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Paper 1 Set A


Q e!t"#$ Paper! & M#%e& !#& t"#$! t# t'e Q e!t"#$ Paper! PAPER 1( Ge$era& A!pe)t! #* E$er+, Ma$a+e-e$t & E$er+, A %"t Date( 2./05/2005 T"-"$+!( 001021210 3RS D rat"#$( 1 3RS Ma4/ Mar5!( 150

General instructions: o o o o o Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages Please check that this question paper contains 65 questions The question paper is divided into three sections All questions in all three sections are compulsory All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Mar5!( 50 4 1 9 50

Se)t"#$ I( O67ECTI8E TYPE

(i) (ii) (iii) 1.

Answer all 50 questions Each question carries #$e mark Put a () tick mark in the appropriate box in the answer book

Primary energy sources are, a) electricity :; )#$<erte% "$t# !e)#$%ar, e$er+, !# r)e! c) used in diesel generator sets d) P!, petrol " diesel


Eighty percent o$ the worlds% population li&es in de&eloping countries and consumes approximately ''' o$ the world%s total energy consumption a) () * b) +) * ); =0 > d) #) *


Energy consumption per unit !-P is called a) energy ratio :; e$er+, "$te$!"t, c) per capita consumption d) all o$ the abo&e


/denti$y the wrong statement $or a measure to reduce energy costs in a $urnace by substitution o$ a $uel. a) b) c) %; $uel switching may impro&e energy e$$iciency. $uel switching may reduce energy e$$iciency. $uel switching may reduce energy costs. * e& !?"t)'"$+ a&?a,! re% )e! e$er+, )#$! -pt"#$/


1he Energy 2onser&ation Act #))1 does not require designated consumers to a) appoint3designate certi$ied energy manager b) conduct an energy audit through an accredited energy auditor c) comply with energy consumption norms " standards %; "$<e!t "$ a&& e$er+, )#$!er<at"#$ -ea! re!

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A


An energy audit as de$ined in the Energy 2onser&ation Act #))1 includes a) &eri$ication, monitoring and analysis o$ use o$ energy b) submission o$ technical report with recommendations c) action plan to reduce energy consumption %; a&& #* t'e a:#<e


An example o$ stored mechanical energy is a) water in a reser&oir c) an air6borne aeroplane :; a$ arr#? "$ a !tret)'e% :#? d) you on top o$ a mountain


7ega 8olt Ampere (78A) in a three phase electrical circuit could be written as a) 8oltage x Ampere 1))) c) 8oltage x Ampere x1,))) b) 8oltage x Ampere 1,))),))) %; $#$e #* t'e a:#<e


:hen the current lags the &oltage in an alternating current system, it is caused mainly due to a) resisti&e load b) capaciti&e load ); "$% )t"<e &#a% d) none o$ the abo&e


1he phase change $rom solid state to a liquid state is called a) $ission b) enthalpy c) latent heat %; * !"#$


1he ;superheat< o$ steam is expressed in a technical report as a; %e+ree! Ce$t"+ra%e a:#<e !at rat"#$ te-perat re b) critical temperature o$ the steam c) the temperature o$ the steam d) none o$ the abo&e


1he rate o$ energy trans$er $rom a higher temperature to a lower temperature is measured in a) k2al :; @att c) :atts per =econd d) none o$ the abo&e.


1he electrical power unit !iga:att (!:) may be written as a) 1,))),))),))) 7: :; 1A000 4 M@ c) 1,))) x k: d) 1,))),))) x :


2># measurement with a ?yrite kit is based on a) weight basis (dry) c) weight basis (wet) :; <#& -e :a!"! B%r,; d) &olume basis (wet)


A good coal has a !ross 2alori$ic 8alue o$ #+,))) 7@3ton. Expressed in k2al3kg the !ross 2alori$ic 8alue is a) +#1))) b) +#1)) ); C210 d) +#1


1he annual energy consumption o$ a plant in the re$erence year #)),3#)). was 1 akh !@. /n the next year #)).3#))0 it was 1.1 akh !@. 1he plant energy per$ormance (PEP), assuming no change in product mix and output quantity in AAAA a; 10> b) 1)* c) B9.1* d) none o$ the abo&e


An oil $ired $urnace is retro$itted to $ire coconut shell chips. 4oiler thermal e$$iciency drops $rom (#* to 5#*. Cow much more, or less energy, in percent is spent to generate same amount o$ steam. a) 1)* more b) 1#.#* more c) 1,.9* less %; 11/0> -#re

