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Cycle I Nama Sekolah Kelas/Semester Mata Pelajaran Topik Aspek/Skill Alokasi Waktu : SMA Negeri 3 Ambon : XI IPA1 / Ganjil : Bahasa Inggris : Agreement and Disagreement : Berbicara / Speaking : 10 x 45 Menit (5 x Pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi: 2. Berbicara (Speaking) Mengungkapkan makna percakapan transaksional, makna teks fungsional pendek, serta dialog sederhana dalam berdiskusi. B. Kompetensi Dasar: 2.1. Mengungkapkan makna percakapan transaksional, makna teks

fungsional pendek, serta dialog sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam berdiskusi dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur atau expressions dan language tentang setuju (agreement) dan tidak setuju (disagreement), serta meminta (asking opinion) dan memberi pendapat (giving opinion).

C. Indikator: 1. Memahami expressions dan language yang digunakan dalam berdebat dengan teman. 2. Mendemonstrasikan pemakaian expressions dan language yang dipelajari dalam berdebat dengan teman. D. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat memahami expressions dan language yang digunakan dalam berdiskusi. 2. Siswa dapat mendemonstrasikan pemakaian expressions dan language yang dipelajari dalam berdiskusi. E. Strategi Pembelajaran: Philosophical Chairs strategy F. Media Pembelejaran: In-Focus, Picture, and Text (Reading Passage) G. Materi Inti Pembelajaran: 1. Expressions: a. Agreement and Disagreement: AGREEMENT I agree with this . . . because . . . I am pro with this . . . because . . . I totally agree with this . . . because in my opinion . . . From my point of view, I agree . . . DISAGREEMENT I disagree with this . . . because . . . I am con with this . . . because . . . I totally disagree with this . . . because in my opinion . . . From my point of view, I disagree . . .

b. Asking and Giving Opinion: ASKING OPINION What is your opinion of/about ? What do you think of/about/if ? What is your idea about the case ? What do you assume ? How do you feel about ? GIVING OPINION In my opinion (formal) I think that . From my point of view According to me. I feel, it seems to me like as .

2. Language: a. Agreement and Disagreement: AGREEMENT The reason why agree with this motion, because I think that the fact shows that . . . There are several reasons why I become agree with this motion, firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly . . . I have some facts that spurs me to sit on agree position, first fact is . . . second fact is . . . I have logic thought that brings me to this side, and Id like to explain it as following; . . . DISAGREEMENT The reason why disagree with this motion, because I think that the fact shows that . . . There are several reasons why I become disagree with this motion, firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly . . . I have some facts that spurs me to sit on disagree position, first fact is . . . second fact is . . . I have logic thought that brings me to this side, and Id like to explain it as following; . . .

b. Asking and Giving Opinion: ASKING OPINION On the contrary, why you becoming agree/disagree with this motion? Do you have some facts or logic arguments to explain? Im agree/disagree with this motion, and I already explain the reason why I agree/disagree, so what about you? Why you agree/disagree? You have to structure your arguments about the given motion! Firstly, provide the reason why you agree/disagree, then followed by your structural arguments! Honestly, I agree/disagree with this motion because Ive background knowledge about it, but I want to know why you agree/disagree! And I agree/disagree with this motion because Ive background knowledge also about this motion, firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly . . . The reason why I agree/disagree with this motion because in my opinion . . . there are several arguments that I have, firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly . . . GIVING OPINION I agree/disagree with this motion because I have some facts or logic arguments to explain as following ... And Im in agree/disagree position because according to me, I think that . . .

H. Langkah Langkah Pembelajaran: (Used for 1st Meeting) Activity Pre Activity Students Task 1: Students recognize Philosophical Chairs strategy Greeting: Responding the teachers greeting: - Teacher greets students. Brainstorming: - Teacher brainstorms the topic (agreement, disagreement, asking and giving opinion) with using picture that relates to the topic and asks question. - Teacher says the topic to students. - Students respond the teachers greeting. Paying attention: - Students listen carefully toward the explanation of the teacher, and ready to answer the teachers question. 4 Minutes Teacher Time

10 Minutes 1 Minute

- Students prepare their self to face the lesson about agreement, disagreement, asking and giving opinion. Recognizing Philosophical Chairs strategy: - Students watch the video and recognize Philosophical Chairs strategy. 5 Minutes

Introducing Philosophical Chairs strategy: - Teacher introduces model of how Philosophical Chairs strategy is applied in the classroom through video tape watching using In-Focus. - Teacher discusses the video model of Philosophical Chairs strategy with students. - Teacher asks students about their misunderstanding of the strategy.

