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Mufon UFO Journal

Official Publication of the Mutual UFO Network Since 1967

Number 272
December 1990

V X - X -


By Michael Chorost
& Colin Andrews
(USPS 002-970)
103 Oldtowne Rd. Michael Chorost with Colin Andrews 3
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A.
Telephone: (512) 379-9216
LOOKING BACK Bob Gribble 17
IN OTHERS' WORDS Lou Parish 19
International Director and NEWS'NVIEWS 20
Associate Editor
Art Director DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Walt Andrus 24
ROBERT J. GRIBBLE Cover photo of the first multiple pictogram
DAN WRIGHT courtesy of George Wingfield

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Religion and UFOs
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Copyright 1990 by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON), 103 Old-
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By Michael Chorost with Colin Andrews
Aerial Photographs by Colin Andrews / Diagrams by Richard G. Andrews

Michael Chorost, MUFON's Crop away along the tractor tracks once their these things are made. They aren't
Circles Consultant received his anchor-lines were cut. They looked at stamped out all at once, cookie-cutter
Masters in English from the once cryptic, fragile and luminous. style; instead, something forms the
University of Texas, Austin. He is parts in a definite sequence.
presently pursuing his doctorate at "Dumbbell" in Detail Most of the plants seemed to be alive
Duke University. Colin Andrews is and green (young wheat is green).
co-director with Pat Delgado of On July 3, six days after it was made, However, a friend with me saw that
Circles Phenomenon Research, in- I examined a dumbbell formation at about a third of the plants whose stems
cluding Operation Blackbird, and Longwood Estate in detail. It was 48 were next to the tramlines had turned
co-author, again with Delgado, of meters long, so large that people walk- yellowish. We could only speculate that
Circular Evidence (1989) and ing around in it looked like marbles those plants, having gotten less fer-
Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence rolling around a plate. It was made of tilizer, were less hardy than the rest.
(1990). Those paragraphs pre- two circles of wheat flattened along the
ceded by [CA] were contributed ground, one with a ring. They were trangely, some of the plants in-
by Andrews.

The summer of 1990 saw an explo-

connected by a bar, inside which the
flattened wheat plants pointed toward
the unringed circle. There was a sort
S side the formation were not af-
fected by whatever force flat-
tened their fellows. On either side of
sion in the complexity, size and number of "tail," more technically called a spur, the tramline running through the for-
of crop circles in England. About 600 where the plants pointed in die opposite mation, many plants remained upright
were discovered, double the number directon from the bar. Four rectangles (page 10). This also occurred in die ring
reported in 1989. One previously un- flanked the bar. In the inner two rec- itself, where isolated individual plants
seen shape was found at Longwood tangles, the flattened wheat plants remained standing here and there, com-
Estate on June 6, and dubbed a pointed toward the unringed circle; in pletely unaffected, like lonely survivors
"quarter-arc" formation (picture and the outer two, they pointed the other of a massacre. (See also Circular
diagram page 4). Another previously way. Evidence, p. 133.) Colin Andrews
unseen configuration was the first of the The most complex part of this for- speculates that the formative force may
so-called "dumbbell" formations, mation was where the bar intersected work like a paint roller, flattening plants
found on May 23rd, near the foot of the ringed circle. The bar crossed the in strips and swathes, and thus may
Telegraph Hill (page 5). In terms of ex- ring and the band of standing plants, but miss a plant here and there between
ternal form and internal crop lay, it was stopped at the perimeter of the inner passes.
by far the most complex formation yet circle. In this area, the plants in the ring I was fascinated by the giant rec-
recorded. lay on top of the bar, meaning that they tangles (see page 11). Rectangles of a
Many more dumbbells followed (see had been flattened after the bar was sort have been seen in earlier years, as
pictures accompanying and diagrams) formed (see page 10). Hence the for- spurs extending out of circles (Circular
Later in the summer, the "multiple mation was made in at least two stages. Evidence, pages 54 and 42). These,
pictograms," complex formations one- Also, whatever formed the ring did not however, were true rectangles. From the
eighth of a mile long, began to appear. affect the plants already laid down ground, they looked like giant, sharp-
They sported odd-looking, fork-like ex- in the bar. While the ring was being edged bathtubs.
tensions, and entourages of smaller formed after the bar, the bar's plants In each rectangle, three sides looked
circles nearby. Four of them were stayed put; they were not realigned to as if they had been cut with a razor.
discovered in all. become part of the ring. However, the "forward" end of each
The new formations were a shock to The same kind of thing was evident rectangle — die end to which me plants
everybody. Much more than the circles, at the other end of the bar, where it met pointed — was not straight, but jagged,
rings and quintuplets of earlier years, the unringed circle. The plants in the or "notched" (page 13). Whatever
they seemed to mean something, circle overlapped the plants in the bar made the rectangles faced a con-
though no one knew what. They ap- by a few inches, showing that the un- siderable challenge: how to flatten the
peared both part of the earth and ringed circle was also made after the plants right at the end without also
detached from it, as if they would slide bar. This is a small clue about how knocking down the standing plants

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

making up that end. It solved the pro-
blem by pushing the flattened plants
down in bunches between the plants at
the end. The standing plants appeared
unharmed; they stood perfectly upright,
and their leaves were not stripped off.
This "notching" effect was also evident
at the end of the "tail." It is a char- •' '•>
acteristic feature of virtually all rec- .' *• .
• ,'• • •>•'
tangular elements.

Operation Blackbird

[CA] Operation Blackbird was the

largest surveillance operation ever con-
ducted to discover and film the cause
of the circles. Between July 23 and
August 10, 1990, 12 special cameras
were focused on a corridor of land
about one mile long and 700 meters
wide at Westbury. The cameras ranged
from thermal imaging to low-light, with
sensitive listening devices for good
[CA] Blackbird netted two significant Quarter-arc formation found June 6, 1990 on Longwood Estate, near Win-
results. One was the Army's filming of chester. Photo by Colin Andrews. Diagrams by Richard Andrews.
a "ball of light" above Silbury Hill,
near Avebury. The film shows an
orange ball of light in the sky south of
Silbury Hill. Its scale and height are Estates
difficult to gauge. It was initially sta-
tionary, then moved slowly to the east,
then descended behind a hill, where it
shone through the trees before it was
lost to sight.
Orange balls have been seen before.
Richard Beaumont writes of an orange
ball reported on June 29, 1989:
"In the early hours of the morning,
a most reliable source spotted an orange
ball of light, about 35 feet in diameter,
descending into a field well known for
circle formations. The eyewitness said
that it appeared to bounce slightly as
it touched the ground. He also said that
it appeared to have a flat bottom, but
assumed that it must have looked flat
because of its descent into the cereal
crop. The ball appeared brighter at the
periphery, although at no point was it
a brilliant light. There was no noise
whatsoever. It then took on a hovering
position for about seven to eight
seconds, and simply disappeared as if
one had just turned off a light bulb ...
[Colin Andrews and the witness] could 203° June 6, 1990
reference where the ball of light must

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

have been exactly. The next day the
local farmer and others rang Colin. A
new formation had formed exactly
where the ball was seen!" (Beaumont,
Kindred Spirit, vol. 1, No. 8, p 27.)
[CA] The other result of Blackbird
was the BBC's filming of a set of circles
forming at Westbury during the night
of August 3-4. The film is of poor
quality, even after enhancement, but it
shows a darkened shape relating to the
largest circle's size and location. In the
morning, the formation was seen to be
a large circle with a looping tail pushing
out of it and terminating in a smaller
circle about 10 meters away. Two other,
smaller circles were also formed some
distance away.
[CA] The BBC had promised to show
both the Army's and its own films on
a special programme, but they now in-
form me that somebody has decided
that they are not compatible with the
no' "Daytime UK" programme. The BBC
have stated, in fact, that they do not plan
to show the films at all. It is not clear
[CA] Blackbird also suffered from a
cruel hoax. During the early hours of
July 25th, several of the 50-strong
observers witnessed unusual lights on
one of the monitors. Key researchers,
as well as members of UK and Japanese
TV crews, were summoned. As the sun
came up, the watchers and press could
see that a large intricate formation had
been made. Breakfast-time TV was on
the air, and pressured me to make a
statement. I agreed to do so, and stated
on live national television what the
observers had seen and that circles had
appeared on the same spot. Within two
hours over 30 TV networks were on the
rrtt site and the news was bounced around
the world that a UFO had been seen
forming the mystery circles. Later, we
walked into the field to view the circles
firsthand. We found that they were all
hoaxed, and that the lights on the
monitors were from the hoaxers. Also,
crosses and Ouija boards had been left
in the circles by the hoaxers. Lively
debate is still heard in the streets and
pubs of the UK about this whole
episode; however, genuine formations
Early dumbbell at Telegraph Hill, Chilcomb, June 16, 1990. Photo by Colin continued to form throughout the rest
Andrews. Diagram by Richard Andrews. of the summer.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

