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Did 'Abd al-Malik Build Dome Of The Rock To Divert The Hajj From Makkah? M S M Saifullah Muhammad !

ho"iem # $%lamic A&are"e%%' All Ri(ht% Re%erved) Fir%t *ubli%hed+ ,-th Februar. /00, 1a%t Modified+ ,,th A2ril /00,

A%%alamu 3ala.kum &a rahmatullahi &a barakatuhu+ ,) $"troductio" The Shi3ite hi%toria" al-4a35ubi &riti"( i" hi% Tarikh made a" i"tere%ti"( alle(atio" that the cali2h 3Abd al-Malik built Dome of the Rock to divert the Hajj from Makkah to 7eru%alem to outdo hi% rival 3Abdullah b) al-8uba.r) He %aid+

3Abd al-Malik 2reve"ted the 2eo2le of Sham from the hajj a"d thi% i% becau%e $b" al-8uba.r &a% taki"( the 2led(e of alle(ie"ce from the 2il(rim%) 9he" 3Abd al-Malik had fou"d out about thi%' he 2reve"ted them from %etti"( out to Makkah) But the 2eo2le 2rote%ted a"d %aid+ :Do .ou 2reve"t u% from doi"( the 2il(rima(e to the Sacred Hou%e of Allah &hile it i% a dut. from Allah u2o" u% ?: He %aid+ :Here i% $b" Shihabuddi" al-8uhri "arrati"( to .ou that the Me%%e"(er of Allah %aid+ :The carava"% %hould "ot be %et out e;ce2t for three mo%5ue%' the Sacred Mo%5ue' m. 2re%e"t Mo%5ue a"d the Mo%5ue of 7eru%alem: <&hich= %ta"d% for the Sacred Mo%5ue for .ou) A"d here i% the Rock o" <&hich= it i% "arrated that the *ro2het %et hi% foot before a%ce"di"( to the heave"%' it %ta"d% for the >a3bah) The" he built a Dome o" the Rock' %u%2e"ded %ilk curtai"% o" it a"d a22oi"ted %erva"t% for it) A"d told the 2eo2le to revolve arou"d it like the. revolve arou"d the >a3bah a"d %o it &a% duri"( the rule of Ba"i 6ma..ah)<,= $" the 2a%%a(e of hi% Muhammeda"i%che Studie"' !old?iher 2ut% for&ard i" detail the theor. that cali2h 3Abd al-Malik' b. erecti"( the Dome of the Rock i" 7eru%alem' i"te"ded to out%mart hi% rival 3Abdallah b) al-8uba.r' &ho e;2loited the holi"e%% of Makkah' hi% ca2ital' for hi% o&" 2olitical e"d%) 6%i"( al-4a35ubi'% material !old?iher &rote+ 9he" the @ali2h 3Abd al-Malik &i%hed the %to2 the 2il(rima(e% to Mecca becau%e he &a% &orried le%t hi% rival 3Abd Allah b) 8uba.r %hould force the S.ria"% jour"e.i"( to the hol. 2lace% i" Hija? to 2a. him homa(e' he had to recour%e to the e;2edie"t of the doctri"e of the vicariou% hajj to the Aubbat al-Sakhra i" 7eru%alem) He decreed that the obli(ator. circumambulatio" Bta&afC could take 2lace at the %acred 2lace i" 7eru%alem &ith the %ame validit. a% that arou"d the >a3ba ordai"ed i" $%lamic 1a&) The 2iou% theolo(ia" al-8uhri &a% (ive" the ta%k of ju%tif.i"( thi% 2oliticall. motivated reform of reli(iou% life b. maki"( u2 a"d %2readi"( a %a.i"( traced back to the *ro2het' accordi"( to &hich there are three mo%5ue% to &hich 2eo2le ma. make 2il(rima(e%+ tho%e i" Mecca' Medi"a a"d 7eru%alem)</= !old?iher'% theor. had bee" ado2ted' u"criticall. or &ith %ome critici%m' b. ma". earl. orie"tali%t% a"d a fe& rece"t o"e%D %ome of them are @re%&ell'<E= Ri22i"<F=' va" G%%'<H= a"d Glad)<I'J= Their evide"ce i% lar(el. ba%ed o" te;t% of a Shi3ite hi%toria" al-4a35ubi Bc) -JF @GC a"d of a" orthodo; 2rie%t from Ale;a"dria' Gut.chiu% Bd) KF0 @GC) $" order to ju%tif. their theor. the. 2ro2o%e that the 2la" of the rock &ith the t&o ambulatorie% arou"d the rock it%elf' ori(i"ated &ith the litur(ical re5uireme"t% of the ta&af)

