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'The complete guide to starting and
running an online book business`

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The complete uide to stcrtin cnd runnin
cn online bool business

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Second EdILIon: SepLember zo1o

CopyrIgIL zoo8-zo1o by SkIp McGruLI und VIsIon-One Press, 1ooq CommercIuI Ave, PMB zz, AnucorLes, WA
q8zz1. AII rIgILs reserved. TIIs book does ."% come wILI resuIe rIgILs und my noL be resoId or reprInLed In uny
Iorm wILIouL LIe express permIssIon oI LIe uuLIor. SIorL quoLes Irom LIe book ure uIIowed Ior pubIIcILy purposes.


My grundmoLIer LuugIL me Lo reud beIore enLered LIe IIrsL grude. used Lo sIL on Ier
Iup und sIe wouId IIrsL reud Lo me und LIen Iuve me sound ouL LIe IeLLers und LIen LIe
words. TIIs wus LIe begInnIng oI my Iove oI books.

cun`L remember wIy, buL someLIme uround my 1z
bIrLIduy, my grundmoLIer
exLrucLed u promIse Irom me LIuL wouId reud uL IeusL one book u week. wus uIreudy
un uvId reuder so IL dIdn`L Luke LIuL mucI eIIorL Lo reud u IILLIe more. BuL someIow over
LIe yeurs LIe IubIL sLuck und Iuve reud uL IeusL u book u week Ior my enLIre IIIe.
won`L LeII you Iow oId um, buL LIuL udds up Lo weII over zzoo books. AcLuuIIy IL`s
mucI more, becuuse LIere ure some weeks wIere reud Lwo or even LIree books. And
LIIs does noL counL reudIng dId Ior scIooI und wIIIe In LIe busIness worId. Iuve
probubIy reud weII over qooo books sInce my 1z

TIe book busIness Is u nuLuruI cIoIce Ior someone wIo Ioves books. IIe Is uIwuys
beLLer wIen you ure doIng someLIIng you Iove. I you Iove books und reudIng us mucI
us do, you cun IInd joy und suLIsIucLIon In IeIpIng oLIers IInd wIuL LIey ure IookIng
Ior und you cun muke some reuIIy good money doIng IL. WIuL couId be beLLer?

CoIIecLIng books Is sucI u pussIon wILI some coIIecLors, LIuL LIere Is even u dIseuse
numed uILer IL: BIbIIomunIu-IILeruIIy, mud Ior books.

BuL even II you don`L Iove books us deepIy us do, us Iong us you (9-' >""-* /.+
8'*:'<% %6'3 Ior wIuL LIey ure-LIe worId`s sLoreIouse Ior Ideus, you cun buIId u
nIce IILLIe busIness wIIIe doIng someLIIng you enjoy.

The Legal Stuff

TIIs book conLuIns sLuLemenLs und cIuIms reIuLIng Lo Iow mucI money one cun muke
usIng LIese meLIods. PIeuse undersLund LIese ure esLImuLes und projecLIons. TIe exucL
umounL you cun muke wIII depend on your LuIenL, your experIence, und Iow Iurd you
work uL IL.

AII websILes und URs In LIIs book ure currenL uL LIe LIme oI pubIIcuLIon. However,
websILes cIunge, muy be Luken down, or moved. TIe pubIIsIer und LIe uuLIor ure noL
responsIbIe Ior LIe conLenL conLuIned In uny websILe menLIoned or IeuLured In LIIs
book, nor sIuII LIey be IIubIe Ior uny Ioss or dumuge urIsIng Irom LIe InIormuLIon
conLuIned In LIIs book or wILI uny oI LIe resources menLIoned.

TIIs book conLuIns IInks Lo oLIer websILes LIuL oIIer producLs und servIces Ior suIe.
Some oI LIese websILes Iuve uIIIIIuLe progrums LIuL puy me u commIssIon II you muke u
purcIuse LIrougI my IInk. However, wIsI Lo ussure you LIuL onIy recommend
producLs und servIces LIuL use, or Iuve used, und mosLIy ones LIuL come wILI u
compIeLe reIund. I you ever Iuve dIIIIcuILy geLLIng u reIund Irom uny producL
recommend, pIeuse conLucL me und wIII ussIsL you. My poIIcy on uIIIIIuLe IInks Is LIuL
II wouIdn`L recommend IL Lo my moLIer or my sIsLer, won`L recommend IL Lo unyone

uIso Iuve un uIIIIIuLe progrum LIuL you cun joIn wIere you cun eurn money by
reIerrIng LIIs book, und oLIer LILIes LIuL seII, Lo oLIers. JusL go Lo
www.skIpmcgruLI.comJuIIIIIuLe Lo Ieurn ubouL LIe progrum und Iow you cun sIgn up.

eBuy und LIe eBuy Iogo und PuyPuI und LIe PuyPuI Iogo und Amuzon und LIe Amuzon
Iogo und uny oLIer Iogos ure LIe properLy oI LIose compunIes. AII reIerences Lo eBuy
und PuyPuI und oLIer Lrudemurked properLIes ure used In uccordunce wILI LIe uIr Use
DocLrIne und ure noL meunL Lo ImpIy LIuL LIose compunIes endorse LIIs book.

You cun prInL u copy oI LIIs book on your compuLer, buL pIeuse keep LIe eIecLronIc copy
us LIere ure IoLs oI vuIuubIe IInks In LIe book Lo vurIous resources und recommended
websILes. I you wunL Lo Iuve LIIs prInLed uL KInko`s or u copyJprInL sIop, jusL sIow
LIem LIe sLuLemenL beIow us mosL sIops wIII noL prInL copyrIgILed InIormuLIon
wILIouL permIssIon.

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SeIIIng books on eBuy, Amuzon und LIe nLerneL Is one oI LIe eusIesL onIIne busInesses
Lo sLurL. TIe mosL dIIIIcuIL probIem LIuL eBuy und oLIer onIIne seIIers Iuve Loduy Is
IIndIng mercIundIse LIey cun seII uL u proIIL. SeIIIng used books soIves LIIs probIem
becuuse LIere Is u reudy murkeL Ior used books-und LIere Is umpIe suppIy uL greuL
prIces, us you wIII Ieurn.

TIe used book busIness does noL requIre u Iurge InvesLmenL Lo geL sLurLed und LIe rIsk
oI IuIIure Is very Iow us Iong us you IoIIow sound busIness prucLIces und LecInIques.
TIere ure onIy Lwo reusons peopIe IuII In LIIs busIness:

TIey ure Iuzy und don`L do LIe work
TIey IIgIL LIe murkeL.

TIIs Is u busIness wIere IL reuIIy puys Lo go wILI LIe IIow.

WIen sLurLed on eBuy In 1qqq sLurLed seIIIng smuII unLIques, buL very soon uIso
sLurLed seIIIng books. coIIecL books on nuuLIcuI und murILIme IIsLory und uIso jusL seII
u IoL oI LIe books reud once IInIsI LIem.

BeIore eBuy, uL dIIIerenL LImes In my IIIe wus u book scouL. A book scouL Is someone
wIo IInds books und seIIs LIem Lo deuIers. never dId LIIs IuII-LIme, buL LIere were u
coupIe oI perIods In my IIIe wIen needed some exLru money und couId eusIIy eurn us
mucI us $zoo -$oo u week Ior ubouL 1o Iours oI work scouLIng books. ( wIII reveuI
my book scouLIng secreLs In CIupLer .)

SInce 1qqq Iuve soId Iundreds oI books on eBuy, buL don`L wunL Lo preLend Lo be u
IuII-LIme book deuIer, becuuse um noL. BuL do know Iow Lo do LIIs proIILubIy und
promIse Lo LeII you everyLIIng know. And, jusL Lo muke sure wus gIvIng you LIe
IuLesL InIormuLIon, conducLed exLensIve InLervIews wILI severuI IuII LIme onIIne
bookseIIers beIore IInuIIzIng LIIs book.

NeverLIeIess, LIere ure oLIer peopIe wIo Iuve wrILLen books on LIIs subjecL. Iuve
IIsLed severuI oI LIe besL In LIe uppendIx. BuL beIore you rusI ouL Lo und
buy LIem, Iook Ior LIem In IocuI used booksLores und uL your IocuI IIbrury. AImosL
every IIbrury In LIe counLry sLocks books on LIe subjecL oI book coIIecLIng und book

Is This Business For You?
Okuy, so wIy do you wunL Lo be In LIIs busIness? You don`L Iuve Lo Iove books us do
Lo do LIIs proIILubIy, buL you do Iuve Lo respecL und cure Ior LIem. Muny book buyers
ure buyIng u book becuuse LIey wunL Lo reud IL, buL LIere ure muny buyers wIo ure
coIIecLors. TIese IoIks ure pussIonuLe ubouL LIeIr books. TIey preIer Lo buy books Irom
peopIe wIo ure uIso pussIonuLe ubouL und respecLIuI oI books.

WIen reud u IIsLIng Ior u book on eBuy or Amuzon, cun uIwuys LeII II LIe person
seIIIng LIe book Is someone wIo Is respecLIuI und knowIedgeubIe by LIe wuy LIey wrILe
LIeIr descrIpLIon. TIIs Is someLIIng you cun`L Iuke.

So IonesLIy, II your onIy gouI Lo enLerIng LIIs busIness Is Lo muke money und you don`L
reuIIy cure Ior books, wouId suggesL you reLurn LIIs book Ior u reIund und Lry
someLIIng eIse. um noL LryIng Lo be IuceLIous or dIsrespecLIuI Lo you- um jusL LryIng
Lo be IonesL. TIere Is someLIIng ubouL LIe book busIness LIuL Is very Iurd on peopIe
wIo don`L upproucI IL correcLIy.

SeIIIng books on eBuy, Amuzon und oLIer nLerneL sILes Is ucLuuIIy very eusy. You cun
sLurL wILI ubouL $o-$1oo doIIurs worLI oI InvenLory. I you Ieurn Iow Lo buy
correcLIy, eurnIng gross proIILs oI 6o% Lo qo% Is noL LIuL dIIIIcuIL.

Here Is un exumpIe: JusL u Iew weeks beIore wrILIng LIIs cIupLer Iound u book uL our
IocuI LIrIIL sIop, Americcn Ioll Mcrquetr: Mcsterpieces in Wood, b: Richcrd
Muhlberer, wIIcI purcIused Ior $z. soId IL on eBuy uL LIe Buy-L-Now prIce oI
$qq. SInce LIen Iuve seen LIuL sume book seII Ior us IIgI us $oo.

Some books cun reuIIy surprIse you. EurIIer LIIs yeur wus uL u guruge suIe und bougIL
u copy oI Tin Dr Ilies: The Complete Dr Il Instruction cnd Pcttern Mcnucl b
Rcndcll Kcujmcnn Ior $1. Now knew LIuL books on IIy-IIsIIng und IIy LyIng wenL Ior
good money. wus IopIng Lo geL u IeusL $z Lo $o. puL IL on eBuy wILI u sLurLIng
prIce oI $1q.qq und wus sIocked wIen LIe uucLIon ended uL $;q.oo!

jusL receIved un emuII Irom u reuder wIo bougIL LIIs book. SIe wenL Lo u smuII Lown
counLry uucLIon und bougIL u box oI cIIIdren`s pop-up books LIuL were uII In preLLy
good condILIon. SIe bougIL LIe wIoIe box Ior $q und soId LIem quIckIy Ior u LoLuI
over $qoo.

Now you won`L muke IInds IIke LIese every duy, buL you wIII muke LIem II you ure
dIIIgenL und keep workIng uL IL.

Iuve eurned over 1ooo% murkup on muny books Iuve soId.
One oI your bonuses Is u book`s wunLed IIsL compIIed Irom Iundreds oI LIe book wunLed IIsLs on LIe InLerneL. L IIsLs Iundreds oI
books seIIIng Ior over $zoo LIuL peopIe ure IookIng Ior. You cun IInd IL uL LIe end oI LIe book In LIe uppendIx.

As we poInLed ouL, seIIIng books onIIne (und Lo IocuI used book deuIers) Is u very eusy
busIness Lo sLurL. TIe LecInIques ure noL Iurd Lo Ieurn und you ure purL oI u growIng
murkeL. OnIIne book suIes Iuve been growIng uL o% per yeur over LIe pusL IIve yeurs
und sIow no sIgn oI sIowIng down. orresLer ReseurcI reporLs LIuL onIIne book suIes
exceeded $;.q bIIIIon In zoo8 und uImosL IuII oI LIuL wus used books.
Work Part-time or Full-time
TIIs Is u greuL busIness Lo sLurL purL-LIme. I you work u IuII-LIme job, one IundIcup you
wIII Iuve Is mIssIng LIe rIduy mornIng guruge suIes und esLuLe suIes. TIese ure greuL
pIuces Lo geL books. BuL LIere ure suIes on weekends und wIII sIow you muny oLIer
pIuces Lo geL books.

ReuIIsLIcuIIy, Iow mucI cun you expecL Lo eurn? TIuL depends on u IoL oI IucLors LIuL
you wIII Ieurn In LIe book. BuL, cun suy wILI conIIdence LIuL unyone wIo Is wIIIIng Lo
work uL IL und IoIIow LIe sLeps In LIIs book, cun eusIIy eurn u Iew Iundred doIIurs u
week doIng LIIs purL LIme (1o-zo Iours) und u LIousund doIIurs u week or more
workIng IuII LIme (qo Iours+ u week). TIere ure Iundreds oI smuII book deuIers wIo
work ouL oI LIeIr Iomes wIo eurn mucI more LIun LIuL.

Now, don`L promIse you wIII do LIIs overnIgIL or wILIIn LIe IIrsL week or Lwo. TIere Is
u IeurnIng curve. So don`L quIL your duy job jusL yeL-IL wIII Luke some LIme. BuL you cun
sLurL eurnIng some money rIgIL uwuy-probubIy wILIIn your second week. rom LIere
IL Is jusL u process oI IeurnIng good suIes LecInIques, buIIdIng un InvenLory und growIng
your busIness.
Where Can I Sell my Books?
TIe LILIe oI LIIs book Is Hou to Sell Used ools on ec, Amczon, cnd the Internet.
underIIned LIe word used ubove becuuse used books ure LIe eusIesL Lo ucquIre und
seII uL u proIIL. wIII uIso sIow you Iow Lo ucquIre und seII new books. AILIougI LIIs
cun be very proIILubIe II done correcLIy-you need Lo know LIIs cun be rIsky. uIso
underIIned LIe word cnd becuuse oLIer murkeLs Ior books Iuve been growIng. Toduy
doubL II you couId muke mucI oI u IIvIng jusL seIIIng books on eBuy or ILs sIsLer sILe, TIe bIg duddy oI onIIne book suIes Is, buL LIere ure over u
dozen oLIer sILes LIuL ure uIso good murkeLs Ior your books. We wIII cover LIe besL oI

WIenever wrILe ubouL Iow mucI money someone cun muke, LIere Is u new TC reguIuLIon LIuL
requIres me Lo sLuLe Iow mucI LIe uveruge person mukes wIo buys LIIs book. WeII us you cun ImugIne
Iuve no wuy oI knowIng LIuL, so Lo compIy wILI ederuI uw, Iereby sLuLe LIuL LIe uveruge person
wIo buys LIIs book und uses LIese meLIods und LecInIques wIII muke Iess LIun one US CenL. wIII Ieuve
IL Lo my reuders wIo ure uII quILe InLeIIIgenL Lo reud beLween LIe IInes on LIuL.

wouId uIso IIke Lo poInL ouL LIuL um noL provIdIng busIc Iow Lo seII on eBuy
InsLrucLIons In LIIs book. do cover specIIIcs Lo IIsLIng books on eBuy, und
Amuzon buL II you Iuve noL yeL Ieurned Lo seII on eBuy, uIso seII TIe CompIeLe eBuy
MurkeLIng SysLem on my websILe uL A good book on Amuzon
Is SeIIIng on LIe RIver by SLeve IndIorsL.
What Kind of Books Can I Sell?
We wIII cover LIIs ureu In greuL deLuII, buL dId wunL Lo poInL ouL LIuL usuuIIy seII
non-IIcLIon. L Is mucI eusIer Lo IInd non-IIcLIon books LIuL you cun murk up und seII

SeIIIng IIcLIon, IIrsL edILIons, und IILeruLure Is u specIuILy LIuL Lukes u IoL more sLudy,
knowIedge, work, und rIsk. um noL suyIng you sIouIdn`L seII IIcLIon or IILeruLure. I
you ure knowIedgeubIe ubouL uuLIors und coIIecLor vuIues In LIuL ureu und Iuve u Iove
Ior IIcLIon LIen go uIeud. However LIIs book Is uImed uL begInners und wIII Iocus
mosLIy on LIe non-IIcLIon cuLegory oI books.
I you wunL Lo expund InLo IIcLIon und
IILeruLure, LIIs cun uIso be u very proIILubIe ureu und wouId encouruge you Lo do so,
buL jusL remember LIuL LIere Is u sLeep IeurnIng curve.

I you do decIde Lo enLer LIe worId oI seIIIng IIcLIon und IILeruLure, you cun uppIy mosL
oI LIe InIormuLIon In LIIs book Lo your busIness, buL you wIII wunL Lo reud und sLudy up
on LIe specIIIc Issues reIuLed Lo LIese Lypes oI books. Iuve suggesLed some good books
Lo sLudy In LIe uppendIx. ProbubIy LIe besL one Is Book Inds, Hou to Iind, u cnd
Sell Used cnd Rcre ools by nu EIIIs (Iook Ior LIe LIIrd edILIon).

I you do cIoose Lo go InLo IIcLIon your murkeL Is essenLIuIIy Lo coIIecLors wIo ure very
Iussy. AbouL LIe onIy books you cun muke money on ure IIrsL edILIons. JusL IdenLIIyIng
u IIrsL edILIon Lukes u IoL oI skIII. You wIII uIso probubIy wunL Lo specIuIIze us LIe worId
oI book coIIecLIng Is so Iurge und eucI genre so specIuIIzed LIuL no one cun know

So unIess you Iuve u reuI InLeresL In IILeruLure und ure wIIIIng Lo InvesL some LIme und
sLudy, you muy wunL Lo uvoId IL-uL IeusL Ior now und sLIck wILI non-IIcLIon books.
NeverLIeIess, us you ure ouL buyIng books, you muy wunL Lo keep your eyes open Ior
eurIy noveIs Irom Iumous uuLIors. A good reIerence book IIke OIIIcIuI PrIce GuIde Lo
CoIIecLIng Books sIouId be kepL In LIe Lrunk oI your cur Ior LIose occusIons wIen you
do come ucross someLIIng. TIIs wuy you cun uIwuys cIeck IL. SomeLImes you wIII geL
very Iucky.

One oI LIe bIg Issues InvoIved wILI seIIIng IIcLIon und IILeruLure Is IIndIng und seIIIng IrsL EdILIons. WILI non-IIcLIon books,
peopIe usuuIIy wunL LIe IuLesL edILIon unIess IL Is u very Iumous LILIe. eurnIng Iow Lo spoL IIrsL edILIons Is very ImporLunL II you ure
seIIIng IIcLIon. PIeuse see LIe uppendIx Ior LIe reIerence books on LIIs subjecL us IL Is Loo Iong Ior LIIs book.

JusL beIore CIrIsLmus oI LIIs yeur wus In u Iouse und LIey Iud some eurIy copIes oI
Lwo Zune Grey noveIs. TIey were IIrsL edILIons-buL noL IIrsL prInLIngs-und LIey were
In good condILIon. bougIL boLI books Ior $ und soId LIem Ior over $;o eucI. So even
LIougI suggesL you specIuIIze In non-IIcLIon, u IILLIe knowIedge oI IIcLIon und
IILeruLure cun IeIp you score LIe occusIonuI deuI.

usLIy wunLed Lo cover LIe subjecL oI Iow IormuLLed LIIs book. n LIe pusL Iuve
curved ouL u nIcIe Ior myseII wrILIng und seIIIng prInLed books us opposed Lo eBooks.
AILIougI Iuve wrILLen Len books over LIe pusL IIve yeurs, LIIs Is onIy my second
eBook. My IIrsL eBook wus OnIIne AucLIon PIoLo SecreLs. TIuL book wus desIgned
mosLIy us u bonus ILem Lo be used wIen seIIIng my oLIer works, buL Is Ius soId u buncI
oI copIes neverLIeIess.

EurIIer LIIs yeur wroLe u new LILIe cuIIed How Lo CreuLe und SeII nIormuLIon ProducLs
on eBuy. AILIougI cover seIIIng prInLed books, us LIuL one wus, LIougIL IL wouId be
good Lo Luke my own udvIce und creuLe un eBook. So LIIs book Is provIded In PD buL
Iuve mude IL prInLubIe.

suggesL you prInL IL ouL yourseII, or emuII LIe IIIe Lo your neuresL OIIIce DepoL,
SLupIes, or KInko`s und usk LIem Lo prInL IL ouL on LIree-IoIe puncI puper. Now you
cun puL IL In u bInder Lo reud und reIer Lo wIenever you need Lo.

So enougI oI LIe InLroducLIon und sIumeIess seII-promoLIon; IeL`s geL sLurLed on your
udvenLure In book seIIIng.

Table of Contents

CIupLer 1: OrgunIze Your BusIness Ior Success ....................... 11
CIupLer z: Books TIuL SeII und Books TIuL Don`L .................. 1
CIupLer : WIere Lo Ind Used Books .................................... zz
CIupLer q: ScouLIng Books Ior un und ProIIL ........................ z
CIupLer : How und WIere Lo Buy New Books .......................
CIupLer 6: DescrIbIng und GrudIng Your Books ..................... q
CIupLer ;: CuLuIogIng, SLorIng & SIIppIng Your Books .......... qq
CIupLer 8: PrIcIng Your Books Ior SuIe ................................... qq
CIupLer q: SpecIuIIze Ior Success .............................................
CIupLer 1o: SeIIIng Your Books on eBuy ................................... 6
CIupLer 11: SeIIIng on ................................................ 6z
CIupLer 1z: SeIIIng on "TIe RIver" ........................................... 68
CIupLer 1: SeIIIng on ...................................... 86
CIupLer 1q: SeIIIng rom Your Own WebsILe .......................... 8q
CIupLer 1: BrIngIng L AII TogeLIer ......................................... q1
Appendix I: ReudIng IsL ........................................................ q
Appendix II: Resources, SuppIIes & TooIs Ior BookseIIers ...... q;
Appendix III: ExpensIve Books IsL ........................................ 1oz


Chapter 1
Organize Your Business for Success

I you Iuve dreums oI becomIng u mIIIIonuIre seIIIng books on IIne, IL Is probubIy jusL
LIuL-u dreum. BuL us poInLed ouL In LIe InLroducLIon, you cun muke some very good
money. SIe dIdn`L wunL me usIng Ier nume, buL Iuve u IrIend wIo IIves neurby wIo
mukes ubouL $;,ooo u yeur seIIIng books ouL oI Ier Iome.

MukIng u IIvIng seIIIng books onIIne wIII depend on Iow Iurd you wunL Lo work und
Iow weII you run your busIness. BeIore you geL sLurLed, one oI LIe mosL ImporLunL
LIIngs you cun do Is Lo sIL down, seL some reuIIsLIc gouIs, und creuLe u pIun. Ask

How mucI LIme cun devoLe Lo LIe busIness?
How mucI money cun InvesL Lo sLurL wILI?

How mucI money do need Lo muke Ior LIIs Lo be u worLIwIIIe InvesLmenL oI
my LIme und resources?
WIere do wunL Lo be u yeur Irom now In Lerms oI Income und Iow mucI LIme
spend on LIIs busIness?

Once you Iuve usked yourseII LIese quesLIons (und wrILLen down LIe unswers) you wIII
wunL Lo puL u pIun LogeLIer. Your pIun wouId IncIude your suIes gouIs, IIsL oI muLerIuIs,
equIpmenL und soILwure you wIII need, u murkeLIng pIun (wIII you sLurL wILI eBuy,
Amuzon, or some oLIer onIIne seIIer?), und u cusI IIow projecLIon (Iow mucI money
wIII you spend on buyIng InvenLory, Iow mucI wIII you spend on Iees und Iow mucI
wIII you Iuve IeIL Ior yourseII uL LIe end oI every monLI?).

You won`L be ubIe Lo do LIese LIIngs now unLII you Iuve IInIsIed reudIng LIIs book.
BuL, once you Iuve IInIsIed, you wIII Iuve u beLLer IeeI Ior LIe LIme und resources
requIred und you wIII wunL Lo come buck Lo LIIs cIupLer und go LIrougI LIese sLeps
beIore you ucLuuIIy Lry und IuuncI your busIness.
Creating a Brand Identity
You ure goIng Lo be u busIness. A busIness needs u nume und LIIngs IIke busIness curds,
IeLLerIeud, u pIone number, und so on. You uIso wunL Lo creuLe u brund IdenLILy-und

You couId sLurL wILI us IILLIe us $z or $o, buL LIInk IL Is mucI more reusonubIe Lo sLurL wILI u Iew Iundred doIIurs II you wunL
Lo grow your Income quIckIy.


LIuL sLurLs wILI your nume. Hurry`s DIscounL Books Is okuy II you pIun Lo be LIe Iow
prIce compeLILor. L`s u generuI nume-you couId seII uny Lype oI book. BuL II you pIun
Lo specIuIIze (we wIII LuIk ubouL LIe pros und cons oI LIIs IuLer), LIen you wunL u nume
und un IdenLILy LIuL reIIecLs your specIuILy. Some exumpIes mIgIL be: TIe ScI-I Book
Nook, Ed`s MIIILury Books, TIe SouLI SIuII RIse AguIn BooksLore, Cooks und More
Books, eLc.

Once you Iuve u nume, you wIII wunL Lo gIve some LIougIL Lo u Iogo. Here uguIn you
wIII wunL u Iogo LIuL suys wIuL kInd oI seIIer you ure. Are you u generuIIsL or u
specIuIIsL? SeveruI oI LIe book sILes you cun seII on (IncIudIng eBuy) uIIow you Lo
upIoud u Iogo. Lend Lo Iuvor Iogos LIuL uIso conLuIn LIe nume oI LIe busIness. Here ure
u Iew exumpIes beIow:

TIe udvunLuge oI LIIs Lype oI Iogo Is LIuL IL cun uIso be used us u bunner sImpIy by
sLreLcIIng IL, und IL Ius LIe udvunLuge oI reInIorcIng your nume undJor LIe Lype oI
books you seII. PeopIe cun remember u nume eusIer LIun LIey cun remember u Iogo.
TIInk Ior u mInuLe oI some oI LIe Iogos you cun remember LIe besL. Don`L mosL oI
LIem Iuve numes In LIem (;-11, AvIs, BM, nLeI, Muc, eLc.)?
Becoming a Business
Some oLIer ImporLunL LIIngs you wIII wunL Lo do ure geL u sLuLe suIes Lux number,
regIsLer your busIness nume, und open u commercIuI cIeckIng uccounL. DependIng on
LIe venue you seII on, you muy need u sLuLe suIes Lux number. UnIess you IIve In duIo
or MonLunu, wIen you seII on LIe nLerneL you wIII Iuve Lo coIIecL suIes Lux on suIes
mude LIuL ure sIIpped Lo someone In LIe sume sLuLe wIere you IIve. or exumpIe, IIve
In WusIIngLon. WIen seII u book Lo someone In SeuLLIe or Spokune Iuve Lo coIIecL
suIes Lux Irom LIuL person und remIL LIe Lux Lo LIe SLuLe or WusIIngLon uL LIe end oI
every quurLer. BuL, II seII u book Lo someone In CuIIIornIu, New York, or uny oLIer
sLuLe, cun Ignore LIe suIes Lux, (uILIougI we uIso Iuve busIness & occupuLIon Lux on
uII suIes). So be uwure oI your IocuI und sLuLe Luxes.

Once you geL u suIes Lux number you cun usuuIIy regIsLer u busIness nume uL LIe sume
LIme-oILen In LIe sume oIIIce or onIIne uL your SLuLe`s websILe. RegIsLerIng LIe nume
wIII prevenL oLIers Irom usIng IL. Once you Iuve regIsLered u nume, you wIII wunL Lo
vIsIL your IocuI bunk und open u commercIuI cIeckIng uccounL In your busIness nume.


AII you Iuve Lo do Is sIow LIe bunk your regIsLruLIon pupers und LIey wIII IeL you open
un uccounL In LIuL nume.

A sepuruLe commercIuI cIeckIng uccounL Is ImporLunL Ior Lwo reusons. AILIougI LIIs
book Is prImurIIy ubouL seIIIng used books, LIere ure good sources oI wIoIesuIe new
books LIuL ure uvuIIubIe Irom wIuL ure cuIIed RemuInder DeuIers und occusIonuIIy you
muy wunL Lo buy some ucLuuI new books Irom u dIsLrIbuLor.

You wIII need boLI u sLuLe suIes Lux number und u commercIuI cIeckIng uccounL beIore
muny oI LIese peopIe wIII seII Lo you. TIe oLIer reuson Is bookkeepIng und Luxes. L Is
very ImporLunL Lo keep good books und records. TIe eusIesL wuy Lo do LIuL Is Lo keep uII
oI your busIness-reIuLed IInuncIuI LrunsucLIons sepuruLe In one uccounL. TIIs wuy you
cun use u progrum sucI us QuIcken or QuIckBooks Lo eusIIy keep your records. suve u
Lon oI money on Lux prepuruLIon by sImpIy prInLIng ouL my QuIckBooks uccounL record
uL LIe end oI LIe yeur und IundIng IL Lo my CPA.

TIe IusL ILem Is u dedIcuLed LeIepIone. You won`L necessurIIy need LIIs uL IIrsL, buL uL
some poInL you wIII wunL u pIone LIuL you unswer In u busIness nume. CeII pIones
work IIne Ior LIIs, or you cun geL u sepuruLe number InsLuIIed on your Iome pIone
cuIIed u 'DIsLIncLIve RIng Ine. L Is u sepuruLe number LIuL you gIve ouL us your
busIness number buL IL rIngs on your normuI Iome IIne-excepL IL rIngs wILI un
enLIreIy dIIIerenL sound uIIowIng you recognIze LIe cuII us u busIness cuII so you cun
unswer IL proIessIonuIIy wILI your busIness nume. TIese IInes LypIcuIIy cosL Iur Iess
LIun InsLuIIIng un uddILIonuI pIone IIne.
Computer, Software and Office Equipment
You ure sLurLIng un online busIness, wIIcI meuns you ure goIng Lo be spendIng u IoL oI
LIme online. TIme Is money. So you need u decenL compuLer und u IusL nLerneL
connecLIon-eILIer DS or CubIe. Now, once uguIn don`L puL down LIIs book und rusI
ouL Lo BesL Buy Lo geL u new compuLer, buL II you Iuve un oId sIow compuLer, sLurL
budgeLIng Lo repIuce IL once you geL some cusI IIowIng InLo your busIness.

You wIII uIso need u prInLer LIuL cun prInL posLuge IubeIs or even u dedIcuLed IubeI
prInLer. ( Ius u sweeL IILLIe seL up LIuL wIII suve you LIme und money. L
InLegruLes u scuIe und posLuge IubeI prInLer LIuL Is reuIIy sImpIe und IusL Lo operuLe). I
you use LIe IInk www.sLumps.comJskIpmcgruLI you cun geL $1oo worLI oI posLuge und
oLIer servIces Ior Iree. A servIce IIke LIIs wIII suve you Lons oI LIme und uIIow you Lo
spend your LIme doIng LIIngs LIuL muke you money.

usLIy, InvesL In some sorL oI buck-up Iurd drIve und geL In LIe IubIL oI buckIng up uII
oI your IIIes. ucLuuIIy know u IeIIow wIo spenL Iour sLruIgIL duys enLerIng un


InvenLory oI over 6oo books InLo IIs compuLer onIy Lo Iuve u LoLuI sysLem crusI LIe
duy uILer Ie IInIsIed-und Ie Iud no buckup.

BesIdes IIndIng u pIuce Lo sLore your books, you wIII uIso need u pIuce Lo sLore your
sIIppIng suppIIes und u pIuce Lo puck und sIIp your books.

We wIII LuIk ubouL specIuIIzed soILwure reIuLed Lo LIe book busIness IuLer, buL you wIII
need some generuI-purpose soILwure sucI us MIcrosoIL OIIIce
Lo do word processIng
und spreudsIeeLs.

TIe oLIer ImporLunL pIece oI soILwure Is un exceIIenL vIrus proLecLIon progrum. Your
busIness Is goIng Lo be on LIuL compuLer und you don`L wunL IL crusIed by some
muIIcIous vIrus. use u progrum cuIIed PC TooIs AnLIvIrus you cun buy onIIne und
downIoud Irom LIe web. L Is exceIIenL und Ius never IeL me down.

GeL LIe SLudenL edILIon. L Is $1oo cIeuper und does everyLIIng you wIII need. TIere ure uIso some Iree progrums LIuL emuIuLe
oIIIce uL Iree downIoud sILes IIke und


Chapter 2
Books That Sell and Books That

couId uIso LILIe LIIs cIupLer WIuL books sIouId buy? eurnIng Iow, und exucLIy
wIuL Lypes oI books, Lo buy ure LIe essence oI LIIs busIness und wIII IurgeIy deLermIne
your success.
The Economics of Book Buying
eL's Iook uL LIe economIcs oI LIe book busIness: TIIs InIormuLIon Is noL bused on Iurd
reseurcI, buL on my experIence und LIe experIence oI severuI proIessIonuI bookseIIers
spoke wILI wIIIe reseurcIIng LIIs book. So, wIIIe everyone`s personuI experIence Is u
IILLIe dIIIerenL, you cun reIy on LIese IormuIus unLII you geL your own experIence und
buIId your own duLubuse.

Now LIese resuILs ussume you IoIIow our udvIce on buyIng books und don`L buy junk.
Iuve InLenLIonuIIy used very Iow numbers. BuL us you guIn experIence you wIII ucLuuIIy
be ubIe Lo do mucI beLLer LIun LIIs-buL LIese ure probubIy LypIcuI Ior u new seIIer jusL
sLurLIng ouL.
G"8 'D'80 HII >""-* 0"F >F0B

1 or z books wIII be u reuI IInd und wIII seII quIckIy uL un exLreme murkup (I.e.
You buy u book Ior one or Lwo doIIurs und IL seIIs Ior $o or more

8 Lo 1o oI LIem wIII seII very quIckIy (wILIIn o duys) uL u very IIgI murkup
(zoo%-oo% or more)
ApproxImuLeIy z oI LIem wIII seII wILIIn 6o duys uL u moderuLe murkup
AnoLIer qo or so wIII seII wILIIn 6o-qo duys uL u smuII-buL sLIII proIILubIe
murkup (o%-1oo%)
TIe resL oI LIem (ubouL zo-z) wIII eILIer never seII, or you wIII seII LIem uL
cIose Lo cosL

So IeL`s work LIIs ouL In doIIurs.

Assume you spenL $zoo buyIng 1oo books (un uveruge cosL oI $z eucI).

As you become more skIIIed und more knowIedgeubIe you wIII oILen IInd books LIuL wIII seII Ior mucI more LIun LIIs. Iuve
severuI books In my murILIme IIsLory coIIecLIon LIuL were purcIused Ior Iess LIun $ LIuL ure worLI more LIun $zoo eucI.


One book seIIs Ior $o und unoLIer one Ior $; = $1z
You seII unoLIer 1o books Ior uveruge $1 eucI = $1o
AnoLIer z go Ior $8 eucI = $zoo
qo or so go Ior ubouL $.o eucI = $1qo
5"%/( J KLHM

You donuLe LIe resL Lo u LIrIIL sIop or your IIbrury = $qo Lux deducLIon

Now LIIs money dIdn`L roII In uII In one or Lwo weeks, remember IL probubIy Look you u
coupIe oI monLIs Lo seII uII oI LIese. BuL some money dId come In rIgIL uwuy und, us
you wIII Ieurn, you pIow LIuL money buck InLo more sLock.

wIII expIuIn some oI LIe seIIIng cosLs IuLer, buL IeL`s ussume LIey were 1%. So your
gross murgIn (Iess dIrecL cosLs buL beIore overIeud) wus: $61 - 1% - $1oo = $qzz.;.
TIuL Is u reLurn on InvesLmenL oI qzz% ($qzz -1oo). n uddILIon, II you ure In LIe z8%
Lux bruckeL, your donuLIon wus worLI un uddILIonuI $11.zo. (Don`L IorgeL Lo geL u
receIpL wIenever you muke u donuLIon).