he number of circles reported
has risen steadily in the last few
years. Much of that is due to the
rise in monitoring, but the number of
circles per given area is also increas-
ing. According to Terence Meaden's
The Circles Effect and its Mysteries (p.
14) and his article in the Oxford con-
ference proceedings (p. 22), 75 forma-
tions were discovered in 1987, 110 in
1988, and 305 in 1989. In 1990, accord-
ing to Colin Andrews, there were about
600 formations. Thus, the progression
seems to be geometric, with a factor
somewhere between two and three. If
it holds in 1991, we should get 1200 to
1800 formations. Assuming that the
"season" goes from May to September,
that works out to an average of eight to
twelve new formations a day. Under
such circumstances, the effort to docu-
ment the circles, already inadequate in
1990, would be overwhelmed. Aerial
flight for photography costs hundreds
of dollars a day, and Richard G. An-
drews reports that it takes several hours Another dumbbell near Winchester, July 1990. This is a frequently recurring
to document a large formation. The on- type, although no two are alike. Photo by Colin Andrews.
ly solution is money and people — lots
of them. Hopefully, new sources of
funding will be located before the 1991 Electrical equipment continues to malfunction in-
season starts.
[CA] HSC Laboratories in England
side the circles. Busty Taylor reports that video
have analyzed plants taken from a cameras sometimes fail to record inside them;
Celtic-cross formation type found at the tape advances, but the magnetic head records
Blackland, Wiltshire, on June 1st this either erratically or not at all.
year, using a distillation process which
crystallizes the plants. Electron
microscope observation showed that tion while pointed down to photograph [CA] As the camera rolled and sound
the pattern of the crystals was the center of a circle, but worked in began taping, suddenly a loud, shrill,
dramatically different from those of the every other orientation tried (Oxford warbling noise blasted into the sound
control samples. A great deal more conference notes, p. 41). engineer's headset. This was a noise we
work must be done before those early [CA] Electromagnetic effects have had heard before at circle sites. Pat
results can be confirmed as significant. been experienced on a number of oc- stood near the center of the circle and
Suffice it to say that three trials have casions, not least on Thursday, August felt the effects of an energy field around
shown similar results (see The Crop 10, 1989, at 3:30 p.m. when a BBC him. The cone-shaped energy field was
Circles — The Latest Evidence). television crew was filming myself and so clearly felt by him that the edges
Pat Delgado in a 100-foot diameter cir- could be easily defined. Each time Pat
EM Effects cle near Avebury, Wiltshire. The walked out of the cone the buzzing
troubles began when the camera refused noise cleared up from the engineer's
Electrical equipment continues to to function correctly each time it headset. The noise was recorded and
malfunction occasionally inside the entered the circle and several smaller sent to the BBC's sound experts in Lon-
circles. Busty Taylor reports that video circles nearby. Even when elevated on don; they, as well as experts at the
cameras sometimes fail to record inside a crane over the edge of the circles, it Birmingham studio, were baffled by it.
them; the tape advances, but the mag- wouldn't work. It was agreed to start The camera was found to be completely
netic head records either erratically or the next shot by holding the camera out- defunct and had to be rebuilt.
not at all. Terence Meaden reports that side the circle, while we went inside [CA] The event was shown on the
a camera consistently refused to func- with the sound engineer. BBC's "Daytime Live" program. Pre-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

themius, &, as Olaus Magnus adds,
leave that green circle, which we com-
monly find in plain fields, which others
hold to proceed from a meteor falling,
or some accidental rankness of the
ground; so Nature sports herself"
(p. 168). It could well be, however, that
Burton's only talking about fairy rings,
fungal infections which blight plants
in circular patterns. It's hard to draw
firm conclusions from this report.

Hoax Update

The evidence against hoaxing is com-

pelling. The absence of physical tram-
pling, the precision of the crop lays, the
rapidity of manufacture, the great
numbers and immense sizes of the for-
mations, the plants' biological changes,
the electromagnetic phenomena of
Longwood Estate dumbbell, June 28, 1990. Similar to the one on page 6, but flashing lights and crackling/humming
smaller and lacking the tiny ringed circle on its spur. Photo by Colin An- sounds, the "cones of force" sometimes
drews. (Due to a lack of space, not all photographs and diagrams mentioned felt by observers within the formations,
in the article have been reproduced.) the malfunctions in equipment, the
health effects, the eyewitness reports of
circles forming "by themselves," the
sumably by coincidence, as the visited. Nor did I hear anything in the apparent human inability to reproduce
transmission went on air, the electric hearing aids I wear.) There are fields a "genuine" circle — all these obser-
supply into the whole studio complex of an electrical or ionic nature inside vations argue against the hoax theory.
was momentarily lost and seconds later the formations, and they could affect
all telephones were put out of sensitive humans in the ways men- Oxford
operation. tioned. Tooth fillings, for example, are
metal wet by saliva, and might become The first conference on the circles
here were anecdotal reports of electrically charged by induction. was held at Oxford Polytechnic on June

T positive and negative health ef-

fects on people who enter these
formations. Busty Taylor reports that he
23, 1990. Organized by TORRO (Tor-
nado and Storm Research Organization)
and CERES (Circles Effect Research
sometimes feels the fillings in his teeth Terence Meaden writes of four Group), its speakers focused on the
hurt in a circle, and he says other peo- eyewitness reports of circles forming in theory that vortices of spinning plasma
ple suffer headaches and back pains. daylight before the eyes of surprised in the lower atmosphere are responsi-
He and one other person once en- onlookers. In one event, a witness saw ble for the formations. There were over
countered a blob of strange white jelly corn in a small area violently buffeted, 150 people attending, among which
in one circle, and came down with then rapidly laid flat in a circle 50-60 were professional scientists, circle in-
severe colds three to six hours later. A feet in diameter (Oxford conference vestigators, journalists and members of
third person who was also there, notes, p. 123). Meaden interprets these the public.
however, remained healthy. There are as the effects of stationary whirlwinds, The primary figure at the conference
also reports of dogs becoming ill when but it is equally possible to postulate was Terence Meaden, an Oxford-
in or near circles (Circular Evidence, a force which either operates from a educated physicist specializing in the
p. 65). great height or acts invisibly. study of atmospheric plasma vortices.
When I entered the formation in pic- As a graduate student in literature, He argued that highly electrified, rapid-
ture 4 on page 7, I had a friend with I watch for mention of circles in the 15th ly spinning vortices of air have enough
me who had had a severe headache for and 16th-century texts I read. Robert energy to flatten large areas of crops.
two days. Upon entering the formation, Burton, in his book Anatomy of Melan- Grains of dust and pollen trapped in-
she felt it go away. It returned soon after choly (1621), writes: "These are they side the vortex rub together and
she left the formation. (I, myself, felt [fairies) that dance on heaths and generate a substantial electric charge,
nothing in any of the formations I greens, as Lavater thinks with Tri- which increases the total energy borne

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

laboratory. He showed films of short-
lived (2.5 seconds), but energetic, spin-
ning plasma balls he had succeeded in
Other speakers were Tokio Kokuchi
and Hiroshi Kikuchi (Japan), David
Reynolds (England), and Paul Fuller
and Jenny Randies (England). Fuller
and Randies argued that plasma vortices
can account for virtually all still-
unexplained UFO sightings, and pro-
posed that UFO studies should be con-
sidered a branch of meteorology.
But many thought the most impor-
tant speaker was Busty Taylor. He
showed slides and videotapes of recent
formations he had filmed from the air.
They were so new that most of the peo-
ple in the audience had not seen them.
Their impact was sensational. For
many, they made the carefully phrased
arguments for a natural cause dis-

orth America has "caught" the
circles as well. MUFON's
April 1990 issue reports a
Allington Down, Wiltshire. The third multiple "pictogram," the first two seven-foot, eight-inch diameter circle
being found at Alton Barnes. Photo by Colin Andrews. discovered in Gulf Breeze, Florida in
November 1989. A 46.5-foot diameter
circle in a cornfield was found in
by the vortex. Crucial to his theory is rule out, Meaden argued, theories in- Milan, Illinois, on October 16, 1990. I
the presence of hills large enough to volving physical (as opposed to have a letter from a farmer which sket-
create wind lees — turbulence — in meteorological or electrical) compres- ches a May 31, 1989 discovery of a 20-
their wake. Under the right meteoro- sion from above. Cones were dis- by 18-foot diameter circle of uprooted
logical conditions, air moving past hills covered in 10 of the approximately 300 tall grass found near Anderson,
whips into spinning vortices, which circles found in 1989. Indiana.
travel for some distance before touching Another speaker was Dr. John Snow The October 1990 issue of the Dakota
the ground. Their energy dissipates of Purdue University, who gave an in- Farmer reports a formation discovered
upon contact, leaving behind a perfect formative lecture on the physics of at- in Leola, South Dakota, in early August
circular formation, broken up into mospheric vortices. He showed that 1990, consisting of a "reversed ques-
satellites or rings according to the in- under certain circumstances, spinning tion mark" surrounded by three rec-
ternal structure of the vortex. vortices can spontaneously break up in- tangles arranged on the points of an
Both Colin and I, and many others, to two or three smaller vortices. This, equilateral triangle. The "question
find the theory of natural origin im- Snow suggested, was the mechanism mark" is about 30-feet wide and 80-feet
probable in view of the complexity of behind the "triplet" formations of a long, and consists of plants bent over
the formations. However, the circles large circle and two satellites in a exactly two inches above the ground.
might be made by intelligently con- straight line, and, by extension, a poten- The width of the affected areas is a con-
trolled vortices of the kind Meaden tial answer to the problem of the gigan- sistent five-feet.
describes. For this reason, I think tic quintuplet formations (a large cir- There was highly concentrated ac-
Meaden's physics shouldn't be dis- cle and four satellites). tivity in 1990 around Winnipeg,
missed out of hand. A physicist from Japan, Dr. Yoshi- Canada. Chris Rutkowski of Winnipeg
Meaden also showed slides of a new hiko Ohtsuki, discussed plasma vortices has submitted a preliminary report
and rare occurrence — a raised "cone" in nature, which are already well to MUFON noting at least seven for-
of braided plants discovered at the documented as "ball lightning." His mations. One circle, 59 feet in
centers of some circles. The cones research focuses on the attempt to diameter, appeared on August 18, 1990,
appear to be several feet high, and create spinning plasma vortices in the near a town called St. Francois Xavier.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

Another, 62 feet in diameter, was
discovered in Niverville on August 29,
1990. Most of the reports are of sim-
ple circles, though a triple-ringed
circle is said to have been found.
The TV series, Unsolved Mysteries,
keeps a listing of callers' reports. One
caller, from Naples, Florida, reported
a 10-foot circle in a field of tall weeds.
Other reports come from Oregon, Min-
nesota, Ohio, Tennessee, California,
Pennsylvania and New York State. Most
are recent, but some go back as far as
25 years.


