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VCE English/English as a Second Language


VCE English/English as a Second Language Assessment Handbook 20082015

English/English as a Second Language has been reaccredited for implementation Units 1 and 2 in 2007, Units 3 and 4 in 200 ! "n assessment handboo# is published b$ the %ictorian &urriculum and "ssessment "uthorit$ '%&""( for each reaccredited %&E stud$! )he VCE English/English as a Second Language Assessment Handbook 20082011 contains assessment information for School* assessed &ourse+or# and the e,amination in English/English as a Second Language and includes related general %&"" administrati-e procedures! )he VCE English/English as a Second Language Assessment Handbook 20082011 is also a-ailable on the %&"" +ebsite! .etails of an$ changes to the assessment information in this publication +ill be published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE!! /urther information on all matters related to the administration of the %&E and assessment is published annuall$ in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook and monthl$ in the VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE!! )eachers should also refer to these publications! )his handboo# pro-ides assessment ad-ice for English/English as a Second Language Units 3 and 4! )he VCE English/English as a Second Language Assessment Handbook 2008 2011 consists of three sections0 1. Administrative Procedures for Assessment in English/English as a Second Language )he information in this section is based on regulator$ information published in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! 1t outlines the general administrati-e procedures for School*assessed &ourse+or# and the e,amination in English/English as a Second Language! 2egular updates to this information are published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! and annuall$ in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! 2. English/English as a Second Language Assessment Advice )his section contains specific ad-ice on School*assessed &ourse+or#, and the end*of*$ear e,amination for English/English as a Second Language! 1t includes ad-ice on tas# design and performance descriptors for the outcomes

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in Units 3 and 4! )he performance descriptors are not prescripti-e, but are intended to assist teachers in ma#ing consistent 5udgments about each student6s le-el of performance on the outcomes in Units 3 and 4! 3. Assessment Support Material and Further esources Section 3 contains e,amples of approaches to School*assessed &ourse+or# for selected outcomes in Units 3 and 4! 1t also includes details of further resources on assessment to assist teachers in the administration and de-elopment of appropriate assessment programs to meet both the re7uirements of the stud$ design and general administrati-e re7uirements for the %&E!

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Section 1" Administ!ati#e $!ocedu!es %o! Assessment in English/English as a Second Language

&e'o!ting student achie#ement
(nits 1 and 2
1n English/English as a Second Language the student6s le-el of achie-ement in Units 1 and 2 is a matter for school decision! "ssessment of le-els of achie-ement for these units +ill not be reported to the %ictorian &urriculum and "ssessment "uthorit$ '%&""(! Schools ma$ choose to report le-els of achie-ement using grades, descripti-e statements or other indicators!

(nits ) and *
)he %&"" +ill super-ise the assessment of all students underta#ing Units 3 and 4! 1n English/English as a Second Language the student6s le-el of achie-ement +ill be determined b$ School*assessed &ourse+or#, and an end*of*$ear e,amination! )he %&"" +ill report the student6s le-el of performance on each of three 8raded "ssessment components0 Unit 3 School*assessed &ourse+or#, Unit 4 School* assessed &ourse+or# and the end*of*$ear e,amination as a grade from "9 to E or U8 'ungraded(!

Stud+ sco!e
Each student6s o-erall achie-ement in English/English as a Second Language +ill be reported as a stud$ score on a scale of 0 to :0! )he stud$ score indicates ho+ a student performed in relation to all others +ho too# the stud$! )his score is used b$ the %ictorian )ertiar$ "dmissions &entre '%)"&( for the calculation of the student6s E7ui-alent ;ational )ertiar$ Entrance 2an# 'E;)E2(! )o recei-e a stud$ score, students must achie-e t+o or more 8raded "ssessments in the stud$ and recei-e S for both Units 3 and 4 in the same $ear, unless the$ ha-e 1nterrupted Studies status and ha-e met these re7uirements o-er t+o $ears! )he stud$ score for English/English as a Second Language is calculated using the student6s moderated School*assessed &ourse+or# score and e,amination scores! 1n English/English as a Second Language the three graded assessments contribute to the stud$ score as follo+s0 Unit 3 School*assessed &ourse+or#0 Unit 4 School*assessed &ourse+or#0 End*of*$ear e,amination0 2:< 2:< :0<

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VCE English/English as a Second Language

/or studies +ith large enrolments '1000 or more(= for e,ample, English and English as a Second Language, the follo+ing table sho+s the appro,imate proportion of students +ho +ill achie-e a stud$ score higher than the stated -alues! /or studies +ith fe+er enrolments, the proportions ma$ -ar$ slightl$!
Stud+ sco!e ,&elati#e $osition4: 40 3: 30 2: 20 $e!centage o% students abo#e this 'osition ,a''!o.imate2 24 :0 7> ?2

/urther information on the calculation of a stud$ score and ho+ student achie-ement is reported is published annuall$ in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook!

School/based assessment
)he follo+ing %&"" administrati-e policies and procedures appl$ to assessment for satisfactor$ completion of units and School*assessed &ourse+or#!

Satis%acto!+ com'letion o% units

)he %&E is a+arded solel$ on the basis of satisfactor$ completion of units! )he decision about satisfactor$ completion of a unit is distinct from the assessment of le-els of performance! /or satisfactor$ completion of a unit, a student must demonstrate achie-ement of each of the outcomes for the unit that are specified in the stud$ design! )he decision about satisfactor$ completion of outcomes is based on the teacher6s professional 5udgment of the student6s performance on assessment tas#s for the unit! )o achie-e an outcome the student must0 produce +or# that meets the re7uired standard submit +or# on time submit +or# that is clearl$ his/her o+n obser-e the %&"" and school rules!

1f a teacher 5udges that all outcomes are achie-ed, the student satisfactoril$ completes the unit! )he teacher is responsible for 5udging satisfactor$ completion of a unit! @$ reporting satisfactor$ completion, the teacher is certif$ing that the student has achie-ed the set of outcomes for the unit according to rules set out b$ the %&"" and the school! Specific ad-ice on the re7uirements for satisfactor$ completion for each unit of English/English as a Second Language is published in the reaccredited VCE English/English as a Second Language Stud$ %esign 200 A2011 under B"ssessment and reporting6 and in the B"ssessment6 information for each unit!

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Schools must de-elop courses that pro-ide opportunities for students to demonstrate achie-ement of the outcomes specified in the English/English as a Second Language stud$ design! )he school should determine the assessment program at the beginning of the $ear! Schools must pro-ide students +ith clear +ritten details of both the %&"" rules 'see belo+( and the school6s rules and procedures at the beginning of the school $ear! )he school must specif$ the +or# that a student must do to satisf$ a unit and the conditions under +hich the +or# is to be done! )he school must inform each student in +riting of0 all +or# he/she needs to do to achie-e S for the unit all +or# he/she needs to do for 8raded "ssessment class attendance re7uirements ho+ to submit +or# timelines and deadlines for completing +or# procedures for obtaining an e,tension of time internal school appeal procedures!

)eachers are responsible for administering the %&"" rules and instructions! )he$ must ensure the$ are using the currentl$ accredited English/English as a Second Language stud$ design!

School/assessed Cou!se0o!k
1he VCAA !ules )he %&"" sets do+n se-en rules +hich a student must obser-e +hen preparing +or# for assessment b$ the school! )hese rules appl$ to School*assessed &ourse+or#! )he$ are0 1! 2! A A 3! " student must ensure that all unac#no+ledged +or# submitted for assessment is genuinel$ his/her o+n! " student must ac#no+ledge all resources used, including0 te,t, +ebsites and source material the name/s and status of an$ person/s +ho pro-ided assistance and the t$pe of assistance pro-ided!

" student must not recei-e undue assistance from an$ other person in the preparation and submission of +or#! Accepta!le le-els of assistance include0 A the incorporation of ideas or material deri-ed from other sources 'for e,ample, b$ reading, -ie+ing or note ta#ing(, but +hich has been transformed b$ the student and used in a ne+ conte,t A prompting and general ad-ice from another person or source +hich leads to refinements and/or self*correction! "naccepta!le forms of assistance include0 A use of, or cop$ing of, another person6s +or# or other resources +ithout ac#no+ledgment A corrections or impro-ements made or dictated b$ another person! " student must not submit the same piece of +or# for assessment in more than one stud$!


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VCE English/English as a Second Language

:! >!

" student +ho #no+ingl$ assists other students in a breach of rules ma$ be penalised! " student must sign an authentication record for +or# done outside class at the time of submitting the completed tas#! )his declaration states that all unac#no+ledged +or# is the student6s o+n! " student must sign a general declaration that he/she +ill obe$ the rules and instructions for the %&E, and accept its disciplinar$ pro-isions!


Scheduling assessment tasks )eachers are ad-ised to gi-e students the dates for completion of assessment tas#s in ad-ance, ta#ing into account the %&""6s important administrati-e dates +hich are published annuall$ in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! Schools should ta#e into account authentication issues and student +or#load in deciding +hen specific details of tas#s are gi-en to students! &escheduling 1f an assessment tas# needs to be rescheduled 'for e,ample, if the students are not read$ to be assessed, or due to other circumstances( teachers should pro-ide ade7uate notification to all students in the class or classes at the school! E.tension o% time "n e,tension ma$ be needed to account for circumstances in +hich an indi-idual student or group of students has not been gi-en appropriate time to underta#e or complete School*assessed &ourse+or#! "n e,tension of time for all students in a class should onl$ be gi-en on condition that all students are gi-en ade7uate notice and that no one in the class or another class is ad-antaged or disad-antaged b$ the change! "n e,tension for an indi-idual student should onl$ be granted in special circumstances! Schools are re7uired to ha-e a polic$ outlining conditions under +hich an e,tension of time for indi-iduals ma$ be granted! 1t should be common for all %&E studies +ithin a school and should contain procedures including0 a formal process for appl$ing for an e,tension of time rules of eligibilit$ the ma,imum period for an e,tension conditions under +hich the e,tension +ill be allo+ed!

"n e,tension of time ma$ e,tend into the ne,t semester, but not into the ne,t school $ear! Submitting %u!the! 0o!k 1f, in the 5udgment of the teacher, +or# submitted b$ a student for the assessment of an outcome does not meet the re7uired standard for satisfactor$ completion, the teacher ma$ ta#e into consideration +or# pre-iousl$ submitted b$ the student pro-ided it meets the %&""6s rules outlined earlier, or allo+ the student to submit further +or#! " teacher ma$ permit a student to submit further +or# to meet satisfactor$ completion re7uirements of a unit! Students ma$ not submit further +or# or resubmit +or# for the reassessment of School*assessed &ourse+or# scores a+arded b$ the school!