- Students discuss the video of Philosophical Chairs strategy.

- Students ask question related to their misunderstanding of the strategy.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher Students


Task 2: 20 Students comprehend the expressions used in debating Minutes (Agreement and Disagreement) 15 Conveying the material of Comprehending the material and Minutes expressions of Agreement and make task completion of Disagreement: expressions of Agreement and Disagreement: - Teacher conveys the definition and purpose of Agreement and Disagreement expression. - Students comprehend and try to explain their comprehension about the meaning of Agreement and Disagreement expression in form of their own words. - Students comprehend the example of Agreement and Disagreement expression. Working Exercise 1: - Students do Exercise 1. 5 Minutes

- Teacher conveys the example of Agreement and Disagreement expression. Giving Exercise 1 to students: - Teacher commands students to do Exercise 1. - Teacher discusses Exercise 1 with students.

- Students discuss Exercise 1.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher Students Task 3: Students comprehend the expressions used in debating (Asking and Giving Opinion) Conveying the material of Comprehending the material expressions of asking and and make task completion of giving opinion: expressions of asking and giving opinion: - Teacher conveys the definition and purpose of asking and giving opinion. - Students comprehend and try to explain their comprehension about the meaning of asking


20 Minutes 15 Minutes

and giving opinion expression in form of their own words. - Teacher conveys the example of asking and giving opinion. Giving Exercise 2 to students: - Teacher commands students to do Exercise 2. - Teacher discusses Exercise 2 with students. - Students comprehend the example of asking and giving opinion. Working Exercise 2: - Students do Exercise 2. 5 Minutes

- Students discuss Exercise 2.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher Students


Task 4: 30 The implementation of Philosophical Chairs strategy using expressions Minutes of Agreement and Disagreement also Asking and Giving Opinion through debating practice 5 Implementing Philosophical Following the procedures of Minutes Chairs strategy: Philosophical Chairs strategy: - Teacher presents a motion to students. Motion: Love affair among students just brings dilapidated impact. - Teacher gives a reading passage (a) related with the motion to students. - Students understand the given motion by the teacher.

- Students take and read that reading passage (a) to strengthen their argument related with their position about the given motion. Working Exercise 3: - Students do Exercise 3. 5 Minutes

Giving Exercise 3 to students: - Teacher commands students to do Exercise 3. - Teacher discusses Exercise 3 with students.

- Students discuss Exercise 3.

- Teacher forms students into four groups (for debating practice). - Teacher places classroom chair in form of horseshoe seating arrangement. Debating practice:

- Students sit into four groups (for debating practice).

- Students in one group of nine/three sit onto horseshoe seating arrangement. Task 5: Debating Practice Debating practice: - Students speak with considering to use Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Language Control.

20 Minutes

- Teacher informs students to speak should be considered with using Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Language Control. - Teacher as the mediator starts to begin the debating practice. - Teacher presents a chance of changing position to students during the discussion. - Teacher limits and stops the debating practice.

- Students start to begin the debating practice.

- Students change their position.

- Students stop the debating practice.

Activity Post Activity Teacher Evaluating the process of teaching and learning: - Teacher asks the students difficulty during teaching and learning process. Preparing the next lesson: - Teacher provides the plan of the next lesson. Students Paying attention to the teacher:

Time 10 Minutes 5 Minutes

- Students explain their difficulty in learning process. Paying attention to the teacher. - Students write it all down. 3 Minutes


Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting.

2 Minutes

- Teacher greets students.

