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El estado Zulia est localizado al extremo noroccidental del pas. Su capital es la ciudad de Maracaibo un importante centro petrolero.

Es la segunda ciudad ms grande del pas. CLIMA. El clima en el estado Zulia es clido y dominado por condiciones semiridas. Su temperatura promedio anual vara entre 28C y 40C en las tierras bajas y llega a tener temperaturas templadas y hasta fras en las zonas occidentales de la Sierra de Perij. La formacin montaosa de la Sierra de Perij, ejerce un efecto sobre los vientos alisios del noreste, obligndolos a ascender, momento en el que deben descargar toda la humedad que traen del mar. Esta descarga provoca el fenmeno conocido como Relmpago del Catatumbo. Debido a las continuas tormentas elctricas en horas nocturnas, el fenmeno del Catatumbo es casi nico en el mundo, sorprendente por su belleza. VEGETACIN.

Zulia posee una vegetacin variada que ha sido influenciada enormemente por los patrones de lluvia presentes en la zona. Entre las regiones de la Alta Guajira y Castilletes, puede observarse un paisaje de estilo pedregoso donde se pueden observar especies como cardones, dunas y cujes, entre otros, se puede encontrar jabillo, vera y apamate. La zona ms elevada del estado Zulia alcanza se pueden encontrar especies como el Saisai, el Guasimo y la Cobalonga. COMIDA TIPICA. Patacn, bollos pelones, mojito en coco, comidas con predominio del coco, entre ellas la cazuela marinera. Huevos chimbos. TURISMO. Si viajamos al Estado Zulia podemos recorrer sus caminos desde Castilletes, frente al Golfo de Venezuela, hasta el fondo del lago y al final en el extremo norte de la costa oriental, para encontrar cientos de posibilidades y lugares interesantes que visitar. Desde excursiones a parques nacionales y haciendas llenas de atractivos naturales como el Parque Sierra de Perij y Cinagas del Catatumbo, hasta recorridos por museos y monumentos histricos llenos de artesana y folklore. Las costas del Lago de Maracaibo y las riveras marinas que dan al golfo de Venezuela, brindan al viajero excelentes playas, pero tambin el espectculo histrico de los castillos coloniales como el Castillo de San Carlos, Castillete de Zapara y el reducto fortificado de Paijana. En el estado Zulia, habitan distintas comunidades indgenas (Guajiros y Wayus al norte en la pennsula Guajira, Yukpas y Bar al sur del estado entre Machiques y la Sierra de Perij y los Paraujanos), que conservan an hoy muchas de sus tradiciones y artesanas autctonas. Para los turistas que visitan la zona, esta se convierte en una autntica experiencia cultural.

Zulia State is located at the northwestern tip of the country. Its capital is the city of Maracaibo an important oil center. It is the country's second largest city. CLIMA. The climate in Zulia state is dominated by warm and semiarid conditions. Its annual average temperature varies between 28 C and 40 C in the lowlands and does get to cold and warm temperatures in the western parts of the Perija. The mountainous formation Perija, has an effect on the northeast trade winds, forcing them to move up, at which point should download all the moisture that bring the sea. This shock causes the phenomenon known as Catatumbo Lightning. Due to continuous thunderstorms in the evening hours, the phenomenon of Catatumbo is almost unique in the world, amazing in its beauty. VEGETACIN. Nairobi has a diverse vegetation that has been greatly influenced by rainfall patterns present in the area. Among the regions of Upper Guajira and Headgear, a landscape of rocky style where you can see species like cacti, dunes and cujes can be seen, among others, can be found jabillo, vera and apamate. The highest area of Zulia state reaches can find species like Saisai the Guasimo and cobalonga. TYPICAL FOOD. Patacn, hairless buns, mojito in coconut, coconut foods stores, including seafood casserole. Chimbos eggs. TOURISM. If we travel the state Zulia can walk its paths from Headgear, facing the Gulf of Venezuela, to the lake bottom and end at the north end of the east coast, to find hundreds of possibilities and interesting places to visit. From trips to national parks and estates full of natural attractions such as the Park and Bogs Perija Catatumbo, tours to museums and historical monuments full of crafts and folklore.

The shores of Lake Maracaibo and sea shores overlooking the Gulf of Venezuela, traveler provide excellent beaches, but also the historical spectacle of colonial castles such as Castle of San Carlos, Castillete Zapara and Paijana fortified redoubt. In Zulia state, living in different communities (Guajiro Wayuu and north in the Guajira peninsula Bar Yukpas and south of the state among Machiques and Perija and Paraujanos), which still retain many of their traditions and native crafts . For tourists visiting the area, it becomes a real cultural experience.

Zulia Estate. Good morning. My name is Jos maraima today I will Zulia state. The state Zulia located at the nonwestern The climate Warm and semiarid conditions its annual average temperature varies bet wan 28 C and 40 C. Relief The relief of Zulia state is formed by monument formation the phenomenon know as catatumb lightning unique in the word. Typical food Between typical meals have patacon hairless buns, seafood casserole chinbos eggs. tip of the country.

Typical dress The most popular costume is typical Guajira blanket Tourism Crave ling the state Zulia know oil zones National parks estates with natural attraction pille dwelling communities wayuu-bari-yukpas bridge over lake Maracaibo virgin chinita Tour packages I present a tourist package for there who want to know for the holiday season , the ministry of popular power for tourism and Venezuelan tourism (venetur) announced the creation of economic tour packages include airfare, hotel and airport transfers , accommodation for 3 days and 2 nights , life insurance, breakfast and tax payment ticket , bsf 3000

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