There is considerable variation in the

types of formations reported in North
America. Many are of flattened plants
like the English circles, while others are
of burned plants. In other instances, the
plants are uprooted entirely, leaving a
bare circle of dirt. No one knows
whether these formation types are
Finally, in the UFO literature, going
back at least 20 years, there have been This fourth pictogram, found at Fawley Down, near Cheesefoot Head, on
reports of circles in Australia, America, August 11,1990, is a complete departure from its predecessors. Photo by Colin
Canada, New Zealand, Japan and the Andrews.
Soviet Union. MUFON's October 1990
issue reports a 35-by-45 meter circle
found on June 21, 1990, near the town (no relation to Colin), Terence Mea- Coded Message
of Yeisk (near Krasnodar) in the Soviet den and Busty Taylor, among others.
Union. Colin Andrews and Pat Delgado have Do we have a coded message on our
One of the most interesting questions just published The Crop Circles: The hands? Nobody knows, but much can
at the present time is whether the circles Latest Evidence, an 80-page paper- be done to try to find out. In this sec-
phenomenon in other countries will back with color photos of this summer's tion I will propose some guidelines for
follow the English pattern. So far, the formations. such an effort.
majority of non-English formations are Terence Meaden is planning to pub- The first thing to consider is whether
simple circles, with a handful of more lish his second book on the circles, con- the circles are a message. As I see it,
exotic shapes. Will the same English taining the Oxford conference pro- there are three possibilities.
shapes as seen in 1990 appear in Win- ceedings and other material. • The circles might not represent a
nipeg in a few years, or will the There are now at least two periodi- message. They could be the side-effect
phenomenon take a different direction? cals devoted to the circles. One is the of some intelligently directed process,
The South Dakota "reversed question Circles Phenomenon Research the way tire-tracks and footprints are.
mark in a triangle" suggests that the lat- Newsletter, a quarterly edited by Pat In that case there would be no mean-
ter may be the case. Delgado. The other is The Cereologist, ing to decode, only a process to
a thrice-yearly magazine published by discover.
New Publications the Centre for Crop Circle Studies, • The circles could be an anti-code,
under the editorship of John Michell. a nul) code. They could be intended to
At least two new books came out this The Cereologist's first issue came out convey a message merely by their
fall, and more may be on the way. The in September 1990, and it has been presence, like 2001's monolith. Their
Centre for Crop Circle Studies (CCCS) well received. Among other things, variety and complexity might be meant
has just published The Crop Circle it has given this fledgling field a name, only to convince humans of their non-
Enigma, edited by Ralph Noyes, with "cereology." (See bibliography for natural origin. If so, there would be
contributions by Richard G. Andrews ordering information on all items.) no content to decode, only an awe-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 273 December 1990

inspiring calling-card to contemplate. a natural alphabetic language like rectangle, the straight spur, the curved
• The circles could be a positive English, a direct isomorphism of it (like spur, the partial arc, and the "fork" of
code that we can crack. This is the most a cryptogram), or an ideographic two or three prongs. (The "fork" may
interesting idea, and the only one that language (like Chinese). To crack such be decomposable into overlapping rec-
can be developed at any length. For the a code, we would need a "Rosetta tangles.) The elements might be seman-
rest of this discussion, let us abandon stone" establishing equivalences be- tically modified by variations in size
the foregoing possibilities, and assume tween human and alien languages. So and floor lay. The position of the for-
that the circles are a code. How can we far, of course, we have none. We would mations relative to the tramlines, and
crack it? have to be given one, or we would have to the countryside as a whole, could be

Inside the Longwood Estate dumbbell, looking along the bar from the ringed circle to
its distant partner. Photo by Michael Chorost.

additional modifiers. It is certainly

e can apply various kinds to find that the formations are adopted
of coding strategies to the from an obscure or forgotten human possible to look for a grammar.
formations to see if any language (like Mayan, which they do Personally, however, I am skeptical
work. For convenience, I'll divide the superficially resemble). about the linguistic approach. The
possible codes into three broad types: Lacking a Rosetta stone, we might be circles are growing increasingly com
linguistic ("words"), figural ("pic- able to build a grammar of the code on plex, but compared to human language,
tures") analogical ("sequences"). If we the order of "x always follows y, z is they still seem simple. There are many
look for linguistic codes, we try to find always part of q," though this would not variations, but they are relatively
ideograms or alphanumeric characters. be a "decoding." But even a purely rela- restricted (take the three double-
If we look for figural codes, we try to tional grammar would be a significant dumbbells). Furthermore, if they are
find schematic diagrams, pictures of advance. We may have its raw elements linguistic, the language is an inefficient
objects, maps or works of art. And if at hand. The circles are composed of one. The shapes are highly sym-
we look for logical codes, we look for a limited number of elements which are metrical, hence highly redundant. If
mathematical or logical sequences. combined and recombined to make a most of the formations were cut in half
Let's look at the particular challenges wide variety of formations. So far, the lengthwise, they would still convey the
of each kind of code. simple elements — the building blocks same amount of implicit information;
A linguistic code is, of course, either — seem to be the circle, the ring, the some could be cut in quarters. If one

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

looks at human language, one will see
that nearly all words and ideograms Ifthe circles are art, the point is not to produce the
are asymmetrical. This also holds for "correct" response; it is to respond, period. Thus
letters; most fonts are serifed, making
even "i" and "1" asymmetric. Sym-
a dialogue opens. It could be that the response to
metry wastes space. Asymmetry max- our amazement and wonder is the creation of even
imizes information content and bigger and more beautiful formations.
transmission in a limited space.
Still, this does not eliminate the
linguistic code theory, for inefficiency
can be overcome by length. DNA has
only four base units, but it is very
long. The circlemakers, like Tolkien's
Ents, might not care about brevity or
All this being said, we are still left
with a basic question: Why would the
circlemakers use such a code at all?
It would have been easy to start with
something simple like a sequence of
primes, and build up. The circles
may be inscrutable for subtle cultural
and political reasons, rather than out
of any deficit of sense. Or perhaps we
have a deficit of sense: the circlemakers
could be sitting around (so to speak),
scratching their heads (so to speak),
and wondering "What is it with these
humans? All the other planets got it
right away." But I prefer to believe
that our only deficit is in the atten-
tion we have given to decoding

Figural Codes

Turning to the second broad ap-

proach, the formations could be "pic-
tures." They might be schematic Alex, a friend of the author's, standing in one of the rectangular
diagrams, say of molecules, electronic boxes, or "coffins," associated with the more complex con-
circuits or constellations. To explore figurations. Photo by Michael Chorost.
this possibility, people ought to dis-
tribute the pictures as widely as pos-
sible, hoping that somebody, some-
where, will recognize the code.
Or the formations might be literal
images. They could be pictures of
spacecraft, or alien physiologies, or
body markings, or natural phenomena.
As "pictures," however, they seem
rather limited. There is no apparent
effort at perspective or shading. Per-
haps they are meant as two-dimensional
images, like projections or shadows. Or
perhaps there is a form of perspective
at work, but one quite foreign to our
conventions. (Consider how the Egyp- Colin Andrews G. Terence Meaden

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

tians and the Cubists drew the human not proceeding) along four fronts: Data analysis (mathematical,
form.) publicity, data collection, data distribu- linguistic, chemical) is just beginning.
Of course, the formations might be tion and data analysis. Serious work can only take place when
diagrams of wholly unfamiliar objects, Publicity is crucial, for only when the three other fronts are functioning
in which case we would have no chance people become deeply aware of the smoothly.
of recognizing them. A more unsettl- situation will they be moved to do There may come a fifth front:
ing possibility is that they are diagrams something about it. Much has already response/action. If the formations con-
of quite familiar objects, but drawn by been accomplished, on TV and in a stitute a message and we decode it, we
unfamiliar conventions. number of articles in the mass media may want to answer, as I suggested
Another possibility is that they are (see bibliography). But more needs to above, by tramping plants down to
symbols of cultural significance, akin be done in America, since the people make patterns ourselves. (Interesting-
to our crosses and flags. There do ap- who have the resources to do something ly enough, several days after the
pear to be motifs, such as the quin- — scientists, policymakers, academics Blackbird hoax, genuine circles ap-
tuplets and dumbbells, which appear — have not been given enough infor- peared in an adjacent field parallel to
repeatedly with variations. mation to convince them to act. Nor is the hoaxed formation.) Or if they con-
Finally, they might be works of art. information being targeted to the right stitute blueprints or instructions, then
Certainly some of them are beautiful places. Thus books need to be we may want to start making or doing
enough to be. We could try interpreting distributed to American bookstores and something. And this, too, would need
them as such. The double dumbbells placed in the science (not New Age, not organization.
look like meditations on mechanical occult) sections, and in-depth articles If the readers of the MUFON Jour-
fluidity; the eye spills from circle to cir- need to be published in journals like nal want to get involved, the best way
cle, simultaneously drawn along and Scientific American and National is to pick a clearly defined goal for one's
slowed down by the forklike extensions. Geographic. So far, many upper-rank locality. For example, ask local farmers
The overall impression is' of arrested magazines are unwilling to get involved, if they have seen circles on their land,
motion. One can visualize the forks but hopefully this will change as the or get the area bookstores to order some
spinning round, the dumbbells gyrating dimensions of the phenomenon become of the books, or persuade the paper or
like molecules around centers of more widely known. TV station to run a story, or start giving
gravity. Data collection is being done by a information to people with resources,
If the circles are art, the point is not relatively small band of people in or do data collection, or try to decode
to produce the "correct" response; it England, most of them amateurs. They the circles oneself — there's no lack of
is to respond, period. Thus a dialogue mount nighttime surveillance opera- things to be done.
opens. It could be that the response to tions like Blackbird, drive around look-
hile there is much to be man-