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;ormall$, students complete +or# for a unit during the semester in +hich the unit is underta#en! )he school ma$ decide to dela$ the decision about satisfactor$ completion to allo+ a student to complete or resubmit +or#! 2o!k com'leted outside class Cost assessment tas#s +ill be completed in class! )his does not preclude students from completing +or# associated +ith the tas#/s outside class time, pro-iding that the teacher can confirm that all +or# submitted for assessment is the student6s o+n! Students should be ad-ised in ad-ance as to the conditions under +hich tas#s are to be completed and submitted! Authentication )eachers should ha-e in place strategies for ensuring that +or# submitted for assessment is the student6s o+n! Dhere aspects of School*assessed &ourse+or# tas#s are completed outside class time teachers must monitor and maintain records of student6s +or#! )he teacher ma$ consider it appropriate to as# the student to demonstrate his/her understanding of the tas# at the time of submission of the +or#! 1f an$ part or all of the +or# cannot be authenticated, then the matter should be dealt +ith as a breach of rules! )o reduce the possibilit$ of authentication problems arising, or being difficult to resol-e, the follo+ing strategies are useful0 Ensure that a significant amount of classroom time is spent on the tas# so that the teacher is familiar +ith each student6s +or# and can regularl$ monitor and discuss aspects of the +or# +ith the student! 2egularl$ rotate topics from $ear to $ear to ensure that students are unable to use student +or# from the pre-ious $ear! Dhere there is more than one class of a particular stud$ in the school, earl$ liaison bet+een teachers on topics, cross*mar#ing and sharing of draft student +or# enables earlier identification of possible authentication problems and the implementation of appropriate action!

Attendance "ll %&E units re7uire :0 hours of scheduled class time! English as a Second Language students recei-ing instruction in an English class ma$ re7uire some additional scheduled classroom instruction! " student needs to attend sufficient class time to complete +or#! )he school sets minimum class time and attendance rules! Dhere a student has completed +or# but there has been a substanti-e breach of attendance rules and the school therefore decides to assign ;ot satisfactor$ ' #( to the unit, the school must assign # for one or more outcomes and thus the unit! " school polic$ and set of procedures to co-er absence from assessment tas#s should be published and made a-ailable to staff, students and parents! Dhen a student is absent from school for prolonged periods, or has been unable to complete all assessment tas#s because of illness or other special circumstances, the school ma$, on application, grant Special Ero-ision for school*based assessments! )eachers should refer to details on %&E "ttendance and Special Ero-ision in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! 1n this case the student should not be penalised for lac# of attendance!

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School !eco!ds Schools should #eep records of0 applications for e,tensions of time, +ith supporting documentation applications for Special Ero-ision, +ith supporting documentation student absences, and +hether or not appro-ed an$ inter-ie+s +ith the student all decisions!

Lost3 stolen o! damaged 0o!k )he teacher or student +ho has lost +or#, or has had +or# stolen or damaged, must ma#e a +ritten statement of the circumstances! )he statement must be signed and dated! Schools must #eep a record of the loss or damage, but should not report them to the %&""! )he principal, acting on ad-ice from the teacher, and on the basis of records #ept, shall determine the result for the student! Note0 )his does not appl$ to +or# lost or damaged due to computer misuse or malfunction! Students6 responsibilities for proper management of computer material are published annuall$ in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! Assessment task selection )he English/English as a Second Language stud$ design includes tas#s that are designated for the assessment of outcomes for each Unit! "t Units 1 and 2 le-el, teachers select from a range of assessment tas#s for the unit and must ensure that tas#s are comparable in scope and demand! "t Units 3 and 4 le-el the stud$ design states +hether an$ one or a combination of assessment tas#s ma$ be used for the assessment of an outcome for a unit! Dhere options are a-ailable, selection should be based on the teaching program, the resources a-ailable and the needs and interests of students! )eachers ma$ also use more than one of the tas#s suggested for the assessment of an outcome if the$ prefer to use t+o or more smaller tas#s rather than a single tas#! )eachers should de-elop assessment programs for Units 3 and 4 that0 include both &o"mati#e assessments, for diagnostic or monitoring purposes, and summati#e assessments, for determining achie-ement that contributes to the final course+or# score include a -ariet$ of assessment tas#s and conditions pro-ide an appropriate balance of short and e,tended tas#s ta#e into account the +or#load for students!

1f teachers +ish to pro-ide options for the same assessment tas#, the$ should ensure that the tas#s a-ailable for selection are of comparable scope and demand! '"actice e(aminations conducted during the $ear can gi-e students e,perience and help them de-elop s#ills in this t$pe of assessment= ho+e-er, it is recommended that these are used as formati-e assessment! )he$ can, ho+e-er, pro-ide useful information for students6 1ndicati-e 8rades for the e,amination! School/assessed Cou!se0o!k audit "s part of the %&"" ongoing monitoring and 7ualit$ assurance program for the %&E, samples of School*assessed &ourse+or# tas#s in each %&E stud$ at Units 3
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and 4, +ill be re7uested for audit from schools! Schools +ill recei-e notification of the studies and the materials re7uired b$ email earl$ in the school $ear! )his email is the School &ourse+or# "udit ;otification 'S&";(! )he dates for notification and submission are published annuall$ in the VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! and in the current $ear6s VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! )he audit material portfolio should contain0 details of each tas# set b$ the teacher!

Supporting documentation from teachers should include0 details of the mar#ing scheme used b$ the teacher for each tas# the conditions under +hich the tas#/s +ere underta#en!

)he audit is integral to the 7ualit$ assurance processes of the %&""! )he audit process +ill be underta#en b$ the State 2e-ie+er and a small panel for each stud$, if re7uired! )he outcomes of the audit assist the %&"" in planning assessment ad-ice and professional de-elopment support for teachers! )he audit +ill also e,amine school assessments for irregularities, for e,ample instances of undue assistance and cases +here the %&""6s re7uirements ha-e not been follo+ed! )he %&"" +ill dra+ an$ irregularities identified b$ the auditing process to the attention of the principal! 1n the e-ent of serious irregularit$, the E,ecuti-e &ommittee of the %&"" +ill determine +hether disciplinar$ or other procedures +ill appl$ and ma$ alter schools6 assessments in the light of e-idence presented! Schools recei-e indi-idual feedbac# on the outcomes of the audit b$ email!

S'ecial $!o#ision
Special Ero-ision pro-ides eligible students +ith the opportunit$ to participate in and complete their senior secondar$ studies! Specific eligibilit$ criteria appl$ to the granting of Special Ero-isions for the %&E! )eachers must refer to the rele-ant section in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook for the eligibilit$ re7uirements and procedures for granting of Special Ero-ision for school*based assessment, Student Erograms, .eri-ed E,amination Scores and Special E,amination "rrangements!

Statistical mode!ation o% School/assessed Cou!se0o!k

School assessment is an important part of the %&E! 1t is important that the assessments made b$ all schools throughout the state are comparable and fair to all students! )eachers ha-e fle,ibilit$ in deciding e,actl$ +hat teaching and learning acti-ities and +hat School*assessed &ourse+or# tas#s the$ +ill use to assess the outcomes specified in the stud$ design! "s a result, the School*assessed &ourse+or# assessments from t+o different schools ma$ sometimes be based on t+o different sets of assessment tas#s, although the$ +ill be assessing the same outcomes! 1n some cases, the assessment tas#s or topics set b$ one school ma$ be easier than those set b$ another school! 1n addition, the mar#ing b$ the teachers in one school ma$ be stricter or more generous than the mar#ing in another school!

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VCE English/English as a Second Language

1n a school +here assessment tas#s are easier and mar#ing is generous, students +ould get higher mar#s for the same standard of +or# than the$ +ould in another school +here the assessments and mar#ing are harder! 1f this is not ta#en into account +hen using schools6 assessments to calculate students6 stud$ scores, some students +ould be treated unfairl$! )o ensure comparabilit$ of assessment of School*assessed &ourse+or# from different schools, the %&"" +ill appl$ statistical procedures to each moderation group, stud$ b$ stud$! Coderation groups are the cohort of students in each school underta#ing the stud$, or the total cohort of students from schools that combine for the purposes of assessment and moderation for a particular stud$! Coderation is needed to ensure that the same assessment standards are applied to students from e-er$ school doing a particular stud$! Statistical moderation is a process for ad5usting schools6 assessments to the same standard, +hile maintaining the students6 ran# order gi-en b$ the school! Statistical moderation ad5usts the le-el and spread of each school6s assessments of its students in a particular stud$, to match the le-el and spread of the same students6 scores on a common e,ternal score! )he e,ternal score is based on e,aminations done b$ all students across the state in the stud$, it is a common standard against +hich schools6 assessments can be compared! Each %&E stud$ includes at least one e,ternal e,amination and the %&"" +ill use the e,amination scores in each stud$ as the basis for statistical moderation of schools6 assessments! 1n studies +ith t+o e,aminations, scores from both e,aminations are used! Students6 8eneral "chie-ement )est '8")( scores are used in studies +here it increases the reliabilit$ of the moderation process! 1n all such cases, the e,amination scores are the ma5or influence! /or each school a moderation formula is determined so that0 the highest moderated score is e7ual to the highest e,ternal score the median and 7uartiles of the moderated scores are e7ual to the median and 7uartiles of the e,ternal scores the mean 'a-erage( of the moderated scores is as close as possible to the mean of the e,ternal scores the ran# order of school scores is maintained! )he highest, median and 7uartiles are scores at the top, middle, 2: per cent and 7: per cent positions in the group! )he formula is then applied to the school6s course+or# score for each student to obtain their moderated course+or# score! E.clusion o% anomalous assessments Some students ha-e results that are discrepant or anomalous! 1ncluding these results in the moderation process could ha-e an ad-erse effect on the rest of the group, so the$ are e,cluded from the process! )he moderated scores for these students are interpolated after the group has been moderated! )he follo+ing students/scores are e,cluded from the moderation process0 students +ho do not ha-e complete course+or# assessments, e,amination scores or 8") scores 'in studies +here the 8") scores are used( e,ternal scores that are significantl$ belo+ the mean e,ternal score for the school group

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e,ternal scores that are significantl$ lo+er than that +hich +ould be predicted from the student6s school score school scores that are -er$ lo+ compared +ith the student6s e,ternal score e,ternal scores of students +ith .eri-ed E,amination Scores applications for the e,amination are e,cluded if the difference bet+een their e,ternal score and their school score is belo+ the mean difference for the school group!

