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Exam Description:
Diskography is preformed on lumbar & cervical spine. For the lumbar spine, we use a dorsal needle placement, whereas with a cervical spine, we use an anterior needle placement. t is a purely diagnostic radiographic examination of the spinal disks to locate the site of pain using contrast in!ections into several disks and recording patient responses at each disk. " nurse will be present to administer medication to the patient to control pain. #he contrast is in!ected by a $adiologist or %hysician into the nucleus pulposus by means of a double needle entry. #he patient participates by describing pain that is occurring and if it is indeed the pain that brought them into the doctor in order to locate the &problem disk'. #he contraindication and risk for a diskography exam include allergic reactions to contrast media. #he patient is changed into a gown and is then assisted onto the imaging table. "fter making sure that patient prep was followed. #he patient is placed in the correct position for the puncture site and sterile techni(ue is used. " disk is punctured and contrast material is in!ected and the patient response is recorded etc. #his is repeated until all the re(uired disks have been examined and the &problem disk' has been located. #he images taken are usually done under fluro by the radiologist and post films are only taken if indicated by the radiologist. #he procedure followed for a diskography exam include obtaining a complete patient history )especially about allergies*, proper use of sterile e(uipment, patient prep, assisting radiologist with the in!ection of contrast, helping patient understand instructions and maneuvering, and taking the re(uired radiographs )if indicated by radiologist* after the radiologist is finished using the fluro. "fter exam is complete, the patient should be assisted off table.

#echnologist $esponsibilities:
#hese responsibilities would include prepping the room, assisting patient onto table, verifying the patient and the procedure orders from the supervising physician. t is also the technologists+ responsibility to inform the patient about the exam and the risks that are involved. #hey must make sure that the patient has been properly attired for the exam and make sure that they have followed any prepping necessary. ,efore the exam begins they must also obtain a complete patient history. #hey must introduce the radiologist and assist the patient with understanding instructions and evaluate and make sure that the patient is comfortable. "fter completing this, they should then inform the patient of what side effects to expect or look for pertaining to the contrast material etc. #hen after the contrast is administered and or the instructions given, the #echnologist should observe the patient for reactions to medium during and after the procedure in case of allergy or if the patient has difficulty following instructions during the procedure. #hey will then take the re(uired radiographs )if any* after the radiologist is finished using the fluro.


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