our amazement and wonder is the crea- ing for new formations, do aerial
tion of even bigger and more beautiful photography, makes surface measure- aged, there is also the need
formations. ments, mount weather stations, analyze for strategic patience. It's
plants and dowse. (The largest data base hard for people to accept that these
Logical Codes of information is held by Colin An- luminous forms are truly part of our
drews.) But as said before, the number world. The concept takes time to sink
The third approach is to look for pat- of circles far outstrips their collective in. And new concepts often get harsh
terns in the formations. There do seem ability to keep up. As for North treatment at first. Galileo's Ptolemist
to be some. For instance, each double- America, things still depend on the contemporaries, presented with a
dumbbell has a three-pronged "fork" farmer or reporter who is willing to take telescope to look at Jupiter's moons,
sticking off the largest circle, with a pictures and make measurements, dismissed what they saw as illusions or
short spur on the other end of the cir- though Winnipeg seems to be gearing refused to look. Since this kind of
cle. Each formation has a two-pronged up fast. rigidity still exists today, it will take
fork on one of the other circles. And The state of data distribution is dif- persuasion, publicity, and patience to
many of the single dumbbells have ficult to assess from America. Certainly convince people to look at them with
either two or four rectangles flanking America gets little of the English data, a more open mind. And if the circles
the bar. And so on. The question is: though lines of communication are do lead to a conceptual revolution, the
Can we find a logical pattern? If we beginning to open. The CCCS in task will be to manage it wisely.
can, the crucial test would be to predict England is working to establish a clear- If any readers of this journal know
subsequent formations. It would be inghouse of information. Within North of new formations, please report them!
even better to make a new formation America, people are beginning to find Document same with photos and
following the rules, and see if there is each other and correspond. But there measurements if .you can, and send the
a response. is still an urgent need to create a North data to MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Road,
"Cereology" — the study of the American and international network of Seguin, Texas 78155-4099.
circles — is proceeding (or, sometimes, data distribution.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

Closeup showing "notching" at the end of a rectangle. Photo by Michael Chorost.

Acknowledgements 1989. 190 pp. US price $29.95. Order from The Crop Circles Enigma. Edited by Ralph
Arcturus Book Service. P. O. Box 831383, Noyes. Bath: Gateway Books, 1990. 192 pp.
The authors would like to thank Walt Stone Mountain, Georgia, 30083-0023, tel. Can be ordered from the English publisher
Andrus, Dennis Stacy, Paul Bone, (404) 297-4624, or from Trafalgar Square, at £14.95 or $41.80 US (includes airmail).
Grant Cameron, Malcolm and Vermont, NY, tel. (802) 457-1911. In the USA, order from The Great Tradi-
Maureen Gilham, Jerrold R. Johnson, The Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence. tion, 11270 Clayton Creek Road, P. O. Box
Ludwig and Kathleen Lowenstein, John Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews. London: 108, Lower Lake, CA 95457, tel. (707)
Salter and Don Tuersley for all their Bloomsbury Press, 1990. 80 pp. $13.95. 995-3906, price $25.95.
help and encouragement. Ordering information as above.
The Controversy of the Circles. Paul Fuller
Bibliography & Ordering Information and Jenny Randies. UK £3.95. Order from Circles Phenomenon Research (CPR)
BUFORA, 103 Hove Avenue, Waltham- Newsletter. Editor: Pat Delgado. 1-year
Americans have to pay high prices for subscription (4 issues) £6.00. Write to CPR
publications available only from England, stow, London.
Newsletter, 4 Arle Close, Alresford,
since the dollar is weak. There are two op- The Circles Effect and Its Mysteries. Hampshire, U.K., S024 9BG.
tions: make out a check in Pounds at a George Terence Meaden. Bradford-on-
bank, adding two Pounds to cover the ex- Avon: Artetech Publishing Company, April The Cereologist. Pubished by CCCS (Cen-
tra cost of overseas postage, or send a check 1990 (2nd ed.) 116 pp. UK £11.95. Order tre for Crop Circle Studies). Editor: John
in dollars at the current exchange rate, fac- from Artetech, 54 Frome Road, Bradford- Michell. 1-year subscription (3 issues)
toring in an extra Pound to pay for curren- on-Avon, BA15 1LD; tel. 02216 2482. $18.00. Order from The Cereologist, 11
cy conversion, and two more to cover Powis Gardens, London Wll LJG.
Proceedings of the First International Con-
postage. These are only guidelines, based ferences on the Circles Effect. Ed. George
on what's worked for me. Selected Bibliography
Terence Meaden and Derek Elsom.
Citations are alphabetical by first Copyright TORRO-CERES (Tornado and "Prepare to Meet Thy Drought." Anon-
authors. Storm Research Organization-Circles Ef- ymous. Today, July 20, 1990. (Suggests the

fect Research Group). 134 pp. Conference multiple pictbgrams resemble the Sumerian
Books held at Oxford Polytechnic on June 23, language or weather-map symbols.)
Circular Evidence. Pat Delgado and Colin 1990. Meaden plans to publish the pro- "More Circular Evidence." Richard Beau-
Andrews. London: Bloomsbury Press, ceedings in book form. mont. Kindred Spirit, Vol. 1, No. 8, pp.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

25-28. (Interview with Colin Andrews.
Discusses electrical, psychic, and historical
events associated with the circles. This is
the best single article I've seen.)
"UFO Report to Farmers." George Brands-
berg. Farm Profit, July-August 1975.
(Discusses scorched patches and long
swathes of sliced-off corn.)
"Around and Around in Circles." Sally B.
Donnelly. Time Magazine. Sept. 18, 1989, NOIZTH

p. 50. Letters of response in Oct. 9th issue,

p. 14. (Overview of the phenomenon; three
color pictures.)
"Mysterious Circles in British Fields
Spook the Populace." Craig Forman. Wall
Street Journal, Aug. 28, 1989, p. Al. (Basic
"Daylight Close Encounter." Stan Gordon.
MUFON UFO Journal, July 1989, pp.
18-21. (Discusses Pennsylvania UFO
sighting and related circular landing trace.)
"Retrospective Investigation of a Possible
Trace at Mt. Garnet." Holly Goriss and
Russell Boundy. UFO Research Australia
Newsletter, March-April 1981 (Vol. 2, No.
2) pp. 4-6. (Investigates a 1977 ground
marking which looks like a crude
"A Sighting in Saskatchewan." Hynek, J.
Allen and Vallee, Jacques, in The Edge of
Reality (Appendix A). The Henry Regnery
Co., 1975. (Discusses Canadian UFO
sighting and related circular flattened
"Experts Can't Square Explanations of
Circles." Gregory Jensen. Washington
Times, July 27, 1990. Page Al. (Reports the
Blackbird hoax incident. Photo of one of
the pictograms.)
"Circles in the corn." Terence Meaden.
New Scientist, June 23, 1990,47-9. (Argues
for the plasma vortex theory.)
"And Now ... Cornfield Circles in
Australia!" Paul Norman. Flying Saucer
Review, Vol. 35, No. 1 (March Quarter
1990), pp. 7-8. (Briefly discusses nine
1980's crop circles in Beulah, Victoria, be-
tween 3 and 16 feet in diameter.) An interesting combination of half-rings and rectangles at Litchfield, June
"And More Cornfield Circles in Canada." 24, 1990. This one has a rare "pyramid" of wheat stalks leaning against
Paul Norman. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. themselves in one circle. Drawing by Richard G. Andrews.
35, No. 1 (March Quarter 1990), pp. 8-9.
(Briefly discusses 1989 circles between 6 which Randies suggests may be a crop column, August 13, 1990. (A humorous
and 24 meters in diameter in Manitoba; 2 circle.) look at the circles.)
photos.) "Swirled Landing Trace?" Carol and Rex "Crop Circles: The Mystery Deepens."
"The Hertfordshire 'Mowing Devil' Wood- Salisberry. MUFON UFO Journal, No. Richard Beaumont. Kindred Spirit, Vol. 1,
cut: A 17th Century Circle Report?" Jen- 264 April 1990), pp. 3-7. (A Gulf Breeze No. 12, pp. 32-37. (Summary of the key
ny Randies. UFO Times, No. 5 (January crop circle.) developments of the Summer 1990 season,
1990), pp. 30-32. (Presents a 1678 wood- "Hoping Some Furry Little Creatures Crop with aerial photos. Another good article by
cut showing a devil "mowing" a pattern Up." Calvin Trillin. Syndicated newspaper Beaumont.)

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

By Erieh A. Aggen, Jr.
MUFON State Section Director
Aggen lives in Kansas City, Missouri.