Small g!ou's )he moderation formula can be applied to all groups of three or more students= ho+e-er, it is preferable to ha-e moderation groups of ten or more students! "s the siFe of the moderation group increases, moderation outcomes are less influenced b$ the scores of indi-idual students in the group! 1n moderation groups +ith ten or more students, the group characteristics 'for e,ample, mean and spread( that determine moderation outcomes come from a sufficientl$ large enough number of students to generate reliable statistics! 1f a school has fe+er than fi-e students doing a stud$ it should combine +ith another school 'preferabl$ a larger group( for moderation purposes! )he schools are as#ed to +or# together to achie-e comparabilit$ of assessments and to produce a combined distribution of course+or# assessments, +hich +ill then be statisticall$ moderated as a single group! 1n addition to impro-ing reliabilit$, this strateg$ pro-ides an opportunit$ for professional de-elopment of teachers! )eachers ha-e the opportunit$ to e,change ideas and approaches, to -ie+ a +ider -ariet$ of student +or# and to compare standards! )he %&"" +ill appro-e e,emptions from this re7uirement +here the school is able to demonstrate that it is unable to combine +ith another school! 1n appl$ing for e,emption the school must pro-ide the reasons for re7uesting the e,emption! )eachers should refer to the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook for further details on partnerships and e,emption re7uirements! S'ecial cases !)o o" mo"e students ha#e the highest school sco"e 1f t+o or more students are gi-en the highest course+or# scores, the highest moderated score is set e7ual to the a-erage of the t+o highest e,ternal scores! )herefore, if si, students are gi-en the same highest score b$ the school, then each of these students +ill recei-e a moderated score that is e7ual to the a-erage of the si, highest e,ternal scores! All students in the g"ou* ha#e the same school sco"e Each student recei-es the same moderated score that is e7ual to the a-erage of the group6s e,ternal scores! !he"e is onl$ one student in the mode"ation g"ou* /or a single student, the moderated score is e7ual to the student6s e,ternal score! !he"e a"e onl$ t)o students in the mode"ation g"ou*

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VCE English/English as a Second Language

)he highest moderated score is set e7ual to the highest e,ternal score! )he lo+est moderated score is set e7ual either to the lo+est e,ternal score or to a higher -alue depending on the separation of the t+o course+or# scores! Achie#ing inte!nal com'a!abilit+ o% assessments 0ithin mode!ation g!ou's Can$ moderation groups +ill consist of t+o or more teaching classes, either as a result of multiple classes +ithin the one school, or as a result of t+o groups from different schools combining for moderation purposes! 1n both situations, teachers need to +or# together to achie-e comparabilit$ of assessments and to produce a combined distribution of course+or# assessments! )o achie-e comparabilit$ of assessments, it is recommended that teachers either cross*mar# selected samples of student +or#, or use common course+or# tas#s, or tas#s selected from a common Bpool6! 1t is not necessar$ for teachers to follo+ the same teaching program, although man$ schools +ith multiple classes plan and deli-er their %&E courses in a coordinated +a$! Dhen planning the approach to be used for each stud$, the primar$ consideration should be that the approach is manageable and does not result in a greater +or#load for teachers! C"oss+ma"king o& student )o"k &ross*mar#ing of selected samples of student +or# from different classes is the best +a$ for teachers to ensure that the$ are appl$ing the same standards of mar#ing! 1t is not necessar$ to cross*mar# the +or# of all students! &ross*mar#ing and benchmar#ing of carefull$ selected samples of student +or# +ill be sufficient for teachers to establish a common mar#ing standard for each tas#! Each teacher can then ascertain the e,tent to +hich his/her mar#ing standards need to be ad5usted to be consistent +ith the common standard! ,se o& common School+assessed Cou"se)o"k tasks )he focus of School*assessed &ourse+or# assessment is the students6 le-el of performance on each outcome! 1n man$ cases, the stud$ design pro-ides a number of assessment tas#s from +hich teachers can choose to assess an outcome! )$picall$, course+or# assessment in an$ stud$ is based on three or four assessment tas#s! Setting one, or perhaps t+o, of these as a common tas# for each teaching group +ill help to achie-e comparabilit$! Can$ schools choose to do this, but there is no re7uirement for schools to do so! Schools ma$ also choose to establish a common Bpool6 of course+or# tas#s to be used +ithin the school, or a common template for each t$pe of tas# 'for e,ample, specif$ing the topics and/or the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills to be assessed and their +eightings(! 1t is important, ho+e-er, that the same assessment tas#s are not rec$cled in the follo+ing $ear! /urther ad-ice on statistical moderation is published on the %&"" +ebsite!

"n e,amination is an$ centrall$ set tas# that is e,ternall$ assessed b$ the %&""! )he e,amination rules for the conduct of e,aminations and all administrati-e re7uirements are published annuall$ in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! 2egular updates to regulations and ad-ice on e,aminations are published on the %&"" +ebsite and in the VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE!!

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)eachers must be familiar +ith all ad-ice published b$ the %&"" for the current $ear6s e,amination for English/English as a Second Language! Stud$ specific ad-ice includes the appro-ed materials and e7uipment for use during the e,aminations as +ell as the specific conditions and description of the e,amination!

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VCE English/English as a Second Language

ndicati#e g!ades %o! e.aminations

Schools must pro-ide indicati-e grades '"9 to U8 and ;"( for all students underta#ing +ritten and performance e,aminations, prior to the 4une and Gctober/;o-ember e,amination periods! )he indicati-e grade for each student is the grade that the teacher predicts the student +ill achie-e on the e,amination! )he primar$ purpose of indicati-e grades is to pro-ide useful information against +hich the %&"" can chec# for anomalous students6 e,amination scores and for the effect of an$ irregularities that might occur in the conduct of the e,amination! 1ndicati-e grades are used b$ the %&""0 to identif$ students +ith anomalous e,amination grades! )hese students ha-e their e,aminations re*mar#ed in the calculation of .eri-ed E,amination Scores for students +ho are ill or ad-ersel$ affected b$ other circumstances at the time of an e,amination!

1ndicati-e grades should be based on information teachers alread$ hold on students6 performance! )eachers should not re7uire students to underta#e additional +or# to determine their indicati-e grades! )he indicati-e grade is a teacher 5udgment! Dhere there is more than one class in a stud$, teachers should confer on the pro-ision of the school6s indicati-e grades!

4ene!al Achie#ement 1est ,4A1"ll %&E students enrolled in Units 3 and 4 English/English as a Second Language must sit the 8eneral "chie-ement )est '8")(! )he 8") is an essential part of the %&E assessment procedures! "lthough 8") results do not count directl$ to+ards %&E results, the$ do pla$ an important role in chec#ing that School*assessed &ourse+or# and e,aminations ha-e been accuratel$ assessed! 1n English/English as a Second Language, the %&"" +ill use students6 8") scores in0 statistical moderation of School*assessed &ourse+or# if the$ impro-e the reliabilit$ of the scores process chec#ing the accurac$ of student scores in the e,amination the calculation of .eri-ed E,amination Scores!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


Section 2" Assessment Ad#ice English

School/assessed Cou!se0o!k
)eachers +ill pro-ide to the %ictorian &urriculum and "ssessment "uthorit$ '%&""( a score for each outcome in a unit, +hich represents an assessment of the student6s achie-ement! )he score must be based on the teacher6s assessment of the le-el of performance of each student on the outcomes for the unit specified in the stud$ design! )eachers must select assessment tas#s from the designated list for each outcome published in the stud$ design! "ssessment tas#s should be a part of the regular teaching and learning program and should not add undul$ to student +or#load! "ssessment tas#s should be completed mainl$ in class and +ithin a limited timeframe! )he o-erall assessment program for the unit should include a -ariet$ of assessment tas# formats, include pro-ision for authentication of student +or# and ta#e into account the o-erall +or#load for students! )eachers +ith English as a Second Language students in their classes should chec# that these students are enrolled for English as a Second Language +here eligible and note the differences in assessment re7uirements as specified in the stud$ design!

(nit )
School*assessed &ourse+or# for the outcomes in Unit 3 +ill contribute 2: per cent to the student6s stud$ score for English! Gne tas#, but no more than one tas#, in Unit 3 must be in oral form! Either Gutcome 1 or Gutcome 3 ')as# 2( is to be assessed orall$!

5utcome 1
"nal$se, either orall$ or in +riting, ho+ a selected te,t constructs meaning, con-e$s ideas and -alues, and is open to a range of interpretations! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute -0 ma"ks out o& 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit -. /t )ill be assessed b$ one task )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& -0 ma"ks.

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

Description )his tas# re7uires a response to a selected te,t, either orall$ or in +riting! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 demonstrate an understanding of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t anal$se the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning in the selected te,t anal$se the social, historical and/or cultural -alues that are embodied in the selected te,t discuss +a$s in +hich the te,t is open to different interpretations use appropriate metalanguage and dra+ on te,tual e-idence to support anal$sis plan and re-ise +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence or plan and deli-er an effecti-e oral te,t ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance!

Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

5utcome 1
"nal$se, either orall$ or in +riting, ho+ a selected te,t constructs meaning, con-e$s ideas and -alues, and is open to a range of interpretations!
6A&7 &A84E 2:A30 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange )horough and insightful understanding of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! &omple, discussion and critical anal$sis of the structures, features and con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! &omple, anal$sis of the +a$s in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! &onstruction of a sophisticated interpretation +hich demonstrates an understanding of +a$s in +hich the te,t is open to different interpretations b$ different readers! &onsidered selection and use of significant te,tual e-idence and highl$ appropriate use of rele-ant metalanguage to support anal$sis! Highl$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting or, in an oral response, the s#ilful use of highl$ appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


1?A24 mar#s

)horough #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! Dell*de-eloped discussion and sound anal$sis of the structures, features and con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! 1dentification and e,ploration of the +a$s in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! &onstruction of a +ell*de-eloped interpretation, demonstrating #no+ledge of +a$s in +hich the te,t is open to different interpretations b$ different readers! &areful selection and use of suitable te,tual e-idence and appropriate use of rele-ant metalanguage to support anal$sis! E,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting or, in an oral response, an abilit$ to use appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Ino+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! .iscussion and some anal$sis of the structures, features and con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! 1dentification of the +a$s in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! &onstruction of a general interpretation and some identification of +a$s in +hich the te,t is open to different interpretations b$ different readers! Suitable use of te,tual e-idence and appropriate use of some rele-ant metalanguage to support anal$sis! 8enerall$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting or, in an oral response, an abilit$ to use some appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Some #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! 8eneralised discussion of the structures, features and con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! 1dentification of a +a$ in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! Some e-idence of an abilit$ to construct a general response to the te,t and identif$ a possible interpretation! Some use of te,tual e-idence and use of some rele-ant metalanguage to support anal$sis! &lear e,pression of ideas in +riting or, in an oral response, -ariable abilit$ to use oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Limited #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! Little, if an$, identification of the structures or features or con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! Little, if an$, identification of a +a$ in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! Little e-idence of abilit$ to construct a general response to the te,t or to identif$ an interpretation! Cinimal use of te,tual e-idence or rele-ant metalanguage! Simple e,pression of ideas in +riting or, in an oral response, limited use of oral language con-entions to engage an audience!

13A1 mar#s

7A12 mar#s

1A> mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

5utcome 2
.ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute -0 ma"ks out o& 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit -. /t )ill be assessed b$ one o" mo"e tasks )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& -0 ma"ks.

Description )his tas# re7uires0 at least one sustained +ritten te,t created for a specific audience and conte,t, +ith a +ritten e,planation of decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t three to fi-e shorter te,ts created for a specific audience/s and conte,t/s +ith a +ritten e,planation of decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t!


