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Mono C# Winforms tutorial

Introduction First steps Layout management Menus & toolbars Controls Advanced Controls Dialogs Drag & Drop Painting Snake T is is Mono C! "in#orms tutorial$ Mono "in#orms tutorial is #or beginner programmers$ %ou may ave a look at t e &T'! tutorial or t e sister tutorial IronPyt on Mono "in#orms tutorial

Introduction to Mono Winforms

T e #irst part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial introduces t e Mono plat#orm and t e "in#orms library$

About this tutorial

T is is Mono C! "in#orms tutorial$ Mono "in#orms tutorial is #or beginner programmers$ T e goal o# t is tutorial is to teac readers basics o# &(I programming in Mono "in#orms$ T e tutorial is created and tested on Linu)$ *evert eless+ it can be used on ot er operating systems as ,ell$ Most e)amples s ould run ,it out modi#ication$ Images used in t is tutorial can be do,nloaded ere$

T e Mono Pro-ect is an open development initiative sponsored by Novell to develop an open source+ (*I. version o# t e Microso#t $*/T development plat#orm$ It is a $*/T compatible set o# tools+ , ic include C! compiler+ Common Language 0untime+ AD1$*/T+ ASP$*/T and "in#orms libraries$ Mono can be divided into t ree groups2 Core components &nome development stack Microso#t compatibility stack T e core components are t e C! language and t e Common language runtime$ T e &nome development stack includes t e &T'! library and various database connectivity libraries$ Finally t e Microso#t compatibility stack includes t e AD1$*/T+ ASP$*/T and t e "in#orms libraries$ Mono is multiplat#orm programming plat#orm$ It can be run on Linu)+ 3SD+ Mac 1S .+ Solaris and "indo,s operating systems$ It is a multilanguage e##ort$ For no,+ only C! language is #ully supported$ Languages like 4isual 3asic or IronPyt on are not yet #inis ed$

"indo,s Forms is a grap ical user inter#ace application programming inter#ace 5API6 included as a part o# Microso#t7s $*/T Frame,ork$ As o# 89 May :;;<+ Mono7s System$"indo,s$Forms :$; is API complete$ Simply put+ "in#orms is a library #or creating &(I applications$

Compiling examples
1ur tutorial uses t e C! language$ To compile all t e e)amples in t is tutorial+ ,e use t e gmcs compiler$ T e gmcs compiler implements t e complete C! :$; speci#ication including generics$ C! source #iles must end ,it a $cs e)tension$
$ gmcs --about The Mono C# compiler is (C) 2001-2008, No ell, !nc" The compiler source co#e is release# un#er the terms o$ the %N& %'( )or more in$ormation on Mono, isit the pro*ect +eb site http,--..."mono-pro*ect"com The compiler .as .ritten b/ Miguel #e !ca0a, 1a i 'ratap, Martin 2aulig, Mare3 4a$ar, 1a*a 1 5arinath, 6tushi 7nomoto

"e ave a simple C! source #ile$ "e ,ill discuss t e source later$ For no,+ ,e concentrate on t e compilation process$
simple"cs using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 public class 4imple , )orm : public 4imple() : Te;t < =4imple=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? static public oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. 4imple())8 ?

C! applications use modules called assemblies$ T e Mono C! compiler by de#ault only re#erences t ree assemblies2 mscorlib$dll+ System$dll and System$.ml$dll$ Any additional assembly must be speci#ied ,it a command line option o# t e compiler$ In our simple e)ample+ ,e need System$"indo,s$Forms$dll and System$Dra,ing$dll assemblies$
gmcs -r,4/stem"+in#o.s")orms"#ll -r,4/stem""#ll simple"cs

=ere ,e compile t e simple$cs source #ile$ I# t e output #ile name is not speci#ied+ ,e get t e e)e #ile ,it name e>ual to t e source #ile name$ In our e)ample+ simple$e)e #ile$
gmcs -r,4/stem"+in#o.s")orms"#ll -r,4/stem""#ll simple"cs -out,simplee;ample"e;e

=ere ,e speci#y t e output #ile name$ "e compile source #ile and get simplee)ample$e)e #ile$

First steps in Mono Winforms

In t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial+ ,e introduce some basic programs in "in#orms programing library$

T is is a simple "in#orms application$
simple"cs using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 public class 4imple , )orm : public 4imple() : Te;t < =4imple=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? static public oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. 4imple())8 ?

T is code e)ample s o,s a small ,indo, on t e screen$

using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8

=ere ,e use t e using directive+ , ic allo,s us to use a type #rom an appropriate namespace ,it out a #ully >uali#ied name$ For e)ample+ ,e can no, ,rite Form instead o# System$"indo,s$Forms$Form$
public class 4imple , )orm : """ ?

In "in#orms+ any ,indo, or a dialog is a Form$ T is control is a basic container+ , ose purpose is to display ot er c ild controls$ 1ur class+ Simple+ in erits #rom a #orm$ T is ,ay it becomes a #orm itsel#$
Te;t < =4imple=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8

Text and Si e are properties o# a #orm$ C anging t ese properties+ ,e modi#y our #orm control$ T e #irst line displays te)t ?Simple? in t e titlebar o# t e #orm control$ T e second line sets t e si@e o# t e #orm to :A;):;; p)$

T is met od centers our application on t e screen$

static public oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. 4imple())8

" en compiled and run+ t e Main met od is e)ecuted #irst$ T e code instantiates t e Simple class and runs it$
$ gmcs -r,4/stem"+in#o.s")orms"#ll -r,4/stem""#ll simple"cs

=ere is o, ,e compile t e source code$ I# ,e didn7t make any mistakes+ ,e s ould ave simple!exe #ile in our current ,orking directory$

Figure2 Simple

Mono means monkey in Spanis $ I# ,e do not provide an icon #or our application+ ,e ave a ead o# a monkey by de#ault$ T e ne)t e)ample s o,s+ o, to c ange t is$
icon"cs using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem8 public class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =!con=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 tr/ : !con < ne. !con(=.eb"ico=)8 ? catch (7;ception e) : Console"+rite(ine(e"Message)8 7n ironment"7;it(1)8 ? ? CenterTo4creen()8

static public oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ?

T e code e)ample s o,s an icon in t e upper le#t corner o# t e #orm$ A #orm7s icon is t e picture

t at represents t e #orm in t e taskbar as ,ell as t e icon t at is displayed #or t e control bo) o# t e #orm$
tr/ : !con < ne. !con(=.eb"ico=)8 ? catch (7;ception e) : Console"+rite(ine(e"Message)8 7n ironment"7;it(1)8 ?

It is a good practice to put all input output ,ork bet,een t e tryBcatc key,ords$ T e ,eb$ico #ile must be available in t e current ,orking directory$ T is is t e directory #rom , ere ,e e)ecute 5$Bicon$e)e6 our application$

Figure2 Icon

A tooltip is a small rectangular popCup ,indo, t at displays a brie# description o# a control7s purpose , en t e user rests t e pointer on t e control$
tooltips"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =Tooltips=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 ToolTip btnTlp < ne. ToolTip()8 btnTlp"4etToolTip(this, =This is a )orm=)8 2utton button < ne. 2utton()8 btnTlp"4etToolTip(button, =This is a 2utton Control=)8 button"Te;t < =2utton=8 button"(ocation < ne. 'oint(@0, A0)8 button"'arent < this8 ? ? CenterTo4creen()8

class M6pplication : static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

1ur code e)ample creates a tooltip #or t,o controls$ T e "utton control and t e Form control$
ToolTip btnTlp < ne. ToolTip()8

=ere ,e create t e ToolTip control$ T is instance is used to provide tooltips #or bot controls$
btnTlp"4etToolTip(this, =This is a )orm=)8

=ere ,e set a tooltip #or a #orm$

btnTlp"4etToolTip(button, =This is a 2utton Control=)8

And ere #or our button$

2utton button < ne. 2utton()8 btnTlp"4etToolTip(button, =This is a 2utton Control=)8 button"Te;t < =2utton=8 button"(ocation < ne. 'oint(@0, A0)8 button"'arent < this8

*otice t e creation o# t e "utton control$ T e Text property is a label #or t e button$ T e #ocation property places t e button on t e #orm at )D9;+ y D E; p) coordinates$ Finally+ t e $arent property determines t e container+ , ere t e button ,ill reside$

Figure2 Tooltips

1ur last code e)ample s o,s a button control in action$
button"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =2utton=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 2utton button < ne. 2utton()8 button"(ocation < ne. 'oint(@0, 20)8 button"Te;t < =Buit=8 button"Clic3 C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnClic3)8 button"Mouse7nter C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn7nter)8 Controls"6##(button)8 CenterTo4creen()8 oi# DnClic3(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Close()8 oi# Dn7nter(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Console"+rite(ine(=2utton 7ntere#=)8

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

All &(I programming is event driven programming$ In our e)ample+ ,e s o, a button control on a #orm container$ T e button ,ill listen to t,o events$ T e Clic% and t e Mouse&nter events$
button"Clic3 C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnClic3)8

T is code line plugs an event andler to t e Clic% event$ " en ,e click on t e button+ t e 'nClic%() met od is called$
button"Mouse7nter C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn7nter)8

" en ,e enter t e button area ,it t e mouse pointer+ t e Mouse&nter event is triggerd$ In t is case+ our code calls t e 'n&nter() met od$
? oi# DnClic3(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Close()8

T e met od closes t e application$

? oi# Dn7nter(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Console"+rite(ine(=2utton 7ntere#=)8

" en ,e enter t e button control area ,it t e mouse pointer+ ?3utton /ntered? te)t is displayed in t e terminal$ T is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial s o,ed some introductory code e)amples to get you started ,it t e "in#orms programming library$

#a*out management in Mono Winforms

T e Mono "in#orms tutorial continues ,it t e layout management o# controls$ A#ter ,e ave placed controls on t eir parent containers+ ,e ave to ensure t eir proper layuot$

T e Anchor property o# a control determines o, it is resi@ed ,it its parent$ Anc or is a term #rom t e marine ,orld$ " en an anc or is dropped into t e ,ater+ t e s ip is #i)ed in certain place$ Same applies #or t e "in#orms controls$ /ac control in "in#orms can ave one o# t ese AnchorSt*les values2 Top Le#t 0ig t 3ottom

*otice+ t at controls are not restricted to one value$ T ey can take any combinatino o# t ese values using t e F operator$

"asic Anchor example

T e #ollo,ing e)ample s o,s a very basic e)ample+ demonstrating t e Anchor property$
anchor"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =6nchor=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(210, 210)8 2utton btn1 < ne. 2utton()8 btn1"Te;t < =2utton=8 btn1"'arent < this8 btn1"(ocation < ne. 'oint(@0, @0)8 2utton btn2 < ne. 2utton()8 btn2"Te;t < =2utton=8 btn2"'arent < this8 btn2"(ocation < ne. 'oint(@0, 80)8 btn2"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : M)orm m$ < ne. M)orm()8 6pplication"1un(m$)8 ? ?

T is is a very basic code e)ample+ t at clearly s o,s , at t e Anchor property is all about$ "e ave t,o buttons on t e #orm$ T e #irst button as t e de#ault AnchorSt*les values+ , ic are Anc orStyles$Top F Anc orStyles$Le#t$ T e second button as e)plicitely set t e Anc orStyles$0ig t$
btn2"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8

"e e)plicitely set t e Anchor property o# t e second button to Anc orStyles$0ig t value$ *o, ave a look at t e #ollo,ing t,o images$ T e le#t one s o,s t e application at t e beginning$ T e rig t one s o,s t e same application a#ter resi@ement$ T e #irst button keeps its distance #rom t e le#t and top borders o# t e #orm$ T e second button keeps its distance #rom t e rig t border o# t e #orm$ 3ut it does not keep any distance in t e vertical direction$

Figure2 3e#ore and a#ter resi@ing

T e +oc% property allo,s us to stick a control to a certain edge o# t e parent #orm or control$ T e #ollo,ing are possible +oc%St*le values$ Top Le#t 0ig t 3ottom Fill *one

&ditor s%eleton
T e #ollo,ing code e)ample s o,s t e +oc% property in action$
e#itor"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8

using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =7#itor=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(210, 180)8 MainMenu mainMenu < ne. MainMenu()8 Menu!tem $ile < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=E)ile=)8 $ile"Menu!tems"6##(ne. Menu!tem(=7E;it=, ne. 7 ent5an#ler(this"Dn7;it), 4hortcut"CtrlF))8 Menu < mainMenu8 Te;t2o; tb < ne. Te;t2o;()8 tb"'arent < this8 tb"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le")ill8 tb"Multiline < true8 4tatus2ar sb < ne. 4tatus2ar()8 sb"'arent < this8 sb"Te;t < =1ea#/=8 ? CenterTo4creen()8 oi# Dn7;it(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Close()8

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e s o, a menubar and a statusbar$ And t e remaining area is taken by t e Text"ox control$
Te;t2o; tb < ne. Te;t2o;()8 tb"'arent < this8