Late on the afternoon of Friday,

September 14, 1990, a photographer
was traveling down a rural road near
the farm of Roger and Linda Lowe be-
tween Bates City and Odessa,
Missouri. Looking off to the side of the
road she noticed a large circle of flat-
tened sorghum plants. Upon closer ex-
amination she discovered another
smaller circle a short distance down the
road from the large circle. She then
reported the circles to the news media
and the Kansas City Star then contacted
MUFON through Thomas Nicholl, the
Kansas State Director in Leawood,
Kansas. Mr. Nicholl subsequently
called me and we drove down to in-
vestigate the site on September 18, 1990.
By the time we arrived at the Lowe
farm on Tuesday morning numerous
sightseers had already canvassed the
circle sites and many of the sorghum Kansas City Star photographer in one of the roughly rectangular offshoots
plants had sustained some minor of a circle near Odessa, Missouri.
damage. This made an assessment of
their original condition difficult, if not
impossible. The smaller circle down the and over 200 feet in length with the in- field; such an effect could only have
road from the large one appeared to be clusion of one of the rectangular areas. been caused by some type of "force-
in a more pristine condition, but visitors The smaller circle measured 30 feet in field" or other phenomenon. Some
had also compromised an evaluation of diameter, with an additional 30 foot specific features of the Odessa crop
this site, too. "finger" extending from it. The circles closely resembled photographs
The nearly perfect symmetry of the sorghum plants in the newly added and films taken of crop circles in
circles when they were initially formed areas were aligned in a very orderly England and shown on TV programs
(according to the first witnesses on the fashion pointing toward the circular for- such as "Unsolved Mysteries" and
scene) had been adversely altered by the mations at both sites. The plants in the "20/20."
great number of sightseers who had circles themselves were uniformly laid We interviewed various local
been through the area. The photo- out in patterns composed primarily of residents and two persons reported
grapher who originally came across the spirals. This pattern was more obvious bright lights in the sky prior to the for-
circles also stated that the circles had in the smaller circle. The large circle mation of the circles. Power outages
"grown" in size, and changed shape contained more gentle spirals and were also reported in the same general
with the addition of some irregular curves. time period. The Lowes, however, ex-
bulges and roughly rectangular off- perienced no electrical problems and
shoots. She indicated that this "growth" n an area next to the road by the observed nothing unusual in the sky
was not the result of sightseers to the
area but rather a result of the
phenomenon itself.
I large circle the sorghum plants were
laid out in a "mushroom" shape.
We determined that this was most likely
prior to finding the circles. The
photographer who first found the circles
feels she was "directed," or somehow
At the time of our investigation, the the center of the effect that originally influenced, to drive down the particular
large circle measured 125 feet in produced the large circle. There was no road where the circles were located.
diameter in its most circular portion evidence that anything had landed in the There is also some question of "miss-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

Part of the large circle showing a counterclockwise crop pattern around a small section
of standing crop.

ing time" which she feels she may have quoted Barry Karr, a spokesman for the low-pressure tires that would cause
experienced. These aspects of the case anti-UFO "Committee for the Scientific relatively little damage to soil and
remain to be fully investigated. Investigation of Claims of the Paranor- crops. ATVs also make lots of noise.
In the September 21. 1990, edition of mal," and UFO debunker Philip Klass, One or more ATVs can be heard for
the Kansas City Star, reporters Donna in an apparent attempt to provide pro- over a quarter of a mile (the approx-
McGuire and Eric Adler reported that saic answers for the crop circles. Some imate distance from the Lowe farm to
new crop circles had been found in of the explanations offered were die circles). Yet, die Lowes reported no
Missouri and Kansas. One circle, 30 to "microbursts" (powerful downdrafts of unusual sights or sounds on the day die
40 feet in diameter, was discovered in wind from storm clouds), "dust devils" circles were found or the day before.
a sorghum field on a farm southwest of (spinning vortexes of wind) and hoaxes. Whether or not the Odessa crop
Osceola, Missouri on September 14, are incon- circles were the result of UFO activity
1990 - die same date die Odessa circles sistent, however, with the relatively remains an open question. Some crop
were found. Three circles, two 60 feet gentle way in which the plants were and soil samples were obtained for fur-
in diameter and one smaller, have been pushed down and die nearly sym- ther study. Some elements of diis case
reported in a pasture southwest of metrical uniformity of plant patterns in require more extensive investigation
Oskaloosa, Kansas and one circle has the affected areas. Some circles could and further information may be forth-
been located in a field west of Topeka, be hoaxes but as the crop circle re- coming at some time in die future.
Kansas on the southside of Interstate searchers in England have demon-
70 and east of Kansas Hiway 99. All strated, hoaxing crop circles is not as
of the circles, including those in easy as it seems! To produce even crude
Odessa, are near roads and trees. None circles 20 or 30 feet in diameter re- MEMBERS/SUBSCRIBERS
of the trees:have been damaged and no quires the concerted effort of several Advise change of address (in-
footprints or tire tracks have been people working over a period of many clude county and phone no.) to:
found. Most residents living near the hours. Such activity would have been
circles have stated that they neidier saw readily noticed by nearby residents and MUFON
nor heard anything out of the ordinary the Lowes. "ATVs" or "All Terrain 103 Oldtowne Rd.
at the time the circles were formed. Vehicles" have also been suggested as Seguin, Texas 78155-4099
The Kansas City Star article also possible culprits since they use large

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

Looking Back
Bob Gribble
December 1950 • On the 27th, fronted by a superior society, and others "Unsolved Mysteries" and in the
Capt. Art Shutts, a Trans World have survived even though changed. MUFON UFO Journal. Stan Gordon
Airlines pilot, noticed a bright light Clearly, the better we can come to was the primary investigator.)
ahead of his plane while flying from understand the factors involved in
Chicago, Illinois, to Kansas City, Kan- responding to such crisis the better • A huge circular-shaped object,
sas. He thought it was a star until it prepared we may be." The 190-page estimated to be 150 feet in diameter and
started to "wobble and swerve unsteadi- report, headed by Donald N. Michael, about 18 feet high, was observed hover-
ly." Then, the UFO began to streak was the result of a $96,000 one-year ing over high voltage electric transmis-
back and forth in a north-south line. It study conducted by the Brookings In- sion lines for more than an hour by
would shoot off at terrific speed, stop, stitution for the committee on long- three men near Salt Springs, Florida,
then oscillate slightly and speed away. range studies at NASA. the evening of the 14th. While they
Finally, the light dimmed to a pinpoint watched the craft from a distance of
and proceeded south slowly in a straight • 1965 An eight-year-old boy, his about 600 feet, they observed a bright
line. It "lurched," accelerated, jerked mother, the state police and the military shaft of light come from the underside
upward at a 45-degree angle, made a all added up to mystery on the ninth in of the vehicle and beam onto the
square turn, plunged downward and a wooded area near Kecksburg in West- transmission lines. A strange odor
disappeared below the horizon on a moreland County, Pennsylvania. It all permeated the area and the witnesses
north heading. The remarkable display started when a UFO was sighted by the said they had a definite metallic taste
lasted 25 minutes. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kalp. in their mouth. They attempted to call
"Nevin saw it first," Mrs. Kalp said as law enforcement agencies but their
• 1955 About 9 p.m. on the llth, a she stood along a dirt road near the citizen band radios would not work.
fast-maneuvering round object, glow- woods where state police and Army of-
ing orange-red, was reported by two ficials were searching for an "object." • About 11:45 p.m. on the 20th, Ed-
airliner crews and numerous ground Mrs. Kalp said she had been told by a ward Bruns, 15, was driving his father's
witnesses along the Atlantic Coast near Navy officer not to "tell anyone where 1962 Ford pick-up truck home. As he
Jacksonville, Florida. Two Navy jet it happened" until the area was sealed was heading west near Herman, Min-
pilots on night practice were vectored and an investigation begun. nesota, he saw a bright, oval-shaped ob-
toward the object by the JAX Naval Air When reporters arrived on the scene ject hovering several feet above the
Station tower. When the jets tried to they were denied entrance to the road road. The craft "covered the entire
close, the UFO shot up to 30,000 feet, leading to the area where the UFO had road" and had a dome on top. A
then dived back, circling and buzzing fallen. "We've been ordered by the state window-like structure surrounded
the jets. JAX officers and tower con- police and the Army not to let anybody the dome. Suddenly, the truck engine
trollers saw the action on their radar in," explained Dale Howard, a stalled, the headlights went out, and the
scopes, and confirmed that the jets were Kecksburg volunteer fire policeman. As vehicle was spun violently to the right.
helpless against the unknown object. for Howard, who lives about a mile The truck ended up on the south side
The incident was confirmed by Captain from the scene, he said he did not see of the road. Bruns said the truck came
W J. Hull, of Capital Airlines. the UFO, but felt its impact. "It caused down lightly into a ditch. The ice
a vibration at home," he said. "It hit around the vehicle was left unbroken.
• 1960 On the 14th, the National with a big thump." State police and Ar- The stunned boy stared at the craft.
Aeronautics and Space Administration my authorities pressed into service Then, with a whistling sound and emit-
(NASA), was told that America should search teams with geiger counters and ting sparks from the underside, the craft
begin figuring out how to meet the other instruments, and combed a wide ascended and disappeared. Young
psychological impact of a discovery that area "inch-by-inch." Capt. Joseph Bruns ran about a mile and a half to
intelligent beings live on other planets. Dussia, commanding officer of Troop his home. After telling his story to his
A research report said such a discovery A of the state police said that the search parents, his father drove to the site. A
could bring profound changes or even "uncovered absolutely nothing," despite flashlight examination of the area
the collapse of civilization on earth. eyewitness reports that something was revealed no tire tracks around the im-
"Societies sure of their own place in the carried out of the woods. (Featured mediate area. Reporter Willis Klason,
universe have disintegrated when con- September 19, 1990 on the TV program of the Herman Review, said that he

