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Quality ultimate system performance measure Variability relates to quality Variability increases quality lost Can this loss be measured?
The concept % defective has been widely used as a measure of quality level When defective product units are not shipped it should not be considered a quality problem but a cost problem How to evaluate the quality level of products shipped to customers is the problem of concern.


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization

Loss Function and Quality Level

In the past, % defective, process capability index and warranty cost have been used as measures of quality level for shipped products. One major weakness of the process capability index is that there is no apparent immediate basis for specifying the optimal value of Cp. % defective or warranty costs are understandable because they are monetary related measures
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How far from target can a system be before it should be rejected and changed? Different to customer tolerance o point at which customers have to take economic action because of off-target performance Often o incurs greater costs than manufacturing limit


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Quality Loss Concept

Deviation from target results in loss.

Lower than target Greater than target Both lose


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How can we use Quality Loss Concept in real life?

Lets assume that you are an Operations Manager at a company that produces custom made doors and door frames. During the winter, due to cold weather, doors tend to shrink which lets in cold air through the cracks between the door and the door frame. During the summer doors tend to expand beyond its normal size due to hot weather, which makes to door hard to open because it rubs against the door frame. Your job is to produce a door, where dimensions (length and width of the door) are set to a specific target level. In other words in the Winter the door cannot let any cold air in the house and it should open properly in the Summer.

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How can we use Quality Loss concept in real life?


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Traditional Quality Metric

All products within specifications equality good. All products outside specifications equally bad.

Equally unacceptable

All products equally good


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Loss Function (Cont.)

Unfortunately, this definition has led to a mindset which becomes a barrier to improvement in our industry. We have come to view all products which fall within specification limits as being of equal quality. Consider the following:


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Loss Function (Cont.)


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TV Example
Consider a comparison between the quality of color television sets produced by two factories belonging to the same manufacturing company. One factory (A) is located in Japan, and the other factory (B) in America. Suppose the comparison was based on color concentration, which relates to the color balance of the television sets. Although both factories used the same design, the television sets produced in the American factory had lower quality, and consumers consequently preferred products made in Japan.


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TV Example (Cont.)

The figure given in the next slide shows the differences in quality characteristic (i.e., color concentration) distributions. The figure shows that the quality distribution of the Japanese-made television sets (shown by the solid curve) is approximately a normal distribution with a target value at the center; its standard deviation is about 1/6 of the tolerance, which in this case equals 10. In quality control, the index of tolerance divided by 6 standard deviations is called the process capability index, denoted by Cp. Cp=tolerance/(6*standard deviation)
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TV Example (Cont.)

Distribution of color concentration


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TV Example (Cont.)

The process capability of the Japanese-made television sets is 1. On the other hand, the quality distribution of the Americanmade television sets (shown in the figure by a dotted curve) has less out-of-specification products than the Japanese made products and is quite similar to the uniform distribution for those products that are within the tolerance limits. Since the standard deviation of the uniform distribution is given by 1/ 12 of the tolerance, the process capability index for these sets is given by Cp=tolerance/(6*(tolerance/ 12))=0.577


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QUALITY LOSS FUNCTION Quadratic quality loss function relates quality loss in dollars L(y) to the deviation away from a targeted value (m) of a measured response value (y) such that i.e. |y-m| L(y) = k(y-m)2

If m is achieved. . loss is zero


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Derivation of the Loss Function

Assume the loss due to a defective part (because of discarding, repairing, or downgrading) is A. then denote the loss function by L(y) and expand it in a Taylor series about the target value m: L(y)= L(m+y-m)
L (m) L (m) or L(y)=L(m)+ 1! (y-m)+ 2! (y-m)2 +


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Derivation of the Loss Function (Cont.)

Because L(y)=0 when y=m (by definition, quality loss is zero when y=m), and the minimum value of the function is attained at this point, its first derivative with respect to m is zero. The first two terms of the equation then, are equal to zero. When we neglect terms with powers higher than 2, the equation reduces to

L (m) L(y)= (y - m)2 2!

or L(y)= k (y - m)2 where k is a proportionality constant.

