name must be in !! pt *e.ular font. Author affiliation must be in !4 pt /talic. Email address must be in : pt Courier *e.ular font.

E0er+ ,ord in a title must be capitali2ed except for short minor ,ords such as DaE" DanE" DandE" DasE" DatE" Db+E" DforE" DfromE" DifE" DinE" DintoE" DonE" DorE" DofE" DtheE" DtoE" D,ithE. To a0oid confusion" the famil+ name must be ,ritten as the last part of each author name. Each affiliation must include" at the 0er+ least" the name of the compan+ and the name of the countr+ ,here the author is based. Email address is compulsor+ for the correspondin. author. C! Content The abstract should .i0e a clear indication of the ob@ecti0es" scope" results and conclusion of +our ,orF. /ntroduction ,ill .i0e a bacF.round on the sub@ect. Gaterials and methods ,ill be presented as applicable follo,ed b+ results and discussion. /t is recommended to limit the number of references to fi0e. D! Figures and Ta(les One fi.ure and one table can be included in +our extended abstract. Fi.ures and tables must be centered in the column. ?ar.e fi.ures and tables ma+ span across both columns. An+ table or fi.ure that taFes up more than ! column ,idth must be positioned either at the top or at the bottom of the pa.e. Hraphics ma+ be full color. All colors ,ill be retained on the C&F. Hraphics must not use stipple fill patterns because the+ ma+ not be reproduced properl+. Clease use onl+ )#ID FI## colors ,hich contrast ,ell both on screen and on a blacFAandA,hite hardcop+" as sho,n in Fi.. !.

Font Size 6

: !4 !! %3

Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times) Regular old Italic table caption 5in reference item Small Caps9" 5partial9 fi.ure caption" reference item author email address abstract abstract headin. 5in Courier9" bod+ 5also in #old9 cell in a table le0elA! headin. 5in le0elA% headin." Small Caps9" le0elA' headin." para.raph author affiliation author name title

Fi.. ! A sample line .raph usin. colors ,hich contrast ,ell both on screen and on a blacFAandA,hite hardcop+

All title and author details must be in sin.leAcolumn format and must be centered.

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