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Scheme of studies Examination for the B.Sc.

(Agriculture) Final 2012, 2013 & 2014 EXAMINATIONS

Sr. No. Subject Theory Pds. !ee" Pr#ct. Pds. !ee" Tot#$ Pds. !ee" P#%er M#r"s I&ter&#$ Asse't. Tot#$ M#r"s Tot#$ No. o( P#%ers
Theory Pr#ct. Tot#$

1 ( 3 '

Horticulture-II Entomolog# Agriculture Extension A**lied Statistics Farm +anagement , %roduction Economics An# one of the follo-ing
(i) (ii) (iii) Agronom# Soil Sciences %omolog# (Horticulture)

3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 1! 31

! ! ) ) ) (1 )1

"heor# $I %ractical-I "heor# $I %ractical-I "heor# $I %ractical-I "heor# $I %ractical-I "heor# $I %ractical-I "heor# $3 each %ractical-( each

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"2"A3 (' 4ote/ (i) 5uration of theor# *eriod is ' minutes (ii) 5uration of %ractical %a*er is of 3 Hours.

+.Sc. -A./I0,*T/E1 PA/T2I3
2012, 2013 & 2014 EXAMINATIONS PAPE/2I4 -5O/TI0,*T,/E2II1 +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24-I Forestr#/ +eaning; sco*e and relationshi* -ith other sciences. Im*ortance of forests; its contri<ution to the national income and com*arison -ith other countries. "#*es of forests and their distri<ution in India. Forest resources; needs and *ros*ects; ma=or and minor forest *roducts; their sources; uses and *rocessing. 9ulti.ation of the follo-ing forest trees/ "ea6; e<on#; sal; deodar; oa6; sisham; sandal-ood; tun; eucal#*tus; %o*lar. SE9"I24 -II Forest ecolog#; management and conser.ation. 5eforestation; afforestation. Farm forestr#; aforestr#; social forestr# and its role and needs. SE9"I24 III Forest ecos#stem; a<iotic and <iotic com*onents and their interaction. SE9"I24 -I> ?ild life and conser.ation; sanctuaries. en.ironment *ollution; natural forest resources/ rene-a<le and non-rene-a<le; en.ironmental degradation; natural disasters/ floods; fires; c#clones and earth :ua6es.

%7A9"I9A3S +ax. +ar6s/ & 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs %ractical/ '& Int. Asst./ 1&

Stud# of forest t#*es and their com*onents in %un=a<. Identification of common forests s*ecies mentioned in the s#lla<us on the <asis of mor*hological and anatomical

features. Esta<lishment and management of forest nurseries; .arious techni:ues and management. A .isit to .arious forest nurseries esta<lished <# forest de*artment %re*are a list of forest *lants -hich are the sources of .arious minor forests *roducts. @i.e their common name; <otanical name; famil# and the *lant *artAs used as a minor forest *roducts. %re*are a re*ort on the <asis of field .isit to -ild life sanctuar#A Boo. B22CS 7E92++E45E5 9hauhan; 5.+.S. "hom*son; 9. ,?illiam; 9 ?ill# 5hosi; 4.S. , 4and*uri; C.S. @o*alas-ami 3anchastor S. %erc# S-aru* Crishan 7andha-a; +.S. 7andha-a; +.S. / Vegetable Production in India; 10)0; 7am %rasad , Sons; Agra-(!(&&3. / Vegetable Crops; 1011; "ata +c@ra- Hills 9o.; 4et. of India; 4e- 5elhi. /Vegetable Growing in India. / Complete Gardening in India, 101&; Cossali %ress; Banglore. /Gardening in India; 1011; 2xford and I5E %u<lishing 9o.; 4e- 5elhi. / Garden Flowers; 1010; 4.B.". of India; 4e- 5elhi. / Beautiful Gardens; @o.t. of India %u<lications. / Beautiful Trees; @o.t. of India %u<lications.

PAPE/2II4 ENTOMO*O.) +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 -I 5efinition of *ests; losses from *ests to agriculture cro*s and their *roducts. 4atural control and factors causing out<rea6s of *ests of agricultural im*ortance. Forecasting of *est out<rea6s. %rinci*les and methods of *ests control/ *h#sical; <iological; chemical. Integrated; legal and su*er.ised control. Integrated %est +anagement. Economic in=ur# and economic threshold.