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Derivation of the Loss Function (Cont.)

Relationship between quality loss and deviation from the target value (m)

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Derivation of the Loss Function (Cont.)

When the deviation products functional characteristic is an amount o from the target value m, the loss equals Ao. Then, Ao=ko2 k=

A0 2 0


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- unifying concept of quality and cost - relates engineering and economic terms in one model - allows for easy cost optimization strategies k = quality loss coefficient m+o = functional limits beyond which 50% of system product needs customer maintenance i.e. average customer tolerance L(y) = Ao at y = mo Ao = cost to replace/repair product


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A spring is used in the operation of a camera shutter. The manufacturing process suffers from a degree of variability, in terms of the spring constant (measured in oz/in), which significantly effects the accuracy of the shutter times. The functional limits for this spring constant are m0.3oz/in (m=0.5oz/in), and the average cost for repairing or replacing a camera with a defective spring is $20. What is the loss function? Hence, what is the loss associated with producing a spring of constant 0.25oz/in versus the loss associated with one at 0.435oz/in.


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Uses of the Loss Function

The loss function approach can be used in evaluating the effect of quality improvement. For example, assume that Factory A has improved the process so that a new standard deviation from target of 10/8 (the previous one is 10/6) is attained. What would be the losses caused by deviations from the target value? L=

k ( y m) = k

L=0.08(10/8)2=$0.125 The loss per unit of production would decrease from $0.222 (current process) to $0.125, resulting in $0.097 savings per unit.


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Loss Function/Process Capability Index

Let us see how the loss function is related to the process capability index Cp. For the current process and the improved process discussed above,

L1=k 12 2 L2=k 2

(loss with current process) (loss with improved process)

Divide the first equation by the second to obtain

12 L1 = 2 L2 2
But Then

C p1 =

tolerance and 61

Cp2 =

tolerance 6 2

2 L1 C p2 = 2 L2 C P1

This equation implies that the losses caused by deviation are reciprocally proportional to the squares of the Cp indices.

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Economic Consequences of Tightening Tolerances as a Means to Improve Quality

As illustrated in the following example, the loss function approach can be used to determine the economic impact of tightening the tolerance to improve product quality. In order to reduce the difference in quality and process capability indices between television sets produced in Factories A and B, the management of Factory B tightened the tolerance from m5 to m5*(2/3). The cost of repairing an out-of-specification unit is still $2. What is the economic impact of tightening the tolerance?


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Economic Consequences of Tightening Tolerances as a Means to Improve Quality (Cont.)

With the original tolerance, the expected loss is 2 L=k =$0.667. The expected loss after tightening the tolerance is 2 L=k = 0.08[(2/3)*(10/ 12 )]2= $0.296/unit If improvement of the process was obtained by repairing the failed units (units outside the new tolerance m5*(2/3)) at a cost of $2 per unit, then the average cost of repair is as follows: Average cost of repair per unit = percent of production that needs repair to meet the tightened tolerance * repair cost per unit = 0.333*2 = $0.667
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Economic Consequences of Tightening Tolerances as a Means to Improve Quality (Cont.)

A summary of the results of this example is shown in the table given below. In this case, tightening tolerance is an uneconomical alternative because the expected total loss of tightening tolerance and repair (0.667+0.296=$0.963) is greater than the expected loss using the original tolerance ($0.667).


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The Loss Function and Justification of Improvements

The loss function can also be used to justify improvements of the process, as illustrated in the following example. Assume that Factory A wishes to improve the quality of its television sets by reducing deviations from the target value so that the new standard deviation will be 10/8. This improvement can be technologically achieved at an additional cost of $0.05 per unit of production. Should the factory improve its process? (Assume that no inspection is performed.)
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The Loss Function and Justification of Improvements (Cont.)