Okuy, $qzz.; doesn`L seem IIke u IoL oI money Ior uII LIuL work. BuL remember LIIs Is
jusL u snupsIoL. n reuIILy you ure buyIng books every duy und seIIIng every duy.
EvenLuuIIy you wIII Iuve un InvenLory oI u severuI Iundred books und you wIII be
seIIIng u dozen or more every duy. DependIng on Iow Iurd you wunL Lo work or Iow
mucI LIme you devoLe Lo LIe busIness, wILIIn u coupIe oI monLIs you couId be seIIIng
un uveruge oI $zoo Lo $qoo u duy. TIIs cun be even more II you specIuIIze In IIgIer-
prIced books, us we wIII sIow you IuLer. And remember -every once In u wIIIe you wIII
muke LIuL reuIIy umuzIng score wIere you IInd u book Ior u buck or Lwo und seII IL Ior
severuI Iundred doIIurs.
What Books to Buy?
TIe besL books Lo buy ure LIe ones LIuL wIII seII. WIen you ure sLurLIng ouL you wIII
wunL Lo sLIck wILI non-IIcLIon. As we poInLed ouL eurIIer, IIcLIon undJor IILeruLure, Is u
somewIuL specIuIIzed ureu. I you ure knowIedgeubIe In LIIs ureu, LIen by uII meuns go
Ior IL. BuL be cureIuI. CoIIecLIbIe IILeruLure cun be rIsky-IIke u IIeId sewn wILI u IoL oI
Iund mInes. TIere ure serIous coIIecLors oI non-IIcLIon books, buL LIe IurgesL murkeL Is
peopIe IookIng Ior LIe InIormuLIon conLuIned In LIe books. As wILI uny coIIecLIbIe,
condILIon Is very ImporLunL, buL LIIs Is Iess Lrue Ior non-IIcLIon LIun Ior IIcLIon. BuL
wIen you do run InLo LIose expensIve coIIecLIbIe books LIen condILIon ussumes more
ImporLunce. We wIII dIscuss LIIs In deLuII IuLer.

By Iur, LIe eusIesL books Lo IInd und Lo seII ure Hou To books. TIe more specIuIIzed or
unIque LIe Hou To skIII Is, LIe IIgIer LIe prIce you wIII geL Ior u book. or exumpIe, u


book on Iow Lo pIuy goII mIgIL seII In LIe $z-$1o runge. BuL u book on Iow Lo muke
IuLs recenLIy soId on eBuy Ior over $6o. On LIe sume duy u popuIur, IuIrIy eusy Lo IInd
book on gIuss bIowIng wus seIIIng on eBuy Ior $qo wIen common Iow-Lo books on
subjecLs IIke reuI esLuLe were goIng Ior under $1o. n generuI, LIe more specIuIIzed LIe
book, LIe more IL wIII commund.

On LIe nexL puge Is u IIsL oI oLIer cuLegorIes oI non-IIcLIon books LIuL ure sLeudy seIIers.
`ve puL LIese on u new puge so you cun prInL LIose Lwo puges ouL und Luke LIem wILI
you wIen you`re sourcIng books.


Best Selling Non-Fiction Books
ArL und urL IIsLory books
Books ubouL unLIques und coIIecLIbIes
RecenL unLIque und coIIecLIbIe prIce guIdes (Iess LIun z yeurs oId)
AImosL uny Iow Lo book -LIe more specIuIIzed LIe beLLer
AImosL uny book ubouL unusuuI or IIgIIy specIuIIzed urL or cruIL
TrunsporLuLIon-curs, Lrucks, sIIps, pIunes, LruIns, eLc.
Any specIuIIzed IIsLorIcuI subjecL-nuuLIcuI, cIvII wur, cowboys und LIe oId wesL,
AmerIcun ndIuns, IIsLory oI TIe MIddIe EusL, eLc.
WorId Wur und
AImosL uny pre-1q6o book on weupons
AImosL uny book ubouL LIe CIvII Wur
EurIy urmor
Any scIence book by suuc AsImov
AvIuLIon und spuce LruveI
OIder books on mIssIIes und rockeLry
SporLs (excepL bIogrupIIes)
IsIIng- especIuIIy IIy IIsIIng, buss IIsIIng und deep seu IIsIIng
AuLo rucIng
Horse rucIng und uImosL unyLIIng Lo do wILI Iorses
How Lo druw, puInL, scuIpL, eLc.
Books wILI oId mups und prInLs In LIem (LypIcuIIy LIese ure pre 1qqo)
Books wILI urL prInLs In LIem (Audubon, CurrIer & ves, Murk EscIer, eLc.)
EurIy (pre-1qo) books on Iuw, muLIemuLIcs, pIysIcs, cIemIsLry und medIcIne
ocuI or specIIIc ureuJevenL IIsLory (HIsLory oI UnIon CounLy, HIsLory oI Sun
runcIsco, TIe GreuL CIIcugo Ire, TIe AIusku GoId RusI, eLc.)
NuLIve AmerIcun und eLInIc urLs
PIoLogrupIIc coIIecLIons (HeImuL NewLon, AnseII Adums, AnnIe IebovILz, eLc.)
Books wILI pIcLuresque vIews oI LIe eurIy duys In AmerIcu
EurIy uLIuses (pre 1qo). TIe ones wILI coIored mups ure besL


Books oI oId burIuI records
HIsLory und geneuIogy oI Iumous IumIIy numes (WIIks, JeIIerson, eLc.)
EurIy BIbIes, reIIgIous LexLs, und IymnuIs
EurIy (pre-1qo) books on psycIoIogy, und psycIIuLry
EurIy seII-IeIp books
IIusLruLed books ubouL bIoIogy, boLuny, und unImuIs
HIsLory oI LIeuLer, movIes, und musIc
Books ubouL Juzz und IoIk musIc
Pre-1q;o musIc songbooks (IncIudIng sIeeL musIc)
Cookbooks (LIe specIuIIzed ones or LIose by Iumous cIeIs seII besL)
CIIIdren`s books (LIose wILI pop-ups LIuL ure noL Lorn or dumuged brIng Iuge
urge prInL edILIons oI popuIur books (muke sure LIe reguIur prInL edILIon Is
seIIIng uL u decenL prIce. I IL Is, LIe Iurge prInL edILIon wIII usuuIIy seII Ior zo%-
o% more)

AL IIrsL you wIII wunL Lo curry LIIs IIsL wILI you, buL over LIme you wIII IInd you Iuve
memorIzed IL und you wIII Iuve u nuLuruI IeeI Ior wIuL books seII. BuL sLurLIng ouL,
consIder LIIs your money-documenL.


As poInLed ouL eurIIer LIe more specIuIIzed LIe subjecL LIe more u book cun brIng.
Here ure some exumpIes oI books on reuIIy unIque or specIuIIzed subjecLs und LIe kInd
oI money LIey Iuve soId Ior uL LIe LIme oI LIIs wrILIng:

CuIcuIus, EurIy TrunscendenLuIs by C. H. Edwurds $z,1oo.oo
CHESS E 1q6-zoo6 CIess RevIew 1q;, 6o B. IscIer $1qqq.oo
AsImov`s GuIde Lo ScIence $ 8oo.oo
CIIIdren oI uIcoIoIIc moLIers by Aronson, MurILu $q;.oo
WesLon PrucLIcuI AgrIcuILure und GurdenIng $6qq.z
DuLu Book on MecIunIcuI ProperLIes oI IvIng
CeIIs, TIssues, und Orguns by Abe $1o.oo
PIusLIc Surgery (8-VoIume SeL)--|Hurdcover| McCurLIy, JosepI G. $q66.6;
errurI - RucIng Curs |Hurdcover| by eIbrInk, HurLmuL $qo.oo
MIcroneurosurgIcuI ALIus by SugILu, KenIcIIro $o.oo
TIe urL oI seeIng und puInLIng--HenscIe, Henry $qo;.oo
mpucL und ExpIosIon: AnuIysIs und DesIgn by BungusI, M.Y.H. $qoo.oo
TecInoIogy oI AnodIzIng AIumInum |Hurdcover| by Bruce, A W $qq.oo

See wIuL meun wIen suy speciclized. You muy LIInk you wIII never run InLo, or Iuve
LroubIe IIndIng books IIke LIese, buL you cun. TIe IIrsL LIree were bougIL uL guruge
suIes, und LIe resL oI LIem cume Irom LIrIIL sIops und IIbrury suIes.
Books to Avoid
AnoLIer nume Ior LIIs secLIon couId be Neter u These ools. L Is noL LIuL LIese
books wIII never seII, buL LIey ure Iurder Lo seII und you wIII mosL oILen end up
donuLIng LIem Lo u LIrIIL sIop.

BIogrupIIes unIess LIey ure ubouL IIsLorIcuI IIgures wIo Iuve been deud uL IeusL
1oo yeurs. or exumpIe, u bIogrupIy oI BenjumIn runkIIn or LIe urLIsL Degus
couId be worLI bIg money, wIereus u bIogrupIy oI GeruId ord or Burburu
SLreIsund Is worLI very IILLIe und wouId Luke Iorever Lo seII
SeLs IIke LIe TIme IIe or Reuders DIgesL unIess LIe seL Is compIeLe /.+ In
exceIIenL condILIon-even LIen, LIese ure sIow seIIers. BuL LIey cun seII Ior good
money wIen LIey do. Never buy one or jusL u Iew books Irom u seL. OnIy buy
compIeLe seLs.

Junuury zoo8


Any book cIub edILIon oI u book
Reuders DIgesL condensed books
IcLIon unIess IL Is u IIrsL edILIon In exceIIenL condILIon IncIudIng LIe dusL juckeL
Ex Ibrus (books LIuL cume ouL oI u IendIng IIbrury)
OuLduLed LexLbooks unIess LIey ure very oId (pre-1qo)
OuLduLed compuLer books, uguIn unIess LIey ure eurIy (pre-1q;o)
PosL 1qo EncycIopedIus
urge Ieuvy books LIuL ure dIIIIcuIL Lo sIIp
Romunce noveIs
Dumuged, mIIdewed, musLy-smeIIIng books or books wILI mIssIng covers

n generuI you onIy wunL Lo buy books In very good condILIon. TIe onIy excepLIon Lo
LIIs Is u very rure book und even Iere you wunL Lo be cureIuI.

TIe oLIer LIIng Lo wuLcI ouL Ior Is LIe dusL juckeL. n generuI, books wILI dusL juckeLs
ure worLI Iur more LIun LIose wILIouL. TIe condILIon oI LIe dusL juckeL Is uIso
ImporLunL. A dusL juckeL wILI even u smuII Leur wIII deLrucL Irom u book`s vuIue.
Buying Value
L wIII Luke you some LIme Lo Ieurn wIIcI books wIII seII quIckIy und Ior u IIgI prIce.
And, you wIII cerLuInIy muke IoLs oI mIsLukes LIuL wIII end up us donuLIons Lo LIe IocuI
LIrIIL sIop. BuL over LIme you wIII Ieurn Lo spoL LIe books you wunL Lo buy und uvoId
LIose LIuL won`L seII.

Remember eurIIer wIere we dIscussed LIe economIcs oI book buyIng und seIIIng?
WIenever you Luke LIe books LIuL won`L seII Lo u LIrIIL sIop, Luke LIe LIme Lo Iook
LIrougI LIem so you wIII remember noL Lo buy LIose sume books uguIn In LIe IuLure.

IIke Lo concenLruLe on books LIuL wIII seII Ior over $1o or more. I you buy u book Ior
z| und seII IL Ior $ LIuL Is u 1zoo% murkup. BuL IL Is sLIII onIy $z.; proIIL. WIen you
consIder LIuL you Iuve Lo buy LIe book, perIups cIeun IL, sLore IL, Luke u pIoLo, wrILe u
descrIpLIon, seII IL, geL puId und sIIp IL-LIuL Is u IoL oI work Lo do Ior $z.;. I um
goIng Lo do uII LIuL work wouId mucI ruLIer seII u book Ior $1o-$zo, or even more Lo
muke IL worLI my wIIIe.

WIen deuIIng In Iow-prIced books (LIose LIuL wIII seII Ior Iess LIun $z) never puy
more LIun z% oI wIuL LIInk cun seII IL Ior.


Chapter 3
Where to Find Used Books

TIe unswer Lo LIuL quesLIon Is everywIere. Books ure uII uround you. You cun buy
LIem Irom guruge suIes, esLuLe suIes, LIrIIL sIops, IIeu murkeLs, unLIque sIops, IIbrury
suIes, und Iuve even Iound boxes oI books uL my IocuI dump. TIe oLIer pIuce Lo buy
books Is Irom oLIer bookseIIers und used book sLores. Once you Ieurn LIe murkeL Ior
books you wIII soon Ieurn LIuL some oLIer seIIers oILen don`L know wIuL LIey Iuve und
wIuL IL Is worLI.
Garage Sales
TIIs Is my number one source oI books. deIy you Lo geL up eurIy on u rIduy or
SuLurduy mornIng, vIsIL uL IeusL IIve guruge suIes, und noL IInd uL IeusL 1o or zo
resuIubIe books. n uII IonesLIy you seIdom IInd reuIIy vuIuubIe books uL guruge suIes,
LIose cun be Iound by oLIer meLIods LIuL ouLIIne beIow. BuL, guruge suIes cun be u
greuL source oI LIe everyduy books LIuL ure sLeudy seIIers In LIe $1o-$zo runge.

TIere ure Lwo LrIcks Lo IIndIng books uL guruge suIes. TIe IIrsL Is Lo geL up eurIy und be
LIere wIen LIe suIe sLurLs so you beuL ouL LIe oLIer book deuIers wIo ure doIng LIe
sume LIIng. ook uL LIe uds Ior guruge suIes und see II LIey menLIon books In LIe ud. I
LIey do, LIese sIouId be LIe IIrsL ones you IIL.

One oI LIe LIIngs IIke ubouL guruge suIes Is LIuL book deuIers rureIy go Lo LIem
becuuse IL Is very dIIIIcuIL Lo IInd good IIcLIon und IILeruLure books In good condILIon uL
u guruge suIe. BuL you wIII oILen IInd good non-IIcLIon uL guruge suIes LIuL you cun
muke money on.

TIe second LrIck Is Lo usk LIe seIIer II LIey Iuve uny books. 569* 9* /<%F/((0 %6' 3"*%
:8"+F<%9D' 3'%6"+ "E E9.+9.C C""+ */('/>(' >""-*N

PeopIe oILen Iuve oId books und LIey don`L LIInk Lo puL LIem ouL wIen LIey Iuve u
guruge suIe. I vIsIL u guruge suIe und do noL see uny books, sImpIy usk LIe owner II
LIey Iuve uny books LIey wouId IIke Lo seII. or eucI LIree or Iour peopIe usk, one or
Lwo oI LIem wIII suy yes. TIey wIII eILIer sLurL brIngIng ouL books us wuIL, or
someLImes wIII even InvILe me InLo LIe Iouse Lo Iook uL LIeIr booksIeIves. Iuve even
Iud peopIe muke un uppoInLmenL Ior me Lo come buck IuLer und Iook uL LIeIr books.


Estate Sales
EsLuLe suIes ure u IILLIe dIIIerenL. TIese suIes ure run by proIessIonuIs. TIe books ure
LypIcuIIy cuLuIoged und prIced. Some esLuLe suIes proIessIonuIs ure very knowIedgeubIe
ubouL books und LIey mIgIL be prIced Loo IIgI Lo muke money on. TIuL Is okuy
becuuse II LIey ure, LIe oLIer deuIers wIII noL buy LIem eILIer. BuL, Lo be IonesL, EsLuLe
SuIes ure wIere you usuuIIy IInd LIe beLLer books LIuL wIII seII Ior IIgIer doIIur vuIue -
und LIe books Lend Lo be In beLLer condILIon LIun LIey ure uL guruge suIes.

You ure unIIkeIy Lo IInd books uL un esLuLe suIe Ior u buck or Lwo. OILen you muy Iuve
Lo puy $, $1o, or $zo or more, so LIIs Is u sILuuLIon wIere you reuIIy need Lo know
wIuL books ure worLI. Don`L worry; LIIs knowIedge wIII come over LIme. BuL wIen you
ure jusL sLurLIng ouL you wIII wunL Lo be very cureIuI ubouL buyIng expensIve books.

TIe besL sLruLegy Is Lo geL Lo un esLuLe suIe eurIy. I you see books you wunL LIuL ure
prIced rIgIL jusL buy LIem LIen. I LIe books ure prIced Loo IIgI, mosL oI LIem wIII noL
seII. n LIIs cuse go buck Lo LIe suIe jusL beIore LIey cIose und LIe seIIer wIII LypIcuIIy
murk LIem down by us mucI us o%.

once wenL Lo u suIe wIere LIe seIIer Iud LIe compIeLe works oI W.E.B. GrIIIIn
(mIIILury IIcLIon) In Iurd buck-zz books In uII. TIey were In exceIIenL condILIon -uII
wILI dusL juckeLs und uII buL z were IIrsL edILIons.

usuuIIy sLIck Lo non-IIcLIon books, buL knew LIIs uuLIor Ius u Iurge IoIIowIng und
LIey wouId seII quIckIy. TIe probIem wus LIe esLuLe suIe ugenL wus uskIng beLween $8
und $1o u book. wenL buck uL LIe end oI LIe duy und onIy one oI LIe books Iud soId.
oIIered Ier $o Ior LIe wIoIe box. We dIckered und seLLIed on $6. TIuL worked ouL Lo
jusL over $ per book. soId uII z1 oI LIe books wILIIn LIree weeks on eBuy und
Amuzon uL prIces beLween $1o und $zo eucI. TIe uveruge wus uround $1q u book. TIuL
wus u qo% reLurn on my InvesLmenL.
Thrift Shops
TIe pIckIngs uL LIrIIL sIops cun be preLLy sIIm Ior severuI reusons. IrsL oI uII, peopIe
IIke me donuLe essenLIuIIy un-suIeubIe books Lo LIrIIL sIops. AIso, book scouLs und
deuIers cIeck LIem ouL IrequenLIy. usLIy, LIe LIrIIL sIop operuLors don`L reuIIy
undersLund book vuIues or condILIon und wIII oILen dump LIem In u pIIe wIere LIey geL

NeverLIeIess you wIII occusIonuIIy IInd good books In LIrIIL sIops. You jusL Iuve Lo be
puLIenL und comb LIrougI LIe sLock. TIe LIrIIL sIops In our Lown onIy Luke donuLIons
on cerLuIn duys. TIe donuLIons come In und IL Is usuuIIy LIe nexL duy beIore LIey geL
sLocked. So LIuL Is wIen go In. TIuL wuy um seeIng LIe new sLuII beIore oLIers geL


LIere. TIe good LIIng ubouL buyIng Irom u LIrIIL sIop Is LIe prIce. TIrIIL sIops reuIIy
under-prIce LIeIr books. recenLIy Iound u IIsLory oI PorscIe moLorcurs Ior o| LIuL
soId on eBuy Ior $6o. L Iud u very smuII creuse on LIe InsIde oI LIe dusL juckeL.
OLIerwIse IL wus In perIecL condILIon.

TIe oLIer wuy Lo geL reuIIy greuL sLuII Is Lo deveIop u reIuLIonsIIp wILI LIe sLuII. I LIey
know you buy oILen und wIuL you ure IookIng Ior, LIey wIII oILen cuII you wIen
someLIIng comes In. One Iudy In our Lown Is un eBuy seIIer wIo IrequenLs uII oI LIe
LIrIIL sIops on u reguIur busIs. SIe never IuIIs Lo brIng LIe sLuII some cookIes or
donuLs. AnoLIer opLIon Is Lo ucLuuIIy voIunLeer Lo work LIere. As u voIunLeer-
especIuIIy on donuLIon duy-you wIII geL IIrsL Iook uL uII oI LIe good sLuII.
Local Auctions
SmuII IocuI uucLIons cun be u greuL pIuce Lo buy books. MosL book deuIers uLLend
proIessIonuI book uucLIons, buL very Iew ever uLLend smuII-Lown IocuI uucLIons. NoL
every uucLIon wIII IncIude books, buL muny oI LIem do. Books ure usuuIIy soId In IoLs,
consIsLIng oI u box oI books. So you wIII oILen Iuve Lo Luke junk Lo geL LIe good sLuII,
buL uIwuys IInd enougI good sLuII Lo muke LIIs proIILubIe -und LIIs Is wIere IInd u
IoL oI reuIIy vuIuubIe books.

TIe key Is Lo uLLend LIe prevIew und see II LIere ure uny books you wunL. You cun LIen
decIde Lo uLLend LIe uucLIon or you cun jusL Ieuve u proxy bId wILI LIe uucLIoneer und
LIey wIII cuII you II your bId wIns.
Library Sales
TIIs Is one oI LIe besL pIuces Lo IInd books. UnIorLunuLeIy LIey don`L Iuppen very
oILen. So wIen go Lo u IIbrury suIe reuIIy sLock up.

TIere ure Lwo kInds oI books soId uL Ibrury suIes. Books LIuL were donuLed by peopIe
LIuL LIe IIbrury doesn`L wunL or Iuve room Ior, und Ex Librcs-books LIuL were In LIe
IendIng IIbrury und LIe IIbrury Is dIscurdIng. O'D'8 buy un Ex Ibrus book unIess IL Is
exLremeIy rure und you know 1oo% Ior cerLuIn you cun seII IL. One excepLIon Is LIuL II
you need LIe dusL juckeL. eL`s suy you Iuve or cun IInd good copIes oI u cerLuIn book,
buL LIe dusL juckeLs ure usuuIIy Lorn or cIIpped. I you cun buL LIe Ex-Ibrus versIon
und LIe dusL juckeL Is In perIecL condILIon LIen you cun murry LIe Lwo.

IInd IL umuzIng LIuL IIbrurIuns know everyLIIng ubouL books excepL LIeIr vuIue. L Is
noL Iurd Lo IInd books uL IIbrury suIes Ior uround u doIIur or so LIuL wIII seII Ior $1o,
$zo, $o, or even more.


Some IIbrurIes even Iuve u smuII booksLore In LIe IIbrury LIuL Is open every duy wIere
LIey seII books. PeopIe come In uII LIe LIme und drop oII books Lo donuLe. TIe IIbrurIun
usuuIIy Iooks LIrougI LIe books quIckIy Lo see II LIere Is unyLIIng LIey wunL Lo puL In
LIe IendIng IIbrury, Lukes LIose ouL, und LIen Iunds LIe resL over Lo LIe booksLore Lo
seII. Iuve oILen Iound books In LIe IIbrury booksLore Ior Iess LIun $ LIuL cun seII Ior
$1o, $1 or even mucI more. once Iound u book on LIe IIsLory oI musIcuI
InsLrumenLs LIuL LIe IIbrury booksLore wus seIIIng Ior $.oo. soId IL on
Ior $;.

Ibrury suIes Iuppen so InIrequenLIy LIuL Is puys Lo geL on LIe muIIIng IIsL Ior severuI
IIbrurIes In your ureu. WIen wus book scouLIng, wus on LIe IIsL Ior LIe IIbrury In
every Lown wILIIn u o-mIIe rudIus oI my Iome.

TIe oLIer LIIng you sIouId do uL Ibrury suIes Is LeII LIe peopIe runnIng LIe suIe LIuL
you ure u book deuIer und gIve LIem your pIone number. L Is quILe normuI Ior LIe
IIbrury peopIe Lo cuII you uL LIe end oI LIe suIe und oIIer Lo seII you LIe remuInIng
books us u IoL. Iuve never personuIIy done LIIs, buL one oI my reuders bougIL u IoL oI
over zoo IeILover books Ior $o. SIe Iud Lo donuLe ubouL oI LIem Lo LIe LIrIIL sIop,
buL sIe soId LIe resL oI LIem Ior prIces beLween $ und $z.

n uddILIon Lo prInLed books, IIbrurIes oILen Iuve books on Lupe, Iurge IonL books,
BruIIIe books, und IuLeIy ure even seIIIng musIc und movIe CDs und DVDs. TIIs Is
unoLIer ureu um noL goIng Lo cover In LIIs book, buL II you ure so IncIIned you cun seII
LIese producLs on eBuy us weII.

Flea Markets and Antique Shops
grouped LIese LogeLIer us LIey ure noL my IuvorILe pIuce Lo sIop Ior books Ior Lwo
reusons. One Is usuuIIy LIe prIce. AnLIque seIIers ure IookIng Ior reLuII. And, LIey oILen
Iuve very oId books on LIe LIeory LIuL un oIder book Is more vuIuubIe, buL LIIs Is noL
uIwuys LIe cuse.

TIe probIem wILI IIeu murkeLs Is usuuIIy LIe condILIon. Ieu murkeL books ure usuuIIy
Lossed In boxes wILI no regurd Ior dumuge. NeverLIeIess IL does puy Lo sIop LIese
venues once In u wIIIe becuuse you wIII oILen IInd u gem LIuL Ius been overIooked.
once Iound un eurIy copy oI WInsLon CIurcIIII`s HIsLory oI WW uL u IIeu murkeL In
New York wILI u nIce bonus. NeuLIy IoIded In LIe puges oI LIe book wus u WW
vInLuge EngIIsI Pound noLe LIuL ended up beIng worLI over $o.

ook Ior compIeLe musIc coIIecLIons oI IoIk, juzz, eurIy rock & roII, or cIussIcuI coIIecLIons. TIese seII very, very weII-usuuIIy Ior
reuIIy good money. recenLIy Iound u seL oI IIve IoIk musIc CDs LIuL soId on eBuy Ior $16o.


Used Bookstores
We ure goIng Lo LuIk ubouL used booksLores In LIe nexL cIupLer on Book ScouLIng.
AImosL every Lown In AmerIcu Ius u used booksLore. IIve In u Lown oI onIy 1o,ooo
peopIe und we Iuve LIree. Becuuse LIey uIso seII reLuII, you wouIdn`L LIInk LIuL used
book sLores wouId be u source oI mercIundIse, buL LIey ure. TIere ure Lwo
opporLunILIes Lo buy suIeubIe books Irom LIese sources.

Used booksLores Lend Lo specIuIIze. So wIen LIey geL books LIey don`L wunL LIey Lend
Lo seII LIem cIeupIy. or exumpIe LIere Is u very weII known booksLore In SeuLLIe LIuL
specIuIIzes In IIcLIon und IILeruLure. BuL sInce LIey oILen buy books Irom esLuLes In buIk
LIey oILen end up wILI some non-IIcLIon books us weII. TIese ure uIwuys Iound In LIe
buck oI LIe sLore on u suIe LubIe. once Iound u seL oI medIcuI books Irom LIe 1qzos on
LIe suIe LubIe LIuL bougIL Ior $1o und soId Ior $z;.

TIe oLIer opporLunILy Is Lo buy books on regIonuI IIsLory und geogrupIy. Here In LIe
PucIIIc NorLIwesL wIere IIve, uny book ubouL LIe IndIgenous NuLIve AmerIcuns,
NorLIwesL urL, LIe IIsIIng IndusLry, EskImos, AIusku, NorLIwesL HIsLory, und so on seII
uL very IIgI prIces. BuL II you wuIked InLo u book sLore In PILLsburgI or SL. ouIs und
suw u book on LIose subjecLs IL wouId probubIy be seIIIng Ior nexL Lo noLIIng. TIe sume
wouId go Ior u book ubouL cowboys or u LruveI journuI oI LIe Deep SouLI. TIose books
wouIdn`L seII very weII In SeuLLIe or PorLIund. BuL puL LIem on LIe InLerneL und LIe
wIoIe counLry opens up Lo you. TIuL book you Iound Ior nexL Lo noLIIng In CIeveIund
ubouL LIe CuIIIornIu GoId RusI couId brIng reuIIy bIg bucks Irom u buyer In
SucrumenLo, CuIIIornIu.
Book Fairs
Book IuIrs ure sIows wIere bookseIIers brIng LIeIr wures Ior u one or Lwo duy sIow.
MosL book IuIrs ure smuII. TIey muy be IeId In u smuII Lown communILy cenLer or
scIooI und LypIcuIIy Iuve unywIere Irom u dozen Lo IIILy or so exIIbILors. MosL oI LIese
deuIers ure preLLy suvvy und know wIuL LIey Iuve. NeverLIeIess uIwuys go Lo book
IuIrs und uIwuys seem Lo IInd someLIIng. MosL oI LIese deuIers specIuIIze, buL IIke book
sLores LIey oILen end up wILI books LIuL LIey don`L wunL Lo curry. TIey wIII oILen seII
LIese uL burguIn prIces jusL Lo cIeur LIem ouL.

TIe probIem wILI book IuIrs Is LIuL LIere ure so muny deuIers LIere wIo reuIIy know
wIuL LIey ure doIng LIuL one deuIer wIII oILen spoL u book Irom unoLIer LIuL Is
underprIced und buy IL beIore you geL LIere. MosL book IuIrs cIurge $ Lo $ Lo geL In,
buL mosL oI LIem oIIer u specIuI LIckeL Ior ubouL $zo LIuL wIII geL you In un Iour beIore
openIng. You sIouId uIwuys do LIIs us LIIs Is LIe onIy opporLunILy you wIII Iuve Lo
muke u score.


coIIecL books on NuvuI wurIure und murILIme IIsLory. wus uL u IuIr IookIng uL books
Irom one deuIer wIo Iud u Iurge seIecLIon oI books In my IIeId. noLIced u box oI oId
books (1q6os vInLuge) ubouL sporLs curs. He soId LIe wIoIe box Lo me Ior $z jusL Lo
geL rId oI LIem. WIen goL LIem Iome und unpucked LIem Iound Iud 1q very nIce
oIder books. soId LIem on eBuy und Ior prIces beLween $z und $; eucI.
IkewIse Iuve Iound good books on my coIIecLIbIe LopIc, NuvuI wurIure, cIeupIy Irom
deuIers wIo specIuIIzed In oLIer subjecLs. BuL LIIs onIy Iuppens becuuse um LIere
durIng LIuL IIrsL Iour beIore LIe generuI pubIIc comes In. I Iud goLLen Lo LIuL IuIr uny
IuLer unoLIer deuIer wouId Iuve snupped up LIose books on sporLs curs.

TIe oLIer udvunLuge oI uLLendIng books IuIrs Is LIuL you Ieurn u IoL. You geL Lo see
wIIcI books on wIIcI LopIcs ure seIIIng uL IIgI prIces.
How to Bring Books Out of the Woodwork
TIere ure IILeruIIy mIIIIons oI vuIuubIe books sILLIng In peopIe`s Iomes, uLLIcs, guruges
und sLoruge Iockers. BuL unIess someone Ius u guruge suIe or Lukes LIem Lo u used
booksLore Lo seII, or donuLes LIem Lo u LIrIIL sIop, LIey wIII jusL sIL LIere guLIerIng dusL
Ior yeurs.

TIe unswer Is Lo udverLIse. UsuuIIy u smuII cIussIIIed ud Is uII IL Lukes. or exumpIe,
Iere Is un ud Iuve used over und over wILI success:

,""- <"(('<%"8 #9(( :/0 </*6 E"8 "(+ .".PE9<%9".
>""-* ". /8%1 :6"%"C8/:601 %8/9.*1 *:"8%* /.+

You cun cIunge LIe words In LIe ud Lo reIIecL wIuL you ure IookIng Ior. Don`L Luke LIIs

Run LIIs ud In your IocuI puper und cIussIIIeds IIke LIe ILLIe NIckeI. PuL In on buIIeLIn
bourds uL your IocuI supermurkeL, uundromuL, LIe senIor cenLer, und oLIer pIuces LIuL
uIIow you Lo posL uds. Be sure und posL IL reguIurIy on CruIgsIIsL und oLIer Iree
cIussIIIed sILes. You wIII be umuzed uL LIe cuIIs you geL. Don`L be dIsuppoInLed II IL
doesn`L work LIe IIrsL week. or some reuson, peopIe need Lo see LIe ud u Iew LImes
beIore LIey wIII cuII. BuL Lry IL und you wIII see Iow weII IL works.

One bookseIIer know mukes up door Iungers und puys kIds Lo dIsLrIbuLe LIe IIyers Lo
Iouses. He pIcks neIgIborIoods wILI upper scuIe Iouses und ureus wIere senIors IIve.
He geLs ubouL z cuIIs Ior eucI oo IIyers Ie Iunds ouL. BuL someLImes LIIs resuILs In
IIm beIng ubIe Lo buy wIoIe coIIecLIons oI books.


How Much to Pay for Books
TIIs Is u reuIIy ImporLunL quesLIon, und geLLIng LIe unswer rIgIL Is essenLIuI Lo your
success. Remember LIe IIrsL ruIe oI seIIIng uny used ILem be IL u book, unLIque or

T"F 3/-' 3".'0 #6'. 0"F >F0."% #6'. 0"F *'((Q

I you puy Loo mucI Ior someLIIng you mIgIL noL be ubIe Lo seII IL uL u proIIL. Some
books wIII seII very quIckIy und oLIers wIII Luke more LIme. CurryIng InvenLory cosLs
you money becuuse your InvesLmenL cupILuI Is LIed up wIen IL`s sILLIng on your sIeIves.

A used book sLore owner wIII puy ubouL z% oI wIuL Ie or sIe LIInks LIey cun seII u
book Ior. BuL book sLores Iuve consLunL LruIIIc und LIe InLerneL Ius mude seIIIng onIIne
mucI more compeLILIve. My personuI LIresIoId Is 1o%. wIII puy 1o%, or occusIonuIIy
us mucI us 1%, oI LIe prIce LIInk u book wIII seII Ior. I cun puy us IILLIe us %, LIuL
Is even beLLer. Remember LIuL somewIere beLween 1o% und z% oI LIe books you buy
wIII eILIer noL seII uL uII, wIII Luke u Iong LIme Lo seII, or wIII seII Ior mucI Iess LIun you

Now LIere Is un excepLIon. Once you reuIIy geL Lo know your books und you Iuve
conIIdence In your buyIng ubIIILy, you wIII oILen be In u used book sLore or uL u book
IuIr und see u book prIced neur ILs seIIIng prIce buL sLIII beIow wIuL you know you cun
geL Ior IL. once Iound u copy oI u very expensIve book on coIIecLIbIe woodworkIng
LooIs. TIe deuIer wunLed $zoo buL knew couId seII IL Ior $oo or more. TIuL Is wuy
over my LIresIoId, buL LIIs wus u sIum-dunk- couId muke $1oo eusy. And dId.
IIsLed IL on Amuzon Ior $; und IL soId wILIIn zq Iours.

One oI LIe bIggesL probIems new book seIIers Iuve Is enIorcIng LIIs dIscIpIIne on
LIemseIves. I you sLurL buyIng Loo muny books LIuL you cun`L LrIpIe or quudrupIe LIe
prIce or more, you wIII begIn Lo Iose money und LIIs wIII LrunsIuLe InLo noL IuvIng uny
Iun. I you ure noL mukIng good money, LIIs busIness Ioses ILs IusLer very IusL.

WIen um uL u guruge suIe und see u box oI books seIIIng Ior $1 eucI, onIy pIck LIe
ones LIInk wIII seII Ior $1o Lo $zo or more. um noL uIwuys rIgIL, buL LIuL Is my gouI.
I IInd severuI books Irom one suIe, uIwuys usk LIe seIIer II Ie wIII Luke Iess Ior LIem.
or exumpIe II Iound seven books IIke, wIII wuIk up Lo LIe seIIers wILI u bIg sIncere
smIIe on my Iuce und suy: HI. Iound seven books IIke In your $1 box. WIII you Luke
$ Ior uII seven? NIne LImes ouL oI Len LIey wIII suy yes.

NoLIce In LIuL purugrupI ubove LIuL menLIoned books LIuL wIII seII Ior $1o Lo $zo or
more. You cun eusIIy IInd books Ior z| Lo o| LIuL wIII seII Ior $ or $q. Now LIuL Is u
greuL murkup. covered LIIs eurIIer, buL IL Is so ImporLunL wunL Lo sLress IL uguIn: I
you buy u book Ior u quurLer und seII IL Ior $q you Iuve mude u 16oo% murkup-Wow!


BuL you Iuve onIy mude $.;. or LIe sume eIIorL you couId Iuve mude u IoL more
money on u more expensIve book.

WIen you seII u book und muke $.; eucI, you wouId Iuve Lo IIsL, seII, puck und sIIp
books jusL Lo muke $z,ooo. BuL II you puy $ Ior u book LIuL seIIs Ior $z1 you muke
$18 u book. Now you onIy Iuve Lo seII, puck und sIIp 111 books Lo muke LIe sume
umounL oI money.

HuvIng suId LIuL, IL Is okuy Lo buy und seII LIose Iower prIced books wIen you ure
sLurLIng ouL-suy Ior LIe IIrsL LIree or Iour weeks. BuL once you sLurL Lo geL u IundIe on
wIuL wIII seII, you wunL Lo move up LIe prIcIng scuIe us quIck us you cun.
How to Find Valuable Books Quickly
SomeLImes you Iuve Lo spend money Lo muke money. How wouId you IIke Lo wuIk InLo
u guruge suIe or u LIrIIL sIop wIere dozens oI books ure IuId ouL und InsLunLIy know
wIIcI ure LIe mosL vuIuubIe books? I you Iuve u web-enubIed ceII pIone or PDA you
cun geL InsLunL book vuIues. TIe servIce Is Irom u compuny cuIIed ASeIIerTooI. or u $
monLIIy subscrIpLIon Iee you cun sImpIy enLer LIe SBN number oI uny book und IL
InsLunLIy LeIIs you wIuL LIe book Is seIIIng Ior on Amuzon und LIe Amuzon suIes runk.
Here Is wIuL IL Iooks IIke on your pIone:


TIe pIoLo on LIe IeIL sIows LIe screen wIere you enLer LIe SBN number. On LIe rIgIL
you see LIe resuILs.