The @hri%tia" mi%%io"arie%' a% u%ual' (et ver. e;cited &he" the. (et %omethi"( &ith &hich the. ca" create doubt% i" the mi"d% of Mu%lim%) O"e %uch e;am2le i% the &riti"( of 7o%e2h Smith &here he %a.%+ @ertai"l. Mu%lim traditio" %u((e%t% the Dome of the Rock ma. have bee" the earl. reli(iou% ce"tre for $%lam) The cali2h"' &ho rei("ed u2 to J,J AD' &e"t to Mecca to a%k about the Hajj) He &a% "ot %ati%fied &ith the re2l.' a"d cho%e i"%tead to follo& 'Abd al-Malik' travelli"( to the Dome of the Rock) 9e are "ot %u22lied &ith refere"ce% that %tate the :Mu%lim traditio": that %a.% that :the Dome of the Rock ma. have bee" the earl. reli(iou% ce"tre of $%lam: a"d that the cali2h :cho%e i"%tead to follo& 3Abd al-Malik' travelli"( to the Dome of the Rock): A% u%ual' it i% left for the Mu%lim%' to %u22l. the u"i"formed mi%%io"ar. &ith the mi%%i"( i"formatio") $" thi% 2a2er &e &ould like to e;ami"e the &eak"e%%e% of the h.2othe%i% that cali2h 3Abd al-Malik' b. erecti"( the Dome of the Rock i" 7eru%alem to i"te"ded to divert the Hajj from Makkah to 7eru%alem) /) The 9eak"e%% Of The H.2othe%i% Thorou(h re%earche% carried out b. !oitei"'<-'K',0= @hri%tel >e%%ler'<,,= Mu%tafa al-A?ami'<,/= !rabar'<,E',F',H= Sheila Blair<,I= a"d mo%t rece"tl. b. Ra.a Sha"i<,J= &ho %tudied the %ource% a"d carefull. &ei(hed the hi%torical circum%ta"ce% co"vi"ci"(l. ar(ued that the erectio" of Dome of the Rock could "ot have bee" i"te"ded to divert the Hajj from Makkah to 7eru%alem) 9e &ill o"l. %um u2 their ob%ervatio"% a"d co"clu%io"%' i" 2articular that of !oitei" &ho ha% &ritte" e;te"%ivel. o" thi% %ubject) G;tra i"formatio" &a% added &herever &e thou(ht it &a% "ece%%ar.) The ar(ume"t% ca" be co"ve"ie"tl. li%ted a% the follo&i"(+ The Bia% $"accuracie% Of The Hi%toria"%

A :*olitical Suicide: For 3Abd al-Malik Al-8uhri - The Ma" Behi"d The Hajj To Dome Of The Rock?

A) The Bia%

$"accuracie% Of The Hi%toria"%<,-=

To be(i" &ith+ the (reat Mu%lim hi%toria"% of the third ce"tur. al-Tabari a"d Baladhuri' &ho deal &ith the co"flict bet&ee" the a"d $b" 8uba.r i" the utmo%t detail' a% &ell a% the earlier (eo(ra2her%' i"cludi"( al-Mu5adda%i' a "ative of 7eru%alem' "ever make the %li(hte%t allu%io" to 3Abd al-Malik'% alle(ed i"te"tio" of maki"( 7eru%alem i"%tead of Makkah the 2lace of the Hajj 2il(rima(e) O" the co"trar.' for the .ear I- AH' al-Tabari re2ort% that four cam2% - tho%e of 3Abd al-Malik' $b" 8uba.r' Lajda the >harijite a"d $b" al-Ha"afi..a' the re2re%e"tative of Shi3a' took 2art joi"tl. i" the Hajj) Thi% re2ort %tre%%e% o"l. the %tra"(e fact that four differe"t 2artie% joi"ed to(ether at o"e time i" the 2erforma"ce of the rite% of the 2il(rima(e) $t take% for (ra"ted the fact that me" from S.ria 2erformed the Hajj al%o at other time% duri"( the%e crucial .ear%) Tarikh al->hami%' u%i"( a" older %ource %tate% that 3Abd al-Malik a%ked 2eo2le 2roceedi"( to Makkah to re"e& their oath of alle(ia"ce to him) Gve" duri"( the ver. %ie(e of Makkah b. al-Hajjaj' the S.ria"% &ere ea(er to make the ta&af' a re5ue%t &hich $b" 8uba.r "aturall. had to refu%e) $t a22ear% that o"l. t&o older %ource% me"tio" the alle(atio" that 3Abd al-Malik' i" 2utti"( u2 Dome of the Rock' i"te"ded to divert the Hajj to 7eru%alem+ al-4a35ubi' &ho &a% a" out%2oke" 2arti%a" of the Shi3ite%' a"d Gut.chiu%' the &ell-k"o&" @hri%tia" chro"o(ra2herD but both a22e"d to thi% alle(atio" other %tateme"t% &hich i"validate it b. their obviou% u"truth%) Gut.chiu% %a.% that 3Abd al-Malik a"d al-9alid - &ho rei("ed lo"( after $b" 8uba.r &a% dead - forbade the 2il(rima(e to Makkah' &hile 4a35ubi e;te"d% thi% accu%atio" to all the' &hich i% i" clear co"tradictio" to tru%t&orth. traditio"% about the 2il(rima(e of the%e cali2h% to Makkah) $" fact al-4a35ubi him%elf %a.% that from J/ AH o"&ard% the Hajj ceremo". &a% 2erformed u"der the (over"er%hi2 of &he" Makkah came u"der al-Hajjaj'% co"trolD the :a"ti-Makka": cali2h 3Abd al-Malik &e"t to Makkah for the Hajj i" JH AH a% did other cali2h%)<,K= Al-4a35ubi al%o add% that al-Hajjaj had take" 2ai"% to re%tore the >a3bah to it% ori(i"al %ha2e clearl. %u((e%ti"( that >a3bah had "ot bee" re2laced i" the mi"d of the b. the "e& buildi"( i" 7eru%alem)</0= Thu% there &ould have bee" "o "ece%%it. to make a %ub%titute for the Hajj' a"d there &ould have bee" "o "eed to co"ti"ue thi% 2ractice duri"( 2eriod' &hich &a% a% (ood a% 2utti"( a" effective &ea2o" i" the ha"d% of a" eleme"t%) Therefore' !rabar 2ut% it "icel. b. %a.i"(+ 9hat had bee" a reli(iou%-2olitical act e"taili"( a" u"%ettled 2oi"t of reli(iou% lore &ould have bee" tra"%formed b. them i"to a reli(iou%-2olitical act of im2iet. i"te"ded to %trike at the ver. fou"datio" of o"e of the :2illar% of $%lam): Thu% did the 2ro2a(a"da machi"e of the Shi3ite a"d 3Abba%id o22o%itio" attem2t to %ho& the a% e"emie% of faith)</,=