=ere ,e create t e Text"ox control$ Form container is set to be t e parent #or t e te)t bo)$
tb"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le")ill8

T is code line makes t e Text"ox control take up t e remaining space inside t e #orm container$

Figure2 /ditor skeleton

Anchored buttons
T e ne)t e)ample s o,s t,o buttons placed in t e bottom rig t corner o# t e #orm$
anchore#buttons"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri pri pri pri pri ate ate ate ate ate int int int int int +!9T5 < 2>08 57!%5T < 1>08 2&TTDN4G4'6C7 < 1>8 '6N7(G4'6C7 < 88 C(D47G4'6C7 < 108

public M)orm() : Te;t < =6nchor=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(+!9T5, 57!%5T)8 2utton o3 < ne. 2utton()8 int '6N7(G57!%5T < o3"5eight C '6N7(G4'6C78 'anel panel < ne. 'anel()8 panel"5eight < '6N7(G57!%5T8 panel"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le"2ottom8 panel"'arent < this8 int ; < o3"+i#th H 2 C 2&TTDN4G4'6C78 int / < ('6N7(G57!%5T - o3"5eight) - 28 o3"Te;t < =D3=8 o3"'arent < panel8 o3"(ocation < ne. 'oint(+!9T5-;, /)8 o3"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8 2utton close < ne. 2utton()8

; < close"+i#th8 close"Te;t < =Close=8 close"'arent < panel8 close"(ocation < ne. 'oint(+!9T5-;-C(D47G4'6C7, /)8 close"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8 ? ? class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ? CenterTo4creen()8

T e e)ample displayes 1'+ Close buttons in t e bottom rig t corner o# t e ,indo,+ as it is common in dialog ,indo,s$
pri ate int +!9T5 < 2>08 pri ate int 57!%5T < 1>08

T e WI+T, and ,&I-,T variables determine t e ,idt and eig t o# t e application ,indo,$
pri ate int 2&TTDN4G4'6C7 < 1>8 pri ate int '6N7(G4'6C7 < 88 pri ate int C(D47G4'6C7 < 108

T e ".TT'NS/S$AC& is t e space bet,een t e 1' and t e Close button$ T e $AN&#/S$AC& is t e space bet,een t e panel and t e bottom o# t e #orm$ Finally+ t e C#'S&/S$AC& variable sets t e space bet,een t e Close button and t e rig t border o# t e #orm$
int '6N7(G57!%5T < o3"5eight C '6N7(G4'6C78

=ere ,e compute t e eig t o# t e panel$ T e eig t o# t e panel is based on t e eig t o# t e 1' button$ And ,e add some additional space+ so t at t e buttons are not too close to t e border$
'anel panel < ne. 'anel()8 panel"5eight < '6N7(G57!%5T8 panel"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le"2ottom8 panel"'arent < this

=ere ,e create and manage t e $anel control$ In t is e)ample+ it is used as a container #or our buttons$ It is glued to t e bottom border o# t e #orm$ And t e buttons are placed ,it in t e panel$
o3"Te;t < =D3=8 o3"'arent < panel8 o3"(ocation < ne. 'oint(+!9T5-;, /)8 o3"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8

T e 1' button7s parent is set to t e panel ,idget$ T e location is computed$ And t e Anchor property is set to t e rig t$ T e ot er button is created similarly$

Figure2 Anc ored buttons

$la*er s%eleton
T e last e)ample o# t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial s o,s a more comple) e)ample$ It is a skeleton o# a music player$
pla/er"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < ='la/er=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(@>0, 280)8 MainMenu mainMenu < ne. MainMenu()8 Menu!tem $ile < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=E)ile=)8 Menu!tem pla/m < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=E'la/=)8 Menu!tem ie. < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=EIie.=)8 Menu!tem tools < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=ETools=)8 Menu!tem $a ourites < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=E)a ourites=)8 Menu!tem help < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=E5elp=)8 $ile"Menu!tems"6##(ne. Menu!tem(=7E;it=, ne. 7 ent5an#ler(this"Dn7;it), 4hortcut"CtrlF))8 Menu < mainMenu8 'anel panel < ne. 'anel()8 panel"'arent < this8 panel"2ac3Color < Color"2lac38 panel"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le")ill8 'anel button'anel < ne. 'anel()8 button'anel"'arent < this8 button'anel"5eight < J08 button'anel"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le"2ottom8 2utton pause < ne. 2utton()8 pause")lat4t/le < )lat4t/le"'opup8 pause"'arent < button'anel8 pause"(ocation < ne. 'oint(>, 10)8 pause"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>, 2>)8 pause"!mage < ne. 2itmap(=pause"png=)8

2utton pla/ < ne. 2utton()8 pla/")lat4t/le < )lat4t/le"'opup8 pla/"'arent < button'anel8 pla/"(ocation < ne. 'oint(@>, 10)8 pla/"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>, 2>)8 pla/"!mage < ne. 2itmap(=pla/"png=)8 2utton $ < ne. 2utton()8 $")lat4t/le < )lat4t/le"'opup8 $"'arent < button'anel8 $"(ocation < ne. 'oint(80, 10)8 $"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>, 2>)8 $"!mage < ne. 2itmap(=$"png=)8 2utton < ne. 2utton()8")lat4t/le < )lat4t/le"'opup8"'arent < button'anel8"(ocation < ne. 'oint(110, 10)8"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>, 2>)8"!mage < ne. 2itmap("png=)8 Trac32ar tb < ne. Trac32ar()8 tb"'arent < button'anel8 tb"Tic34t/le < Tic34t/le"None8 tb"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(1>0, 2>)8 tb"(ocation < ne. 'oint(200, 10)8 tb"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8 2utton au#io < ne. 2utton()8 au#io")lat4t/le < )lat4t/le"'opup8 au#io"'arent < button'anel8 au#io"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>, 2>)8 au#io"!mage < ne. 2itmap(=au#io"png=)8 au#io"(ocation < ne. 'oint(1A0, 10)8 au#io"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8 4tatus2ar sb < ne. 4tatus2ar()8 sb"'arent < this8 sb"Te;t < =1ea#/=8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? oi# Dn7;it(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Close()8 ? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

T is is a more comple) e)ample s o,ing bot +oc% and Anchor properties in action$
MainMenu mainMenu < ne. MainMenu()8 Menu!tem $ile < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=E)ile=)8 """ Menu < mainMenu8

=ere ,e create t e menubar$

'anel panel < ne. 'anel()8 panel"'arent < this8 panel"2ac3Color < Color"2lac38 panel"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le")ill8

T is is t e black panel+ , ic takes all t e remaining space+ le#t by t e menubar+ statusbar and t e control panel$
'anel button'anel < ne. 'anel()8 button'anel"'arent < this8 button'anel"5eight < J08 button'anel"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le"2ottom8

T is is t e control panel$ Its parent is t e #orm container$ It is glued to t e bottom o# t e #orm$ Its eig t is G;p)$ Inside t is control panel+ ,e place all t e buttons and t e trackar$
2utton pause < ne. 2utton()8 pause")lat4t/le < )lat4t/le"'opup8 pause"'arent < button'anel8 pause"(ocation < ne. 'oint(>, 10)8 pause"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>, 2>)8 pause"!mage < ne. 2itmap(=pause"png=)8

T e pause button is one o# t e #our buttons+ t at as t e de#ault Anchor property value$ T e style o# t e button is set to #lat+ because it looks better$ "e put a bitmap on t e button$
tb"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8 """ au#io"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"1ight8

T e last t,o controls are anc ored to t e rig t$

Figure2 Player skeleton T is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial ,as about t e layout management o# controls$ "e practised various possibilities t at t e "in#orms library o##ers$

Menus and toolbars in Mono Winforms

In t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial+ ,e ,ill talk about menus and toolbars$ A menubar is one o# t e most visible parts o# t e &(I application$ It is a group o# commands located in various menus$ " ile in console applications you ad to remember all t ose arcane commands+ ere ,e ave most o# t e commands grouped into logical parts$ T ere are accepted standards t at #urt er reduce t e amount o# time spending to learn a ne, application$

Simple menu
In t e #irst e)ample+ ,e create a simple menu$
simplemenu"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =4imple menu=8 Menu4trip ms < ne. Menu4trip()8 ms"'arent < this8 Tool4tripMenu!tem $ile < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=E)ile=)8 Tool4tripMenu!tem e;it < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=E7;it=, null, ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn7;it))8 e;it"4hortcutKe/s < Ke/s"Control L Ke/s"F8 $ile"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(e;it)8 ms"!tems"6##($ile)8 MainMenu4trip < ms8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 ? CenterTo4creen()8 oi# Dn7;it(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Close()8

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

In our e)ample+ ,e ave a menubar and one menu$ Inside a menu t ere is one menu item$ I# ,e select t e menu item+ application is closed$ *otice t e ,ays o, ,e can close t e application$ "e can close it by using t e CtrlH. s orcut or by pressing Alt+ F+ / keys$
Menu4trip ms < ne. Menu4trip()8

MenuStrip creates a menu system #or our #orm$ "e add ToolStripMenuItem ob-ects to t e MenuStrip t at represent t e individual menu commands in t e menu structure$ /ac ToolStripMenuItem can be a command #or your application or a parent menu #or ot er submenu

Tool4tripMenu!tem $ile < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=E)ile=)8

=ere ,e create a menu$

Tool4tripMenu!tem e;it < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=E7;it=, null, ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn7;it))8

T is line creates t e e)it menu item$

e;it"4hortcutKe/s < Ke/s"Control L Ke/s"F8

"e provide a s ortcut #or t e e)it menu item$


T e e)it menu item is added to t e drop do,n items o# t e menu ob-ect$


=ere ,e add t e menu ob-ect into t e menu strip$

MainMenu4trip < ms8

T e MenuStrip is plugged into t e #orm$

Figure2 Simple menu

/ac menu item can also ave a submenu$ T is ,ay ,e can group similar commnads into groups$ For e)ample ,e can place commands t at ideBs o, various toolbars like personal bar+ address bar+ status bar or navigation bar into a submenu called toolbars$
submenu"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =4ubmenu=8

Menu4trip ms < ne. Menu4trip()8 ms"'arent < this8 Tool4tripMenu!tem $ile < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=E)ile=)8 Tool4tripMenu!tem e;it < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=E7;it=, null, ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn7;it))8 Tool4tripMenu!tem import < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem()8 import"Te;t < =!mport=8 $ile"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(import)8 Tool4tripMenu!tem temp < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem()8 temp"Te;t < =!mport ne.s$ee# list"""=8 import"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(temp)8 temp < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem()8 temp"Te;t < =!mport boo3mar3s"""=8 import"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(temp)8 temp < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem()8 temp"Te;t < =!mport mail"""=8 import"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(temp)8 $ile"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(e;it)8 ms"!tems"6##($ile)8 MainMenu4trip < ms8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(@80, 200)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? oi# Dn7;it(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Close()8 ? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

In t is e)ample+ ,e create one submenu$ T e submenu Import as t ree menu items$

Tool4tripMenu!tem import < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem()8 import"Te;t < =!mport=8

A ToolStripMenuItem can be a menu or a menu item$ =ere it ,ill act as a submenu$

Tool4tripMenu!tem temp < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem()8 temp"Te;t < =!mport ne.s$ee# list"""=8 import"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(temp)8

=ere ,e create a menu item and add it to t e Import submenu$

Figure2 Submenu

Chec% menu item

T e ne)t code e)ample demonstrates+ o, to create a c ecked menu item$
chec3menuitem"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate 4tatus2ar sb8 pri ate Menu!tem ie.4tatus2ar8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Chec3 menu item=8 sb < ne. 4tatus2ar()8 sb"'arent < this8 sb"Te;t < =1ea#/=8 MainMenu mainMenu < ne. MainMenu()8 Menu!tem $ile < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=E)ile=)8 $ile"Menu!tems"6##(ne. Menu!tem(=7E;it=, ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn7;it), 4hortcut"CtrlF))8 Menu!tem ie. < mainMenu"Menu!tems"6##(=EIie.=)8 ie.4tatus2ar < ne. Menu!tem(=Iie. 4tatus2ar=)8 ie.4tatus2ar"Chec3e# < true8 ie.4tatus2ar"Clic3 C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Toggle4tatus2ar)8 ie."Menu!tems"6##( ie.4tatus2ar)8 Menu < mainMenu8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 ? CenterTo4creen()8 oi# Dn7;it(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Close()8 oi# Toggle4tatus2ar(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) :

? ?

bool chec3 < ie.4tatus2ar"Chec3e#8 i$ (chec3) : sb"Iisible < $alse8 ie.4tatus2ar"Chec3e# < $alse8 ? else : sb"Iisible < true8 ie.4tatus2ar"Chec3e# < true8 ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e ave t,o menus$ File and 4ie,$ T e 4ie, menu as a menu item t at toggles t e visibility o# t e statusbar$
MainMenu mainMenu < ne. MainMenu()8

In t is e)ample+ ,e use t e MainMenu control$ To create a menubar+ ,e can use eit er MainMenu or MenuStrip controls$ T e latter as some additional #unctionality$
ie.4tatus2ar"Chec3e# < true8

T is menu item is c ecked by de#ault+ because t e statusbar is visible #rom t e start o# t e application$
bool chec3 < ie.4tatus2ar"Chec3e#8 i$ (chec3) : sb"Iisible < $alse8 ie.4tatus2ar"Chec3e# < $alse8 ? else : sb"Iisible < true8 ie.4tatus2ar"Chec3e# < true8 ?