(Used for 2nd Meeting) Activity Pre Activity Teacher Greeting: Students Task 6: Reviewing the last meeting Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting. Paying attention: - Students listen carefully toward the explanation of the teacher, and ready to answer the teachers question. - Students listen carefully toward the explanation of the teacher, and ready to answer the teachers question. 9 Minutes Time

10 Minutes 1 Minute

- Teacher greets students. Reviewing the last meeting: - Teacher reviews the topic (agreement, disagreement, asking and giving opinion) and asks question. - Teacher makes a review about Philosophical Chairs strategy and asks question.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher Students


Task 7: 70 The implementation of Philosophical Chairs strategy using expressions Minutes of Agreement and Disagreement also Asking and Giving Opinion through Quiz 1 10 Implementing Philosophical Following the procedures of Minutes Chairs strategy: Philosophical Chairs strategy: - Teacher presents the similar - Students understand the given motion to students. motion by the teacher. - Teacher gives a reading passage (a) related with the motion to students. - Students take and read that reading passage (a) to strengthen their argument related with their position about the given motion.

- Teacher forms students into four groups, so there will be two rounds of debating for Quiz 1. - Teacher places classroom chair in form of horseshoe seating arrangement. Giving Quiz 1 to students:

- Students sit into four groups.

- Students in one group of nine sit onto horseshoe seating arrangement. Task 8: Quiz 1 Doing Quiz 1: - Students speak with considering to use Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Language Control.

60 Minutes

- Teacher informs students to speak should be considered with using Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Language Control. - Teacher as the mediator starts to begin the debating practice. - Teacher presents a chance of changing position to students during the discussion. - Teacher limits and stops the debating practice. Giving Exercise 6 to students: - Teacher commands students to do Exercise 6 (see Appendix X).

- Students start to do the debating practice.

- Students change their position.

- Students stop the debating practice. Working Exercise 6: - Students do Exercise 6.

Activity Post Activity Teacher Evaluating the process of teaching and learning: - Teacher asks the students difficulty during teaching and learning process. Students Paying attention to the teacher:

Time 10 Minutes 5 Minutes

- Students explain their difficulty in learning process.

Preparing the next lesson: - Teacher provides the plan of the next lesson. Greeting:

Paying attention to the teacher. - Students write it all down. Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting.

3 Minutes

2 Minutes

- Teacher greets students.

(Used for 3rd Meeting) Activity Pre Activity Teacher Greeting: Students Task 9: Reviewing the last meeting Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting. Paying attention: - Students listen carefully toward the explanation of the teacher, and ready to answer the teachers question. - Students listen carefully toward the explanation of the teacher, and ready to answer the teachers question. Time Students 20 Minutes 15 Minutes 9 Minutes Time

10 Minutes 1 Minute

- Teacher greets students. Reviewing the last meeting: - Teacher reviews the topic (agreement, disagreement, asking and giving opinion) and asks question. - Teacher makes a review about Philosophical Chairs strategy and asks question.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher Task 10: Students comprehend the language used in debating (Agreement and Disagreement) Conveying the example of Comprehending the example language of agreement and and make task completion of disagreement: language of agreement and disagreement: - Teacher conveys the example of language of agreement and disagreement. Giving Exercise 4 to students: - Teacher commands students to do Exercise 4. - Students comprehend the example of language of agreement and disagreement. Working Exercise 4: - Students do Exercise 4.

5 Minutes

- Teacher discusses Exercise 4 with students.

- Students discuss Exercise 4.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher Students Task 11: Students comprehend the language used in debating (Asking and Giving Opinion) Conveying the example of language of asking and giving opinion: Comprehending the example and make task completion of language of asking and giving opinion: - Students comprehend the example of language of asking and giving opinion. Working Exercise 5: - Students do Exercise 5.


20 Minutes 15 Minutes

- Teacher conveys the example of language of asking and giving opinion. Giving Exercise 5 to students: - Teacher commands students to do Exercise 5. - Teacher discusses Exercise 5 with students.

5 Minutes

- Students discuss Exercise 5.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher


Students Task 12: 30 The implementation of Philosophical Chairs strategy using language of Minutes Agreement and Disagreement also Asking and Giving Opinion through debating practice 5 Implementing Philosophical Following the procedures of Minutes Chairs strategy: Philosophical Chairs strategy: - Teacher presents the similar motion to students. - Teacher gives a reading passage (a) related with the motion to students. - Students understand the given motion by the teacher. - Students take and read that reading passage (a) to strengthen their argument related with their position

about the given motion. - Teacher forms students into four groups (for debating practice). - Teacher places classroom chair in form of horseshoe seating arrangement. Debating practice: - Students sit into four groups (for debating practice).

