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Jules Rosete OB Key Term Quiz 1. The Branch of physics that studies sound is Acoustics 2.

Sound pressure le els !loudness or olume" are measured in deci#els $. To ad%ust the le el of a num#er of trac&s to #rin' them all up to a#out the same le el is to normalize them. (. )hen audio is measured in order to #e di'itally stored* the alue of each measurement is rounded off to the nearest inte'er in a process called +uantization ,. Reducin' the num#er of separate measurements of an audio file is called do-nsample .. The standard file format for displayin' di'itized motion ideo on the /acintosh is Quic&Time /o ie 0. The most common file format for editin' sound on the /acintosh is S12 3. The audio file format introduced my /icrosoft and 4B/ -ith the introduction of )indo-s is the )A5 6. The process of playin' a sound file -hile part of the file is still do-nloadin' is called streamin' 17. Some soft-are allo-s you to #e'in playin' a do-nloadin' sound file as soon as enou'h of the sound is cached in your computer8s #uffer /ultiple9:hoice Quiz 1. The file format that uses a shorthand representation of musical notes and durations stored in numeric form is; d. /424 2. )hich of these statements re'ardin' the /424 audio format is not true< #. Spo&en audio can easily #e included. $. The primary #enefit of the =eneral /424 o er the pre ious /424 specification is that; e. the instruments are the same re'ardless of the play#ac& source (. )hat happens -hen an audio si'nal e>ceeds the

recordin' de ice8s ma>imum recordin' le el< #. ?:lippin'@ of the si'nal occurs* introducin' distortion. ,. As one story 'oes* the criterion used to set the len'th of the sectors and ultimately the physical size of the compact disc format -as #ased on the len'th of; c. Beetho en8s 1inth Symphony .. The process of recordin' a sound* stored in the form of thousands of indi idual measurements* each at a discrete point in time* is called; a. samplin' 0. The file size of a fi e9second recordin' sampled at 22 &Az* 1.9#it stereo !t-o trac&s" -ould #e a#out; c. ((7*777 #ytes 3. )hich of the follo-in' sound file characteristics does not directly affect the size of a di'ital audio file< d. olume 6. Bach indi idual measurement of a sound that is stored as di'ital information is called a; c. sample 17. Audio recorded at ((.1 &Az !&ilohertz"* 1.9#it stereo is considered; d. :29+uality 11. Remo in' #lan& space or ?dead air@ at the #e'innin' or end of a recordin' is sometimes called; d. trimmin' 12. 2SC stands for; e. di'ital si'nal processin' 1$. Se+uencin' soft-are; #. records and edits /424 data

1(. The slo-er a user8s connection* the lon'er he must -ait for enou'h of the sound to do-nload so that the entire file -ill ha e do-nloaded #y the time the sound reaches the end. This effect is called; a. streamin' latency 1,. The Red Boo& standard -as so named #ecause; c. the standard8s #oo& %ac&et -as red Bssay Quiz 1. The purpose of audio is to present mood to the audience. 4n terms of copyri'ht* -e must purchase our ri'hts andDor -e must create it oursel es. 2. The samplin' rate is the num#er of samples of data ta&en in one second for each channel of audio #ein' recorded. :2s are recorded at ((177 samples per second. /ono supports one soundE Stereo supports left sound and ri'ht sound. $. 4 -ill use samplin' rate of 11 &Az and 3 #its depths -ith mono trac& for the clips of speech* and 22.7, &Az and 3#its depths -ith mono trac& for son's recordin'. The reason is the limited of stora'e space -hich only allo- the entire file sa ed as lo-er +uality audio (. /usical 4nstrument 2i'ital 4nterface is a technical standard that descri#es a protocol* di'ital interface and connectors and allo-s a -ide ariety of electronic musical instruments* computers and other related de ices to connect and communicate -ith one another. Ad anta'es of /424 include compactness and ease of modification and manipulation and choice of instruments. ,. File size. Samplin' rates. Recordin' Ge el. File format.

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