Advice0 " sustained +ritten te,t should be appro,imatel$ ?00A1200 +ords in total! Advice0 )he length of shorter te,ts should reflect the form and purpose of each te,t and be appro,imatel$ 1000A1:00 +ords in total! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 create a te,t or te,ts appropriate to a chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t demonstrate an understanding of the ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in the selected te,t/s= and dra+ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s re-ie+ and edit +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence discuss and anal$se in +riting, using appropriate metalanguage, choices made in regard to form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t in the creation of o+n te,t/s ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance! Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013

VCE English/English as a Second Language


5utcome 2
.ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t!
6A&7 &A84E 2:A30 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange S#ilful shaping of ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Sophisticated understanding of comple, ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,t/s= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ on and de-elop these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Highl$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! Use of appropriate metalanguage to present an insightful, highl$ e,pressi-e and coherent +ritten e,planation of personal authorial choices! &onsidered use of ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! )horough understanding of ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,t/s= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ purposefull$ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! E,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! Use of appropriate metalanguage to present a considered, e,pressi-e and coherent +ritten e,planation of personal authorial choices! Suitable use of ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! &lear understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ on these to some degree in the creation of o+n te,t/s! 8enerall$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! Use of metalanguage to present a clear, coherent and general e,planation of personal authorial choices! Use of ideas, arguments and language generall$ appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Some understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= some e-idence of an abilit$ to dra+ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! &lear e,pression of ideas in +riting! Use of limited metalanguage to present a general e,planation of personal authorial choices! Little e-idence of an abilit$ to use ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Limited understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= little e-idence of an abilit$ to dra+ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Simple e,pression of ideas in +riting! Little use of metalanguage and minimal discussion of authorial choices!

1?A24 mar#s

13A1 mar#s

7A12 mar#s

1A> mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

5utcome )
"nal$se the use of language in te,ts that present a point of -ie+ on an issue currentl$ debated in the "ustralian media, and to construct, orall$ or in +riting, a sustained and reasoned point of -ie+ on the selected issue! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute 00 ma"ks out o& the 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit -. /t )ill be assessed b$ t)o tasks each o& )hich )ill cont"ibute 20 ma"ks to *"o#ide a total o& 00 ma"ks. Gne tas#, but no more than one tas#, in Unit 3 must be in oral form! Either Gutcome 1 or Gutcome 3 ')as# 2( is to be assessed orall$!

Description )+o tas#s are re7uired0 +riting +hich anal$ses the use of language in three or more persuasi-e te,ts that debate a current issue in the "ustralian media and a sustained and reasoned point of -ie+ on the selected issue in +ritten or oral form! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop assessment tas#s that allo+ the student to0 use appropriate metalanguage to identif$, anal$se and compare the +a$s in +hich the language of selected persuasi-e te,ts from the "ustralian media is used to position readers in particular +a$s construct a sustained, coherent and logical argument plan and deli-er an effecti-e oral te,t 'if )as# 2 is orall$ assessed( re-ie+ and edit +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance! Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas#s including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas#s are to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#s!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


5utcome )
"nal$se the use of language in te,ts that present a point of -ie+ on an issue currentl$ debated in the "ustralian media, and to construct, orall$ or in +riting, a sustained and reasoned point of -ie+ on the selected issue!

1ask 1
6A&7 &A84E 17A20 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange Sophisticated anal$sis and insightful comparison of the +a$s in +hich the language of selected persuasi-e te,ts is used to position readers in particular +a$s! Highl$ e,pressi-e and coherent +riting +ith confident use of highl$ appropriate metalanguage! .etailed anal$sis and careful comparison of the +a$s in +hich the language of selected persuasi-e te,ts is used to position readers in particular +a$s! E,pressi-e, coherent and fluent +riting and rele-ant use of appropriate metalanguage! "nal$sis and some comparison of the +a$s in +hich the language of selected persuasi-e te,ts is used to position readers in particular +a$s! 8enerall$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting and mostl$ rele-ant use of appropriate metalanguage! Some anal$sis and limited comparison of the +a$s in +hich the language of selected persuasi-e te,ts is used to position readers in particular +a$s! &lear +ritten e,pression and some use of appropriate metalanguage! Little anal$sis or comparison of the +a$s in +hich the language of selected persuasi-e te,ts is used to position readers in particular +a$s! Simple +ritten e,pression and limited use of appropriate metalanguage!

13A1> mar#s

?A12 mar#s

:A mar#s

1A4 mar#s

1ask 2
6A&7 &A84E 17A20 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange Eresentation, of comple, ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical argument. 1n an oral response, the s#ilful use of highl$ appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Highl$ e,pressi-e, coherent and fluent +ritten response! "ccurate and detailed ac#no+ledgment of sources +here appropriate! " sustained, coherent and logical argument! 1n an oral response, an abilit$ to use appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! E,pressi-e, coherent and fluent +ritten response! "c#no+ledgment of sources +here appropriate! "n argument +hich is generall$ sustained and coherent! 1n an oral response, an abilit$ to use some appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! 8enerall$ e,pressi-e, coherent and fluent +ritten response! "c#no+ledgment of

13A1> mar#s

?A12 mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

some sources +here appropriate! :A mar#s " superficial argument! 1n an oral response, -ariable abilit$ to use oral language con-entions to engage an audience! &lear e,pression of ideas in +riting! Limited ac#no+ledgment of sources! Little sense of argument! 1n an oral response, limited use of oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Simple e,pression of ideas in +riting! Little or no ac#no+ledgment of sources!

1A4 mar#s

(nit *
School*assessed &ourse+or# for the outcomes in Unit 4 +ill contribute 2: per cent to the student6s stud$ score for English!

5utcome 1
.e-elop and 5ustif$ a detailed interpretation of a selected te,t! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute 10 ma"ks out o& the 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit 0. /t )ill be assessed b$ one task )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& 10 ma"ks.

Description )his tas# re7uires an e,tended +ritten interpretation of one selected te,t! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 de-elop and present a sustained and detailed interpretation of a selected te,t, supported b$ te,tual e-idence demonstrate an understanding of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t anal$se the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues use appropriate metalanguage in presenting the interpretation plan and re-ise +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance!

Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


5utcome 1
.e-elop and 5ustif$ a detailed interpretation of a selected te,t!
6A&7 &A84E 41A:0 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange " highl$*de-eloped and +ell*sustained interpretation of a selected te,t supported b$ the considered selection and use of highl$ appropriate te,tual e-idence! )horough and insightful understanding of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! &omple, discussion and critical anal$sis of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Highl$ appropriate use of rele-ant metalanguage to support anal$sis! Highl$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! " +ell*de-eloped and sustained interpretation of a selected te,t supported b$ the careful selection and use of appropriate te,tual e-idence! )horough #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! Dell* de-eloped discussion and sound anal$sis of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! "ppropriate use of rele-ant metalanguage to support anal$sis! E,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! " generall$ +ell*sustained interpretation of a selected te,t supported b$ te,tual e-idence! Ino+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! .iscussion and some anal$sis of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Use of mainl$ rele-ant metalanguage to support anal$sis! 8enerall$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! Limited interpretation of a selected te,t supported b$ some use of te,tual e-idence! Some #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! 8eneralised discussion of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Use of some metalanguage to support anal$sis! &lear e,pression of ideas in +riting! Little, if an$, interpretation of a selected te,t, +ith minimal te,tual e-idence offered in support! Limited #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! Little, if an$, discussion of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Little or no use of rele-ant metalanguage to support anal$sis! Simple e,pression of ideas in +riting!

31A40 mar#s

21A30 mar#s

11A20 mar#s

1A10 mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

5utcome 2
.ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute 10 ma"ks out o& the 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit 0. /t )ill be assessed b$ one o" mo"e tasks )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& 10 ma"ks.

Description )his tas# re7uires0 at least one sustained +ritten te,t created for a specific audience and conte,t, +ith a +ritten e,planation of decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t three to fi-e shorter te,ts created for a specific audience/s and conte,t/s +ith a +ritten e,planation of decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t!


Advice0 " sustained +ritten te,t should be appro,imatel$ ?00A1200 +ords in total! Advice0 )he length of shorter te,ts should reflect the form and purpose of each te,t and be appro,imatel$ 1000A1:00 +ords in total! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 create a te,t or te,ts appropriate to a chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t demonstrate an understanding of the ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in the selected te,t/s= and dra+ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s re-ie+ and edit +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence discuss and anal$se in +riting, using appropriate metalanguage, choices made in regard to form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t in the creation of o+n te,t/s ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance! Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


5utcome 2
.ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t!
6A&7 &A84E 41A:0 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange S#ilful shaping of ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Sophisticated understanding of comple, ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,t/s= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ on and de-elop these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Highl$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! Use of appropriate metalanguage to present an insightful, highl$ e,pressi-e and coherent +ritten e,planation of personal authorial choices! &onsidered use of ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! )horough understanding of ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,t/s= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ purposefull$ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! E,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! Use of appropriate metalanguage to present a considered, e,pressi-e and coherent +ritten e,planation of personal authorial choices! Suitable use of ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! &lear understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ on these to some degree in the creation of o+n te,t/s! 8enerall$ e,pressi-e, fluent and coherent +riting! Use of metalanguage to present in +riting a clear, coherent and general e,planation of personal authorial choices! Use of ideas, arguments and language generall$ appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Some understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= some e-idence of an abilit$ to dra+ on these ideas in the creation of o+n te,t/s! &lear e,pression of ideas in +riting! Use of limited metalanguage and clear +ritten e,pression to identif$ personal authorial choices Little e-idence of abilit$ to use ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Limited understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= little e-idence of an abilit$ to dra+ on these ideas in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Simple e,pression of ideas in +riting! Little use of metalanguage and simple +ritten e,pression to identif$ a limited range of personal authorial choices!

31A40 mar#s

21A30 mar#s

11A20 mar#s

1A10 mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

End/o%/+ea! 0!itten e.amination (nits ) and *
)he student6s le-el of achie-ement in Units 3 and 4 +ill also be determined b$ an end*of*$ear e,amination! )he end*of*$ear e,amination +ill contribute :0 per cent to the stud$ score! .uration0 )here +ill be 1: minutes reading time and 1 0 minutes +riting time! .ate0 End*of*$ear, on a date to be published annuall$ b$ the %&""! %&"" e,amination rules +ill appl$! .etails of these rules are published annuall$ in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! Approved materials "n English and/or bilingual printed dictionar$ is allo+ed in the e,amination! Content "ll #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills in Unit 3 Gutcomes 1, 2 and 3 and Unit 4 Gutcomes 1 and 2 are assessable! Each student response in each Section of the e,amination +ill be assessed against the e,amination criteria for that Section! Examination criteria Section A $ %e&t response detailed #no+ledge and understanding of the selected te,t, demonstrated appropriatel$ in response to the topic de-elopment in the +riting of a coherent and effecti-e discussion in response to the tas# controlled use of e,pressi-e and effecti-e language appropriate to the tas#!