- Students in one group of nine/three sit onto horseshoe seating arrangement. Task 13: Debating Practice Debating practice: - Students speak with considering to use Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Language Control.

25 Minutes

- Teacher informs students to speak should be considered with using Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Language Control. - Teacher as the mediator starts to begin the debating practice. - Teacher presents a chance of changing position to students during the discussion. - Teacher limits and stops the debating practice.

- Students start to begin the debating practice.

- Students change their position.

- Students stop the debating practice.

Activity Post Activity Teacher Evaluating the process of teaching and learning: - Teacher asks the students difficulty during teaching and learning process. Preparing the next lesson: - Teacher provides the plan of Students Paying attention to the teacher:

Time 10 Minutes 5 Minutes

- Students explain their difficulty in learning process. Paying attention to the teacher. - Students write it all down. 3 Minutes

the next lesson. Greeting: Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting. 2 Minutes

- Teacher greets students.

(Used for 4th Meeting) Activity Pre Activity Teacher Greeting: Students Task 14: Reviewing the last meeting Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting. Paying attention: - Students listen carefully toward the explanation of the teacher, and ready to answer the teachers question. - Students listen carefully toward the explanation of the teacher, and ready to answer the teachers question. 9 Minutes Time

10 Minutes 1 Minute

- Teacher greets students. Reviewing the last meeting: - Teacher reviews the topic (agreement, disagreement, asking and giving opinion) and asks question. - Teacher makes a review about Philosophical Chairs strategy and asks question.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher Students


Task 15: 70 The implementation of Philosophical Chairs strategy using languages Minutes of Agreement and Disagreement also Asking and Giving Opinion through Quiz 2 10 Implementing Philosophical Following the procedures of Minutes Chairs strategy: Philosophical Chairs strategy: - Teacher presents the similar - Students understand the given motion to students. motion by the teacher. - Teacher gives a reading passage (a) related with the motion to students. - Students take and read that reading passage (a) to strengthen their argument related with their position about the given motion.

- Teacher forms students into four groups, so there will be two round of debating for Quiz 2. - Teacher places classroom chair in form of horseshoe seating arrangement. Giving Quiz 2 to students:

- Students sit into four groups.

- Students in one group of nine sit onto horseshoe seating arrangement. Task 16: Quiz 2 Doing Quiz 2: - Students speak with considering to use Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Language Control.

60 Minutes

- Teacher informs students to speak should be considered with using Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Language Control. - Teacher as the mediator starts to begin the debating practice. - Teacher presents a chance of changing position to students during the discussion. - Teacher limits and stops the debating practice. Giving Exercise 6 to students: - Teacher commands students to do Exercise 6 (see Appendix X).

- Students start to do the debating practice.

- Students change their position.

- Students stop the debating practice. Working Exercise 6: - Students do Exercise 6.

Activity Post Activity Teacher Evaluating the process of teaching and learning: - Teacher asks the students difficulty during teaching and learning process. Students Paying attention to the teacher:

Time 10 Minutes 5 Minutes

- Students explain their difficulty in learning process.

Preparing the next lesson: - Teacher provides the plan of the next lesson. Greeting:

Paying attention to the teacher. - Students write it all down. Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting.

3 Minutes

2 Minutes

- Teacher greets students.

(Used for 5th Meeting) Activity Pre Activity Teacher Greeting: Students Task 17: Preparing for the speaking test Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting. Paying attention: - Students put the attention to the teacher. - Students listen carefully toward the explanation of the teacher. - Students sit in pairs. 9 Minutes Time

10 Minutes 1 Minute

- Teacher greets students. Preparing for the speaking test: - Teacher prepares students to have the speaking test. - Teacher presents and explains the new motion for the speaking test. - Teacher divides students into pairs.

Activity Whilst Activity Teacher Task 18: Speaking Test Procedures of speaking test: Following the procedures of speaking test: - Students understand the given motion by the teacher. Students


70 Minutes

- Teacher presents and explains the new motion to students. - Teacher divides students into pairs. - Each student has 2.5 minutes maximally to deliver the argument about the motion.