$t i% true that a "umber of later author% re2eat al-4a35ubi'% accou"t' but ever.o"e ver%ed i" the tech"i5ue of Arabic hi%torio(ra2h. k"o&% that o"ce a %tor. ha% bee" i"cor2orated i"to the ma%% of hi%torical traditio"%' it a22ear% a(ai" a"d a(ai" i" later com2ilatio"%)<//= The accou"t (ive" b. al-4a35ubi a"d Gut.chiu% ha% it% ori(i" 2artl. i" a" te"de"cie% a"d 2artl. reflect% a certai" reli(iou% u%a(e &hich' ho&ever' &a% b. "o mea"% re%tricted to 7eru%alem) A"dre& Ri22i" acce2t% al-4a35ubi'% accou"t &ithout re%ervatio"% but i% %ke2tical &hether 2il(rima(e to Makkah duri"( the time of 3Abd al-Malik &a% alread. :a ce"tral %.mbol of "a%ce"t $%lam:)</E= Thi% i% co"trar. to &hat al-4a35ubi %a.%' i)e)' the Hajj 2il(rima(e &a% alread. 2erformed before a"d after the co"5ue%t of Makkah) The 2roblem &ith Ri22i"'% vie& i% that it te"d% to abu%e the %ource material to arrive at a 2re-co"ceived idea &ithout 2ro2er ju%tificatio") Amika" Glad 5ue%tio"% the e;te"t to &hich the bia% of the%e earl. hi%toria"% affect% their reliabilit.) $" hi% vie&' a 2ro-3Alid bia% ca""ot tilt the bala"ce a(ai"%t the traditio"D thu% doe% "ot dema"d that it be totall. rejected) He %u((e%t% that there are %imilar re2ort% ba%ed o" %ource% i"de2e"de"t of al-4a35ubi a"d Gut.chiu%) Ho&ever' hi% ju%tificatio"% are te"tative Bi" hi% o&" &ord%MC' i"co"clu%ive a"d at time% hurried to 2u%h hi% ca%e that 3Abd al-Malik built Dome of the Rock i" 7eru%alem to divert the Hajj from Makkah)</F= B) A :*olitical Suicide: For 3Abd al-Malik Thu% far our e;ami"atio" of the %ource% ha% %ho&" that "othi"( i" them ju%tifie% the a%%um2tio" that the Dome of the Rock &a% ori(i"all. co"ceived to re2lace the >a3bah) Thi% te%timo". of the %ource% ma. be corroborated b. %ome (e"eral hi%torical co"%ideratio"%) $t %eem% obviou% that 3Abd al-Malik could "ot e"da"(er hi% 2o%itio" more tha" b. tr.i"( to divert the Hajj a"d it% rite% from the Hol. *lace% mo%t %olem"l. 2roclaimed a% %uch i" the Aur'a") B. violati"( %o ba%ic a comma"dme"t' 3Abd al-Malik &ould have marked him%elf a% kafir' a(ai"%t &hom jihad &a% obli(ator.) Moreover' Raja' b) Ha.&a'' the official i"-char(e of the erectio" of the Aubbat al-Sakhra Bi)e)' Dome of the RockC' &a% a" i"timate frie"d of the 2iou% cali2h 36mar b) 3Abd al-3A?i?' &ho could "ever have (ive" hi% co"%e"t to %uch a fla(ra"t break &ith the Au'ra"ic comma"dme"t of the Hajj' o"e of the five 2illar% of $%lam' a"d accordi"( to all &e k"o&' 3Abd al-Malik him%elf &a% a" orthodo; a"d ob%erva"t Mu%lim) All thi% take" to(ether com2el% u% to di%card the "otio" that the cali2h i"te"ded to re2lace the chief %a"ctuar. of $%lam b. a"other buildi"() $t i% to be added that earlier i" the /0th ce"tur. 9ellhau%e" had alread. doubted &hether 3Abd al-Malik reall. had the i"te"tio" of %ub%ituti"( 7eru%alem for Makkah "oti"( hi% 2iet.)</H=