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A
1(. Portable combustion analyDers may ha&e built in chemical cells $or measurement o$ stack gas components. :hich combination o$ chemical cells is not possibleE a) 2>, =>x, ># 19. :; CO2 AO2 c) >#, F>x, =>x, 2> d) ># ,2>

Fon contact $low measurement can be carried out by a) ori$ice meter ); &tra!#$") *&#? -eter b) turbine $low meter d) magnetic $low meter


1wo reactants A (#)) kg) and 4 (#)) kg) are used in a chemical process. /$ con&ersion is 0)* and A and 4 reacts in equal proportion then the weight o$ the product $ormed is AAAA a) 10) kg :; 200 5+ c) #0) kg d) .)) kg


1he Energy 2onser&ation Act requires that all designated consumers should get energy audits conducted by a) Energy 7anager c) 2erti$ied Energy Auditor :; A))re%"te% e$er+, a %"t#r d) -esignated agencies


:hich energy source is indirect in an o&erall energy balance in the generation o$ electricity by a photo&oltaic cellE a; )#--er)"a& e$er+, b) wa&e energy c) sun light d) none o$ the abo&e


/n the material balance o$ a process which compound will not be considered on the input side a) chemicals b) air and water c) recycled product %; :,2pr#% )t


:hich process emits the most 2># per ton o$ coal burned a) cogeneration b) power generation ); )e-e$t -a$ *a)t re d) coal gasi$ication


:hich task is not considered as a duty o$ an energy manager a) prepare an annual acti&ity plan b) establish an impro&ed data recording system ); )#$% )t -a$%at#r, e$er+, a %"t d) prepare in$ormation material


?ill in the missing word. An energy policy pro&ides the AAAAAAAAAA $or setting per$ormance goal and integrating energy management into an organiDation%s culture. a) budget b) deli&ery mechanism c) action plan %; *# $%at"#$


:hich one is not a step in energy action planning a) make commitments b) implement action plan c) set goals %; rep#rt re! &t! t# %e!"+$ate% a+e$), #* t'e !tate


PEG13 2P7 pro&ides the $ollowing bene$its a) graphical &iew o$ the proHect b) shows acti&ities which are critical to maintaining the schedule c) predicts the time required to complete the proHect %; a&& t'e a:#<e


:hat does normaliDation o$ data meanE a) comparing data with respect to per$ormance o$ a speci$ic year :; re-#<"$+ t'e "-pa)t #* <ar"# ! *a)t#r! #$ %ata c) indexing per$ormance o$ process data d) benchmarking per$ormance

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A


4enchmarking helps to a) track per$ormance change o&er time b) compare with best3a&erage per$ormance ); :#t' a & : d) none o$ the abo&e


>ne o$ the basic indicators o$ $inancial in&estment appraisal is a) risk assessment c) interest rate b) trending o$ $uel costs %; !"-p&e pa,:a)5


:hat does the concept o$ time &alue o$ money imply a) present &alue o$ money c) discounting o$ cash $lows b) $uture &alue o$ money %; a&& #* t'e a:#<e


Geturn on /n&estment (G>/) as a $raction means a) initial in&estment 3 annual return b) annual cost 3 cost o$ capital ); a$$ a& $et )a!' *&#? D )ap"ta& )#!t d) none o$ the abo&e.


1he net present &alue (FP8) is a; eE a& t# t'e ! - #* t'e pre!e$t <a& e! #* a&& )a!' *&#?! b) equal to the sum o$ returns c) equal to the sum o$ all cash $lows d) none o$ the abo&e


1he /nternal Gate o$ Geturn (/GG), o$ an in&estment is calculated by a) selecting a discount rate so that FP8 I ) b) equating total discounted costs with total discounted bene$its c) making sure the bene$it 3 cost ratio equals unity %; a&& #* t'e a:#<e


:hich one is not a macro $actor in a sensiti&ity analysisE a) change in interest rates ); )#!t #* %e:t b) technology changes d) change in tax rates


:hich ser&ice is normally not part o$ an E=2> contractE a) $inancing o$ measures c) proHect de&elopment and super&ision b) engineering analysis and design %; #:ta"$"$+ #perat"#$ per-"t!