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

found the truck in the ditch with com- airman said the visitors appeared to be Brigadier General Gordon Williams
plete absence of skid marks in the snow expected. said: "I recall Lt. Colonel Halt's report.
to account for how it got there. In a special report written by Lt. Col- I don't know exactly what happened,
onel Charles I. Halt, deputy com- it is,all there. He is not a man who
• Three girls were shaken by their ex- mander of the USAF 81st Tactical would hoax the British Ministry of
perience on the 23rd when they had a Fighter Wing stationed alongside the Defense or the American Air Force."
close encounter with a UFO about 11 RAF at Woodbridge, the colonel con- Gamekeeper Roger Boast, who lives in
p.m., south of Goodridge, Minnesota. firmed the strange events in the forest his cottage near the airbase said:
Gilda Manderud, 19, her 16-year-old that night. The man in charge of the "Something happened that night. The
sister, Lori, and 15-year-old Tammy USAF base at Woodbridge when the cattle in a nearby field ran amok. And
Johnsrud, were returning home from a UFO came down said there has been deer and rabbits ran from the woods.
basketball game when they noticed a no hoax. The Wing Commander, It is all very strange."
light which they first thought to be a
' sign in front of the car. The vehicle's
engine stalled, the lights went out and
it rolled to a stop. Gilda said the craft
was orange, flat on the top and bottom
and round on the sides. She said the
Current Case Log
craft seemed to cover the entire road-
way about 20 to 30 feet in front of the
car. After watching the object for about Dan Wright, Investigations
five minutes, they noticed a car ap-
proaching from the south and at that The following summarizes case from view momentarily and seeming to
point the strange craft moved away. In- reports received in August, travel in a somewhat zigzag pattern.
September and October 1990 which
stantly, the car engine started by itself, Near Hurjburt AFB, the object once
and the lights came back on. are well prepared and represent re- again blinked out and was not seen
cent events of significance to again.
• 1980 Geraldine Shields, 15, spot- UFOlogy. Unless noted, no sound,
ted a disc-shaped craft hovering over vibration or odor was detected. All • Log #900812: September 1987, 2
her home in Hull, Wisconsin about 9 times listed are local. a. m. event near Somers, Montana; in-
p.m. on the 12th: She said the vehicle vestigator Ronald Penrod. A couple was
was about 20 to 30 feet in diameter with • Log #900803: 6/21/90, 2:15 p.m. driving when they noticed a fiery ball
a low crown, made a high-pitched event in Pensacola, Florida; in- of white to their left, near the ground
sound and had red, yellow and white vestigator Joe Barron. Through a win- and pacing the car from a quarter-mile
lights. She told sheriffs deputies the dow at a business establishment, a distance. Immediately, the ball of light
craft appeared over the house three woman noticed an unusual low cloud divided into two parts, each with a short
times and that the house vibrated from in the near distance and called it to the tail. One'went over the car to the right
the sound. attention of her four companions. while the second accelerated, still on
Momentarily, a large silvery disc a parallel path with the auto. After
• A UFO landed in Britain on the 27th emerged from the cloud and hovered. another mile, both were lost from view
and despite a massive official cover-up, The object's bottom was described as beyond nearby mountain ridges. Dura-
investigators have proof that the a rimmed crescent lined with apparent tion was estimated as two-and-a-half-
mysterious craft came to earth in a red portholes, overlying which was a "straw minutes.
ball of light at 3 a.m. It happened in hat" like crown. The surface reflected
a pine forest called Tangham Wood, just the sun's glare. After three minutes, • Log #900818: 4/18/90, U p.m. event
half a mile from the U.S. Air Force their attention was momentarily near Milton, Florida; investigator Tern
Base at RAF Woodbridge, in Suffolk diverted to discuss the presence. When Kussart. A man was driving when he
County. An American airman that was they looked back, it was gone. noticed what at first appeared as a
there said there were three beings in spherical object near the ground a
silver space suits aboard the craft. Farm • Log #900806: 7/14/90, 4a.m. event quarter-mile away. It was described as
cattle and forest animals ran berserk as near Gulf Breeze, Florida; investigator dull white and,20-45 feet in diameter,
the spacecraft, a sloping silver dish Joe Barron. Driving along a highway, with numerous bluish, aquamarine and
about 20 feet across its base, silently a man spotted an orange-lit, walnut- white lights on the surface. As he chas-
glided to land in a blinding explosion shaped object in the near distance. The ed the object along the winding road,
of lights. About 200 military and object maintained the approximate it seemed to transform into first a bell
civilian personnel, British and speed and direction of the auto over a shape, then a disc-like oval. The driver
American, witnessed the event. The 25-mile span, at times disappearing followed the anomaly to Pensacola.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

Upon approaching the 1-10 (Escambia indicated that the Wallops Island NASA spherical, larger than any aircraft, and
Bay) bridge, the object stopped and facility near the event site lost its radar illuminated internally. The husband is
hovered, then dove under the bridge and capacity in the same timeframe.] a retired Navy pilot. Duration of the
was not seen again. Photos attempted sighting was 10-15 seconds.
while en route were blank after • Log #901001: 9/76/90, 7:52 p.m.
processing. event in Salt Lake City, Utah; in-
vestigators Mildred Biesele and Les • Log #901006: 7/78/90, 2 a.m. event
• Log #900822: 7/27/89, 10:58p.m. Beard. A couple and their two children in New Hartford, Connecticut; in-
event near Corydon, Indiana; in- were driving home shortly after sunset vestigator Randy Miles. A woman was
vestigator Fran Ridge. Four women and when the wife noticed a large object lying awake in bed when she noticed
a teen were driving when they spotted behind and 30 degrees to their right, bright flashing lights over her backyard
an amber light trailing their car. They moving rapidly. They stopped and that illuminated her second-floor
pulled to a stop and departed. The departed the car to observe. Estimated bedroom. After a long moment, she
house-sized object passed almost to be 2000-4000 feet in altitude, the arose and went to the window and con-
directly overhead, seemingly turning silver-grey domed disc, with no other fronted a smallish, domed disc 100 feet
onto its side, the witnesses not agreeing distinguishing features, crossed their away and descending over the corner
as to its outline. On what was assumed path and continued on a straight-line or of the lawn. Circular red, yellow and
to be its underside were approximately gentle arc until out of viewing range. white lights were positioned around the
nine bright white lights in an "X" The distance, portion of the horizon bottom rim and flashing. The vehicle
pattern. Several photos were'attempted crossed and sighting duration indicate maneuvered a few seconds while never
and, though the object was apparently a speed perhaps in excess of 3000 mph. touching down. It then accelerated
within 200 feet when closest, the film Duration was estimated as over 30 rapidly and angularly between two trees
revealed only small, randomly placed seconds. and was out of sight in a second. None
white lights which may have been the of her five dogs outside were aroused.
result of processing. • Log #901002: 7/20/90, 7:30 p.m. Two days later, a hired worker
event in Pensacola, Florida; in- asked her about strange material on
• Log #900901: 3/7/90, 7:20p.m.event vestigator Joe Barron. A couple was the grass, which she then realized was
near Pocomoke Sound, Virginia); in- driving when they saw a huge bluish in the area of the sighting. After
vestigators Mark Blashak and Don white light in the distance, proceeding eliminating a lawn care company as be-
Lovett. Two young sons were retrieving away from them in a gradual arc. ing responsible, the woman reported the
groceries from the family car for their Abruptly, the light proceeded incident. The substance, coating some
mother when they noticed a bright light downward, perhaps into the nearby of the blades of grass, has been sub-
approaching at great speed with the Escambia Bay. The light appeared to be mitted for laboratory analysis.
sound of a jet, emitting fuzzy balls of
blue light above a nearby field which
dissipated before reaching the ground.
The 9- and 10-year-olds then observed
a domed disc slowing and stopping low
and nearly overhead. A bright white
In Others' Words ...
beam immersed the older brother as the
younger one scrambled underneath the
car, followed by their dog. Momentarily, Lucius Parish
multiple beams circled the auto.
As described afterward by the boys, UFO sightings by Hollywood stars The "Antimatter/UFO Update" col-
the dome slid back, revealing two en- are the focus of an article in the Oc- umn in October OMNI has an article
tities of small stature, wrinkled skin and tober 23 issue of NATIONAL EN- by Paul McCarthy on the UFO
claw-like hands. A third joined them QUIRER. Reports by Cliff Robertson, research conducted by Cynthia Hind of
with a mechanical motion to observe Ed Asner and Olivia Newton-John are Zimbabwe. Hind, the author of UFOs
the scene below. The dome then closed featured in this excerpt from the book, — AFRICAN ENCOUNTERS, also
and the vehicle departed with the same HOLLYWOOD AND THE SUPER- publishes a magazine called UFO
jet-type roar. [Notes: The mother NATURAL by Brad and Sherry AFRINEWS. Information is available
reported having heard a roar indicating Steiger (St. Martin's Press). The from her at Box MP49 - Mount Plea-
both the approach and departure of the November 6 issue contains the results sant - Harare, Zimbabwe. November
object. She went outside in time to see of an ENQUIRER survey which in- OMNI reports on Dr. Richard Haines'
the fading light in the distance. An dicates that six out of 10 Americans study of pilots' UFO sightings. A book
unconfirmed account by a NASA believe that Earth has been visited by
employee and friend of the family aliens from outer space. Continued on page 23

