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Technical requirements for quotations and referencing

Contents (please add list of contents for easy reference for students)
Introduction Direct quotations References in the text List of sources
Sources in general Later editions of a book Translated works Institutional authorshi !orks uni"ersall# known b# their titles$ dictionaries and enc#clo aedias % &ournal article or article in a news a er or 'aga(ine %n article in an antholog# or collecti"e works Two ublications in the sa'e #ear Dissertations or theses +n ublished conference a ers +,IS% stud# guides Internet articles +nknown date or lace of ublication

1 1 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 ) ) * * * * -

!hen writing an assign'ent or .asters dissertation/ #ou 'a# want to quote fro' a book or an article to substantiate #our argu'ents0 1our credibilit# as a researcher de ends on how thoroughl# #ou acknowledge the ideas and thoughts of other authors0 References are used to$

acknowledge the original author2s3 whose ideas #ou are using substantiate argu'ents and state'ents enable #our reader to consult the sources referred to/ and4or to check #our infor'ation

This docu'ent contains the basic t# es of references that #ou 'a# need in acade'ic writing0 1ou will note that this infor'ation also a ears in #our Tutorial letter S5-67184161494266)0 1ou 'a# also consult the following sources in this regard$ Add additional sources if needed

Direct quotations
!hen #ou use an author:s exact words/ the# should be laced between quotation marks0 ;ee the use of quotations to a 'ini'u'0 % string of quotations suggests that #ou could not inter ret or ro erl# understand the text0 !hen quoting lease note the following oints$ 7lace the quotation in in"erted co''as 2< <3 and acknowledge the source0 Retain the exact s elling and unctuation of the original0 If #ou o'it words fro' a quotation/ show this b# a series of three full sto s 2 0 0 0 30 If #ou add words to a quotation/ lace the' in square brackets 2= >30

If #ou wish to e' hasise art of a quotation/ italici(e or underline it and add the hrase <'# e' hasis< in brackets at the end of the reference0 The following exa' le illustrates the as ects 'entioned abo"e$ 5erger 218-*$2*?2-3 e' hasises that we 'ust not see the indi"idual as being 'erel# a assi"e internaliser of 'eanings which exist outside that indi"idual0 %s 5erger uts it <the indi"idual is not 'oulded as a assi"e or inert thing0 Rather he =or she> is for'ed in the course of a rotracted con"ersation 0 0 0 in which he =or she> is a participant< 2'# e' hasis30 2@an der .erwe et al 1886$21130

References in the text

1ou 'ust insert references when #ou use direct quotations fro' a text and when #ou use other infor'ation or ideas fro' sources 2e"en if #ou ara hrase or ut it in #our own words30 1ou 'ust identif# the source of the 'aterial b# gi"ing in brackets$ the author:s surna'e 2unless it alread# a the #ear of ublication/ colon =$>/ the age or ages referred to 2unless the entire ublication is to be indicated30 For example !here the author:s na'e a ears in the sentence$ !hile it has been shown b# Sandbrook 218-2$1923 that 0 0 0 !here the author:s na'e does not a ear in the sentence$ !e find it stated 0 0 0 2Aouldner 18-6$-530 !here #ou refer to the entire work/ #ou gi"e no age nu'bers$ So'e/ such as 7arsons 218))3/ go further than earlier authors 2.acI"er B 7age 1848C Aillin B Aillin 18423 0 0 0 !here there are two authors/ both surna'es are gi"en/ &oined b# an a' ersand$ !e 'a# refer to a 'ore recent source 2Ailio'ee B %da' 18-1$)1?)43 0 0 0 !here there are three or 'ore authors or editors/ the surna'e of the first is gi"en followed b# <et al< 2which 'eans <and others<3$ 000 2%lant et al 18-1$1253 0 0 0 ears in the sentence or aragra h3/

NB: It is not acceptable to use et al in the list of sources !ou must list all authors In the text" #ou can use et al" but under the follo$ing circumstances: Name all the authors in the first text reference in the document: %ou$s" &ruger and Burger '())):*+, discuss these factors -se the name of the first author follo$ed b# et al 'not italicised, in subsequent references: %ou$s et al '())):*+, discuss this in detail