"e determine+ i# t e menu item is c ecked$ "e s o, and ide t e statusbar and t e c eck tick depending on t e chec% value$

Figure2 C eck menu item

Images0 separator
"e ,ill #urt er en ance our kno,ledge o# t e MenuStrip control$ "e ,ill create a menu item ,it an image and s o, o, to separate t em ,it a separator$
menustrip"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =Menu4trip=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 Menu4trip menu4trip < ne. Menu4trip()8 Tool4tripMenu!tem titem1 < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=)ile=)8 menu4trip"!tems"6##(titem1)8 Tool4tripMenu!tem titem2 < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=Tools=)8 menu4trip"!tems"6##(titem2)8 Tool4tripMenu!tem subm1 < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=Ne.=)8 subm1"!mage < !mage")rom)ile(=ne."png=)8 titem1"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(subm1)8 Tool4tripMenu!tem subm2 < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=Dpen=)8 subm2"!mage < !mage")rom)ile(=open"png=)8 titem1"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(subm2)8 titem1"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(ne. Tool4trip4eparator())8 Tool4tripMenu!tem subm@ < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=7;it=)8 subm@"!mage < !mage")rom)ile(=e;it"png=)8 titem1"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(subm@)8 subm@"Clic3 C< Dn7;it8 Controls"6##(menu4trip)8 MainMenu4trip < menu4trip8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? oi# Dn7;it(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Close()8 ? ?

"e ave t,o menus in our code e)ample$ File and Tools$ In t e File ,e ave t ree menu items ,it images$ "e ave also one separator$ In t is e)ample+ t e png images must be located in t e current ,orking directory$
Tool4tripMenu!tem subm1 < ne. Tool4tripMenu!tem(=Ne.=)8 subm1"!mage < !mage")rom)ile(=ne."png=)8


=ere ,e create t e #irst menu item$ To add an image to t e item+ ,e set t e Image property to our image$ "e create an Image #rom t e speci#ied #ile using t e static FromFile() met od$
titem1"9rop9o.n!tems"6##(ne. Tool4trip4eparator())8

=ere ,e add a separator to t e File menu$

Figure2 Images and separator

Menus group all commands t at ,e can use in an application$ Toolbars provide a >uick access to t e most #re>uently used commands$ Tool"ar control is used to display Tool"ar"utton controls$ "e can assign images to t e buttons by creating an Image#ist$ "e t an assign t e image list to t e Image#ist property o# t e toolbar and assign t e image inde) value to t e ImageIndex property #or eac Tool"ar"utton$
toolbar"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 public class M)orm , )orm : pri ate !mage(ist tool2ar!cons8 pri ate Tool2ar2utton sa e8 pri ate Tool2ar2utton e;it8 pri ate Tool2ar tool2ar8 public M)orm() : 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 Te;t < =4imple toolbar=8 tool2ar < ne. Tool2ar()8 tool2ar"'arent < this8 tool2ar!cons < ne. !mage(ist()8 sa e < ne. Tool2ar2utton()8 e;it < ne. Tool2ar2utton()8 sa e"!mage!n#e; < 08 sa e"Tag < =4a e=8 e;it"!mage!n#e; < 18

e;it"Tag < =7;it=8 tool2ar"!mage(ist < tool2ar!cons8 tool2ar"4ho.ToolTips < true8 tool2ar"2uttons"6##1ange(ne. Tool2ar2uttonMN :sa e, e;it?)8 tool2ar"2uttonClic3 C< ne. Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent5an#ler(DnClic3e#)8 tool2ar!cons"!mages"6##(ne. !con(=ne."ico=))8 tool2ar!cons"!mages"6##(ne. !con(=e;it"ico=))8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? oi# DnClic3e#(ob*ect sen#er, Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent6rgs e) : ? ? i$ (e"2utton"Tag"7Ouals(=7;it=)) Close()8

In our e)ample+ ,e s o, t,o buttons on t e toolbar$

tool2ar < ne. Tool2ar()8

=ere ,e create t e Tool"ar control$

tool2ar!cons < ne. !mage(ist()8

An image list is created$

sa e < ne. Tool2ar2utton()8 e;it < ne. Tool2ar2utton()8

T ese are t,o toolbar buttons$

sa e"!mage!n#e; < 08

"e determine , ic icon #rom t e image list ,ill be used #or t e save toolbar button$
tool2ar"2uttons"6##1ange(ne. Tool2ar2uttonMN :sa e, e;it?)8

T e Tool"ar"utton controls are added to t e toolbar$

tool2ar!cons"!mages"6##(ne. !con(=ne."ico=))8 tool2ar!cons"!mages"6##(ne. !con(=e;it"ico=))8

Icons are added to t e image list$

i$ (e"2utton"Tag"7Ouals(=7;it=)) Close()8

I# t e tag o# t e button e>uals to ?/)it?+ ,e close t e application$

Figure2 Tool3ar T is part o# t e "in#orms tutorial ,as about menus and toolbars$

"asic Controls in Mono Winforms

T is part o# t e Mono "in#orms programming tutorial ,ill be about basic controls$ "in#orms controls are basic building blocks o# an application$ "in#orms as a ,ide range o# various controls$ 3uttons+ c eck bo)es+ sliders+ list bo)es etc$ /veryt ing a programmer needs #or is -ob$ In t is section o# t e tutorial+ ,e ,ill describe several use#ul controls$

#abel Control
#abel is a simple control #or displaying te)t or images$ It does not receive #ocus$
label"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : string te;t < P=4ometimes ! $eel !Q e got to 1un a.a/ !Q e got to %et a.a/ )rom the pain that /ou #ri e into the heart o$ me The lo e .e share 4eems to go !Q e lost m/ lights ! toss an# turn ! canQt sleep at night Dnce ! ran to /ou (! ran) No. !Qll run $rom /ou This tainte# lo e /ouQ e gi en ! gi e /ou all a bo/ coul# gi e /ou Ta3e m/ tears an# thatQs not nearl/ all Tainte# lo e Tainte# lo e=8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Tainte# (o e=8 )ont $ont < ne. )ont(=4eri$=, 10)8 (abel l/rics < ne. (abel()8

l/rics"'arent < this8 l/rics"Te;t < te;t8 l/rics")ont < $ont8 l/rics"(ocation < ne. 'oint(10, 10)8 l/rics"4i0e < ne. 4i0e (2R0, 2R0)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? ? class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

In our e)ample+ ,e s o, lyrics o# Tainted Love song$

(abel l/rics < ne. (abel()8

#abel control is created$

string te;t < P=4ometimes ! $eel !Q e got """

T e I c aracter is used to denote a multiline string$

)ont $ont < ne. )ont(=4eri$=, 10)8 """ l/rics")ont < $ont8

T e #ont o# t e te)t o# t e label is set to Seri#+ 8;p)$

Figure2 Label

Chec%"ox is a control t at as t,o states$ 1n and 1##$ It is a bo) ,it a label or an image$ I# t e C eck3o) is c ecked+ it is represented by a tick in a bo)$ A C eck3o) can be used to s o,B ide splas screen at startup+ toggle visibility o# a toolbar etc$
chec3bo;"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate Chec32o; cb8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Chec32o;=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(220, 1A0)8 cb < ne. Chec32o;()8 cb"'arent < this8 cb"(ocation < ne. 'oint(@0, @0)8 cb"Te;t < =4ho. Title=8 cb"Chec3e# < true8 cb"Chec3e#Change# C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnChange#)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? oi# DnChange#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : i$ (cb"Chec3e#) : Te;t < =Chec32o;=8 ? else : Te;t < ==8 ? ? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

1ur code e)ample s o,s or ides t e title o# t e ,indo, depending on it7s state$
cb < ne. Chec32o;()8

Chec%"ox control is created$

cb"Te;t < =4ho. Title=8 cb"Chec3e# < true8

" en t e application starts+ ,e s o, t e title$ And ,e set t e Chec%"ox control to c ecked state$
cb"Chec3e#Change# C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnChange#)8

" en ,e click on t e Chec%"ox control+ t e Chec%edChanged event is triggered$

i$ (cb"Chec3e#) : Te;t < =Chec32o;=8

? else : Te;t < ==8 ?

=ere ,e toggle t e title o# t e ,indo,$

Figure2 C eck3o)

Trac%"ar is a component t at lets t e user grap ically select a value by sliding a knob ,it in a bounded interval$ 1ur e)ample ,ill s o, a volume control$
trac3bar"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : 'icture2o; pb8 Trac32ar tb8 2itmap mute, min, me#, ma;8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Trac32ar=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2S0, 1R0)8 tb < ne. Trac32ar()8 tb"'arent < this8 tb"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(1S0, @0)8 tb"(ocation < ne. 'oint(20, J0)8 tb"Tic34t/le < Tic34t/le"None8 tb"IalueChange# C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnChange#)8 (oa#!mages()8 pb < ne. 'icture2o;()8 pb"'arent < this8 pb"(ocation < ne. 'oint(210, >0)8 pb"!mage < mute8 CenterTo4creen()8 ?

oi# (oa#!mages() : mute < ne. 2itmap(=mute"png=)8 min < ne. 2itmap(=min"png=)8 me# < ne. 2itmap(=me#"png=)8 ma; < ne. 2itmap(=ma;"png=)8 ? oi# DnChange#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : int al < tb"Ialue8 i$ ( al << 0) : pb"!mage < mute8 ? else i$ ( al T 0 EE pb"!mage < min8 ? else i$ ( al T @ EE pb"!mage < me#8 ? else : pb"!mage < ma;8 ?

al U< @) : al U 8) :

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

In t e code e)ample+ ,e s o, a Trac%"ar and a $icture"ox$ 3y dragging t e track bar+ ,e c ange t e image on t e $icture"ox control$
tb < ne. Trac32ar()8

Trac%"ar control is created$

tb"Tic34t/le < Tic34t/le"None8

"e s o, no ticks #or t is Trac%"ar$

pb < ne. 'icture2o;()8 """ pb"!mage < mute8

Picture3o) control is created$ It is used to display an image$ At t e start+ it s o,s t e mute image$
oi# (oa#!mages() : mute < ne. 2itmap(=mute"png=)8 min < ne. 2itmap(=min"png=)8 me# < ne. 2itmap(=me#"png=)8 ma; < ne. 2itmap(=ma;"png=)8 ?

=ere ,e load #our images+ t at ,e ,ill use$

int al < tb"Ialue8 i$ ( al << 0) : pb"!mage < mute8 ? else i$ ( al T 0 EE pb"!mage < min8 ? else i$ ( al T @ EE pb"!mage < me#8

al U< @) : al U 8) :

? else : pb"!mage < ma;8 ?

"e determine t e value o# t e Trac%"ar$ Depending on its value+ ,e update t e $icture"ox control$

Figure2 Track3ar

Combo"ox is a control t at combines a button or editable #ield and a dropCdo,n list$ T e user can select a value #rom t e dropCdo,n list+ , ic appears at t e user7s re>uest$ I# you make t e combo bo) editable+ t en t e combo bo) includes an editable #ield into , ic t e user can type a value$
combobo;"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate Combo2o; cb8 pri ate (abel label8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Combo2o;=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2J0, 2J0)8 cb < ne. Combo2o;()8 cb"'arent < this8 cb"(ocation < ne. 'oint(>0, @0)8 cb"!tems"6##1ange(ne. ob*ectMN :=&buntu=, =Man#ri a=, =1e# 5at=, =)e#ora=, =%entoo=?)8 cb"4electionChangeCommitte# C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnChange#)8 label < ne. (abel()8 label"(ocation < ne. 'oint(>0, 1J0)8 label"'arent < this8 label"Te;t < ="""=8 CenterTo4creen()8 ?

? ?

oi# DnChange#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Combo2o; combo < (Combo2o;) sen#er8 label"Te;t < combo"Te;t8

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

1ur code programming e)ample s o,s a combobo) ,it #ive items$ T e selected item is s o,n in a label control$
cb < ne. Combo2o;()8

Combo"ox control is created$

cb"!tems"6##1ange(ne. ob*ectMN :=&buntu=, =Man#ri a=, =1e# 5at=, =)e#ora=, =%entoo=?)8

T e Combo"ox control is #illed ,it items$

cb"4electionChangeCommitte# C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnChange#)8

I# ,e select an item #rom t e combobo)+ t e SelectionChangeCommitted event is triggered$

oi# DnChange#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : Combo2o; combo < (Combo2o;) sen#er8 label"Te;t < combo"Te;t8 ?