Section ' $ (riting in )onte&t understanding and effecti-e e,ploration of the ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the prompt effecti-e use of detail and ideas dra+n from the selected te,t as appropriate to the tas# de-elopment in the +riting of a coherent and effecti-e structure in response to the tas#, sho+ing an understanding of the relationship bet+een purpose, form, language and audience controlled use of language appropriate to the purpose, form and audience!

Section ) $ Anal*sis of language use understanding of the ideas and points of -ie+ presented anal$sis of +a$s in +hich language and -isual features are used to present a point of -ie+ and to persuade readers controlled and effecti-e use of language appropriate to the tas#!

E,amination specifications and ad-ice are a-ailable on the %&"" +ebsite!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


English as a Second Language

School/assessed Cou!se0o!k
)eachers +ill pro-ide to the %ictorian &urriculum and "ssessment "uthorit$ '%&""( a score for each outcome in a unit, +hich represents an assessment of the student6s achie-ement! )he score must be based on the teacher6s assessment of the le-el of performance of each student on the outcomes for the unit specified in the stud$ design! )eachers must select assessment tas#s from the designated list for each outcome published in the stud$ design! "ssessment tas#s should be a part of the regular teaching and learning program and should not add undul$ to student +or#load! "ssessment tas#s should be completed mainl$ in class and +ithin a limited timeframe! )he o-erall assessment program for the unit should include a -ariet$ of assessment tas# formats, include pro-ision for authentication of student +or# and ta#e into account the o-erall +or#load for students! )eachers +ith English as a Second Language students in their classes should chec# that these students are enrolled for English as a Second Language +here eligible and note the differences in assessment re7uirements as specified in the stud$ design!

(nit )
School*assessed &ourse+or# for the outcomes in Unit 3 +ill contribute 2: per cent to the student6s stud$ score for English as a Second Language! Gne tas#, but no more than one tas#, in Unit 3 must be in oral form! Either Gutcome 1 or Gutcome 3 is to be assessed orall$!

5utcome 1
"nal$se, either orall$ or in +riting, ho+ a selected te,t constructs meaning, con-e$s ideas and -alues, and is open to a range of interpretations! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute -1 ma"ks out o& 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit -. /t )ill be assessed b$ one task )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& -1 ma"ks.

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

Description )his tas# re7uires a response to a selected te,t, either orall$ or in +riting! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 demonstrate an understanding of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t anal$se the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning in the selected te,t demonstrate an understanding of the social, historical and/or cultural -alues that are embodied in the selected te,t discuss +a$s in +hich the te,t is open to different interpretations plan and re-ise +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence or plan and deli-er an effecti-e oral te,t ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance!

Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

5utcome 1
"nal$se, either orall$ or in +riting, ho+ a selected te,t constructs meaning, con-e$s ideas and -alues, and is open to a range of interpretations!
6A&7 &A84E 2?A3: mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange )horough and thoughtful understanding of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! .etailed discussion and thorough anal$sis of the structures, features and con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! )houghtful consideration of the +a$s in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! &onstruction of a +ell*de-eloped interpretation +hich demonstrates #no+ledge of +a$s in +hich the te,t is open to different interpretations b$ different readers! &onsidered selection and use of significant te,tual e-idence to support anal$sis! Highl$ organised, fluent and sustained +riting +ith e,cellent control of the con-entions of +ritten English, or, in an oral response, the s#ilful use of appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013

VCE English/English as a Second Language


22A2 mar#s

)horough #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! Dell*de-eloped discussion and sound anal$sis of the structures, features and con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! &onsideration of the +a$s in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! &onstruction of a sound interpretation, demonstrating #no+ledge of +a$s in +hich the te,t is open to different interpretations b$ different readers! &areful selection and use of suitable te,tual e-idence to support anal$sis! Grganised, fluent and rele-ant +riting +ith good control of the con-entions of +ritten English, or in an oral response, good use of appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Ino+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! .iscussion and some anal$sis of the structures, features and con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! Understanding of the +a$s in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! &onstruction of a general interpretation and some identification of +a$s in +hich the te,t is open to different interpretations b$ different readers! Suitable use of te,tual e-idence to support anal$sis! Grganised and rele-ant +riting +ith sound control of the con-entions of +ritten English, or in an oral response, use of appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Some #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! 8eneralised discussion of the structures, features and con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! Some understanding of the +a$s in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! Some e-idence of an abilit$ to construct a general response to the te,t and identif$ a possible interpretation! Some use of te,tual e-idence to support anal$sis! Some rele-ance and organisation in the +riting and some control of the con-entions of +ritten English, or in an oral response, some use of oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Limited #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the te,t! Little, if an$, identification of the structures or features or con-entions used b$ the author to construct meaning! Little, if an$, identification of a +a$ in +hich social, historical and/or cultural -alues are embodied in the te,t! Little e-idence of abilit$ to construct a general response to the te,t or to identif$ an interpretation! Cinimal use of te,tual e-idence! Limited organisation and control of the con-entions of +ritten English, or in an oral response, limited use of oral language con-entions to engage an audience!

1:A21 mar#s

A14 mar#s

1A7 mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

5utcome 2
.ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute -0 ma"ks out o& 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit -. /t )ill be assessed b$ one o" mo"e tasks )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& -0 ma"ks.

Description )his tas# re7uires0 G2 three to fi-e shorter te,ts created for a specific audience/s and conte,t/s! at least one sustained +ritten te,t created for a specific audience and conte,t

Advice0 " sustained +ritten te,t should be appro,imatel$ bet+een ?00A1200 +ords! Advice0 )he length of shorter te,ts should reflect the form and purpose of each te,t and be appro,imatel$ bet+een 1000A1:00 +ords in total! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 create a te,t or te,ts appropriate to a chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t demonstrate an understanding of the ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in the selected te,t/s= and dra+ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s re-ie+ and edit +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence discuss and anal$se choices made in regard to form, purpose, audience and conte,t in planning the creation of o+n te,t/s ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance! Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


5utcome 2
.ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t!
6A&7 &A84E 2:A30 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange Highl$ appropriate selection and use of ideas, arguments and language for the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! )horough understanding of comple, ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ on and de-elop these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Grganised, fluent and sustained +riting +ith e,cellent control of the con-entions of +ritten English! &onsidered use of ideas, arguments and language for the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! " sound understanding of ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ purposefull$ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Grganised, fluent and rele-ant +riting +ith good control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Suitable use of ideas, arguments and language for the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! &lear understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ on these to some degree in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Grganised and rele-ant +riting +ith sound control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Use of ideas, arguments and language generall$ appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Some understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= some e-idence of an abilit$ to dra+ on these ideas in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Some rele-ance and organisation in the +riting and some control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Little e-idence of abilit$ to use ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Limited understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= little e-idence of an abilit$ to dra+ on these ideas in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Limited organisation and control of the con-entions of +ritten English!

1?A24 mar#s

13A1 mar#s

7A12 mar#s

1A> mar#s

5utcome )
"nal$se the use of language in te,ts that present a point of -ie+ on an issue currentl$ debated in the "ustralian media, and to construct, orall$ or in +riting, a sustained and reasoned point of -ie+ on the selected issue! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute -1 ma"ks out o& the 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit -. /t )ill be assessed b$ one task )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& -1 ma"ks.
3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013 31


VCE English/English as a Second Language

Gne tas#, but no more than one tas#, in Unit 3 must be in oral form! Either Gutcome 1 or Gutcome 3 is to be assessed orall$!

Description )his tas# re7uires a sustained and reasoned point of -ie+ on the selected issue that demonstrates the persuasi-e use of language! )his ma$ be in +ritten or oral form! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 demonstrate #no+ledge of an issue and select appropriate e-idence to support an argument! construct a sustained, coherent and logical argument plan and deli-er an effecti-e oral te,t, if Gutcome 3 is orall$ assessed re-ie+ and edit +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance! Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

5utcome )
"nal$se the use of language in te,ts that present a point of -ie+ on an issue currentl$ debated in the "ustralian media, and to construct, orall$ or in +riting, a sustained and reasoned point of -ie+ on the selected issue!
6A&7 &A84E 2?A3: mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange )horough and detailed #no+ledge of the issue and highl$ appropriate selection of e-idence to support argument! Eresentation of a highl$*de-eloped, coherent and logical argument! 1n an oral response, s#ilful use of appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! /or a +ritten response, highl$ organised, fluent and sustained +riting +ith e,cellent control of the con-entions of +ritten English! .etailed ac#no+ledgment of sources +here appropriate! Sound #no+ledge of the issue and appropriate selection of e-idence to support argument! Soundl$ de-eloped and generall$ coherent and logical argument! 1n an oral response, good use of appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! /or a +ritten response, organised, fluent and rele-ant +riting +ith good control of the con-entions of +ritten English! "c#no+ledgment of sources +here appropriate!

22A2 mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


1:A21 mar#s

Ino+ledge of the issue and generall$ appropriate selection of e-idence to support argument! Eresentation of an argument +hich is generall$ sustained and coherent! 1n an oral response, use of appropriate oral language con-entions to engage an audience! /or a +ritten response, organised and rele-ant +riting +ith sound control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Some ac#no+ledgment of sources! Some #no+ledge of the issue and selection of some e-idence to support argument! " superficial argument! 1n an oral response, attempted use of oral language con-entions to engage an audience! /or a +ritten response, some use of oral language con-entions to engage an audience! Limited ac#no+ledgment of sources! Limited #no+ledge of the issue and little e-idence used to support argument! Little sense of argument! 1n an oral response, limited use of oral language con-entions! /or a +ritten response, limited organisation and control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Little or no ac#no+ledgment of sources!

A14 mar#s

1A7 mar#s

(nit *
School*assessed &ourse+or# for the outcomes in Unit 4 +ill contribute 2: per cent to the student6s stud$ score for English as a Second Language!

5utcome 1
.e-elop and 5ustif$ a detailed interpretation of a selected te,t! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute 10 ma"ks out o& the 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit 0. /t )ill be assessed b$ one task )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& 10 ma"ks.

Description )his tas# re7uires an e,tended +ritten interpretation of one selected te,t! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 de-elop and present a sustained and detailed interpretation of a selected te,t, supported b$ te,tual e-idence demonstrate an understanding of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t anal$se the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues plan and re-ise +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted! Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

5utcome 1
.e-elop and 5ustif$ a detailed interpretation of a selected te,t!
6A&7 &A84E 41A:0 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange &onstruction of a +ell*de-eloped and sustained interpretation of a selected te,t supported b$ the considered selection and use of highl$ appropriate te,tual e-idence! )horough and thoughtful understanding of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! .etailed discussion and thorough anal$sis of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Highl$ organised, fluent and sustained +riting +ith e,cellent control of the con-entions of +ritten English! &onstruction of a soundl$ de-eloped and sustained interpretation of a selected te,t supported b$ the careful selection and use of appropriate te,tual e-idence! )horough #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! Dell*de-eloped discussion and sound anal$sis of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Grganised, fluent and rele-ant +riting +ith good control of the con-entions of +ritten English! " generall$ +ell*sustained interpretation of a selected te,t supported b$ te,tual e-idence! Ino+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! .iscussion and some anal$sis of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Grganised and rele-ant +riting +ith sound control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Limited interpretation of a selected te,t supported b$ some use of te,tual e-idence! Some #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! 8eneralised discussion of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Some rele-ance and organisation in the +riting and some control of the con-entions of +ritten English!