@) Al-8uhri - The Ma" Behi"d The Hajj To Dome Of The Rock? Al-4a35ubi %tate% that 3Abd al-Malik' i" hi% attem2t to %to2 the S.ria"% from (oi"( to the Hajj duri"( the co"flict &ith $b" al-8uba.r' 5uoted al-8uhri re2orti"( a traditio" &hich %ub%titute% for the Hajj to al-Ma%jid al-A5%a i" 7eru%alem a"d ta&af arou"d the Rock) So' 3Abd al-Malik built the Dome a"d ta&af co"ti"ued i" the d."a%t.) Accordi"( to !old?iher' it &a% left to the theolo(ia" al-8uhri to le(ali?e a"d ju%tif. the actio") There are ma". 2roblem% &ith the %tateme"t% from al-4a35ubi a"d fi"all. !old?iher &ho acce2t% them u"criticall.) The :traditio": of 2ermitti"( the :Hajj: to al-Ma%jid al-A5%a mo%5ue it%elf i% doubtfulD</I= al-8uhri &a% too .ou"( the"</J= - &he" the Dome of the Rock be(a" to be co"%tructed</-= - a"d u"k"o&") At thi% time al-8uhri &a% %ome&here bet&ee" ,F a"d /0 .ear% of a(e) $t i% i"co"ceivable that a mere bo. of fourtee" or a ma" of t&e"t. had alread. achieved %uch a (reat fame a"d re%2ect - "ot o"l. i" hi% "ative la"d of Madi"ah' but far a&a. i" S.ria - that he &a% able to ca"cel the divi"e obli(ator. order of the Hajj a"d &a% i" a 2o%itio" to comma"d a %ub%tituteM Furthermore' there &ere ma". @om2a"io"% of the *ro2hetB*C at that time i" S.ria) 9h. did 3Abd al-Malik "ot e;2loit them? Their authorit. a"d the re%2ect the. comma"ded &ere far (reater tha" that of al-8uhri' a(ed %ome&here bet&ee" ,F a"d /0 .ear%' a"d the S.ria"% &ould have heard them &ith more revere"ce)</K= The other 2roblem &ith the %tor. of al-4a35ubi co"cer"% &ith the date of meeti"( bet&ee" 3Abd al-Malik a"d al-8uhri) Duri %a.%+ Al-8uhri did (o to Dama%cu% a"d &a% b. cha"ce take" to 3Abd al-Malik &ho had a le(al 2roblem the") The cali2h did "ot k"o& him at fir%t' the" &a% im2re%%ed &ith hi% k"o&led(e a"d i"tellect duri"( the i"tervie&' 2aid hi% debt%' (ave him a 2re%e"t' a"d advi%ed him to co"ti"ue hi% %tudie% a"d %o al-8uhri retur"ed to Madi"ah) Thi% traditio" %ho&% that he &a% %till a .ou"( %cholar' a"d that the advice could hardl. have bee" made duri"( the civil &ar if he had %uch im2orta"ce for the cali2h) O" the other ha"d' a traditio" of al-8uhri %ho&% that he &a% critical of 3Abd al-Malik duri"( the &ar &ith $b" al-8ubair) 9e have therefore to di%mi%% thi% 2o%%iblit. a"d acce2t al-8uhri %tateme"t% :$ came to Dama%cu% duri"( the ri%i"( of $b" al-A%h3ath: c) -0-, AH' %eve" or ei(ht .ear% after the death of $b" al-8ubair)<E0= A %imilar co"clu%io" ha% bee" reached b. Mu%tafa al-A?ami &ho %a.%+ )))) al-8uhri'% meeti"( &ith 3Abd al-Malik &hich did "ot take 2lace earlier tha" -, AH)))<E,= So' the %tor. that al-4a35ubi "arrate% i% a"achro"ic)<E/=