Because .et al/ means .and others/" $e use the plural 0erb

Dor institutional authorshi / #ou su l# 'ini'u' identification$ 000 2S% Institute of Race Relations 188-$9?1-3 0 0 0 or/ for go"ern'ental re orts 0 0 0 2South %frica/ De t0 of Social De"elo 'ent 188-$4?)3 0 0 0 !here an author is res onsible for 'ore than one ublication in the sa'e #ear/ the# are distinguished b# using a/ b/ et cetera/ after the #ear of ublication$ !e learn that Da"is 218)9a$9913 0 0 0 % series of references should be se arated b# se'icolons$ 000 2Eohnson 18)1$92C Inkeles 18)4$12C Filliers 18)5$1693 0 0 0 !hen #ou refer to se"eral different ages in a source/ the# are se arated b# a co''a$ G 2Eohnson 18)1$92?95/ *6/ 8630 If #ou ha"e not consulted a book #ourself/ #ou should refer to it thus$ Aiddens 218*8$ 12)3/ citing 5ettelhei'/ indicates 0 0 0 HR 5ettelhei' has said 2quoted in Aiddens 18*8$ 12)3 000 0 Iere Aiddens and not 5ettelhei' would a ear in #our source list0 NB Don1t be tempted to cite sources #ou ha0e not personall# consulted 2xaminers ha0e a sixth sense about such things and it in0alidates #our claims of independent" original $or3 !hen #ou refer to enc#clo aedias or dictionaries/ #ou follow these exa' les$ 2J5 18)4/ s" o tics3 KKIere/ J5 refers to Jnc#clo aedia 5ritannica0 Hr 000 2Follins 2669/ s" custo'3 Here Collins refers to the Collins dictionary. Note: sv is an abbreviation of the Latin expression sub verbo, which means under the word. !hen the date or lace of ublication is unknown/ follow these guidelines$ If the date of ublication is unknown/ an abbre"iation of the Latin ex ression sine anno 2without a #ear3 is used in square brackets0 If the lace of ublication is unknown/ an abbre"iation of the Latin ex ression sine loco 2without lace3 is used in square brackets/ for exa' le$ %ccording to Eones 2=sa>$ 143 there are 0 0 0 000 in that regard 2Eones =sa>$ 16300000

Note: In the list of sources/ the S of both sine anno and sine loco is ca italised because it introduces a new ele'ent of the entr#0 In the text reference/ howe"er/ the s is written with a s'all letter0

4ist of sources
In the list of works at the end of the a er/ each ublication consulted and referred to in the text 2as abo"e3 'ust be identified full#0 2!e refer not to use the ter' <bibliogra h#< here as it is strictl# s eaking a list of all known ublications on a s ecific sub&ect03 %ll ublications are arranged al habeticall# according to the author:s na'es0 If #ou ha"e consulted 'ore than one ublication b# the sa'e author/ these are arranged chronologicall# according to the date of ublication0 5ources in general ,ote that all the details of a source are gi"en in the language of the source itself0 If #ou were to use a Aer'an book/ for instance/ its lace of ublication 'ight be .Lnchen/ not .unich0 List all sources as follows$ The author:s surna'e/ co''a 2/3/ and initial2s3 2indicate an editor b# 2ed3 following the initials3/ followed b# a full sto 2032,o full sto s between initials3 The date of ublication/ full sto 203 The title of the book/ full sto 203 2Hnl# the first letter of the title should be ca italised and the title should be underlined or italicised3 The lace 2cit# or town3 of ublication ? not the lace of rinting ? followed b# a colon 2$3 The na'e of the ublishers/ followed b# a full sto <Li'ited</ and MFo' an#<3 203 2H'it words like <7ublishers</

NB: No page numbers are gi0en in the case of boo3s in the list of sources 26C2PT $hen listing a separate chapter in an edited boo3 or antholog# 2xamples Aiddens0 %0 188*0 Central problems in social theory. London$ .ac'illan0 .a#lee/ ! .0 188-0 Principles of general psychology. 4th edition0 London$ Long'an0 Thouless/ R0 18*40 traight and crooked thinking0 London$ 7an0 Boo3s $ith more than one author or editor In cases where there is 'ore than one author/ the surna'es and initials of all the authors 'ust be indicated in the list of sources0

2xamples: Dekker/ J B @an Schalkw#k/ H E 2eds30 18-80 !odern education systems. Durban$ 5utterworths0 Aouws/ J/ ;ruger/ , B 5urger/ S0 26660 "he adolescent0 2nd edition0 Sandown$ Ieine'ann0 ;eat/ R B +rr#/ E0 18-20 7aul0 ocial theory as science. 2nd edition0 London$ Routledge B ;egan