=ere t e selected te)t #rom t e combobo) is copied to t e label$

Figure2 Combo3o)

In t e ne)t e)ample+ ,e ,ill s o, a MonthCalendar control$ T e Mont Calendar control allo,s t e user to select a date using a visual display$
monthcalen#ar"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate MonthCalen#ar calen#ar8 pri ate (abel #ate8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Month Calen#ar=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2J0, 2J0)8 calen#ar < ne. MonthCalen#ar()8 calen#ar"'arent < this8 calen#ar"(ocation < ne. 'oint(20, 20)8 calen#ar"9ate4electe# C< ne. 9ate1ange7 ent5an#ler(Dn4electe#)8 #ate < ne. (abel()8 #ate"(ocation < ne. 'oint(J0, 1A0)8 #ate"'arent < this8 9ateTime #t < calen#ar"4election4tart8 #ate"Te;t < #t"Month C =-= C #t"9a/ C =-= C #t"Vear8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? oi# Dn4electe#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : 9ateTime #t < calen#ar"4election4tart8 #ate"Te;t < #t"Month C =-= C #t"9a/ C =-= C #t"Vear8

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

In t e e)ample+ ,e s o, a MonthCalendar and a #abel$

pri ate MonthCalen#ar calen#ar8 pri ate (abel #ate8

"e ave t,o controls$ A MonthCalendar and a #abel$ T e latter s o,s t e currently selected date$
oi# Dn4electe#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : 9ateTime #t < calen#ar"4election4tart8 #ate"Te;t < #t"Month C =-= C #t"9a/ C =-= C #t"Vear8 ?

" en ,e select a date #rom t e MonthCalendar+ t e 'nSelected() met od is called$ T e SelectionStart property gets t e start date o# t e selected range o# dates$

Figure2 Mont Calendar

T e Text"ox control is used to display or accept some te)t$ T e te)t can be single or multiline$ T is control is also capable o# pass,ord masking$
te;tbo;"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate (abel te;t8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Te;t2o;=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 CenterTo4creen()8 te;t < ne. (abel()8 te;t"'arent < this8 te;t"Te;t < ="""=8 te;t"(ocation < ne. 'oint(S0, J0)8 te;t"6uto4i0e < true8 Te;t2o; tbo; < ne. Te;t2o;()8 tbo;"'arent < this8 tbo;"(ocation < ne. 'oint(S0, 100)8 tbo;"Ke/&p C< ne. Ke/7 ent5an#ler(DnKe/&p)8 ? oi# DnKe/&p(ob*ect sen#er, Ke/7 ent6rgs e) : Te;t2o; tb < (Te;t2o;) sen#er8 this"te;t"Te;t < tb"Te;t8

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

T is e)ample s o,s a te)t bo) and a label$ T e te)t t at ,e key in t e te)t bo) is displayed immediately in t e label control$
te;t < ne. (abel()8 """ te;t"6uto4i0e < true8

T e #abel control is created$ T e AutoSi e property ensures+ t at t e Label gro,s to s o, t e te)t$

Te;t2o; tbo; < ne. Te;t2o;()8 """ tbo;"Ke/&p C< ne. Ke/7 ent5an#ler(DnKe/&p)8

"e plug in t e 1e*.p event$ " en ,e release t e key+ 'n1e*.p() met od is called$
oi# DnKe/&p(ob*ect sen#er, Ke/7 ent6rgs e) : Te;t2o; tb < (Te;t2o;) sen#er8 this"te;t"Te;t < tb"Te;t8 ?

In t e 'n1e*.p() met od ,e update t e label control ,it t e te)t #rom t e te)t bo) control$

Figure2 Te)t3o) "e ave #inis ed c apter o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial+ dedicated to basic controls$

Advanced Controls in Mono Winforms

In t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial+ ,e introduce some more advanced controls$ *amely t e #ist"ox+ t e #ist2ie3 and t e Tree2ie3 control$

#ist"ox Control
T e #ist"ox control is used to display a list o# items$ (sers can select one or more items by clicking on t em$
listbo;"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate 4tatus2ar sb8

public M)orm() : Te;t < =(ist2o;=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(210, 210)8 (ist2o; lb < ne. (ist2o;()8 lb"'arent < this8 lb"!tems"6##(=Wessica=)8 lb"!tems"6##(=1achel=)8 lb"!tems"6##(=6ngelina=)8 lb"!tems"6##(=6m/=)8 lb"!tems"6##(=Wenni$er=)8 lb"!tems"6##(=4carlett=)8 lb"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le")ill8 lb"4electe#!n#e;Change# C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnChange#)8 sb < ne. 4tatus2ar()8 sb"'arent < this8 ? CenterTo4creen()8

? ?

oi# DnChange#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : (ist2o; lb < ((ist2o;) sen#er8 sb"Te;t < lb"4electe#!tem"To4tring()8

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

1ur e)ample s o,s a listbo) ,it si) names$ T e selected item is s o,n in t e statusbar$
(ist2o; lb < ne. (ist2o;()8 lb"'arent < this8

#ist"ox control is created$


T is is o, ,e add a ne, item to t e #ist"ox control$ T e control as t e Items property$ T e property is a re#erence to t e list o# items in a listbo)$ (sing t is re#erence+ ,e can add+ remove or get count o# items o# t e listbo)$
lb"4electe#!n#e;Change# C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnChange#)8

SelectedIndexChanged event is triggered+ , en ,e select an item$

(ist2o; lb < ((ist2o;) sen#er8 sb"Te;t < lb"4electe#!tem"To4tring()8

Inside t e 'nChange() met od+ ,e get t e re#erence to t e listbo) and set t e selected te)t to t e statusbar$

Figure2 List3o)

#ist2ie3 control is used to display collections o# items$ It is a more sop isticated control t an t e #ist"ox control$ It can display data in various vie,s is mostly used to display data in multicolumn vie,s$
list ie."cs using using using using 4/stem8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 4/stem"Collections"%eneric8

public class 6ctress : public string name8 public int /ear8 public 6ctress(string name, int /ear) : this"name < name8 this"/ear < /ear8 ?

class M)orm , )orm : pri ate 4tatus2ar sb8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =(istIie.=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(@>0, @00)8 (istU6ctressT actresses < ne. (istU6ctressT()8 actresses"6##(ne. actresses"6##(ne. actresses"6##(ne. actresses"6##(ne. actresses"6##(ne. 6ctress(=Wessica 6lba=, 1R81))8 6ctress(=6ngelina Wolie=, 1RA>))8 6ctress(=Natalie 'ortman=, 1R81))8 6ctress(=1achel +eiss=, 1RA1))8 6ctress(=4carlett Wohansson=, 1R8J))8

Column5ea#er name < ne. Column5ea#er()8 name"Te;t < =Name=8 name"+i#th < -18 Column5ea#er /ear < ne. Column5ea#er()8 /ear"Te;t < =Vear=8 4uspen#(a/out()8 (istIie. l < ne. (istIie.()8 l "'arent < this8 l ")ull1o.4elect < true8 l "%ri#(ines < true8 l "6llo.Column1eor#er < true8 l "4orting < 4ortDr#er"6scen#ing8 l "Columns"6##1ange(ne. Column5ea#erMN :name, /ear?)8 l "ColumnClic3 C< ne. ColumnClic37 ent5an#ler(ColumnClic3)8 $oreach (6ctress act in actresses) : (istIie.!tem item < ne. (istIie.!tem()8 item"Te;t < act"name8 item"4ub!tems"6##(act"/ear"To4tring())8 l "!tems"6##(item)8 ? l "9oc3 < 9oc34t/le")ill8 l "Clic3 C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnChange#)8 sb < ne. 4tatus2ar()8 sb"'arent < this8 l "Iie. < Iie."9etails8 1esume(a/out()8 ? CenterTo4creen()8 oi# DnChange#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : (istIie. l < ((istIie.) sen#er8 string name < l "4electe#!temsM0N"4ub!temsM0N"Te;t8 string born < l "4electe#!temsM0N"4ub!temsM1N"Te;t8 sb"Te;t < name C =, = C born8 ? : oi# ColumnClic3(ob*ect sen#er, ColumnClic37 ent6rgs e) (istIie. l < ((istIie.) sen#er8

? ?

i$ (l "4orting << 4ortDr#er"6scen#ing) : l "4orting < 4ortDr#er"9escen#ing8 ? else : l "4orting < 4ortDr#er"6scen#ing8 ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

In our e)ample+ ,e ave a listvie, ,it t,o columns$ In t e #irst column+ ,e display t e name o# t e actress$ In t e second one t eir date o# birt $ T e data is store in a #ist collection$ 3y selecting a ro,+ t e data in a ro, is displayed in t e statusbar$ Also+ by clicking on t e column eader+ t e data is sorted$
public class 6ctress : """ ?

"e use t e Actress class to store our data$

(istU6ctressT actresses < ne. (istU6ctressT()8 actresses"6##(ne. 6ctress(=Wessica 6lba=, 1R81))8 actresses"6##(ne. 6ctress(=6ngelina Wolie=, 1RA>))8 """

"e create and #ill our collection ,it items$

Column5ea#er name < ne. Column5ea#er()8 name"Te;t < =Name=8 name"+i#th < -18

For eac column in a listvie,+ ,e create a Column,eader$ 3y setting t e Width to C8+ t e ,idt o# t e column is e>ual to t e longest item in t e column$
(istIie. l < ne. (istIie.()8 l "'arent < this8

#ist2ie3 control is created$

l l l l ")ull1o.4elect < true8 "%ri#(ines < true8 "6llo.Column1eor#er < true8 "4orting < 4ortDr#er"6scen#ing8

=ere ,e set #our properties o# t e control$ T is code lines enable #ull ro, selection+ s o, grid lines+ allo, column reordering by dragging t e columns and sort t e data in ascending order$
l "Columns"6##1ange(ne. Column5ea#erMN :name, /ear?)8

=ere ,e add t,o Column,eaders to t e #ist2ie3 control$

$oreach (6ctress act in actresses) : (istIie.!tem item < ne. (istIie.!tem()8 item"Te;t < act"name8 item"4ub!tems"6##(act"/ear"To4tring())8 l "!tems"6##(item)8 ?

T is cycle populates t e listvie, control$ /ac ro, is added to t e listvie, as a #ist2ie3Item class$
l "Iie. < Iie."9etails8

T e #ist2ie3 control can ave di##erent vie,s$ Di##erent vie,s display data di##erently$
(istIie. l < ((istIie.) sen#er8 string name < l "4electe#!temsM0N"4ub!temsM0N"Te;t8 string born < l "4electe#!temsM0N"4ub!temsM1N"Te;t8 sb"Te;t < name C =, = C born8

Inside t e 'nChanged() met od+ ,e get t e data #rom t e selected ro, and s o, it on t e statusbar$
i$ (l "4orting << 4ortDr#er"6scen#ing) : l "4orting < 4ortDr#er"9escen#ing8 ? else : l "4orting < 4ortDr#er"6scen#ing8 ?

