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The following are guidelines concerning the DMA materials and course.

General Introduction to Medieval Astrology Orientation (text and audio) Astronomy 1. Astronomy: Part 1 (text and audio) . Cosmology and Spherical Astronomy 2. Astronomy: Part 2 . Constellations, fixed stars, planetary and luminary cycles 3. Sabaeanism . Use of fixed stars and an explanation of the astronomical bases of mythologies. There is also a calculation module to teach the basics of chart erection. Plus a two separate papers on astronomy: The Diurnal Motion of the Stars and The Right Conception of the Sphere and its Circles (translated from Thabit c 870 AD) Fundaments of Medieval Astrology 4. The Archetype . Interrelationship between the sidereal and tropical zodiacs 5. Sign, Subdivisions and Rulerships 6. The Houses 7. The Planets

Introduction and overview to successful Delineation

8. The Fundaments of Delineation

Special Techniques of Delineation

9. The Length of Life - Longevity Part I 10. The Length of Life - Longevity Part II 11. The Rank of Fame 12. The Profession Significator 13. The Financial Significator 14. The Lord of the Chart - Almutem Figuris 15. The Arabic Parts Prediction
Introduction and Continuous Astrological Techniques

16. The Fundaments of Prediction and Predictive method in Natal Configurations and the Predictive method of Time Division by Triplicity Ruler and the method of the Ages of Man
Non-continuous Astrological Techniques

17. Transits and Progressions 18. Prediction through the ruling of time - Firdaria and Prediction through permutation - Profecting 19. Prediction by Solar & Lunar Return 20. Prediction by Directing Special Areas 21.The Delineation and Prediction of Marriage 22. Delineation and Prediction relating to Children 23. Medical Astrology 24. Spiritual Astrology 25. Astrological Physiognomy Conclusion to Course 26 Epilogue 2

In addition to the above your course materials CD will also include the following articles: Abu-Mashar: Prince of Astrologers Mashar was a Persian astrologer (8 th 9th century) who had a profound effect on astrology in We stern Europe. He was the greatest astrologer of his day and it is essential for the modern practitioner of Predictive astrology to be familiar with his work. Astrology and Wisdom Today the pursuit of wisdom as the prime objective of astrology has been largely abandoned. In its stead psychological analysis and introspection have come to predominate in the Western democracies. For the majority this has destroyed astrology as a predictive Art and so dissolved its central aim, the attainment of wisdom. Students should be aware of these issues and now to go about resolving them. Avicebron and the Fountain of Life Today many scientists use Copernican heliocentric astronomy (that the Earth revolves around the Sun) as a repudiation of astrology. This places astrologers in the position of having to justify their preCopernican application of astronomy. It is a debate that has been raging for many centuries and drives to the root of the difficultly that many scientists and academics have in understanding astrology. This article examines the work and life of one of the greatest mind to address this matter. Blending of Astrology and Medicine Astrological calculation was regarded as essential in determining the appropriate time to commence or change treatment and planetary movements were regarded as strongly influencing the patient's prognosis. This article is one of a series of medical papers considering these issues. The Guardian Angel and Astrology This paper discusses the nature of the Angel and examines two different viewpoints that of the psychologist and that of the Predictive astrologer. The latter delineates the natal figure and draws upon esoteric and sacred doctrine. In doing so astrologers can demonstrate that the modern view - that we are essentially formed by nurture and the environment - is wrong. On the contrary, the spiritual forces inherent at our birth are of fundamental importance throughout our lives and these forces are closely tied to our Guardian Angel.

Medical Astrology in Early Western Europe This article discusses the state of medical astrology in barbarian Western Europe prior to 500AD. It examines the state of their astronomical learning; their medical lore and their understanding of a correlation between the affairs of heaven and effects on earth. Prediction and the 11th September 2001 This paper examines prediction and in particular those predictions relating to the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Centre, made twelve months before the events. It gives an overview of the standards necessary for astrological prediction and an indication of the methods used. It primarily relates to the predictions, which specifically stated that an attack would be by Islamic fundamentalists on US soil in September 2001. These predictions were published twelve months before in August 2000. Valentine Weigel on Fate and Free Will Many modern astrologers are confronted with a painful inadequacy when reading a horoscope. They can diagnose problems that the native may confront but too often remain powerless to do anything about those problems. This raises issues central to Fate and Free Will. This article discusses these in relation of the works of Weigel, who put a great deal of thought into the matter.