SE9"I24 -II Biolog#; nature and extent of damage; life histor# and control of the insect *ests of the follo-ing cro*s/ sugarcane; cotton; cereals; *ulses; oilseeds; .egeta<les; fodders; fruit trees; stored grains; household. 5amage caused <# <irds and rodents to cro*s and their control. %est control organiBation at state and national le.el -ith a general account of the co-ordination at the international le.el. SE9"I24 -III A*iculture; sericulture and lac culture. Insect *ests and diseases of hone# <ees; sil6-orm; lac-insect and their control; *redators; *arasites; *ollinators and sca.engers. Storage of farm *roduce; common *ests and their control. Stud# of *est control e:ui*ment; its classification; *rinci*les and its agricultural im*lementation. SE9"I24 -I> 9ommon *esticides; their formulations and methods of a**lication; safe handling and antidotes. %ro*erties of *esticides; mode of entr# and action; factors affecting toxicit#; com*ati<ilit#; s#nergism; re*ellents; attractants; hormones; *heromones; chemiesterilants; antifeedants. %7A9"I9A3S +ax. +ar6s/ & 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs %ractical/ '& Int. Asst./ 1&

9ollection and *reser.ation of insects. 7earing techni:ues and rearing of stored grain *ests. Identification of .arious *ests of field cro*s; .egeta<les; fruit trees; stored and household *roducts. Identification of *est damage in res*ect of field cro*s; .egeta<les and fruit trees. A**lication of .arious *esticides. 5ifferent t#*es of a**lication e:ui*ment; including s*ra#ers dusters; seed dressers; their structure; -or6ing; handling and maintenance. %ractice in the field o*erations of the control of *ests. B22CS 7E92++E45E5 At-al; A.S. %ruthi; H.S. Singh; H. , Bindra; 2.S. +etcalf , Frint Singh; S. , Cumars-ami / Insect Pests of South East sia; 10!); Cal#ani %u<lishers; 4e- 5elhi. / Te!t Boo" of griculture Entomolog#; 10)0; I9A7 %u<lication. /Pesticide pplication E$uipment; 1011; 2xford , IBH; 4e- 5elhi. / %estructi&e and 'seful Insects, their (abits and Control; 1010; "ata +c@ra- Hill; 4e- 5elhi. / Bee )eeping in India; 10)(; I9A7.; 4e- 5elhi. / Elements of Economic* Entomolog#.

PAPE/2III4 A./I0,*T,/A* EXTENSION -EXTENTION E6,0ATION AN6 0OMM,NIT) 6E3E*OPMENT1 +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 -I %hiloso*h# and %rinci*les of Extension Education/ +eaning; nature; and o<; *hiloso*h# and *rinci*les of extension education. Histor# of extension education; extension educational acti.ities in India. Elements in Extension; teaching *rocess; characteristics of effecti.e extension teaching-learning. SE9"I24 -II +eaning and nature of communication *rocess; 6e# elements and factors influencing effecti.e communication. 7ole of 6e# communicators. Extension teaching methods; their classification; relati.e effecti.eness of different extension teaching methods. Audio-.isual aids/ use and classification. " , > s#stems. SE9"I24 -III Extension *rogramme; *lanning and e.aluation/ +eaning and nature of extension; *rogramme; *lanning in extension education. +eaning and nature of extension e.aluation; t#*es of e.aluation; ste*s in.ol.ed in extension education. 9ommunit# 5e.elo*ment/ Similarities and dissimilarities <et-een extension education and communit# de.elo*ment. Histor# of communit# de.elo*ment *rogrammes in India. SE9"I24 -I> 7ural Sociolog# /5efinition; sco*e; origin and its relationshi* -ith other social sciences. 7ural - ur<an differences. 9aste s#stem in rural India. Ada*tation *rocess; diffusion of inno.ations. Economic and *olitical life of 7ural *eo*le. %7A9"I9A3S +ax. +ar6s/ & 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs %ractical/ '& Int. Asst./ 1&

>isit to the offices of local de.elo*ment agencies co.ering agricultural and dair# de.elo*ment acti.ities in the area for anal#sis of their *attern of -or6ing. %re*aration of some .isual aids and their use at .arious stages of Ada*tation %rocess. %re*aring agriculture and dair# de.elo*ment *rogrammes at the <loc6 l and district le.el. Sim*le *rocedures and techni:ues for e.aluating the extension *rogramme.

B22CS 7E92++E45E5 5ahama; 2.%. @re-al; D.S. and "am<er; 7.S. 7udramoorth#; B. Sandhu; A.S. / E!tension of +ural ,elfare; 1013; 7am %rasad and Sons; Agra. / Introduction to E!tension Education; 101&; %un=a< Agricultural 8ni.ersit#; 3udhiana. / E!tension in Planned Social Change; 10)'; A**lied %u<lication; Bom<a#. / E!tension Programme, Planning; 1011; %.A.8.; 3udhiana.