A"other char(e levelled at al-8uhri b. al-4a35ubi a"d !old?iher &a% that he &a% re%2o"%ible for :fabricati"(: the hadith of :three mo%5ue%: to ju%tif. the movi"( of the Hajj to 7eru%alem from Makkah) There are t&o 2roblem% &ith thi% %tateme"t) The fir%t o"e bei"( the &ordi"( al-8uhri 5uoted b. 3Abd al-Malik a"d (ive" b. al-4a35ubi doe% "ot me"tio"' or eve" %u((e%t the %acred"e%% of the Rock a"d it% ta&af a"d %o o") The %tateme"t of al-8uhri o"l. (ive% the mo%5ue of 7eru%alem a% a %2ecial 2riviled(e) Thi% mo%5ue ha% bee" (ive" a %2ecial 2lace eve" i" the Aur'a") The %eco"d 2roblem &ith thi% i% that al-8uhri &a% "ot o"l. o"e &ho tra"%mitted the hadith of :three mo%5ue%:) There &ere other% too &ho tra"%mitted it &ith follo&i"( i%"ad+<EE= Hi%ham Lafi3 $b" 36mar Salamah b) >uhail Haji.ah b) 3Adi 3Ali b) Abi Talib Au%aim Aa?3ah Abu Sa3id al->hudri Aba" b) Tha3labah 3Ati.ah Abu Sa3id al->hudri Muhd b) $brahim Sai3d b) Abu Sa3id Abu Huraira 8aid b) Salim Sa3id b) Abu Sa3id Abu Huraira 4a?id b) Abu Aa?3ah 3Abdallah b) 3Amr Therefore' ho& did the credit for thi% :fabricatio": a"d theolo(ical e"ter2ri%e (o to al-8uhri alo"e' &ho did "ot %ee 3Abd al-Malik earlier tha" -0-, AH? Al%o !oldhi?er'% char(e that al-8uhri &a% re%2o"%ible for fabricati"( the traditio"% i" favour of<EF= had bee" refuted b. Horovit?) Horovit? ha% %ho&" that thi% claim i% fal%e a"d te"de"tiou%)<EH= $" fact' al-8uhri at time% e"ra(ed %ome of the cali2h% b. 5uoti"( traditio"% a(ai"%t their i"tere%t%' a"d %ticki"( to the%e traditio"% i" %2ite of the fur. of hi% 2atro"%)<EI= There i%' of cour%e' a"other 2roblem al%o &ith the ar(ume"t adva"ced b. !old?iher' @re%&ell a"d other%) $t %2ecificall. ar(ue% that' becau%e co"trol of Makkah &a% i" the ha"d% of $b" al-8uba.r &ho re2re%e"ted a ver. 2iou% local from the Hija? a"d &ho%e famil. &a% dee2l. o22o%ed to the' 3Abd al-Malik tried to re2lace Makkah &ith 7eru%alem' a"d the Dome of the Rock &a% mea"t to be a" e5uivale"t of the >a3bah) Ole( !rabar comme"t% about thi% e;2la"atio"+ $t i% a" e;2la"atio" that more or le%% re5uire% that the buildi"( <i)e)' Dome of the Rock= be 2la""ed before IK/' &he" Mekkah &a% :liberated: from $b" al-8uba.r'% rule)<EJ=