31A40 mar#s

21A30 mar#s

11A20 mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


1A10 mar#s

Little, if an$, interpretation of a selected te,t, +ith minimal te,tual e-idence offered in support! Limited #no+ledge of the ideas, characters and themes constructed and presented in the selected te,t! Little, if an$, discussion of the +a$s in +hich the author constructs meaning and e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ and -alues! Limited organisation and control of the con-entions of +ritten English!

5utcome 2
.ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t! !his outcome )ill cont"ibute 10 ma"ks out o& the 100 ma"ks allocated to School+ assessed Cou"se)o"k &o" ,nit 0. /t )ill be assessed b$ one o" mo"e tasks )hich )ill cont"ibute a total o& 10 ma"ks.

Description )his tas# re7uires0 G2 three to fi-e shorter te,ts, created for a specific audience/s and conte,t/s! at least one sustained +ritten te,t created for a specific audience and conte,t

Advice0 " sustained +ritten te,t should be appro,imatel$ bet+een ?00A1200 +ords! Advice0 )he length of shorter te,ts should reflect the form and purpose of each te,t and be appro,imatel$ bet+een 1000A1:00 +ords in total! Designing the assessment task )eachers should de-elop an assessment tas# that allo+s the student to0 create a te,t or te,ts appropriate to a chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t demonstrate an understanding of the ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in the selected te,t/s= and dra+ on these in the creation of o+n te,t/s re-ie+ and edit +ritten +or# for e,pressi-eness, fluenc$ and coherence discuss and anal$se choices made in regard to form, purpose, audience and conte,t in the creation of o+n te,t/s ha-e the opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance! Resources and scheduling Schools ma$ determine the conditions for the tas# including access to resources and notes! Students should be ad-ised of the timeline and conditions under +hich the tas# is to be conducted!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

Performance descriptors )he follo+ing descriptors pro-ide a guide to the standards e,pected +hen setting and mar#ing assessment tas#s! )he$ describe the #no+ledge and s#ills t$picall$ demonstrated b$ students +ho ha-e achie-ed scores +ithin each range on the assessment tas#/s!

5utcome 2
.ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t!
6A&7 &A84E 41A:0 mar#s 9ESC& $15&" t+'ical 'e!%o!mance in each !ange Highl$ appropriate selection and use of ideas, arguments and language for the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! )horough understanding of comple, ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,t/s= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ on and de-elop these in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Grganised, fluent and sustained +riting +ith e,cellent control of the con-entions of +ritten English! &onsidered use of ideas, arguments and language for the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! " sound understanding of ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,t/s= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ purposefull$ on these in the creation of o+n te,t! Grganised, fluent and rele-ant +riting +ith good control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Suitable use of ideas, arguments and language for the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! &lear understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= a demonstrated abilit$ to dra+ on these to some degree in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Grganised and rele-ant +riting +ith sound control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Use of ideas, arguments and language generall$ appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Some understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= some e-idence of an abilit$ to dra+ on these ideas in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Some rele-ance and organisation in the +riting and some control of the con-entions of +ritten English! Little e-idence of abilit$ to use ideas, arguments and language appropriate to the chosen form, audience, purpose and conte,t! Limited understanding of basic ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in selected te,ts= little e-idence of an abilit$ to dra+ on these ideas in the creation of o+n te,t/s! Limited organisation and control of the con-entions of +ritten English!

31A40 mar#s

21A30 mar#s

11A20 mar#s

1A10 mar#s

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


End/o%/+ea! 0!itten e.amination (nits ) and *
)he student6s le-el of achie-ement in Units 3 and 4 +ill also be determined b$ an end*of*$ear e,amination! )he end*of*$ear e,amination +ill contribute :0 per cent to the stud$ score! .uration0 )here +ill be 1: minutes reading time and 1 0 minutes +riting time! .ate0 End*of*$ear, on a date to be published annuall$ b$ the %&""! %&"" e,amination rules +ill appl$! .etails of these rules are published annuall$ in the VCE and VCAL Administ"ati#e Handbook! Approved materials "n English and/or bilingual printed dictionar$ is allo+ed in the e,amination! Content "ll #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills in Unit 3 Gutcomes 1, 2 and 3 and Unit 4 Gutcomes 1 and 2 are assessable! Each student response in each Section of the e,amination +ill be assessed against the e,amination criteria for that Section! Examination criteria Section A $ %e&t response detailed #no+ledge and understanding of the selected te,t, demonstrated appropriatel$ in response to the tas# de-elopment in the +riting of a coherent and effecti-e structure in response to the tas# control in the use of e,pressi-e and effecti-e language appropriate to the tas#!

Section ' $ (riting in )onte&t understanding of the ideas, and/or arguments rele-ant to the prompt effecti-e use of detail from the selected te,t as appropriate to the tas# de-elopment in the +riting of a coherent and effecti-e structure in response to the tas#, and appropriate to the purpose, form, and audience control in the use of language appropriate to the purpose, form and audience!

Section ) $ Anal*sis of language use understanding of the ideas and points of -ie+ in the material presented anal$sis of +a$s in +hich language and -isual features are used to present a point of -ie+ and to persuade readers control of the mechanics of the English language to support meaning!

E,amination specifications and ad-ice are a-ailable on the %&"" +ebsite!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

Section )" Assessment Su''o!t 6ate!ial and :u!the! &esou!ces

School*assessed &ourse+or# pro-ides schools +ith the opportunit$ to ma#e their o+n administrati-e arrangements for the internal assessment of their students! 1t also pro-ides indi-idual stud$ teachers +ith the opportunit$ to0 select from the range of designated assessment tas#s in the stud$ design de-elop and administer their o+n assessment program for their students!

School*assessed &ourse+or# pro-ides teachers +ith the opportunit$ to0 monitor the progress and +or# of their students pro-ide important feedbac# to the student gather information about the teaching program!

Students should #no+ in ad-ance ho+ and +hen the$ are going to be assessed and the conditions under +hich the$ +ill be assessed! "ssessment tas#s should be part of the teaching and learning program! /or each assessment tas# students should be pro-ided +ith the0 t$pe of assessment tas# and appro,imate date for completion time allo+ed for the tas# allocation of mar#s nature of an$ materials the$ can utilise +hen completing the tas# opportunit$ to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance!

/ollo+ing an assessment tas#0 teachers can use the performance of their students to e-aluate the teaching and learning program an area of stud$ ma$ need to be carefull$ re-ised again prior to the end of the unit to ensure students full$ understand the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills re7uired in preparation for the e,amination!

/eedbac# pro-ides students +ith important ad-ice about +hich aspect or aspects of the #e$ #no+ledge the$ need to learn and in +hich #e$ s#ills the$ need more practice!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013

VCE English/English as a Second Language


Sco'e o% tasks
"n assessment tas# pro-ides teachers +ith a +a$ of Bsampling6 the #no+ledge and s#ills of students! 1t is not possible or desirable to measure all of the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills related to the outcome or area of stud$! )he #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills should not be used as a chec#list for determining the achie-ement of outcomes, and assessment tas#s do not ha-e to be length$ to ma#e a 5udgment about the student6s le-el of performance on the outcome!

9esigning the assessment tasks

.esigning the assessment tas# is an important part of the teaching, learning and assessment process! )he assessment tas# needs to pro-ide the opportunit$ for all students to demonstrate the highest le-el of performance on the outcome! )eachers need to design an assessment tas# that is representati-e of the content '#e$ #no+ledge and s#ills underpinning the outcome(, capable of being completed +ithin a short period of time and mainl$ in the classroom! Section 2 of this handboo# pro-ides ad-ice on tas# design for each Unit 3 and 4 outcome! Eerformance descriptors are also pro-ided for each outcome to assist teachers in ma#ing a 5udgment about the student6s le-el of performance on the outcome! )he follo+ing information presents one approach to de-eloping an assessment tas#! 1t in-ol-es integrating the re7uirements of the stud$ design, the ad-ice in Section 2 of this publication and student learning acti-ities! )he approach is presented as a se7uence of steps!

6aking assessment 'a!t o% teaching and lea!ning

Step 1+ .efine the parameters of an outcome and its related assessment tas# options )his in-ol-es0 Listing the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills that +ill be assessed b$ the outcome! )hese are stated in the stud$ design but $ou ma$ +ish to re+ord them for student purposes! &hoosing the assessment tas#! Jou can select from the offerings in the stud$ design! 1t is possible for students in the same class to underta#e different options= ho+e-er, teachers must ensure that the tas#s are comparable in scope and demand!

Step 2+ E,amine the assessment ad-ice in Section 2 of this handboo# E,amine the highest le-el of performance descriptors and clarif$ their meanings if $ou are unsure! Use the stud$ design as $our reference point! 2emember the performance descriptors for each outcome identif$ the 7ualities or characteristics that $ou are loo#ing for in a student response! )his helps in the de-elopment of the tas#! 1t also helps clarif$ +hat needs to be taught as +ell as +hat needs to be included in the assessment tas#! 1t +ill assist students in understanding the e,pectations of the tas#!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

Step 3+ .etermine teaching and learning acti-ities 1dentif$ the nature and se7uence of teaching and learning acti-ities to co-er the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills outlined in the stud$ design! 1t is important that a -ariet$ of learning opportunities are pro-ided to cater for indi-idual preferred learning st$les! '2efer to the B"d-ice for teachers6 section of the stud$ design for some specific e,amples of learning acti-ities for each outcome and the Support Caterial published for each of the &onte,ts at +++!-caa!-ic!edu!au/-ce/studies/english/inde,!html(! Step ,+ .esign the assessment tas# )r$ to use a range of formats across Units 3 and 4! )he information in the stimulus should be rele-ant to the tas# and assist students in their response! &hec# that the instructions are clear! "re the$ complete and unambiguousK 1t is important that students #no+ +hat is e,pected of them in an assessment tas#! )his means pro-iding students +ith ad-ice about the outcome6s #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills to be assessed! )his allo+s students to understand during the teaching and learning stage +hat the$ are e,pected to #no+ or do! Students should be pro-ided +ith the performance descriptors b$ +hich their response +ill be assessed! Students should be ad-ised about the conditions under +hich the$ +ill be e,pected to do the tas#! "ll assessment tas#s must be completed mainl$ in class and +ithin a short period of time! Students must ans+er the tas# indi-iduall$! )eachers can de-elop their o+n rules, consistent +ith school policies, about the material that can be brought into the room and the use of te,tboo#s! Ca#e sure that these rules are gi-en to the students before the tas# is started and preferabl$ in +riting! Gne method of authentication is to collect the +or# at the end of each period and #eep it in an indi-idual plastic folder or +or#boo#!