Total loss per unit of the current process: 2 L= k = 0.08(10/6)2 = $0.222 Total loss per unit after improving the process: L=0.08(10/8)2 = $0.125 Additional cost of improvement = $0.05/unit Additional cost plus loss per unit = 0.05+0.125=$0.175 The net gain resulting from improvement in the process capability is 0.222-0.175= $0.047 per unit of production. If the production rate of this factory is 100,000 units per month, then the expected savings will be $4700 per month, or $56,400 annually.


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The Loss Function and Inspection

The loss function approach can be used effectively to determine whether 100-percent inspection can be justified or not. It should be noted that the objective of inspection is to screen or repair defective products that cannot meet the given specifications. Therefore, inspection cannot be used to improve the quality of items within the specifications. The improvement of the process can only be accomplished through improved manufacturing techniques or product design, not through screening or 100-percent inspection.


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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)

Consider the case where the diameter of a stainlesssteel bar is m5m. The cost of repairing a defective bar is $6, and the cost of inspection is $0.03 per unit. Would a 100-percent inspection of items be justified? The estimated standard deviation of the process is 10/6. The expected loss without inspection is 2 L=k where k = A/2 = $6.00/52 = $0.24 therefore L = 0.24(10/6)2 = $0.667/unit
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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)

Assuming that the characteristic of the product follows a normal distribution, the proportion of the products falling outside the specification m5 is 0.27 percent. The variance after screening defective products by using 100-percent inspection ( out ) is obtained using the procedure shown


After the total inspection, the out-of-specification products are removed. The probability density function of those items that have passed the screening (acceptable items) is given by dividing the probability density function of the normal distribution by Q, the proportion of acceptable items.
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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)

Let f(y) be the density function of the normal distribution, which is given by


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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)


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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)

One might conclude that in this case 100-percent inspection is useless in improving quality, because the fraction defective is only 0.27 percent. It is different, of course, when the purpose of 100-percent inspection is to find serious defectives. In the case of a normal distribution with a standard deviation that is of the tolerance, the loss without inspection, L, is L = 0.24*(10/4)2 = $1.50/unit The proportion of the product falling outside the specification is 4.55 percent, and the variance of the outgoing items is (0.88)2 times that of the original value. The total loss in the case of 100-percent inspection when equals 10/4 becomes L = 0.03+6.00*0.0455+0.24*(0.88)2*(10/4)2 = $1.465/unit

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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)

This result is an improvement of $0.035 per item. If there are 200,000 items produced each month, the amount of improvement is $7,000 each month. Assuming that the standard deviation is the tolerance and the production output still follows a normal distribution, the portion of the product falling outside the specification is 31.7 percent. Even if all the products are inspected and the defective ones screened out, the standard deviation of the outgoing quality is reduced to only 53.9 percent of the original value (=tolerance/2). Therefore, the loss caused by variation is L=0.24[0.539*(10/2)]2= $1.743


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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)

Not only is this worse than the loss of $0.667 for =10/6 and no inspection, but it is also worse than the loss of $1.50 for =10/4 and no inspection, with 4.55 percent defective products. Thus, the solution to the quality problem is, in this case, through improvement of the process and not through 100-percent inspection.

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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)


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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)

The table shows a summary of the expected losses caused by variation for different probability distributions. These expected losses do not include the cost of inspection or loss caused by defective products found by inspection. Cases 1 through 6 demonstrate how screening reduces total losses for the given parameters. A detailed analysis of Case 2 follows, in order to illustrate how the results of the table are obtained.


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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)

Since L=k


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The Loss Function and Inspection (Cont.)


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Determinations of Tolerances

Loss function can also be used to determine tolerances of the quality characteristics. The determination of tolerance is illustrated in the following example.
Example: Consider the production of high-voltage transformers. During the life of this kind of transformer, output voltage might change because of the deterioration of transistors in the power circuit. Assume that a transformer is not suitable for its intended function when its output voltage exceeds the tolerance limits of 11525V. Exceeding the limits results in a loss (denoted by A) of $300. Before shipping to a customer, the manufacturer can adjust the voltage in the plant by changing a resistor at a cost of $1. What should the manufacturers specifications be?