PAPE/2I34 APP*IE6 STATISTI0S +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 -I "ime-series; its com*onents; uses of the Anal#sis of "ime series $ its anal#sis and correlation/ demand anal#sis -ith the hel* of "ime Series and famil# <udget data. Index 4um<er; their construction $ .arious formulae for index num<ers; re:uirement of a good index and its uses. SE9"I24 -II Sam*ling +ethods $ sam*ling .ersus com*lete enumeration $ conce*t of *ro<a<ilit# sam*ling and *ur*osi.e sam*ling -ith and -ithout re*lacement; stratified random sam*ling; s#stematic sam*ling-cluster; sam*ling-ratio method of estimations. 9once*t of .arious t#*es of non-sam*ling errors in sur.e#s -ith s*ecial discussion of call <ac6 in non-res*onds. SE9"I24 -III %rinci*les of Ex*erimental 5esigns; 8niformit#; "railsiBe and sha*e of *lots $ randomiBation; re*lication and local control; anal#sis of .ariance u* to t-o -a#s classification -ithout interaction. SE9"I24 -I> 9om*letel# randomiBed $ randomiBed <loc6 and lating s:uare designs including missing *lot techni:ues (u* to t-o missing *lots onl#); factorial ex*eriments; ad.antages; definition of man effects and interactions in (( *artiching of degrees of freedom and #ates

method of com*utation of .arious sum of s:uares anal#sis of co.ariance; *ractical consideration of la#ing out ex*eriment $ sim*le trials on culti.ators fields. %7A9"I9A3S +ax. +ar6s/ & 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs %ractical/ '& Int. Asst./ 1&

"he *ractical -ill <e <ased on the *ractical *art co.ered in B.Sc. II and Final Eear. "he to*ic--ise detail is as under/ 3IS" 2F EF%E7I+E4"S Sr- .o.o- of E!periments I. %re*artion of fre:uenc# distri<ution ta<le , gra*hical re*resentation 1 II. 9alculation of A.+.2.5.@.5. etc. 1 III. 9alculation of s6e-ness and Curtosis 1 I>. 9orrelation regression anal#sis ( >. Fitting of Binomial %oisson and 4ormal distri<ution and their @oddness of fit. 3 "ES"S 2F HE%2"HESIS I. "ests <ased on normal deri.ates ( ( II. Exact texts <ased on E / t , F. ) SA+%3I4@ I. 5ra-ing of S.7.S. from a finite *o*ulation and estimating the mean of *o*ulation along -ith its estimated .ariance ( II. Stratified Sam*ling 1 III. 9luster Sam*ling 1 I>. S#stematic sam*ling 1 >. 7atio method of Estimation. 1 >I. "ime Series and Index 4um<er ) 5ESI@4 2F EF%E7I+E4"S I. Anal#sis of >ariance ( II. Anal#sis of Ex*eriments -ith; 3.S.5. including 9alculation of 9ritical ; difference. 3 III. 8se of missing *lot techni:ue for 7.E.5 and 3.S.5. ( ( I>. ( factorial ex*eriment use of Eates method. ( >. 9onfoundr# ( >I. Anal#sis of 9o.ariance 1 GGGGGGGGGGG '& GGGGGGGGGGG @u*ta; S.9. and Ca*oor; >.C. @oon; @u*ta and 5ass @u*ta Fodrar ?illiam E. 5eming B22CS 7E92++E45E5 / pplied Statistics. / E!perimental %esigns. / Some Theor# of %esign. Topics

>.4. Am<le @.B. @u*ta 9roxton , 9o-den

/ Statistical /ethods in nimal Sciences. / n Introduction to Statistical /ethods. / pplied General Statistics.

PAPE/234 7A/M MANA.EMENT AN6 P/O6,0TION E0ONOMI0S +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24-I 5efinition and sco*e of Farm +anagement; relation of farm management -ith other agricultural sciences. "#*ical farm management decisions on a farm. Economic *rinci*les a**lied in Farm +anagement conce*t of .aria<le costs; *ro*ortions factor su<stitution; e:uimarginal returns; com<ining anterarises; time. Factor-*roducts relationshi*/ meaning and o< and choosing of minimum cost com<ination in*uts for the anal#sis gi.en le.el of in*uts. Factor-Factor relationshi*/ meaning and o< and choosing of minimum cost com<ination in*uts for the anal#sis gi.en le.el of in*uts. %roduct-%roduct relationshi*s and determination of o*timum *roduct com<ination. SE9"I24 -II Selection of farm; farm siBe and affecting it -a#s of increasing the farm <usiness. >aluation; a**raisal and ac:uisition of a farm. Farming s#stems and t#*es of farming areas. Factors affecting the choice of farming. Farm Finance; its classification; ca*ital and credit re:uirements/ "he 3 7s. of 9redit. SE9"I24 -III Farm 3a<our/ "#*es of 3a<our; factors affecting la<our efficienc#; -ages; their e.aluation and mode of *a#ment. Farm Business Anal#sis/ Efficienc# measures for land use; ca*ital; income and farm fita<ilit#. SE9"I24 -I> Farm Boo6-6ee*ing and Accounting/ 2<; t#*es of <oo6s and accounts; *h#sical and financial records. 5ou<le entr# s#stem and its a**lication in agriculture. Farm *lanning and Budgeting; Section II <udgeting; enter*rise <udgets and com*lete <udgeting. Ste*s in farm *lanning and organiBation of farm <usiness.