/n ProHect 7anagement, what does the ()3#) Gule sayE a) #)* is tri&ial and ()* is &ital work :; 20> #* ?#r5 )#$! -e! .0> #* t"-e a$% re!# r)e! c) the $irst #)* o$ work consumes ()* o$ your time and resources d) none o$ the abo&e.


:hich subHect is not so important in the screening o$ proHects in a need identi$ication a) cost6e$$ecti&eness c) sustainability o$ the sa&ings b) a&ailability o$ technology %; "-p&e-e$tat"#$ per"#%


A $irm switches $rom a low ash and low moisture $uel to a less expensi&e high ash and high moisture $uel by retro$itting a $urnace. 1he most likely impact o$ the measure is a) sa&es $uel cost and reduces energy consumption :; !a<e! * e& )#!t : t "$)rea!e! e$er+, )#$! -pt"#$ c) increases $uel costs and energy consumption d) none o$ the abo&e.

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A


2ritical path in a 2P7 network diagram a; "! t'e &#$+e!t pat' "$ a $et?#r5 b) is the shortest path in a network c) where all acti&ities o$ long duration $all d) none o$ the abo&e.


PEG1 stands $or AAAAA a) ProHect E&aluation Gesearch 1echnique :; Pr#+ra--e E<a& at"#$ & Re<"e? Te)'$"E e c) Power " Energy Ge$orms 1echniques d) none o$ the abo&e


-rawing a !antt chart does not require a; t# 5$#? )#!t #* t'e a)t"<"t"e! c) to know beginning o$ the acti&ities b) duration o$ acti&ity d) to know the interdependency o$ the tasks


Pie chart o$ the $uel mix on energy consumption represents a) percentage share o$ $uels based on costs b) percentage share o$ $uels based on energy bill c) percentage share o$ $uels based on &olume content %; per)e$ta+e !'are #* * e&! :a!e% #$ )#--#$ $"t #* e$er+,


/n an 2J=J7 chart, i$ the graph is horiDontal $or two consecuti&e periods then a) actual and calculated energy consumption are the same b) actual energy consumption is reduced c) speci$ic energy consumption is the same %; ea)' #$e #* t'e a:#<e -a, :e tr e


/n an industry the electricity consumed $or a period is 1,)),))) k:h. 1he production in this period is 1),))) tons with a &ariable energy consumption o$ 5 k:h3ton. 1he $ixed k:h consumption o$ the plant is a; 10000 b) #,))) c) 5))) d) 1))))


:hich is a greenhouse gas a) =ul$ur -ioxide b) Fitrogen ); N"tr# ! O4"%e d) none o$ the abo&e


:hich country was the latest to recently rati$y the Kyoto Protocol a) J=A b) Australia ); R !!"a d) !ermany


>ne o$ the $lexible instrument as stated in the Kyoto Protocol is a) 2># adaptation c) 2># sequestration mechanism :; C&ea$ De<e&#p-e$t Me)'a$"!- BCDM; d) none o$ the abo&e


7ethane traps about AAAA times more heat than 2arbon -ioxide a) 5 b) 1. ); 21 d) #(

-------- End of Section - I ---------

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A
Mar5!( 10 4 5 9 50

(i) Answer all Te$ questions (ii) Each question carries F"<e marks =61 (i) =tate two ob&ious measures, which may reduce the ratio o$ energy consumption to gross domestic product (!-P) in the /ndian economy. (ii) :hat is roughly the ratio under present conditionsE B"; A&& e$er+, e**")"e$), -ea! re! a$% a&& $at"#$a& pr#+ra--e! t# pr#-#te &#? e$er+,2"$te$!"<e !e)t#r! #* t'e I$%"a$ e)#$#-, ?"&& #:<"# !&, &#?er e$er+, "$te$!"t,/ B""; T'e pre!e$t rat"# "! )"te% a! 1/5A :a!e% #$ 6##5 1/ A$, a$!?er :et?ee$ 0/F a$% 1/5 !'# &% :e !ee$ a! )#rre)t/ =6# -e$ine -ew Point. It "! t'e te-perat re at ?'")' )#$%e$!at"#$ #* ?ater <ap# r *r#- t'e a"r :e+"$!A a! t'e te-perat re #* t'e a"r2?ater <ap# r -"4t re *a&&!/ =6, =tate the key elements o$ an energy audit as de$ined in the Energy 2onser&ation Act #))1. T'ere are !"4 5e, e&e-e$t! -e$t"#$e% "$ t'e #r"+"$a& te4t #* t'e A)t/ GE$er+, a %"tH -ea$! t'e B"; <er"*")at"#$A B""; -#$"t#r"$+ a$% a$a&,!"! #* !e #* e$er+,A "$)& %"$+ B"""; ! :-"!!"#$ #* te)'$")a& rep#rtA B"<; )#$ta"$"$+ re)#--e$%at"#$! *#r "-pr#<"$+ e$er+, e**")"e$), ?"t'A B<; )#!t :e$e*"t a$a&,!"! a$% a$A B<"; a)t"#$ p&a$ t# re% )e e$er+, )#$! -pt"#$/ =6. -uring an air pollution monitoring study, the inlet gas stream to a bag $ilter was #)),))) m, per hour. 1he outlet gas stream $rom the bag $ilter was a little bit higher at #1),))) m, per hour. -ust load at the inlet was + gram3 m , , and at the outlet ).1 gram3 m, . Cow much dust in kg3hour was collected in the bag $ilter binE D !t B+a! "$ ;9 % !t B"$ +a! # t; I % !t B"$ :"$; 200A000 4 C 9 210A000 4 0/1 I 4 a$% "t *#&&#?! 4 =60 9 1A1F0A000 +ra-D'# r 9 1A1F0 5+D'# r/