Solution: The loss caused by product variation from the target value, L(y), is

where m is the target value (115V in this case) and k is the proportionality constant.

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The loss function

300 A = = 0.48 2 2 0 (25)

L( y ) = 0.48( y 115) 2
It is assumed that the allowable varying range of the output voltage for the customer is 11525V. The allowable varying range in the plant will be different, because it is easy to adjust the voltage to the target value by changing a resistor in the circuit. The loss or cost of adjust to the manufacturer is $1. Substitution of this value in Equation above yields

1.0 = 0.48( y 115) 2 y = 115 1/ 0.48 115 1.4V

As shown above:

300 = k ( ycus. m) 2 for ycus. m 0 300=A0 = k ( 0 ) 2 1 = k ( ymanu . m) 2 for ymanu . m 1=A = k ( ) 2

A 0 A0

A0 A k= 2 = 2 = 0

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and the manufacturers tolerance is

= 0 /

A0 0 (functional orcustomer limit) = A (safety factor)

=manufacturers tolerance limit A=manufacturers loss when the product does not conform to the specification limits A0=loss to the customer caused by the failure of the product


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ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Main function of quality loss function: = define manufacturing tolerances or more generally define system variability


In the following illustrates the evaluation of the quality level of products by using the loss function approach for four types of tolerances. The three types are listed below:

1 2 3 4

target-is-best smaller-is-best larger-is-best asymmetric target-is-best

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e.g. previous example!


-quality characteristics is usually a nominal output, for example

--most parts in mechanical fittings have nominal dimensions --Ratios of chemicals or mixtures are nominally the best type. --Thickness should be uniform in deposition /growth /plating /etching..

Average quality loss

This type of tolerance is required for many products, parts, elements, and components when a nominal size (or characteristic) is preferred.

calculated in terms of MSD (mean square deviation) for n observations:


1 n MSD = ( yn m) 2 n i =1
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From this the average loss function for multiple lots:

1 n 2 ( y y ) S2 = variance = n 1 i =1 i

L ( y ) = k S 2 + ( y m) 2

Continuing from above, it was thought that if a new machine was purchased that the losses would reduce. To test this, 8 springs were tested from each machine, as detailed below. Which machine is best, and why? New machine: Old machine:
Data table Winder New Old

0.37, 0.41, 0.37, 0.43, 0.39, 0.35, 0.40, 0.36 0.55, 0.67, 0.70, 0.54, 0.41, 0.32, 0.46, 0.66




0.0007 0.385 0.0184 0.539

0.0132 3.08 0.0015 4.41


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New machine: Old machine:

lower variance but off-target higher variance but on-target

Loss incurred influenced by variability more than target value To reduce loss further (new machine) use an adjustment parameter i.e. reduce variability then adjust average response A 2-stage optimization!


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Example: A manufacturer of ball bearings used in gas turbines requires that tolerances of the diameter and hardness of each ball be as follows:
Tolerance of diameter Tolerance of hardness

where m1 and m2 are the target values of the diameter and the hardness, respectively. The production rate is 80,000 balls per day at a cost of 30 per ball. Defective balls cannot be reworked and are scrapped. The following deviations from the diameter and the hardness target values were recorded.

m1 0.6 m m2 2.0 (Brinell hardness)

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Deviations from the target diameter:

0.3 0.0 -0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.1 -0.2 0.6 0.4 -0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.4 0.5 0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2

Deviations from the target hardness:

-1.0 -1.6 -0.4 -1.0 0.6 0.4 -1.2 -1.3 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 0.5 -0.3 0.6 0.6 -0.9 -0.7 -0.9 -0.7 -1.3 Based on the diameter and hardness measurements recorded above, determine the quality levels of the production process for the diameter and hardness attributes of the balls.