ASeIIerTooI uIso oIIers u more expensIve sysLem you muy wunL Lo InvesL In us you grow
your busIness. TIIs Is u LooI LIuL IncorporuLes u bur code scunner wILI u PDA. nsLeud
oI enLerIng LIe SBN numbers, you sImpIy scun LIe bur code on LIe buck oI uny book
und IL InsLunLIy LeIIs you LIe prIce. (NoLe-don`L puL LIe book down und jusL buy one oI
LIese. Keep reudIng us LIere ure some oLIer opLIons us weII).

TIe udvunLuge oI LIIs udvunced sysLem Is LIuL you don`L Iuve Lo be onIIne wILI
Amuzon. Here Is un ouLIIne oI LIe IeuLures und beneIILs:

2EE"8+/>(' %" 2.0".'B No ceII pIone servIce or InLerneL connecLIon requIred.
Works wILI mosL oI LIe oId und new PockeL PCs on LIe murkeL.

7O&52O5 A89<9.C U'*F(%B ResuIL reLurns In Iess LIun u second. L Is -1o LImes
IusLer LIun usIng u ceII pIone. WILI u scunner und eurpIone (boLI ure opLIonuI) uL u
budgeL prIce, you cun scun und Ieur LIe prIcIng resuIL NSTANTY.

?"3:8'6'.*9D' :89<9.C 9.E"83/%9". 8'%F8.'+B ASeIIerTooI reLurns LIe IowesL
used prIces, IowesL new prIce, suIes runkIng, LILIe, number oI used oIIers, number oI
new oIIers, ILem condILIons, buyer wuILIng (II ILem Ius no seIIer IIsLIng).

V9*<8''%B I your PDA Is equIpped wILI BIueLooLI you cun puL Ieuve your PDA In your
pockeL und jusL IoId u LIny scunner In your Iund.

2<<'**9>(' %" /(( 7&,O W )A? E"8 >""-*1 X!&1 VXV1 3F*9< ?V*1 *"E%#/8'
/.+ C/3'*B ASeIIerTooI oIIers LIe besL SBN coveruge In LIe murkeL. Your PDA wIII
conLuIn InIormuLIon Ior cIose Lo qq% oI uII books, vIdeos, musIc CDs, und qq.q% oI
books wILI vuIue greuLer LIun $ Irom Amuzon murkeLpIuce.

!9C6 2<<F8/<0 9. A89<9.C 7.E"83/%9".B PrIcIng duLu Irom Amuzon Ior A LIe
SBN & UPC ILems upduLed once u duy. Books wILI IIgIer vuIue ure upduLed more
LIun once u duy.

G('Y9>(' %" T"F8 A89<9.C A8'E'8'.<'B You cun conIIgure your buyIng LrIggers Ior
dIIIerenL mInImum prIce wILI dIIIerenL runk. or exumpIe, you cun seL Iower mInImum
prIce wILI Iower runk und IIgIer mInImum prIce wILI IIgIer runk.

G/*% %" V"#.("/+B You cun downIoud LIe wIoIe SBN & UPC duLubuse In 1o mIn Lo
o mIn. WILI W- supporL, you cun downIoud unywIere!


Z/8C' OF3'89< ['0:/+B urge NumerIc keybourd Ior eusy munuuI InpuL Ior books
wILIouL u burcode. urge IonL sIze Ior dIspIuyIng prIcIng InIo Ior eusy reudIng.

\:%9"./( U'/( 593' &<"F%9.CB I you Iuve WIndows MobIIe pIone or PockeLPC
wILI WI-I supporL und your scouLIng ureu Ius WI-I NeLworks, LIen you cun enubIe
opLIonuI reuI LIme scouLIng Lo Iookup Ior eILIer noL Iound ILem Irom our duLubuse or
ILem uIreudy meeLs your buyIng crILerIon bused on duLubuse Lo muke beLLer buyIng

TIe PDA scunner servIce sLurLs uL $o u monLI, buL
LIey Iuve oLIer puckuges uvuIIubIe. I you don`L Iuve
u PDA, you cun buy one Irom LIem LIuL comes wILI
LIe scunner und LIe soILwure Iouded und reudy Lo

You cun reud ubouL LIe vurIous sysLems uL:

TIme LruIy Is money, und IL Is even more vuIuubIe II
you ure doIng LIIs purL-LIme. UsIng u LooI IIke LIIs
wIII IeIp you IInd books LIuL wIII seII Ior IIgIer
prIces. TIIs wIII uILImuLeIy puL more money In your
WIen wroLe LIe IIrsL edILIon oI LIIs book,
ASeIIerTooI wus LIe IeudIng compuny on LIe
murkeL. BuL sInce LIen Iuve dIscovered oLIer
servIces und LIe servIce by u compuny cuIIed
MedIuScouLer Is IusL becomIng my IuvorILe. So beIore jumpIng In wILI ASeIIerTooI,
be sure und cIeck ouL MedIuScouLer. TIeIr producL Is essenLIuIIy LIe sume. L does
everyLIIng LIuL ASeIIerTooI does. BuL, cusLomer servIce Is beLLer und LIe producLs ure
very compeLILIve. Be sure und reud LIe urLIcIe by Kuy Irom MedIuScouLer In your
bonus ILems.

AIso, MedIu ScouLer recenLIy InLroduced un Amuzon book scunnerJprIcIng uppIIcuLIon
LIuL works wILI u DroId pIone. TIey cIurge $ u monLI. JusL go Lo LIe DroId
murkeLpIuce und Iook Ior un upp cuIIed PockeL ProIIL.

uLer, wIen LuIk ubouL Amuzon`s BA progrum, wIII LeII you ubouL unoLIer compuny
LIuL Ius u scunnIng soIuLIon, so you muy wunL Lo IoId oII unLII you cun evuIuuLe uII
LIree servIces und LooIs.


Chapter 4
Scouting Books for Fun and Profit

TIIs Is u IuIrIy sIorL cIupLer, buL LIInk you wIII IInd IL very InLeresLIng. Book scouLIng
Is Iun und cun be very proIILubIe. WIuL Is u book scouL? SImpIy puL, IL Is someone wIo
buys books Ior oLIers-usuuIIy deuIers und used book sLores. Wcit c minute Slip. You
scid this bool ucs cbout mclin mone sellin bools online. TIuL`s rIgIL, IL Is, buL IeL
me expIuIn.

WIen you ure doIng uII LIe LIIngs In LIe prevIous cIupLer Lo IInd books, you wIII
cerLuInIy come ucross u IoL oI books LIuL won`L seII Ior $zo or more. AIso, II you ure
doIng LIIs busIness purL-LIme you muy noL Iuve LIe LIme Lo IIsL und seII Iundreds oI
books. So LIere Is unoLIer wuy.

Book sLore owners don`L Iuve LIme Lo scouL books LIemseIves. TIey reIy on book scouLs
und jusL ordInury peopIe wILI books Lo seII Lo wuIk InLo LIeIr sLores. WIen you seII
books Lo u used book deuIer Ie cun puy you In one oI Lwo wuys-cusI or Lrude credIL.

TIe IormuIu used by mosL book sLores Is 1- z% cusI or z% Lo o% Lrude credIL oI
LIe esLImuLed seIIIng prIce oI LIe book.

BusIcuIIy LIe sLore owner Iooks uL u book, und usIng IIs or Ier experIence, Lukes u guess
uL wIuL IL wIII brIng. He wIII usuuIIy gIve you 1% Lo z% oI LIuL prIce II you wunL
cusI-or o% II you ure wIIIIng Lo Luke Lrude credIL Lo use In IIs sLore (eucI sLore Is u
IILLIe dIIIerenL-sLores In bIg cILIes LypIcuIIy gIve Iess). UnIess you need LIe money Lo
puy your renL, uIwuys Luke LIe Lrude credIL! sIouId uIso poInL ouL LIuL LIIs umounL Is
negoLIubIe. I you reguIurIy brIng u sLore good sLuII, LIey wIII oILen ugree Lo u IIgIer
Lrude credIL, buL wIII rureIy ugree Lo u IIgIer cusI puymenL.

cun go ouL on uny rIduy or SuLurduy und IIL u Iew dozen guruge suIes und Ioud my
cur up wILI severuI dozen books. mIgIL spend $z Lo $;, buL cun oILen Lurn LIose
books InLo us mucI us $zoo or $oo Lrude credIL. know, Iuve done LIIs muny LImes.

Now, once Iuve LIuL nIce IuL Lrude credIL wuIk over Lo LIe Iocked cuse wIere LIe
book deuIer keeps IIs mosL vuIuubIe books-LIose LIuL seII Ior $1oo or more. cun buy
one or Lwo oI LIese books, puL LIem on eBuy or Amuzon und muke u coupIe oI Iundred
doIIurs wILI jusL one or Lwo suIes. couId probubIy Iuve mude u IILLIe more seIIIng uII

wenL Lo u new book sLore wIo oIIered zo% cusI und qo% Lrude credIL. suId no LIunk you und wuIked ouL. He IoIIowed me
ouL Lo LIe sLreeL und suId buL reuIIy wunL Lo buy uII oI your books. suId: OK, wIII Luke your qo% credIL II you Luke uII oI my
books. He suId: No, cun`L do LIuL. So jusL kepL wuIkIng und wenL Lo LIe nexL sLore. drove by IIs pIuce u Iew weeks IuLer und
Ie Iud u GoIng OuL oI BusIness SuIe sIgn on IIs door.

LIose IndIvIduuI books, buL wouId Iuve Iud Lo Luke uII LIe pIoLos, IIsL dozens oI
uucLIons, sIIp LIe book, und communIcuLe wILI LIe cusLomers. WIereus, wILI LIIs
meLIod mude u Iew Iundred doIIurs wILI very IILLIe LIme or eIIorL. TIIs Is LIe perIecL
wuy Lo go Ior LIe purL-LIme seIIer wIo doesn`L Iuve u IoL oI LIme.

Now udmIL, uL IIrsL you wIII noL be us successIuI doIng LIIs us um, buL LIen Iuve
IoLs oI experIence.
You wIII Iuve Lo do LIIs u Iew LImes Lo Ieurn wIuL LIe bookseIIers
ure IookIng Ior und wIuL LIey wIII puy Ior. BuL remember, uny books LIey don`L Luke
you cun sLIII seII onIIne. JusL becuuse u deuIer doesn`L Luke u cerLuIn book, does noL
meun LIe book won`L seII. L muy be LIuL Ie uIreudy Loo muny books on LIe sume
subjecL or doesn`L wunL books on LIuL purLIcuIur LopIc.

WIen you IIrsL vIsIL your IocuI used book sLores, IL puys Lo cIuL wILI LIe owner or LIe
buyer und usk LIem wIuL LIey ure IookIng Ior. WrILe LIIs down In u noLepud und use IL
wIIIe you ure ouL scouLIng.

n reuIILy probubIy wouIdn`L gIve LIe book sLore uII oI my books. WIen buy books
usuuIIy IInd LIree or Iour LIuL wIII seII Ior reuIIy good money. TIose wIII seII on eBuy
myseII. BuL uII oI LIose oLIers cun usuuIIy Lrude Lo one oI LIe LIree book sLores In
Lown Ior credIL.

L does Luke u IILLIe experIence Lo muke LIIs work. IrsL oI uII, uny gIven booksLore wIII
noL Luke everyLIIng you Iuve. You muy Iuve Lo IIL Lwo or LIree sLores Lo geL rId oI LIe
enLIre sLock. BuL once you Iuve done LIIs Ior u wIIIe, you wIII begIn Lo geL u IeeI Ior LIe
kInd oI books eucI sLore owner IIkes Lo buy und you wIII Iook Ior LIose books.

or LIe books you end up beIng sLuck wILI, don`L IorgeL LIe Lux deducLIbIIILy oI
donuLIng LIem. Even LIougI you bougIL u book uL u guruge suIe Ior o|, wIen you
donuLe IL Lo u LIrIIL sLore you cun deducL u reusonubIe esLImuLe oI ILs vuIue. TypIcuIIy
LIIs Is z% Lo o% oI LIe orIgInuI cover prIce. I you buy u book Ior o|, und LIe cover
prIce Is $z1.q, you couId eusIIy Luke u $1o Lux deducLIon Ior LIuL book. I you ure In LIe
z8% Lux bruckeL, LIuL wIII puL $z.8o In your pockeL uL Lux LIme. Be sure und geL
receIpLs. MosL LIrIIL sIops IeL you IIII In LIe vuIue. I you LIInk LIIs Is unreusonubIe or
dIsIonesL, remember LIuL BIII CIInLon donuLed IIs used underweur Lo u cIurILy wIIIe
Ie wus PresIdenL und Look u $ deducLIon Ior eucI ILem. L ruIsed u sLInk wILI LIe
pubIIc (so Lo speuk), buL IL wus perIecLIy IIne wILI LIe RS.

So Iow do you scouL books? JusL re-reud LIe prevIous cIupLer. TIIs Is wIuL IuII-LIme
proIessIonuI book scouLs do. TIey udverLIse, go Lo guruge und esLuLe suIes und IuunL
LIrIIL sIops. BeIore LIe udvenL oI eBuy und LIe nLerneL, u proIessIonuI book scouL

WIen you ure IIrsL sLurLIng ouL, vIsIL your IocuI used booksLores und usk LIe owner wIuL Ie or sIe Is IookIng Ior. Every sLore Is
dIIIerenL. One sLore muy Luke wesLern noveIs wIereus unoLIer one wIII noL. One sLore neur me specIuIIzes In IIsLory und IIsLorIcuI
IIcLIon. WIenever spoL u book on LIose LopIcs know Ie wIII uIwuys gIve me Lop doIIur Ior IL und don`L IesILuLe Lo buy IL.


couId muke $1ooo u week or more. Toduy muny oI LIem ure sLIII doIng LIIs, buL LIey
ure seIIIng on LIe nLerneL LIemseIves InsLeud oI seIIIng Lo LIe booksLores.
ConsequenLIy LIe booksLores Iuve u Iurder LIme IIndIng good mercIundIse so LIey ure
usuuIIy very wIIIIng Lo work wILI you. A good scouL LIese duys muke u IoL more LIun
$1ooo u week.

You cun use your book scouLIng skIIIs In severuI wuys. Books ure u smuII purL oI my
currenL eBuy busIness. IonesLIy don`L Iuve LIe LIme Lo conLInuuIIy scouL, IIsL, seII,
puck, und sIIp Iundreds oI books u monLI. I spend u duy buyIng books mIgIL come
Iome wILI qo Lo o books. go LIrougI LIem und pIck ouL LIe 1o mosL vuIuubIe books
und seII LIem myseII on eBuy or IIsL LIem on Amuzon. TIen mude LIe rounds oI LIe
LIree used booksLores In Lown. cun usuuIIy geL rId oI uII buL u IundIuI oI books LIuL
wuy und end up wILI u nIce Lrude credIL. Now Iuve u cIoIce on LIe resL. cun jusL
donuLe LIem Lo LIe LIrIIL sIops or cun IIsL LIem on Amuzon uL some Iow prIce so LIey
seII quIckIy or u sIIgILIy IIgIer prIce und jusL wuIL unLII LIey seII.

As soon us my Lrude credILs reucI $1oo usuuIIy go buck Lo LIe book sLores und buy
someLIIng expensIve LIuL know wIII move quIckIy on eBuy or Amuzon.

Chapter 5
How and Where to Buy New Books

TIIs book Is mosLIy ubouL seIIIng used books Ior one sImpIe reuson: used books ure
wIere LIe money Is. As we Iuve seen, you cun eusIIy IInd used books LIuL you cun murk
up oo% or even mucI more. BuL wILI new books IL Is common Ior book seIIers Lo
work on murgIns LIuL ure mucI Iess-usuuIIy us IILLIe us ;% Lo 1oo% murkup. TIIs
mukes buyIng new books mucI more rIsky. I jusL u Iew books don`L seII, you don`L Iuve
LIe oIIseLs Lo sLIII muke u proIIL. However LIere ure some opporLunILIes Lo muke money
wILI new books so we ure IncIudIng LIIs InIormuLIon In cuse IL InLeresLs you.

TIere ure LIree busIc wuys Lo buy new books:

DIrecL Irom LIe dIsLrIbuLor
TIe RemuInder LubIe uL Iurge book sLores
rom RemuInder or IIquIduLIon deuIers
Book Distributors
TIere ure u Iew Iurge nuLIonuI dIsLrIbuLors LIuL suppIy mosL book sLores. TIe IurgesL
one Is ngrum Books. ngrum Is LIe IurgesL wIoIesuIe book dIsLrIbuLor In LIe counLry.
TIey ure LIe dIsLrIbuLor Ior mosL oI LIe Iurge nuLIonuI pubIIsIers sucI us McGruw-HIII,
Rundom House, Hurper CoIIIns, SImon & SIusLer, PenguIn, und more. TIey work wILI
mosL IndependenL booksLores und deuI wILI IoLs oI onIIne seIIers, boLI Iurge und smuII.
VIrLuuIIy uny book LIuL you cun IInd uL your IocuI Burnes & NobIe Is uvuIIubIe Irom
ngrum. Here Is LIeIr websILe: www.Ingrumbook.comJnewJbookseIIers.usp.

BeIow Is u IIsL oI LIe oLIer dIsLrIbuLors. You cun IInd LIe websILe Ior uny oI LIem by
LypIng LIeIr nume InLo LIe GoogIe seurcI bur. Some oI LIese dIsLrIbuLors wIII drop sIIp
books dIrecLIy Lo your cIIenLs. TIIs Is u greuL wuy Lo go becuuse you don`L Iuve Lo curry

ngrum Ius uIso recenLIy InsLILuLed u drop sIIp progrum. You Iuve Lo guurunLee Lo buy
uL IeusL $,ooo worLI oI books per yeur Lo purLIcIpuLe. Your cosL Is 6o% oI LIe cover
prIce pIus o| on eucI book LIey drop sIIp. TIIs Isn`L mucI murgIn, so IIrsL oI uII II you
do LIIs you wunL Lo work wILI IIgIer prIced books, so you ure mukIng u IIgI doIIur
umounL on eucI suIe und you don`L Iuve Lo seII us muny books Lo reucI your $,ooo
unnuuI mInImum. wouIdn`L Lry und seII popuIur or besL-seIIIng books us LIese ure
rouLIneIy dIscounLed. BuL II you specIuIIze or seII In u nIcIe-especIuIIy II you Iuve u
cusLomer IIsL or IoIIowIng, LIIs cun be u very proIILubIe LIIng Lo do. Remember, In


generuI, LIe more specIuIIzed u book LIe more IIkeIy IL wIII seII Ior LIe IuII cover prIce.
And, converseIy, LIe more popuIur u book Is, LIe more IIkeIy IL wIII be dIscounLed.
Here ure some oLIer book dIsLrIbuLors wIo wIII work wILI onIIne seIIers:

&:89.C 28>"8 Is u subsIdIury oI ngrum und dIsLrIbuLes CIrIsLIun Books.

2**"<9/%'+ AF>(9*6'8* =8"F: DIscounLs books upproxImuLeIy 6% oI reLuII, pIus
sLoruge, reLurns, und cuLuIog Iees. TIey dIsLrIbuLe ubouL z,oo LILIes. A dIvIsIon oI
HumbIeLon-HIII PubIIsIIng, LIIs book dIsLrIbuLor ubsorbed muny pubIIsIers,
personneI, und operuLIons oI ALrIum PubIIsIIng Group.

!/880 OQ 2>8/3*1 7.<Q Hurry N. Abrums, nc. (HNA) Is LIe preemInenL AmerIcun
pubIIsIer oI IIgI-quuIILy urL und IIIusLruLed books.

7.%'8./%9"./( &:'<9/(94'+ ,""- &'8D9<'* NorLI AmerIcun dIsLrIbuLor Ior over
sIxLy ucudemIc overseus pubIIsIers specIuIIzIng In LopIcs IncIudIng rIsI, AusLruIIun,
sIumIc, JuduIc, und mIIILury sLudIes.

2%(/* ,""-*1 ,""-;/*%'8* dIsLrIbuLes onIIne und vIu wIoIesuIers Ior muny one-
book pubIIsIers us weII us some smuIIer pubIIsIers.

V9/3".+ ,""- V9*%89>F%"8* und LIe V9/3".+ [9+* =8"F:. n busIness sInce
1q8z, LIIs comIc`s dIsLrIbuLor now uIso dIsLrIbuLes comIcs, grupIIc noveIs, Mungu und
AnIme, us weII us Loys und oLIer pop cuILure producLs Lo LIe book Lrude. CIIenL
pubIIsIers IncIude AnLurcLIc Press, GrupIIc-SIu PubIIsIIng, AvuLur Press, ComIcsOne,
Toyspress, SQP, und DW PubIIsIIng.

;/*<"8 AF>(9*69.C Is u pubIIsIIng compuny wILI uII sorLs oI unusuuI LILIes. TIey wIII
drop sIIp, buL IL Is probubIy more proIILubIe Lo jusL buy ouLrIgIL Irom LIem uILer you
Iuve mude LIe suIe. AImosL uII oI LIeIr LILIes ure uIwuys In sLock.

,""-#"8(+ Is one oI LIe IurgesL und besL know dIsLrIbuLors oI books Lo smuII reLuII
sLores und websILe seIIers.

AF>(9*6'8* =8"F: ]'*% represenLs dozens oI medIum sIzed und specIuILy

?".*"8%9F3 ,""- &/('* W V9*%89>F%9". represenLs over ;o pubIIsIers Irom LIe
US, UK, und AusLruIIu.

,= 7.%'8./%9"./( Is u Iurge dIsLrIbuLor oI cIIIdren's books.


Bookstore Remainder Tables
MosL Iurge booksLores sucI us Burnes & NobIe, Borders, und even some oI LIe
IndependenLs Iuve wIuL Is cuIIed u remuInder LubIe. TIuL Is LIe InsIde nume Ior IL-
you won`L see LIe words Remcinder Tcble on LIe LubIe ILseII. TIe RemuInder TubIe Is
usuuIIy u Iurge LubIe wILI u bIg SAE Lug on IL.

BooksLores Iuve onIy so mucI room und LIere ure new books comIng ouL every duy. So
LIey oILen need Lo cIeur LIe sIeIves Lo muke room. WIen LIey do LIIs LIey puL LIe sIow
movIng books on u suIe LubIe. TIIs Is cuIIed LIe remuInder LubIe In LIe book Lrude.

n uddILIon Lo LIeIr own books, LIe pubIIsIIng compunIes und LIe dIsLrIbuLors uIso
need Lo cIeur ouL LIeIr wureIouses und LIey wIII someLImes oIIer booksLores LIIs excess
sLock (cuIIed remuInders).

TIe remuInder LubIe conLuIns boLI u IoL oI junk /.+ u IoL oI greuL IInds. orgeL LIe
Iurd cover edILIons oI IIcLIon noveIs. TIese ure very Iurd Lo seII becuuse once LIey IIL
LIe remuInder LubIe LIe puperbuck edILIon oI LIe book Is uIreudy ouL.

ook Ior LIe sume Lype oI books LIuL you know wIII seII. TIese wouId IncIude Iurge
pIoLo books, books on sporLs, LrunsporLuLIon, LIe movIes, und so on. RemuInder books
ure somewIuL IIke used books In LIuL you cun oILen IInd reuI burguIns. Iuve
purcIused remuInder books In LIe $-$1o runge LIuL couId eusIIy doubIe or LrIpIe my
money on.

One druwbuck Lo u remuInder book Is LIe remuInder
murk on LIe boLLom edge. I you pIck up u book Irom LIe
remuInder LubIe, IL wIII someLImes (buL noL uIwuys) Iuve
u IeIL-LIp pen murk ucross LIe boLLom edges oI LIe puges.
TIIs Is done so booksLores cunnoL reLurn LIe books Lo
LIe dIsLrIbuLors und cIuIm LIey were new sLock LIuL
dIdn`L seII. TIIs uIso IdenLIIIes u book LIuL u booksLore
bougIL Irom u remuInder dIsLrIbuLor us opposed Lo one
LIuL cume Irom LIeIr own sIeIves und puL onLo LIe suIe
LubIe. I LIe book Ius uny coIIecLIbIe vuIue, u remuInder murk wIII reduce IL by o% or
more. OLIer LIun coIIecLors, mosL buyers wIII noL know wIuL LIIs murk Is und you muy
geL LIe occusIonuI quesLIon Irom your buyers wIen LIey geL LIe book, wunLIng Lo know
wIy IL wus murked IIke LIIs. WIen you seII u book wILI u remuInder murk on IL, you
musL sLuLe LIuL cIeurIy In your uucLIon or Amuzon IIsLIng.
ools uith c remcinder mcrl


Liquidation Book Dealers
TIe IusL source Is LIe sume source LIuL booksLores use Lo buy Irom remuInder deuIers.
You cun buy remuInders uL LIe sume prIce LIe book sLore Is puyIng. TIe prIces ure very,
very cIeup-someLImes us IILLIe us 1o% Lo 1% oI LIe cover prIce. TIe probIem Is LIuL
you cunnoL seIecL LIe books. TIey ure usuuIIy soId by LIe puIIeL Ioud wIIcI cun be
unywIere Irom oo Lo oo books dependIng on LIe sIze oI LIe books. So you wIII geL u
mIx oI uII kInds oI books, muny oI LIem un-suIeubIe.

TIe second probIem Is LIe cosL. IquIduLIon deuIers usuuIIy Iuve mInImums oI $1ooo
or more. BuL II you specIuIIze In u cerLuIn cuLegory oI books you cun oILen buy u puIIeL
Ioud oI jusL LIuL cuLegory. or exumpIe you couId buy u puIIeL Ioud oI jusL cookbooks.
You couIdn`L seIecL LIe uuLIors or LILIes, buL you wouId be buyIng LIe books Ior ubouL
1o% oI LIe cover prIce und you cun usuuIIy doubIe or LrIpIe your money on LIem.

Here ure u Iew deuIers In LIese books:

AbbevIIIe Press, wus esLubIIsIed In 1q;; und specIuIIzes In pubIIsIIng quuIILy books on
urL, urcIILecLure, pIoLogrupIy, desIgn, LruveI, IIIesLyIe, und medIu.

TIe DeuI Dude seIIs LIousunds oI IIgIIy dIscounLed books on uImosL every subjecL.

Book PuI uL


Chapter 6
Describing and Grading Your Books

TIere ure Lwo Lypes oI cusLomers you wIII be seIIIng Lo: TIe reuder und LIe coIIecLor.
TIe reuder, someone wIo buys u used book Lo reud IL, Is muInIy InLeresLed In LIe
conLenL und cures Iess ubouL LIe condILIon. TIuL doesn`L meun u reuder cures noLIIng
ubouL condILIon-LIey do. TIey wIII rureIy buy u book In reuIIy cruppy condILIon, buL
LIe condILIon meuns Iess Lo LIem LIun IL does Lo u coIIecLor.

CoIIecLors on LIe oLIer Iund ure very concerned ubouL condILIon. TIe beLLer LIe
condILIon LIe IIgIer prIce LIey wIII puy.

I you ure goIng Lo seII books on eBuy, Amuzon und oLIer onIIne venues, you wIII be
deuIIng wILI boLI Lypes oI cusLomers, so IL Is ImporLunL Lo Ieurn noL onIy LIe Iunguuge
oI books buL uIso Iow Lo judge und descrIbe LIeIr condILIon. TIe probIem wILI
IuuncIIng un uucLIon on eBuy or IIsLIng on Amuzon Is LIuL you don`L reuIIy know
wIeLIer your buyer Is u reuder or coIIecLor.

or exumpIe, LIe book menLIoned on SIore BIrd CurvIng wus purcIused by u
coIIecLor. LIougIL IL wouId be oI InLeresL Lo u wood curver or IobbyIsL, buL IL Lurned
ouL LIuL LIIs book wus IuIrIy rure und wus In demund by coIIecLors. TIuL Is wIy IL
brougIL sucI u surprIsIngIy IIgI prIce. Neur LIe end oI LIe uucLIon, LIere were LIree
dIIIerenL bIdders IIgILIng IL ouL Ior LIe book. jusL suL LIere wILI my mouLI open und
wuLcIed LIe prIce cIImb mInuLe by mInuLe Lo over $qoo. TIe reuson LIuL IL soId Ior so
mucI wus LIe condILIon. L wus In Ine CondILIon und LIIs Lype oI book Is very Iurd Lo
IInd In Ine CondILIon becuuse peopIe used LIem In LIeIr worksIops.

No muLLer Iow mucI experIence you Iuve you jusL never know wIo wIII be bIddIng on
your book und wIy. TIereIore you sIouId geL In LIe IubIL oI descrIbIng u book In Lerms
LIuL boLI u coIIecLor und u reuder wIII undersLund.

As Ior Iunguuge, Iuve IncIuded IInks Lo u gIossury oI book Lerms In LIe uppendIx. wIII
reIer Lo u Iew oI LIem Iere und descrIbe LIem us we go, buL you sIouId Luke some LIme
Lo sLudy LIe gIossury oI Lerms und become IumIIIur wILI LIem.

TIe IronL und buck covers oI u Iurdbuck book ure cuIIed bocrds. One oI LIe IIrsL LIIngs
u coIIecLor Is concerned ubouL Is uny dumuge Lo LIe bourds, especIuIIy II u book Ius
been bumped. TIIs meuns LIe corner oI LIe bourds Iuve been dInged or dumuged due
Lo cureIess IundIIng. recenLIy receIved u copy oI TIe OId Book VuIue GuIde Iud
purcIused on eBuy. n LIe pIoLo LIe corners Iooked perIecL und LIe seIIer descrIbed
LIem us IIne. BuL wIen receIved LIe book, Lwo oI LIe corners were dInged. No LIe


seIIer dIdn`L IIe Lo me-Ie jusL sIIpped LIe book In u pudded enveIop wILI no proLecLIon
Ior LIe corners. AILer goIng LIrougI LIe US posLuI sysLem Lwo oI LIe corners were

TIe Spine Is LIe buckbone, or buck, oI LIe book wIere LIe LILIe (II presenL) Is dIspIuyed
wIen IL Is sLundIng uprIgIL on u sIeII. A book`s spIne sIouId uIwuys be sLruIgIL und LIe
bindin (LIe muLerIuI used us u proLecLIve cover Ior u book (e.g.: IeuLIer, cIoLI, puper)
sIouId be InLucL. Any sLuIns, LwIsLIng, denLs (dins In LIe book Lrude) or oLIer dumuge
Lo LIe spIne oI LIe bIndIng sIouId be uccuruLeIy descrIbed.

TIe oLIer ImporLunL ILem Is LIe cover. L Is cuIIed LIe coter or urcp II IL`s u puperbuck
book und u dust jcclet II IL`s u Iurdbuck book. I you ure seIIIng u puperbuck book, LIe
IronL und buck covers sIouId noL Iuve uny Leurs, creuses, sLuIns or oLIer dumuge. I IL
does, you sIouId uccuruLeIy descrIbe IL. MosL, buL noL uII, Iurdbuck books prInLed uILer
1qqo Iuve u dusL juckeL. TIe condILIon oI LIe juckeL Is one oI LIe mosL ImporLunL
IucLors Lo u coIIecLor. A perIecL dusL juckeL Ius no Leurs, dIngs, creuses or sLuIns. I
LIere Is uny dumuge Lo u dusL juckeL be sure und reveuI LIIs. Some mInor dumuge Is
uccepLubIe und LIe oIder LIe book LIe more uccepLubIe IL Is. o Lo qo yeur oId books
wILI perIecL dusL juckeLs ure very rure. TIe mosL ImporLunL LIIng you Iuve Lo do Is
uccuruLeIy descrIbe LIe condILIon. One LIIng you musL uIwuys Iook Ior on u dusL juckeL
Is Lo see II LIe prIce wus cIIpped oII. TIIs Is oILen done wIen u book Is gIven us u gIIL
und IL serIousIy deLrucLs Irom LIe vuIue. MosL bookseIIers descrIbe LIe condILIon oI LIe
book und LIe dusL juckeL sepuruLeIy.
Standard Condition Descriptions
TIe ndependenL OnIIne Book SeIIers AssocIuLIon (OBA) Ius creuLed sLundurd
deIInILIons LIuL Iuve become wIdeIy uccepLed In LIe IndusLry und by coIIecLors Lo be
used wIen descrIbIng u book.

TIe Lerms LIey deIIne IncIude As Neu, Mint, Necr Iine, Ver Good, Good, Icir und u
Iew oLIers. cunnoL reproduce LIe Lerms Iere becuuse LIey ure copyrIgILed. You cun
reud (und prInL) LIe deIInILIons on LIeIr websILe Ior Iree uL: www.Iobu.orgJdesc.ILmI.

TIe OBA Is u non-proIIL membersIIp orgunIzuLIon. I you ure u new bookseIIer In your
IIrsL yeur In busIness you cun joIn Ior $o u yeur. AILer LIuL you cun joIn us u IuII voLIng
member Ior $6o yeur. TIIs gIves you uccess Lo Lons oI resources und educuLIonuI
muLerIuIs us weII us LIe ubIIILy Lo neLwork und geL IeIp Irom oLIer seIIers.

I you bougIL LIIs book becuuse you occusIonuIIy seII u Iew books und wunL Lo muke u
IILLIe more money doIng IL, LIey you muy noL wunL Lo boLIer joInIng. BuL II you ure
serIous ubouL LIIs busIness ( deIIne LIuL us seIIIng more LIun u dozen books u week)


LIen sLrongIy recommend you pony up LIe Iew bucks Lo joIn LIe OBA us IL wIII puy
dIvIdends und LIe knowIedge you guIn wIII udd money Lo your boLLom IIne.

One oI LIe besL beneIILs oI OBA membersIIp Is LIe rIgIL Lo suy you ure u member, LIuL
you udIere Lo LIeIr eLIIcuI sLundurds und you cun dIspIuy LIe OBA seuI In your
uucLIons und oLIer onIIne IIsLIngs. On eBuy, muke sure IL`s noL u IInk LIuL wouId Luke
someone oII LIe eBuy sILe. MucI IIke LIe buySAE seuI or LIe SquureTrude seuI on
eBuy LIIs gIves buyers conIIdence In you.

n uddILIon Lo LIe OBA,, LIe IurgesL seIIer oI books onIIne, Ius ILs own
descrIpLIons. SInce seII on Amuzon, cun reproduce LIeIr descrIpLIons Iere:
Amazon Guidelines for New and Used Books
Lems prIced uL or ubove LIe IIsL prIce (MSRP) or $1o, wIIcIever Is greuLer, ure eIIgIbIe
Ior CoIIecLIbIe desIgnuLIon. Lems prIced beIow LIIs muy be IIsLed under Used or New,
buL wIII noL be eIIgIbIe Ior CoIIecLIbIe desIgnuLIon. (In other uords ou ccn't describe c
bool cs collectible ij ou list it jor less thcn :o bucls).

TIese uddILIonuI guIdeIInes, uILIougI noL munduLory, muy be used Lo deLermIne
wIeLIer Lo IIsL u book us CoIIecLIbIe. To be consIdered coIIecLIbIe, books sIouId be
unIque In u wuy LIuL Increuses vuIue Ior u coIIecLor, Ior exumpIe:

IrsL edILIon und IIrsL prInLIng, sIgned, InscrIbed, or scurce
NoL ex-IIbrury, u remuInder, or u book cIub edILIon

CondILIon Lerms IncIude:

Neu: JusL IIke IL sounds. A brund-new, unused, unreud copy In perIecL
Lile Neu: An uppurenLIy unreud copy In perIecL condILIon. DusL cover Is InLucL;
puges ure cIeun und ure noL murred by noLes or IoIds oI uny kInd.
SuILubIe Ior presenLIng us u gIIL.
Ver Good: A copy LIuL Ius been reud, buL remuIns In exceIIenL condILIon. Puges
ure InLucL und ure noL murred by noLes or IIgIIIgILIng. TIe spIne
remuIns undumuged.
Good: A copy LIuL Ius been reud, buL remuIns In cIeun condILIon. AII puges
ure InLucL, und LIe cover Is InLucL (IncIudIng dusL cover, II uppIIcubIe).
TIe spIne muy sIow sIgns oI weur. Puges cun IncIude IImILed noLes und
IIgIIIgILIng, und LIe copy cun IncIude "rom LIe IIbrury oI _____"


Acceptcble: A reudubIe copy. AII puges ure InLucL, und LIe cover Is InLucL (LIe dusL
cover muy be mIssIng). Puges cun IncIude consIderubIe noLes--In pen
or IIgIIIgILer--buL LIe noLes cunnoL obscure LIe LexL.
Unccceptcble: MoIdy, budIy sLuIned, or uncIeun copIes ure noL uccepLubIe, nor ure
copIes wILI mIssIng puges or obscured LexL. Books LIuL ure dIsLrIbuLed
Ior promoLIonuI use onIy ure proIIbILed. TIIs IncIudes udvunce reudIng
copIes (ARCs) und uncorrecLed prooI copIes.

Amuzon`s descrIpLIons ure eusIer Lo reud und undersLund by LIe Iuymun, buL ure noL us
compIeLe us coIIecLors IIke. I you ure usIng Amuzon`s descrIpLIons, you sIouId suy so.
TIey ure IIne Ior 8o% oI LIe books you wIII probubIy seII, buL II you come ucross
unyLIIng expensIve or obvIousIy coIIecLIbIe, you wIII wunL Lo use-und sLuLe you ure
usIng-LIe OBA condILIon descrIpLIons.