E) @o"clu%io"% *erha2% the be%t &a. to co"clude i% to 5uote the famou% art hi%toria" of our time% Ole( !rabar &ho ha% &ritte" e;te"%ivel. o" the i%%ue of Dome of the Rock a"d refuted that it &a% co"%tructed b. 3Abd al-Malik to divert the Hajj 2il(rima(e from Makkah to 7eru%alem) !rabar %a.%<E-= that thi% i"ter2retatio" i% ba%ed o" te;t% of al-4a35ubi' a heterodo; Mu%lim hi%toria" brou(ht u2 i" Ba(hdad &ho had traveled &idel. throu(h out the em2ire' a"d of Gut.chiu%' a" orthodo; 2rie%t from Ale;a"dria) Althou(h it i% al%o fou"d i" other &riter% before the @ru%ade%' e%2eciall. traditio"al Mu%lim litterateur%' there are i"dicatio"% Ba %erie% of error% &ith re%2ect to attributio"% a"d date%C &hich %u((e%t that i" realit. &e are deali"( &ith o"e major traditio"' or at be%t t&o' &hich have bee" 2a%%ed o" throu(h defi"able hi%torio(ra2hic cha""el%) All the%e &riter% claim that' %i"ce a cou"ter-cali2h $b" al-8uba.r &a% i" 2o%%e%%io" of Makkah' the cali2h 3Abd al-Malik built a %a"ctuar. i" 7eru%alem i" order to divert 2il(rim% from Arabia 2ro2er b. e%tabli%hi"( the *ale%ti"ia" cit. a% the reli(iou% ce"ter of $%lam) $t ha% al%o bee" a%%erted that the 2la" of the Dome of the Rock' &ith t&o ambulatorie% arou"d the Rock it%elf' ori(i"ated &ith the litur(ical re5uireme"t% of the ta&af' the formal circumambulatio" that i% o"e of the hi(h 2oi"t% of Mu%lim 2il(rima(e) There are variou% ar(ume"t% a(ai"%t thi% i"ter2retatio") For i"%ta"ce' the %tateme"t% of al-4a35ubi a"d Gut.chiu% are u"i5ue i" the a""al% of earl. Mu%lim hi%torio(ra2h.' a"d .et a% mome"tou% a" attem2t a% that of cha"(i"( the %ite of the Hajj could "ot have bee" overlooked b. %uch careful hi%toria"% a% al-Tabari a"d Baladhuri' a"d e%2eciall. "ot b. a local 7eru%alem 2atriot like the (eo(ra2her al-Mu5adda%i) $t ca" al%o be %ho&" that the hi%torie% of al-4a35ubi a"d Gut.chiu% co"tai" &illful di%tortio"% of fact &hich i"dicate that the%e &riter% &ere hi(hl. 2arti%a" i" their o22o%itio" to the Furthermore' it &ould have bee" 2oliticall. %uicidal for 3Abd al-Malik to have made him%elf i"to a" u"believer b. modif.i"( o"e of the cleare%t te"et% of "e& faith o"l. a (e"eratio" a"d a half after the *ro2het'% death) He &ould hardl. have bee" able to &i" over' a% he did' the majorit. of the Mu%lim% of hi% time a(ai"%t i"ter"al 2olitical threat%) The"' a com2arativel. rece"tl. di%covered te;t b. Baladhuri make% it clear that the S.ria" force% o2erati"( a(ai"%t Makkah %till co"%idered the latter a% the Mu%lim ce"ter for 2il(rima(eD duri"( the fi(hti"( their leader al-Hajjaj re5ue%t% 2ermi%%io" for hi% troo2% to make the ta&af' a"d there a22ear% to have bee" a fairl. co"%ta"t %tream of 2eo2le (oi"( o" to their hol. dut. i" %2ite of the fi(hti"() Lor &ould al-Hajjaj have take" %uch 2ai"% to re%tore the >a3bah to it% ori(i"al %ha2e had it bee" re2laced i" the mi"d of the b. the "e& buildi"( i" 7eru%alem) A %tateme"t i" al-Tabari to the effect that i" I-J--- at lea%t four differe"t (rou2% &e"t o" 2il(rima(e %ho&% that the bitter factio"al %trife% bet&ee" Mu%lim% &ere held i" abe.a"ce for ritual 2ur2o%e%) Fi"all.' it i% doubtful &hether the com2arativel. %mall area of the Dome of the Rock could have bee" co"ve"ie"tl. u%ed for the lo"( a"d com2le; ceremo". of the ta&afD<EK= a"d it ma. be ar(ued that' had 3Abd al-Malik &a"ted to re2lace Makkah' he &ould have cho%e" a t.2e of %tructure clo%er i" 2la" to the >a3bah tha" the Dome of the Rock' %i"ce the %acrame"tal

a"d i"alterable character of the Makka" %a"ctuar. i% full. a22are"t i" it% %everal reco"%tructio"%) A"d Allah k"o&% be%tM