Students will be supplied all of the above course materials on CD ROM and/or be sent course materials via email and/or will be directed to download materials from a Website on the Internet. When you first install the CD you will be asked to register it. Please refer to the instructions that accompany your CD. Each student is to ensure that s/he will not allow anyone else to use his or her CD or the materials contained on it. Any student found in breach of this condition will be immediately removed from the course and failed; they will not be refunded their course fee and may be fined and prosecuted in accordance with the terms and conditions. Software needed for reading/listening to the text/audio files will be on your DMA CD. Materials can only be read and printed from the DMA CD. Students are only authorised to use it on a single computer unless the registrar grants special permission to do otherwise.

In addition to the DMA materials listed above the following are texts for the course: Tools and Techniques for the Medieval Astrologer Book One on Prenatal Concerns and the Calculation of the Length of Life Tools and Techniques for the Medieval Astrologer Book Two on Astrological Prediction by Direction and the Sub-division of the Signs . Tools and Techniques for the Medieval Astrologer Book Three on Horary and Electional Astrology and An Astrological Miscellany. 146 Considerations of Bonatti and 245 Aphorisms of Cardanus (Bonatti was the leading astrologer of the 13 th century and Cardan was a leading astrologer of the 15th century). It is an invaluable work and if you memorise Bonatti's considerations early on you will find they hold you in good stead throughout your studies. For more information on these books and for example pages of their contents see There are further texts in the student library. All students can access these for free. Also, there are a number of other books and articles, which will aid you in your studies. As you go through your course materials you will find these referred to and can at the stage decide if you need them. Please note that reference materials highlighted in blue (in your lessons) are links through to the Academy WebPages and you need to be connected to the Internet to view them.

You are asked to begin with the Orientation lecture and then the Calculation module. Once you have completed these then please work through each lesson, one at a time. Some will take you longer than others but over the first six months, you should be able to average two lessons per month and have completed the Orientation and the Calculation module. Then, in the next six months as you move to more advanced (and time consuming ) techniques you should be averaging one lesson per month. Then, in your final 4 months, as everything comes together you should again find two lessons per months easily manageable. Please do not proceed to the next lesson until you have understood (i.e. can apply or recite) the salient points made in the current lesson you are studying. The important point is that you set your own pace. You will find as you progress through the lessons that each one is designed to build on those before it. Please ensure that you have thoroughly learnt each lesson before progressing to the next. As you read the text, you will see that certain words are highlighted in black bold. These indicate key concepts that you should commit to memory. Though progressing at you r own pace you are expected to work diligently and to be disciplined in setting aside an adequate amount of time per week for your studies. Some students need more time than others but as a guide, you should be allocating a minimum of four hours per week for study alone. In addition to this, you should be considering extra time for practicing the techniques you are learning. It cannot be impressed upon you enough, how important practice is. For it is only in this way that you will master delineation and advanced prediction. You are asked to practice each technique until it is second nature to you.

During the course, you will be applying techniques and astrological method. There are many natal charts throughout the materials that you will be referred to. Students should also use other natal charts for examining and using the techniques as they learn them. It is recommended that you use your own chart and that you select at least five other charts of either friends or family or someone of historical interest, for you to practice on. In the course materials these are referred to as your working charts. If you use a chart(s) of a family member or a friend please ensure that that person is someone with whom you can freely discuss the chart. From the outset you should make it clear that this is a learning exercise and is not for the idle curious. They may learn much about themselves (and indirectly about astrology) but it is primarily to aid you. It is not uncommon for students of skill to discover innermost secrets of their "chosen natives" when engaged in these studies. You should therefore be entirely comfortable with a living native who should hold you in respect and in trust. It is best ethics to tell the native that you will observe strict confidentiality and under no circumstances should you deviate from that. Those of you who have come to these studies via the Foundation course or who have already absorbed Academy papers on prediction will be familiar with the request that you are prudent in matters of prediction. Generally, this prudence and any moral considerations must be observed at all times, however you are at a stage where you are learning from your experience and application thus, you will have to vocalize your predictions and through-out the course will be asked to do so. The caveat being that you should never make a prediction or any statement that may be harmful or lead to an unlawful act. When you delineate a chart you will gain an understanding of the sensitivity o f the native in question, this understanding must be your guide. The welfare of the native must be given paramount importance at all times. If you use charts of historical figures please ensure that it is someone who is well documented and that you access to enough accurate biographical material on them to be able to test your interpretation of their chart(s).