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A process without adjustment


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Example: By examining the diameter data we find that more positive deviations than negative ones, whereas the hardness data show more negative deviations than positive ones. Assume that the manufacturer can shift the means of the data to the target values. What are the quality levels of the diameter and the hardness after the adjustments? Solution: The process should first be adjusted so that the value of every diameter is adjusted by an amount e*= ( y m) , the predicted deviation of the diameter from the target value. The new deviation (after adjustment) from the target value (m+ e*) is

Deviation after adjustment = y m ( y m) = y y


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Smaller-is best
here ideal response = zero L(y) = k(y)2 examples? Background density on a text image Radiation leakage Corrosion of metals Signal to noise ratios! Defective components
-quality characteristics is usually an undesired output, for example

--Defects like pin holes, particulates in deposition processes --Unwanted by-product or side effect


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Features: The-Smaller-The-Better type tolerance involves a nonnegative characteristic, whose ideal value is zero. A typical example of such a characteristic is impurity. Wear, shrinkage, deterioration, and noise level are also examples of this type. Under The-Smaller-The-Better (S-type) tolerance, the characteristic value is y0, the target value is m=0, and the upper tolerance limit is .


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In the copier industry, one measure of the acceptability of a copy is the amount of background toner particles that adhere to the portion of the copy that is intended to be white. Minimizing the residual toner in white areas is a smaller-is-best objective. It has been determined that approximately half of the customers will not tolerate a background level beyond 1.2 background units. Beyond that, a service call is placed at a cost of $200 plus the cost of the down time of the copier - $150 per hour. If the average copier down time is 2.5 hours, what is the associated loss function? As time progresses, it is apparent that one copier is not enough, so a second one is introduced. 8 sample background measurements are taken from each machine to compare and contrast their performances. From the data below what conclusions can you draw about the cost of this facility? Machine 1: Machine 2: 0.64, 0.56, 0.71, 0.55, 0.59, 0.75, 0.64, 0.76 0.55, 0.67, 0.70, 0.94, 0.71, 0.82, 0.86, 0.96


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Here: o=2 = 1.2, Ao = 200 + 150(2.5) = $575 So k = Ao/(o)2 = 575/1.22 = $399.30 L(y) = 399.30(y2) Average quality loss Data table = Machine 1 2 S2 0.0068 0.0203 0.65 0.77 S2+ 2 0.4293 0.6229 L(y) 171.41 248.70

Note: S2+2 not (-m)2 Clearly machine 1 is best but is probably sub-optimal?

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The-Larger-The-Better (L Type)


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here ideal response = max L(y) = k(1/y2) and k = Aoo2 examples? . . etc!
--quality characteristics is usually a desired output, for example

--Bond strength --Critical Current


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The seal strength of a vacuum blower housing in an office copier is an example of a larger-the-better case. The better it can run under widely varying use environments, the better it is for minimizing loss. When the blower seal fails to operate, it costs $40 to replace: $20 in part costs and another $20 in installation labour costs. While the device that uses the vacuum blower sits idle, the cost to the customer is $340/hour. On average it takes 30 minutes to replace the blower. Seal integrity is measured by testing the seal adhesion strength. The seal level at which the vacuum loss becomes objectionable is 20 psi. What is the loss function and what is the loss incurred for a machine whose seal strength is measured as 13 psi?


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Ao = 340/2 + 40 = $210 o = 20 psi so k = 210 x 202 giving When y = 13 psi: L(y) = 84000/y2

L(y) = 84000/132 = $497

BUT/ the actual cost of repair is only $210! This illustrates that costs continue to increase beyond the acceptable value due to other consequences on the system Average quality loss
1 n 1 2 L( y ) = k ( MSD) = k n y i =1 i


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Example: Consider two types of cables, T1 and T2. The price and strength for either type are proportional to the cables cross sectional area. The prices are P1=$1750/mm2 and P2=$2250/mm2, and the strengths are S1=220kgf/mm2 and S2=265kgf/mm2 for types T1 and T2, respectively. The lower tolerance limit of the cables breaking strength is 20000kgf, and the loss caused by falling below the lower tolerance limit is $58 million. Perform tolerance design and determine the tolerance limits for the better cable. Solution: We first calculate the total cost for each cable (price +quality loss). Let x be the cross-sectional area of the cable, which is the parameter being sought. Cable T1. The total cost C is obtained as the sum of the price and the quality loss.
2 A0 0 C=P 1x + ( S1 x) 2