WIIcIever sysLem you use, be sure Lo descrIbe your books In un uccuruLe munner. An
uccuruLe producL descrIpLIon Increuses buyer suLIsIucLIon, IeIps seIIers buIId u IoyuI
cusLomer buse, und ensures posILIve Ieedbuck ruLIngs. I you descrIbe u book us jine
und LIe buyer sees IL us onIy ood, you rIsk geLLIng u neguLIve Ieedbuck on boLI eBuy
und Amuzon. So II um ever In doubL wIII use LIe more conservuLIve descrIpLIon.

SIouId u book Iuve un obvIous cosmeLIc IIuw or conLuIn u "remuInder" murkIng you
sIouId uIwuys sLuLe LIIs cIeurIy.

One oI LIe bIg dIIIerences beLween Amuzon und LIe OBA Is LIuL OBA descrIpLIons
cover LIe book und LIe juckeL sepuruLeIy. n oLIer words under OBA u book couId be
Ver Good wIIIe LIe dusL juckeL Is onIy Good. Under Amuzon`s guIdeIInes LIe book und
LIe juckeL ure consIdered LogeLIer.

On LIe IoIIowIng puge Is u IIsL oI IIuws you sIouId uIwuys dIscIose. Iuve reproduced
LIIs IIsL on ILs own puge so you cun prInL IL ouL und use IL us u cIeckIIsL. WIen you sLurL
Lo buy books, Luke LIIs IIsL wILI you und use IL wIen buyIng books und IL wIII keep you
Irom overpuyIng or buyIng books LIuL couId be Iurd Lo seII.
Book Flaws That Should Always Be Disclosed in Your
Co-Brunded edILIon (Ior exumpIe u book reprInLed by u corporuLIon us u
Any Book CIub edILIon (TIese ure very Iurd Lo seII und wouIdn`L wusLe your
LIme wILI LIem)


Ex-Ibrus (Ex-IIbrury book. TIIs wIII usuuIIy Iuve LIe IIbrury nume sLumped on
IL or LIere wIII be u IendIng curd pockeL gIued In LIe IronL. TIese ure IendIng
IIbrury dIscurds us opposed Lo book purcIused uL u IIbrury suIe)
PersonuIIzed bookpIuLes InsIde LIe IronL cover. (TIIs cun reduce un oLIerwIse
Lile Neu book Lo jusL Good)
Books dIsLrIbuLed prIor Lo pubIIcuLIons sucI us promoLIon copIes, udvunced
reudIng copIes or uncorrecLed prooI copIes

nscrIpLIons (sucI us u gIIL InscrIpLIon)
Any IubeIs, sLumps or sLIckers
Teurs ( puges or LIe juckeL)
CIIpped dusL juckeL (prIce cIIpped Irom LIe InsIde corner oI LIe juckeL)
Weukness, LwIsLIng or dumuge Lo LIe bIndIng IncIudIng uny Ioose puges
Any IundwrILIng, IIgIIIgILIng, noLes or oLIer murks on LIe puges or edges.
(PencII murks ure okuy us LIey cun be erused)
RemuInder murks
MusLy odor, dumpness or mIIdew (NEVER buy u book In LIIs condILIon)
oxIng (LIIs Is u IIgIL brown or someLImes reddIsI coIorIng oI LIe puges Irom
uge und exposure Lo sunIIgIL
SpIne crucks or creuses on puperbucks (cuused by openIng LIe book Loo wIde)
AnyLIIng eIse LIuL wouId deLrucL Irom LIe vuIue or ruLe LIe book us Iess LIun
Ike Neu, Necr Iine, or Necr Mint

usLIy, LIere Ius been u cIunge In Amuzon`s reguIuLIons sInce LIe IIrsL edILIon oI LIIs
book wenL Lo prInL. UnLII recenLIy unyone couId seII u coIIecLor edILIon or u coIIecLIbIe
book on Amuzon. However, IuLe IusL yeur Amuzon cIunged LIeIr poIIcy so LIuL now
onIy experIenced seIIers cun IIsL coIIecLIbIe books on Amuzon. So LIIs meuns LIuL you
wIII Iuve Lo seII uny coIIecLIbIe books on Abe Books or eBuy unLII you geL some
experIence on Amuzon does noL suy wIuL IL Lukes Lo be uIIowed Lo seII
coIIecLIbIe books, buL once you Iuve soId u Iew Iundred books, jusL emuII Amuzon und
usk Ior permIssIon.

An excepLIon Lo LIIs couId be u copy wILI LIe orIgInuI uuLIor`s noLes II IL Is u Iumous uuLIor.


Chapter 7
Cataloging, Storing & Shipping Your Books

don`L know Iow Iurge u deuIer you pIun Lo become. I LIIs Is jusL u smuII Iobby
busIness desIgned Lo muke u Iew exLru Iundred doIIurs u monLI, LIen sLorIng und
cuLuIogIng your books Is noL u bIg Issue becuuse you won`L Iuve LIuL muny oI LIem.
However, II you pIun Lo grow your busIness wIere you Iuve more LIun zoo or oo
books, you wIII wunL Lo be very orgunIzed und Iuve u sysLem Ior keepIng Lruck oI your
Where Will I Put All of These Books?
eL`s Iook uL sLoruge IIrsL. Books sIouId be sLored on u booksIeII In u verLIcuI (uprIgIL)
posILIon. TIere Is one druwbuck Lo LIe book busIness. Books Luke up spuce und LIey
Iuve Lo be orgunIzed so you cun IInd LIem. So you wIII Iuve Lo gIve some LIougIL Lo
sLoruge-und by LIuL meun booksIeIves. You do noL wunL Lo sLore your books In
boxes. L cun dumuge LIe books und LIey ure dIIIIcuIL Lo IInd wIen you need one.

Now don`L rusI ouL Lo Home DepoL und spend $oo on sIeIvIng. TIe wIoIe poInL oI
LIIs exercIse Is Lo sLurL smuII wILI u smuII InvesLmenL und grow your busIness us you
Ieurn. BuL you wIII need Lo decIde Iow muny books you ure goIng Lo sLurL wILI, wIere
you wIII puL LIem und LIen puL In u pIun Ior growLI.

or now, IeL us suy LIuL you decIded Lo InvesL $zoo In your InILIuI InvenLory. Now LIuL
you know Iow und wIere Lo buy books, LIIs wIII geL you beLween 1oo und zoo books.
So uL u mInImum, you wIII need sIeIvIng Ior LIuL muny books Lo geL sLurLed. As u ruIe
oI LIumb, eucI IIneur IooL oI sIeIvIng wIII IoId 1o Iurdbuck books or 1z puperbuck
books. TIIs does vury u bIL, buL over LIme you wIII IInd LIIs ruIe Lo work ouL preLLy weII.
So II you ure goIng Lo buy u mIxLure oI Iurd und soIL cover books, und you use LIe
uveruge oI 11 LIuL meuns you wIII need rougIIy q IIneur IeeL oI sIeIvIng Lo IoId 1oo
books. (I you ure buyIng Iurge urL books or coIIee LubIe edILIons,
you wIII need ubouL zo% more).

BooksIeIves ure one oI LIose ILems LIuL you cun uIwuys IInd used.
PIcLured IeIL Is u pIoLo oI u booksIeII LIuL bougIL Irom my IocuI
LIrIIL sIop Ior $o. L Is sIx IeeL wIde und Ius sIx sIeIves IncIudIng
some wIde ones uL LIe boLLom Ior oversIze books. L wIII IoId ubouL
6o books per sIeII or u LoLuI oI 6o books. So you ucLuuIIy cun sLore
u IoL oI books In u IuIrIy smuII ureu. One seIIer know works ouL oI u
very smuII one-bedroom upurLmenL. SIe specIuIIzes In books ubouL
urLs und cruILs. By keepIng everyLIIng very orgunIzed sIe Is ubIe Lo


sLore over 8oo books und LypIcuIIy seIIs ubouL o Lo qo books u week uL prIces beLween
$zo und $; eucI.

Be cureIuI wIere you sLore your books. MoIsLure und mIIdew Is LIe bIggesL enemy oI
books. UnIess you IIve In u very dry IocuLIon IIke LIe SouLIwesL, never sLore your books
In u guruge or busemenL us LIese ure Loo dump. AIso don`L sLore your books wIere LIey
geL dIrecL sunIIgIL every duy. I you bookcuse Iuces u wIndow wILI dIrecL sunIIgIL you
wIII wunL Lo puII LIe bIInds or drupes becuuse IL doesn`L Luke more LIun u coupIe oI
weeks oI dIrecL sunIIgIL Lo Iude LIe coIor on dusL juckeLs. Some deuIers ucLuuIIy drupe u
cIoLI over LIe bookcuse Lo keep oII boLI sunIIgIL und dusL, buL do noL do LIIs II you IIve
In u IumId envIronmenL us IL Lrups LIe moIsLure under LIe cIoLI.
Organizing Your Inventory
WIenever you seII u book you need Lo IInd IL. TIIs meuns you need some Lype oI
sysLem Ior orgunIzIng your books. I you Iuve Iess LIun 1ooo books, you cun do LIIs
munuuIIy jusL by IIIIng LIem In proper order on your booksIeII. IcLIon books ure
uIwuys IIIed by uuLIor. Non-IIcLIon books ure usuuIIy grouped by subjecL und IIIed by
LILIe wILIIn LIe subjecL groupIng.

SInce we ure deuIIng mosLIy wILI non-IIcLIon, you wIII wunL Lo seL up your books InLo
broud cuLegorIes sucI us LrunsporLuLIon, sporLs, urLs, IIsLory, mIIILury, scIence, und so
on. TIen you jusL dIvIde eucI cuLegory by subjecL. or exumpIe, In sporLs you wouId
Iuve busebuII, buskeLbuII, IooLbuII, eLc. n TrunsporLuLIon you wouId Iuve bouLs,
pIunes, curs, moLorcycIes, LruIns, spucesIIps, und so on. TIen wILIIn eucI subjecL jusL
IIIe your books by LILIe. Now II you wuke up Lomorrow mornIng und see LIuL your book
on LIe HIsLory oI TIe SuperbowI soId on eBuy, you wouId jusL go Lo LIe sporLs secLIon
und Iook under IooLbuII. AssumIng you onIy Iuve u IuII u dozen or so books on IooLbuII
IL wouId be preLLy eusy Lo IInd.

TIIs book Is uImed uL begInners. don`L LIInk someone sLurLIng ouL sIouId InvesL In
more LIun oo books unLII LIey reuIIy know wIuL LIey ure doIng und unIess und unLII
LIey ure doIng IL preLLy mucI IuII LIme.

I you grow Lo LIuL IeveI, LIen you muy wunL Lo InvesL In soILwure Lo cuLuIog your books.
TIere ure severuI Iow cosL und even some Iree sIurewure progrums on LIe murkeL.
WILI LIese sysLems you jusL enLer LIe LILIe (or In some cuses LIe SBN number) und
LIen puL u IocuLIon wIere you keep LIe book, sucI us B1-z. TIuL wouId meun bookcuse
Number 1 on sIeII number z. Some oI LIe beLLer soILwure progrums uIso IeIp you run
your busIness by IeLLIng you enLer u purcIuse prIce und u suIes prIce und LIe duLe oI
eucI. TIen you cun puII reporLs uL LIe end oI eucI monLI Lo see wIuL soId und Iow
mucI money you mude.


A IuIrIy new compuny LIuL Ius u greuL InvenLory soIuLIon Is LIe OpLImu nvenLory
conLroI sysLem uL OpLImu Is u IuIIy-Iouded murkeLpIuce seIIer soILwure
suILe desIgned Lo muke seIIIng onIIne ucross muILIpIe pIuLIorms eusIer by munugIng
und muInLuInIng your InvenLory In one IocuLIon. OpLImu IeuLures cIunneI uuLomuLIon
und Is InLegruLed wILI muny popuIur murkeLpIuces sucI us, Abe Books,
VuIorebooks, und oLIers. TIeIr soILwure uIso IeuLures unIque prIce uuLomuLIon LooIs
LIuL ruIses und Iowers your prIces bused on LIe ruIes LIuL you creuLe, IeIpIng you seII
your books uL IIgIer prIces.

uLer we ure goIng Lo LuIk ubouL, u websILe wIere you cun seII your
books. Once you sIgn up wILI Abe Books, LIey Iuve u Iree soILwure progrum you cun
use LIuL Is exceIIenL.

AguIn you Iuve Lo decIde uL wIuL poInL you wunL or need Lo uuLomuLe und sLurL u
duLubuse. BuL II you pIun Lo grow u Iurge IuII-LIme busIness, LIen you wIII wunL Lo sLurL
sooner ruLIer LIun IuLer us IL Is mucI eusIer Lo cuLuIog books us you go uIong LIun uII oI
u sudden muke LIe decIsIon Lo uuLomuLe und now you Iuve Lo enLer 1,ooo books InLo
your duLubuse.

We IIsL severuI bookseIIer soILwure progrums In LIe uppendIx.
Protecting Your Books
You sIouId uIwuys proLecL your expensIve books wILI proLecLIve MyIur juckeL covers.
TIIs Is noL necessury Ior every book, buL peopIe wIo purcIuse expensIve books (over
$zo) reuIIy expecL LIem. PIucIng your books In MyIur covers wIII proLecL LIem und
buyers wIo receIve books LIuL ure proLecLed LIIs wuy wIII be more IIkeIy Lo Ieuve you
posILIve Ieedbuck. See LIe uppendIx Ior MyIur book cover suppIIers.
Shipping Your Books
Be cureIuI sIIppIng books In corruguLed or bubbIe-puk enveIopes us LIey wIII oILen
urrIve dumuged. TIese ure ok Ior InexpensIve puperbucks, buL II you ure seIIIng u book
Ior $zo or more, you wunL Lo muke sure IL urrIves suIe und undumuged. TIere ure
pIenLy oI compunIes LIuL seII boxes und puckIng muLerIuIs, buL u compuny cuIIed UIIne
currIes u IIne oI boxes specIIIcuIIy sIzed Ior books.

especIuIIy IIke LIe IoIded corruguLed muIIers IIke LIe
ones pIcLured Lo LIe IeIL.

TIese come In dIIIerenL sIzes und you cun udjusL LIem
Ior dIIIerenL sIzed books. JusL be sure Lo pIuce cIeun
newsprInL or bubbIe puk In LIe empLy spuce so LIe books


don`L bounce uround Ioose InsIde LIe box. Don`L use oId newspupers Lo puck books
becuuse LIe bIuck Ink cun rub oII onLo LIe books.

AnoLIer compuny LIuL Kuren und use Ior suppIIes Is ubeI UnIverse.
Automate Your Postage and Labeling
I you ure seIIIng more LIun 1o Lo 1 books u week, you wIII wunL Lo uuLomuLe LIe
muIIIng process Ior Lwo reusons: One Is jusL Lo suve LIme und LIe oLIer Is so you don`L
Iuve Lo sLund In IIne uL LIe posL oIIIce every duy. We use u sysLem Irom EndIcIu LIuL
connecLs wILI LIe posL oIIIce. We jusL enLer LIe weIgIL, uddress, Lype oI sIIppIng
(medIu muII, IIrsL cIuss prIorILy, eLc.) und EndIcIu gIves us u bur code LIuL conLuIns LIe
sIIppIng ruLe, u deIIvery conIIrmuLIon number, und prInLs ouL LIe IubeI. WILI LIe
posLuge enLered onIIne IIke LIIs, you cun now jusL drIve up Lo LIe buck door oI your
posL oIIIce und drop your books oII. You don`L Iuve Lo sLund In IIne uL LIe counLer.

EndIcIu does cIurge u smuII monLIIy Iee, buL LIey wIII seII you u scuIe und IubeI prInLer
LIuL pIugs rIgIL InLo your compuLer. You jusL puL LIe puckuged book on LIe scuIe, copy
pusLe LIe uddress Irom your PuyPuI or credIL curd noLIIIcuLIon, cIIck on LIe sIIppIng
meLIod, und EndIcIu wIII creuLe LIe IubeI und enLer LIe deIIvery conIIrmuLIon InIo InLo
LIe USPS sysLem. Now Iere Is LIe neuL purL. You cun udd u smuII IundIIng cIurge Lo
LIe posLuge Lo cover LIe cosL oI your box und muLerIuIs. EndIcIu Ius u IeuLure cuIIed
Steclth Postce. WIen you seIecL LIIs IeuLure, LIe posLuge Is encoded In u bur code on
LIe IubeI und LIe buyer does noL see LIe ucLuuI posLuge cosL. So, Ior exumpIe, II LIe
posLuge wus $z.zo, you couId cIurge $z.qo wIIcI wouId cover LIe cosL oI LIe box.

eBuy recenLIy roIIed ouL LIe IIrsL mujor cIunge Lo ILs Ieedbuck sysLem In Len yeurs.
Under LIe new sysLem, In uddILIon Lo beIng ubIe Lo Ieuve u Ieedbuck commenL, buyers
cun ruLe seIIers on sIIppIng und posLuge cosL wILI u sLur sysLem wILI sLurs beIng LIe
besL und 1 LIe worsL. I u buyer puys $.z Ior sIIppIng und sees $z.z on LIe IubeI LIey
wIII LIInk you ure LryIng Lo muke u proIIL oII oI LIe sIIppIng und mIgIL dIng you wILI u
Iow sLur ruLIng. TIey never consIder LIe cosL oI boxes und puckIng muLerIuIs uILIougI
us you wIII IInd ouL LIIs Is one oI your mujor cosL cenLers. TIe oLIer uspecL oI LIe new
Ieedbuck sysLem Is LIuL seIIers cun onIy Ieuve posILIve Ieedbuck Ior buyers, so LIere Is
no Ionger uny wuy Lo conLroI or negoLIuLe Ieedbuck buyers Ieuve Ior you. MosL seIIers
IuLe LIe new sysLem, buL we ure sLuck wILI IL so uII you cun do Is uccepL IL, udjusL und
move on.

GeLLIng u IIgI sLur (DSR) ruLIng Is very ImporLunL becuuse eBuy gIves you Iee dIscounLs
bused on your sLur ruLIng once you reucI PowerSeIIer IeveI. eBuy uIso uses your sLur
ruLIng Lo runk your resuILs In eBuy`s seurcI engIne. I you Iuve u DSR score oI q.8 und
unoLIer seIIer wILI u score oI q.z Is seIIIng LIe sume book us you ure, your book wIII be
IIsLed IIrsL In LIe seurcI resuILs even II LIe oLIer book Is cIeuper or LIe seIIer Ius u


IIgIer Ieedbuck number LIun you do. So Ior boLI reusons oI IowerIng your Iees und
comIng up weII In LIe seurcI engIne IL Is very ImporLunL LIuL you muInLuIn u IIgI DSR
score. TIe wuy Lo do LIIs Is Lo sIIp quIckIy, don`L Lry und muke u proIIL on sIIppIng, be
very IIberuI wILI your reLurns poIIcy und communIcuLe quIckIy wILI buyers In u IrIendIy


Chapter 8
Pricing Your Books for Sale

How do know Iow mucI Lo usk Ior u book? UnIess you Iuve u very rure or unusuuI
book, LIIs Is preLLy eusy InIormuLIon Lo IInd. On eBuy you cun sImpIy enLer LIe LILIe InLo
LIe seurcI box. WIen LIe books come up, Iook Lo LIe IeIL sIde oI LIe puge und cIIck LIe
buLLon LIuL suys Completed listins. TIIs wIII sIow you wIuL LIe book Ius ucLuuIIy soId
Ior us opposed Lo wIuL peopIe ure uskIng or currenLIy bIddIng.

Here Is un exumpIe:

On Amuzon jusL enLer LIe LILIe or LIe SBN number und you wIII see wIuL Amuzon Is
uskIng Ior u book us weII us u IIsLIng oI LIe prIce runge LIuL oLIer seIIers wIo ure seIIIng
on Amuzon ure uskIng Ior new und used copIes.


You cun see LIuL Amuzon Is seIIIng LIe book new Ior $z.q;, buL oLIer seIIers ure
oIIerIng IL Ior us Iow us $z.z. You jusL cIIck on LIe zp Used & neu IInk und IL wIII IIsL
uII zq books, LIeIr condILIon, und wIo Is seIIIng LIem.

IIve In u Lown on LIe wuLer wIere LIere Is u IoL oI bouLIng. Iuve personuIIy bougIL
over zo copIes oI LIIs book over LIe yeurs Ior beLween $1 und $ uL guruge suIes und
LIrIIL sIops. L Is u perennIuI besL seIIer. usuuIIy geL uround $z Lo $o Ior one In
good condILIon.

AILer und eBuy`s, LIe IurgesL onIIne murkeL Ior books Is Abe
Books. JusL go Lo LIe Abe Books websILe und enLer LIe uuLIor und LILIe Lo see u IIsLIng
oI LIe books Ior suIe. Abe probubIy Ius LwIce us muny used books us Amuzon und Is u
beLLer pIuce Lo IInd IILLIe known or unusuuI LILIes. BuL becuuse oI LIIs IL cun uIso Luke u
Iong LIme Lo seII u book on Abe becuuse LIere ure so muny copIes IIsLed. However, II
you IInd u LruIy rure book, you cun oILen geL u IIgIer prIce on Abe LIun on eBuy or

IonesLIy cun'L LeII you wIIcI book Lo seII wIere. L jusL Lukes experIence. suggesL you
sLurL ouL wILI eBuy, und LIen Lry, LIen Amuzon, und Abe Books IusL. Or II you
ure doIng LIIs purL-LIme und jusL don`L Iuve LIe LIme Lo Ieurn LIe Ins und ouLs oI uII LIe
venues, jusL sLIck wILI eBuy und Amuzon. BuL even II you don`L seII on Abe, IL Is u greuL
pIuce Lo reseurcI prIces.

You cun sorL IIsLIngs on Abe Books by prIce und IocuLIon. IIke Lo sorL by prIce, IIgIesL
IIrsL LIen go down LIe IIsL In prIce unLII IInd u book In sImIIur condILIon Lo LIe one
um seIIIng. TIen prIce ubouL % or 1o% under LIe IowesL one In my condILIon II
wunL u quIck suIe.

Here Is un Abe Books IIsLIng Ior u book soId recenLIy ubouL cIIpper sIIps:


puId $1z Ior my copy uL un esLuLe suIe, und soId my copy on eBuy uL my Buy-L-Now
prIce oI $1zo. L soId wILIIn z duys. I wunLed Lo wuIL u wIIIe couId Iuve probubIy
goLLen cIoser Lo $1o on Abe Books.

One probIem wILI Abe Books Is LIe sIeer voIume oI books LIey Iuve Ior suIe. TIere
were over 18o copIes oI LIIs book uvuIIubIe on Abe, buL onIy Lwo on eBuy. So even
LIougI Abe Is u mucI Iurger murkeL, wus ubIe Lo seII IL mucI IusLer on eBuy. Yes-
goL u IILLIe Iess money buL us you wIII see beIow you cun muke Iur more money by
LurnIng your InvenLory over oILen LIun by IoIdIng ouL Ior IIgIer prIces.
Managing Your Inventory
TIe more oILen you cun Lurn your InvenLory over LIe more money you wIII muke. TIIs
Is u IIgIIy sImpIIIIed exumpIe, buL you wIII geL LIe poInL. eL`s ussume Ior u momenL
LIuL LIe uveruge seIIIng prIce (ASP) oI uII oI your books wus $zo eucI und your uveruge
cosL wus $z eucI, und you seII zo per week. AL LIIs ruLe you seII uII oI LIe books In your
sLock (zoo) every 1o weeks. TIIs meuns LIuL you wouId muke $18 per book x zoo =
$6oo every 1o weeks or ($6oo x .z) $18,;zo per yeur. BuL II you Iower your prIces
und seII your books IusLer you cun muke mucI more money. or exumpIe, II you
Iowered your ASP Lo $1 und you soId uII oI your books In 6 weeks InsLeud oI 1o weeks,
you wouId muke $1 per book buL your unnuuI Income wouId be $zz,16. TIuL's
$,;q6 more proIIL.

Now, udmILLedIy LIuL Is u very sImpIe exumpIe und u bIL unreuIIsLIc us you wIII noL Lurn
1oo% oI your InvenLory over LIuL IusL und your uveruge seIIIng prIce muy be mucI
IIgIer or Iower, buL IL does IIIusLruLe LIe poInL.

As un onIIne seIIer you Iuve un udvunLuge. Muny oI LIe bIg bookseIIers on Amuzon und
Abe Books (und even on eBuy) ure ucLuuIIy book sLores LIuL uIso seII on IIne. TIese
sLores Iuve empIoyees, renL, Insurunce und oLIer IIxed cosLs LIey Iuve Lo cover so LIey
cunnoL uIIord Lo dIscounL LIeIr books. TIe LypIcuI used book sLore wIII Iuve somewIere
beLween 1o,ooo und o,ooo or even more books In sLock. On uny gIven duy LIey Iuve u
IoL oI money LIed up In InvenLory. As un onIIne seIIer you don`L wunL Lo do LIuL. You
wunL Lo keep you InvenLory smuII und keep IL movIng.

TIIs Is wuy wIen prIce u book: Iook Ior LIe ASP oI u book In sImIIur condILIon und
prIce IL ubouL 1o% Lo zo% Iess. TIIs meuns muke Iess on u book, buL usuuIIy seII LIe
book u IoL IusLer LIun oLIer seIIers und Lurn my InvenLory over more oILen.

As poInLed ouL In CIupLer , you wIII ucquIre some books LIuL jusL won`L seII. Here Is
Iow IundIe LIuL. WIen geL u new book IIrsL IIsL IL on eBuy uL zo% under wIuL
LIInk ILs vuIue Is. or exumpIe, II Iuve seen LIIs book seIIIng eIsewIere Ior $qo, wIII
IIsL LIe sLurLIng prIce uL $.


I IL doesn`L seII LIe IIrsL LIme, reIIsL IL once uL LIe sume prIce (you geL one reIIsLIng
credIL wILI eBuy II un ILem doesn`L seII buL does seII LIe second LIme). I IL sLIII doesn`L
seII wIII Iower LIe prIce u bIL more und puL IL In my eBuy sLore (sLore IIsLIng Iees ure
mucI Iower LIun uucLIons). I IL doesn`L seII wILIIn o duys, mIgIL Lry IL on Amuzon. I
IL doesn`L seII wILIIn o duys, reuIIy Iower LIe prIce-perIups us Iow us $zo. wIII
keep knockIng 1o% oII oI LIe prIce unLII geL cIose Lo my cosL. AL LIuL poInL, wIII
donuLe IL Lo LIe IIbrury or LIrIIL sIop Ior LIe Lux deducLIon.

Money LIed up In books sILLIng on your booksIeIves Ior monLIs Is noL eurnIng you u
reLurn. OId, LIred InvenLory jusL guLIers dusL. wouId ruLIer puL LIuL money buck InLo
u book LIey wIII seII ruLIer LIun jusL IeL u book sIL on my book sIeII LukIng up spuce und
noL eurnIng money.

An excepLIon Lo LIIs ruIe Is wIen ucquIre u reuIIy vuIuubIe book. TIe neuL LIIng ubouL
LIIs busIness Is LIuL you wIII oILen IInd books LIuL you cun buy Ior jusL u Iew doIIurs
LIuL ure worLI mucI, mucI more LIun you puId Ior LIem. WIen geL u book IIke LIIs
wIII usuuIIy puL IL up on eBuy wILI u Iow sLurLIng prIce In u Reserve PrIce AucLIon. wIII
usuuIIy seL my reserve ubouL zo% beIow LIe book`s esLImuLed vuIue und IeL LIe bIdders
Luke IL up Irom LIere. I IL doesn`L seII rIgIL uwuy, wIII keep LryIng us know IL Is u
vuIuubIe book und wIII evenLuuIIy muke my money on IL.

Chapter 9
Specialize for Success

TIIs Is unoLIer IuIrIy sIorL cIupLer-buL un ImporLunL one. You muy or muy noL wunL
Lo specIuIIze In one genre oI books. PersonuIIy, wouIdn`L do LIIs uL IIrsL. LIInk IL Is
ImporLunL Lo jusL geL sLurLed In LIe busIness, Ieurn LIe ropes und muke some proIIL LIuL
you cun reInvesL In your busIness.

BuL, once you Ieurn Iow Lo buy books und Ieurn wIuL books seII LIe besL, you muy wunL
Lo gIve some LIougIL Lo deveIopIng u nIcIe sLruLegy. TIere ure dIIIerenL IeveIs oI
specIuIIzuLIon. or exumpIe, II you ure goIng Lo onIy seII non-IIcLIon books us LIIs book
suggesLs LIuL Is one IeveI oI specIuILy. I you were Lo move InLo one oI LIe broud
cuLegorIes oI non-IIcLIon books sucI us specIuIIzIng In hou-to books, or u broud
cuLegory IIke sporLs or LrunsporLuLIon, LIuL becomes unoLIer IeveI oI specIuIIzuLIon.
Some book deuIers Luke IL IurLIer. Iuve seen book deuIers wIo specIuIIze In LopIcs IIke
neu ce, bioloiccl sciences, militcr histor, coolbools, und so on. One smuII deuIer
specIuIIzes In books on LIe CIvII Wur. He does over $oo,ooo u yeur In suIes. AII oI
LIese ure vIubIe murkeLs.

TIere ure severuI udvunLuges Lo deveIopIng u specIuILy or u nIcIe murkeL:

PeopIe wILI specIIIc InLeresLs IIke Lo buy Irom deuIers wIo specIuIIze In LIeIr
ureu. I you Iuve u specIuILy you wIII Lend Lo uLLrucL repeuL cusLomers. You cun
seII Lo LIese cusLomers Irom u websILe so you ure noL puyIng Iees Lo eBuy or
CusLomers wIo buy books on u specIIIc subjecL Lend Lo buy IoLs oI books on LIuL
subjecL. TIIs provIdes opporLunILIes Ior up seIIIng und cross seIIIng.
As you become knowIedgeubIe In u specIIIc ureu you wIII rupIdIy Ieurn vuIues
und prIcIng. TIIs wIII muke you u beLLer buyer.
Your knowIedge oI u specIIIc LopIc wIII muke you u beLLer seIIer becuuse you cun
sIure LIuL knowIedge In your suIes copy.

TIere ure Lwo dIsudvunLuges oI specIuIIzIng. TIe IIrsL Is LIuL you ure LurgeLIng u smuIIer
murkeL. TIIs cun IImIL your suIes unIess you pIck u murkeL LIuL Is Iurge enougI Lo
supporL u vIubIe busIness. BecomIng Loo specIuIIzed couId cup LIe sIze oI your busIness.
TIe oLIer dIsudvunLuge Is LIuL LIe unIverse oI books you cun buy Is IImILed.
SpecIuIIzIng In u specIIIc nIcIe meuns LIuL you wIII probubIy need Lo go ouLsIde your
IocuI ureu Lo source books unIess you IIve In or neur u very Iurge cILy.


ConsIderIng uII oI LIese poInLs wouId sLIII voLe Lo become uL IeusL somewIuL
specIuIIzed. JusL be sure Lo pIck u nIcIe LIuL Is Iurge enougI Lo supporL your busIness.

Remember you cun uIwuys become more specIuIIzed IuLer. or exumpIe, II you sLurLed
ouL specIuIIzIng In books ubouL bouLIng you wouId Iuve no LroubIe IIndIng books Lo seII
und LIe murkeL Is Iurge enougI Lo supporL your busIness. BuL II you were Lo specIuIIze
In one uspecL oI bouLIng sucI us suIIbouL rucIng, your murkeL wouId be mucI more
IImILed und you wouId Iuve Lo work mucI Iurder Lo IInd books Lo seII.


&'((9.C T"F8 ,""-* ". ',/0
/.+ %6' 7.%'8.'%

n LIe IIrsL secLIon we covered wIuL kInd oI books Lo buy und seII, wIere Lo IInd LIem,
Iow Lo sIIp LIem und Ieurned ubouL some oI LIe reseurcI LooIs uvuIIubIe.

n LIIs secLIon you wIII Ieurn Iow Lo seII your books. We ure goIng Lo cover eBuy und
Amuzon In deLuII, und und Abe Books Lo u Iesser exLenL. We wIII uIso cover LIe
LopIc oI seLLIng up your own websILe so you cun seII books dIrecL Lo your cusLomers
wILIouL puyIng Iees Lo Amuzon or eBuy.


Chapter 10
Selling Your Books on eBay

So Iur we Iuve dIscussed LIree venues Lo seII your books: eBuy (IncIudIng eBuy owned, Amuzon, und Abe Books. We wIII cover eBuy In LIIs cIupLer, und
und Amuzon In LIe nexL. We wIII uIso gIve you un InLroducLIon Lo Abe Books, buL LIIs Is
probubIy noL u sILe you cun or sIouId use unLII und unIess you Iuve u very Iurge

As poInLed ouL In LIe InLroducLIon, LIIs Is noL u busIc Hou To Sell on ec book. We
ussume you uIreudy know LIe busIcs oI regIsLerIng un uccounL und seIIIng on eBuy. I
noL, LIere ure pIenLy oI good books on eBuy seIIIng, some oI LIem even wrILLen by me.
My books ure uvuIIubIe on Amuzon und uL my websILe,

TIe muIn consIderuLIon Ior seIIIng on eBuy Is buIIdIng up your Ieedbuck und seIIer
repuLuLIon. eBuy now Ius u sysLem Ior runkIng seIIers In uddILIon Lo LIe oId Ieedbuck
sysLem LIuL Ius been In pIuce sInce LIe begInnIng. TIe newer sysLem Is cuIIed DeLuIIed
SeIIer RuLIngs (or DSRs). TIe buyer ruLes LIe seIIer on LIeIr perIormunce In severuI
cuLegorIes usIng u sLur sysLem oI 1 Lo sLurs.

Here Is wIuL IL Iooks IIke In my seIIer Ieedbuck proIIIe:

As you cun see, boLI our Ieedbuck score und our DeLuIIed SeIIer RuLIngs ure preLLy
good. We Iuve been doIng LIIs Ior 11 yeurs und IrunkIy we work uL LIuL preLLy Iurd. BuL


IL puys oII. seII u IoL oI LIIngs on eBuy wIere Iuve compeLILIon LIuL underseIIs me,
yeL conLInue Lo seII uL my sIIgILIy IIgIer prIces. PeopIe wIII oILen buy Irom me even
LIougI LIey mIgIL puy u IIgIer prIce becuuse LIey IeeI suIe doIng so.

I you score weII on your DSRs, Lwo LIIngs Iuppen: One Is LIuL your IIsLIngs wIII come
up IIgIer In LIe seurcI resuILs LIun oLIer seIIers wILI poorer scores. TIe oLIer Is LIuL
(II you ucIIeve PowerSeIIer sLuLus) you wIII eurn Iee rebuLes Irom eBuy. Keep uII Iour oI
your DSR scores ubove q.q Ior o duys und you geL u zo% Iee rebuLe; q.8 Ior o duys
und you geL u 1% rebuLe on your InuI VuIue ees uL LIe end oI LIe monLI. I you keep
LIem ubove q.6 you sLIII geL u % rebuLe. You cun uIso ucIIeve Top RuLed SeIIer SLuLus
wIIcI wIII uIso IeIp your IIsLIngs come up IIgIer In seurcI resuILs.

Listing your Books

SeIIIng books on eBuy Is quILe sImpIe. You don`L even need Lo Luke u pIoLo unIess LIe
book Is very oId.

You sImpIy enLer LIe SBN number oI LIe book you wunL Lo seII InLo eBuy`s sell our
item Iorm und eBuy pIugs In LIe pubIIsIers pIoLo und u descrIpLIon oI LIe book. TIen
you udd your InIormuLIon sucI us condILIon, your revIew oI LIe book or uny oLIer

AILIougI eBuy does serve up LIe pubIIsIer`s pIoLo oI u book, II u book Is vuIuubIe
(someLIIng LIuL wIII seII Ior $o or more) LIen wIII usuuIIy Luke u coupIe pIoLos oI
IL-IronL und buck. WIen someone buys un expensIve book, LIey usuuIIy wunL Lo see un
ucLuuI pIoLo oI wIuL LIey ure buyIng.

One LIIng ubouL seIIIng books Is LIuL u IoL oI buyers ure ImpuLIenL. MedIu muII Is LIe
cIeupesL wuy Lo sIIp books, buL uIwuys oIIer u PrIorILy MuII opLIon. Even LIougI IL
wIII cosL up Lo $ or $6 more, uImosL z% oI my book buyers opL Ior LIe more
expensIve servIce. SomeLImes jusL oIIerIng LIe IusLer servIce wIII eurn u suIe LIuL
unoLIer seIIer couId Iuve Iud II LIey uIso oIIered IusLer sIIppIng.
Using the eBay Listing Tool
'm ussumIng you Iuve soId on eBuy beIore, so 'm noL goIng Lo wuIk you LIrougI LIe
enLIre Sell Your Item Iorm. BuL wIuL wIII sIow you ure LIe Iew opLIons LIuL ure
uvuIIubIe Lo you wIen seIIIng books. IrsL, IeL's Iook uL u newer book wILI un SBN
number. TIese ure urguubIy LIe eusIesL ILems Lo IIsL on eBuy.