=ere ,e toggle t e sorting order o# t e column$

Figure2 List4ie,

Tree2ie3 control displays ierarc ical collection o# items$ /ac item in t is control is represented by a TreeNode ob-ect$
tree ie."cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : 4tatus2ar sb8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =TreeIie.=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 2>0)8 TreeIie. t < ne. TreeIie.()8

TreeNo#e root < ne. TreeNo#e()8 root"Te;t < =(anguages=8 TreeNo#e chil#1 < ne. TreeNo#e()8 chil#1"Te;t < ='/thon=8 TreeNo#e chil#2 < ne. TreeNo#e()8 chil#2"Te;t < =1ub/=8 TreeNo#e chil#@ < ne. TreeNo#e()8

chil#@"Te;t < =Wa a=8 root"No#es"6##1ange(ne. TreeNo#eMN :chil#1, chil#2, chil#@?)8 t t t t "'arent < this8 "No#es"6##(root)8 "9oc3 < 9oc34t/le")ill8 "6$ter4elect C< ne. TreeIie.7 ent5an#ler(6$ter4elect)8

sb < ne. 4tatus2ar()8 sb"'arent < this8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? : ? ? class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ? oi# 6$ter4elect(ob*ect sen#er, TreeIie.7 ent6rgs e) sb"Te;t < e"No#e"Te;t8

T is is a very simple demonstration o# t e Tree2ie3 control$ "e ave one root item and t ree c ildren$
TreeIie. t < ne. TreeIie.()8

"e create t e Tree2ie3 control$

TreeNo#e root < ne. TreeNo#e()8 root"Te;t < =(anguages=8 """ t "No#es"6##(root)8

=ere ,e create a root node$

TreeNo#e chil#1 < ne. TreeNo#e()8 chil#1"Te;t < ='/thon=8

C ild node is created in a similar ,ay$

root"No#es"6##1ange(ne. TreeNo#eMN :chil#1, chil#2, chil#@?)8

C ild nodes are plugged into t e Nodes property o# t e root node$

Figure2 Tree4ie,

T e #ollo,ing code e)ample ,ill e)amine t e Tree2ie3 control more inCdept $
#irectories"cs using using using using 4/stem8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 4/stem"!D8

public class M)orm , )orm : pri ate TreeIie. t 8 pri ate 2utton e;pan#8 pri ate 2utton e;pan#6ll8 pri ate 2utton collapse8 pri ate 2utton collapse6ll8 pri ate 4tatus2ar sb8 pri ate const string 5DM7G9!1 < =-home- rons3i*=8 public M)orm() : 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(J00, J00)8 Te;t < =9irectories=8 t < ne. TreeIie.()8

4uspen#(a/out()8 t t t t "'arent < this8 "(ocation < ne. 'oint(10,10)8 "4i0e < ne. 4i0e(Client4i0e"+i#th - 20, 5eight - 200)8 "6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"Top L 6nchor4t/les"(e$t L 6nchor4t/les"1ight 8 ")ull1o.4elect < $alse8 "4ho.(ines < true8 "4ho.'lusMinus < true8 "4crollable < true8 "6$ter4elect C< ne. TreeIie.7 ent5an#ler(6$ter4elect)8

t t t t t

e;pan# < ne. 2utton()8 e;pan#"'arent < this8 e;pan#"(ocation < ne. 'oint(20, t "2ottom C 20)8 e;pan#"Te;t < =7;pan#=8 e;pan#"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"(e$t L 6nchor4t/les"Top8 e;pan#"Clic3 C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn7;pan#)8 e;pan#6ll < ne. 2utton()8 e;pan#6ll"'arent < this8 e;pan#6ll"(ocation < ne. 'oint(20, e;pan#"2ottom C >)8 e;pan#6ll"Te;t < =7;pan# 6ll=8 e;pan#6ll"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"(e$t L 6nchor4t/les"Top8 e;pan#6ll"Clic3 C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn7;pan#6ll)8 collapse < ne. 2utton()8 collapse"'arent < this8 collapse"(ocation < ne. 'oint(e;pan#6ll"1ight C >, e;pan#"Top )8 collapse"Te;t < =Collapse=8 collapse"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"(e$t L 6nchor4t/les"Top8 collapse"Clic3 C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnCollapse)8 collapse6ll < ne. 2utton()8 collapse6ll"'arent < this8 collapse6ll"(ocation < ne. 'oint(collapse"(e$t, collapse"2ottom C >)8 collapse6ll"Te;t < =Collapse 6ll=8 collapse6ll"6nchor < 6nchor4t/les"(e$t L 6nchor4t/les"Top8 collapse6ll"Clic3 C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(DnCollapse6ll)8 sb < ne. 4tatus2ar()8 sb"'arent < this8 4ho.9irectories(t "No#es, 5DM7G9!1)8 1esume(a/out()8 ? CenterTo4creen()8

: ?

oi# 6$ter4elect(ob*ect sen#er, TreeIie.7 ent6rgs e) sb"Te;t < e"No#e"Te;t8

oi# 4ho.9irectories(TreeNo#eCollection tr No#e, string path) 9irector/!n$o #ir!n$o < ne. 9irector/!n$o(path)8 i$ (#ir!n$o X< null) : 9irector/!n$oMN sub9irs < #ir!n$o"%et9irectories()8 TreeNo#e tr < ne. TreeNo#e(#ir!n$o"Name)8 i$ (sub9irs"(ength T 0) : $oreach (9irector/!n$o #r in sub9irs) : i$ (X#r"Name"4tarts+ith(="=)) 4ho.9irectories(tr"No#es, #r")ullName)8 ? ? tr No#e"6##(tr)8

? ? oi# Dn7;pan#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : ? : ? : ? : ? oi# DnCollapse6ll(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) t "Collapse6ll()8 oi# Dn7;pan#6ll(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) t "7;pan#6ll()8 oi# DnCollapse(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) t "4electe#No#e"Collapse()8 t "4electe#No#e"7;pan#()8

static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

1ur code e)ample s o,s t e directories o# t e speci#ied ome directory in a Tree2ie3 control$ T e application starts ,it some delay+ because it reads t e directory structure o# t e ome directory #irst$ "e ave also #our buttons on t e #orm$ T e buttons e)pand and collapse nodes programatically$
t "4crollable < true8

"e make t e treevie, control scrollable+ because t e control s o,s lots o# directories$
4ho.9irectories(t "No#es, 5DM7G9!1)8

T e Sho3+irectories() met od #ills t e nodes o# t e trevie, control ,it directories available in t e speci#ied ome directory$
i$ (sub9irs"(ength T 0) : """ ?

"e c eck i# t ere are any subdirectories$

$oreach (9irector/!n$o #r in sub9irs) : i$ (X#r"Name"4tarts+ith(="=)) 4ho.9irectories(tr"No#es, #r")ullName)8 ?

"e loop t roug all directories$ For t is+ ,e use t e recursion algorit m$ "e also skip t e idden directories$ T ey begin ,it a dot on (ni) systems$
tr No#e"6##(tr)8

T is code line actually adds t e directory to t e treevie, control$

oi# Dn7;pan#(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) : ? t "4electe#No#e"7;pan#()8

All #our buttons ave events plugged to a met od$ =ere is a met od #or t e /)pand button$ It calls t e &xpand() met od o# t e currently selected node$

Figure2 Directories In t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial+ ,e covered several advanced controls available in "in#orms library$

In t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial+ ,e ,ill talk about dialogs$ Dialog ,indo,s or dialogs are an indispensable part o# most modern &(I applications$ A dialog is de#ined as a conversation bet,een t,o or more persons$ In a computer application a dialog is a ,indo, , ic is used to ?talk? to t e application$ A dialog is used to input data+ modi#y data+ c ange t e application settings etc$ Dialogs are important means o# communication bet,een a user and a computer program$ T ere are essentially t,o types o# dialogs$ Prede#ined dialogs and custom dialogs$

T is dialog prompts t e user to select a #older$

using using using using

4/stem8 4/stem"!D8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

class M)orm , )orm : pri ate Tool2ar toolbar8 pri ate Tool2ar2utton open8 pri ate 4tatus2ar statusbar8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =)ol#er2ro.ser9ialog=8 toolbar < ne. Tool2ar()8 open < ne. Tool2ar2utton()8 statusbar < ne. 4tatus2ar()8 statusbar"'arent < this8 toolbar"2uttons"6##(open)8 toolbar"2uttonClic3 C< ne. Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent5an#ler(DnClic3e#)8 Controls"6##(toolbar)8 ? CenterTo4creen()8

oi# DnClic3e#(ob*ect sen#er, Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent6rgs e) : )ol#er2ro.ser9ialog #ialog < ne. )ol#er2ro.ser9ialog()8 i$ (#ialog"4ho.9ialog(this) << 9ialog1esult"DK) : statusbar"Te;t < #ialog"4electe#'ath8 ? ? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e ave a toolbar and one toolbar button$ 3y clicking on t e button+ t e Folder"ro3ser+ialog appears on t e screen$ T e name o# t e selected #older is s o,n in t e statusbar$
)ol#er2ro.ser9ialog #ialog < ne. )ol#er2ro.ser9ialog()8

T e Folder"ro3ser+ialog is created$
i$ (#ialog"4ho.9ialog(this) << 9ialog1esult"DK) : statusbar"Te;t < #ialog"4electe#'ath8 ?

T e Sho3+ialog() met od s o,s t e dialog on t e screen$ I# ,e click on t e 1' button o# t e dialog+ t e selected directory pat is s o,n on t e statusbar$

Figure2 Folder3ro,serDialog

T is dialog displays available colors along ,it controls t at enable t e user to de#ine custom colors$
color#ialog"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate Tool2ar toolbar8 pri ate Tool2ar2utton open8 pri ate Color color8 pri ate int rect+i#th < 1008 pri ate int rect5eight < 1008 pri ate 1ectangle r8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Color9ialog=8 color < Color"2lue8 toolbar < ne. Tool2ar()8 open < ne. Tool2ar2utton()8 toolbar"2uttons"6##(open)8 toolbar"2uttonClic3 C< ne. Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent5an#ler(DnClic3e#)8 (ocate1ect()8 4et4t/le (Control4t/les"1esi0e1e#ra., true)8 Controls"6##(toolbar)8 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8

CenterTo4creen()8 ? oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) : %raphics g < e"%raphics8 (ocate1ect()8 4oli#2rush brush < ne. 4oli#2rush(color)8 ? g")ill1ectangle(brush, r)8

oi# DnClic3e#(ob*ect sen#er, Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent6rgs e) : Color9ialog #ialog < ne. Color9ialog()8 i$ (#ialog"4ho.9ialog(this) << 9ialog1esult"DK) : color < #ialog"Color8 !n ali#ate()8 ? ? oi# (ocate1ect() : int ; < (Client4i0e"+i#th - rect+i#th) - 28 int / < (Client4i0e"5eight - rect5eight) - 28 r < ne. 1ectangle(;, /, rect+i#th, rect5eight)8 ? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

In t is code e)ample+ ,e use t e Color+ialog to c oose a color #or a rectangle+ t at is located in t e middle o# t e #orm control$
color < Color"2lue8

At t e beginning+ t e color o# t e rectangle is blue$ "e use t e color variable to determine t e color o# t e rectangle$
Color9ialog #ialog < ne. Color9ialog()8

T e Color+ialog is created$
i$ (#ialog"4ho.9ialog(this) << 9ialog1esult"DK) : color < #ialog"Color8 !n ali#ate()8 ?

T e code s o,s t e color dialog$ I# ,e click on t e 1' button+ ,e get t e selected color and call t e Invalidate() met od$ T e met od invalidates t e entire sur#ace o# t e control and causes t e control to be redra,n$ T e result is t at t e rectangle is dra,n ,it a ne, color value$

Figure2 ColorDialog

T e Font+ialog is used to select #onts$
$ont#ialog"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate (abel te;t8 pri ate Tool2ar toolbar8 pri ate Tool2ar2utton open8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =)ont9ialog=8 te;t < ne. (abel()8 te;t"'arent < this8 te;t"Te;t < =+in$orms tutorial=8 (ocateTe;t()8 toolbar < ne. Tool2ar()8 toolbar"'arent < this8 open < ne. Tool2ar2utton()8 toolbar"2uttons"6##(open)8 toolbar"2uttonClic3 C< ne. Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent5an#ler(DnClic3e#)8 te;t"6uto4i0e < true8 1esi0e C< ne. 7 ent5an#ler(Dn1esi0e)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ?

oi# Dn1esi0e(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e): (ocateTe;t()8 oi# DnClic3e#(ob*ect sen#er, Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent6rgs e) : )ont9ialog #ialog < ne. )ont9ialog()8 i$ (#ialog"4ho.9ialog(this) << 9ialog1esult"DK) : te;t")ont < #ialog")ont8 (ocateTe;t()8 ? oi# (ocateTe;t() : te;t"Top < (this"Client4i0e"5eight - te;t"5eight) - 28 te;t"(e$t < (this"Client4i0e"+i#th - te;t"+i#th) - 28

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e dra, some te)t in t e middle o# t e #orm control$ "e use t e #ont dialog to c ange #ont #or t is te)t$
)ont9ialog #ialog < ne. )ont9ialog()8

Font+ialog is created$
i$ (#ialog"4ho.9ialog(this) << 9ialog1esult"DK) : te;t")ont < #ialog")ont8 (ocateTe;t()8 ?

" en ,e click on t e 1' button+ ,e set a ne,ly selected #ont #or t e #abel control$ 3ecause t e si@e o# t e te)t c anges ,it di##erent #onts+ ,e must call t e #ocateText() met od+ , ic locates t e te)t in t e middle o# t e #orm control$

Figure2 FontDialog

T is dialog is used to open #iles$
open#ialog"cs using using using using 4/stem8 4/stem"!D8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

class M)orm , )orm : pri ate Tool2ar toolbar8 pri ate Tool2ar2utton open8 pri ate Te;t2o; te;tbo;8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =Dpen)ile9ialog=8 toolbar < ne. Tool2ar()8 open < ne. Tool2ar2utton()8 te;tbo; < ne. Te;t2o;()8 te;tbo;"Multiline < true8 te;tbo;"4croll2ars < 4croll2ars"2oth8 te;tbo;"+or#+rap < $alse8 te;tbo;"'arent < this8 te;tbo;"9oc3 < 9oc34t/le")ill8 toolbar"2uttons"6##(open)8 toolbar"2uttonClic3 C< ne. Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent5an#ler(DnClic3e#)8 Controls"6##(toolbar)8 Controls"6##(te;tbo;)8 ? CenterTo4creen()8 oi# DnClic3e#(ob*ect sen#er, Tool2ar2uttonClic37 ent6rgs e) : Dpen)ile9ialog #ialog < ne. Dpen)ile9ialog()8 #ialog")ilter < =C# $iles (H"cs)LH"cs=8 i$ (#ialog"4ho.9ialog(this) << 9ialog1esult"DK) : 4tream1ea#er rea#er < ne. 4tream1ea#er(#ialog")ileName)8 string #ata < rea#er"1ea#To7n#()8 rea#er"Close()8 te;tbo;"Te;t < #ata8 ?