Conditions for the task

Points to consider Dhen constructing a tas# $ou +ill need to consider the follo+ing0 .oes the tas# enable students to demonstrate the highest possible performance le-elK Dill students select the form of the response or +ill $ou select the form that the +hole class +ill useK Dill the tas# be completed in one lesson or o-er se-eral lessonsK 1f the tas# is going to run o-er se-eral lessons +ill $ou di-ide the tas# into parts or collect students +or# at the end of each lessonK 1f $our school has multiple English/English as a Second Language classes and $our tas# is designed to last se-eral lessons +ill $ou slightl$ alter the tas# for each classK .oes the tas# allo+ $ou to easil$ identif$ the #e$ aspects of the response to be assessedK

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013

VCE English/English as a Second Language


Sam'le a''!oaches to School/assessed Cou!se0o!k

(nit ) English
Outcome 2 .ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se in +riting their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t! Step 1+ .efine the parameters of an outcome and its related assessment tas# options )he VCE English/English as a Second Language Stud$ %esign Units 1 and 20 2007A2011= Units 3 and 40 200 A2011, pages 2: and 2>, pro-ides details of the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills related to Unit 3 Gutcome 2 and "rea of Stud$ 20 &reating and presenting! 1n order to plan and conduct an assessment for this outcome it is necessar$ to be familiar +ith the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills! 1t should be noted that each #e$ #no+ledge and s#ill does not need to be clearl$ identifiable in the tas#, nor should the tas# focus on too narro+ a range of #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills! )he stud$ design identifies a range of tas# t$pes that can be used to assess this outcome! )eachers should be familiar +ith the essential characteristics of each tas# t$pe and the implications of these for tas# design and conduct of assessment! Step 2+ E,amine the assessment ad-ice in Section 2 of this handboo# )he performance descriptors should be full$ understood as the$ gi-e a clear indication of 7ualities and characteristics that are sought in a student response! /or e,ample, there is a need for students to demonstrate an understanding of the ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in the selected te,t! Step 3+ .etermine teaching and learning acti-ities 1n teaching to Unit 3 Gutcome 2, the teacher plans a se7uence of teaching and learning acti-ities that +ill enable students to de-elop pre*tas# #no+ledge and s#ills! )his +ill include pro-iding students +ith the opportunit$ to e,plore the ideas and arguments associated +ith the &onte,t b$ reading a range of different te,ts! )he main focus +ill be on the te,t selected from List 2 of the )e,t List published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! annuall$, as +ell as some additional shorter te,ts, including print, non*print and multimodal te,ts! )he te,ts +ill be e,amined not onl$ for their ideas and arguments but also to pro-ide students +ith an opportunit$ to anal$se the choices made b$ the authors in relation to form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t! )eachers +ill also +ant to pro-ide students +ith opportunities to e,plore the relationship bet+een form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t in their o+n +riting!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

Teaching the pre task kno!ledge and skills Unit 3 Gutcome 2, teaching and learning acti-ities could in-ol-e, but are not limited to0 the use of graphic organisers such as concept maps A to create an o-er-ie+ of ideas and arguments associated +ith the &onte,t A or %enn diagrams, to compare and contrast ideas from different te,ts 'for e,ample, de-elop a concept map about 2hose 3ealit$4 as a B+or# in progress6 throughout the Unit for "rea of Stud$ 2( collection of useful -ocabular$ and e,pressions to decide +here the$ sit in relation to other ideas that seem related to the &onte,t an e,ploration of the +a$s in +hich this selected te,t suggests, or frames, ideas rele-ant to the &onte,t0 2hose "ealit$4 research to identif$ supporting te,ts 'for e,ample narrati-e film, documentaries, poems, media articles, essa$s, short stories, +ebsites(, follo+ed b$ group presentations +hich e,plore the +a$s in +hich those te,ts present the ideas and arguments rele-ant to the &onte,t an e,amination of a range of te,ts to identif$ and discuss the effect of the choices made b$ other authors in relation, for e,ample, to point of -ie+, -oice, st$le, language, tone and form the re+riting of sections of original te,ts for different audiences or purposes accompanied b$ an e,planation of the reasons for, and the effect of, the changes made use of original te,ts as models for o+n +riting! Driting, for e,ample, in a similar st$le, from a similar point of -ie+ or in a similar -oice!

Step ,+ .esign the assessment tas# )he re7uirements of the tas# +ill be determined b$ the &onte,t and selected te,t! )he follo+ing is an e,ample of a possible assessment tas# designed for the &onte,t0 2hose "ealit$4 and based on A St"eetca" 5amed %esi"e, selected from List 2 of the )e,t List for 200 A200? published as Supplement 1 to the /ebruar$ 2007 VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! ;o! 4:! ';ote0 )e,t Lists 1 and 2 are re-ised annuall$ after 200?!( Sustained response+ -(hat is -real. is determined !* the po/erful.. .ra+ing on class discussions and e,plorations of the ideas and/or arguments raised in the pla$ A St"eetca" 5amed %esi"e respond to the idea0 BDhat is Breal6 is determined b$ the po+erful6 in one of the follo+ing forms0 a script of a discussion an argument 'for e,ample, an opinion piece for a magaFine, or an essa$( a personal reflection a short narrati-e!

(ritten E&planation Gutcome 2 in Units 3 and 4 re7uires students of English to pro-ide a +ritten e,planation discussing and anal$sing decisions made about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t, and reflecting on the +a$s their +riting has been informed b$ discussions of their reading!
3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013 42

VCE English/English as a Second Language


Students ha-e considerable scope in discussing and e,plaining their decisions about +riting! /or e,ample, the$ ma$ choose to reflect upon decisions about narrati-e -oice, -ocabular$ choices, use of metaphor and imager$, sentence structures and clauses and -erb tenses! )he$ might also reflect on the process of creating their te,ts, for e,ample decisions about effecti-e introductions, selecting #e$ ideas in de-eloping an argument, use of other te,ts as models for $our o+n +riting, re+riting te,ts after recei-ing feedbac# from audiences, decisions to omit parts of a piece, or to change its focus!

5the! conside!ations
"hen to assess the students )he teacher must decide the most appropriate time to set this tas#! )his decision is the result of se-eral considerations including0 the estimated time it +ill ta#e to co-er the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills for the outcome the possible need to pro-ide a practice, indicati-e tas# the li#el$ length of time re7uired for students to complete the tas# +hen tas#s are being conducted in other sub5ects and the +or#load implications for students!

)he tas# should be conducted at the end of "rea of Stud$ 2! )his is li#el$ to be to+ards the end of Semester 1! )he tas# might re7uire t+o to three sessions of :0 minutes each, to allo+ for planning, editing and proofreading both of the students6 o+n te,ts and the accompan$ing e,planation! )he e,act date and time can be decided in consultation +ith students, the %&E coordinator/s and other #e$ staff! #arking the task )he mar#ing scheme should reflect the rele-ant aspects of the performance descriptors in the assessment handboo# and be e,plained to students before starting the tas#!

(nit * English
Outcome $ .e-elop and 5ustif$ a detailed interpretation of a selected te,t! Step 1+ .efine the parameters of an outcome and its related assessment tas# options )he VCE English/English as a Second Language Stud$ %esign Units 1 and 20 2007A2011= Units 3 and 40 200 A2011, pages 2? and 30, pro-ides details of the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills related to Unit 4 Gutcome 1 and "rea of Stud$ 10 2eading and responding! 1n order to plan and conduct an assessment for this outcome it is necessar$ to be familiar +ith the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills! 1t should be noted that each #e$ #no+ledge and s#ill does not need to be clearl$ identifiable in the tas#, nor should the tas# focus on too narro+ a range of #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

)he stud$ design identifies a range of tas# t$pes that can be used to assess this outcome! )eachers should be familiar +ith the essential characteristics of each tas# t$pe and the implications of these for tas# design and conduct of assessment! Step 2+ E,amine the assessment ad-ice in Section 2 of this handboo# )he performance descriptors should be full$ understood as the$ gi-e a clear indication of 7ualities and characteristics that $ou are loo#ing for in a student response! /or e,ample, a response for this outcome +ould need to demonstrate an abilit$ to construct a detailed +ritten interpretation of a te,t, supported b$ te,tual e-idence and including appropriate metalanguage! Step 3+ .etermining teaching and learning acti-ities 1n teaching to Unit 4 Gutcome 1, the teacher plans a se7uence of teaching and learning acti-ities that +ill enable students to de-elop pre*tas# #no+ledge and s#ills! )his +ill include opportunities to anal$se the structures, features and con-entions of the selected te,t to e,plore ho+ these elements ha-e been chosen b$ the author in order to construct meaning, and to e,amine ho+ the$ affect interpretation! Teaching the pre task kno!ledge and skills Unit 4 Gutcome 1 teaching and learning acti-ities could in-ol-e, but are not limited to0 anal$sis of re-ie+s of the selected te,t to identif$ and discuss different interpretations +or#ing in groups to conduct a close anal$sis of e,tracts from the selected te,t to identif$ some of the +a$s in +hich the author e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ or -alues= presentation of findings to the class as a +hole character anal$ses +hich describe the +a$s in +hich the author has created the character, for e,ample, through the language used in dialogue, the descriptions of appearance and beha-iour, the reactions of other characters, the use of narrati-e -oice mapping of the structure of the te,t to identif$ +a$s in +hich this might influence interpretation practise identif$ing appropriate te,tual e-idence to support a specific point of -ie+ an e,ploration of the metalanguage needed to discuss, interpret and present a point of -ie+ in regard to a te,t!

Step ,+ .esign the assessment tas# )he re7uirements of the tas# +ill be determined b$ the selected te,t! )he follo+ing is an e,ample of an assessment tas# based on the te,t A 6an &o" All Seasons selected from List 1 of the )e,t List for 200 A200? published as Supplement 2 to the /ebruar$ 2007 VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! ;o! 4:! ';ote0 )e,t Lists 1 and 2 are re-ised annuall$ after 200?!( A #an for all %easons

i! Sir )homas Core is not the onl$ Bman for all seasons6 in the pla$!6
)o +hat e,tent do $ou agreeK 0

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


ii! Ho+ does the use of the &ommon Can influence our understanding of this pla$K

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

5the! conside!ations
"hen to assess the students )he teacher must decide the most appropriate time to set this tas#! )his decision is the result of se-eral considerations including0 the estimated time it +ill ta#e to co-er the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills for the outcome +hen tas#s are being conducted in other sub5ects and the +or#load implications for students!