AILer you seIecL your cuLegory (In LIIs cuse ools-Nonjiction) IL wIII brIng up u
wIndow uskIng Ior LIe SBN number. I you don'L Iuve one, jusL cIIck slip this step. I


you do, enLer IL InLo LIe box und cIIck Secrch.
NoLe: You cun use eILIer LIe oIder SBN-1o
or SBN-1 (on newer books).

I LIere ure muILIpIe opLIons Ior LIuL book
(Iurdbuck, puperbuck, muILIpIe edILIons,
eLc.) you wIII see u IIsL sIowIng uII oI LIem.
SImpIy seIecL LIe correcL one Irom LIe IIsL
LIen cIIck Scte cnd continue. I, us In our exumpIe, LIere Is onIy one opLIon, jusL cIIck
Scte cnd continue.

I you're unsure II IL Is LIe
correcL book, cIIck Shou detcils
Lo see more InIormuLIon ubouL
LIe book. MosL oI LIe LIme
you'II be ubIe Lo IdenLIIy LIe
rIgIL one Irom LIe SBN, LILIe,
und LIe LIumbnuII pIoLogrupI.

On LIe nexL puge you'II see LIe
cuLegory you cIose uL LIe Lop,
IoIIowed by LIe pre-IIIIed
InIormuLIon uvuIIubIe Ior LIuL
SBN number.

n LIe scroIIIng box (sIown
rIgIL) you cun see exLru
InIormuLIon ubouL LIe book.
TIIs oILen IncIudes LIe
pubIIsIer's synopsIs ubouL LIe
book. You cun cIoose wIeLIer
or noL Lo IncIude LIIs by
cIeckIng or un-cIeckIng LIe
box murked Include the
jollouin product injormction
in our listin.

I you used LIe SBN number,
LIe item specijics InIormuLIon wIII uIso be compIeLed Ior you. AII you wIII need Lo do Is
seIecL LIe condILIon (used or new) und II LIere ure uny specIuI uLLrIbuLes (sIgned or 1sL
edILIon) you seIecL LIe upproprIuLe box.


You sLIII need Lo wrILe u good descrIpLIon, und LIIs Is wIere you wIII enLer LIe ucLuuI
condILIon oI LIe book usIng LIe grudIng sLundurds we LuIked ubouL eurIIer. rom Iere
on, IL's LIe sLundurd SeII Your Lem Iorm LIuL you're used Lo seeIng Ior uII oLIer ILems.

I your book Is very oId und
doesn'L Iuve un SBN number,
you cun skIp LIe SBN seurcI
IeuLure und enLer LIe
InIormuLIon dIrecLIy on LIe Sell
Your Item Iorm. You won'L Iuve
LIe pre-IIIIed InIormuLIon, so
muke sure you compIeLe uII oI
LIe item specijics boxes
(IncIudIng LIe subjecL cuLegory)
Lo muke sure your book comes
up In seurcIes.

L's u IILLIe more work noL usIng
LIe SBN seurcI, und you wIII
need Lo Luke your own pIoLo oI
LIe ILem us u sLock pIcLure wIII noL be provIded, buL oLIerwIse IL's preLLy mucI LIe
eBay Fees
eBuy Ius Lwo seIIIng IormuLs: AucLIon und Ixed PrIce. eBuy recenLIy cIunged LIeIr Iee
scIeduIe und IL wus u good deuI Ior book seIIers. Here ure LIe new eBuy uucLIon
InserLIon Iees:


Your IIrsL 1oo sIngIe-quunLILy uucLIon-sLyIe IIsLIngs In u cuIendur monLI won`L be
cIurged un InserLIon Iee II:

1. Your sLurLIng prIce Is beLween $o.o1 und $o.qq, cnd
z. TIere's no reserve prIce.

I your IIsLIng Is eIIgIbIe Ior u $o.oo InserLIon Iee, your InserLIon Iee wIII uppeur us
"ree" In LIe IIsLIng Iorm. I you're reIIsLIng un ILem, LIe reIIsL Is eIIgIbIe Ior $o.oo
InserLIon Iees under LIe sume guIdeIInes us u new IIsLIng (us Iong us IL`s un uucLIon-
sLyIe IIsLIng In un eIIgIbIe cuLegory, und IuIIs wILIIn LIe IImIL oI 1oo IIsLIngs In u
cuIendur monLI). AII IIsLIngs (IncIudIng reIIsLed und cunceIed IIsLIngs) counL Lowurd LIe
1oo IIsLIngs IImIL.

OnIy uucLIon-sLyIe IIsLIngs ure eIIgIbIe. AII oLIer Iees, IncIudIng IIsLIng upgrude Iees
(sucI us boId or IIsLIng In Lwo cuLegorIes) und IInuI vuIue Iees, sLIII uppIy.

TIe IInuI vuIue Iee Ior uucLIon-sLyIe IIsLIngs Is q percenL-quILe u bIL Iower LIun
Amuzon`s 1%. (OI course, you wIII sLIII Iuve LIe uddILIonuI PuyPuI Iee oI ubouL %)

n LIe IIxed prIce IormuL, unIorLunuLeIy eBuy recenLIy ruIsed LIeIr Iee Lo be cIoser Lo
Amuzon. BeIore LIuL LIey used Lo be u IoL cIeuper. Ixed prIce IIsLIngs now cosL $o.o
Lo IIsL Ior o duys. InuI vuIue Iees ure 1 percenL Ior books up Lo $1oo In IInuI vuIue
und sIIgILIy Iess Ior more expensIve books.

Now, Lo compIIcuLe muLLers IurLIer, II you seII uL IIxed prIce, eBuy Ius u dIIIerenL Iee
scIeduIe Ior eBuy sLore subscrIbers. AII eBuy sLore suIes ure IIxed prIce, so dependIng
on your voIume, und wIuL you seII, you muy wunL Lo Iook uL LIIs.

TIere ure LIree IeveIs oI eBuy sLore subscrIpLIon: BusIc ($1.q monLI) und PremIum
($qq.q monLI) und AncIor ($zqq.oo monLI). A BusIc sLore Is IIne Ior mosL seIIers,
buL II you geL Lo LIe poInL wIere you ure IIsLIng over zoo books per monLI In your eBuy
sLore LIen us you wIII see beIow you muy wunL Lo move up Lo u PremIum SLore
subscrIpLIon. WIy Is LIuL you usk?

WeII us menLIoned ubove, eBuy Ius dIIIerenL Iees Ior sLore subscrIbers. TIe IIsLIng Iee
Ior u busIc sLore Is onIy zo-cenLs versus o-cenLs Ior u sLundurd IIxed prIce IIsLIng. AL
LIe PremIum IeveI, LIe IIsLIng Iee drops Lo jusL -cenLs und down Lo -cenLs Ior AncIor
sLores. TIose Iees ure Ior u o-duy IIsLIng.

So obvIousIy you cun suve money on IIsLIng Iees by IuvIng u sLore subscrIpLIon. SInce
LIe IInuI vuIue Iees ure LIe sume, IL works ouL LIuL II you IIsL more LIun qo books per
monLI, IL wIII be cIeuper Lo geL un eBuy sLore subscrIpLIon. And once you go over zoo
books you wIII suve money by IuvIng u PremIum sLore.


eBuy sLore IIsLIngs come up LIe sume us LrudILIonuI IIxed prIce IIsLIngs In seurcI so LIuL
Is u neuLruI IucLor.

TIere Is one oLIer noLubIe cIunge on eBuy LIIs yeur-eBuy now seLs muxImum
sIIppIng ruLes Ior books und uII oLIer medIu producLs.

WIen seIIIng In LIese cuLegorIes, you Iuve Lwo opLIons:

OIIer uL IeusL one sIIppIng opLIon wIere LIe LoLuI sIIppIng cosL (sIIppIng +
IundIIng) Is Iess LIun or equuI Lo LIIs muxImum. You cun uIso oIIer oLIer
opLIons ubove LIese muxImums Ior expedILed or InLernuLIonuI sIIppIng.

Use cuIcuIuLed sIIppIng.

CurrenLIy eBuy`s muxImum IIuL-ruLe sIIppIng cIurge Ior uII books Is $q. n LIe non-
IIcLIon cuLegory you oILen geL Iurge coIIee-LubIe sIzed books LIuL ure very Ieuvy und you
wIII Iose u IILLIe on sIIppIng LIese, so you muy wunL Lo oIIer cuIcuIuLed sIIppIng on uny
Iurge or Ieuvy book.


Chapter 11
Selling on Is u greuL sILe Ior seIIIng cerLuIn Lypes oI books. wus purcIused by
eBuy buck In zooz. You wIII need Lo regIsLer on even II you ure uIreudy u
regIsLered eBuy seIIer. However, II you use LIe sume User D und pussword, your
Ieedbuck wIII be sIured over boLI sILes.

SeIIIng on Ius severuI udvunLuges. IrsL oI uII LIere Is no IIsLIng Iee. TIey Luke
u commIssIon, cuIcuIuLed us u percenLuge oI LIe seIIIng prIce oI LIe ILem onIy.
!/(EQ<"3 ?"339**9". U/%'*

&'((9.C A89<' ?"339**9".
$o.; - $o.oo 1%
$o.o1 - $1oo.oo 1z.%
$1oo.o1 - $zo.oo 1o%
$zo.o1 - $oo.oo ;.%
Over $oo.oo %

UnIIke eBuy, on you do noL seL LIe sIIppIng prIce, LIey do. L Is u IIxed ruLe
bused on LIe Lype oI ILem und LIe sIIppIng servIce seIecLed by LIe buyer (MedIu MuII or
ExpedILed). ExpedILed sIIppIng Is consIdered Lo be deIIvery wILIIn 1- duys (USPS
PrIorILy MuII, edEx Home DeIIvery, or UPS Ground). You wIII need Lo use Insurunce
und LruckIng becuuse LIey wIII reIund LIe buyer II un ILem Is IosL or dumuged In LIe
muII, und IL's your responsIbIIILy Lo cIuIm LIe Insurunce buck Irom LIe sIIppIng
compuny. (NoLe: no muLLer wIIcI currIer you use, you cun suve u Lon oI money on
sIIppIng Insurunce II you use u compuny LIuL do cuIIed SIIpnsurunce. NoL onIy ure
LIey cIeuper, LIey uIso puy cIuIms In ubouL LIe LIme LIe currIer Insurunce Lukes).
!/(EQ<"3 &69::9.C 2(("#/.<'

7%'3 50:' ;'+9/ ;/9( ^Y:'+9%'+
Hurdbuck book $.o; J $1.qo $.zq J $.qq
Puperbuck book $z.6q J $1.1q $.zo J $z.zq
AudIobook $z.6q J $1.1 $.zo J $1.qq


TIe second number In eucI coIumn Is LIe exLru uIIowunce Ior eucI uddILIonuI ILem LIuL
buyer purcIuses Irom you. So, II u buyer purcIuses Lwo Iurdbuck books Irom you und
wunLs medIu muII sIIppIng, LIe sIIppIng uIIowunce wouId be $.o; + $1.qo = $q.q;.

I LIe buyer seIecLs expedILed sIIppIng und LIe uIIowunce Isn'L goIng Lo cover IL, you
sLIII Iuve Lo send IL expedILed. So muke sure Lo cuIcuIuLe your sIIppIng vIu boLI medIu
muII und wIIcIever expedILed servIce you preIer beIore you IIsL LIe ILem. TIIs wuy, you
cun recover LIe exLru sIIppIng cosL by IncIudIng IL In LIe IIsL prIce.

WIen un ILem seIIs, you wIII geL un emuII Irom wILI LIe order noLIIIcuLIon.
You Iuve ;z Iours Irom LIen (excIudIng weekends und IoIIduys) Lo sIIp LIe ILem. You
cun IInk LIrougI Lo PuyPuI Lo purcIuse LIe sIIppIng IubeI Lo geL LIe reduced ruLes.
When and How Do I Get Paid?
Your buyers wIII puy dIrecLIy, und LIey wIII puy you LIe seIIIng prIce pIus LIe
sIIppIng uIIowunce. onIy puys by dIrecL deposIL InLo your cIeckIng uccounL
(I.e. no PuyPuI). PuymenLs ure cuIcuIuLed LwIce u monLI on LIe 1LI und IusL duy oI
eucI monLI. TIe ucLuuI puymenL Ior LIuL perIod wIII be mude InLo your cIeckIng
uccounL In ; busIness duys uILer LIe end oI LIe perIod.

TIese Iees muy sound IIgI, buL remember LIere ure no IIsLIng Iees und no PuyPuI Iees
becuuse you ure beIng puId by dIrecL deposIL.

You cun seII uny Lype oI book on so Iong us IL Ius un SBN, Iowever LIe sILe Is
besL known Ior LexL books und burguIn books. wouId ."% suggesL seIIIng uny IIgI-
prIced or coIIecLIbIe book on us you cun uImosL uIwuys geL u beLLer prIce on
eBuy or Amuzon. Ius u recommended prIcIng scuIe bused on LIe besL onIIne prIce (noL LIe
recommended reLuII prIce) und LIe ILem:

Ike New o%
Very Good q%
Good qo%
AccepLubIe %

eL's suy you Iuve u "IIke new" LexLbook wILI u cover prIce oI $8, buL IL's uvuIIubIe In
new condILIon LIrougI Amuzon Ior $;o. wouId suggesL you IIsL IL Ior $.
Now, LIere's noLIIng Lo prevenL you Irom IIsLIng IL IIgIer, purLIcuIurIy II LIere's noL
mucI compeLILIon, buL LIIs Is wIuL recommends.


Here Is u screensIoL oI some uccounLIng LexLbooks Ior suIe on TIe mosL
ImporLunL LIIng ubouL seIIIng LexLbooks Is mukIng sure you Iuve u recenL edILIon und
LIe book conLuIns u mInImum oI IIgIIIgILIng und noLes wrILLen In LIe book. SLudenLs
don`L IIke IIgIIIgILIng becuuse IL cun be conIusIng wIen LIey go Lo IIgIIIgIL secLIons

TIe oLIer use Ior Is u pIuce Lo purk sIow-movIng InvenLory. L's very quIck und
eusy Lo IIsL on (mucI more so LIun eBuy) und LIey even Iuve u buIk IIsLer II
you Iuve IoLs oI books Lo seII.
Listing Your Books on
rom LIe Iomepuge, cIIck SeII Your SLuII (In LIe Lop orunge bur). TIen seIecL your
cuLegory (we're usIng Books). I you onIy Iuve one ILem, enLer LIe SBN number In LIe


box und cIIck ConLInue. I you Iuve muILIpIe ILems Lo IIsL, cIIck Multiple Item Listin
und LIe nexL puge wIII sIow muILIpIe IIsLIng boxes ruLIer LIun jusL one.

I you jusL IIsL one ILem uL u LIme, LIIs Is wIuL LIe IIsLIng puge wIII Iook IIke:

NoLe LIuL you geL LIe LIumbnuII Imuge oI LIe book Lo conIIrm LIIs Is LIe rIgIL book.
You need Lo seIecL LIe condILIon Irom LIe drop-down menu, pIus you geL Lwo boxes-
one Ior commenLs und oLIer Ior un exLended descrIpLIon.

TIe IIrsL o-; cIurucLers In LIe comments box wIII sIow on LIe muIn producL puge, so
LIese ure LIe crILIcuI words. Muke sure Lo reILeruLe unyLIIng unIque ubouL LIIs book
versus every oLIer book (Is IL 1sL EdILIon, sIgned by LIe uuLIor, IIuwIess condILIon, eLc.)
In LIese IIrsL Iew words. L wIII muke uII LIe dIIIerence.

I you're usIng LIe MuILIpIe IsLIng Puge, you wIII see:


NoLe, LIere ure no LIumbnuII Imuges or description box. You sImpIy enLer LIe SBN,
seIecL LIe condILIon und wrILe u sIorL descrIpLIon (under oo cIurucLers) ubouL LIe
ILem. TIere ure 1o bIocks per puge, so you cun buIk-IIsL 1o ILems uL u LIme.

Once you cIIck Continue Irom eILIer LIe IndIvIduuI IIsLIng or muILIpIe ILem IIsLIng puge,
you wIII be prompLed Lo sIgn In. I you ure noL uIreudy u regIsLered seIIer, use
your eBuy User D und pussword Lo suve yourseII some LIme (und Iuve your Ieedbuck
sIured ucross boLI sILes). You'II be prompLed Lo udd u credIL curd und cIeckIng
uccounL. TIe credIL curd Is Ior IdenLILy verIIIcuLIon. TIe cIeckIng uccounL Is so you cun
geL puId!

WIen you IIrsL regIsLer, you wIII uIso need Lo enLer your sIIppIng Irom IocuLIon
(cILyJsLuLe) und decIde II you ure goIng Lo oIIer expedILed sIIppIng. TIIs Is u bIunkeL
preIerence und you cun'L seIecL IL Ior one ILem und noL unoLIer. So II you mosLIy seII
LexL books (wIere LIe expedILed sIIppIng cosL Isn'L IIkeIy Lo geL even cIose Lo LIe ucLuuI
cosL) wouId suggesL you don'L oIIer LIIs servIce. However, II you muInIy seII smuIIer
puperbucks, LIen IL's probubIy worLIwIIIe. You cun uIwuys cIunge LIIs opLIon In your
M Account seLLIngs.

Now, Ior eucI book you IIsLed, you'II see u box Lo enLer LIe prIce. You'II uIso see prIcIng
InIormuLIon sIowIng LIe uveruge seIIIng prIce Ior LIe condILIon you seIecLed, und uIso
Ior cll conditions. L uIso sIows LIe currenL prIce runge und number oI ILems IIsLed
currenLIy. TIIs cun reuIIy IeIp you prIce your ILem uccuruLeIy.


I you used LIe muILIpIe IIsLIngs puge, be exLru cureIuI Lo cIeck LIe InIormuLIon uL LIe
Lop oI eucI box, sIowIng LIe LIumbnuII Imuge und LIe InIormuLIon ubouL LIe book. I
you Lyped LIe SBN number wrong, you couId be uccIdenLIy IIsLIng LIe wrong book. I
you do cuLcI un error, cIIck mcle chcnes Lo go buck Lo LIe prevIous puge.

Once you're sure LIuL uII oI LIe LImes on LIe puge ure uccuruLe, cIIck List Item und
you're done.

IsLIng on Is very quIck und puInIess. You cun eusIIy IIsL 1o dIIIerenL books In
Iess LIun 1o mInuLes. PIus, II you Iuve muILIpIe quunLILIes oI u book, sImpIy enLer LIe
umounL und LIe IIsLIng wIII run unLII LIere ure no more uvuIIubIe (you cun upduLe LIIs
In M Account II you seII one eIsewIere).

I you go on vucuLIon, or ure unubIe Lo sIIp wILIIn LIe ;z Iours uIIowed Ior unoLIer
reuson, you cun puL your InvenLory on "vucuLIon IoId." Go Lo M Account, cIIck
Vccction Settin (on LIe IeIL sIdebur), LIen cIIck Lecte jor Vccction. WIen you wunL
Lo brIng your InvenLory buck onIIne, go buck Lo LIe sume pIuce, buL LIe buLLon wIII now
suy Return jrom Vccction.


Chapter 12
Selling on The River

TIe RIver Is eBuy sIung Ior PeopIe on LIe eBuy messuge bourds use LIe
Lerm 'rIver` wIen LIey ure speukIng ubouL so eBuy wIII noL uuLomuLIcuIIy
remove LIeIr posLs. AILer u Iew yeurs LIe sIung Lerm sLuck und Loduy muny wrILers,
bIoggers und even newspuper urLIcIes reIer Lo us TIe RIver. goL ILs sLurL seIIIng new books und LIose sLIII muke up u Iuge percenLuge
oI LIeIr suIes. BuL sIorLIy uILer Amuzon wus Iounded, LIey sLurLed oIIerIng LIe ubIIILy
Ior bookseIIers Lo regIsLer on Amuzon und oIIer used books Ior suIe. EvenLuuIIy
Amuzon uIso uIIowed LIe suIe oI new books-seemIngIy compeLIng wILI LIemseIves.

WIen you seurcI Ior u LILIe on Amuzon, LIey reLurn LIe Amuzon prIce (wIuL you puy
wIen you buy LIe book Irom Amuzon) und LIe prIce LIuL oLIer seIIers ure oIIerIng LIe
book Ior. Here Is un exumpIe usIng one oI my books:

As you cun see, Amuzon seIIs LIe book uL LIe dIscounLed prIce oI $16.q;. BuL nexL Lo
LIuL LIere Is u IInk Ior zp Used & neu jrom $;.p. WIen you cIIck on LIIs IInk you wIII
geL IIsLIngs Irom severuI oLIer seIIers seIIIng new or used versIons oI LIe sume book.
You muy wonder wIy Amuzon does LIIs us IL seems LIey ure compeLIng wILI

WeII, Amuzon cIurges LIese seIIers quILe IIgI Iees II LIe ILem seIIs: 1% oI LIe IIsLIng
prIce, qq cenLs per LrunsucLIon, pIus u "cIosIng Iee" per ILem ($1. Ior books).

TIe cover prIce oI LIIs book Is $zq.q buL Amuzon Is seIIIng IL Ior $16.q;. TIe voIume
wIoIesuIe prIce oI LIIs book Is $1q.q;, so Amuzon Is mukIng $1.o wIen LIey seII u
book. ( Iuve Ignored sIIppIng cosLs Ior LIIs exumpIe). (Now you see wIy preIer Lo
seII seII-pubIIsIed books. WIen seII u copy oI TILunIum eBuy, us LIe uuLIor muke
$1.qq on eucI book.)

I you seII LIe book Ior $1, Amuzon mukes 1% oI LIe IIsLIng prIce ($1.q) pIus $o.qq
Ior LIe LrunsucLIon Iee, pIus LIe $1. cIosIng Iee. TIuL's u LoLuI oI $q.zq. TIuL's uImosL


LIree LImes LIe umounL LIey muke by seIIIng LIe ILem LIemseIves. So you cun see wIy
IndependenL bookseIIers IIke you ure very vuIuubIe Lo Amuzon.

n oLIer suIes LIey muy muke Iess, buL remember Amuzon does noLIIng Ior LIIs suIe
excepL provIde LIe web spuce Ior someone Lo IIsL u book. AII LIey do Is coIIecL LIe
money und send your cuL Lo you. TIe seIIer does uII LIe work (IIsLIng, puckIng und
sIIppIng). And u IoL oI books ure noL dIscounLed us mucI us LIIs one. On muny books,
LIe used & new prIce Is cIoser Lo LIe Amuzon prIce.

Now IeL's Iook uL LIe seIIer's perspecLIve. I you bougIL LIe book uL u guruge suIe Ior $,
und IeL`s suy you seII IL Ior $11, you muke wuy more LIun Amuzon does wIen LIey seII
LIe book brund new-Your LoLuI cosL Is $6.qq (IncIudIng LIe purcIuse cosL und Amuzon
Iees), wIIcI gIves you u gross proIIL oI $q.o1. Amuzon's proIIL on u new book wus

Becuuse Lwo oI LIe Iees ure IIuL ruLe, LIe more you cun seII LIe ILem Ior, LIe beLLer your
murgIn. Here Is u sIoL oI u book soId eurIIer LIIs yeur.

soId my copy Ior $q. Iound IL uL u guruge suIe Ior $. TIe Amuzon Iees were $8.1q,
wIIcI IeIL me u gross proIIL oI $z.81.

Here Is unoLIer book recenLIy soId on LIe RIver:

bougIL LIIs uL u IIbrury suIe Ior $z.o. cun`L remember LIe exucL prIce buL seem Lo
recuII LIuL soId my copy Ior ubouL $o (gross proIIL oI $zo.66).


I you sLurL seIIIng on LIe rIver, u good IrIend oI mIne, SLeve IndIorsL, recenLIy wroLe u
greuL eBook ubouL seIIIng on Amuzon-In IucL IL`s cuIIed SeIIIng on The Riter. You cun
geL u copy uL More LIun jusL books, SeIIIng on TIe RIver
wIII sIow you Iow Lo seII uImosL unyLIIng on Amuzon.

As you cun see LIere ure some nIce proIILs Lo be mude on LIe RIver. IsLIng books Is
very sImpIe. eL`s Luke u Iook uL Iow LIIs works:
Listing Books on
TIere ure Lwo wuys Lo IIsL u book, eILIer Irom LIe Amuzon IIsLIng puge Ior LIe sume
book, or Irom your uccounL puge. I you go Irom your AccounL puge, cIIck on Sell Your
Stujj (In LIe MurkeLpIuce box on LIe rIgIL oI LIe puge). MosL oI LIe LIme LIougI, you'II
use LIe exIsLIng IIsLIng puge.

CIIck Sell ours here Lo geL

JusL IIke LIe IIsLIng,
you seIecL LIe condILIon, buL
Iere you geL coIIecLIbIe
condILIons us weII us LIe
sLundurd ones.

On Amuzon you geL 1ooo
cIurucLers Ior your commenLs
ubouL LIe ILem.


CIIck Continue wIen you're done.

Amuzon gIves you murkeLpIuce duLu jusL IIke on LIe prIcIng puge. L sIows
you LIe prIce Amuzon Is seIIIng LIe ILem Ior, us weII us LIe prIces Ior compeLIng ILems
In LIe Amuzon MurkeLpIuce:

Here you uIso seIecL your sIIppIng opLIons. JusL IIke, Amuzon gIves you u
IIuL-ruLe sIIppIng credIL. L sIows you on LIIs puge Iow mucI IL wouId be Ior eucI Lype
oI sIIppIng. So muke sure Lo udjusL your prIce II LIe sIIppIng credIL doesn'L cover your

AILer you cIIck Continue you wIII be prompLed Lo sIgn In und LIen regIsLer us u seIIer II
you dIdn'L uIreudy do so. You'II need Lo provIde boLI credIL curd und cIeckIng uccounL
deLuIIs. You'II uIso Iuve Lo provIde u LeIepIone number so you cun receIve un
uuLomuLed pIone cuII Lo enLer u pIn number LIuL wIII dIspIuy on your screen. You
sIouId geL LIe cuII ImmedIuLeIy uILer cIIckIng Ccll me nou.

Once you're done wILI your regIsLruLIon, IL wIII Luke you rIgIL buck Lo LIe IInuI revIew
puge Ior your IIsLIng. CIIck Submit Your Listin wIen you're reudy. TIere Is u 1q-duy
wuILIng perIod beIore uny money Irom your Amuzon uccounL cun be dIsbursed InLo
your cIeckIng uccounL uILer you IIrsL regIsLer LIe uccounL. However, once LIuL Is over,
you cun dIsburse uny suIes proceeds InLo your cIeckIng uccounL us IrequenLIy us ever
zq Iours II you wIsI.


Save Time and Increase Profits with Fulfillment By Amazon
menLIoned uIIIIImenL By Amuzon (BA) eurIIer In LIe book und promIsed Lo LeII
you ubouL IL us LIIs Is LIe one servIce LIuL cun reuIIy kIck your Amuzon suIes InLo IIgI

AILIougI um IumIIIur wILI BA, um Iur Irom un experL, so reucIed ouL Lo u IrIend
oI mIne, CIrIs Green wIo Is LIe CEO oI u compuny cuIIed BAPower. n reLurn, IeL
CIrIs gIve u IILLIe pILcI Ior IIs servIce uL LIe end oI LIIs secLIon.
G,2 _GF(E9((3'.% >0 23/4".` ^Y:(/9.'+

EnLerIng ILs IourLI yeur, BA sLunds Ior uIIIIImenL By Amuzon und IL Is Amuzon`s
versIon oI u IuIIIIImenL compuny. uIIIIImenL compunIes Iuve been uround Ior u Iong
LIme provIdIng sLoruge und sIIppIng servIces Ior LIeIr cIIenLs` producLs, buL wIuL
mukes BA dIIIerenL Is LIuL Amuzon Is uIso LIe murkeLpIuce Ior LIose ILems so LIey
Iuve un ucLIve InLeresL In seeIng LIe ILems seII und LIe cusLomer receIve LIe ILem
prompLIy. AddILIonuIIy, BA ILems ure eIIgIbIe Ior Amuzon`s sIIppIng promoLIons
IncIudIng ree Super Suver SIIppIng und Amuzon PrIme. TIIs Is wIuL mukes BA
IncredIbIy powerIuI.

Even II you don`L currenLIy use BA und even II you don`L ever wunL Lo use BA, IL Is
ImporLunL Lo undersLund Iow LIe progrum works und Iow your compeLILIon Is usIng
BA In LIeIr busIness.
56' 589:(' ]9.
BA cun be descrIbed us u TrIpIe WIn.

1. !9C6'8 :89<'*1 69C6'8 3/8C9.*1 69C6'8 :/0"F%*Q SInce ILems soId LIrougI
BA ure eIIgIbIe Ior ree Super Suver SIIppIng und Amuzon PrIme, BA seIIers
ucLuuIIy ruIse LIeIr prIces Lo muLcI LIeIr compeLILor`s LoLuI prIce (prIce +


sIIppIng). So even wILI LIe uddILIon oI BA Iees, LIe BA seIIer sLIII receIves u
IIgIer neL puyouL Irom LIeIr Amuzon suIe becuuse oI LIe IIgIer suIes prIce. or
exumpIe, u seIIer wIo sIIps LIeIr own orders wIo seIIs un ILem Ior $zo wILI $
sIIppIng wIII sIow LIe sume us un BA seIIer seIIIng LIe exucL sume ILem Ior
$z. AcLuuIIy, LIe BA seIIer wIII sIow IIrsL becuuse BA Is LIe LIe breuker.

z. Z'** #"8-Q BA seIIers seII ILems zq Iours u duy. ; duys u week. Lems sIIp uII
Iours oI LIe duy or nIgIL IncIudIng weekends. TIey sIIp wIeLIer LIe seIIer Is uL
Iome or on vucuLIon. Once un BA seIIer prepures LIeIr ILems Ior LIe BA
wureIouse und sends LIem Lo Amuzon, LIey don`L Iuve Lo do unyLIIng eIse.
TIey cun monILor InvenLory IeveIs und udjusL prIces us needed Irom unywIere
wILI un nLerneL connecLIon. TIey don`L Iuve Lo sLock boxes, enveIopes, puckIng
muLerIuIs, or sIIppIng IubeIs unymore. TIey uIso don`L wuIL uround Ior LIeIr
UPS drIver or go Lo LIe posL oIIIce every duy.

. !/::9'8 ?F*%"3'8*. L Is esLImuLed LIuL qo-o% oI Amuzon buyers Iuve
never bougIL Irom u LIIrd purLy mercIunL. Amuzon cusLomers wunL Lo buy Irom
BA seIIers. TIey LrusL Amuzon und LIey know LIuL LIeIr ILems wIII sIIp quIckIy
und II LIere Is ever u probIem, Amuzon wIII IeIp (IncIudIng un exLended reLurn
poIIcy). WIen your ILems ure sIIpped LIrougI BA (eILIer Ior Amuzon orders or
BusIc uIIIIImenL orders) LIey wIII uLLrucL LIese Lypes oI Amuzon buyers wIo ure
wIIIIng Lo puy more Lo geL LIeIr ILems sIIpped by Amuzon. TIIs Is un ImporLunL
poInL Lo grusp: Amuzon cusLomers ure wIIIIng Lo puy more Ior LIe exucL sume
ILem II IL comes Irom Amuzon or un BA seIIer. TIey do LIIs becuuse LIey know
LIey wIII geL LIeIr ILem IusL und LIuL cusLomer servIce wIII be Lop noLcI.
&</(/>9(9%0 !'(:* &3/(( &'(('8*
TIe compeLILIve udvunLuges LIuL LIe bIg seIIers Iuve enjoyed Ior yeurs Iuve vunIsIed
overnIgIL wILI LIe InLroducLIon oI BA. n LIe pusL, u new seIIer on Amuzon couId
muke some good money by seIIIng ILems ouL oI LIeIr guruge In LIeIr spure LIme, buL II
LIey wunLed Lo muke u reuI Income LIey wouId Iuve Lo scuIe up und geL more spuce Lo
IundIe more InvenLory und IIre empIoyees Lo IeIp wILI uII oI LIe orders. Now LIey muy
muke more money buL LIey Iuve uddILIonuI overIeud cosLs. TIere ure Lwo LIIngs LIuL
Iuve kepL smuII seIIers smuII-spuce und LIme IImILuLIons.

As u smuII seIIer, you onIy Iuve so mucI spuce Ior producL sLoruge und you onIy Iuve
so mucI LIme Lo IIsL, seII, und sIIp your orders. Ten orders u duy cun be Iun. TwenLy
muy geL you excILed. BuL cun you IuIIIII oo orders In u duy? Duy uILer duy? And sIuL
down your enLIre busIness II you ever wunLed Lo go on vucuLIon?

WILI BA, you cun grow us bIg us you wunL. BA removes LIe spuce und LIme
IImILuLIons und uIIows you Lo compeLe on LIe sume pIuyIng IIeId us LIe bIg, esLubIIsIed
seIIers on duy one. TIere ure no scuIubIIILy resLrIcLIons wILI BA. I you Iuve uccess Lo


producLs, you couId sIgn up wILI BA und sIIp LIem IIILy LIousund producLs In one
duy und be seIIIng oo ILems u duy wILIIn LIe week. Munuge your InvenLory properIy
und you couId run un BA empIre Irom u sLudIo upurLmenL.
!"# 23/4". V'*<89>'* G,2
Amuzon descrIbes BA LIIs wuy:

With this innotctite sertice, ou send intentor directl to Amczon uhere it is
stored cnd mcnced in c secure, climcte-controlled jccilit. When orders cre
receited, Amczon uill projessioncll picl, pccl cnd ship the product directl to
our customer. processes millions oj orders c ecr uhile consistentl rcnlin cs one
oj the most trusted cnd hihest customer sctisjcction rcted e-commerce
compcnies. To mcintcin this unique combinction, ue hcte deteloped one oj the
most cdtcnced online order processin cnd juljillment operctions in the uorld.
Irom the cdtcnced ueb-to-ucrehouse, hih-speed piclin cnd sortin sstem to
our complete shippin ccrrier interction, Amczon's technolo results in our
customers ettin uhct the ordered, uhen the ordered it.

Whether ou're considerin just c jeu items cnd shipments c ueel or millions oj
products cnd orders per ecr, ou ccn put Amczon's expertise cnd experience to
uorl jor our business uith Iuljillment b Amczon.
AF% 23/4".a* GF(E9((3'.% 5'<6."("C0 %" ]"8- E"8 T"FQ
You sell it, ue ship it. Amczon hcs crected one oj the most cdtcnced juljillment
netuorls in the uorld, cnd our business ccn nou benejit jrom our expertise.
With Iuljillment b Amczon (IA) ou store our products in Amczon's
juljillment centers, cnd ue directl pccl, ship, cnd protide customer sertice jor
these products.

!"#$% '()*) +)"),-'* .()" %$/ /*) 0/1,-112)"' +% 3245$"6

!1-7-+1) ,$8 09!! :/;)8 :4<)8
:(-;;-"7 = 3245$" >8-2)6
Customers lote IREE Super Scter
Shippin cnd Amczon Prime. IA
Listins on jecture these
deliter messces increcsin
cucreness oj product eliibilit jor jree


?$2;)'-'-<) >8-@-"7
Your IA listins on cre
sorted b the item price uithout c
shippin cost. Amczon cssumes the
uill ship jor jree uith IREE Super
Scter Shippin or Prime, uhich ites
ou cn ede uhen competinl

A8/*')B ?/*'$2)8 :)8<-@) 4"B
IA listins cre displced uith the
"Iuljillment b Amczon" loo, so
customers lnou thct pcclin, deliter,
customer sertice cnd returns cre cll
hcndled b Amczon.

0/1,-11 C8B)8* ,8$2 $'()8
IA ccn juljill our orders jrom other
scles chcnnels jrom our intentor
stored ct cn Amczon juljillment center.
You mcnce our intentor throuh c
simple online user interjcce, cnd ccn
direct us to return the intentor in our
juljillment centers ct cn time.
FBA Fees
TIere ure Iees LIuL ure ussocIuLed wILI BA. TIese Iees IncIude:
7.>"F.+ &69::9.C G''TIIs Is LIe cosL oI geLLIng your ILems Lo LIe BA
wureIouse. Amuzon IeLs you use UPS purLnered sIIppIng so you geL Amuzon
UPS ruLes wIIcI you cun probubIy ImugIne ure LIe besL In LIe worId. A o
pound box LypIcuIIy sIIps Ior uround $q-$1 dependIng on Iow cIose you ure Lo
your neuresL IuIIIIImenL cenLer. You cun uIso urrunge T sIIpmenLs or cIoose
your own sIIpper.
23/4". ?"339**9".TIe commIssIon vurIes dependIng on LIe cuLegorIes
LIuL you seII In.
!/.+(9.C G'' _E"8 .".P3'+9/ 9%'3*`See cIurL
A9<- W A/<- G''See cIurL


]'9C6% ,/*'+ G''See cIurL
&%"8/C' G''SLoruge Iees ure very Iow und LIe IIrsL o duys ure Iree. You cun
munuge your BA InvenLory IeveIs und repIenIsI your InvenLory us needed Lo
keep o duys worLI oI suIes In sLock Lo prevenL puyIng uny BA sLoruge Iees.
Even II you do end up puyIng sLoruge Iees, you`II IInd LIuL LIey ure very


?8'/%9.C / &69:3'.%
Amuzon Ius u greuL IIve puge PD ouLIInIng LIe enLIre process:
A89<9.C T"F8 G,2 7%'3*
As you cun see, LIere ure uddILIonuI Iees ussocIuLe wILI BA, buL you wIII uIso seII your
ILems Ior u IIgIer prIce so In mosL cuses you wIII ucLuuIIy receIve u IIgIer neL puyouL
per LrunsucLIon even LIougI you Iuve uddILIonuI LrunsucLIon Iees. TIIs wouId seem
ImpossIbIe consIderIng LIe IucL LIuL by usIng BA you ure uIso doIng Iess work und u
keepIng your cusLomers IuppIer by provIdIng IusLer sIIppIng servIces LIun you couId
provIde yourseII.