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

... Circles, UFO Course

Circles Network call (919) 286-0529. In Genesis Revisited, Sitchin repro-

North America has "caught" the crop duces photographic plates of Mars pro-
— Michael Chorost
circles. If events in England are any in- vided by NASA. These plates, accor-
dication, they will increase in number ding to Sitchin, illustrate the possible
and complexity as time goes on. It's existence of spaceports, paved roads,
time we got organized.
"Genesis" Press Release pyramidal structures and contoured
I would like to propose the creation Was a Russian satellite destroyed by farmlands. Of these structures,
of a data network. Its purpose would a force from the tenth planet in our astronomer Francis Graham has said:
be to ensure that each of the major re- solar system? Are the leaders of the "The conjecture that these are buildings
searchers on the continent gets the in- United States and the Soviet Union at- of an ancient race of Martians must take
formation gathered by all of the others. tempting to unite the world against the its place among the theories of their
There are a number of ways it could threat from the tenth planet? In origins." In Genesis Revisited, Sitchin
be organized. One possibility is to GENESIS REVISITED: Is Modern theorizes that thousands of years ago
assign each person one or two other Science Catching Up With Ancient ancient astronauts from Nibiru estab-
people to whom they automatically Knowledge? (Avon Books; October lished a space station on Mars and that
send everything they discover or 1990; $4.95 US/$5.95 Canada) Zech- their descendants are now in the pro-
receive. Since everybody would have aria Sitchin, a researcher of ancient cess of reactiviating this station.
an "input" and an "output," one could languages and contemporary science, Sitchin also cites the 1989 disap-
be sure that by sending a new piece of describes the events leading up to the pearance of the Russian satellite Phobos
data to their "outputs," everyone else destruction of the satellite, explains 2 as possible proof of alien activity. Ac-
would eventually get a copy. where the assault was launched from cording to Glavkosmos, the Russian
I would like to solicit organizational and tells how the leaders of the two equivalent of NASA, Phobos 2 had
suggestions. There are several criteria great superpowers have begun to subt- transmitted pictures of an "odd-shaped
that a successful network must meet: ly reveal information regarding the ex- object" which appeared between the
• It must be fast and efficient. This istence of this planet. spacecraft and Mars. Commenting on
rules out circular networks, for exam- Most astronomers concede the ex- the incident, Dr. John Becklake of
ple, because one's "input" would have istence of a tenth planet in our solar England's Science Museum said:
to wait for information to be mailed all system. NASA and other agencies are "They [the Soviets] saw something that
the way around the circle before he or actively trying to identify it. In The 12th should not be there." One of the
she got it. Planet, Stairway to Heaven, Wars of satellite's tasks was to probe Mars with
• It must be readily expandable. It Gods and Men, and The Lost Realms, lasers for scientific experiments. Could
should be possible to add new members Books I-IV, respectively, of the Earth this have been mistaken as a hostile act?
to the net without difficulty. Chronicles, Sitchin has recounted the According to Sitchin, this was the first
• It must be fault-tolerant. If a per- existence of a tenth planet called incident of star wars, a retaliation for
son goes on vacation, or drops out, the Nibiru. Based on his research of the an intrusion of a space station on Mars.
net should be able to keep going with- Sumerian and other ancient civiliza- Was this incident responsible for the
out difficulty. This would seem to rule tions, Sitchin has described the an- dynamic thaw in East-West relations?
out highly centralized networks. cients' vast knowledge of the solar In Genesis Revisited, Sitchin details
• Each member must be productive system, and has reproduced ancient the acceleration in both the U.S. and
as well as distributive. They should Sumerian clay tablets depicting the Soviet space programs, including the
have some way of contributing new in- planet Neptune, which was not possibility of a joint mission to Mars.
formation to the net, whether by discovered until 1846. On several occasions, President Reagan
fieldwork, literature searches or data In 1989, as Voyager n approached the addressed the possibility of the two
analysis. planet Neptune, Sitchin announced that countries uniting against a threat from
I would like to suggest that the net- the Sumerians had described Neptune "some other species from another
work be named "The North American as being "blue-green, watery" and hav- planet outside the solar system."
Circle." If you have suggestions as to ing patches of color of "swamp-like Sitchin reveals the 1985 meeting be-
how the net could be organized, or vegetation." This description of Nep- tween scientists, legal experts,
would be interested in joining it, please tune's surface was confirmed by diplomats, NASA representatives and
write: North American Circle, P.O. modern scientists when the Voyager II officials from other U.S. agencies in
Box 61144, Durham, NC 27715-1144 or transmitted photographs in 1989. which they discussed how to maintain

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

authoritative control over an extrater- program. Depending on their sche-
restrial contact. One of the concerns dules, they can either, air it live or
discussed by the group was how to con- download and record it for presentation
trol a "potentially panicky public reac- at a suitable time later.
tion to the first evidence that NASA's scheduled 1993 Mars Obser-
humankind is not alone in the ver will probably survey the region in
universe." In July 1989, NASA refer- question with cameras capable of
red to this group in a report as "the resolving objects three feet (one meter)
special post-detection committee." At across — 50 times the resolution of
the recent Malta summit, President Viking.
Bush and his Soviet counterpart For additional details, write Hoag-
Mikhail Gorbachev discussed the land (Route 4, Box 168, Wytheville, VA
strategic defense initiative — star wars 24382) or call: (703) 228-5524.
— in both offensive and defensive
In Genesis Revisited, Zecharia Sit-
New UFO Course
chin comes to an inevitable conclusion Dr. John R. Salter, Jr. will be present-
which he believes "some consider too ing a course on UFOs at the Universi-
incredible to accept and others too ty of North Dakota, Grand Forks, under
awesome to face." auspices of the Division of Continuing
Zecharia Sitchin was born in Russia Education. Entitled "UFOs, ETs &
and raised in Palestine, where he ac- Close Encounters," the program is
quired a profound knowledge of modern worth two undergraduate credits and Dr. John R. Salter, Jr.
and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and can be attended either in person or via North Dakota State Director
European languages, the Old Testament the North Dakota Interactive Video
and the history of archaeology of the Network for persons living in Devil's
Near East. He attended the London Lake, Williston and Fargo. The latter western Wisconsin on the evening of
School of Economics and graduated format, broadcast live, allows distant March 20, 1988," subsequent to what
from the University of London, major- students to see, hear and respond in he calls "a cordial and fascinating one-
ing in economic history. He was a person to the course instructor. and-a-half-hour meeting with them."
leading journalist and editor in Israel Says Salter: "This course, intended ("The next day," according to Salter,
for many years. He now lives in New to be a sensible approach to the UFO "while in Illinois, the UFO descended
York. He is a member of the Israel Ex- phenomenon, accepts the reality of to about 200 yards in front of our
ploration Society, the American Orien- UFOs and their extra-terrestrial origins. pickup for a friendly gesture of
tal Society and the Middle East Studies It is not a course in mysticism, theology 'Adios.' ")
Association of North America. or parapsychology. (However, some The course, held between 2 and 4
parapsychological approaches are used p.m. Tuesdays, will run from January
— Avon Books
by the 'aliens.' Humans sometimes find 15 to May 7, 1991, at a cost of $168. For
their psychic faculties enchanced after further information, call (701)
an encounter, and these facets will be 777-4235, or write: Department of
"Hoagland's Mars" explored.) The basic format of the Academic Programs, Division of Con-
Researcher and author Richard course will be lecture and discussion, tinuing Education, Box 8277, Univer-
Hoagland advises that a 30-minute but there will be several films and cer- sity Station, Grand Forks, ND 58202.
video program based on his studies of tain primary materials, such as hyp-
the so-called "Mars Face," in the region nosis tapes. Several encounters, in-
of Cydonia, will be broadcast via the cluding those of Betty and Barney Hill UFO Award
Weststar 4 satellite as part of the NASA and that of my son and I, will be
I would like to thank the members of
Lewis (Cleveland) Educational Televi- discussed in great detail. Other topics
MUFON for voting me the 1989-90
sion Series. of discussion include UFO technology,
UFOlogy award, also known as the
The program will be broadcast at 12 close visual sightings and physical UFO
Isabel Davis Memorial Award.
noon on January 6, 1991, and should be traces."
Since Isabel was a close friend, the
accessible to anyone with a satellite Salter, Professor and Chair of Indian
award is especially meaningful to me.
dish. Hoagland urges those not so Studies, is a MUFON State Director for
It is always gratifying to have the ap-
equipped to call the program manager North Dakota and a member of the
proval of your peers.
of their local PBS station and request Canadian UFO Research Network. He
that they air "Hoagland's Mars." PBS says he and his son "were intercepted — Richard Hall
stations are granted access to the NASA by friendly UFO humanoids in south- Brentwood, MD

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

The Night Sky
glowing from the ultraviolet light of hot
Walter N. Webb young stars buried in the center of the
cloud. Binoculars or a telescope pro-
January 1991 vide even more spectacular views of
Bright Planets (Evening Sky): this region.
Venus gradually becomes visible at dusk. The brilliant object (magnitude -3.9) Betelgeuse not only is a cool red
is very low in the SW after sunset, setting on the 1st around an hour after supergiant nearing the end of its life,
the Sun and by month's end, nearly two hours after. On the 1st use binoculars but also it is a variable star, dimming
to locate Saturn only 1.2° to the upper right of Venus; the latter is some 60 and brightening by nearly a magnitude.
times brighter. (You'll need an unobstructed horizon.) Venus and the lunar One of the huge luminary's two giant
crescent form a nice pair on January 17. companion stars regularly orbits
through an envelope of dust and gas
Mars, in Taurus a few degrees below the Pleiades, stands high in the ESE
surrounding Betelgeuse. The big star's
at dusk and remains visible most of the night. As the Earth and the red planet
dimming coincides with the com-
continue to separate, Mars' brightness decreases from magnitude -1.0 to -0.1
panion's closest approaches. Perhaps
during the month, while its disc diameter shrinks from 14" to 10" of arc. Our
the intruding companion pulls material
neighbor world resumes direct eastward motion on the 1st.
out of the dusty envelope which then
Jupiter, in Cancer, rises in the ENE an hour after sunset in mid-January, but blocks some of the light of Betelgeuse,
by its opposition on the 28th, the big planet rises at sunset. On that date Jupiter causing the star to dim. Before now, the
lies opposite the Sun and remains in view all night (shining at magnitude -2.6). probable reason for the supergiant's
The giant world is above the waning gibbous Moon on the 2nd and near the variability was unknown.
full moon on the night of the 29th-30th.
Encircling Orion are the stars and con-
Saturn (0.5), in Sagittarius, is visible at dusk very low in the SW on the first stellations of the Winter Ckcle, plus the
few days of January and then vanishes into the solar glare. Last September planets Jupiter and Mars. The brightest
a bright white spot appeared within the ringed planet's equatorial cloud belts. of the stars — indeed of all nighttime
Subsequently, the spot expanded from a mass l'/2 times the Earth's width to stars — can be seen to the warrior's
a feature girdling the entire equator. Several smaller white spots also appeared right. It is Sirius the Dog Star. Don't
within the expanded main spot. This activity possibly was caused by an upwell- be fooled when it is near the horizon;
ing of gaseous material from some hot source deep in the planet's atmosphere. the star undergoing refraction effects
White spots on Saturn have been observed less than a dozen times since the has accounted for its share of IFO/UFO
17th century. (See Venus.) reports. In January Sirius rises south
Bright Planets: (Morning Sky) of east about the time twilight ends —
Mars sets in the NW about 3 a.m. around 6 p.m.
Jupiter sets in the WNW about sunrise (at opposition).
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse:
Sharp-eyed observers across North America may notice a slight darkening of
the full moon's upper limb beginning about mid-night on the night of January
29-30. The Moon will slide into the outer light portion (penumbra) of Earth's
shadow. Mideclipse is at 12:59 a.m. EST.
Moon Phases:
Last quarter — January 7
New moon — January 15
First quarter — January 23
Full moon — Januafy 30
The Stars:
That great sky symbol of winter, Orion the Hunter, is nearing the celestial
meridian at 9 p.m. His trio of belt stars in a row is prominent as is the reddish
star Betelgeuse, marking his right shoulder, and blue-white Rigel, his left leg:
Look closely at the hazy middle "star" in Orion's sword, which is suspended Robert J. Gribble
below the belt. The object actually is the Orion Nebula, a gas and dust cloud Western Regional Director

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

MESSAGE, Continued

Calendar of UFO Conferences for 1991 Fawcett in (Lincolnton). Robert H.