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e use t e 'pen+ialog control to open C! source #iles$ "e ave a Text"ox control+ , ere ,e display t e #ile$
Dpen)ile9ialog #ialog < ne. Dpen)ile9ialog()8

T e 'pen+ialog is created$
#ialog")ilter < =C# $iles (H"cs)LH"cs=8

"e set t e Filter property to C! source #iles$ 1nly C! #iles can be c osen ,it t is dialog instance$
i$ (#ialog"4ho.9ialog(this) << 9ialog1esult"DK) : 4tream1ea#er rea#er < ne. 4tream1ea#er(#ialog")ileName)8 string #ata < rea#er"1ea#To7n#()8 rea#er"Close()8 te;tbo;"Te;t < #ata8 ?

A#ter clicking 1'+ ,e read t e contents o# t e c osen #ile and put it into t e Text"ox control$

Figure2 1penDialog In t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial+ ,e s o,ed various dialogs$

+rag 4 +rop in Mono Winforms

JKCC googleLadLclient D ?pubCME;NE;MEA88M8A9:?O googleLadL,idt D 8:;O googleLadL eig t D N;;O googleLadL#ormat D ?8:;)N;;Las?O googleLadLtype D ?te)t?O BB:;;EC;EC8:2 kanal8 googleLadLc annel D ?E89:M<:G:9?O googleLcolorLborder D ?9D<8//?O

googleLcolorLbg D ?FFFFFF?O googleLcolorLlink D ?9D<8//?O googleLcolorLte)t D ?;;;;;;?O googleLcolorLurl D ?;;<;;;?O googleLuiL#eatures D ?rc28;?O BBCCP,indo,$googleLrenderLad56OJKCC googleLadLclient D ?pubCME;NE;MEA88M8A9:?O googleLadL,idt D GN<O googleLadL eig t D N;O googleLadL#ormat D ?GN<)N;Las?O googleLadLtype D ?te)t?O BB:;;EC;EC8:2 ori@ont googleLadLc annel D ?EN;EAA9:9M?O googleLcolorLborder D ?/N/N/N?O googleLcolorLbg D ?FFFFFF?O googleLcolorLlink D ?;;;;FF?O googleLcolorLte)t D ?;;;;;;?O googleLcolorLurl D ?;;<;;;?O googleLuiL#eatures D ?rc28;?O BBCCP ,indo,$googleLrenderLad56OT is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial ,ill be dedicated to t e drag & drop operations$ In computer grap ical user inter#aces+ dragCandCdrop is t e action o# 5or support #or t e action o#6 clicking on a virtual ob-ect and dragging it to a di##erent location or onto anot er virtual ob-ect$ In general+ it can be used to invoke many kinds o# actions+ or create various types o# associations bet,een t,o abstract ob-ects$ 5"ikipedia6 Drag and drop #unctionality is one o# t e most visible aspects o# t e grap ical user inter#ace$ Drag and drop operation enables you to do comple) t ings intuitively$

+ragging a button
In t e #irst e)ample+ ,e ,ill do t e drag & drop operation on t e button control$ T e e)ample does t e -ob outside t e drag & drop protocol$
#ragbutton"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 public class M)orm , )orm : pri ate bool is9ragging < $alse8 pri ate int ol#F, ol#V8 pri ate 2utton button8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =9rag E #rop button=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2A0, 180)8 button < ne. 2utton()8 button"'arent < this8 button"Cursor < Cursors"5an#8 button"Te;t < =2utton=8 button"(ocation < ne. 'oint(20, 20)8

button"Mouse9o.n C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouse9o.n)8 button"Mouse&p C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouse&p)8 button"MouseMo e C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouseMo e)8 ? CenterTo4creen()8

public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? pri ate oi# DnMouse9o.n(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : is9ragging < true8 ol#F < e"F8 ol#V < e"V8 ? pri ate oi# DnMouseMo e(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : i$ (is9ragging) : button"Top < button"Top C (e"V - ol#V)8 button"(e$t < button"(e$t C (e"F - ol#F)8 ? ? pri ate oi# DnMouse&p(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : is9ragging < $alse8 ? ?

T e code e)ample puts a regular button control on t e #orm container$ 3y clicking on t e button sur#ace and simultaneously dragging it ,it a mouse ,e can relocate t e button$
pri ate bool is9ragging < $alse8 pri ate int ol#F, ol#V8

T ese are t e supporting variables #or our e)ample$ T e is+ragging variable tells us+ , et er ,e are in t e process o# dragging an ob-ect$ T e old5 and old6 variables store t e )+ y coordinates -ust be#ore t e dragging process begins$
button"Mouse9o.n C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouse9o.n)8 button"Mouse&p C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouse&p)8 button"MouseMo e C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouseMo e)8

"e plug in t ree di##erent mouse andlers #or our button$ T ey implement t ree di##erent stages o# t e drag & drop process$ T e process begins+ , en ,e click on t e button$ T is is andled by t e 'nMouse+o3n() met od$ T e second part is t e movement$ T is is , en ,e move t e ob-ect to a ne, position$ It is andled in t e 'nMouseMove() met od$ T e #inal part is , en t e process stops$ It appens , en ,e release t e mouse button$ T e appropriate task is delegated to t e 'nMouse.p() met od$
pri ate oi# DnMouse9o.n(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : is9ragging < true8 ol#F < e"F8 ol#V < e"V8 ?

T e 'nMouse+o3n() met od implements t e #irst part o# t e process$ It sets t ree necessary variables$
pri ate oi# DnMouseMo e(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : i$ (is9ragging) : button"Top < button"Top C (e"V - ol#V)8 button"(e$t < button"(e$t C (e"F - ol#F)8 ? ?

In t e 'nMouseMove() met od+ ,e relocate t e button$ "e calculate t e di##erence bet,een t e stored )+ y coordinates and t e ne, coordinates o# t e mouse pointer$ T e di##erence is added to t e Top and #eft properties o# t e button+ t us moving it to a ne, position$

Figure2 Dragging a button

+ragging Text
In t e previous e)ample+ ,e did drag & drop on t e control$ *e)t ,e ,ill do a drag & drop operation on t e te)tual data$ =ere ,e ,ill use t e drag & drop protocol provided by t e "in#orms library$ Drag & drop operation is a standardi@ed communication protocol in "in#orms$ "e ave t,o basic ob-ects$ T e drag source and t e drop target$
#ragte;t"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 public class M)orm , )orm : pri ate Te;t2o; te;t2o;8 pri ate 2utton button8 public M)orm() : !nit)orm()8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? pri ate oi# DnMouse9o.n(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e)

: Te;t2o; t;t < (Te;t2o;) sen#er8 t;t"9o9rag9rop(t;t"Te;t, 9rag9rop7$$ects"Cop/)8 ? pri ate oi# Dn9rag7nter(ob*ect sen#er, 9rag7 ent6rgs e) : e"7$$ect < 9rag9rop7$$ects"Cop/8 ? pri ate oi# Dn9rag9rop(ob*ect sen#er, 9rag7 ent6rgs e) : 2utton button < (2utton) sen#er8 button"Te;t < (string) e"9ata"%et9ata(9ata)ormats"Te;t)8 ? pri ate oi# !nit)orm() : Te;t < =9rag E #rop=8 button < ne. 2utton()8 te;t2o; < ne. Te;t2o;()8 4uspen#(a/out()8 button"6llo.9rop < true8 button"(ocation < ne. 'oint(1>0, >0)8 te;t2o;"(ocation < ne. 'oint(1>, >0)8 button"9rag9rop C< ne. 9rag7 ent5an#ler(Dn9rag9rop)8 button"9rag7nter C< ne. 9rag7 ent5an#ler(Dn9rag7nter)8 te;t2o;"Mouse9o.n C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouse9o.n)8 Client4i0e < ne. 4i0e(2>0, 200)8 Controls"6##(button)8 Controls"6##(te;t2o;)8 1esume(a/out()8

public static oi# Main(stringMN args) : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e ave t,o controls on t e #orm$ A button and a te)t bo)$ "e ,ill drag te)t #rom t e te)t bo) and drop it on t e button$

Setting up o# t e #orm is delegated to t e InitForm() met od$ T is is usually done in larger applications$
4uspen#(a/out()8 """ 1esume(a/out()8

"e lay out our controls bet,een t ese t,o met od calls$ T is is an optimali@ation$ It s ould eliminate #licker$
button"6llo.9rop < true8

"e set t e Allo3+rop property to true$ Dropping is not enabled by de#ault$

button"9rag9rop C< ne. 9rag7 ent5an#ler(Dn9rag9rop)8 button"9rag7nter C< ne. 9rag7 ent5an#ler(Dn9rag7nter)8 te;t2o;"Mouse9o.n C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouse9o.n)8

Again+ t e drag & drop process is divided into t ree steps$ "e ave t ree met ods #or eac particular step$
pri ate oi# DnMouse9o.n(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : Te;t2o; t;t < (Te;t2o;) sen#er8 t;t"9o9rag9rop(t;t"Te;t, 9rag9rop7$$ects"Cop/)8 ?

In t e 'nMouse+o3n() met od ,e initiali@e t e drap & drop process$ "e initiate t e process ,it t e +o+rag+rop() met od$ T e +rag+rop&ffects!Cop*parameter speci#ies t e type o# t e operation$ /sentially+ ,e can eit er copy t e te)t or move it during t e drag & drop operation$
pri ate oi# Dn9rag7nter(ob*ect sen#er, 9rag7 ent6rgs e) : e"7$$ect < 9rag9rop7$$ects"Cop/8 ?

T e +rag&nter event is launc ed , en t e mouse pointer enters t e area o# t e drop target control$ T e &ffect property must be set$ T e DragDrop/##ects o# t e drag source and drop target must be e>ual$ 1t er,ise t e operation ,ill not ,ork$
pri ate oi# Dn9rag9rop(ob*ect sen#er, 9rag7 ent6rgs e) : 2utton button < (2utton) sen#er8 button"Te;t < (string) e"9ata"%et9ata(9ata)ormats"Te;t)8 ?

Finally ,e ave t e 'n+rag+rop() met od$ =ere ,e get t e data #rom t e event ob-ect and set it to t e button Text property$

Figure2 Drag & drop o# te)t

+ragging Image
In our last e)ample+ ,e ,ill drag & drop image on t e #orm$
#ragimage"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8

using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 public class !mage9rag9rop , )orm : pri ate bool is9ragging8 pri ate int ol#F, ol#V8 pri pri pri pri ate ate ate ate 1ectangle #rop1ect8 'icture2o; pic2o;8 2itmap image8 2rush brush8

public !mage9rag9rop() : Client4i0e < ne. 4i0e(@>0, 2>0)8 Te;t < =9ragging !mage=8 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8 is9ragging < $alse8 #rop1ect < ne. 1ectangle(10, 10, 200, 1S0)8 brush < 2rushes"%ra/8 pic2o; < ne. 'icture2o;()8 loa#!mage()8 pic2o;"'arent < this8 pic2o;"(ocation < ne. 'oint(100, >0)8 pic2o;"4i0e < ne. 4i0e(image"+i#th, image"5eight)8 pic2o;"!mage < image8 pic2o;"Cursor < Cursors"5an#8 pic2o;"Mouse9o.n C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouse9o.n)8 pic2o;"Mouse&p C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouse&p)8 pic2o;"MouseMo e C< ne. Mouse7 ent5an#ler(DnMouseMo e)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? oi# loa#!mage() : tr/ : image < ne. 2itmap(=image"*pg=)8 ? catch : Console"+rite(ine(=7rror rea#ing image=)8 7n ironment"7;it(1)8 ? ? public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. !mage9rag9rop())8 ? pri ate oi# DnMouse9o.n(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : is9ragging < true8 ol#F < e"F8 ol#V < e"V8 ? pri ate oi# DnMouseMo e(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : i$ (is9ragging) : pic2o;"Top < pic2o;"Top C (e"V - ol#V)8

pic2o;"(e$t < pic2o;"(e$t C (e"F - ol#F)8 ? ?

pri ate oi# DnMouse&p(ob*ect sen#er, Mouse7 ent6rgs e) : is9ragging < $alse8 i$(#rop1ect"Contains(pic2o;"2oun#s)) : brush < 2rushes"%ol#8 ? else : brush < 2rushes"%ra/8 ? 1e$resh()8 ? pri ate oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) : %raphics g < e"%raphics8 g")ill1ectangle(brush, #rop1ect)8 ?

