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AIC NR 03/A/11FC JUL 07, 2011




ARRETE N025/MCPEN/CAB/2010 du 03 Aot 2010, relatif la rglementation de limplantation des stations radiolectriques. DECREE N 025/MCPEN/CAB/2010 of August 03rd, 2010, concerning the regulation of the implementation of radio stations.
Chapitre l : Du champ dApplication et lObjet Article 1 : Le prsent arrt sapplique tout oprateur, tel que dfini larticle 2 de la loi N005/2001 sus vise. Elle tablit la rglementation dimplantation des stations et des limites dexposition du public aux champs lectromagntiques. Chapitre II.- De la Norme et des Spcifications Article 2: Ltablissement de stations radiolectriques de toute nature, lexception de celles exclusivement composes dappareils de faible puissance et de faible porte, est subordonn une autorisation pralable dlivre par lAgence de Rgulation des Tlcommunications, conformment aux dispositions de larticle 77 de la loi N005/2001 sus vise. Article 3 : Les oprateurs veillent ce que le niveau dexposition du public aux champs lectromagntiques mis par les antennes relais GSM ne dpasse pas 6V/m. La limite de rayonnement lectromagntique sapplique toute antenne relais GSM, sans tenir compte des rayonnements lectromagntiques gnrs par dautres sources ventuelles de rayonnements lectromagntiques.

Chapter l: Field of Application and the Object 1st article: the present decree applies to every operator, such as defined in the article 2 of the law No005/2001 knew aimed. It establishes the regulations of implementation of stations and exposure limits of the public to electromagnetic fields. Chapter II.- Standard and Specifications Article 2: the establishment of radio stations of all kinds, with the exception of those exclusively composed of devices of low power and low reach, is subordinated to a prior authorization delivered by the Agency of Regulation of Telecommunications, according to provisions of the article 77 of the law N005/2001 knew aimed.

Article 3: the operators watch that the exposure level of the public in the electromagnetic fields emitted by antennas relay GSM does not exceed 6V/m. The limit of electromagnetic radiation applies to any relay antenna GSM, without taking into account electromagnetic radiations generated by the other possible sources of electromagnetic radiations.


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Article 4 : Limplantation des antennes radiolectriques doit obligatoirement respecter une distance minimale de 100 mtres dun tablissement dit sensible. Les tablissements viss sont les crches, les tablissements scolaires et les tablissements de sant. Article 5 : Dans tous les cas, lrection des pylnes ou tours dantennes est soumise aux conditions suivantes : - Le respect des rgles de la scurit aronautique, - Le respect des rgles de prvention et de protection des surintensits lectriques et des foudres, - La prvision dune zone de scurit suffisante en cas de chute ventuelle des antennes ou des pylnes ou lun de leurs lments, - laccessibilit du site. Article 6 : Toute implantation de pylne de station radiolectrique doit tenir compte des conditions de stabilit nonces en annexe, afin dviter tout effondrement de louvrage qui pourrait occasionner toute destruction de matriel ou des pertes en vie humaines. Article 7 : Le partage des sites radiolectriques est privilgi, dans la mesure du possible et sous rserve de faisabilit technique, entre les oprateurs de tlphonie mobile. Les projets dantennes-relais des oprateurs sont regroups sur un mme emplacemenrt et les nouvelles antennes sur un mme support. Article 8 : A compter de la mise en service, dans un dlai fix conjointement avec lAgence de Rgulation des Tlcommunications , lexploitant de lantenne relais GSM met un rapport attestant du respect de la limite du rayonnement lectromagntique conformment larticle 3. Article 9 : Chaque anne, les exploitants des rseaux radiolectriques dressent linventaire des lieux dimplantation des valeurs dexposition aux champs lectromagntiques des antennes relais situes sur leur zone de couverture.

Article 4: the implementation of the radio antennas necessarily has to respect a minimal distance of 100 meters of an establishment said sensitive. The aimed establishments are creches, schools and establishments of health.

Article 5: In every case, the erection of pylons or towers of antennas is subjected to the following conditions: - The respect of rules of the aeronautical safety, - The respect of rules of prevention and for protection of the electric overload and the lightnings, - The forecast of a zone of sufficient safety in case of possible fall of antennas or pylons or one of their elements, - The accessibility of the site.

Article 6: Any implementation of pylon of radio station has to take into account conditions of stability expressed in appendix, to avoid any collapse of the work which could cause any destruction of equipment or the alive human losses.

Article 7: the division of the radio sites is privileged, as possible and subject to technical feasibility, between mobile phone operators. The projects of antennas-relay of the operators are grouped included on the same emplacemenrt and the new antennas on the same support. Article 8: As from the starting, for the deadline fixed together with the Agency of Regulation of Telecommunications, the developer of the antenna relay GSM emits a relationship giving evidence of the respect for the limit of the electromagnetic radiation according to the article 3. Article 9: Every year, developers of the radio networks draw up the inventory of the places of implementation to values of exhibition in the electromagnetic fields of antennas relay situated on their coverage area.

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Chapitre III. Des dispositions finales Article 10 : En cas de dpassement de la limite du rayonnement lectromagntique fixe larticle 3 ci-dessus, lexploitant doit se mettre en conformit dans un dlai fix par lAgence de Rgulation des Tlcommunications. Article 11 : Lapplication du prsent arrt, qui prend effet partir du 1er Janvier 2010, concerne galement les exploitants de stations radiolectriques autres que les oprateurs. Article 12 : lAgence de Rgulation des Tlcommunications est charge de lapplication du Prsent arrt qui sera publi et communiqu partout o besoin sera.

Chapitre III. - Final capacities Article 10: In case of overtaking of the limit of the electromagnetic radiation fixed to the article 3 above, the developer has to put himself in conformity for the deadline fixed by the Agency of Regulation of Telecommunications. Article 11: The application of the present decree, which to come in force from January 1st, 2010, also concerns the developers of radio stations others than the operators. Article 12: the Agency of Regulation of Telecommunications is responsible of the application of the Present decree which will be published and communicated everywhere where need will be.


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