= 1750 x +

58, 000, 000 (20, 000) (220 x) 2


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The total cost is minimized by taking the derivative of Eq (1) with respect to x and equating it to zero:
2 2 A0 0 dC =P =0 1 dx S12 x 3

2 2 A0 0 x= 2 1 S1 P 1/ 3

= 818mm 2

The price of this cable is 1750818=$1.43 million

Cable type T2 : The corss-sectional area is

2 58, 000, 000 (20, 000) 2 x= 2 2250 (265)
1/ 3

= 665mm 2

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The price of cable T2 is 2250665=$1.50 million

Cable T1 is selected, since the price of T1 is less than T2. The tolerance of this cable is obtained using the formulation presented before:
k= A0 A = (1/ ) 2 (1/ 0 ) 2

It turns out
= A0 58, 000, 000 0 = 20 metric tons force A 1, 430, 000 =127.4 metric tons force


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Asymmetric target-is-best
i.e. when it is more harmful for the variable to be off-target in one direction over the other here 2 loss functions required: i.e. L+(y) = k+(y-m)2, y>m L-(y) = k-(y-m)2, ym


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Consider the temperature drift in a refrigerator. The standard target for most refrigerators is 40F. Consider the consequences of being above and below this targeted temperature. When the temperature gets above 50F, several things can happen that annoy the consumer. These include tepid food and drink that is not pleasant to the taste, and spoilage due to accelerated bacterial growth. Each of these can cause economic loss, losses due to discarding and replacement of food, and losses due to illness from ingestion of tainted food. When the temperature gets below 30F, there may be some damage due to ice crystals, but there should be little food lost. When too hot the losses incurred include $50 for lost food replacement and $100 for a service call. When too low, the losses incurred include $10 for lost food replacement and $100 for a service call. What are the loss functions in this case?


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here, k- < k+ k+ = Ao/O2 = $150/(10F)2 = $1.50/F2 k- = Ao/O2 = $110/(-10F)2 = $1.10/F2 L+(y) = 1.5(y-40)2 L-(y) = 1.1(y-40)2


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TAGUCHI S/N RATIOS Taguchi idea use signal/noise ratios as performance measures signal = target value noise = scatter around target value Performance measure when maximized variation is minimized loss is minimized


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Advantages of S/N Method


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When to Use the S/N Ratio for Analysis

Whenever an experiment involves repeated observations at each of the trial conditions, the S/N ratio has been found to provide a practical way to measure and control the combined influence of deviation of the population mean from the target and the variation around the mean. In standard ANOVA they are treated separately.


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When to Use the S/N Ratio for Analysis (Cont.)

S/N offers the following two main advantages: 1. It provides a guidance to a selection of the optimum level based on least variation around the target and also the average value closest to the target. 2. It offers objective comparison of two set of experimental data with respect to variation around the target and the deviation of the average from the target value.

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Signal to Noise Ratio

The relevance of the S/N ratio equation is tied to interpreting the signal or numerator of the ratio as the ability of the process to build good product, or of the product to perform correctly. By including the impact of the noise factors on the process or product as the denominator, we can then adapt the S/N ratio as the barometer of the ability of the system (product or process) to perform well in relation to the effect of noise.

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Signal to Noise Ratio (Cont.)

By successfully applying this concept to experimentation, we can determine the control factor settings that can produce the best performance (high signal) in a process or product while minimizing the effect of those influences we can not control (low noise).


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Signal to Noise Ratio (Cont.)

To obtain a better understanding of how this approach works and what it means, lets discuss a practical example (car radio) illustrated below:


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Signal to Noise Ratio (Cont.)