- Students sit in pairs.

- Students deliver their argument about the motion appropriate with the position.

Activity Post Activity Teacher Evaluating the process of speaking test: - Teacher asks the students difficulty during speaking test. Greeting: Students Paying attention to the teacher:

Time 10 Minutes 9 Minutes

- Students explain their difficulty in learning process. Responding the teachers greeting: - Students respond the teachers greeting. 1 Minutes

- Teacher greets students.

I. Materi Pendukung Pembelajaran: 1. Brainstorming: Picture. 1

2. Information about expressions and language of agreement, disagreement, asking and giving opinion: Agreement and disagreement: a. Definition: Agreement and disagreement are kinds of expression which totally different from one to another. Agreement shows positive respond (pro) toward a topic while Disagreement shows negative respond (con). b. Purpose: To argue something in form of strengthening the argument based on certain topic.

Asking and giving opinion: a. Definition: Asking and giving opinion are kinds of expression used in a communication system to discuss something. Asking opinion means to start discussion by asking a question, and giving opinion is the answer for. b. Purpose: To discuss something based on certain topic. 3. The example about expressions and language of agreement, disagreement, asking and giving opinion: Expressions of agreement and disagreement: AGREEMENT I agree with this . . . because . . . I am pro with this . . . because . . . I totally agree with this . . . because in my opinion . . . From my point of view, I agree with this . . . because . . . DISAGREEMENT I disagree with this . . . because . . . I am con with this . . . because . . . I totally disagree with this . . . because in my opinion . . . From my point of view, I disagree with this . . . because . . .

Expressions of asking and giving opinion: ASKING OPINION What is your opinion of/about ? What do you think of/about/if ? What is your idea about the case ? What do you assume ? GIVING OPINION In my opinion (formal) I think that . From my point of view According to me.

Language of agreement and disagreement: AGREEMENT The reason why agree with this motion, because I think that the fact shows that . . . There are several reasons why I become agree with this motion, firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly . . . I have some facts that spurs me to sit on agree position, first fact is . . . second fact is . . . DISAGREEMENT The reason why disagree with this motion, because I think that the fact shows that . . . There are several reasons why I become disagree with this motion, firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly . . . I have some facts that spurs me to sit on disagree position, first fact is . . . second fact is . . .

Language of asking and giving opinion: ASKING OPINION On the contrary, why you becoming agree/disagree with this motion? Do you have some facts or logic arguments to explain? Im agree/disagree with this motion, and I already explain the reason why I agree/disagree, so what about you? Why you agree/disagree? You have to structure your arguments about the given motion! Firstly, provide the reason why you agree/disagree, then followed by your structural arguments! The reason why I agree/disagree with this motion because in my opinion . . . there are several arguments that I have, firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly . . . GIVING OPINION I agree/disagree with this motion because I have some facts or logic arguments to explain as following ... And Im in agree/disagree position because according to me, I think that . . .

4. Reading Passage: a) Love Affair among Students at School Love is an abstract thing which is connecting someone with another in a deeply relationship affectionately. Usually, love can be between two genders namely; man and woman, but nowadays we can find a love among similar gender. That is the fact. Additionally, school as the place whereabout the education is lived on, we also can get a sight about love among students. It can be between junior with junior, senior with senior, even junior with senior. Complexly, love among students can bring advantageous and

disadvantageous thing. The advantageous thing is; love among students can motivate each pair to study more, so it seems like a tournament for them. So each pair will show good achievement for his or her pair. On the contrary, it can bring bad impact for whom (students) that plait relationship of love at the school. Sometime students cannot learn well because they still think about their boyfriend or girlfriend, and many more bad impacts that can be gotten through it. So the choice is yours.