ist 0 positi&e $orces o$ a $orce $ield analysis in support o$ the goalL ;Geduce energy consumption per unit production<. B"; B""; B"""; B"<; B<; '"+' pr")e #* e$er+, e$er+, e**")"e$t te)'$#&#+, a<a"&a:&e t#p -a$a+e-e$t )#--"t-e$t t# e$er+, )#$!er<at"#$ e$er+, "! '"+' )#-p#$e$t #* pr#% )t )#!t "$)e$t"<e! *#r e$er+, )#$!er<at"#$ a<a"&a:&e

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A
=6+ -e$ine the /nternal Gate o$ Geturn (/GG) and write it%s equation. B"; B""; ?"t' T'e "$ter$a& rate #* ret r$ "! t'e %"!)# $t rateA %A at ?'")' t'e Net Pre!e$t 8a& eA NP8A :e)#-e! Jer#/ #r NP8 9 C0 I C1 IK/ C$ 9 0 B1I%;0 B1I%;1 B1 I %;$ C" 9 Ca!' *&#? #)) rr"$+ "$ t'e ,ear "A $ 9 &"*e #* pr#Le)t "$ ,ear!M % 9 %"!)# $t rate a! a *ra)t"#$ a$% $#t "$ >


ist 0 steps in a PEG1 planning process B"; B""; B"""; B"<; B<; B<"; "%e$t"*, !pe)"*") a)t"<"t"e! a$% -"&e!t#$e!/ %eter-"$e t'e pr#per !eE e$)e #* t'e a)t"<"t"e! )#$!tr )t a $et?#r5 %"a+ra-/ e!t"-ate t'e t"-e reE "re% *#r ea)' a)t"<"t,/ %eter-"$e t'e )r"t")a& pat' p%ate t'e PERT )'art a! t'e pr#Le)t pr#+re!!e!/


A company consumes 1., x 1)0 k:h o$ electricity and 11.1( x 1)5 k2al o$ $urnace oil per month. -raw the pie chart o$ percentage share o$ $uels based on consumption in k2al. (1 k:h I (+) kcal) T'e p"e )'art "! !p&"t "$ 'a&* B50> #"& a$% 50> e&e)tr")"t,; :e)a !e 1 5@' 9 .C0 5Ca& a$% t'ere*#re 110A000 4 .C0 9 11/1. 4 10F 5Ca&


1he company ;=a&e Electricity the =mart :ay< sells a gadget that lowers &oltage o$ your electric water storage heater by #)* and sa&es electricity by #)*. 1he heater is rated # k: at #,) 8. -o you agree with the claim o$ the companyE =upport your opinion. T'e a$!?er "! GN# e&e)tr")"t, "! !a<e%/H B""; T'ere are $# )a&) &at"#$! $e)e!!ar,/ T'e +"<e$ "$*#r-at"#$ a:# t t'e ?ater "! $#t $ee%e%/ D e t# t'e &#?er <#&ta+e t'e 5@ &#a% ?"&& +# %#?$/ T'ere*#re t'e pr#)e!! t# 'eat t'e ?ater ?"&& ta5e &#$+er :a!e% #$ t'e e$er+, :a&a$)e/ S"$)e t'e +a%+et t# &#?er t'e <#&ta+e )#$! -e! "t!e&* e&e)tr")"t, t'e e&e)tr")"t, )#$! -pt"#$ "$ *a)t +#e! !&"+'t&, p #$ paper/