7retorius/ E A du 7 B Jksteen/ L F0 18-10 ociology. Eohannesburg$ 7erskor0 Nuirk/ R B Areenbau'/ S0 18*90 A uni#ersity grammar of $nglish. London$ Long'an0 4ater editions of a boo3 If #ou consulted a second or later edition of a book/ #ou 'ust ro"ide the date of the edition #ou used and indicate which edition it is after the title in #our list of sources0 See the re"ious exa' le0 Translated $or3s Dollow this exa' le$ Jco/ +0 26660 %elief or nonbeliefO Translated fro' the Italian b# . 7roctor0 ,ew 1ork$ Aood 5ooks0 2Hriginal work ublished in 188803 NB In the text reference, use the year of the translation, eg. Eco !""":#$% . . . Institutional authorship In the exa' le for references in the text 2see the re"ious section3/ #ou saw an institutional listing 2S% Institute of Race Relations 188-$9?1-3 and for go"ern'ental re orts 2South %frica/ De t0 of Social De"elo 'ent 188-$4?)30 In #our list of sources/ #ou list this source al habeticall# as follows$ 5ritish .useu'0 18*50 &isitor's guide0 London0 South %frica 2Re ublic30 De art'ent of Jcono'ic %ffairs/ %griculture and Touris' !estern Fa e0 26660 (hite paper on sustainable tourism de#elopment and promotion in the (estern Cape. Fa e Town$ 5usiness 7ro'otion B Touris'0 South %frica 2Re ublic30 De art'ent of Jducation026620 )e#ised national curriculum statement grades )*+ ( chools): life orientation. 7retoria$ Ao"ern'ent 7rinter0 South %frica 2Re ublic30 De art'ent of Social De"elo 'ent0 188-0 Population policy for Africa. 7retoria$ De art'ent of Social De"elo 'ent0 South %frican Institute of Race Relations0 188-0 S%IRR0 outh African outh

ur#ey ,++-.,++/. Eohannesburg$

7or3s uni0ersall# 3no$n b# their titles: dictionaries and enc#clopaedias Fertain reference works are uni"ersall# known b# their titles and it 'akes things considerabl# easier for the reader if these works are listed under their titles0

2xamples: Collins $nglish dictionary. 0112. 3th edition. # 4custom4. 5lasgo6: HarperCollins. $ncyclopaedia %ritannica. 18)40 S" o tics0 London$ 5enton0 Note: sv is an abbreviation of the Latin expression sub verbo, which means under the word. 8 9ournal article or article in a ne$spaper or maga:ine !hen a &ournal article is referred to/ its title is followed b# a full sto 0 This is followed b# the title of the &ournal 2underlined or italici(ed3 and the "olu'e nu'ber/ the edition nu'ber in single brackets 2 3/ followed b# a colon/ the age nu'bers on which the article a ears and a full sto 0 2xamples Dennick/ J H0 18880 The role of the indi"idual in 'ass education0 Progressio 15223$ -)?890 Ierold/ ;0 26640 Infor'ation and its hiloso h#0 7ibrary "rends 52293/ !inter$ *4?-40 Eohnson/ 70 26610 !ater resources$ lanning for the future0 National 5eographer 14253/ .a#$ 1*5? 1-40 .chunu/ ,0 26690 .inister launches school health olic#0 Pretoria Ne6s/ 29 Eul#$ 40 !ebster/ J0 18-50 Fo' eting aradig's$ toward a critical sociolog# in Southern %frica0 8ynamics 11223$ 44?4-0 !hen the author of the article is unknown/ 'aga(ine4news a er4 ublication/ for exa' le$ Curationis 0(0)9 ,++:. ;air 7ady/ 16 Debruar# 26640 8n article in an antholog# or collecti0e $or3s If #ou referred to a s ecific article in an antholog# 2or collecti"e work3/ or a cha ter in an edited book/ #ou should ro"ide the required infor'ation in this wa#$ author:s na'e/ date/ the title of the article4cha ter followed b# a co''a and the word <in</ the title of the antholog# 2underlined or italici(ed3/ a co''a/ the words <edited b#< and the editor:s na'e/ a co''a 2/3/ lace of ublication/ colon 2$3/ ublisher/ a colon 2$3 and in single brackets the age nu'bers on which the article4cha ter a ears/ full sto 2030 27lease note that the initial2s3 of the editor a ears4a ear before the surna'e in this case03 2xample Aibbs/ E70 18-10 The sociolog# of de"iance and social control/ in ocial psychology: sociological perspecti#es9 edited b# . Rosenberg0 ,ew 1ork$ 5asic 5ooks$ 1*?)90 7retorius/ SA0 18-80 The education s#ste' of Ea an/ in !odern education systems/ edited b# J Dekker B HE "an Schalkw#k0 Durban$ 5utterworths$ 249?2-40