<,= Ahmad b) Abu 4a35ub $b" 9adih al-4a35ubi BGd) M) T) Hout%maC' Tarikh' ,--E' Nolume $$' 1eide"' 2) E,,) </= $) !old?iher BGd) S) M) Ster"C' Mu%lim Studie% BMuhammeda"i%che Studie"C' ,KJ,' Nolume $$' Atherto"+ Le& 4ork a"d Aldi"e+ @hica(o' 22) FF-FH) <E= >) A) @) @re%&ell' A Short Accou"t Of Garl. Mu%lim Architecture' ,KI-' 1ibrairie Du 1iba"' Beirut' 22) ,J-,-) <F= A) Ri22i"' Mu%lim%+ Their Reli(iou% Belief% A"d *ractice%' ,KK0' Nolume $ BThe Formative *eriodC' Routled(e+ 1o"do" Le& 4ork' 22) HE-HF) <H= 7) va" G%%' :3Abd al-Malik A"d The Dome Of The Rock+ A" A"al.%i% Of Some Te;t%:' i" 7) Rab. 7) 7oh"% BGd)C' Ba.t Al-Ma5di%+ 3Abd al-Malik'% 7eru%alem' ,KK/' *art ,' O;ford 6"iver%it. *re%%+ O;ford B6>C' 22) -K-,0F) <I= A) Glad' Medieval 7eru%alem A"d $%lamic 9or%hi2' ,KKH' G) 7) Brill' 1eide"' 22) ,H--,IE) <J= A) Glad' :9h. Did 3Abd al-Malik Build The Dome Of The Rock? A Re-G;ami"atio" of Mu%lim Source%:' i" 7) Rab. 7) 7oh"% BGd)C' Ba.t Al-Ma5di%+ 3Abd al-Malik'% 7eru%alem' ,KK/' *art ,' O;ford 6"iver%it. *re%%+ O;ford B6>C' 22) EE-H-) <-= S) D) !oitei"' :The Hi%torical Back(rou"d Of The Grectio" Of The Dome Of The Rock:' ,KH0' 7our"al Of The America" Orie"tal Societ.' Nolume J0' 22) ,0F-,0-) <K= S) D) !oitei"' Studie% $" $%lamic Hi%tor. A"d $"%titutio"%' ,KII' G) 7) Brill+ 1eide"' 22) ,EH-,F-) <,0= S) D) !oitei"' :Al->ud%:' i" @) G) Bo%&orth' G) va" Do"?el' B) 1e&i% @h) *ellat BGd%)C' G"c.clo2aedia Of $%lam BLe& Gditio"C' ,K-I' Nolume N' G) 7) Brill+ 1eide"' 2) E/H) <,,= @) >e%%ler' :3Abd al-Malik'% $"%cri2tio" $" The Dome Of The Rock+ A Reco"%ideratio":' 7our"al Of The A%iatic Societ.' ,KJ0' 22) ,,-,/) <,/= M) Mu%tafa al-A?ami' Studie% $" Garl. Hadith 1iterature' ,KK/' America" Tru%t *ublicatio"% B$"dia"a2oli%' 6SAC' 22) /-K-/K/)

<,E= O) !rabar' :The Dome Of The Rock $" 7eru%alem:' Ar% Orie"tali%' ,KHK' Nolume E' 22) FH-FI) <,F= O) !rabar' The Formatio" Of $%lamic Art' ,K-J' 4ale 6"iver%it. *re%%+ Le& Have" B6SAC' 22) FE-J,) <,H= O) !rabar' The Sha2e Of The Hol.+ Garl. $%lamic 7eru%alem' ,KKI' *ri"ceto" 6"iver%it. *re%%+ *ri"ceto"' Le& 7er%e. B6SAC' 2) ,,H) <,I= S) Blair' :9hat $% The Date Of The Dome Of The Rock?: i" 7) Rab. BGd)C' Ba.t Al-Ma5di%+ 3Abd al-Malik'% 7eru%alem' ,KK/' *art ,' O;ford 6"iver%it. *re%%+ O;ford B6>C' 22) HK--J) 7) 7oh"%

<,J= R) Sha"i' :The $co"o(ra2h. Of The Dome Of The Rock:' 7eru%alem Studie% O" Arabic $%lam' ,KKK' 22) ,H--/0J) <,-= Ad2ated from S) D) !oitei"'% Studie% $" $%lamic Hi%tor. A"d $"%titutio"%' o2) cit)' 22) ,EI-,EJ) <,K Al-4a35ubi' Tarikh' O2) @it)' 2) EEI) </0= $bid)' 2) E/H) </,= O) !rabar' :The Dome Of The Rock $" 7eru%alem:' Ar% Orie"tali%' ,KHK' o2) cit)' 2) FI) <//= Ma". orie"tali%t% &ho %u22orted !old?iher'% the%i% have mi%%ed thi% im2orta"t 2oi"t of 2roliferatio" of hi%torical traditio"%) </E= A) Ri22i"' Mu%lim%+ Their Reli(iou% Belief% A"d *ractice%' o2) cit)' 2) HE) </F= See ref) H) Glad %eem% to a22roach the %ubject &ith a 2re-meditated mi"d that that :3Abd al-Malik built Dome of the Rock to divert Hajj from Makkah): He re2eat% thi% %tateme"t ofte" i" hi% co"clu%io"% of %ub-%ectio"%) </H= 7) 9ellhau%e" Btra"%) M) !) 9eirC' The Arab >i"(dom A"d $t% Fall' ,KIE' > Beirut B1eba"o"C' 2) /,F) </I= A) A) Duri' :Al-8uhri+ A Stud. O" The Be(i""i"(% Of Hi%tor. 9riti"( $" $%lam:' Bulleti" Of The School Of Orie"tal Africa" Studie%' ,KHJ' Nolume O$O' 22) ,0-,,) </J= Al-8uhri'% date of death %eem% certai" a"d i% (ive" a% ,J Ramada" ,/F AH P JF/ @G) Hi% date of birth i% u"certai") $t i% (ive" a% H0' H,' HI' or H- AH) But 8uba.r b) Bakkar a"d 9a5idi - i" o"e re2ort - make hi% a(e J/' it i% 2robable that hi% birth &a% i" H,-/ AH P IJ, @G' cf) A) A) Duri' :Al-8uhri+ A Stud. O" The Be(i""i"(% Of Hi%tor. 9riti"( $" $%lam:' Bulleti" Of The School Of Orie"tal Africa" Studie%' ,KHJ' ibid)' 22) ,0-,,)