The Down Side to FBA
Even wILI uII LIe posILIve LIIngs LIuL BA uIIows seIIers Lo do, LIere ure some LIIngs Lo
keep In mInd wIen decIdIng II you ure goIng Lo send uII or some oI your InvenLory Lo un
BA wureIouse.
U'%F8. A"(9<0
Amuzon IundIes cusLomer servIce Ior uII BA orders. Amuzon Is very conscIenLIous
ubouL keepIng LIeIr cusLomers Iuppy. TIey wIII uIIow u cusLomer Lo reLurn un ILem Ior
uny reuson. TIIs opens LIe door Ior ubuse someLImes und LIere ure InsLunces wIere u
cusLomer Lukes udvunLuge oI LIIs poIIcy uL LIe expense oI your InvenLory.

I you IInd LIuL you ure receIvIng u IIgIer ruLe oI reLurn on un ILem LIuL Is uIIecLIng
your LurgeL murgIns, you wIII Iuve Lo evuIuuLe LIe ILem compuLIbIIILy wILI BA. You
cun ruIse your prIce Lo compensuLe or you cun Lry Lo seII LIe ILem on oLIer cIunneIs und
sIIp your orders Irom your BA InvenLory usIng BusIc uIIIIImenL. You muy even
decIde LIuL LIe producL Is no Ionger u good muLcI Ior BA und you cun requesL LIuL
Amuzon reLurn LIe producLs Lo you.
7.%'8./%9"./( \8+'8*
CurrenLIy, Amuzon wIII sIIp your books und medIu ILems InLernuLIonuIIy Ior you uL no
exLru cIurge (cusLomer puys sIIppIng). I you seII ILems Irom oLIer cuLegorIes on
Amuzon, LIey wIII noL be eIIgIbIe Ior InLernuLIonuI sIIppIng (LIrougI Amuzon dIrecL
suIes or BusIc uIIIIImenL). wouId expecL LIuL Amuzon wIII oIIer LIIs servIce In LIe
23/4". /* / ?"3:'%9%"8
WIen seIIIng on Amuzon usIng BA, you muy enjoy u LIme oI beIng LIe onIy BA seIIer
Ior un ILem. TIIs Is un IdeuI sILuuLIon buL IL doesn`L uIwuys IusL. OLIer seIIers cun IIsL
LIeIr BA InvenLory und sLurL Lo drIve LIe prIce down. SomeLImes you muy be seIIIng
un ILem LIuL Amuzon does noL currenLIy curry und Iuve u Lype oI excIusIvILy. n LIe
evenL LIuL Amuzon sLurLs Lo curry LIese producLs dIrecLIy, LIey muy be ubIe Lo seII LIem
uL Iower murgIns LIuL you ure comIorLubIe wILI. n cuses IIke LIIs, you cun Lry Lo seII
your ILems on oLIer cIunneIs und use BusIc uIIIIImenL unLII you ure ouL oI InvenLory,
or even requesL Lo Iuve your InvenLory removed. TIen re-evuIuuLe LIe ILem consIderIng
your cosLs und proIIL murgIn gouIs.
).EF(E9((/>(' 7.D'.%"80
I u cusLomer reLurns un ILem, Amuzon wIII deLermIne II LIe ILem cun be resoId or noL.
I IL cun be resoId, IL wIII be udded Lo your exIsLIng BA InvenLory. I noL, IL wIII be
murked us 'unIuIIIIIubIe` und you wIII Iuve Lo requesL LIuL IL be reLurned Lo you or
desLroyed. BesL PrucLIce Is Lo remove your enLIre unIuIIIIIubIe InvenLory once u monLI


or so. You muy IInd LIuL ILems were dumuged or LIuL LIere wus noLIIng wrong wILI
your ILems. JusL reprocess LIem Lo your BA uccounL II LIey ure sLIII In seIIubIe
Z"*%@;9**9.C@V/3/C'+ 7.D'.%"80
OccusIonuIIy you muy IInd LIuL some oI your InvenLory Is mIssIng. SomeLImes LIey do
Iose IL, und someLImes IL jusL Lukes u Iong LIme Lo receIve IL. I Amuzon Ioses or
dumuges your InvenLory, LIey wIII compensuLe you Ior LIe ILems.
FBA Vendor Feature: FBAPower

As more und more seIIers begIn Lo uLIIIze BA Ior uII or purL oI LIeIr busIness, LIIrd
purLy provIders wIII sureIy enLer LIe murkeL wILI dedIcuLed BA uppIIcuLIons. One oI
LIe IIrsL oI LIese compunIes Lo provIde seIIers wILI u one-sLop BA soIuLIon Is
BAPower. TIey provIde dIrecL BA IIsLIng us weII us re-prIcIng und mobIIe prIce
scunnIng. OrIgInuIIy desIgned Lo process und submIL books und medIu ILems eIIIcIenLIy
Lo BA, LIey Iuve recenLIy udded LIe ubIIILy Lo repIenIsI InvenLory, upIoud und buLcI
converL mercIunL IuIIIIIed IIsLIngs InLo BA IIsLIngs, und creuLe orIgInuI IIsLIngs Irom
wILIIn LIe BAPower progrum.

BAPower uIso oIIer u mobIIe scouLIng LooI LIuL uIIows users Lo quIckIy see uII oI LIe
compeLILIve prIcIng InIormuLIon Ior uny producL In LIe Amuzon cuLuIog. BIIIed us 'TIe
UILImuLe ArbILruge TooI`, LIe scouL uIIows LIe user Lo eusIIy IdenLIIy uny ILem LIuL
represenLs un opporLunILy Ior proIIL on Amuzon.

TIey oIIer u Iree Lwo-week LrIuI oI LIeIr servIces. &9C. F: #9%6 8'E'88/( <"+' &[7A
/.+ C'% / E8'' 3".%6 %89/(.


G,2A"#'8 A8"C8/3
One-LoucI InvenLory processIng (In under o seconds).
EnLer un ILem, seIecL condILIon, seIecL prIce, udd cusLom condILIon noLes, prInL
und uIIIx BA IubeI, pIuce In box Ior sIIppIng.
Web-bused Ior euse oI use und muxImum compuLIbIIILy.
BAPower cun be run on muILIpIe LermInuIs uIIowIng Iurge seIIers Lo work on
muILIpIe sIIpmenLs uL LIe sume LIme.
GF(E9((3'.% ?'.%'8 7+'.%9E9</%9".
uIIIIImenL cenLers ure IdenLIIIed us you process ILems so LIuL you cun dIvIde
your ILems us you go.
,F(- 7.D'.%"80 ):("/+ /.+ G,2 ?".D'8*9".
Users cun upIoud LIeIr exIsLIng Amuzon InvenLory und converL Lo BA In buIk.
7.*%/.% /.+ 7.+9D9+F/( G,2 Z/>'( A89.%9.C
BA IubeIs ure prInLed on demund us ILems ure processed Ior sIIppIng Lo
Reduces LIe number oI LImes un ILem Is 'LoucIed' durIng processIng.
Reduces LIe possIbIIILy oI ILems beIng mIsIubeIed.


A89<9.C V/%/ A8"D9+'+
IowesL oIIers In New CondILIon.
IowesL oIIers In Used CondILIon (wILI condILIon noLed).
AII BA seIIer oIIers.
Amuzon oIIer (II soId by Amuzon).
Amuzon suIes runk dIspIuyed
ToLuI number oI murkeLpIuce oIIers
PrIces IormuLLed us BA neL (prIce + sIIppIng) Ior books und medIu ILems.
BA seIIers cun eusIIy see wIuL LIey ure compeLIng uguInsL.
CoIor coded Ior eusy reudIng.
ToLuI prIcIng pIcLure uIIows seIIers Lo prIce LIeIr ILems compeLILIveIy; even wIen
LIe murkeLpIuce becomes IneIIIcIenL (uII used oIIers IIgIer LIun new oIIers due
Lo uuLomuLed re-prIcIng progrums LIuL don'L work weII combIned wILI IIsLIng
progrums LIuL onIy compure 'IIke-condILIon' prIces).


,F9(%P9. ^88"8 ?/%<69.C
WIen muILIpIe resuILs ure reLurned Ior UPC or SBN seurcIes, BAPower wIII uIerL you
Lo verIIy LIe ILem LIuL you wunL Lo IIsL. ncorrecL ILems cun be deIeLed. TIIs eIImInuLes
LIe possIbIIILy oI sendIng mIsmuLcIed ILems Lo BA, cuLcIes CD vs. DVD, mporL vs.
DomesLIc, DVD vs. VHS, DVD vs. BIu-Ruy und more.


TIe ScouL cun be puIred wILI u BIueLooLI Iuser burcode scunner Ior IusL und uccuruLe
duLu enLry. AILernuLIveIy, LIe cumeru cun be used Lo cupLure UPC codes, or LIey cun be
enLered by voIce commund or vIu munuuI LoucIpud. Once u UPC, SBN, or ASN Is
enLered, LIe scouL reLurns LIe Amuzon producL LILIe, Imuge, suIes runk, IowesL new
oIIers, IowesL used oIIers (wILI condILIons noLed), IowesL BA seIIer oIIers, und LIe
Amuzon prIce (II uvuIIubIe). TIese prIces ure IormuLLed us wIuL BAPower cuIIs BA
NET meunIng LIuL LIe prIce dIspIuyed Is LIe suIes prIce + sIIppIng. TIIs uIIows LIe
BA seIIer Lo quIckIy see wIuL LIey ure compeLIng uguInsL sInce LIeIr ILems wIII be
IIsLed wILI BA und eIIgIbIe Ior Iree sIIppIng.

2 O'# ^8/ "E ;">9(' &<"F%9.C
Runs on AndroId OS (IPIone nexL).
AndroId on uII mujor US currIers.
TIe UILImuLe ArbILruge TooI -
IdenLIIIes uny murkeL opporLunILy
Ior uny ILem In LIe Amuzon cuLuIog.
Ive, uccuruLe prIcIng duLu.
No duLubuse oI prIces Lo downIoud
or muInLuIn.
nLegruLed wILI BAPower - suve
ILems LIuL you buy Ior eusy upIoud
Lo BAPower progrum. No need Lo
scun everyLIIng LwIce.


SeurcI by UPC, SBN, or ASN
ScouL reLurns: TILIe, AuLIor,
Amuzon PrIce, SuIes Runk, & ToLuI
Ive owesL New PrIces
Ive owesL Used PrIces
wILI condILIons noLed
AII PrIces ReLurned us 'BA NET`
$.qq udded Lo MercIunL uIIIIIed
OIIers Ior Books
$z.q8 udded Lo MercIunL uIIIIIed
OIIers Ior MedIu Lems
Amuzon PrIces und BA SeIIer
PrIces SIown us LIe IsLed PrIce
EnLer DuLu by BIueLooLI user
Scunner, MunuuIIy, BuIIL-In
Cumeru, or by VoIce.
CIIck 'BUY` Lo keep Lruck oI LIe
ILems you purcIuse. TuIIIes kepL uL
LIe boLLom oI your screen. UpIoud
dIrecLIy Lo your BAPower uccounL
Ior IusLer processIng.

O'# G'/%F8'* ?"39.C &"".
U'PA89<'8 +'*9C.'+ E"8 G,2 &'(('8* (desIgned Lo muxImIze vIsIbIIILy und
7.%'8./%9"./( /('8%* /.+ 9.%'C8/%9". (send your BA InvenLory Lo LIe besL
InLernuLIonuI murkeL)
;F(%9P?6/..'( Z9*%9.C #9%6 2F%"3/%'+ ,/*9< GF(E9((3'.% (expund Lo
oLIer onIIne cIunneIs wIIIe muInLuInIng BA uuLomuLIon)
;"8' 9.E"83/%9". />"F% G,2A"#'8 </. >' E"F.+ ". %6'98 #'>*9%'B
G,2 Z9.-*
uIIIIImenL By Amuzon
BA ees (PD DownIoud)
BA WureIouse Tour (vIdeo)
Amuzon BA AQ
Amuzon SeIIer CommunILy orums


Amuzon SeIIer CommunILy orums - BA
YuIoo Groups - BookseIIersBA
UsIng BA eBook
BAPower - BA ocused SeIIer ServIces
Amazon or eBay?
TIe mosL IrequenL quesLIon geL Irom reuders oI LIIs book Is: SkIp - sIouId seII my
books on eBuy or Amuzon? UnIorLunuLeIy LIere Is no good unswer Lo LIuL quesLIon.
AILer yeurs oI doIng LIIs Iuve jusL deveIoped u IeeI Ior LIIs und don`L know Iow Lo
expIuIn IL Lo you. TIe unswer Is LIuL IL Lukes some experIence. cun gIve you some
generuI guIdeIInes-buL LIey ure ruIes oI LIumb und don`L uIwuys IoId up.

n generuI, Lend Lo Lry coIIecLIbIe or expensIve books on eBuy IIrsL. uIwuys seem Lo
geL IIgIer prIce und LIe books seII IusLer. TIe oLIer books uIwuys IIsL on eBuy IIrsL
ure LIose LIuL ure IIgIIy specIuIIzed. And Ior some reuson uny Iow-Lo books Lend Lo
move IusLer on eBuy us weII.

BuL wIen Iuve generuI books on IIsLory, poIILIcs, urL und busIness, LIey uIwuys Lend
Lo do beLLer on Amuzon. And In generuI (buL noL uIwuys), Iower prIced books (LIose
under $1) Lend Lo do beLLer on Amuzon.

TIe oLIer IucLor Is do you use BA? I you use BA, LIen you wIII see your books seII
IusLer on Amuzon und you Iuve LIe udvunLuge LIuL Amuzon becomes your dropsIIpper
so LIIs suves you quILe u bIL oI work. We don`L do enougI voIume oI books on Amuzon
Lo use BA, buL we ure usIng IL Lo seII some oI our KILcIen producLs. BeIore usIng BA
our Amuzon suIes were onIy zo% oI our eBuy suIes Ior LIe sume producL. BuL now LIey
ure oJo so BA reuIIy works Ior us.

So buck Lo LIe orIgInuI quesLIon; Amuzon or eBuy? wIsI LIere were u mugIc IormuIu
LIuL you couId jusL pIug your book LILIes InLo und geL LIe besL unswer, buL LIere Isn`L, so
ubouL uII you cun do Is experImenL.


Chapter 13
Selling on

Abe Books uL sLurLed IIIe us LIe Advunce Book ExcIunge und IuLer
sIorLened LIe nume Lo Abe Books. L Is LIe IurgesL onIIne book sLore Ior used und rure
books. n uddILIon Lo LIe Iuge U.S. sILe, Abe uIso runs severuI InLernuLIonuI sILes. WIen
you IIsL u book on Abe Books, IL Is uuLomuLIcuIIy IIsLed on Abe Books UK, runce, und
Germuny. You cun IIsL your books on LIe AusLruIIu und New ZeuIund sILe very eusIIy.

Abe gIves you u pIuLIorm Lo seII your book, or Abe wIII uIso buy books Irom you,
uILIougI LIey gIve you very IILLIe Ior LIem (more ubouL LIIs In u mInuLe).

I you Iuve uL IeusL oo books Lo IIsL on LIe sILe, you cun open u book sLore. um noL
goIng Lo cover uII LIe deLuIIs oI Iow Lo open u sLore on Abe becuuse LIe onIIne IeIp IIIe
Is very exLensIve und preLLy eusy Lo IoIIow.

You sLurL by downIoudIng Abe Books InvenLory munugemenL progrum cuIIed
HomeBuse. Even II you don`L wunL Lo seII on Abe, HomeBuse Is u greuL progrum Lo
orgunIze und cuLuIog your books.


Abe cIurges u $z per monLI subscrIpLIon Iee, pIus 8% suIes cIurge, und % II LIey
process LIe credIL curd LrunsucLIon Ior you. BuL, oLIer LIun LIe monLIIy subscrIpLIon
Iee LIere ure no IIsLIng Iees.

One oI LIe downsIdes Lo Abe Books Is jusL LIe sIeer voIume oI books on LIe sILe.
AImosL uny book you IIsL wIII Iuve Lons oI compeLILIon. AIso, Abe seems Lo work besL
Ior expensIve coIIecLIbIe books und IILeruLure.

n generuI, wouIdn`L boLIer wILI Abe Books unLII you Iuve grown your busIness Lo LIe
poInL wIere you Iuve Lons oI excess InvenLory und you ure doIng LIIs more or Iess IuII

I you decIde you wunL
Lo seII on Abe Books,
sLurL by cIIckIng on LIe
Sell ools IInk uL LIe
Lop oI LIe puge.

WIen you cIIck on LIIs IInk IL wIII Luke you Lo u puge LIuL expIuIns Iow Lo geL sLurLed.
IsLIng u book Is very sImpIe once you Iuve enLered your books InLo LIe soILwure
progrum. TIIs cun Luke u wIIIe und you don`L wunL Lo be puyIng Iees wIIIe you ure
geLLIng everyLIIng seL. So, sLurL by downIoudIng LIe Iree soILwure. Once you Iuve your
enLIre InvenLory enLered, go buck Lo Abe und Luke LIe sLeps Lo open un uccounL.
Selling Your Books to Abe
Abe Books wIII uIso purcIuse books Irom you. TIe prIce LIey oIIer Is usuuIIy preLLy Iow,
buL IL cun neL you more LIun donuLIng your books Lo u LIrIIL sLore or LIe IIbrury.

WIen you cIIck on LIe Sell ools IInk, u puge
comes up wILI un opLIon LIuL suys: 1ust A
Ieu ools to Sell. I you cIIck on LIuL IInk
you wIII geL u puge wILI LIe box sIown IeIL
on IL. You cun seurcI by uuLIor, LILIe,
keyword or usIng LIe SBN (probubIy LIe
quIckesL meLIod sInce you cun enLer us muny
SBNs us you IIke).

enLered LIe SBNs Ior LIree oI my books und goL LIe IoIIowIng resuILs:


As you cun see, LIe prIce LIey ure oIIerIng Is preLLy Iow-ubouL zo% oI wIuL couId seII
uny oI LIese books Ior on Amuzon or eBuy. Titcnium ec Ius u cover prIce oI $zq.q
und LIe CompIeLe dIoLs GuIde LIuL recenLIy wroLe wILI my duugILer-In-Iuw Issu Is
prIced uL $18.q. Abe Books uIso buys LexLbooks, buL once uguIn LIe prIce LIey oIIer Is
reuIIy Iow.

TIe one LIme wIII seII books Lo Abe Is wIen um ubouL Lo donuLe books Lo u LIrIIL
sIop. IIsL LIem In Abe IIrsL. UsuuIIy Abe wIII onIy muke un oIIer on u Iew oI LIem, buL
LIuL Is OK. AL IeusL geL u Iew doIIurs Ior books LIuL wouId jusL donuLe Ior u Lux credIL

So once you reuIIy Iuve u Iurge busIness you muy wunL Lo Luke u Iook uL Abe Books, buL
wouId Ieuve IL Ior LIen. TIe onIy excepLIon Is II you were Lo come ucross u reuIIy rure
or vuIuubIe book-buL even LIen you couId probubIy do jusL us weII wILI IL on Amuzon.


Chapter 14
Selling From Your Own Website

L used Lo be LIuL seLLIng up u websILe wus dIIIIcuIL und expensIve. BuL Loduy LIere ure
pIenLy oI eusy Lo buIId ecommerce websILe sysLems uvuIIubIe. I you cun Lype, poInL,
und cIIck you cun seL up u sImpIe websILe In u coupIe oI Iours.

TIere Is one mujor udvunLuge oI seIIIng Irom u websILe. WIen you muke u suIe, your
onIy cosL Is LIe cosL Lo process LIe puymenL-eILIer PuyPuI or u mercIunL credIL curd
uccounL. You don`L puy uny IIsLIng or seIIIng Iees Lo eBuy, Amuzon, eLc.

runkIy, II you ure jusL u generuI bookseIIer, seIIIng uII Lypes oI books, probubIy
wouIdn`L boLIer wILI u websILe. L cun be very dIIIIcuIL Lo Iuve your websILe Iound
umong LIe LIousunds oI oLIer websILes owned by book seIIers. BuL, II you Iuve decIded
Lo specIuIIze In one genre oI books, LIen u websILe cun be u very proIILubIe enLerprIse.

I you specIuIIze In one subjecL IL Is mucI eusIer Ior peopIe Lo IInd your websILe wIen
doIng un nLerneL seurcI. or exumpIe, coIIecL books on nuuLIcuI und murILIme
IIsLory. I seurcI Lerms reIuLed Lo LIuL subjecL, geL IIsLIngs Irom Iundreds oI smuII
websILe seIIers.

TIere ure LIree wuys Lo geL LruIIIc Lo your sILe:

&'/8<6 ^.C9.' \:%9394/%9".-TIIs Is noLIIng more LIun seLLIng up puges
wILI uII LIe reIevunL keywords so seurcI engInes cun IInd you.
,F9(+ / ;/9(9.C Z9*%-Here uguIn, II you were seIIIng generuI books on u wIde
vurIeLy oI LopIcs, very Iew peopIe wIII joIn your IIsL. BuL, II you Iocus on one LopIc
or specIuILy, you wIII IInd IL eusy Lo guLIer numes und murkeL Lo LIem.
A/0PA'8P?(9<--TIIs Is noLIIng more LIun purcIusIng uds on GoogIe und
YuIoo. WIen peopIe cIIck on LIe ud you ure cIurged wIeLIer LIey buy or noL. So
uILIougI LIIs cun work IL cun uIso be expensIve. BuL, Iere uguIn, LIe more
nurrow or specIuIIzed your LopIc, LIe cIeuper LIe cIIcks wIII be us LIose
keywords ure Iess compeLILIve.
Website Builders
IrsL oI uII, wouId uvoId LIe vurIous Iree websILe buIIders. TIIs reuIIy Is u cuse oI
geLLIng wIuL you puy Ior. TIere ure dozens oI websILe buIIders on LIe murkeL LIuL come
wILI supporL und ecommerce IuncLIonuIILy. Some oI LIem sLurL uL prIces us Iow us
$q.q u monLI, wIIIe oLIers go us IIgI us $qo. TIe dIIIerence Is IeuLures und supporL.


Some very expensIve web buIIders come wILI IeuLures LIuL us u bookseIIer you muy
never use-yeL you ure puyIng Ior LIem unywuy.

um goIng Lo gIve you u IIsL oI buIIders, buL wIIcIever wuy you decIde Lo go, cIeck ouL
LIe IeuLures und beneIILs very cureIuIIy. AIso muke sure your web buIIder pIuLIorm
uIIows you Lo cusLomIze puges so seurcI engInes cun IInd LIem. once Iud u websILe
LIuL wus eusy Lo use und buIId, und cume wILI uII LIe ecommerce LooIs buL IL seemed
LIuL seurcI engInes couIdn`L IInd IL. So moved IL Lo u busIc buIIder und wILIIn jusL u
Iew weeks LIe seurcI engInes were IIndIng me. EvenLuuIIy my sILe eurned u GoogIe
puge runk oI q, wIIcI Is reuIIy greuL Ior u smuII IndependenL websILe.

ProbubIy LIe mosL popuIur websILe buIIder Loduy Is SILe BuIId L by Ken Envoy. Ken`s
servIce Is so good Ie Ius un uImosL cuIL-IIke IoIIowIng peopIe ruve ubouL Iow eusy IL Is,
Iow good LIe LruInIng Is, und Iow eusy IL Is Lo geL LruIIIc und murkeL LIeIr sILe.
SILeBuIIdL uIso comes wILI u buIIL-In newsIeLLer IuncLIon, so you cun coIIecL LIe emuII
uddress oI your cusLomers und send LIem emuII or newsIeLLers Lo buIId your repeuL

Here ure some oLIer compunIes LIuL uIso provIde websILes. TIese ure noL
recommenduLIons-jusL u IIsL oI LIe more popuIur servIces:

TIe IusL Lwo ure Irom Amuzon und YuIoo. TIese ure very robusL buIIders und muy be
overkIII Ior LIe smuII booksLore buL II you grow very Iurge LIey do oIIer some very
sopIIsLIcuLed LooIs. OI LIe oLIers personuIIy IIke XsILePro LIe besL, buL SILeBuIIdL
wouId sLIII be my IIrsL cIoIce.


Chapter 15
Bringing It All Together

BookseIIIng cun be u very proIILubIe und rewurdIng busIness. I you Iove good books us
do, LIen IL Is reuIIy LIe besL oI boLI worIds. You cun muke u good IIvIng, work Irom
Iome und you geL Lo reud und IundIe IoLs oI greuL books.

BuL, bookseIIIng Is u busIness und II you wIsI Lo be successIuI you Iuve Lo run IL IIke u
busIness. Here ure some LIps Ior runnIng your busIness successIuIIy:

,'<"3' "8C/.94'+Q TIIs IncIudes keepIng good records, orgunIzIng your
books, pIunnIng your LIme und IocusIng on LIe LIIngs LIuL muke you money.
;/./C' T"F8 593'Q One oI LIe keys Lo success In LIIs busIness Is noL geLLIng
dIsLrucLed by mInuLIu or spendIng LIme on sLuII LIuL Isn`L ImporLunL. TIme reuIIy
Is money und you wunL Lo guurd uguInsL wusLIng IL. menLIoned severuI servIces
LIuL cun uuLomuLe some oI LIe IIsLIng process. As soon us LIIngs sLurL Lo work Ior
you und you know you wunL Lo do LIIs busIness, sLrongIy suggesL you Luke
udvunLuge oI LIose servIces.
&'('<% 0"F8 >""-* </8'EF((0Q WIen you ure ouL buyIng books, be seIecLIve.
You wIII muke u IoL oI mIsLukes uL IIrsL, so IL Is ImporLunL LIuL you Ieurn Irom
LIem. As LIme goes on you wIII become u beLLer buyer und LIe percenLuge oI
unsuIubIe or sIow seIIIng books wIII become very Iow.
5F8. 0"F8 9.D'.%"80 "E%'.. TIe IusLer you cun Lurn your InvenLory over, LIe
more money you wIII muke. You need u cerLuIn umounL oI books sILLIng on your
sIeII, buL books LIuL sIL Loo Iong cosL you money. Once u monLI, go LIrougI
your books und pIck uII LIe sIow seIIers oII oI LIe sIeII und drop LIeIr prIces on
eBuy, or Amuzon Lo move LIem ouL. Use LIuL cusI Lo buy books LIuL
wIII seII. I LIey sLIII don`L seII uL LIe Iower prIce, guLIer LIem up und Luke LIem
Lo LIe LIrIIL sIop Ior LIe Lux deducLIon.
,' 6".'*% 9. 'D'80%69.C 0"F +". DescrIbe LIe condILIon oI your books
uccuruLeIy und reveuI uny IuuILs. You don`L wunL reLurns or bud Ieedbuck scores.
Poor ruLIngs wIII cosL you more money In LIe Iong run LIun uny money you
mIgIL muke by mIsrepresenLIng LIe quuIILy oI u book. OIIer your cusLomers u
IIberuI reLurn poIIcy. Yes, every once In u wIIIe some unscrupuIous buyer wIII
Luke udvunLuge oI you, buL IL wIII IeIp you geL more suIes und IIgIer prIces so
you wIII come ouL uIeud In LIe end.


A/<- /.+ *69: 0"F8 >""-* :8"E'**9"./((0. TIIs wIII uvoId dumuge und
reLurns. Be cureIuI ubouL murkIng up sIIppIng Loo mucI. You cun murk
sIIppIng up u IILLIe Lo cover LIe cosL oI LIe box und puckIng muLerIuIs, buL II you
Lry und muke money on sIIppIng your cusLomers wIII noL upprecIuLe IL.
?"33F.9</%' /.+ C9D' C""+ <F*%"3'8 *'8D9<'. As wILI uny busIness,
good cusLomer servIce wIII brIng you repeuL busIness. On eBuy und Amuzon
good cusLomer servIce und communIcuLIons wIII eurn you IIgIer Ieedbuck
scores wIIcI wIII Increuse your suIes und muke you more money.
).+'8*%/.+ %6/% 'D'80%69.C #9(( ."% /(#/0* C" *3""%6(0. You wIII muke
mIsLukes und experIence seLbucks. TIIs Iuppens Lo everyone. TIe reuI key Is Lo
uccepL responsIbIIILy Ior your mIsLukes or judgmenLs, Ieurn Irom LIem und move
on. MosL ImporLunLIy, don`L gIve up. You cun`L reuIIy IuII uL LIIs unIess you quIL!


Appendix I
Reading List

Here Is my recommended reudIng IIsL Ior book deuIers. MosL oI LIese ure uvuIIubIe
Irom LIe IIbrury or second Iund booksLores und you cun oILen IInd used copIes on eBuy

&'((9.C )*'+ ,""-* \.(9.'B 56' ?"3:('%' =F9+' %" ,""-*'((9.C /%
23/4".a* ;/8-'%:(/<' /.+ \%6'8 \.(9.' &9%'* by SLepIen WIndwuIker
(A/:'8>/<- - Jun , zooz) Stephen's bool mcles c ood compcnion to this bool. He
coters much oj the scme injormction thct I do, but his insider tips cnd some jine
detcil he protides mcle it uorth the purchcse.

\EE9<9/( A89<' =F9+' %" ,""-*1 M%6 ^+9%9". (OIIIcIuI PrIce GuIde Lo CoIIecLIng
Books) by MurIe TedIord und PuL Goudey (Puperbuck - Mur 8, zoo) Tr cnd jind c
used edition oj this bool. It is bcsiccll c list oj tclues-most jiction but mcn non-
jiction bools cre cotered cs uell.

7.*%/.% ^Y:'8%B ?"(('<%9.C ,""-* by MuLLIew Budmun (Puperbuck - Muy 11,
zooq). This is c ter ood bool to tecch ou hou to spot tclue.

,""- G9.+*1 !"# 5" G9.+1 ,F0 /.+ &'(( )*'+ /.+ U/8' ,""-*, by un EIIIs.
TIIs Is one oI my IuvorILe books us IL Is IuII oI greuL sLorIes und Iunny unecdoLes.

23".C %6' ='.%(0 ;/+B &%8/%'C9'* /.+ A'8*:'<%9D'* E"8 %6' ,""- !F.%'8 9.
%6' bH*% ?'.%F80 by NIcIoIus A. Busbunes (Puperbuck - Nov 1, zoo) This is mostl
cbout collectin rcre bools cnd jiction but there is plent to lecrn cbout bool
collectin cnd tclues jor eterone. It ites ou rect insiht into the mind oj

?"(('<%9.C Z9%%(' ="(+'. ,""-*B 2 ?"(('<%"8a* 7+'.%9E9</%9". /.+ A89<'
=F9+' by SLeve SunLI (Puperbuck - OcL zoo) Children's bools cre c rect speciclt
cnd some children's bools sell jor hue tclues. The best thin is thct the cre ter
ecs to jind.

2 A/**9". E"8 ,""-* B 2 ,""- Z"D'8a* 58'/*F80 "E &%"89'*1 ^**/0*1 !F3"81
Z"D' /.+ Z9*%* ". ?"(('<%9.C1 U'/+9.C1 ,"88"#9.C1 Z'.+9.C1 ?/89.C E"81
/.+ 2::8'<9/%9.C ,""-* by HuroId RubInowILz und Rob KupIun (Puperbuck - Jun
z, zoo1). Ij ou lote bools cnd recdin, ou uill lote this bool.


56' ?/8' /.+ G''+9.C "E ,""-* \(+ /.+ O'#B 2 &93:(' U':/98 ;/.F/( E"8
,""- Z"D'8* by MurgoL Rosenberg und Bern MurcowILz (Puperbuck - Mur 1, zooq).
There cre better, more complete bools on the subject oj bool repcir but the cre
expensite. This bool hcs clmost eterthin the cterce bool decler uill need unless
ou o into ter rcre or older bools.

&%/8%9.C /. \.(9.' ,F*9.'** G"8 VF339'* by Greg HoIden (Puperbuck - AprII
16, zoo;). Gre's bool is c rect simple primer to stcrtin cn online business.

568'' ]''-* %" ',/0 A8"E9%*B =" E8"3 ,'C9..'8 %" &F<<'**EF( &'(('8 9. Z'**
%6/. / ;".%6 by SkIp McGruLI (Puperbuck - JuI z8, zoo6). Ij ou don't hcte cn
experience, this is m best beinner's bool. Ij ou ucnt c more complete business
mcnucl, o to m uebsite ct cnd purchcse A() ?$2;1)')
)D4% E48F)'-"7 :%*')2.
Excellent Websites for Book Sellers
uded GIunL Ius rure book prIces und Lons oI Iree InIormuLIon Ior bookseIIers uL:
ILLp:JJIudedgIunL.neL SeurcI Ior New & Used Books, TexLbooks, OuL-oI prInL books.

TIe Rure Books WebRIng uL ILLp:JJI.webrIng.comJwebrIng?rIng=rurebooks;IIsL
Ius some greuL resources und IInks Lo book InIormuLIon und book seIIIng sILes. (Advunced Book ExcIunge)

UnILed KIngdom versIon oI
bIbIIoIInd on
AddA Book SeurcI und PrIce CompurIson
BIbIIopIIIe AnLIquurIun Books


TIe Book
GuIuxIdIon(u rencI sILe Ior InLernuLIonuI books)
PoweII's Books
Pundoru's Books OnIIne
AnLIquurIun BookseIIers` AssocIuLIon oI AmerIcu's
www.ubuu.orgJbooksJubuuJubuupugesJIndex.ILmI provIdes InIormuLIon ubouL
ABAA members und LIeIr specIuILIes. L Is InLended Ior LIe use oI uII LIose wIo
muy desIre proIessIonuI servIce In LIe purcIuse, suIe, or uppruIsuI oI unLIquurIun
books und munuscrIpLs." ConLuIns u duLubuse oI member bookseIIers seurcIubIe
by IocuLIon und specIuILy. AIso provIdes uccess Lo onIIne cuLuIogs oI ABAA
ILLeru ScrIpLu Ius greuL IInks on book buyIng und seIIIng. Here ure u coupIe
oLIer IInks LIuL muy be useIuI.
ReIerence Works Ior BookseIIers und CoIIecLors
CompuLers, SoILwure, und OLIer Geeky SLuII
A personuI websILe by SLeve TrusseI sLurLed In 1qq6 Ius some exceIIenL IInks on
Books und Book CoIIecLIng. TIe nuLure oI LIe sILe mukes IL dIIIIcuIL Lo provIde
dIrecL IInks buL scroII Lo LIe boLLom oI LIe puge or Iook In LIe sIde nuvIguLIon
menu Ior LIe IoIIowIng web puges In purLIcuIur.
Puge 1 SeurcIubIe BooksILes. MosL oI LIese ure ubove, buL LIIs sILe
provIdes u one-sLop sIoppIng poInL Ior seurcIIng.
Puge z Books & Book CoIIecLIng. Hus IInks Lo BookseIIer IsLs und
AssocIuLIons, BIogs, und MuII-IsLs
oreIgn unguuge Book Sources
OuL-oI-PrInL Book SeurcI ServIces
ConLucLIng IndIvIduuI book seIIers Is probubIy u good Ideu, even II you IInd u
IIsLIng Ior your book Irom one oI our oLIer suggesLIons Iere. DIIIerenL book
seIIers muy quoLe you dIIIerenL prIces.
A greuL prInL source Ior IIndIng used und rure book prIces Is Bookmon's Price
G"B)H6 PubIIsIed LwIce u yeur, BP Is u guIde Lo "prIces und uvuIIubIIILy oI
unLIquurIun books In LIe UnILed SLuLes, Cunudu, und LIe BrILIsI sIes." BP
deIInes "unLIquurIun books" us beIng boLI ImporLunL und scurce. EucI Issue oI
BP conLuIns prIce und IocuLIon IIsLIngs Ior o-,ooo sucI books.


A serIuI pubIIcuLIon LIuL mIgIL be IeIpIuI Is 32)8-@4" D$$F >8-@)* ?/88)"'
I3D>?JK un unnuuI pubIIcuLIon coverIng counLrIes In NorLI AmerIcu und LIe
UnILed KIngdom. ABPC converLed Lo CD-ROM Iorm uILer ILs SepLember zoo -
AugusL zooq voIume.
SmILIsonIun nsLILuLIon IbrurIes: nIormuLIon on OId Books uIso Ius u websILe
wILI suggesLIons Ior deLermInIng LIe vuIue oI oId books.
You muy uIso wunL Lo Lry und IInd book seIIers or books Irom LIe pIone book. cun IeIp you IInd oId und used book seIIers neur you und
GoogIe Mups wIII uIso IeL you IInd oId und used book seIIIng busInesses. CIIck
LIe "Ind busInesses" Lub.