(i) :hy is the >Done layer important to plant, animal and human li$e on earthE (ii) which substances are destroying it, and (iii) by which processE B"; B""; B"""; OJ#$e BO1; "! a *"&ter *#r 'ar-* & U&tra 8"#&et 26 ra,!/ C'&#r"$e a$% :r#-"$e )#-p# $%!A ! )' a! CFCN!A a$% 3CFCN! are %e!tr#,"$+ OJ#$e/ OJ#$e "! '"+'&, rea)t"<e a$% )a$ :e ea!"&, :r#5e$ %#?$/ I* U8 ra,! '"t CFCN! a$% 3CFCN! t'e )'&#r"$e BC&; at#- "! !eparate% *r#- t'e )ar:#$ at#- a$% t'"! C& at#- rea)t! ?"t' OJ#$eA :rea5"$+ "t apart/

-------- End of Section - II ---------

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A


(i) Answer all F"<e questions (ii) Each question carries Te$ marks 61

Mar5!( 5 4 10 9 50

1he $ollowing table shows the import bill o$ $ossil $uels in million metric tonnes (771) and its cost in 2rores Gupees o&er the last eight years. (i) calculate the a&erage annual percentage increase o$ $ossil $uel imports (ii) calculate the a&erage annual percentage increase o$ the import bill (iii) calculate the a&erage costs $or the last eight years, in Gs. Per metric ton o$ imported $ossil $uels. I-p#rt :"&& #* *#!!"& * e&! Q a$t"t, BMMT; ,,.9) ,...9 ,9.(1 05.() 5..1) (..9) 9).)) 90.))

Year 199+695 199569( 199(699 19996)) #)))6)1 #))16)# #))#6), #)),6).

8a& e BR!/Cr#re; 1(,,,5 10,(5# 19,9)5 .),)#( +0,9,# (),11+ (0,).# 9,,109

T'ere are !e<e$ ,ear! t# )#$!"%er B"; 05 D 11/00 9 2/.021C *#&%e% "$)rea!e #<er F ,ear!/ It *#&&#?! t# !#&<e t'e eE at"#$ B1/ 4;F 9 2/.021C :, "$tr#% )"$+ t'e e4p#$e$t 1DF #* ea)' !"%e ?e +et 1/4 9 2/.021C1DF #r 1/4 9 1/15.50 #r 15/.C>/ 6, tr"a& a$% err#r #$e !'# &% +et )&#!e t# t'e re! &t a! ?e&&/ A$, $ -:er :et?ee$ 15/5> a$% 1C> !'# &% )# $t a! )#rre)t 01A150 D 1.A11F 9 5/0.0= *#&%e% "$)rea!e #<er F ,ear/ S"-"&ar t# B"; "t *#&&#?! 2C/1=>/ A$, a$!?er :et?ee$ 2C/0> a$% 2C/1> !'# &% )# $t a! )#rre)t/ T'e ! - #* a&& "-p#rt! "! 510 M"&&"#$ -etr") t#$! #<er t'"! t"-e per"#%/ T'e <a& e "! R! =1.A101 Cr#re/ C#$!eE e$t&, a<era+e )#!t! are )a&) &ate% a! B=1.A101 4 10A000A000;D510A000A000 9 .A201/F. R! per -etr") t#$/