ocial the






T$o publications in the same #ear If #ou wish to refer to two ublications b# the sa'e author/ which were both ublished in the sa'e #ear/ distinguish between the' b# the addition of a and b after the #ear of ublication0 2xample Aiddens/ %0 18-2a0 Flass structure and class consciousness/ in Classes9 po6er and conflict: classical and contemporary debates/ edited b# % Aiddens B D Ield0 London$ .ac'illan0 21*?5230 Aiddens/ %0 18-2b0 Profiles and critiques in social theory0 London$ .ac'illan0 Dissertations or theses Iere/ follow the con"entions of listings for books/ but also list the degree and the uni"ersit#0 ,ote that the title of the dissertation or theses is not in Italics or underlined0 2xamples: .aguire/ E0 18*)0 % taxono'ic and ecological stud# of the li"ing and fossil I#stricidae with articular reference to Southern %frica0 7hD thesis/ +ni"ersit# of the !itwatersrand/ Eohannesburg0 @an der !esthui(en/ 7 D0 18*40 % descri tion of as ects of o"ert#0 .%?dissertation/ +ni"ersit# of 7retoria0 -npublished conference papers These are listed b# the na'e of the author of the a er0 The na'e of the a er is not underlined or italicised0 The official na'e of the conference is used and all the 'ain words 2describing the conference3 are ca italised0 2xamples: .otata/ J0 18*-0 The 5enedictine ethic and the s irit of scheduling0 7a er resented at the annual 'eeting of the International Societ# for the Fo' arati"e Stud# of Fi"ili(ations/ .ilwaukee/ % ril0 S'it/ %0 18-60 !o'en and II@4%IDS0 7a er resented at a congress organised b# %IDSF%7/ 4?) .ei/ +ni"ersit# of Stellenbosch0 -NI58 stud# guides !hen the author of the stud# guide is known/ list it b# author/ for exa' le$ Aouws/ DJ0 26620 5uidance9 counselling and life skills = de#elopment: <nly tudy 5uide for $"H012*= ($ducational themes: intermediate and senior phases). 7retoria$ +ni"ersit# of South %frica0 !hen the author of the stud# guide is unknown/ list it under +,IS% as follows$ +,IS%/ "ide +ni"ersit# of South %frica0 +ni"ersit# of South %frica0 De art'ent of ,ursing Science0 18-50 Nursing administration: 5uide , for N>A01,*=. Re"ised edition0 7retoria0 tudy

Internet articles The sa'e guidelines as abo"e a l#0 List the author2s3 al habeticall# with the rest of the sources0 The title of the article is followed b# the words %"ailable at$ and the !orld !ide !eb address is gi"en0 This is followed b# the hrase accessed on and the date on which #ou accessed that article in single brackets0 2xamples Iall/ D0 26610 The sociolog# of risk and social de'ogra hic change0 %"ailable at$ www0ssc0uwo0sociolog#4 o studies4d 2accessed on 694694266930 !eddington/A/ .ogotlane/S B Tshule/.0 26620 Fhallenge in South %frica$ creating a s eech and hearing rogra' at a historicall# black uni"ersit#0 %"ailable at$ www0 rofessional0asha0org4news 2accessed on 294*4266930 !hen the author of the Internet article is unknown/ #ou can list the !orld !ide !eb address along with the rest of #our sources/ for exa' le$ www0 rofessional0asha0org4news 2accessed on 2946*46930 In #our text reference/ #ou will then sa#$P000 as 'entioned before 2www0 rofessional0asha0org4news3 M0 0 0 7lease note that it is i' ortant to gi"e the date on which the infor'ation was accessed in the bibliogra hical entr# because the source 'a# not be a"ailable after a ti'e0 -n3no$n date or place of publication Dor the sake of con"enience the following exa' les are gi"en in this section on books/ but the rinci les a l# to an# source where the date or lace of ublication or the co #right date is lacking0 If the date of ublication is unknown/ an abbre"iation of the Latin ex ression sine anno 2without a #ear3 is used in square brackets0 If the lace of ublication is unknown/ an abbre"iation of the Latin ex ression sine loco 2without lace3 is used in square brackets0 2xamples: Eones/ D%0 =Sa>0 outh Africa and its peoples. Eohannesburg$ Southern0 S'it/ !70 18560 Cape gourmets. =Sl>$ Aour'ets Auild0 Note: In the list of sources/ the S of both sine anno and sine loco is ca italised because it introduces a new ele'ent of the entr#0 In the text reference/ howe"er/ the s is written with a s'all letter0

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