b) Junk Food Should Be Banned In this modern era every aspect of human being can be gotten instantly, it is supported with the development of advanced technology created by experts in order to design an instant living for the people around the world. One of the aspect of human being which is created instantly to be gotten is about; food. Nowadays, there are many restaurants that serves fast food service for those people who really busy with their job. By calling to service center of those restaurants and making order, fast food can be eaten by those busy people without making a body movement. This is really good for people who do not have a little bit of time to spend for eating, it is advantageous for several people who do not know how to cook, it is not difficult to get, and also it is not expensive or it can be reached by almost all the people. As well as its advantages, it also has weakness. The food that is made in those fast food restaurants has a power of junk which can make consumers of becoming addicted to it, so the obesity can assault their health, it is supported by there is the limitation of body movement when they enjoy it. In addition, sometimes junk food is cooked in form of wrong procedure, so there will be some bad germs on, and if it happens on long term condition it can start stomachache until several scary cancers. In conclusion, even we live in modern era that serves many instant ways for us as human being; we should sort whether or not it is good for us? Because if we just follow the mainstream system, so we can be the victim of this era.

J. Tugas dan Penilaian: Tugas: 1. Exercise 1: Based on these following expressions below, mark (A) for Agreement expression, (D) for Disagreement expression or (?) for unknown expression! 1) Im on the right side, because . . . () 2) In my personal opinion, I argue that . . . () 3) Im negative with this topic, in my opinion . . . () 4) Im on the left side, because in my opinion . . . () 5) Im positive with this . . . because I think that . . . () 6) My argument is . . . () 2. Exercise 2: Based on these following expressions below, mark (A) for asking opinion expression, (G) for giving opinion expression or (?) for unknown expression! 1) What is your personal thought about . . .? () 2) In my personal opinion, I agree that . . . () 3) Related to this topic, I think that . . . () 4) What is your assumption about . . .? () 5) From my point of view . . . () 6) I disagree because . . . ()

3. Exercise 3: After reading the reading passage (a), you have to put opinion or fact that agrees with the motion in agreement line while disagrees in disagreement line! - Agreement: - Disagreement: 4. Exercise 4: Based on these following languages below, mark (A) for agreement language, (D) for disagreement language or (?) for unknown language! 1) The reason why agree with this motion, because I think that the fact shows that . . . () 2) There are several reasons why I become agree with this motion, firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly . . . () 3) I have some facts that spurs me to sit on agree position, first fact is . . . second fact is . . . () 4) I have logic thought that brings me to this side, and Id like to explain it as following; . . . ()

5. Exercise 5: Based on these following languages below, mark (A) for asking opinion language, (G) for giving opinion language or (?) for unknown language! 1) You have to structure your arguments about the given motion! Firstly, provide the reason why you agree/disagree, then followed by your structural arguments! 2) Honestly, I agree/disagree with this motion because Ive background knowledge about it, but I want to know why you agree/disagree! 3) Im agree with this motion, because I have several thoughts as following; . . . 4) I want to deliver my argument about this given motion, I think that . 6. Exercise 6: Students, now you have to fulfill this Philosophical Chairs Report, Philosophical chairs Written Evaluation Sheet, and Philosophical Chairs Reflection (see Appendix X) as well as your comprehension! 7. Quiz 1: Students, you have to sit in pairs whereas each pair has to argue the opinion about the motion!

Rubrik Penilaian: PALS





Students) by Walker (2008): Aspect of Speaking Task Completion 1 Minimal delivering 2 Response two Score 3 Develop three arguments about the 4 Giving four up to five arguments about the

one argument arguments about the given motion Comprehensibility Responses barely about the given motion Responses mostly

given motion given motion Responses Responses

comprehensi- readily

comprehensi- comprehensi- ble, requiring comprehensible ble, requiring minimal interpretation on the part of listener ble, requiring

interpretation no on the part of interpretation listener on the part of listener


Speech halting and uneven with long pauses and/or incomplete thoughts

Speech choppy and/or slow with frequent pauses; few or no incomplete thoughts

Some hesitation

Speech continuous

but manages with few and continue and complete thoughts Does not Enhances pauses or stumbling




interferes with interferes with interfere with communicatcommunication communication communicat- ion ion


Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary

Somewhat Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary


Rich use of

and accurate vocabulary use of vocabulary

Language Control

Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of basic language structures

Emerging use of basic language structures

Emerging control of basic language structures

Control of basic language structures

Total Score: . . . . . . . . K. Sumber: Book of Grow With English for Senior High School (Grade XI)

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