%7A9"I9A3S +ax. +ar6s/ & 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs %ractical/ '& Int. Asst./ 1&

Each student must stud# the management of a farm <loc6 of at least 1& acres of the college farm; and ma6es its different 6ind of soil location; its *art of cro**ing. %resent cro**ing *lan and management. He must <e familiar -ith the *rogramme at -or6. He should ha.e ac:uaintance -ith the farm; the *rofit and loss account; <alance sheets and other final statements of financial im*ortance for the farm. He must underta6e the sur.e# of the culti.ation and management *ractices of at least fi.e farmers and *re*are a note in im*ro.ed *ractices of oral *roduction and farm management. Handling a farm machiner#; selection of good seeds; Dudging and .aluing cro*s grading of farm *roduce; stud# mar6et rates and mar6eting of *roduce. %re*aration of dro**ing scheme and -or6ing out seed; manure; la<our and ca*ital re:uirements for different conditions in %un=a<; stud# tour of mar6eting centres and research stations of the states. B22CS 7E92++E45E5 "andon; %.C. , 5hand#al; S.%. Doshi; S.S. , Ca*ur; ".7. 5hand#al; S.%. Cahlon; A.S. , Singh; C @o.t. of India Efferson; D.4. Adams Hart Bond , 9unnighum / Principles and /ethods of Farm /anagement; 1011; A. Doshi; 3AA(' ABad 4agar; Can*ur. / Fundamentals of Farm Business /anagement; 1010; Cal#ani %u<lishers; 3udhianaA5elhi. / Farm /anagement; 1010; Achal %ra6ashan +andir; Can*ur. / Economics of Farm /anagement in India; 10!&; Allied %u<lishers; 5elhi. / Farm /anagement Studies; 10!1; 5irectorate of Eco. , stat. +inistr# of Food , Agri. @o.t. of India; 4e- 5elhi. / Farm +ecords 0 ccounts; Dohn ?ile# , Sons. / Farm /anagement, Dohn ?ile# , Sons. / Farm /anagement.

PAPE/23I OPTION-I14 A./ONOM) PAPE/2A4 A./ONOM) +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs.

"heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E.

SE9"I24 -I Farm 9ro**ing S#stem/ S#stem a**roach of farming; farming s#stem; farm *lans in relation to resource management; cro* and li.estoc6 selection; cro**ing scheme; farm *o-er; la<our; machiner# re:uirement of the farm; farm *roduction in relation to mar6et re:uirement. SE9"I24 -II Seed %roduction "echnolog#4 Seed *roduction techni:ues and agronomic *ractices for im*ortant grain and forage cro*s; different agencies connected -ith seed trade; *h#siolog# of seed de.elo*ment. SE9"I24 -III Seed testing for germination; seeding e.aluation; *urit# anal#sis; moisture tests; certification *rocedure including field and la<orator# seed standards. Seed *rocessing and storage; mar6eting and seed Act. SE9"I24 -I> ?eeds and their control/ Charif and ra<i -eeds; their im*ortant characteristics; dissemination association -ith .arious cro*s; their multi*lication <# the changes of ha<itat; their in=urious effects and losses caused to .arious cro*s. 9ultural <iological and chemical control of -eeds associated -ith im*ortant cro*s. A:uatic -eeds. PAPE/2+4 A./ONOM) +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 -I Ecolog#; its rele.ance to man; conce*t of eco-s#stem and <ios*here; <iochemical c#cle; energ# transfer in eco-s#stems; natural resources; their use and management; land use in agriculture and forestr#; sources of *ollution; en.ironmental conser.ation and health. SE9"I24 -II 9ro* Ecolog#/ %lant and cro* ecolog#; its sco*e and im*ortance in agricultureH en.ironmental com*lex; micro and macro-en.ironment of *lants; *h#sical and social en.ironment as factor of cro* gro-thH im*act of changing en.ironment on cro**ing

*atternH *lant as indicators of en.ironmentsH modification to micro-climate. Stud# of an eco-s#stem li6e a *ond and a forest; differentiating an artificial and natural eco-s#stem. SE9"I24 -III 9ro* %h#siolog#/ %h#siological *rocesses in cro* gro-th and de.elo*ment; <asic de.elo*ment and factors affecting it; a**lication of *hoto*eriodism; thermo*eriodism and .ernaliBation in cro* *roductionH mani*ulation of conditions for o*timiBing germination; #ield and economic com*onentsH root de.elo*ment under .aria<le en.ironmentsH use of gro-th regulator# for controlling gro-th; flo-ering a<scission; desiccation etc.; *h#siologicall# and naturall# determining of criteria for cro* har.est. SE9"I24 -I> +easurement of gro-th rates and rooting *atterns under different situations; emergences studies under different soil moisture; tem*erature and thermal regimesH determination of *h#siological maturit# in field cro*s and .egeta<lesH de.elo*ment and stud# of nutrient deficiencies in *otted *lants. %re*aration of cro* ma*s; diagrams and charts; measurement of climatic elements and microclimate; determination of relationshi* <et-een climate and .egetationH -or6ing out the ecological o*timum of different cro*s in India; delineation of agro-climatic regions of India. PAPA/204 A./ONOM) +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 -I 9ro* %roduction under s*ecial situations/ 5r# farming; extent; nature of *ro<lem; distri<ution of lo- rainfall areas; effect of moisture stress on *h#siological *rocesses; *lant--ater relationshi*; s*ecial characters of *lants; seed treatments; -ater conser.ation *ractices. +ixed cro**ing/ cro* and .ariet# selection; cro* se:uence; use of chemicals in dr# farming. SE9"I24 -II 9ro* +anagement *ro<lem of -aterlogged; eroded salted and acidic soils; their nature; intensit# and influence on cro* *roductions suita<le cro*s and .arieties; agronomic *ractices -ith s*ecial reference to rotations; *lanting techni:ues; Irrigation managements; -eed control; fertiliBer a**lication. SE9"I24 -III Soil Fertilit#/ 9ation and anion exchange *henomena in soils and their use. +acro and micro nutrient elements in *lant nutrition; their s*ecific functions; content; forms and