Appendix II
Resources, Supplies & Tools
For Booksellers

Here ure some resources, LooIs, und websILes wIere you cun geL more InIormuLIon, do
reseurcI und IInd LooIs, suppIIes und soILwure Lo IeIp you buIId your busIness.

A Book EuseI (pIcLured
rIgIL) Is LIe sImpIesL
wuy Lo sLund books up
Lo pIoLogrupI LIem Ior
your uucLIons or IIsLIngs.

MyIur Book Covers ure uvuIIubIe Irom u number oI
deuIers und on eBuy. JusL seurcI mlcr bool coter or
mlcr bool jcclet on eBuy or GoogIe. TIe ones pIcLured
on LIe IeIL ure Irom Broder-one oI LIe IurgesL
munuIucLurers, und ure eusy Lo IInd onIIne.

TIe Book CoverIng SysLem Irom CoIIbrI
(pIcLured rIgIL) Is u reuI LImesuver.
wouIdn`L InvesL In someLIIng IIke LIIs uL
IIrsL, buL once you ure doIng some voIume
LIIs Is u greuL wuy Lo quIckIy puL
proLecLIve covers on your books.

Demco uL currIes u runge oI book covers.

Munuus Books un eBuy seIIer currIes LIe BrodurL Ine oI book covers uL:


General Suppliers for the Book Seller Industry
,""- U':/98B
ArcIIvurLJHeIIer & Usdun, nc.
; Cuesur PIuce
MoonucIIe, NJ o;o;q
(zo1) 8oq-8qz8
6;o1B uIuyeLLe Avenue
RIverduIe Purk, MD zo;;
(o1) qz;-;;8;
Iux: (o1) qz;-;;1
ConservuLIon Resources nL'I
8ooo-H orbes PIuce
SprIngIIeId, VA zz11-zzoq
(8oo) 6q-6qz
68 Broudwuy
New York, NY 1oo1z
(z1z) z1q-o;;o
UnIversILy ProducLs
1; MuIn SLreeL
PO Box 1o1
HoIyoke, MA o1oq1-o1o1
(8oo) 6z8-1q1z
GuyIor BroLIers PO Box qqo1
Syrucuse, NY 1zz1-qqo1
(8oo) qz8-61 - IeIp IIne
(8oo) qq8-616o - orders
='.'8/( A8'*'8D/%9". A8"+F<%*B
ConservuLIon Resources nLernuLIonuI
8ooo-H orbes PIuce
SprIngIIeId, VA zz11-zzoq
(8oo) 6q-6qz
Iux: (;o) z1-o6zq
HoIIInger CorporuLIon qqo1 NorLIeusL Dr.
PO Box 86o
rederIcksburg, VA zzqoq-86o
(8oo) 6q-oqq1
IgIL mpressIons |pIoLogrupIIc|
PO Box qqo
RocIesLer, NY 1q6o-oqqq
(8oo) 8z8-6z16
BrodurL pubIIsIes u book cure puge on Abe Books uL:
www.ubebooks.comJdocsJRureBooksJbookCure.sILmI. TIIs IncIudes uImosL
everyLIIng you need Lo know ubouL LIe cure und IundIIng oI books.


&:'<9/(%0 &F::(9'*
D$$F+-"B-"7 )L/-;2)"'
AmerIcun GrupIIc
1o Broudwuy
EIIzubeLI, NJ o;zo6
(qo8) 1-6qo6
E%148 )"@1$*/8)*
ALIunLIc ProLecLIve PoucIes
PO Box 11q1
Toms RIver, NJ o8;q
(;z) zqo-8;1
Iux: (;z) zqo-qo6
!H(-+-'-$" '$$1* 4"B */;;1-)*
PO Box z1q
RosemonL, NJ o86
(6oq) q;-111
Iux: (6oq) q;-11q
:/8,4@) @1)4"-"7 */;;1-)*K *2411 '$$1*
CIureLLe CorporuLIon
P.O. Box qo1o
Woburn, MA o1888-qo1o
(;81) q-6oooJ6o1o
(8oo) 6;-;zo - orders
>(4*) D$H)* IE-@8$ ?1-24')*J
CusLom MunuIucLurIng, nc.(CM)
81 BoyIe Rd
uIrIIeId, PA 1;zo
(;1;) 6qz-6oq
Iux: (;1;) 6qz-6q6
38' */;;1-)*K */8,4@) @1)4"-"7 */;;1-)*K *2411 '$$1*
DIck BIIck ArL MuLerIuIs
PO Box 1z6;
GuIesburg, 61qo1
(8oo) qq;-81qz- orders
(8oo) q-zqz- producL InIo
Iux: (8oo) 6z1-8zq
D-"B)8M* +$48BK +$$F @1$'(K ()4<% +-"B-"7 )L/-;2)"'
Gune BroLIers und une, nc.
1qoo GreenIeuI Avenue
EIk Grove VIIIuge, 6ooo;
(8oo) z-oq6


>42;(1)' +-"B)8*K ;8$')@'-<) )"@1$*/8)*K )"B*())'*K 4"B +$$F @1$'(
BS - ArcIIvuI ProducLs
PO Box 1q1
Des MoInes, A oo
(8oo) zq;-z
38@(-<41 *'$847) 24')8-41*
MeLuI Edge, nc.
6qo BundInI BIvd.
Commerce, CA qoo8
(8oo) 86z-zzz8
(888) 8zz-6q;
38@(-<41 *'$847) +$H)*
TIe PuIge Compuny Purker PIuzu
qoo KeIby SLreeL
orL ee, NJ o;ozq
(8oo) q;-zqq
Iux: (zo1) q61-z6;;
N)4@-B-,-@4'-$" */;;1-)* ID$$FF));)8 ;8$@)**J
PreservuLIon TecInoIogIes, nc.
111 TIompson Purk DrIve
Crunberry TownsIIp, PA 16o66
(q1z) ;;q-z111
(8oo) q16-BOOK
Iux: (;zq) ;;q-q8o8
N)4@-B-,-@4'-$" */;;1-)* IO)- AM$ ;8$@)**J
WeI T'o AssocIuLes, nc.
z1;o MuIn SLreeL, UnIL z;
MuLLeson, 6oqq
(;o8) ;q;-666o
Iux: (;o8);q;-66q
Software Programs for Book Sellers
Book CoIIecLor: www.porLubIe-soILwure.comJdownIoudJbcJBook%zoCoIIecLIon.ILm DuLu Buse SoILwure Ior MedIu:

BusII BooksLore soILwure:

Book AccenLs SoILwure:


OpLImu nvenLory munugemenL sysLem Ior bookseIIers uL

BA Power AuLomuLIon Ior LIose wIo use Amuzon BA (Use LIe promo code SKP Lo
geL one Iree monLI.

MedIuScouLer book scunners und prIcIng servIce

Glossary of Terms
AIIbrIs IIsLs u compIeLe IIsL oI Lerms reIuLed Lo coIIecLIng books und LIe book seIIIng
IndusLry uL: www.uIIbrIs.comJgIossuryJgIossury.cIm.

TIe AnLIquurIun BookseIIers AssocIuLIon oI AmerIcu IIsLs u gIossury oI Lerms reIuLed Lo
unLIque und rure books und munuscrIpLs uL:

TIe Ibrury oI Congress IIsLs uImosL every book prInLed In LIe US sInce LIe eurIy 18

CenLury uL:


Appendix III
Expensive Books List

L Is preLLy eusy Lo IInd LIe mosL expensIve books seIIIng on Amuzon. IrsL go Lo

euve LIe seurcI IIIes bIunk und jusL IIL Go. Now, once LIe nexL puge Iouds, Iook on LIe
rIgIL Ior LIe drop down box und puII down Price Hih to Lou. ook In LIe IeIL-Iund
coIumn ubouL IuII wuy down LIe puge und cIIck Neu. Do LIe seurcI uguIn und cIIck on
used or coIIecLIbIe und you geL dIIIerenL resuILs.

Here Is u IIsL oI books LIuL wIII seII Ior $zo or more. cume ucross LIIs IIsL on u
websILe u wIIIe ugo. TIe websILe dIdn`L Iuve u copyrIgIL noLIce or unywuy Lo conLucL
LIe owner. don`L know LIe source und couId noL IInd ouL Iow LIe IIsL wus compIIed.
BuL cIecked LIe prIces uguInsL Amuzon und Abe Books und LIe IIsL Is surprIsIngIy

L doesn`L reuIIy muLLer LIuL LIIs IIsL Is u bIL oId, becuuse mosL oI LIe LILIes ure LImeIess.
TIese ure IIgIIy coIIecLIbIe books LIuL ure uIwuys In demund. TIere Is u mIxLure oI
IIcLIon und IILeruLure, buL us you wIII see, by Iur mosL oI LIe books ure non-IIcLIon.

TIe IIsL Is by no meuns compIeLe. BeIIeve me LIere ure LIousunds oI books noL IIsLed
Iere LIuL seII Ior LIese prIces und more. or exumpIe, Relctitit: The Specicl And
Genercl Theor b Albert Einstein. A 1qzo IIrsL AmerIcun edILIon LrunsIuLed by RoberL
W. urson und pubIIsIed by Henry HoIL soId recenLIy Ior $1z,oo. TIe deuIer wIo
Iound LIe book bougIL IL uL un esLuLe suIe Ior Iess LIun $1oo.

BuL IL Is u preLLy good cIeckIIsL. You muy wunL Lo curry IL In your cur In cuse you come
ucross u good sLock oI oId books und Iook up some oI LIe LILIes. TIey ure uIpIubeLIcuI
by prIce runge. Some oI LIe LILIes ure noL compIeLe, buL LIey ure cIose enougI LIuL you
couId be preLLy sure II you're IookIng uL u copy In your Iund, or you couId GoogIe wIuL
Is Iere Lo geL LIe IuII LILIe.

z prInLs oI eopoIdo Mndez by Mndez, eopoIdo $z,q;.oo
SucI TIIngs Are Known by BurdIck, DoroLIy $z,q;q.qq
TIe Negro uL Mound Buyou: BeIng un uuLIenLIc sLory oI LIe IoundIng $z,oo.oo
HeImuL NewLon's Sumo |Hurdcover| by NewLon, HeImuL $z,ooo.oo
TruveIs und udvenLures oI Dr. ynn : wILI u suppIemenL sIowIng ""Iow $z,ooo.oo


IL's done...
Germun-AmerIcuns In LIe worId wurs by $1,oo.oo
NurruLIve oI u voyuge round LIe worId: CompreIendIng un uccounL oI
LIe wreck oI
Wur IeLLers |Unknown BIndIng| by Crosby, Hurry $1,oo.oo
zq NIgILs by CIupLon, ErIc $1,zqo.oo
A journey In NorLI AmerIcu, conLuInIng u survey oI LIe counLrIes
wuLered by LIe
SIerru Nevudu: TIe JoIn MuIr TruII by Adums, AnseI $1,zoo.oo
SIeII cruIL unImuI oddILIes by SLeurns, DoLLIe $1,oqq.oo
A pIoLogrupIIc uLIus oI LIe moon (AnnuIs oI LIe AsLronomIcuI
ObservuLory oI...
oreIgn dIrecL InvesLmenL: ruIes oI uppIIcuLIon, (oreIgn Income) by
Groups oI cuLLIe, druwn Irom nuLure, by Cooper, TIomus SIdney $1,ooo.oo
HIsLory oI UnIon CounLy |Unknown BIndIng| by Purks, George E $1,ooo.oo
nLroducLIon Lo LIe pIysIcs oI nucIeur weupons eIIecLs by BrIdgmun,
CIurIes J
MuppIeLIorpe by MuppIeLIorpe, RoberL $1,ooo.oo
SouvenIr oI GeneruI RIcIurd GenLry: A MIssourI pIoneer und soIdIer by
SynergeLIcs DIcLIonury : TIe MInd oI BuckmInsLer uIIer--|Hurdcover|
TIe New York TrIIogy |AUDOBOOK| by AusLer, PuuI $1,ooo.oo
TIe recenL work oI red WesIey WenLworLI, ArcIILecL, PuLerson, New
Trumpu puru nIebIu (CoIeccIn u joven poesiu) by Geu, Juun CurIos $1,ooo.oo
VoIce CrIes OuL AmId ReIIgIous ConIusIon--|Hurdcover| ArmsLrong,
HerberL W.
A monogrupI oI LIe WIIIIum K. VunderbIIL Iouse,: RIcIurd MorrIs HunL,
TIe LuIIun bronze sLuLueLLes oI LIe RenuIssunce, (Germun TubercuIosIs
Jensen by WoodIums, UIrIc $8qq.oo


BIuckbIrd SIngIng: yrIcs und Poems, 1q6-1qqq (SIgned ImILed
New York 1qzq |Unknown BIndIng| by PoweI, GreLcIen $8oo.oo
Sword guurds und IILLIngs Irom Jupun: TIe coIIecLIon oI LIe Museum
ALIus oI NormuI DeveIopmenLuI RoenLgen AnuLomy by KeuLs, TIeodore
ALIus oI NormuI DeveIopmenLuI RoenLgen AnuLomy--KeuLs, TIeodore E. $;o.oo
IIusLruLIons oI LIe genus Curex (HIsLorIue nuLuruIIs cIussIcu) by BooLL... $;o.oo
TIe Iuw und prucLIce oI LIe HIgI CourL oI AdmIruILy oI reIund: Under
LIe CourL
CrILerIu Ior MoIsLure ConLroI by BrundreLL, G.W. $;oo.oo
TIe LuIIun Bronze SLuLueLLes oI LIe RenuIssunce by Bode, WIIIeIm $;oo.oo
BuIIeL $68o.oo
CompreIensIve Rock EngIneerIng : -VoIume SeL by Hudson, JoIn A. $6o.oo
GeneuIogy oI LIe BIIss IumIIy In AmerIcu by BIIss, Auron TyIer $6o.oo
Ive In Jupun |Hurdcover| by HurrIson, George $6o.oo
TIe New Wuve : zoLI CenLury Jupunese PrInLs Irom LIe RoberL O.
AnLennus Ior Rudur und CommunIcuLIons: A PoIurImeLrIc ApproucI by
MoLL, HuroId
BuIIeL $6oo.oo
HeImeLs oI LIe deep by yons, eon G $6oo.oo
Hoodoo - conjuruLIon - wILcIcruIL - rooLwork by HyuLL, Hurry MIddIeLon $6oo.oo
MummuI PIyIogeny--SzuIuy, rederIck S. $6oo.oo
TIe IIsLory oI LIe MuIIyuIs: TIe mIIILunL BruImun ruce oI ndIu by
SLrucey, T
VIoIIn conogrupIy oI AnLonIo SLrudIvurI |Hurdcover| by GoodkInd,
HerberL K.
Jupunese Box, TIe |Hurdcover| by ScIIIIerII, CIrIsLopI $8o.oo
TIe Jupunese Box wILI OLIer |Hurdcover| by ScIIIIerII, CIrIsLopI $8o.oo
TIe Jupunese Box. |PerIecL Puperbuck| by YusumI, AkIIILo $8o.oo


TIe CuneLIo Lreusure : Romun coInuge oI LIe TIIrd CenLury A.D by
BesIy, Edwurd
TIe LuIIun bronze sLuLueLLes oI LIe RenuIssunce, (Germun TubercuIosIs
Ad quudruLum $1.oo
GeneuIogIcuI AbsLrucLs oI RevoIuLIonury Wur PensIon IIes: VoIs. 1-q
Songs oI CenLruI AusLruIIu |Hurdcover| by SLreIIow, T G H $z.oo
Songs oI CenLruI AusLruIIu--SLreIIow, T. G. H. $z.oo
OrIenLuI CoIns & TIeIr VuIues: TIe AncIenL & CIussIcuI WorId |Ibrury
WInsLon S. CIurcIIII. PurL z: 1qzq- LIe WIIderness Yeurs by GIIberL,
PIIgrImuge by MukIerjI, SuvILrI DevI $o1.oo
SurgIcuI dIseuses oI InIunLs und cIIIdren by GuersunL, M. P $o1.oo
A descrIpLIve LreuLIse on muLIemuLIcuI druwIng InsLrumenLs: TIeIr
A wuy oI seeIng $oo.oo
Ames Is LIe Nume $oo.oo
Ames Is LIe nume: A geneuIogy |Unknown BIndIng| by Ames, RIcIurd D $oo.oo
AuII-MeLeer und uIIIed IumIIIes oI reIund, VIrgInIu und MIssourI
BIIurcuLIons: SIgILs, Sounds, und MuLIemuLIcs by MuLsumoLo, T. $oo.oo
BIogrupIIcuI memoIr oI Rev. JoIn oLIropp |Unknown BIndIng| by
uLIrop, JoIn
Booby LIe beur (TIe CooperuLIve serIes: vucuLIon cIurcI LexLs)
|Unknown BIndIng
Buck Iever, by JoInson, EIdrIdge Reeves $oo.oo

CuLuIog oI IsIes by EscImeyer, WIIIIum N. $oo.oo
CCS SecurILy Source Ibrury: VoI - X |Unknown BIndIng| by $oo.oo
CIuxLon, Juzz IIe: ImILed ArLIsL's EdILIon 1 |Hurdcover| by CrIsL,


ConLrIbuLIons Lo LIe sLudy oI LIe deveIopmenL und IurvuI Iorms oI
ConLroI oI pIysIoIogIcuI IuncLIons by IypnosIs by ErIkson, MIILon H $oo.oo
DuLu Book on MecIunIcuI ProperLIes oI IvIng CeIIs, TIssues, und Orguns
by Abe
DIunu VreeIund : mmoderuLe SLyIe--|Hurdcover| MurLIn, RIcIurd $oo.oo
DIe umIIIe BIessIng und dus OrcIesLrIon: EnLsLeIung und EnLwIckIung
Edwurd Gorey's orIgInuI druwIngs und skeLcI desIgns Ior DrucuIu by
.N. Souzu |Unknown BIndIng| by Souzu, . N $oo.oo
GeneruI SLudIes oI CIurIes DIckens und HIs WrILIngs und CoIIecLed
EdILIons oI...
GeneLIcs oI Hund MuIIormuLIons-- $oo.oo
Hew by VIesuIus, Romus $oo.oo
Hommes EL nsLILuLIons De 'LuIIe Normunde (CoIIecLed SLudIes $oo.oo
csd 'o1: ProceedIngs oI LIe zoo` EEE ;LI nLernuLIonuI Conderence on
Jucob MurLIn pIysIcIun HuguenoL oI CIurIesLon, SouLI CuroIInu, IIs
JoIn AuII, ScoLcI-rIsI AmerIcun, 18z-18q |Unknown BIndIng| by
AuII, Edwurd
'ubsInLIe : IIsLoIre de Iu Iuee verLe--DeIuIuye, MurIe-CIuude $oo.oo
IIe und LImes oI S.H. WesL: WILI un uppendIx on evoIuLIon, reIIgIon
Mudume Goubuud's pIIIow Iuce puLLerns, und InsLrucLIons In HonILon
Iuce mukIng
Munes orgunIzed udvocucy: A munuuI Ior LIe IILIguLIon prucLILIoner by
MegumouLI- u new specIes, genus, und IumIIy oI IumnoId sIurk
MemoIrs und IeLLers oI LIe IuLe CoIoneI ArmIne S.H. MounLuIn, C.B:
MIcroneurosurgIcuI ALIus by SugILu, KenIcIIro $oo.oo
MInd ConLroI und LIe AssussInuLIon oI PresIdenL Kennedy--RusseII, DIck $oo.oo
My workIng IrIend: BeIng pIuIn dIrecLIons Ior LIe vurIous sLILcIes In


NusruL uLeI AII KIun: A IIvIng Iegend by Ruby, AImed AqeeI $oo.oo
Ode Lo u grund sLuIrcuse (Ior Iour Iunds) by CIen, JuIIe $oo.oo
OrgunIzed udvocucy: A munuuI Ior LIe IILIguLIon prucLILIoner by Munes,
RonuId D
Our LroubIes In AsIu: A sLory oI persecuLIon by DevIrIun, SurkIs H $oo.oo
PIcusso: CuLuIogue oI LIe edILed cerumIc works, 1qq;-1q;1 by RumIe?,
PIcLuresque vIews oI AmerIcun scenery. 18zo |Unknown BIndIng| by
SIuw, JosIuu
PsycIoLecInoIogy oI BruInwusIIng: How Lo Reprogrum Your MInd $oo.oo
RemInIscIng wILI LIe Sundunce KId by KIrby, Edwurd M $oo.oo
SpunIsI & EngIIsI DIcLIonury oI TecInIcuI & ScIenLIIIc TermInoIogy
SLruensee $oo.oo
TumIrIs In Ier own voIce: DruIL oI un uuLobIogrupIy by TumIrIs, HeIen $oo.oo
Tex Avery's ComIc unguuge: 1o Yeurs oI CreuLIon uL MGM: 1qqz-1q1
TIe ConLroIIers: MInd ConLroI und Ls RoIe In LIe ""AIIen"" AbducLIon
TIe IoundIng oI LIe New ScIooI Ior SocIuI ReseurcI by BoIoLIn, Nuncy
TIe IIsLory oI mInd conLroI: rom uncIenL LImes unLII now by
TIe MurIborougI gems $oo.oo
TIe mIsLy scury nIgIL oI HuIIoween by KrusIk-GeIger, MuIIku $oo.oo
TIe new urL oI memory: ounded upon LIe prIncIpIes LuugIL by M.
Gregor von...
TIe opporLune mun: Sermon by BILLIng, WIIIIum C $oo.oo
TIe orIenLuI uIbum: TwenLy IIIusLruLIons, In oII coIors, oI LIe peopIe
TIe rusLIc GenjI oI u bogus MurusukI =: |NIse MurusukI Inuku GenjI| by
TIe SumpIer, or, A sysLem oI LeucIIng pIuIn needIework In scIooIs by
TIe Supernumerucy $oo.oo


TownsIIp ALIus oI LIe UnILed SLuLes by AndrIoL, JoIn $oo.oo
TrIuI LecInIques wILI rvIng Younger: our vIdeoLupes on LIe cruIL oI
VerdI's MucbeLI : A Sourcebook |Hurdcover| by Rosen, DuvId $oo.oo
WIo's WIo On Sesume SLreeL (CoIorIng TIme, 6) |Puperbuck| by
TIe New York BoLunIcuI Gurden BIogrupIIcuI NoLes upon BoLunIsLs--
PIusLIc Surgery (8-VoIume SeL)--|Hurdcover| McCurLIy, JosepI G. $q66.6;
PIusLIc Surgery: 8 VoIume SeL |Hurdcover| by McCurLIy, JosepI E. $q66.6;
1oo1 Bunjos |Hurdcover| by Tsumuru, AkIru $qo.oo
1oo1 Bunjos--|Hurdcover| Tsumuru, AkIru $qo.oo
A Gume oI TIrones (A Song oI ce und Ire, Book 1)--|Hurdcover|
George R. R...
A Gume oI TIrones: Numbered by MurLIn'S, George R. R. $qo.oo
CoIorudo und LIe LuIIuns In CoIorudo, by PerIIII, GIovunnI $qo.oo
errurI - RucIng Curs |Hurdcover| by eIbrInk, HurLmuL $qo.oo
IIm SuperIIsL: MoLIon PIcLures In LIe U.S. PubIIc DomuIn, 18qq-1qq
IsL oI oIIIcers wIo served wILI LIe ;1sL nIunLry und HeudquurLers,
Nude reIIecLIons: PIoLogrupIy by HougI, JoIn DuvId $qo.oo
Oeuvres CompIeLes ( VoIs. In q)--CurLun, EIIe $qo.oo
SomeLIme In New York CILy |Hurdcover| by Ono, Yoko $qo.oo
TIe guesL uL LIe guLe by TIomus, EdILI MuLIIdu $qo.oo
TIe O'Conors oI ConnuugIL: An IIsLorIcuI memoIr by O'Conor... $qo.oo
TIe seven Townsend broLIers oI Texus, 18z6-188: A geneuIogy by
WyuLL, TuIu...
UncIe Scrooge, qq-;1 (1q6-1q6;) (TIe CurI Burks IIbrury oI WuIL
DIsney's UncIe
Jun vun Goyen, 1q6-166 : eIn OeuvreverzeIcInIs--Beck, Huns-UIrIcI $qzo.oo
A monogrupI oI LIe MucropodId, or IumIIy oI kunguroos| |Unknown


A Gume oI TIrones (A Song oI ce und Ire, Book 1)--|Hurdcover|
George R. R...
A Gume oI TIrones: Numbered by MurLIn'S, George R. R. $qoo.oo
A noLe on LIe pIysIcuI cIurucLers oI LIe preIIsLorIc Kunsu ruce
A sLudy oI Kunsu und Honun ueneoIILIIc skuIIs und specImens Irom IuLer
CudwuIuder sLudy by Anderson, Murk J. $qoo.oo
CIIIdren oI uIcoIoIIc moLIers by Aronson, MurILu $qoo.oo
CInq Ludes sur Ie Xe sIcIe byzunLIn (e Monde byzunLIn) by emerIe,
CompendIum oI MuLerIu MedIcu (Bencuo Gungmu) (n 6 VoIumes)
|Hurdcover| by I
CompreIensIve HeLerocycIIc CIemIsLry : CompreIensIve HeLerocycIIc
DonuId Judd : u cuLuIogue oI LIe exIIbILIon uL LIe NuLIonuI GuIIery oI
EvIdences oI LIe use oI IIre by SInunLIropus, |Unknown BIndIng| by
runcIs MurIon Druke by McConvIIIe, J. B $qoo.oo
runk Ioyd WrIgIL's mperIuI HoLeI, Tokyo: PreservuLIon uLLempLs
rege's ConcepLIon oI Numbers us ObjecLs |Hurdcover| by WrIgIL,
rege's ConcepLIon oI Numbers As ObjecLs--|Hurdcover| WrIgIL, CrIspIn $qoo.oo
Good IIeId, no IIL by Decker, Duune WuILer $qoo.oo
Grundud doesn'L IIve Iere unymore (ConLemporury IILeruLure Ior
cIIIdren serIes
Gruy gIosLs oI Iur WesL Texus: A IIsLory oI ConIederuLe veLeruns und
HIppocumpus As u CognILIve Mup--|TexLbook BIndIng| O'KeeIe, JoIn $qoo.oo
Hudson BuIIdIng und EngIneerIng ConLrucLs VoIs 1-z |Hurdcover| by
WuIIuce, un
Hudson's BuIIdIng und EngIneerIng ConLrucLs |Hurdcover| by WuIIuce,
un Duncun
mpucL und ExpIosIon : AnuIysIs und DesIgn--|Hurdcover| BungusI,


mpucL und ExpIosIon: AnuIysIs und DesIgn by BungusI, M.Y.H. $qoo.oo
mpucL und ExpIosIon: SLrucLuruI AnuIysIs und DesIgn |Hurdcover| by
BungusI, M
nLerIm reporL on LIe skuII oI SInunLIropus |Unknown BIndIng| by
e TIeuLre Du GesLe |Puperbuck| by ecoq, Juques $qoo.oo
MIss EdILI M. TIomus on SLuLen sIund by EIIIoLL, S. R $qoo.oo
Mumbo Jumbo |AudIo CD| by Reed, sImueI $qoo.oo
NoLIce oI LIe recovery oI u second uduIL SInunLIropus skuII specImen,
Our ExIsLenLIuI PredIcumenL: oneIIness, DepressIon, AnxIeLy, &
PreIImInury noLIce oI LIe dIscovery oI un uduIL SInunLIropus skuII uL
CIou Kou
RecruILmenL und conscrIpLIon In LIe ByzunLIne urmy c.o-qo : u sLudy
on LIe...
Secondury on Muss SpecLromeLry: SMS X by BennIngIoven, A. $qoo.oo
SkeIeLuI remuIns oI SInunLIropus oLIer LIun skuII purLs, |Unknown
BIndIng| by
SLudL des ScIwurz by Gossuge, JoIn R $qoo.oo
SwunLon-DonneII-BosworLI IumIIIes oI BuLI, MuIne |Unknown BIndIng|
by SwunLon
Ten poems (TIe MunIIu serIes $qoo.oo
TIe AeneoIILIIc Yung SIuo peopIe oI NorLI CIInu: A brIeI resume oI LIe
TIe ugrurIun IIsLory oI ByzunLIum Irom LIe orIgIns Lo LIe LweIILI
cenLury: TIe
TIe urL oI gurden desIgn In LuIy, |Unknown BIndIng| by TrIggs, H. nIgo $qoo.oo
TIe urL oI seeIng und puInLIng--HenscIe, Henry $qoo.oo
TIe ArL oI LIe Gume |UNABRDGED| |Hurdcover| by Ayzenberg Group $qoo.oo
TIe CoIIecLed Works oI JoIn Muynurd Keynes: zq-voIume SeL by
Keynes, JoIn...
TIe CompIeLe HIsLory oI MIddIe-EurLI by ToIkIen, CIrIsLopIer $qoo.oo
TIe CompIeLe HIsLory oI MIddIe-EurLI, VoI. 1 by J.R.R. ToIkIen $qoo.oo


TIe CompIeLe HIsLory oI MIddIe-EurLI: PurL One |Hurdcover| by
TIe IIrsL o yeurs : LIe AmerIcun Bourd oI PIysIcuI MedIcIne und
TIe goIden Lreusury oI CuroIIne und Ier IrIends, by ProbsL, PIerre $qoo.oo
TIe Iumun skeIeLuI remuIns Irom LIe SIu Kuo T'un cuve deposIL In
TIe nuLuruI economIc order: A pIun Lo secure un unInLerrupLed excIunge
oI LIe...
TIIIey IumIIy by HuxIord, Ruymond WIIIIum $qoo.oo
WeILe-MIgnon : Ls MusIc und MusIcIuns by SmILI, CIurIes DuvIs $qoo.oo
WeILe-MIgnon: Ls MusIc und MusIcIuns |Hurdcover| by SmILI, CIurIes
WIIkes IumIIy IIsLory und geneuIogy $qoo.oo
A CenLury oI RussIun BuIIeL : DocumenLs und EyewILness AccounLs,
181o-1q1o by
A CenLury oI RussIun BuIIeL: DocumenLs und EyewILness AccounLs, 181o-
TIe OccupuLIon oI CIIos by LIe Genoese und TIeIr AdmInIsLruLIon oI LIe
EusLmun JoInson uL NunLuckeL: IIs puInLIngs und skeLcIes oI NunLuckeL
JosepI H. PIIuLes ArcIIve CoIIecLIon, TIe: PIoLogrupIs, WrILIngs und
JosepI H. PIIuLes ArcIIve CoIIecLIon: TIe PIoLogrupIs, WrILIngs und
DesIgns by
Jews wILIouL JeIovuI, by KersI, GeruId $8z.o
AgrIcuILure DIcLIonury In SIx unguuges: EngIIsI, rencI, Germun,
DuIIus, oI CunLruy und SuInL MurLIn's, ScoLIund |mIcroIorm|: DuIIus-
Green's operuLIve Iund surgery by $;.oo
PuLIoIogy oI LIe IscIer RuL : ReIerence und ALIus |Hurdcover| by
PuLIoIogy oI LIe IscIer RuL |Hurdcover| by Boormun, Gury A. $;.oo
PuLIoIogy oI LIe IscIer RuL: ReIerence und ALIus by Boormun, Gury A. $;.oo
TIe EmIgruLIon oI SIIk Workers Irom EngIund Lo LIe UnILed SLuLes In $;.oo


HospILuI BIue Book zoo : OIIIcIuI NuLIonuI EdILIon (HospILuI BIue
JoIunn Jukob von BeLImunn, 1;1;-1;qz: KuuImunn, Reeder und
kuIserIIcIer KonsuI
QUTUB |Hurdcover| by CHUMBEY, ANDREW $66.oo
A Gume oI TIrones (A Song oI ce und Ire, Book 1)--|Hurdcover|
George R. R...
A Gume oI TIrones: Numbered by MurLIn'S, George R. R. $6z.o
RonI Horn : To PIuce : oIds--|Hurdcover| $6o.oo
n IIugrunLe by KIIIIp, CIrIsLopIer $6.6;
n IugrunLe |Hurdcover| by KIIIIp, CIrIs $6.6;
RIck SprIngIIeId by eunurd, GIgI $6.6;
MR und CT ALIus oI LIe Dog |Hurdcover| by AssIeuer, JoseI $.oo
MrI und CL ALIus oI LIe Dog |Hurdcover| by AssIeuer, JoseI $.oo
Poems Ior Hurry Crosby, |Unknown BIndIng| by Crosby, Curesse $.oo
TIe CompIeLe HIsLory oI MIddIe EurLI by ToIkIen, CIrIsLopIer $.oo
TIe CompIeLe HIsLory oI MIddIe EurLI PurL z |Hurdcover| by ToIkIen,
TIe CompIeLe HIsLory oI MIddIe-EurLI, VoI. z by J.R.R. ToIkIen $.oo
ALIus oI NormuI DeveIopmenLuI RoenLgen AnuLomy by KeuLs, TIeodore
ALIus oI NormuI DeveIopmenLuI RoenLgen AnuLomy--KeuLs, TIeodore E. $o.
A voyuge Lo LIe PucIIIc oceun,: UnderLuken by LIe commund oI HIs
MujesLy, Ior...
A.P. GIunnInI und LIe 1qq cumpuIgn In CuIIIornIu by Posner, RusseII
AnLonIo Opez Gurc u |Hurdcover| by Brenson, MIcIueI $o.oo
AnLonIo opez GurcIu by SerruIIer, runcIsco CuIvo $o.oo
AnLonIo opez GurcIu--|Hurdcover| Brenson, MIcIueI $o.oo


AnLonIo SLrudIvurI In Jupun-- $o.oo
Anyu, by DuvIdmun, Joy $o.oo
BIomecIunIcs oI Lruumu by McEIIuney, Jumes H $o.oo
BrunswIck Records (q voIs): A DIscogrupIy oI RecordIngs, 1q16-1q1
DevoLIons oI Dume GerLrude More by More, GerLrude $o.oo
DIccIonurIo de ConsLruccIon y RegImen de Iu enguu CusLeIIunu 8 voIs
Drugon Run by Duwson, CurIey $o.oo
ExIIbILIon oI puInLIngs und works oI urL Irom LIe coIIecLIon oI LIe IuLe
rom seed Lo LrIuI esLubIIsImenL: A Iundbook gIvIng prucLIcuI guIdeIInes
GuLLon Purk: SeuL oI SIr JeremIuI CoImun by HensIow, TIomus GeoIIrey
GoLLscIeerIscI: An InLroducLIon Lo LIe Iunguuge oI LIe GoLLscIee
Germuns by...
Greek IInguIsLIc eIemenLs In LIe PoIynesIun Iunguuges : (HeIIenIcum
Hundbook oI ood AddILIves |Hurdcover| by AsI, MIcIueI $o.oo
HIsLorIc sILes oI uncusLer und Gurrurd CounLy, KenLucky by BuIIurd,
mperIuI ugers |Hurdcover| by SLIII, Jun C. $o.oo
JIung : uLIer oI LIe Yunnun ScIooI by $o.oo
ubor und EmpIoymenL ArbILruLIon |RIng-bound| by $o.oo
ungskIp, knurr og kogge: Nye synspunkLer p suguLIdens skIpsbyggIng I
Norge og
IIe und remInIscences, wILI eurIy skeLcIes,: OI JoIn S. Moseby |!|
MonogrupI oI sIuIIow-wuLer ndo-WesL PucIIIc ecIInoderms by CIurk,
AIIsu McGown
PIysIcIuns' unuLomIcuI uId: A munIkIn oI superImposed dIugrumuLIc
Poems (PubIIc uIIuIrs pumpIIeL) |Unknown BIndIng| by AsIbery, JoIn $o.oo
ProbubIIIsLIc und SLuLIsLIcuI AspecLs oI QuunLum TIeory : NorLI-HoIIund


SOG, MACV SLudIes und ObservuLIons Group : beIInd enemy IInes--
SuuI, Hurve
TIe new urL oI memory, Iounded upon LIe prIncIpIes LuugIL by M.
Gregor von...
TIe Pegrums oI VIrgInIu und descendunLs, 1688-1q8q by SImmons,
SumueI WIIIIum
TIe LrugIc squure oI Don uIs de CurbujuI y de Iu Cuevu by GoIdmunn,
TwenLysIx gusoIIne sLuLIons by RuscIu, Edwurd $o.oo
Venus boy by SuLLon, ee $o.oo
WuLer-ormed ScuIe DeposILs--|TexLbook BIndIng| Cowun, Juck C. $o.oo
Jur PurIs |BOX SET| |Hurdcover| by Jur $qo.oo
JAR PurIs |Hurdcover| by Jur $qo.oo
HeIIo, SLeve $.oo
TIe KnIbb IumIIy, cIockmukers $.oo
ExpIosIon Huzurds und EvuIuuLIon |Hurdcover| by Buker, W.E. $z.oo
ExpIosIon Huzurds und EvuIuuLIon--|Hurdcover| Buker, W. E. (WIIIred
Governunce oI LIe ConsumIng PussIons : A HIsLory oI SumpLuury uw--
Governunce oI LIe consumIng pussIons: A IIsLory oI sumpLuury Iuw by
HunL, AIun
HoLeI-HoLeI--|Puperbuck| KIppenberger, MurLIn $z.oo
Jupunese Box, TIe |Hurdcover| by ScIIIIerII, CIrIsLopI $z.oo
SebusLIuno DeI PIombo--|Hurdcover| HIrsL, MIcIueI. $z.oo
TIe Jupunese Box wILI OLIer |Hurdcover| by ScIIIIerII, CIrIsLopI $z.oo
TIe Jupunese Box. |PerIecL Puperbuck| by YusumI, AkIIILo $z.oo
qo yeurs oI urL und urcIILecLure, MorrIs upIdus: |exIIbILIon, eb. q-z8,
A CommenLury on Ivy, Books V-X : VoIume : Books V-V
(CommenLury on...
A CommenLury on Ivy, Books V-X: VoIume : Books V-V
|Hurdcover| by...