In our e)ample ,e ave a $icture"ox and ,e dra, a gray rectangle$ I# ,e drop t e picture inside t e rectangle+ t e color o# t e rectangle c anges to gold$
brush < 2rushes"%ra/8

T e brush variable olds t e brus o# t e rectangle$ It is a gray color by de#ault$

oi# loa#!mage() : tr/ : image < ne. 2itmap(=image"*pg=)8 ? catch : Console"+rite(ine(=7rror rea#ing image=)8 7n ironment"7;it(1)8 ? ?

T e loadImage() loads a bitmap #or t e $icture"ox control$

i$ (#rop1ect"Contains(pic2o;"2oun#s)) : brush < 2rushes"%ol#8 ? else : brush < 2rushes"%ra/8 ?

In t e 'nMouse.p() met od+ ,e determine t e brus o# t e rectangle$ I# t e bounds o# t e picture bo) are inside t e rectangle+ t e brus is o# gold colorO gray ot er,ise$

"e must call t e 7efresh() met od to activate t e ne, brus color$

Figure2 Drag & drop image T is c apter ,as dedicated to drag & drop operations using t e Mono "in#orms library$

$ainting in Mono Winforms

JKCC googleLadLclient D ?pubCME;NE;MEA88M8A9:?O googleLadL,idt D 8:;O googleLadL eig t D N;;O googleLadL#ormat D ?8:;)N;;Las?O googleLadLtype D ?te)t?O BB:;;EC;EC8:2 kanal8 googleLadLc annel D ?E89:M<:G:9?O googleLcolorLborder D ?9D<8//?O googleLcolorLbg D ?FFFFFF?O googleLcolorLlink D ?9D<8//?O googleLcolorLte)t D ?;;;;;;?O googleLcolorLurl D ?;;<;;;?O googleLuiL#eatures D ?rc28;?O BBCCP,indo,$googleLrenderLad56OJKCC googleLadLclient D ?pubCME;NE;MEA88M8A9:?O googleLadL,idt D GN<O googleLadL eig t D N;O googleLadL#ormat D ?GN<)N;Las?O googleLadLtype D ?te)t?O BB:;;EC;EC8:2 ori@ont googleLadLc annel D ?EN;EAA9:9M?O googleLcolorLborder D ?/N/N/N?O googleLcolorLbg D ?FFFFFF?O googleLcolorLlink D ?;;;;FF?O googleLcolorLte)t D ?;;;;;;?O googleLcolorLurl D ?;;<;;;?O googleLuiL#eatures D ?rc28;?O BBCCP ,indo,$googleLrenderLad56OIn t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms tutorial+ ,e ,ill do some painting$ Painting is used+ , en ,e ,ant to c ange or en ance an e)isting control$ 1r i# ,e are creating a

custom control #rom scratc $ To do t e painting+ ,e use t e painting API provided by t e "in#orms library$ T e painting is done ,it in a met od+ t at ,e plug into t e $aint event$ T e S*stem!+ra3ing namespace provides access to -+I8 basic grap ics #unctionality$ More advanced #unctionality is provided in t e System$Dra,ing$Dra,ing:D+ System$Dra,ing$Imaging+ and System$Dra,ing$Te)t namespaces$ T e -raphics class provides met ods #or dra,ing on t e #orm$

1ur #irst e)ample ,ill dra, lines on t e Form control$
lines"cs using using using using 4/stem8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem""9ra.ing298 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =(ines=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(280, 2A0)8 1esi0e1e#ra. < true8 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8 CenterTo4creen()8

oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) %raphics g < e"%raphics8 'en pen < ne. 'en(Color"2lac3, 1)8 pen"9ash4t/le < 9ash4t/le"9ot8 g"9ra.(ine(pen, 20, J0, 2>0, J0)8 pen"9ash4t/le < 9ash4t/le"9ash9ot8 g"9ra.(ine(pen, 20, 80, 2>0, 80)8 pen"9ash4t/le < 9ash4t/le"9ash8 g"9ra.(ine(pen, 20, 120, 2>0, 120)8 pen"9ash4t/le < 9ash4t/le"9ash9ot9ot8 g"9ra.(ine(pen, 20, 1S0, 2>0, 1S0)8 pen"9ash'attern < ne. $loatMN :S$, 8$, 1$, 1$, 1$, 1$, 1$, 1$ ?8 g"9ra.(ine(pen, 20, 200, 2>0, 200)8

? ?


class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e dra, #ive lines on t e #orm$ /ac line as di##erent +ashSt*le$

1esi0e1e#ra. < true8

" en ,e resi@e t e #orm+ it is automatically redra,n$ T is is not t e de#ault be avior$

'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8

Paint events are delivered to t e 'n$aint() met od$

oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) : ? """

T is is t e signature o# t e 'n$aint() met od$

%raphics g < e"%raphics8

In order to paint on t e #orm+ ,e must get t e -raphics ob-ect$ Painting on a #orm is actually calling various met ods o# t e -raphics ob-ect$
'en pen < ne. 'en(Color"2lac3, 1)8 pen"9ash4t/le < 9ash4t/le"9ot8 g"9ra.(ine(pen, 20, J0, 2>0, J0)8

"e create a $en ob-ect$ T is ob-ect is used to dra, outlines o# s apes$ T an ,e set a dotted +ashSt*le$ Finally ,e dra, t e line ,it t e +ra3#ine() met od$ T e #irst parameter is t e pen ob-ect$ T e ne)t #our values are ) and y values o# starting and ending points o# t e line$
pen"9ash'attern < ne. $loatMN :S$, 8$, 1$, 1$, 1$, 1$, 1$, 1$ ?8

T ere are several builtCin +ashSt*le values$ "e can create our o,n style by using t e +ash$attern property$ It may look di##icult at t e #irst sig t$ 3ut t e pattern is simply an array o# #ill and empty values$

"e kno, t at C! language uses garbage collection$ So , y are ,e e)plicitely releasing resourcesQ T is is to increase e##iciency$ "e are elping t e garbage collector$

Figure2 Lines

A color in "in#orms library represents an A0&3 5alp a+ red+ green+ blue6 color$ It is a combination o# Alp a+ 0ed+ &reen+ and 3lue 50&36 intensity values$ T ere are also prede#ined color names+ t at ,e can use in painting$ ttp2BB@etcode$comBtutorialsBmono,in#ormstutorialBimages
colors"cs using using using using 4/stem8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem""9ra.ing298 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =Colors=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(@S0, @00)8 http,--0etco#e"$ormstutorial-images 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8 ? CenterTo4creen()8

oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) %raphics g < e"%raphics8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"4ienna, 10, 1>, R0, S0)8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"%reen, 1@0, 1>, R0, S0)8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"Maroon, 2>0, 1>, R0, S0)8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"Chocolate, 10, 10>, R0, S0)8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"%ra/, 1@0, 10>, R0, S0)8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"Coral, 2>0, 10>, R0, S0)8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"2ro.n, 10, 1R>, R0, S0)8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"Teal, 1@0, 1R>, R0, S0)8 g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"%ol#enro#, 2>0, 1R>, R0, S0)8 g"9ispose()8http,--0etco#e"$ormstutorial-images

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e dra, nine rectangles ,it nine di##erent colors$

g")ill1ectangle(2rushes"4ienna, 10, 1>, R0, S0)8

T e Fill7ectagle() met od #ills a speci#ied rectangle ,it a brus $ A brus can be a color or a pattern$ T ere are some prede#ined colors available$ "e can get t em #rom t e "rushes enumeration$ T e last #our values are t e )+ y values o# t e tople#t point and t e ,idt and eig t o# t e rectangle$

Figure2 Colors

T e ,atch"rush ob-ect is used to #ill t e interiors o# t e s apes$ T ere are several builtCin patterns+ t at ,e can use$
hatches"cs using using using using 4/stem8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem""9ra.ing298 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =5atches=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(@S0, @00)8 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) : %raphics g < e"%raphics8

5atch2rush hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"Cross, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8 g")ill1ectangle(hb, 10, 1>, R0, S0)8 hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"'ercent0>, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8 g")ill1ectangle(hb, 1@0, 1>, R0, S0)8 hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"4oli#9iamon#, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8 g")ill1ectangle(hb, 2>0, 1>, R0, S0)8 hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"9iagonal2ric3, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8

g")ill1ectangle(hb, 10, 10>, R0, S0)8 hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"9i ot, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8 g")ill1ectangle(hb, 1@0, 10>, R0, S0)8 hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"+a e, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8 g")ill1ectangle(hb, 2>0, 10>, R0, S0)8 hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"YigYag, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8 g")ill1ectangle(hb, 10, 1R>, R0, S0)8 hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"4phere, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8 g")ill1ectangle(hb, 1@0, 1R>, R0, S0)8 hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"4hingle, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8 g")ill1ectangle(hb, 2>0, 1R>, R0, S0)8 hb"9ispose()8 g"9ispose()8 ? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

T is time ,e #ill nine rectangles ,it nine di##erent patterns+ called atc es$
5atch2rush hb < ne. 5atch2rush(5atch4t/le"Cross, Color"2lac3, this"2ac3Color)8

=ere ,e create a ,atch"rush ob-ect$ T e parameters are t e atc style and t e #oreground and t e background colors$ T e background color is set to t e color o# t e #orm+ so t at it looks like ,e ave dra,n onto t e #orm$
g")ill1ectangle(hb, 10, 1>, R0, S0)8

"e #ill t e rectangle ,it t e speci#ied atc brus $

Figure2 =atc es

In computer grap ics+ gradient is a smoot blending o# s ades #rom lig t to dark or #rom one color to anot er$ In :D dra,ing programs and paint programs+ gradients are used to create color#ul backgrounds and special e##ects as ,ell as to simulate lig ts and s ado,s$ 5ans,ers$com6
gra#ients"cs using using using using 4/stem8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem""9ra.ing298 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =%ra#ients=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(@>0, @>0)8 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8 ? CenterTo4creen()8

oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) %raphics g < e"%raphics8 'oint pt1 < ne. 'oint(>, >)8 'oint pt2 < ne. 'oint(2>, 2>)8 2rush lg < ne. (inear%ra#ient2rush(pt1, pt2, Color"1e#, Color"2lac3)8 g")ill1ectangle(lg, 20, 20, @00, J0)8 pt1 < ne. 'oint(>, 2>)8 pt2 < ne. 'oint(20, 2)8 lg < ne. (inear%ra#ient2rush(pt1, pt2, Color"Vello., Color"2lac3)8 g")ill1ectangle(lg, 20, 80, @00, J0)8 pt1 < ne. 'oint(>, 2>)8 pt2 < ne. 'oint(2, 2)8 lg < ne. (inear%ra#ient2rush(pt1, pt2, Color"%reen, Color"2lac3)8 g")ill1ectangle(lg, 20, 1J0, @00, J0)8 pt1 < ne. 'oint(2>, 2>)8 pt2 < ne. 'oint(1>, 2>)8 lg < ne. (inear%ra#ient2rush(pt1, pt2, Color"2lue, Color"2lac3)8 g")ill1ectangle(lg, 20, 200, @00, J0)8 pt1 < ne. 'oint(0, 10)8 pt2 < ne. 'oint(0, 20)8 lg < ne. (inear%ra#ient2rush(pt1, pt2, Color"Drange, Color"2lac3)8 g")ill1ectangle(lg, 20, 2S0, @00, J0)8 lg"9ispose()8 g"9ispose()8

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

"e dra, #ive rectangles , ic are #illed ,it di##erent linear gradients$ ttp2BB@etcode$comBtutorialsBmono,in#ormstutorialBimages
'oint pt1 < ne. 'oint(>, >)8 'oint pt2 < ne. 'oint(2>, 2>)8

T ese t,o are t e controlling points o# t e linear gradient brus $

2rush lg < ne. (inear%ra#ient2rush(pt1, pt2, Color"1e#, Color"2lac3)8

"e create t e #inear-radient"rush ob-ect$ "e use t,o controlling points and t,o blending colors$

Figure2 &radients

+ra3ing string
To dra, string on t e "in#orms Form+ ,e use t e +ra3String() met od$
l/rics"cs using using using using 4/stem8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem""9ra.ing298 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

class M)orm , )orm : public M)orm() : Te;t < =Vou 3no. !Qm No %oo#=8 4i0e < ne. 4i0e(@80, J>0)8 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8 CenterTo4creen()8

oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) : %raphics g < e"%raphics8 )ont $t < ne. )ont(='urisa=, 10)8 4oli#2rush br < ne. 4oli#2rush(Color"2lac3)8 'oint) pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, 20"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=Meet /ou #o.nstairs in the bar an# hear#=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, >0"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=Vour rolle# up slee es an# /our s3ull t-shirt=, $t, br, pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, 80"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=Vou sa/ .h/ #i# /ou #o it .ith him to#a/Z=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, 110"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=6n# sni$$e# me out li3e ! .as tanOuera/=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, 1S0"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=Cause /ou[re m/ $ella, m/ gu/=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, 1R0"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=5an# me /our stella an# $l/=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, 220"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=2/ the time ![m out the #oor=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, 2>0"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=Vou tear me #o.n li3e roger moore=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, @00"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=! cheate# m/sel$=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, @@0"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=(i3e ! 3ne. ! .oul#=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, @S0"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=! tol# /a, ! .as trouble=, $t, br, pt)8 pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, @R0"0$)8 g"9ra.4tring(=Vou 3no. that ![m no goo#=, $t, br, pt)8 g"9ispose()8 ? ?


class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

In our e)ample+ ,e dra, lyrics o# a song on t e "in#orms #orm$

)ont $t < ne. )ont(='urisa=, 10)8

"e use t e Purisa #ont+ o# 8; pts eig t$

'oint) pt < ne. 'oint)(20"0$, 20"0$)8

To dra, string on t e #orm+ ,e must use #loating point values$

g"9ra.4tring(=Meet /ou #o.nstairs in the bar an# hear#=, $t, br, pt)8

T e +ra3String() met od takes t e #ollo,ing parameters2 te)t to dra,+ #ont+ brus and t e $ointF ob-ect$

Figure2 Lyrics

+ra3ing image
In our last e)ample ,e ,ill dra, an image on t e Form control$
re#roc3"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class M)orm , )orm : pri ate 2itmap castle8 public M)orm() : Te;t < =1e# 1oc3=8 loa#!mage()8 Client4i0e < ne. 4i0e(castle"+i#th, castle"5eight)8 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(Dn'aint)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? oi# loa#!mage() :

? :

tr/ : castle < ne. 2itmap(=re#roc3"png=)8 ? catch (7;ception e) : Console"+rite(ine(e"Message)8 7n ironment"7;it(1)8 ? oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) %raphics g < e"%raphics8 1ectangle r < ne. 1ectangle(1, 1, castle"+i#th, castle"5eight)8 g"9ra.!mage(castle, r)8

? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. M)orm())8 ? ?