)he tas# should be conducted at the end of "rea of Stud$ 1! )his is li#el$ to be around Dee# > or 7 of )erm 3! )eachers should decide on a recommended length! )he tas# might re7uire one to t+o sessions of :0 minutes each! )he e,act date and time can be decided in consultation +ith students, the %&E coordinator/s and other #e$ staff! #arking the task )he mar#ing scheme should reflect the rele-ant aspects of the performance descriptors in the "ssessment Handboo# and be e,plained to students before starting the tas#!

(nit ) English as a Second Language

Outcome 2 .ra+ on ideas and/or arguments suggested b$ a chosen &onte,t to create +ritten te,ts for a specified audience and purpose= and to discuss and anal$se their decisions about form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t! Step 1+ .efine the parameters of an outcome and its related assessment tas# options )he VCE English/English as a Second Language Stud$ %esign Units 1 and 20 2007A2011= Units 3 and 40 200 A2011, pages 2: and 2>, pro-ides details of the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills related to Unit 3 Gutcome 2 and "rea of Stud$ 20 &reating and presenting! 1n order to plan and conduct an assessment for this outcome it is necessar$ to be familiar +ith the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills! 1t should be noted that each #e$ #no+ledge and s#ill does not need to be clearl$ identifiable in the tas#, nor should the tas# focus on too narro+ a range of #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills! )he stud$ design identifies a range of tas# t$pes that can be used to assess this outcome! )eachers should be familiar +ith the essential characteristics of each tas# t$pe and the implications of these for tas# design and conduct of assessment! Step 2+ E,amine the assessment ad-ice in Section 2 of this handboo# )he performance descriptors should be full$ understood as the$ gi-e a clear indication of 7ualities and characteristics that are sought in a student response! /or e,ample, there is a need for students to demonstrate an understanding of the ideas and/or arguments rele-ant to the chosen &onte,t and presented in the selected te,t!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013


VCE English/English as a Second Language


Step 3+ .etermine teaching and learning acti-ities 1n teaching to Unit 3 Gutcome 2, the teacher plans a se7uence of teaching and learning acti-ities that +ill enable students to de-elop pre*tas# #no+ledge and s#ills! )his +ill include pro-iding students +ith the opportunit$ to e,plore the ideas and arguments associated +ith the &onte,t b$ reading a range of different te,ts! )he main focus +ill be on the te,t selected from List 2 of the )e,t List published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! as +ell as some additional shorter te,ts, including print, non*print and multimodal te,ts! )he te,ts +ill be e,amined not onl$ for their ideas and arguments but also to pro-ide students +ith an opportunit$ to anal$se the choices made b$ the authors in relation to form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t! )eachers +ill also +ant to pro-ide students +ith opportunities to e,plore the relationship bet+een form, purpose, language, audience and conte,t in their o+n +riting! Teaching the pre task kno!ledge and skills Unit 3 Gutcome 2 teaching and learning acti-ities could in-ol-e, but are not limited to0 the use of graphic organisers such as concept maps A to create an o-er-ie+ of ideas and arguments associated +ith the &onte,t A or %enn diagrams, to compare and contrast ideas from different te,ts 'for e,ample, de-elop a concept map about 2hose 3ealit$4 as a B+or# in progress6 throughout the Unit for "rea of Stud$ 2( collection of useful -ocabular$ and e,pressions related to the &onte,t an e,ploration of the +a$s in +hich this selected te,t suggests, or frames, ideas rele-ant to the &onte,t0 2hose "ealit$4 research to identif$ supporting te,ts 'for e,ample, narrati-e film, documentaries, poems, media articles, essa$s, short stories, +ebsites(, follo+ed b$ group presentations +hich e,plore the +a$s in +hich those te,ts present the ideas and arguments rele-ant to the &onte,t teacher supported e,amination of a range of te,ts to identif$ and discuss the effect of the choices made b$ other authors in relation, for e,ample, to point of -ie+, -oice, st$le, language, tone and form use of original te,ts as models for o+n +riting! Driting, for e,ample, in a similar st$le, from a similar point of -ie+ or in a similar -oice!

Step ,+ .esign the assessment tas# )he re7uirements of the tas# +ill be determined b$ the &onte,t and selected te,t! )he follo+ing is an e,ample of a possible assessment tas# designed for the &onte,t0 2hose "ealit$4 and based on A St"eetca" 5amed %esi"e, selected from List 2 of the )e,t List for 200 A200? published as Supplement 1 to the /ebruar$ 2007 VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! ;o! 4:! ';ote0 )e,t Lists 1 and 2 are re-ised annuall$ after 200?!(

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

Sustained response+ -(hat is -real. is determined !* the po/erful.. .ra+ing on class discussions and e,plorations of the ideas and/or arguments raised in the pla$ A St"eetca" 5amed %esi"e respond to the idea0 B1t is po+erful people +ho decide +hat is real6 in one of the follo+ing forms0 a script of a discussion an argument 'for e,ample, an opinion piece for a magaFine, or an essa$( a personal reflection a short narrati-e!

5the! conside!ations
"hen to assess the students )he teacher must decide the most appropriate time to set this tas#! )his decision is the result of se-eral considerations including0 the estimated time it +ill ta#e to co-er the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills for the outcome the possible need to pro-ide a practice, indicati-e tas# the li#el$ length of time re7uired for students to complete the tas# +hen tas#s are being conducted in other sub5ects and the +or#load implications for students!

)he tas# should be conducted at the end of "rea of Stud$ 2! )his is li#el$ to be to+ards the end of Semester 1! )he tas# might re7uire three to four sessions of :0 minutes each, to allo+ for planning, editing and proofreading )he e,act date and time can be decided in consultation +ith students, the %&E coordinator/s and other #e$ staff! #arking the task )he mar#ing scheme should reflect the rele-ant aspects of the performance descriptors in the assessment handboo# and be e,plained to students before starting the tas#!

(nit * English as a Second Language

Outcome $ .e-elop and 5ustif$ a detailed interpretation of a selected te,t! Step 1+ .efine the parameters of an outcome and its related assessment tas# options )he VCE English/English as a Second Language Stud$ %esign Units 1 and 20 2007A2011= Units 3 and 40 200 A2011, pages 2? and 30, pro-ides details of the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills related to Unit 4 Gutcome 1 and "rea of Stud$ 10 2eading and responding! 1n order to plan and conduct an assessment for this outcome it is necessar$ to be familiar +ith the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills! 1t should be noted that each #e$ #no+ledge and s#ill does not need to be clearl$ identifiable in the tas#, nor should the tas# focus on too narro+ a range of #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013

VCE English/English as a Second Language


)he stud$ design identifies a range of tas# t$pes that can be used to assess this outcome! )eachers should be familiar +ith the essential characteristics of each tas# t$pe and the implications of these for tas# design and conduct of assessment! Step 2+ E,amine the assessment ad-ice in Section 2 of this handboo# )he performance descriptors should be full$ understood as the$ gi-e a clear indication of 7ualities and characteristics that $ou are loo#ing for in a student response! /or e,ample, a response for this outcome +ould need to demonstrate an abilit$ to construct a detailed +ritten interpretation of a te,t, supported b$ te,tual e-idence and including appropriate metalanguage! Step 3+ .etermining teaching and learning acti-ities 1n teaching to Unit 4 Gutcome 1, the teacher plans a se7uence of teaching and learning acti-ities that +ill enable students to de-elop pre*tas# #no+ledge and s#ills! )his +ill include opportunities to anal$se the structures, features and con-entions of the selected te,t to e,plore ho+ these elements ha-e been chosen b$ the author in order to construct meaning, and to e,amine ho+ the$ affect interpretation! Teaching the pre task kno!ledge and skills Unit 4 Gutcome 1 teaching and learning acti-ities could in-ol-e, but are not limited to0 anal$sis of re-ie+s of the selected te,t to identif$ and discuss different interpretations +or#ing in groups to conduct a close anal$sis of e,tracts from the selected te,t to identif$ some of the +a$s in +hich the author e,presses or implies a point of -ie+ or -alues= presentation of findings to the class as a +hole character anal$ses +hich describe the +a$s in +hich the author has created the character, for e,ample through the language used in dialogue, the descriptions of appearance and beha-iour, the reactions of other characters, the use of narrati-e -oice mapping of the structure of the te,t to identif$ +a$s in +hich this might influence interpretation practise identif$ing appropriate te,tual e-idence to support a specific point of -ie+!

Step ,+ .esign the assessment tas# )he re7uirements of the tas# +ill be determined b$ the selected te,t! )he follo+ing is an e,ample of an assessment tas# based on the te,t A 6an &o" All Seasons selected from List 1 of the )e,t List for 200 A200? published as Supplement 2 to the /ebruar$ 2007 VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! ;o! 4:! ';ote0 )e,t Lists 1 and 2 are re-ised annuall$ after 200?!( A #an for all %easons

i! Sir )homas Core is not the onl$ Bman for all seasons6 in the pla$!6
.iscuss! 0 ii! Ho+ does the pla$+right use the &ommon Can to influence $our response to the pla$K

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



VCE English/English as a Second Language

5the! conside!ations
"hen to assess the students )he teacher must decide the most appropriate time to set this tas#! )his decision is the result of se-eral considerations including0 the estimated time it +ill ta#e to co-er the #e$ #no+ledge and s#ills for the outcome +hen tas#s are being conducted in other sub5ects and the +or#load implications for students!

)he tas# should be conducted at the end of "rea of Stud$ 1! )his is li#el$ to be around Dee# > or 7 of )erm 3! )eachers should decide on a recommended length! )he tas# might re7uire t+o to three sessions of :0 minutes each! )he e,act date and time can be decided in consultation +ith students, the %&E coordinator/s and other #e$ staff! #arking the task )he mar#ing scheme should reflect the rele-ant aspects of the performance descriptors in the assessment handboo# and be e,plained to students before starting the tas#!

2egular updates and stud$ ad-ice is published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE VCAL and VE! and on the %&"" +ebsite! )eachers should also refer to the follo+ing publications for assessment of %&E English/English as a Second Language0 &CE English'English as a %econd (anguage %tud) Design "nits 1 and 2+ 2112$ 21134 "nits 3 and ,+ 2115$2113. )he course de-eloped and deli-ered to students must be in accordance +ith the VCE English/English as a Second Language Stud$ %esign, accredited Units 1 and 20 2007A201:= Units 3 and 40 200 A201:! )he B"d-ice for teachers6 section contains sample assessment programs for Units 1 to 4 and suggested tas#s! &CAA !e*site )eachers are ad-ised to #eep up*to*date +ith de-elopments in %&E English/English as a Second Language b$ accessing the English/English as a Second Language stud$ page on the %&"" +ebsite0 +++!-caa!-ic!edu!au/-ce/studies/english/inde,!html &CE Examination papers E,amination papers for all studies are published on the %&"" +ebsite! Assessment reports )he assessment reports are published on the %&"" +ebsite after the e,amination period! )he$ pro-ide teachers +ith an o-er-ie+ of pre-ious e,aminations for Units 3 and 4!

3 %&"" 4anuar$ 2013



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