</-= 9he" did the co"%tructio" of Dome of the Rock be(i"? Hi%toria"% %uch a% Sibt $b" al-7a&?i Bd) IHF P ,/HIC %a. that the Dome of the Rock'% co"%tructio" be(a" i" IK AH a"d fi"i%hed i" J/ AH) The i"%cri2tio"% o" the Dome of the Rock are dated from J/ AH) @re%&ell thi"k% that thi% i% termi"u% ad 5uem' i)e)' the date of com2letio" of Dome of the Rock) Such a termi"u% ad 5uem cau%e% 2roblem% becau%e for 3Abd al-Malik the 2reviou% .ear% &ere filled &ith civil &ar a"d %trife "ot co"ducive to fi"a"ce a major co"%tructio" %uch a% Dome of the Rock) Sheila Blair ha% co"vi"ci"(l. %ho&" u%i"( %u22ortive evide"ce from t&o media coi"% a"d mile%to"e% - that J/ AH P IK/ @G %hould be co"%idered a% termi"u% a 5uo' i)e)' the date of be(i""i"( of co"%tructio" BSee Sheila Blair' :9hat $% The Date Of The Dome Of The Rock?: o2 cit)' 22) HK--JC) $t i% to be %tre%%ed that both architecture a"d decoratio" of Dome of the Rock %ho& a remarkable clarit. a"d co"%i%te"c. co"%ta"t &ith a %i"(le cam2ai(") 9e take J/ AH P IK/ @G to be termi"u% a 5uo) A"d Allah k"o&% be%tM </K= M) Mu%tafa al-A?ami' Studie% $" Garl. Hadith 1iterature' o2 cit)' 22) /K0-/K,) <E0= A) A) Duri' :Al-8uhri+ A Stud. O" The Be(i""i"(% Of Hi%tor. 9riti"( $" $%lam:' Bulleti" Of The School Of Orie"tal Africa" Studie%' ,KHJ' o2 cit)' 2) ,,) <E,= M) Mu%tafa al-A?ami' Studie% $" Garl. Hadith 1iterature' o2 cit)' 2) /K0) <E/= Glad attem2ted to %ho& that al-8uhri :came to 3Abd al-Malik: i" the .ear J/ AH b. 5uoti"( a traditio" that %a.% :he <al-8uhri= heard 3Abd al-Malik b) Mar&a" i" 7eru%alem' deliveri"( a %ermo": to refute the char(e that al-8uhri met 3Abd al-Malik i" -0-, AH' cf) A) Glad' Medieval 7eru%alem A"d $%lamic 9or%hi2' o2 cit)' 2) ,HH) But the 2roblem &ith Glad'% a"al.%i% i% that :heari"(: %omeo"e i% differe"t from :meeti"(: %omeo"e) <EE= M) Mu%tafa al-A?ami' Studie% $" Garl. Hadith 1iterature' o2 cit)' 2) /K/) <EF= $) !old?iher BGd) S) M) Ster"C' Mu%lim Studie% BMuhammeda"i%che Studie"C' o2 cit)' 22) FI-FJ) <EH= 7) Horovit?' :The Garlie%t Bio(ra2her% Of The *ro2het A"d Their Author% $$:' ,K/-' $%lamic @ulture' Nolume $$' 2) F-) <EI= ibid)' 22) F,-F/) <EJ= O) !rabar' The Sha2e Of The Hol.+ Garl. $%lamic 7eru%alem' o2 cit)' 2) ,,H) Thi% ar(ume"t &a% fir%t 2ut for&ard b. Sheila Blair B%ee ref) ,EC) <E-= O) !rabar' The Formatio" Of $%lamic Art' o2 cit)' 2) FJ-F-)

<EK= A %imilar ar(ume"t i% for&arded b. >are" Arm%tro"() See >) Arm%tro"(' 7eru%alem+ O"e @it.' Three Faith%' ,KKJ' Balla"ti"e Book%+ Le& 4ork' 22) /F0-/F,)

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