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Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland Labels: Psychology, Buddhism Written by tisha



atisha central !illar in the ancient lineage o" #ibetan Buddhist mind training $lo %ong&, this scri!ture is atttributed to the 'ndian Buddhist master tisha $()*-+,-.&/ 0or one thousand years, serious meditators have contem!lated and actuali1ed the teachings o""ered in this short but !enetrating te2t/ We invite you to continue the tradition: do not ta3e this as light reading/ 't is meant "or dee! re"lection and daily analysis over many years/ 4nly in this way can its true bene"it be e2!erience and reali1ed/ Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland 5ans3rit title: Bodhisattvamanevali 6omage to great com!assion/ 6omage to the teachers/ 6omage to the "aith divinities/ + 7iscard all lingering doubts, nd strive with dedication in your !ractice/ #horoughly relin8uish sloth, mental dullness, and la1iness, nd strive always with %oy"ul !erseverance/ 95ee: Paramitas: * With mind"ulness, vigilance, and conscientiousness,

;onstantly guard the gateways o" your senses/ gain and again, three times both day and night, E2amine the "low o" your thoughts/ < =eveal your own shortcomings, But do not see3 out others' errors/ ;onceal your own good 8ualities, But !roclaim those o" others/ . 0orsa3e wealth and ministrations> t all times relin8uish gain and "ame/ 6ave modest desires, be easily satis"ied, nd reci!rocate 3indness/ -

;ultivate love and com!assion, nd stabili1e your awa3ening mind 9bodhichitta:/ =elin8uish the ten negative actions/ nd always rein"orce your "aith 9in the law o" 3arma:/ ? 7estroy anger and conceit, nd be endowed with humility/ =elin8uish wrong livelihood, nd be sustained by ethical livelihood/ @ 0orsa3e material !ossessions, Embellish yoursel" with the wealth o" the noble ones/ void all trivial distractions, nd reside in the solitude o" wilderness/ ) bandon "rivolous words,


;onstantly guard your s!eech/ When you see your teachers and !rece!tors, =everently generate the wish to serve/ ( #oward wise beings with 7harma eyes nd toward beginners on the !ath as well, =ecogni1e them as your s!iritual teachers/ 9'n "act: when you see any sentient being, Aiew them as your !arent, your child, or your grandchild/ +, =enounce negative "riendshi!s, nd rely on a s!iritual "riend/ 7is!el hostility and un!leasantness, nd venture "orth to where ha!!iness lies/ ++ bandon attachment to all things

nd abide "ree o" desire/ ttachment "ails to bring even the higher realms> 'n "act, it 3ills the li"e o" true liberation/ +* When you encounter the causes o" ha!!iness, 'n these always !ersevere/ Whichever tas3 you ta3e u! "irst, ddress this tas3 !rimarily/ 'n this way, you ensure the success o" both tas3s, Where otherwise you accom!lish neither/ +< 5ince you ta3e no !leasure in negative deeds, When a thought o" sel"-im!ortance arises, t that instant de"late your !ride nd recall your teacher's instructions/ +.

When discouraged thoughts arise, B!li"t your mind nd meditate on discouragement:/ the em!tiness o" both 9sel"-im!ortance and

When ob%ects o" attraction or aversion a!!ear, Aiew them as you would illusions and a!!aritions/ +When you hear un!leasant words, Aiew them as 9mere: echoes/ When in%uries a""lict your body, 5ee them as 9the "ruits o": !ast deeds/ +? 7well utterly in solitude, beyond town limits/ Li3e the carcass o" a wild animal, 6ide yoursel" away 9in the "orest: nd live "ree o" attachment/

+@ lways remain "irm in your commitment/ When a hint o" !rocrastination and la1iness arises, t that instant enumerate your "laws nd recall the essence o" 9s!iritual: conduct/ +) 6owever, i" you do encounter others, 5!ea3 !eace"ully and truth"ully/ 7o not grimace or "rown, But always maintain a smile/ +( 'n general when you see others, Be "ree o" miserliness and delight in giving> =elin8uish all thoughts o" envy/

*, #o hel! sooth others' minds, 0orsa3e all dis!utation nd be endowed with "orbearance/ *+ Be "ree o" "lattery and "ic3leness in "riendshi!/ Be stead"ast and reliable at all times/ 7o not dis!arage others, But always abide with res!ect"ul demeanor/ ** When giving advice, Caintain com!assion and altruism/ Dever de"ame the teachings/ Whatever !ractices you admire, With as!iration and the ten s!iritual deeds, 5trive diligently, 9with no distiction between: day and night/

*< Whatever virtues you gather though the three times, 7edicate them toward the une2celled great awa3ening/ 7is!erse your merit to all sentient beings, nd utter the !eerless as!iration !rayers 4" the seven limbs at all times/ *. '" you !roceed thus, you'll swi"tly !er"ect merit and wisdom nd eliminate the two de"ilements 9obscuration o" a""lictions and subtle obscurations to omniscience:/ 5ince your human e2istence will be meaning"ul, Eou'll attain me une2celled enlightenment/ *#he wealth o" "aith, the wealth o" morality, #he wealth o" giving, the wealth o" learning, #he wealth o" conscience, the wealth o" shame, nd the wealth o" insight - these are the seven riches/ *? #hese !recious and e2cellent %ewels (

re the seven ine2haustible riches/ 7o nor s!ea3 o" these to those not human/ mong others guard your s!eech> When alone guard your mind/ #his concludes the Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland com!osed by the 'ndian abbot 7i!am3arasri%Fana/ E2cer!ted "rom GCind #raining: #he Great ;ollection,G #ranslated by #hu!ten Jin!a/ Published by Wisdom Publications *,,?/


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