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Signal to Noise Ratio (Cont.)

For improved additivity of the control factor effects, it is common practice to take log transformation of 2/2 express the S/N ratio in decibels.

2 Z = 10 log10 2
The range of values of 2/2 is (0,), while the range of values of Z is (-, ). Thus, in the log domain, we have better additivity of the effects of two or more control factors. Since log is a monotone function maximizing 2/2 is equivalent to maximizing Z.


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very important reason

Taking logarithm improves additivity. Why?

On taking logarithm these become additive For example Log10 ( B Xa . exp(-Ea/kT) ) = Log10(B) + a. Log10 (X) + (-Ea/kT) . Log10 (e) These are additive for variables (Log10 X) and (1/T)
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Most functions in nature follow the power-laws Y = A exp (-Ea/kT) (EXPONENTIAL) Y = B Ax . . . . ( a RAISED POWER X) Y = B Xa . . . . ( X RAISED POWER a)


Signal to Noise Ratio (Cont.)

Consider the following two sets of observations around the target and the deviation of the average from the target value. Let m=75 Observation A: 55 58 60 63 65 y = 60.2 Dev. Of mean from target = 75 - 60.2 = 14.8

y = 75 Observation B: 50 60 76 90 100 Dev. Of mean from target = 75 - 75 = 0


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Signal to Noise Ratio (Cont.)


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Conversion of Results into S/N Ratios (Cont.)

These two sets of observations may have come from the two distributions shown in the figure above. Observe that the set B has an average value which equals to target value, but has a wide spread around it. For the set A, the spread is smaller, but the average itself is quite far from the target. Which of the two is better?


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Conversion of Results into S/N Ratios (Cont.)

Based on the average value the product shown by obs. B appears to be better. Based on consistency, product A is better. How an one credit A for less variation? How does one compare the distances of the averages from the target? Surely comparing the averages is one method. Use of S/N ratio offers an objective way to look at the two characteristics together.

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Computation of S/N Ratio


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Computation of S/N Ratio (Cont.)


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Most Common S/Ns for the Static Case

Nominal-is-Best (N.B.)


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Most Common S/Ns for the Static Case (Cont.)

y Z = 10 log 2 s


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Most Common S/Ns for the Static Case (Cont.)

Smaller-is-Better (S.B.)


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Most Common S/Ns for the Static Case (Cont.)

1 n 2 Z = 10 log yi n i =1


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Most Common S/Ns for the Static Case (Cont.)

Larger-is-Better (L.B.)


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Most Common S/Ns for the Static Case (Cont.)

n 1 2 i =1 y Z = 10 log n


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Target-the best


= sample mean

y2 Z =10 log 2 s

s = sample standard deviation

to maximize Z through parameter design


n yi2 Z = 10 log i =1 n

needs to be maximized


n 1 2 i =1 y Z = 10 log n

needs to be maximized


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


But what about quality characteristics that approach an ideal value?

Examples are

Efficiency : all efficiencies approach the ideal value of 100% Weld strength : approaches the ideal strength of the material Critical temperature or Critical current density for High Temperature superconductors (YBCO) : These approach ideal values, say 92K and 108 A/cm2

Which SN-Ratio is most suitable among the following ?

ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Taguchi Method is most effective when there is at least one quality characteristic that is sensitive to variations or NoIsE

Desirable Qualities
e.g. Nominal-the-Best type are sensitive to NoIsE S/N Ratio


10 Log10 ( mean2 / Variance )


Question: the large of mean, the better the quality is? Undesirable properties e.g. Smaller-the-better type are also sensitive to NoIsE
S/N Ratio Z = 10 Log10 ( 1/n = zero

10 Log10 (Variance) . . . if ideal value

2 i

ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


Best approach for experimental design Maximize these ratios to minimize variability to maximize system robustness then adjust target value to desired value 2-stage optimization! Some drawbacks, however, to Taguchi approach e.g. assumes and s are of equal importance/influence + noticeable confounding issues


ENGN8101 Modelling and Optimization


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