T is code e)ample dra,s an image o# a castle on t e #orm$

tr/ : castle < ne. 2itmap(=re#roc3"png=)8 ? catch (7;ception e) : Console"+rite(ine(e"Message)8 7n ironment"7;it(1)8 ?

"e load an image o# a castle$

1ectangle r < ne. 1ectangle(1, 1, castle"+i#th, castle"5eight)8

"e determine t e rectangle t at ,e ,ill dra,$

g"9ra.!mage(castle, r)8

T is line actually dra,s t e image$

Figure2 Image

In t is c apter+ ,e did some painting in Mono "in#orms library$

Sna%e in Mono Winforms

JKCC googleLadLclient D ?pubCME;NE;MEA88M8A9:?O googleLadL,idt D 8:;O googleLadL eig t D N;;O googleLadL#ormat D ?8:;)N;;Las?O googleLadLtype D ?te)t?O BB:;;EC;EC8:2 kanal8 googleLadLc annel D ?E89:M<:G:9?O googleLcolorLborder D ?9D<8//?O googleLcolorLbg D ?FFFFFF?O googleLcolorLlink D ?9D<8//?O googleLcolorLte)t D ?;;;;;;?O googleLcolorLurl D ?;;<;;;?O googleLuiL#eatures D ?rc28;?O BBCCP,indo,$googleLrenderLad56OJKCC googleLadLclient D ?pubCME;NE;MEA88M8A9:?O googleLadL,idt D GN<O googleLadL eig t D N;O googleLadL#ormat D ?GN<)N;Las?O googleLadLtype D ?te)t?O BB:;;EC;EC8:2 ori@ont googleLadLc annel D ?EN;EAA9:9M?O googleLcolorLborder D ?/N/N/N?O googleLcolorLbg D ?FFFFFF?O googleLcolorLlink D ?;;;;FF?O googleLcolorLte)t D ?;;;;;;?O googleLcolorLurl D ?;;<;;;?O googleLuiL#eatures D ?rc28;?O BBCCP ,indo,$googleLrenderLad56OIn t is part o# t e Mono "in#orms programming tutorial+ ,e ,ill create a Snake game clone$

Sna%e game
Sna%e is an older classic video game$ It ,as #irst created in late E;s$ Later it ,as broug t to PCs$ In t is game t e player controls a snake$ T e ob-ective is to eat as many apples as possible$ /ac time t e snake eats an apple+ its body gro,s$ T e snake must avoid t e ,alls and its o,n body$ T is game is sometimes called Nibbles$

T e si@e o# eac o# t e -oints o# a snake is 8;p)$ T e snake is controlled ,it t e cursor keys$ Initially t e snake as t ree -oints$ T e game is started by pressing one o# t e cursor keys$ I# t e game is #inis ed+ ,e display &ame 1ver message in t e middle o# t e 3oard$
2oar#"cs using 4/stem8

using using using using using

4/stem"Collections8 4/stem"ComponentMo#el8 4/stem"9ra.ing8 4/stem"9ata8 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8

public class 2oar# , &serControl : pri pri pri pri pri ate ate ate ate ate const const const const const int int int int int +!9T5 < @008 57!%5T < @008 9DTG4!Y7 < 108 6((G9DT4 < R008 16N9G'D4 < 2A8

pri ate intMN ; < ne. intM6((G9DT4N8 pri ate intMN / < ne. intM6((G9DT4N8 pri ate int #ots8 pri ate int appleG;8 pri ate int appleG/8 pri pri pri pri pri ate ate ate ate ate bool bool bool bool bool le$t < $alse8 right < true8 up < $alse8 #o.n < $alse8 in%ame < true8

pri ate Timer timer8 pri ate 2itmap #ot8 pri ate 2itmap apple8 pri ate 2itmap hea#8 pri ate !Container components8 public int 2D1971G+!9T58 public int T!T(7261G57!%5T8 public 2oar#() : components < ne. Container()8 2ac3Color < Color"2lac38 9ouble2u$$ere# < true8 this"Client4i0e < ne. 4i0e(+!9T5, 57!%5T)8 tr/ : #ot < ne. 2itmap(=#ot"png=)8 apple < ne. 2itmap(=apple"png=)8 hea# < ne. 2itmap(=hea#"png=)8 ? catch (7;ception e) : Console"+rite(ine(e"Message)8 7n ironment"7;it(1)8 ? ? init%ame()8 oi# DnTic3(ob*ect sen#er, 7 ent6rgs e) :

pri ate

i$ (in%ame) : chec36pple()8

? this"1e$resh()8

chec3Collision()8 mo e()8

pri ate

oi# init%ame() :

#ots < @8 $or (int 0 < 08 0 U #ots8 0CC) : ;M0N < >0 - 0 H 108 /M0N < >08 ? locate6pple()8 Ke/&p C< ne. Ke/7 ent5an#ler(DnKe/&p)8 timer < ne. Timer(this"components)8 timer"7nable# < true8 timer"!nter al < 1008 timer"Tic3 C< ne. 4/stem"7 ent5an#ler(this"DnTic3)8 'aint C< ne. 'aint7 ent5an#ler(this"Dn'aint)8 ? pri ate oi# Dn'aint(ob*ect sen#er, 'aint7 ent6rgs e) :

%raphics g < e"%raphics8 i$ (in%ame) : g"9ra.!mage(apple, appleG;, appleG/)8 $or (int 0 < 08 0 U #ots8 0CC) : i$ (0 << 0) : g"9ra.!mage(hea#, ;M0N, /M0N)8 ? else : g"9ra.!mage(#ot, ;M0N, /M0N)8 ? ? ? else : gameD er(g)8 ?

pri ate

oi# gameD er(%raphics g) :

4tring msg < =%ame D er=8 4tring)ormat $ormat < ne. 4tring)ormat()8 $ormat"6lignment < 4tring6lignment"Center8 $ormat"(ine6lignment < 4tring6lignment"Center8 g"9ra.4tring(msg, )ont, 2rushes"+hite, Client1ectangle, $ormat)8 timer"4top()8

pri ate

oi# chec36pple() :

i$ ((;M0N << appleG;) EE (/M0N << appleG/)) : #otsCC8 locate6pple()8 ? ? pri ate oi# mo e() :

$or (int 0 < #ots8 0 T 08 0--) : ;M0N < ;M(0 - 1)N8 /M0N < /M(0 - 1)N8 ? i$ (le$t) : ;M0N -< 9DTG4!Y78 ? i$ (right) : ;M0N C< 9DTG4!Y78 ? i$ (up) : /M0N -< 9DTG4!Y78 ? i$ (#o.n) : /M0N C< 9DTG4!Y78 ? ? pri ate oi# chec3Collision() :

$or (int 0 < #ots8 0 T 08 0--) : i$ ((0 T J) EE (;M0N << ;M0N) EE (/M0N << /M0N)) : in%ame < $alse8 ? ? i$ (/M0N T 57!%5T - 9DTG4!Y7 - T!T(7261G57!%5T - 2D1971G+!9T5) : in%ame < $alse8 ? i$ (/M0N U 0) : in%ame < $alse8 ? i$ (;M0N T +!9T5 - 9DTG4!Y7 - 2 H 2D1971G+!9T5) : in%ame < $alse8 ? i$ (;M0N U 0) : in%ame < $alse8 ?

pri ate oi# locate6pple() : 1an#om ran# < ne. 1an#om()8 int r < (int)(ran#"Ne;t(16N9G'D4))8 appleG; < ((r H 9DTG4!Y7))8 r < (int)(ran#"Ne;t(16N9G'D4))8 appleG/ < ((r H 9DTG4!Y7))8

? pri ate oi# DnKe/&p(ob*ect sen#er, Ke/7 ent6rgs e) :

int 3e/ < (int) e"Ke/Co#e8 i$ ((3e/ le$t up < #o.n ? << (int) Ke/s"(e$t) EE (Xright)) : < true8 $alse8 < $alse8

i$ ((3e/ << (int) Ke/s"1ight) EE (Xle$t)) : right < true8 up < $alse8 #o.n < $alse8 ? i$ ((3e/ << (int) Ke/s"&p) EE (X#o.n)) : up < true8 right < $alse8 le$t < $alse8 ? i$ ((3e/ << (int) Ke/s"9o.n) EE (Xup)) : #o.n < true8 right < $alse8 le$t < $alse8 ?

? ?

First ,e ,ill de#ine t e constants used in our game$ T e WI+T, and ,&I-,T constants determine t e si@e o# t e 3oard$ T e +'T/SI9& is t e si@e o# t e apple and t e dot o# t e snake$ T e A##/+'TS constant de#ines t e ma)imum number o# possible dots on t e 3oard$ 5M;; D 9;;R9;;B8;R8;6 T e 7AN+/$'S constant is used to calculate a random position o# an apple$ T e +&#A6 constant determines t e speed o# t e game$
pri ate intMN ; < ne. intM6((G9DT4N8 pri ate intMN / < ne. intM6((G9DT4N8

T ese t,o arrays store )+ y coordinates o# all -oints o# a snake$ In t e move() met od ,e ave t e key algorit m o# t e game$ To understand it+ look at o, t e snake is moving$ %ou control t e ead o# t e snake$ %ou can c ange its direction ,it t e cursor keys$ T e rest o# t e -oints move one position up t e c ain$ T e second -oint moves , ere t e #irst ,as+ t e t ird -oint , ere t e second ,as etc$
$or (int 0 < #ots8 0 T 08 0--) : ;M0N < ;M(0 - 1)N8 /M0N < /M(0 - 1)N8 ?

T is code moves t e -oints up t e c ain$

i$ (le$t) : ;M0N -< 9DTG4!Y78 ?

Move t e ead to t e le#t$

In t e chec%Collision() met od+ ,e determine i# t e snake as it itsel# or one o# t e ,alls$

$or (int 0 < #ots8 0 T 08 0--) : i$ ((0 T J) EE (;M0N << ;M0N) EE (/M0N << /M0N)) : in%ame < $alse8 ? ?

Finis t e game+ i# t e snake its one o# its -oints ,it t e ead$

i$ (/M0N T 57!%5T - 9DTG4!Y7 - T!T(7261G57!%5T - 2D1971G+!9T5) : in%ame < $alse8 ?

Finis t e game+ i# t e snake its t e bottom o# t e 3oard$

4na3e"cs using 4/stem8 using 4/stem"9ra.ing8 using 4/stem"+in#o.s")orms8 class 4na3e , )orm : public 4na3e() : Te;t < =4na3e=8 9ouble2u$$ere# < true8 )orm2or#er4t/le < )orm2or#er4t/le")i;e#4ingle8 int bor#er+i#th < (this"+i#th - this"Client4i0e"+i#th) - 28 int title2ar5eight < this"5eight - this"Client4i0e"5eight - bor#er+i#th8 2oar# boar# < ne. 2oar#()8 boar#"2D1971G+!9T5 < bor#er+i#th8 boar#"T!T(7261G57!%5T < title2ar5eight8 Controls"6##(boar#)8 CenterTo4creen()8 ? ?

class M6pplication : public static oi# Main() : 6pplication"1un(ne. 4na3e())8 ? ?

T is is t e main class$

Figure2 Snake T is ,as t e Snake game programmed using t e Mono "in#orms library$

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