A cuILuruI resource InvesLIguLIon uL Sun Juun PuebIo, RIo ArrIbu CounLy,
A IIsLory oI Aberdeen-Angus cuLLIe,: WILI purLIcuIur reIerence Lo LIeIr... $oo.oo
A IIsLory oI LIe Bevun IumIIy by GumbIe, Audrey Nonu $oo.oo
A IIsLory oI LIe IumIIy oI orLescue In uII ILs bruncIes by CIermonL,
A IIsLory oI LIe MurkIum IumIIy |Unknown BIndIng| by MurkIum,
DuvId rederIck
AccordIng Lo HoyIe $oo.oo
AdIubuLIc SIeur ocuIIzuLIon : Occurrence, TIeorIes und AppIIcuLIons--
BuI, Y...
AdIubuLIc SIeur ocuIIzuLIon |Hurdcover| by BuI, Y. $oo.oo
AesLIeLIc PIusLIc Surgery: RIInopIusLy |Hurdcover| by DunIeI, RoIIIn K... $oo.oo
AmerIcun AuLogrupIs : SIgners oI LIe DecIuruLIon oI ndependence,
AmerIcun AuLogrupIs: SIgners oI LIe DecIuruLIon oI ndependence,
AmerIcun KusLen : TIe DuLcI-SLyIe Cupbourds oI New York und New
Jersey, 16o...
An uccounL oI rIododendron In MuIesIu, by SIeumer, Hermunn OLLo $oo.oo
AnuLomy oI LIe ooL und AnkIe : DescrIpLIve, TopogrupIIc, uncLIonuI... $oo.oo
AnnuIs oI SL. MIcIueI's $oo.oo
ArcIILeLLuru ILuIIunu d'oILremure : 18;o-1qqo by $oo.oo
As grow oIder |Unknown BIndIng| by Bubcock, HuvIIuI $oo.oo
ALIus oI Iumun IemopoIeLIc deveIopmenL by KeIemen, E. $oo.oo
ALIus oI Mouse HemuLopuLIoIogy |Hurdcover| by redrIckson, T. N. $oo.oo
BeIceL's DIseuse by Humzu, M'Humed $oo.oo
Bobo goes Lo Lown by PIuucIe, edu H $oo.oo
BoIzuno's IogIc (AcLu UnIversILuLIs SLockIoImIensIs. SLockIoIm sLudIes
Boss qzq PerIormunce MusLung SLyIe by SLrunge, SLepIen B. $oo.oo
BrILIsI PIunemukers Irom 1;oo |Hurdcover| by Rees, June $oo.oo


BrILIsI PIunemukers Irom 1;oo--|Hurdcover| Rees, June $oo.oo
ByzunLIne mIIILury unresL, q;1-8q : un InLerpreLuLIon by KuegI, WuILer
CurLer LIe GreuL: BeIng u deLuIIed uccounL oI CIurIes JosepI CurLer und
CIussIcuI EIecLrodynumIcs by ngurden, Romun S. $oo.oo
CIussIcuI EIecLrodynumIcs (SLudIes In EIecLrIcuI und EIecLronIc
EngIneerIng, 1z
Codex DerynIunus : BeIng u CompreIensIve GuIde Lo LIe PeopIes, PIuces
& TIIngs
Codex DerynIunus: BeIng u CompreIensIve GuIde Lo LIe PeopIes, PIuces
& TIIngs...
CoIsu IIndu (ConLemporury edILIons J Ibrury CouncII, TIe Museum oI
Modern ArL
CoIIecLed pupers by Kummer, ErnsL Eduurd $oo.oo
CoIor und Spuce In LuIIun RenuIssunce PuInLIng by HuII, MurcIu $oo.oo
ComposILIonuI devIces (BerkIee serIes) by CoIIIer, GruIum $oo.oo
ConnIe runcIs, oI, De onscIuId vun AmerIku--Sunders, SLepIun $oo.oo
ConsLrucLIon und DesIgn oI PresLressed ConcreLe SegmenLuI BrIdges
ConsLrucLIon und DesIgn oI PresLressed ConcreLe SegmenLuI BrIdges--
DunIeI BIum's Screen WorIdJVoIumes 1-1o by BIum, DunIeI $oo.oo
DIuIogverurbeILung mIL dem CompuLer: SysLem WANG zzoo by
HuIenbucI, KurI-HeInz
Dvudusu JyoLIrIIngu PurIcuyu |Hurdcover| by SuIu Surmu, GopInuLIu $oo.oo
EcopIysIoIogy oI SpIders |Hurdcover| by $oo.oo
EncycIopuedIu oI ArLIsLs' SIgnuLures, SymboIs und Monogrums
|Hurdcover| by...
EncycIopedIu oI ArLIsLs' SIgnuLures SymboIs & Monogrums : OId MusLers
Lo Modern
EncycIopedIu oI ArLIsLs' SIgnuLures SymboIs & Monogrums: OId MusLers
Lo Modern
EncycIopedIu PreIIsLorIcu SIurks und OLIer Seu MonsLers : SpecIuI
EnLscIeIdung Im WesLen 1qqq : der OberbeIeIIsIuber WesL und dIe
AbweIr der...


EnLscIeIdung Im WesLen 1qqq. by Ose, DIeLer $oo.oo
EruLosLIenIun uveruges, by WInLner, AureI $oo.oo
ExLrucorporeuI IIe SupporL--|Hurdcover| Arensmun, RoberL M. $oo.oo
rucLures oI LIe uceLubuIum by eLourneI, uEmIIe $oo.oo
rucLures oI LIe AceLubuIum by eLourneI, EmIIe $oo.oo
rom cornIIeIds Lo murcIIng IeeL : Cump EIIIs, IIInoIs by Bordner,
rom Iog cubIn Lo LIe puIpIL $oo.oo
GeneuIogIes oI LIe uncIenL HeIIeberg escurpmenL und oI LIe vIIIuge oI... $oo.oo
Germun CommercIuI Code & Code oI CIvII Procedure: n EngIIsI by
GoIden GuLe BrIdge : CIIeI EngIneer's ReporL (q6)--|Hurdcover| $oo.oo
Goyu : TIe CompIeLe ELcIIngs und ILIogrupIs |Hurdcover| by Perez
Goyu: TIe CompIeLe ELcIIngs und ILIogrupIs |Hurdcover| by AIIonso
E. Perez...
Greenberg's IoneI CuLuIogues : 1qq-1qq--Greenberg, Bruce $oo.oo
GynecoIogIc Cuncer Surgery by Morrow, C. PuuI $oo.oo
Hundbook oI SeL-TIeoreLIc TopoIogy by Kunen, KenneLI $oo.oo
HeII IuLI no Iury |Unknown BIndIng| by Bubcock, HuvIIuI $oo.oo
HeImeLs oI LIe deep by yons, eon G $oo.oo
HeImeLs oI LIe deep by yons, eon G $oo.oo
HeImuL NewLon's SUMO by NewLon, HeImuL $oo.oo
HeImuL NewLon's Sumo |Hurdcover| by NewLon, HeImuL $oo.oo
HeImuL NewLon's SUMO--|Hurdcover| NewLon, HeImuL $oo.oo
Henry C. PeILon, urcIILecL, New York CILy: AssocIuLes: runk M.
MucIun, CIurIes
Herders LIeoIogIscIer KommenLur zum Neuen TesLumenL. DIe
EvungeIIen. |Puperbuck
Humun sLrucLure und sIupe by Grundy, JoIn HuII $oo.oo


wunL u word: A word munuuI und exercIse book by Bubcock, HuvIIuI $oo.oo
JonuLIun Troy by Abbey, Edwurd $oo.oo
Jukebox BIuebook : A GuIde Lo CoIIecLIng und denLIIIcuLIon by
HumpIrIes, Ben
Jukebox BIuebook : A GuIde Lo CoIIecLIng und denLIIIcuLIon--
JuIIu $oo.oo
KenjuLsu sIoden by ovreL, redrIck J $oo.oo
Knee-deep! |Unknown BIndIng| by Bubcock, HuvIIuI $oo.oo
KnIuzIowIe IILewsko-ruscy od koncu czLernusLego wIeku by WoIII, JzeI $oo.oo
KoLoLumu (LIe word souI): TIe prIncIpIe oI one Iundred deILIes oI LIe
u CompuIu TrusuLIunLIcu en Ius cumpuus de uILrumur by Iorcu Buus,
'unLIrInuscImenLo : con un'uppendIce dI LesLI InedILI by BuLLIsLI,
ee rIedIunder: TIe AmerIcun MonumenL |Unknown BIndIng| by
rIedIunder, ee
eLLers Lo Jumes BIyLIe, D.D: DesIgned us u repIy Lo LIe urgumenLs oI
IquId IIm CouLIng - ScIenLIIIc prIncIpIes und LIeIr LecInoIogIcuI... $oo.oo
IsL oI druwIng muLerIuI oI RIcIurd TuLLIe & uppendIces by TuLLIe,
osL ComIcs oI Oz by Buum, . runk $oo.oo
ow rIcLIon ArLIropIusLy OI LIe HIp by CIurnIey, J. $oo.oo
ow rIcLIon ArLIropIusLy oI LIe HIp : TIeory & PrucLIce--CIurnIey, J $oo.oo
ower ELLIngLon: Ls munor Iouse und cIurcI |Unknown BIndIng| by
Muc's buck (Mugnum, P.) by BeIIIsurIo, DonuId P $oo.oo
MudIyumuku TIougIL In CIInu (SInIcu eIdensIu, o) by Iu, MIng-
MuIurIu : PrIncIpIes und PrucLIce oI MuIurIoIogy by WernsdorIer,
WuILIer H...
MuIurIu: PrIncIpIes und PrucLIce oI MuIurIoIogy: PrIncIpIes und PrucLIce


MuryIund crImInuI procedure Iorms und unuIysIs |Unknown BIndIng| by
MemoIrs oI LIe IIIe oI Mrs. CIurIoLLe Deuns: rom Ier eurIIesL InIuncy... $oo.oo
MemoIrs oI LIe IIe oI LIe uLe George rederIc HundeI by MuInwurIng,
MIcrobIuI bIocIemIsLry (nLernuLIonuI revIew oI bIocIemIsLry) by $oo.oo
Modern Power SLuLIon PrucLIce : TurbInes, GeneruLors und AssocIuLed
MoIecuIur BIoIogIcuI MeLIods Ior BucIIIus (Modern MIcrobIoIogIcuI
Murder mosL IouI: An IndIcLmenL oI BenLeen uL LIe ILLIe BIg Horn by
My Own CIoIce, A SeIecLIon OI yrIcs |Hurdcover| by ReId, KeILI $oo.oo
NosLru cILL dI GIorenzu by De ConcInI, ConcIno $oo.oo
NoLes on LIe BrucIypeLuIum group oI PupIIopedIIum by Erdmunn,
Duune J
Obrus de WesIey 1q-VoIume SeL (Obrus de WesIey) |Unknown BIndIng|
by WesIey...
OIIIcIuI IeLLer books oI W.C.C. CIuIborne, 18o1-1816 $oo.oo
OuLdoor recreuLIon progrum dIrecLory & duLuJresource guIde by Webb,
DuvId J
Pre-RupIueIILIsm und LIe pre-RupIueIILe broLIerIood, by HunL,
WIIIIum HoImun
RemuIns oI LIe IuLe Reverend RIcIurd HurreII roude by roude,
RIcIurd HurreII
RemInIscences oI LIe courL und LImes oI LIe emperor, PuuI . oI RussIu,
up Lo...
RockeLs Lo LIe moon by BerguusL, ErIk $oo.oo
RomuuIdo PucIeco: IIusLrIous CuIIIornIo by GenInI, TonuId $oo.oo
ScIenLIIIc pupers--TuyIor, GeoIIrey ngrum $oo.oo
Second In commund: A bIogrupIy oI CupLuIn runcIs CrozIer, R.N.,
.R.S., .R.A
Sensory evuIuuLIon oI coIIee by $oo.oo
SIIunes, SurIuces und nLerIuces (CIemIcuIIy ModIIIed SurIuces, VoI 1... $oo.oo
SInIupukum Iung PIo. So. zq; = ArL sInce 1qz by PIIrIyu KruIrk $oo.oo


SIr Rujendru NuLI Mookerjee,: A personuI sLudy, by MuIIndru, K. C $oo.oo
Spuce-cIurge IIow (McGruw-HIII pIysIcuI und quunLum eIecLronIcs
serIes) by...
SUMO |Hurdcover| by NewLon, HeImuL $oo.oo
SuppIemenL Lo 1q;8 Iundbook Ior LrusLees und receIvers In bunkrupLcy... $oo.oo
TecInoIogy oI AnodIzIng AIumInIum |Hurdcover| by Bruce, A W $oo.oo
TIe AbbrevIuLIon oI LIe nLroducLIon Lo AsLroIogy: TogeLIer WILI LIe
TIe uncesLry oI TIomus Brudbury (1611-16q) und IIs wIIe Mury
TIe ArcIILecLuruI SLyIe oI A. Huys Town--|Hurdcover| Town, A. Huys $oo.oo
TIe CuudIII IumIIy (AppuIucIIu crossrouds) by Cox, CIuyLon R $oo.oo
TIe compIeLe works oI rIedrIcI NIeLzscIe : LIe IIrsL compIeLe und
TIe CuIInury CIronIcIe 6. DeuLscIIund J ScIweIz. |Hurdcover| by MeIer,
TIe ubrIc oI LIe Body : Europeun TrudILIons oI AnuLomIcuI
TIe IuIr SyrIun by Buge, RoberL $oo.oo
TIe IuIryIund uround us, by WIILeIey, OpuI SLunIey $oo.oo
TIe essenden IumIIy In AmerIcu by essenden, EdwIn AIIun $oo.oo
TIe IIower oI sLurs, by WIILeIey, OpuI SLunIey $oo.oo
TIe geneuIogy oI SumueI PIckerIII, soIdIer oI LIe RevoIuLIonury Wur
TIe GIrI WILI BIue HuIr und OLIer ubIes by TIeroux, AIexunder $oo.oo
TIe Jukebox BIuebook: A GuIde Lo Jukebox CoIIecLIng und
TIe KIng RuncI Pupers : An UnuuLIorIzed und rreverenL HIsLory oI LIe
TIe KIeene SymposIum : ProceedIngs oI LIe SymposIum HeId June 18-
zq, 1q;8 uL...
TIe oId book oI mugIc $oo.oo
TIe PursIuII IIume (ProIessIonuI puper) (ProIessIonuI puper) |Unknown


TIe Poe IumIIy IIne: A IIsLory oI LIe Poe IumIIy und coIIuLeruIs,
TIe reIIgIous rILes und ceremonIes oI every nuLIon In LIe worId,:
TIe remInIscences oI rederIck Ayer by Ayer, rederIck $oo.oo
TIe secreLs oI uncIenL geomeLry--und ILs use by Brune?s, Tons $oo.oo
TIe souLIern VIrgInIu WeukIey IumIIIes: And LIeIr descendunLs In
TIe sLuges oI Iumun deveIopmenL beIore bIrLI: An InLroducLIon Lo
TIe SLundurd EdILIon oI LIe CompIeLe PsycIoIogIcuI Works oI SIgmund
reud ( zq
TIe suppressIon oI LIe AIrIcun sIuve-Lrude Lo LIe UnILed SLuLes oI
TIe TecInoIogy oI AnodIzIng AIumInum--|Hurdcover| Bruce $oo.oo
TIe TerwIIIIger IumIIy In AmerIcu by TerwIIIIger, George B $oo.oo
TIe use oI cooperuLIve IeurnIng In LIe IoreIgn Iunguuge cIussroom
TIe VIennu convenLIon on LIe Iuw oI LreuLIes : Lruvuux pruepuruLoIres =
TIe works oI JoIn SmyLI, IeIIow oI CIrIsL's coIIege, 1qq-8 by SmyLI,
TIIngs us LIey ure $oo.oo
Towurd u SemIoLIc TIeory oI VIsuuI CommunIcuLIon In LIe CInemu
|Hurdcover| by
TwIIIgIL buss |Unknown BIndIng| by Bubcock, HuvIIuI $oo.oo
Two-Tone SeL-BeIIs oI MurquIs YI (TIe WeI-Kung Books on LIe HIsLory
oI ScIence
Unu vIsIn criLIcu de Iu IIsLorIu de Iu conquIsLu de MxIco-TenocILILIun
UpIIILIng LIe SouLIern IIgIIunder: HundcruILs uL BIILmore EsLuLe
ndusLrIes by
W. McNeII owry by KIrsLeIn, IncoIn $oo.oo
WuIIIngIord und MounL HoIIy cemeLery InscrIpLIons, RuLIund CounLy,
VermonL by
Zeus : A SLudy oI AncIenL ReIIgIon (Zeus, God oI LIe BrIgIL Sky VoI 1) by


A meLIod Ior soIvIng poIynomIuI equuLIons by conLInued IrucLIons
usI ExpIosIve ProperLy DuLu (os AIumos ScIenLIIIc uboruLory SerIes
ALIus oI RegIonuI und ree Iups Ior Heud und Neck ReconsLrucLIon by
ALIus oI RegIonuI und ree Iups Ior Heud und Neck ReconsLrucLIon
CounLry BesIde LseIIJIundeL uLom sIg by Tunbjrk, urs $zq.oo
Hundbook oI X Ruy PIoLoeIecLron SpecLroscopy by $zqo.oo
Hundbook oI X Ruy PIoLoeIecLron SpecLroscopy (PJN 6zq;)
|Hurdcover| by...
TIe RIsIng |Hurdcover| by Keene, BrIun $z8;.o
TIe RIsIng: SIgned und Numbered by Keene, BrIun $z8;.o
Humun sLrucLure und sIupe by Grundy, JoIn HuII $z8.oo
AsceLIcuI HomIIIes oI SuInL ssuc LIe SyrIun by HoIy TrunsIIguruLIon
Gunn's ScIenLIIIc MeLIods UnveIIed |Hurdcover| by MIkuIu, PuLrIck $z8o.oo
Purk CILy by BuILz, ewIs $z8o.oo
TIe muny Iuces oI Zune Grey by urIey, G. M $z;q.qq
Hundbook oI X Ruy PIoLoeIecLron SpecLroscopy : A ReIerence Book oI
EIecLronIcs SurveIIIunce CounLermeusures: VoIume Two |Unknown
BIndIng| by
okes SenLence BuIIderJ6qoo |Hurdcover| by $z;.oo
MIIILury SurveIIIunce oI CIvIIIun PoIILIcs 1q6;-1q;o (AmerIcun eguI
NoIsy Noru, by oILIng, HugI $z;.oo
Ruckers : A HurpsIcIord und VIrgInuI BuIIdIng TrudILIon (CumbrIdge
Super cuLs $z;.oo
TIe KeIIoggs In LIe OId WorId und LIe New by HopkIns, TImoLIy $z;.oo
ToLuI PosILIvILy by KurIIn, SumueI $z;.oo


WIId urbeurer MunugemenL und ConservuLIon In NorLI AmerIcu-- $z;.oo
PuLek PIIIIppe: WrIsL wuLcIes, pockeL wuLcIes, cIocks : IdenLIIIcuLIon &
SLrengLI oI BIoIogIcuI MuLerIuIs |Hurdcover| by Yumudu, HIrosII $z;o.oo
SLrengLI oI BIoIogIcuI MuLerIuIs.--Yumudu, HIrosII, $z;o.oo
PrIncIpIes oI TecInIcuI AnuIysIs und CIurL ReudIng In TrudIng SLocks
KoobI oru ReseurcI ProjecL: PIIo-PIeIsLocene ArcIueoIogy (VoI ) by
u IIIIe du docLeur by CuIIe, SopIIe $z6.oo
OmnIverse Sun Ru: CompreIensIve pIcLorIuI und unnoLuLed
dIscogrupIy, IncIudIng
SIusIIn NIIon KuIgun zenkunLeIsII =: Jupunese nuvuI vesseIs, 186q-
1qq : ukuI
ederuLed Houses oI LIe undsruud by $z6o.oo
SLundurd CuLuIog oI UnILed SLuLes ObsoIeLe Bunk NoLes, 1;8z-1866--
MedIusLInum: RudIoIogIc CorreIuLIons WILI AnuLomy und PuLIoIogy
|Hurdcover| by
Some cIuIms oI xenogIossy In LIe uncIenL Iunguuges by GrIIIILIs, JoIn
A CoIour ALIus oI PosL-IurvesL DIseuses und DIsorders oI ruIL und
A CoIour ALIus oI PosL-HurvesL DIseuses und DIsorders oI ruILs und
A Henson IumIIy IIsLory In eurIy AmerIcu und LIeIr RevoIuLIonury Wur
A record oI Europeun urmour und urms LIrougI seven cenLurIes,
|Unknown BIndIng
AILer LIe sLrIke oI u sex,: Or ZugussenL's dIscovery wILI LIe OneIdu
AIumInum und mugnesIum producLIon und IubrIcuLIon uL .G.
urbenIndusLrIe A.G...
An AmerIcun counLry Iouse,: TIe properLy oI ArLIur E. NewboId, Jr.,
An eLymoIogIcuI dIcLIonury oI pre-LIIrLeenLI-cenLury TurkIsI--CIuuson,
And DeuLI LIe PrIze by Gruyson, RIcIurd $zo.oo


And DeuLI LIe PrIze |Puperbuck| by Gruyson, RIcIurd $zo.oo
AnLonIo VIvuIdI: LubIe de concordunces des oeuvres (RV) by Ryom, PeLer $zo.oo
ArL und MysLery oI Tennessee urnILure und Ls Mukers TIrougI 18o
ArLIsLs And ProsLILuLes |Hurdcover| by ucIupeIIe, DuvId $zo.oo
ArunoduI by CuudIurI, PrusenujIL $zo.oo
BuIrd's munuuI oI AmerIcun coIIege IruLernILIes $zo.oo
BIogrupIIcuI rosLers oI IorIdu's ConIederuLe und UnIon soIdIers, 1861-
186 by
CurI Aubck, 1qoo-1q;: MuIer und DesIgner : HIsLorIscIes Museum der
SLudL WIen
CuLuIogue oI LIe memorIuI exIIbILIon oI HIrosIIge's works on LIe 6oLI... $zo.oo
CIemIcuI ApproucI Lo GIuss by VoII, MIIos BoIusIuv $zo.oo
CIInese orgunIsuLIons In SouLIeusL AsIu In LIe 1qos by $zo.oo
CoucIIng - LIe New euder |Puperbuck| by Grove, PuL $zo.oo
CoucIIng - LIe New euder: TrunsIorm Your Wuy oI BeIng TIrougI
CounseIIIng by
Couruge AIone : TIe LuIIun AIrIorce 1qqo-1qq--|Hurdcover| DunnIng,
Couruge AIone: TIe LuIIun AIr orce 1qqo-1qq |Hurdcover| by
DunnIng, CIrIs
DumseIIIIes oI NorLI AmerIcu--WesLIuII, MInLer J., Jr $zo.oo
DIcLIonury oI dIsusLers uL seu durIng LIe uge oI sLeum, IncIudIng suIIIng
DIcLIonnuIre Des PeInLres De 'EcoIe De PurIs 1qq-1q6
Dromunu $zo.oo
EurIy Bermudu records, 161q-18z6: A guIde Lo LIe purIsI und cIergy
EngIIsI-Iunguuge LrunsIuLIon oI HenrI e Secq, pIoLogrupIe de 18o uC
186o by
ExcIunge und cuILuruI InLerucLIons: A sLudy oI Iong-dIsLunce Lrude und
umIIy IIsLory oI EIIus A. Yoder und descendunLs, 18q Lo 1q81 by


erroeIecLrIc MuLerIuIs und TIeIr AppIIcuLIons |Hurdcover| by YuIuun,
Igs oI SouLIern & SouLI-CenLruI AIrIcu |Hurdcover| by Burrows, J. E. $zo.oo
GoderIcI TownsIIp IumIIIes, 1q8 by $zo.oo
Grundeur und Good NuLure, LIe CIurucLer oI LIe MusLIII : An
Grundeur und Good NuLure, LIe CIurucLer oI LIe MusLIII: An
Greenberg's IoneI CuLuIogues : 1qq-1qq--Greenberg, Bruce $zo.oo
GreyIounds In AmerIcu--|Hurdcover| uckey, Sue A. $zo.oo
HuemodynumIcs, Hormones und nIIummuLIon (DIscoverIes In
PIurmucoIogy, VoI z...
HumIILon Young CusLner, 188-18qq $zo.oo
Hurry ongubuugI, LIe Sundunce KId: TIe eurIy yeurs, 186;-188q by
Gurmun, Mury
Hebrew Is Greek |Hurdcover| by YuIudu, J $zo.oo
Hebrew Is Greek--YuIudu, JosepI $zo.oo
HIsLory oI LIe TweIILI nIunLry RegImenL In WorId Wur by JoInson,
How Lo VuIue PIuyers Ior RoLIsserIe BusebuII |Puperbuck| by McGee, ArL $zo.oo
ngersoII's cenLury unnuIs oI Sun BernudIno CounLy, 1;6q-1qoq:
PreIuced wILI u
nLu Puresu-bun kuguku gIjuLsu -mungo duIjILen =: nLer Press
dIcLIonury oI...
Jumes Joyce Songbook by BumerIe, RuLI H. $zo.oo
Jur PurIs |Hurdcover| by Jur $zo.oo
JeweIs oI Jur, TIe |Hurdcover| by RosenLIuI, JoeI $zo.oo
JoIn Kennedy AssusInuLIon New nIormuLIon GERAD ORD
SGNED |euLIer Bound...
JoIn oI GuunL, KIng oI CusLIIe und eon, Duke oI AquILuIne und
uncusLer, EurI
KoobI oru ReseurcI ProjecL (KoobI oru, ReseurcIes InLo GeoIogy,
undnumubok - by Jonsson, Innur $zo.oo


undnumubok - |Hurdcover| by Jonsson, Innur $zo.oo
uLIe desIgn Ior IIgI- und Iow-speed sLeeIs: A LreuLIse on LIe
kInemuLIcuI und
eLLer, 18 June z, Heud oI Coosu, Vun|n|'s VuIIey, Ioyd Co|un|Ly,
IsL oI LIe bIrds oI AIusku: WILI bIogrupIIcuI noLes |Unknown BIndIng|
by DuII
IsLoweI und ILs vIcInILy by GuugIun, J. AnLIony $zo.oo
ondon GoIdsmILIs 16q;-18;: TIeIr Murks und Ives Irom LIe OrIgInuI
MurIne OpLIcs--|Hurdcover| JerIov, N. G. $zo.oo
MusLer Index Lo LIe emIgrunLs documenLed In LIe pubIIsIed works oI
AnneLLe K...
MuLrImonIuI moLIon prucLIce In New York (New York prucLIce IIbrury)
MuurIce uLIo : urcIILecL--uLIo, MuurIce $zo.oo
MuurIce's urL oI duncIng $zo.oo
MedIcuI EIecLron AcceIeruLors by Kurzmurk, C.J. $zo.oo
MedIcuI EIecLron AcceIeruLors |Hurdcover| by Kurzmurk, C.J. $zo.oo
MemoIrs und IeLLers oI Mudume MuIIbrun by MerIIn, MurI?u de Ius
MeLIuen Hundbook oI CoIour by Kornerup, Andreus $zo.oo
MeLIuen Hundbook oI CoIour by Kornerup, Andreus $zo.oo
MeLIuen Hundbook oI CoIour |Hurdcover| by Kornerup, Andreus $zo.oo
MeLIuen Hundbook oI CoIour |Hurdcover| by Kornerup, Andreus $zo.oo
MeLIuen Hundbook oI CoIour--|Hurdcover| Kornerup, Andreus $zo.oo
MeLIuen Hundbook oI CoIour--|Hurdcover| Kornerup, Andreus $zo.oo
MIcroscopes und mIcroscopIcuI uccessoIres by ZeIss, CurI $zo.oo
MonLpurnusse by Gursky, Andreus $zo.oo
My Edens AILer Burns by KIImer, VuI $zo.oo
My Edens AILer Burns |Puperbuck| by KIImer, VuI $zo.oo


My Edens AILer Burns--|Puperbuck| KIImer, VuI $zo.oo
NeopIusms WILI Sebuceous DIIIerenLIuLIon (Ackermun's HIsLoIogIc
DIugnosIs oI...
OcLopus: PIysIoIogy und BeIuvIour oI un Advunced nverLebruLe by
WeIIs, M.J.
OcLopus: PIysIoIogy und BeIuvIour oI un Advunced nverLebruLe
|Hurdcover| by...
OId CIurcI SIuvonIc (OId BuIgurIun)-mIddIe Greek-modern EngIIsI
PudIeI dIury, 1qo: An uccounL oI LIe PudIeImIuL EskImo In LIe
Purdon WorsIey, LIe UnIon spy oI LIe SIenundouI, or, Mosby's SuLIer by
PurIsIun IudIes' LuIIorIng sysLem Ior desIgnIng, puLLern cuLLIng, IILLIng
PuLIoIogy oI LIe IscIer RuL : ReIerence und ALIus |Hurdcover| by
PuLIoIogy oI LIe IscIer RuL |Hurdcover| by Boormun, Gury A. $zo.oo
PuLIoIogy oI LIe IscIer RuL: ReIerence und ALIus by Boormun, Gury A. $zo.oo
PedIuLrIc PIusLIc Surgery by BenLz, MIcIueI $zo.oo
PedIgrees oI AngIesey und CurnurvonsIIre IumIIIes, wILI LIeIr
PIywood und AdIesIve TecInoIogy by SeIIers, Terry $zo.oo
PrucLIcuI guIde Lo U.S. LrunsIer prIcIng by CoIe, RoberL T $zo.oo
PrucLIcuI SurveyIng und CompuLuLIons |Puperbuck| by AIIun, A. . $zo.oo
PrescrIpLIon: murder by DIsney, DorIs MIIes $zo.oo
PrIncIpIIzuLIon oI pIusLIc surgery--MIIIurd, D. RuIpI $zo.oo
Queen Ann BusseLL, uIIus ELLu PIuce by BurLon, DorIs Kurren $zo.oo
Queen Annu's new worId oI words, 1611 by IorIo, JoIn $zo.oo
Records oI LIe GuLes IumIIIes oI AmerIcu Irom LIe coIonIuI perIod Lo
186o by...
ReseurcI MeLIods In nIormuLIon SysLems by MumIord, EnId $zo.oo
ReseurcI MeLIods In nIormuLIon SysLems |Hurdcover| by MumIord, E. $zo.oo


SuIuLe ( Iove AmerIcu serIes) |Unknown BIndIng| by ScIuyIer, Jumes $zo.oo
SIIver DoIIurs und Trude DoIIurs oI LIe UnILed SLuLes : A CompIeLe
SIIver DoIIurs und Trude DoIIurs oI LIe UnILed SLuLes: A CompIeLe
SmeII und TusLe In HeuILI und DIseuse by GeLcIeII, TIomus V. $zo.oo
SouLIern Women und TIeIr umIIIes In LIe 1qLI CenLury, Pupers und
SouLIern women's dIurIes, u guIde |Unknown BIndIng| by Begos, June
SLundurd CuLuIog oI UnILed SLuLes ObsoIeLe Bunk NoLes, 1;8z-1866--
SLurcI HydroIysIs ProducLs : WorIdwIde TecInoIogy, ProducLIon, und
Super books: SLorIes unIque Ior purposeIuI exLru reudIng by NeIson,
Surgery Ior LIe Bone und SoIL-TIssue Tumors |Hurdcover| by SImon,
MIcIueI A...
SwIIL grey cIrcIe: An epIc-sLyIe nurruLIve uccounL oI J.E.B. SLuurL's... $zo.oo
SymmeLry und sLruIn-Induced eIIecLs In semIconducLors--BIr, GennudII
TecInoIogy oI Corn WeL MIIIIng--BIuncIurd, PuuI Hurwood $zo.oo
TexLbook oI nIIuenzu by NIcIoIson, KurI G. $zo.oo
TexLbook oI nIIuenzu |Hurdcover| by NIcIoIson, KurI G. $zo.oo
TIe AIIsLons und AIsLons oI Wuccumuw by AIIsLon, EIIzubeLI Dess $zo.oo
TIe uncIenL HuwuIIun Iouse, (MemoIrs oI LIe BernIce PuuuII BIsIop
Museum oI...
TIe ArL und MysLery oI Tennessee urnILure und Ls Mukers TIrougI
18o by...
TIe ArL und MysLery oI Tennessee urnILure und Ls Mukers TIrougI
TIe Bevun IumIIy by HuwLIorne, ArdeLI $zo.oo
TIe BIomecIunIcs oI mpucL Truumu : ProceedIngs ReIuLIng Lo LIe
Course GIven uL
TIe bIeedIng Iunce |Unknown BIndIng| by Brown, ArLIur CIurIes ewIs $zo.oo
TIe book oI LIe DuIIs $zo.oo


TIe deIense deposILIon uLIus |Unknown BIndIng| by SIIvuIn, PeLer B $zo.oo
TIe desIgn oI wInery IucIIILIes by eIund, GusLuvu EIIsubeLI $zo.oo
TIe EconomIcs oI ProducL DIIIerenLIuLIon - VoIumes 1 und z (An EIgur
TIe unIouse oI Dr. reek by SLIne, R. . $zo.oo
TIe Gruves IumIIy oI EusLern VIrgInIu, 16o8-1q6 by Gruves, JoIn Curd $zo.oo
TIe green purudIse: TIe sLory oI u womun's journey In LIe Amuzon und
TIe yke Wuke WuIk In QuurLer MIIe SLeps by Goodmun, J. $zo.oo
TIe NIcky-Sunny IeLLers $zo.oo
TIe PuIuce oI MInos $zo.oo
TIe pIuLIng oI LIe penny bIuck posLuge sLump oI GreuL BrILuIn, 18qo:
WILI u...
TIe Prudo Museum: |coIIecLIon oI puInLIngs| by Museo deI Prudo $zo.oo
TIe preLLy Iunguuge oI YeIIowmun: Genre, mode, und LexLure In NuvuIo
TIe Quuker cross: A sLory oI LIe oId Bowne Iouse by Pursons, CorneIIu
TIe RILes oI EusLern CIrIsLendom by KIng, ArcIduIe A. $zo.oo
TIe RILes oI EusLern CIrIsLendom |Hurdcover| by KIng, ArcIduIe A. $zo.oo
TIe TecLonIc EvoIuLIon oI AsIu by YIn, An $zo.oo
TIe TecLonIc EvoIuLIon oI AsIu (WorId und RegIonuI GeoIogy) by YIn,
TIe TempesL (8 SIukespeure - LIe CrILIcuI TrudILIon SerIes) |Hurdcover|
TIe TrugIc KIngdom - nsIde DIsney : An Expose--Hurkey-SmILI,
TIe use oI LIe HoIy unce In LIe IrsL Crusude |Unknown BIndIng| by
TIe Vun CIeeI IumIIy by edIey, WIIson V $zo.oo
TIe W.M. RILLer umber Compuny IumIIy IIsLory book by Reedy, DennIs
ToLuI Burn Cure |Hurdcover| by Herndon, DuvId $zo.oo


TrouL by ScIwIeberL, ErnesL $zo.oo
Trumpy-- $zo.oo
Trumpy |Hurdcover| by ToII, AIberL $zo.oo
Tumors und TumorIIke esIons oI Bone : PuLIoIogy, RudIoIogy, und

TwenLysIx gusoIIne sLuLIons by RuscIu, Edwurd $zo.oo
UnunLe: TIe secreLs oI kuruLe by SeIIs, JoIn $zo.oo
UnILury RepresenLuLIons und HurmonIc AnuIysIs (NorLI HoIIund
VuIIm, VuIIne, VuIIn IumIIy IIsLory by VuIIm, AnLIony Terru $zo.oo
W. Indsuy AIexunder, D.D., ..D: HIs IIIe und work, wILI IIIusLruLIons $zo.oo
WIoIe Body CompuLed TomogrupIy VersIon z.o (Cd-Rom) |CD-ROM|
by Wegener, O. H.
WIngs on LIe Ice $zo.oo
WoerLerbucI Der AegypLIscIen SprucIe by Ermun, AdoII $zo.oo

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