_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A
6# An energy manager or energy auditor is trying to establish the power $actor o$ a 10 CP induction motor. 1he instrument to measure electric parameters displays the three numbers 0 k: and # k8Ar and P? I 9#.(*. -o you $ully agree with the instrument display and its correctnessE Re)ta$+ &ar tr"a$+&e a$% P,t'a+#ra! ,"e&%! B58A; 2 9 B5@;2 I B58Ar;2 / F rt'er-#re PF 9 5@D58AA a$% )#$!eE e$t&, 2 58A 9 B58Ar; I B5@;2 9 B2;2 I B5;2 9 5/1.51C a$% PF 9 5D5/1.51C 9 0/02. T'"! )a&) &at"#$ a+ree! ?"t' t'e %"!p&a, #* 02/.>/ 3#?e<er "t "! $&"5e&, t'at a 10 5@ -#t#r #perat"$+ at 50> &#a% ?"&& e<er a)'"e<e PF 9 0/02./ C#$!eE e$t&, !#-et'"$+ "! ! !p")"# ! ?"t' t'e "$!tr -e$t/ T'ere*#re t'e a$!?er "! NOA :e)a !e "t "! a&!# $&"5e&, t'at a 15 3P "$% )t"#$ -#t#r "! )#-pe$!ate% "$ ! )' a ?a, t'at t'"! p#?er *a)t#r "! a)'"e<e% at 50> &#a%/ 6, ?uel substitution $rom a high cost $uel to a low cost $uel in boilers is common to reduce energy bill. ?or the $ollowing situations calculateL (i) (ii) annual reduction in energy costs in 2rore Gs. annual change in energy consumption in *. (2alori$ic &alue o$ $uels not required $or calculations)

4e$ore substitutionL =team output I ?uel consumption I >perating hours I ?uel costs I 4oiler thermal e$$iciency (yearly a&erage)I A$ter =ubstitutionL =team output I + tons3hour ?uel consumption I , tons o$ waste wood per 1, tons o$ steam ?uel costs I Gs.#,))) 3 ton o$ waste wood 4oiler thermal e$$iciency (yearly a&erage) I 5.* O"& )#$! -pt"#$ :e*#re ! :!t"t t"#$ ?a! C 4 C=00D11 9 2A051/.5 t#$!D,/ T'e a$$ a& #"& )#!t! ?ere 2A051/.5 4 11A0009 1.A=00A050 9 R! 1/.= Cr#re @##% )#$! -pt"#$ a*ter ! :!t"t t"#$ "! C 4 C=004 1D11 9.A.C1/5= t#$!D, T'e a$$ a& ?a!te ?##% )#!t! are .A.C1/5= 4 2A000 9 1/FF Cr#re R!/ B"; T'e a$$ a& re% )t"#$ "$ * e& )#!t! "! R! 2/0F Cr#re/ B""; M#re e$er+, "! !e% :e)a !e t'e :#"&er e**")"e$), %r#p! t'e )'a$+e "! 100 4 BF=2.2;DF= 9 10/.> -#re e$er+, + tons3hour 1 ton oil per 1, tons o$ steam. +.)) 3 Mear Gs.1,,))) 3ton o$ oil (#*

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency

Paper 1 Set A
6. A company in&ests Gs.1) lakhs and completes an energy e$$iciency proHect at the beginning o$ year 1. 1he $irm is in&esting its own money and expects an internal rate o$ return, /GG, o$ at least #+* on constant positi&e annual net cash $low o$ Gs.# lakhs, o&er a period o$ 1) years, starting with year 1. (i) (ii) S#& t"#$ B"; :ill the proHect meet the $irm%s expectationsE :hat is the /GG o$ this measureE U!e t'e NP8 *#r- &a ?"t' % 9 0/2C a$% )'e)5 t# ?'at e4te$t NP8 O 0 at $ 9 10 ,ear!/

NP8 9 21A000A000 I 200A000 I 200A000 I KK200A000 9 1/2C1 B1/2C;2 B1/2C;10 9 2 1A000A000 I 15.AF10 I 125A0FC I 00A0.1 I F0A150 I C2A0FC I =0A0.1 I 10ACC. I 11A=.2 I 2=A0.C I 10A.10 9 MINUS 10FA0=0 S"$)e NP8 "! $e+at"<e at 2C>A pr#Le)t ?"&& $#t -eet t'e *"r-N! e4pe)tat"#$!A :e)a !e t'"! -ea$! t'at t'e *a)t#r #* 1/2C - !t :e !e&e)te% !-a&&er "$ #r%er t# 'a<e NP8 9 0 BF -ar5!; B""; 60 T'e IRR "! 15/1>/ A$, re! &t :et?ee$ 1=/5 a$% 15/5 "! <a&"% (i) (ii) 2onstruct a 2P7 diagram $or the data gi&en below /denti$y the critical path. Also compute the earliest start, earliest $inish, latest start " latest $inish o$ all acti&ities

A)t"<"t, A 6 C D E F F"$"!'

Pre)e%e$t =tart A A 2 =tart 4 -, E, ?

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_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency


Paper 1 Set A

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency


Paper 1 Set A
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-------- End of Section - III ---------

_________________________ 4ureau o$ Energy E$$iciency


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