distri<ution in *rofile; transformations and a.aila<ilit# of *lants; methods of soil fertilit# e.aluation. SE9"I24 -I> Soil and ?ater "esting/ Im*ortant *ro<lems; *rinci*les in determination of a.aila<le 4.%.C. *H; E9. g#*sum and lime re:uirements; :ualit# of irrigation -ater. B22CS 7E92++E45E5 5au<enamire; 7.5. 5uc6am; A.4. , +ansfield; @.B. @u*ta; 8.S. @u*ta; 8.S. Dohl; S.S. , Ca*ur; ".7. Can-ar; D.S. , 9ho*ra; S.3. Can-ar; D.S +artin and 3eonald +oolani; +.C. and Singh; 7.%. 2dum; E.%. Shi. 7a=; A. Shi. 7a=; A. Clingman; @.9. Ci**s; +.S. 3eonard; 9. %earson Sharma; +. Sharma; +. and Bir; S.S. +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of %a*er/ 3hrs / Plant and En&ironment; 101'; ?ile# Eastern %.t. 3td. (*u<lishers); 4e- 5elhi. / Farming s#stems of the ,orld; 101&; Allied %u<lishers; 4e- 5elhi. / Ph#siological spects of %r# 1and Farming; 1010; 2xford and IBH %u<lishing 9o.; 4e- 5elhi. / Crop Ph#siolog#; 10!1; 2xford and IBH %u<lishing 9o.; 4e- 5elhi. / Fundamentals of Farm Business /anagement; 1013; Achal %ra6ashan +andir; Can*ur. Practical gricultural Chemistr#; 10 0; S. 9hand , 9o.; Dalandhar. / Soil Fertilit#2 Theor# and Practice; 101); I9A7; 4e- 5elhi. / Seed Production /anual; >ol. I , II; 1011; 8S5A / ,eed Control in Field Crops. 10)); HA8; Hissar. / Principles of Fundamental Ecolog#; 1011; 3rd edition %hiladel*hia 8.S. Saunders. / n Introduction to Ph#siolog# of Cereals Crops; 101(; Em6a# %u<lications 10-B; East Crishna 4agar Extension; 5elhi- 1. / n Introduction to Ph#siolog# of Field Crops ; 2xford and IBH %u<lishing 9o.; 4e- Eor6. / ,eed Control as Science; 1013; ?ile# Eastern %u<lishers; 4e- 5elhi. / Production of Field Crops; 101&; the +c@ra- Hill Boo6 9om*an#; 4e- Eor6; St. 3ous. / Principles of gronom#, +einhold Boo"s in griSciences 3rgan; 10)!. / Pun4ab Plants; 100&; 9hec6-3ist. Bishen Singh +ahendra %al Singh; 5ehradun. / Flora of Patiala; 101!; %un=a<i 8ni.ersit#; %atiala. %ractical/!& Int. Asst./ (&

%7A9"I9A3 %A%E7-I

3a# out of farm; .isit to .arious farms; *re*aration of cro**ing schemes and farm *lans.Seed anal#sis on the <asis of *urit# and germination; reguing and detasseling; familiariBation -ith seed *rocessing e:ui*ment.

Identification of different -eeds; their collection; -eeding and hoeing in .arious cro*s; a**lication of chemicals for their control; .isit to -eed *ro<lem areas; familiarit# -ith a:uatic -eeds in canals and marsh# areas. %7A9"I9A3 %A%E7-II +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the *a*er/ 3hrs %ractical/ !& Int. Assmtt./ (&

3and sca*ing; contour <ands; mulching; seed treatment; fertiliBer a**lication; use of chemicals; -ater har.esting techni:ues; cro**ing schemes. Anal#sis of soil for different forms of nitrogen; *hos*horus; *otassium and sul*hur. E.aluation of salinit# and al6alinit#. 3ime and g#*sum re:uirements of soil. %re*aration of standard solution used in soil testing la<oratories. 5etermination of soil texture; 9a; 9o; *H; E9; organic car<on. Anal#sis of irrigation -ater for car<onate; <icar<onate; chloride; sul*hate; calcium and magnesium. ?riting of re*orts. PAPE/23I OPTION-II14SOI* S0IEN0E PAPE/2A4 SOI* PE6O*O.) AN6 P5)SI0S +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs.

"heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 -I Soil @enesis; conce*ts; factors and *rocesses of soil formation and their d#namics; -eathering se:uences; -eathering of minerals; genesis of ma=or soil orders of India -ith res*ect to <lac6; red laterities and allu.ial soil. Saline; acidic and calcareous soils de.elo*ed on allu.ium. ?eathering se:uence of minerals. SE9"I24 -II %rocedures in soil sur.e#ing and ma**ing of soil. Soil sur.e# for s*ecific *ur*oses. 8se of serial *hotogra*h# for ma**ing. Introduction to .arious soil classification s#stems -ith em*hasis on ne- 8.S. s#stem. SE9"I24 -III Soil Structure/ 5efinition; t#*es; grades and classes of soil structure; factors affecting aggregation; method of e.aluation of soil structure; effect of cultural o*eration on soil structure. Significance of soil structure; tilth and tillage; soil texture; soil as a three

*hase s#stem; .olume -eight relationshi*; soil air; its amount; ca*acit#; com*osition; mo.ement and im*ortance. Soil tem*erature. SE9"I24 -I> Soil -ater relationshi*/ ?ater management; *ro<lems of coarse; medium and fine textured soils. Surface crusting. Field -ater c#cling/ mo.ement during irrigation; *ost irrigation; redistri<ution. 9a*ulation of flex <e#ond root Bone. Schedule of irrigation; Soil -ater storage. PAPE/2+4 SOI* 05EMIST/) AN6 7E/TI*IT) +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 -I Soil colloids; silicate cla#s; its com*osition and *re*aration. 2rganic soil colloids. Ionic dou<le la#er; adsor*tion of ions. 9ations and anion exchange *henomena in soils and their significance in *lant nutrition. Soil reaction; factors affecting it and its effect on nutrient a.aila<ilit#. 4ature; genesis; distri<ution and characteristics of saline; acidic and al6ali soils. Im*ro.ement and management of these soils. 5rainage re:uirements. "illage *ractices. @#*sum and 3ime re:uirement. 8se of other soil amendments; 9alcareous soils. SE9"I24 $I1 4utrient a.aila<ilit#. %lant res*onse and selection. Iualit# of irrigation -ater. 9riteria of essential nutrients. +acro and micronutrient elements; deficienc# s#m*toms; functions; transformation and a.aila<ilit# to *lants. SE9"I24 -III +ethods of soil fertilit# e.aluation. Im*ortance and *ro<lems of soil testing. 9ommon fertiliBers and fertiliBer mixtures. Fate of a**lied fertiliBers in soils. FertiliBers res*onse in different soils and cro*s. "ime and methods of fertiliBers consum*tion; future trends and needs. Im*ortance and historical de.elo*ment of soil micro<iolog#. SE9"I24 -I> +icro-organisms in soils; classification; distri<ution and a<undance. 7ole of micro<es in rec#cling of organic materials and nutrient transformations <# micro<es. 9 and 4 c#cle in nitrogen fixation.

+OO8S /E0OMMEN6E6 Bred#; 4.9. "isadale; S.3. and 4elson ?3 7ussel; E. Bear; F.E. ed. ?a6smon; S.A. 7ichards; 3.A. Can-ar; D.S. Can-ar; D.S. , 9ho*ra; 3.3. Bahl; E. / .ature and Properties of Soils; 10!'; Eurasia %<. House (%.t.) 3td. 7amanagar; 4e- 5elhi. / Soil Fertilit# and Plant Growth; 101 ; 4.E. +acmilan %u<.; 4e- Eor6. / Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, 101 ; English 3anguage Boo6s Societ# and 3ongman; 3ondon. / Chemistr# of the Soil. 101); 2xford , I.B.H.; 4e5elhi. / Soil /icrobiolog#; 10 ); 4.E. Dohn ?ile#; 4eEor6. / %iagnosis and Impro&ement of Saline and l"ali soils; 8.S.5 Hand<oo6s 4o. )&; 1011; 2xford , IBH.; %u<.; 9alcutta. / Soil Fertilit# Theor# and Practice; 101). / Practical gricultural Chemistr#; 10 0; S. 9hand , 9o.; Dalandhar. / Soil Genesis and Classification.

PAPE/204 P5)SI0A* 05EMIST/) +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of the %a*er/ 3 Hrs.

