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Your name: Bethany Green Alkadry, Mohamad G., Ruchi Bha dari, a d Bra di Ble!!ett. "Racial #i!paritie!

$ Stroke A%are e!!& Africa America ! A d 'auca!ia !." Journal Of Health & Human Services Administration ((.) (*+,,)& )-*.)/+. Business Source Complete. 0eb. ** 1eb. *+,). (Retrie2ed from& http&//ed!.a.eb!coho!!/pdf2ie%er/pdf2ie%er3!id4,+5)6(+,. -f(-.)f7-.7-6*.7d-e,(/df5ab8)+!e!!io mgr)++692id4)9hid4),,() $t ha! already bee pro2e that there are large racial differe ce! i area! related to !troke!. Re!earch !ho%! that Africa America ! ha2e the highe!t racial perce tage for hyperte !io , !moki g, obe!ity, chole!terol, diabete!, phy!ical i acti2ity, lo% !ocio. eco omic !tatu!, a d alcohol u!e. All the!e are factor! leadi g to !troke that ca be cha ged or %orked o . $ thi! re!earch, the !cie ti!t! %a ted to !ee if the!e high perce tage! are correlated to lo% a%are e!!. =hey fou d that *-.(8 of the 'auca!ia ! that re!po ded %ere able to ide tify all 5 %ar i g !ig ! for !troke, a! oppo!ed to o ly ,(.(8 of Africa America !. Although the Africa America !> recog itio %a! half the 'auca!ia re!po !e, both group! %ere mai ly ig ora t. =hi! !ho%! that all racial group! eed e;po!ure to Stroke A%are e!!, though Africa America ! are the %or!t. B=he fact that the!e racial di!paritie! i !troke a%are e!! e;i!t !hould alert policy maker! to the pote tial reductio i !troke i cide ce that could be achie2ed through targeted a%are e!! campaig !. =he co!t of public educatio campaig ! o !troke pre2e tio i! mi imal relati2e to the co!tly e;pe !e of acute ho!pitali<atio , rehabilitatio treatme t, or lo g.term di!ability care.C BD e of the mo!t importa t implicatio ! of thi! !tudy i! that !troke pre2e tio effort! !hould target both mi ority a d %hite commu itie! a! all rural re!ide t! !ho% poor k o%ledge of !troke %ar i g !ig !, appropriate emerge cy actio , a d ri!k factor!.C BStroke i! o e of the di!ea!e! that Africa America ! e;perie ce at higher rate! tha a y other racial or eth ic group.C B0hile race, age, family hi!tory, a d prior !troke are co !idered o .modifiable !troke ri!k factor!, hyperte !io , !moki g, obe!ity, chole!terol, diabete!, phy!ical i acti2ity, a d alcohol u!e are all modifiable ri!k factor! that ca be ma aged to effecti2ely lo%er the likelihood of future !troke.C B=he!e !tudie! a!!ociate di!paritie! i healthcare %ith ! omic !tatu!, to the e;te t of regardi g it a! a key determi a t of di!ea!e outcome.C (e;& educatio , health care, geographical locatio ) =hi! article came from the Eour al of Fealth 9 Fuma Ser2ice! Admi i!tratio , a credible !ource. All author! %ho publi!h their fi di g! mu!t ha2e credible !ource! a d fi di g!.

Source / Bibliography (MLA format)

Summary/A otatio (:;plai to the reader a d/or !ummari<e %hat %a! fou d i the !ource)

?ote tial @uote! (Are there a y !ig ifica t Auote! you ca u!e from thi! !ource3)

A!!e!!me t (0hy i! it credible3)


=hi! i! a i tere!ti g article becau!e of it! focu! o Stroke A%are e!!. $t de!cribed the ma y differe t %ay! !omeo e ca be !u!ceptible to a !troke other tha biologically. (Fo% %ill you u!e it3) =here are other !ocial factor!. =hi! article i! al!o full of Auote! $ ca u!e from thi! te;t that relate to my topic.

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