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Name ____________________________________ Class _________________________ Date ___________________

Judaism and Christianity Chapter Test

MULTIPLE CHOICE Read each statement or question. On the lines below write
the letter of the best answer.
______ 1. Who was Justinian?
______ 5. Whom do the Hebrews claim
a. Jesus’s father
as their ancestor?
b. a Jewish rabbi
a. Paul
c. a Christian missionary
b. Abraham
d. a Roman emperor
c. Theodora
______ 2. The eastern Roman Empire d. Moses
ended in
______ 6. The Torah is the first part of
a. 722 BC.
a. the Hebrew Bible.
b. 476.
b. Justinian’s Code.
c. 565.
c. the Gospels.
d. 1453.
d. the New Testament.
______ 3. Early Christian communities
______ 7. Nearly everyone who lived in
were led by
the Byzantine Empire was
a. bishops.
a. Christian.
b. saints.
b. Jewish.
c. rabbis.
c. Greek
d. pharaohs.
d. Muslim.
______ 4. Conflicts between kings
______ 8. The Resurrection is the
forced Israel to break into
Christian belief that Jesus
two kingdoms: Israel and
a. was crucified.
a. Jerusalem.
b. taught about salvation.
b. Canaan.
c. performed miracles.
c. Judah.
d. rose from the dead.
d. Byzantium.

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Name ____________________________________ Class _________________________ Date ___________________
Judaism and Christianity Chapter Test
______ 9. Christianity spread
______13. One non-Roman feature in
throughout the Roman
the Byzantine Empire was
Empire after
a. Latin drama.
a. riots against Justinian in
b. Greek language.
c. Christianity.
b. in the invasion of the
d. religious art.
Ottoman Turks.
c. the conversion of ______14. What are the Gospels?
Constantine. a. Jewish laws
d. different denominations b. letters written by Christian
were formed. missionaries
c. trade centers in the
______10. The Trinity is
Byzantine Empire
a. a belief in miracles and
d. accounts of Jesus’s life and
b. one of the Jewish holy
books. ______15. What do Jews consider to be
c. a Christian belief that God the holiest day of the entire
is made up of three year?
persons. a. Hanukkah
d. a Christian denomination. b. Passover
c. Rosh Hashanah
______11. During which Jewish holiday
d. Yom Kippur
do Jews celebrate the
Exodus? ______16. According to the Bible, Jesus
a. Hanukkah was born in
b. Passover a. Constantinople.
c. Rosh Hashanah b. Bethlehem.
d. Yom Kippur c. Damascus.
d. Rome.
______12. Jewish religious leaders are
a. rabbis.
b. priests.
c. bishops.
d. Apostles.

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Name ____________________________________ Class _________________________ Date ___________________
Judaism and Christianity Chapter Test
PRACTICING SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS Study the map below and answer the
question that follows.

______ 1. What formed most of the northern border of the Byzantine Empire in
a. Adriatic Sea
b. Black Sea
c. Danube River
d. Ionian Sea

FILL IN THE BLANK Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the word in
the word pair that best completes the sentence.
1. According to the ________________________, many people became
followers of Jesus after they saw him perform miracles.
(Old Testament/New Testament)
2. During the ________________________, Jews were scattered outside of Israel
and Judah. (Diaspora/Exodus)
3. The Gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
____________________. (John/Paul)
4. ________________________ became the leader of the Apostles after Jesus
died. (Paul/Peter)
5. The Bible says that Moses received the ________________________ on
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Name ____________________________________ Class _________________________ Date ___________________
Judaism and Christianity Chapter Test
Mount Sinai. (Old Testament/Ten Commandments)

TRUE/FALSE Read the FALSE statement below. Replace each underlined word
with one from the word bank that makes each sentence TRUE.

Byzantine Justinian Moses

righteousness Romans

1. Hebrew society was influenced by merchants from Asia, Africa, and Europe.
2. Both Abraham and Paul led the Hebrews on long journeys.
3. Central ideas of Judaism include justice, willfulness, and law.
4. Reuniting the eastern and western Roman Empires was a passion of
5. The Jews were conquered by the Byzantines.

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Name ____________________________________ Class _________________________ Date ___________________
Judaism and Christianity Chapter Test
MATCHING Read each description. On the lines below, write the letter of the term
or place that best matches each description.
______ 1. place where Jesus was raised
a. Talmud
______ 2. Jesus’s followers
b. Nazareth
______ 3. the Hebrews’ religion
c. Hagia Sophia
______ 4. the center of the eastern Roman Empire
d. Constantinople
______ 5. where the Hebrews settled and became
known as the Israelites e. monotheism
______ 6. pictures made from pieces of colored glass f. mosaics
or stone
g. Canaan
______ 7. one of the Byzantine Empire’s most
beautiful churches h. Judaism
______ 8. a code of moral laws i. Ten Commandments
______ 9. a book with commentaries explaining j. disciples
Jewish laws
______10. worship of only one God

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