"heor#/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 -I Cinetic +olecular theor# of gases/ %ostulate of Cinetic theor#. 5eri.ation of 6inetic e:uation. 5eri.ation of gas la-s from 6inetic e:uation. +ean free *ath collision fre:uenc#; +ax-ell distri<ution of .elocities. >alue of 7ain different units. 5e*arture from ideals gas e:uation. 9auses of de*arture from idealit#. >ander ?alls e:uation. SE9"I24 -II "hermochemistr#/ Energ# stored in atoms and molecules; s#stem and surroundings. "ransference of energ# from s#stem to surroundings and .ice .ersa. First 3a- of thermod#namics; relationshi* <et-een heat; -or6 and internal energ#. Heat formation; heat of solution. Heat of neutraliBation and heat of com<ustion. HerJs la- of constant heat sumeration (numerical *ro<lems). 9hemical 6inetics/ rate of reaction; factors influencing the rate of reaction (concentration; tem*erature; catal#st and radiation). "heories of catal#sis (Intermediate com*ound formation theor# and A<sor*tion theor#).

SE9"24 -III Force/ 9riterion for feasi<ilit# of reaction. Heat of reaction not sufficient a criterion. "endencies for minimum energ# and maximum randomness. H , " S as measure of t-o tendencies; res*ecti.el#. "he force as the o.erall tendenc# gi.en <# @/ the reaction 9 - H $ " S. Standard force energ# change @o and free energ# change of a reaction. %hase 7ule/ %hase; its com*onent and degree of freedom; *hase rule and its a**lications to -ater s#stem; sul*hur s#stem; C3--ater s#stem and %<-Ag s#stem. 9hemical Bonds/ H#drogen <onds; definition and conditions for h#drogen <onding; exam*les of intermolecular h#drogen <onds; strength of the <onds and its im*ortance. +etallic Bonds/ electron gas model; ex*lanation of metallic *ro*erties. 5i*ole measurement and its im*ortance. SE9"I24 -I> Electro-chemical 9ells/ @al.anic 9ell; chemical reactions in gal.anic cells re*resenting cell; reactions in terms of half reactions. 2xidation reduction reactions; and m.f. of a cell. Eelctrode *otential. Electro-chemical series and its im*ortance. 7a#s; its nature and characteristics. "heor# of Half life *eriod and a.erage life of radioacti.e element grou*; dis*lacement la-. Artificial disintegration of atom. 9hec6 elements. "racer techni:ues. B22CS 7E92++E45E5 Bear F.F. 7ussei; E.D. ?a6sman 9. "a#lor , "a#lor Fe.ington Bahl; BS , "uli @.5. / 9hemistr# of the Soil; ((nd ed.); 101); 2xford , IBH.; 4e- 5elhi. / Soil Conditions 0 Plant Growth (1&th ed.); 101!; "he English 3anguage Boo6 Societ#; and 3ongman 3ondon. / Soil /icrobiolog# +adiosotops in Biolog# and griculture / Elementar# Ph#sical Chemistr# / Te!tboo" of Ph#sical Chemistr# / Essential of Ph#sical Chemistr# %7A9"I9A3 %A%E7-I +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs %ractical/ !& Int. Asst./ (&

Stud#; classification and *edogenic inter*retation of *edons of %un=a<. 5etermination of inflation rate of drainage characteristics. Ad.ancement of -etting front in homogenous and la#ered soil columns. 8nsaturated E.a*oration from tilled and untilled soils. +echanical anal#sis of h#drometer and *i*ette method. Iuantitati.e estimates of grou*s of micro<es; <acteria; fungi; algae; actinom#cetes; rotifers; aBoto<acters in tro*ical soil. +easurement of decom*osition of organic matter. %7A9"I9A3 %A%E7-II

+ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs.

%ractical/ !& Int. Assmt./ (&

Anal#sis of soil for different forms of nitrogen; *otassium and sul*hur. 5etermination of cations and anion exchange ca*acit# of soils. 5etermination of the *ro*erties of saline and acidic soils. @#*sum re:uirements of sodic soils. ?ater transmission *ro*erties in relation to designing of drainage s#stem. %ro=ect *lanning and *re*aration of estimates of reclamation of selected areas/ Anal#sis of irrigation -ater; inter*retation of results and -riting of re*orts. %re*aration of standard solutions; 5etermination of 9a; 9o (; *H; electrical; organic car<on; a.aila<le nitrogen; *hos*horus; *otassium and Binc. Anal#sis of fertiliBer materials for :ualit# control. PAPE/ 3I -OPTION III14 POMO*O.) -5O/TI0,*T,/E1 PAPE/2A4 7,N6AMENTA*S O7 7/,IT P/O6,0TION +ax +ar6s / 1&& 5uration of %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt. / (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 - I Soil and climate ada*tation; 6illing and hardiness; -inter in=ur# in relation to s*ecific fruits; occurrence of frost and *rotection against frost. ?ater re:uirements of fruit cro*s; in ta6e and utiliBation of -ater; res*onse of fruit *lants to .ar#ing conditions of soil; moisture and humidit#. SE9"I24 - II +anures and manuring. @ro-th and fruiting ha<its; %runing *rinci*les; sa.erit#; methods season. "raining methods. SE9"I24 -III 8nfruitfulness associated -ith internal and external factors; factors concerned -ith de.elo*ment of fruits. Fruit setting as an orchard *ro<lem; alternate or irregular <earing fruit; thinning and fruit dro*. SE9"I24 - I> +ar6eting of fruits; their *ic6ing; grading; *ac6ing and trans*ort -ith s*ecial reference to *articular fruits. %ost har.est technolog#; fruit *resser.ation *rocessing.