Hair will be promoted from Asst. State
April 5, 6 & 7 - Ozark UFO Conference - Inn of the Ozarks, Eureka Director to North Carolina State Direc-
Springs, Arkansas. tor effective January 1, 1991, as will
May 17, 18 & 19 — Exploring Unexplained Phenomena III - University of George E. Lund ffl. There will be other
Nebraska Center, Lincoln, Nebraska. State Section Director assignments
made concurrently.
July 5, 6 & 7 — MUFON 1991 International UFO Symposium - Hyatt
Regency O'Hare Hotel at O'Hare International Airport near Chicago,
WORDS, Continued
August 16, 17 & 18 — Sixth International UFO Congress - Central
Library Theater, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. detailing the 3400 aircrew cases
which Haines has collected should be
available in the near future. He may be
contacted at P.O. Box 880 - Los Altos,
CA 94023-0880. Pilots with UFO
Haines at this address.
1. Title of publication: MUFON UFO W.D. (Bill) Clendenon's book, MER-
2. Date of filing: Oct. 19, 1990
3. Frequency of issue: Monthly A not-for-profit corporation incorporated
GODS, is now available from Owl
4. Location of known office of publication: under the State Laws of Texas. Press - P.O. Box 81 - Rosholt, WI54473
103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt ($10.95 + $1.50 postage and handling).
78155-4099 from Federal Income Tax under Section Clendenon covers a wide range of
5. Address of the headquarters: 103 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. topics, including the legends of ancient
Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 MUFON is a publicly supported organization
6. Names and complete addresses of of the type described in Section 509 (a) (2).
"vimanas" with mercury engines, the
publisher, editor and managing editor: 8. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and Adamski "scout ship" photos, theories
Publisher: Walter H. Andrus, Jr., 103 other security holders owning or holding one of UFO propulsion, etc., along with an
Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 percent or more of total amount of bonds, account of his own experiences with in-
Editor: Dennis W. Stacy, P. O. Box 1234, mortgages or other securities: NONE dividuals whom he believes to be oc-
San Antonio, Texas 78212 9. For completion by nonprofit organizations
Managing Editor: Walter H. Andrus, Jr., authorized to mail at special rales Publica-
cupants of UFOs. There is a lot of in-
103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 tion is issued by an organization eligible for teresting material in this 220-page book
7. Owner: MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, these rates in accordance with Section 423.12 and only a few hundred copies have
INC. (MUFON), 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, DMM been printed, so I'd suggest you act fast
Texas 78155-4099 10. Extent and nature of circulation: if you want one.
Average No. Copies Actual No. Copies
For those wanting more information
Each Issue During of Single Issue Published on the Billy Meier contact case from
Preceding 12 Months Nearest to Filing Date Switzerland, a second volume of the
A Total No copies printed .. . 2571 2850 "Contact Notes" material, MESSAGES
B. Paid circulation FROM THE PLEIADES, is in
1. Sales through dealers and carriers, street
vendors and counter sales 0 0 preparation and should be available
2. Mail subscriptions. ... 2352 2625 soon. Further details in future columns.
C Total paid circulation 2352 2625
D. Free distributions by mail carrier or other
means: samples, complimentary, and other MUFON Amateur Radio Net
free copies .... 75 80 80 meters — 3.990 MHz
E. Total distribution 2427 . 2705
Saturday, 10 p.m.
F. Copies not distributed
1. Office use, left over, unaccounted, 40 meters — 7.237 MHz
spoiled after printing . . . . . . 144 145 Saturday, 8 a.m.
2. Returns from news agents 0 . 0
G. Total 2571 2850 10 meters — 28.460 MHz
Thursday, 8 p.m.
10 meters — 28.470 MHz
(signed) Walter H. Andrus, Jr. Sunday, 3 p.m.
All times Eastern Standard or Daylight

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

Walt Andrus
It is a pleasure to announce that MUFON 1990 International UFO Sym- maps, please enclose a statement and
Robert J. Gribble of Seattle. Wash posium are now available on VMS the state director will be reimbursed.
ington was elected to the position of videotape and audiocassette from Bill Your help is appreciated.
Western Regional Director on the Richards Productions. You may pur-
MUFON Board of Directors by his col- chase your choice of two speakers on Christmas Greetings
leagues in the western states, replacing video for $27.50, or a single speaker for
Paul G Cerny whose term had expired. $15.00. Audiocassettes are $8 a presen- Since the December 1990 issue of the
We thank Virgil C. Staff, State Direc- tation. The speakers on tape are Ed and MUFON UFO Journal is a special
tor for Northern California, and Judy Frances Walters, Rev. Barry H. issue on Crop Circles, it is not apropos
Tuberg, residing in Kirkland, Wash- Downing, Ph.D., John E. Branden- to have a traditional holiday greeting on
ington for placing their names in nomina- burg, Ph.D.. Brian T. O'Leary, the cover. Having passed the twenty-
tion to this prestigious post. Mr. Staff has Ph.D., Carey H. Baker, Robert L. first anniversary of the founding of
some great plans for his constituents in Hall, Ph.D., John L. Spencer MUFON, we will have 3000 members
organizing the northern California team (England), Budd Hopkins, David A. or more as we enter the new year. This
which may now forge ahead. We hope Gotlib. M.D.. Donald R. Schmitt, is an ideal time for the MUFON Board
that Judy Tuberg will volunteer for a Antonio Huneeus and Stanton T. of Directors to thank and congratulate
leadership position in Washington State. Friedman. the people who have volunteered their
In the near future. Mr. Gribble will be There is a $3 per tape shipping and services in state leadership positions,
recommending a qualified person to fill handling charge in the U.S.A. Florida field investigators, Consultants and
the position of Washington State Direc- and Alabama residents add a 6% sales Research Specialists in helping to make
tor, which he will be vacating. tax. Please specify the speaker you MUFON not only the world's leading
Virgil C. Staff has appointed Allen desire and mail your check to: Bill UFO organization but the largest. As
and Darleen Dunkin (Riverbank, CA) Richards Productions, 120 E. Sunset, we enter the holiday season, the Board
as Assistant State Section Directors to Pensacola, FL 32507. Please allow four of Directors and the Journal Staff con-
Dan P. Sharver for Stanislaus, Mer- to six weeks for delivery. Bill Richards' vey and express our gratitude for a job
ced and San Joaquin Counties. Jean telephone is (904) 456-5018. well done to all of our members
Waller, Oklahoma State Director, has worldwide. Wherever you may be, we
made James D. Rosebery (Boise Ci- State Maps want to wish you a very Merry
ty. OK) the Co-State Section Director Christmas and joyous New Year dur-
with Stanley E. Manske for Cimarron, Each State Director is invited to ing the holiday season to you and your
Beaver and Texas Counties. Lance B. secure and mail the latest state map families.
Payette, J.D. (Kingman, AZ) has been published by your state government or
reassigned by Hal Starr to State Sec- highway department to MUFON in MUFON - North Carolina
tion Director for Mohave County. Seguin, Texas to help us locate cities
Granville Angel, M.Ed., Ed. S. (Vale, for assignment of UFO cases and to At their first anniversary meeting in
NC) is a new Research Specialist in identify members by counties. In ad- Charlotte, on November 4, 1990.
Transpersonal and Addictions Coun- dition, since one of our goals is to have MUFON-NC elected the following of-
seling and Psychology. every county in the U.S.A. assigned to ficers for 1991: State Director - Robert
Three new Consultants in Law have a State Section Director, we need a map H. Hair (Eden); Asst. State Director
joined MUFON and become a part of of each state wherein the counties are and Program Chairman - George E.
Kenneth A. Wong's Legal Staff. They outlined and identified by name. The Lund III (Charlotte); Secretary -
are Robert S. Herman, J.D. (Lea- State Directors also need such maps to William Kent Senter (Durham); Asst.
wood, KS); Charles E. Tokar, J.D. designate and assign responsibilities. A Secretary - Natalie "Ginger"
(Chicago Ridge, ID; and Brad A. few state directors have already initiated Richardson (Charlotte); Treasurer -
Burback, J.D. (New Carrollton, MD). this program for their personal use. The Granville Angel (Vale); Historian -
conventional Rand McNally maps Jayne Ware (Winston-Salem); and
Pensacola Symposium Tapes presently being used by MUFON head- Public Relations Director - George D.
quarters are not adequate for our pur-
Speakers presentations at the poses. If there is a charge for these Continued on page 23

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 272 December 1990

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