When you have finished a lesson then you may complete the homework. It is recommended that all students do this and not just the tutored students. However, only tutored students can submit homework for marking. Students who have commenced the course with an untutored place and who then require tutoring should contact the Students sending in homework for marking should please observe the following: 1. At the end of each lesson, you will find questions. Please answer these questions. Give your answers a lot of thought and when you have decided on a final version then submit your answers as homework to your tutor. Academic standards are maintained and students should ensure that homework is written in reasonable English with correct spelling and grammar. Unfortunately, shoddy work often cannot be marked and will be returned. 2. To submit homework please email it to . In the subject line for the email write: the Lesson number and your name e.g. Lesson 2 Astronomy Homework Francis Walsingham. 3. Please do NOT send homework or questions as attachments. This is asked, so as to reduce the possibility of transference of computer viruses. 4. Your homework will be marked and returned to you. 5. Homework is not compulsory but tutored students are encouraged to submit it.

Tutored students (those who have paid a tuition fee) are entitled to the following: having homework marked by their tutor having questions answered general guidance

The time allotted to each student is limited to 1.5 hours per lesson. If more time is needed then the tutor will contact you. Students must study the course materials very carefully and where reference is made to additional materials, these should be consulted wherever possible before raising the question with your tutor. Questions raised must be specific to the lesson under discussion and any extraneous questions may be rejected. This is at the tutors discretion and is designed to stop students going off track when they should be concentrating on mastering the essentials of the course materials. Untutored students (those who have not paid a tuition fee) who encounter serious problems that are hindering their progression through the course materials should contact . Every effort will be made to assist you.


All students must complete the course and examination within 18 months of their official start date that is agreed during registration.

At the end of the course, you can sit an examination. Upon passing this exam, you are awarded the Diploma in Medieval Astrology by the Academy of Predictive Astrology London and your name is entered into the official register of DMA holders. The examination is conducted via email over the Internet. It does not matter where the student is in the world so long as s/he has access to an Internet connection. The examination is not compulsory but only those who pass the examination will be awarded the Diploma in Medieval Astrology and be entitled to use the initials DMA after their name. Students may attempt the examination only two times unless the registrar grants special dispensation. Students must obtain a mark of 67% or higher to pass the examination. Students may not disclose or discuss examination questions or examination charts with any third party. An examination fee charged for each sitting of the examination.

All the methods/calculation of techniques and charts you need are contained within the course materials. Therefore, to start with you can study without any software, if you prefer. However, doing charts by hand is laborious and so later you may want to consider software.



The Predictive Astrologer newsletter is send to students via email. It includes predictions, articles on astrology, discussion of student problems, notification of events, updates and advice about new books and materials. Spam is never sent and you will often gain access to material that is not generally distributed to the wider public.


While you are studying the DMA, you are a student of the Academy of Predictive Astrology London. The Academy runs the courses and grants certificates and diplomas. It is responsible for publishing the Academy papers and for new research. In addition, it oversees the workings of the Predictive Circle and from time to time students on the DMA may be asked to participate in Academy research projects or to assist in predictive analysis being conducted by the Predictive Circle. All business of the Academy is under the governance of the registrar and if you have any complaints or problems, queries or suggestions then please contact James Chapman at .



All students commencing this course must comply with the terms and conditions governing the course, the use of the course materials and all matters relating to Diploma course students or holders of the Diploma of Medieval Astrology. These are to be found in the document Diploma Course in Medieval Astrology Terms and Conditions, which you are directed to and must accept before you install the CD. The terms and conditions are contractual and binding. Downloading, installing and/or using the course materials constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions. Any use of the course materials is conditional upon compliance with those terms and conditions. Any student who breaches the Terms and Conditions and/or unreasonably or repeatedly fails to adhere to the Student Guidelines as contained in this document can be removed from the DMA course or stripped of their DMA, without refund of the course fee or recompense, at the absolute discretion of the registrar.


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