PAPE/ +4 S)STEMATI0 POMO*O.) +ax +ar6s / 1&& 5uration of %a*er/ 3 Hrs.

"heor#/ !& Int. Assmt. / (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 - I 5escri*tion; classification; nomenclature and identification of fruit s*ecies and culti.ars -ith s*ecial reference to fruit gro-th in %un=a<. SE9"I24 -II Fundamental *rinci*les of *lant *ro*agation <# seed; cutting; la#ering and grafting. 7eci*rocal influence of stoc6 and scion. SE9"I24 - III 7oot stoc6 for *articular fruit *lant. 8se of *lant regulators in *ro*agation. SE9"I24 -I> Summar# of horticulture research in the %un=a<. %rogress of fi.e im*act on *omolog#. Scheme for horticultural de.elo*ment in the State; their -or6ing and achie.ement. PAPE/ 04 7/,IT ./O!IN. +ax +ar6s / 1&& 5uration of %a*er/ 3 Hrs. "heor#/ !& Int. Assmt. / (&

I4S"789"I24 F27 %A%E7 SE""E7 A45 9A45I5A"ES "he :uestion *a*er -ill consist of fi.e section A; B; 9; 5 and E. Section A; B; 9; and 5 -ill ha.e t-o :uestions from res*ecti.e sections of the s#lla<us and -ill carr# 1( mar6s each. Section E -ill consist of 1) short- ans-er t#*e :uestion -hich -ill the entire s#lla<us uniforml# and -ill carr# 3( mar6s in all. 9andidates are re:uired to attem*t one :uestion from each section A; B; 9; and 5 of the :uestion *a*er and the entire section E. SE9"I24 $I 5etailed studies on the follo-ing fruit cro*s -ith reference to their *ac6age and *ractices; im*ortance; origin; histor#; distri<ution; culti.ation and *rogress of the -or6 in %un=a<. "ro*ical Fruits/ +ango; Banana; %a*a#a; 3o:uat 3itchi.

SE9"I24 $II 5etailed studies on the follo-ing fruit cro*s -ith reference to their *ac6age and *ractices; im*ortance; origin; histor#; distri<ution; culti.ation and *rogress of the -or6 in %un=a<. "em*erate Fruits/ A**le; %lum; a*ricot; 9herr#; ?alnut; Almond. SE9"I24 $III 5etailed studies on the follo-ing fruit cro*s -ith reference to their *ac6age and *ractices; im*ortance; origin; histor#; distri<ution; culti.ation and *rogress of the -or6 in %un=a<. Su<-"ro*ical Fruits/ 9itrus; @ua.a; %each; %ears; @ra*e. SE9"I24 $I> 5etailed studies on the follo-ing fruit cro*s -ith reference to their *ac6age and *ractices; im*ortance; origin; histor#; distri<ution; culti.ation and *rogress of the -or6 in %un=a<. Economics of fruit gro-ing; *rocessing and mar6eting. B22CS 7E92++E45E5 Hortuman , Coster Ad.ance , 5ricon Crishnamurth# @ardner Singh; A. Ha#es; ?.A. Singh; 7 Singh; S. Se6hon; B. S. / Plant Propagation Principles 0 Practices; "ata +c@ra- 9o. 3td.; 4e- 5elhi. / Propagation of (ost Plant; (nd ed. "ata +c@ra- Hill; 4e- 5elhi. / Plant Growth substances. / Fundamentals of Fruit Production. / Fruit Ph#siolog# and Production; Cal#ani %u<lishers; 3udhiana. / Fruit Growing in India Fruits. / Fruits; H.B.". India; 4e- 5elhi. / Fruit Culture in India. I9A7. / (orticultural 3peration all the #ear +ound; %A9A 3udhiana %A8. %7A9"I9A3 %A%E7-I +ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs 1. (. 3. %ractical/ !& Int. Asst./ (&

%ractices in %lant *ro*agation. "he candidates should <e *roficient in the art of <udding; grafting; cutting; la#ering etc. %runing *ractices. "he candidates should 6no- .arious *runing *ractices in fruit *lants. 5etermination of maturit# of fruits; *ic6ing; grading and *ac6ing of the fruits for the mar6et.


A**lication of hormones in *re*aration and fruit thinning. %7A9"I9A3 %A%E7-II %ractical/ !& Int. Asst./ (&

+ax. +ar6s/ 1&& 5uration of *a*er/ 3 hrs 1. (. 3. '.

S#stems of la#out of an orchard $ the candidates should <e a<le to la#out an orchard. 2rchard *ractices such as manuring; irrigation; inter-culture. Identification and descri*tion of im*ortant .arieties of fruits. Stud# of flo-ering and fruiting ha<its; floral <iolog#; *ollination mechanisms fruits.

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