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ThepurposeofthistutorialistohelpyoutolearnthebasicsofEaglesoftware. AsyoustartusingthissoftwaretomakethePCBforyourdesignproject,youwillfindthatthistutorialwill saveyouhoursofreadingthesoftwaremanual.Youcanalwaysreadthemanual,butitwillmakemoresense toyouafteryouusethistutorial. YoucandownloadfreeversionofEaglesoftwarefromtheCadSoftusa.comwebsite.Makesureyouareusing thesameversionasthelabscomputers,NOTNEWER.Thefreeversionofthesoftwareisfullyfunctionalwith only4x4inchmaximumboardsizelimitation.WehavethefullversionoftheCadSoftEaglesoftwareinstalled onourlabscomputers. NowwearegoingtostartusingEaglesoftwarebycreatingabasicschematicdiagramandPCBlayout.Bythe endofthistutorialyoullbeabletodrawtheschematicdiagramandmakethePCBlayoutforyourdesign project. OpenthesoftwarebyclickingontheEagleicon(Start>AllPrograms>EE>EagleLayoutEditor). TheControlPanelwillbeopened.OnthetopleftsideofthescreenclickFile>NewProject

Whenthenewfolderappears,nameitt01.RightclickonitandselectNEWSchematic. Thenewschematicwindowwillopen;itswherewearegoingtodrawtheschematicforourproject.


Command toolbar of the Schematic Editor (left) and the Layout Editor (right)

IfyouwanttoaddacomponenttoyourprojectclickontheADDbutton;thiswillopenthelibrary. WhenyouscrolldowntoSwitchandchoose320938,windowwillopen.Inupperrightsideofthatwindow youwillseetwosmallwindows.Thewindowontheleftrepresentsaschematicsymbolofthepartwechose, andthewindowontherightisshowingthePCBfootprintofthesamepart. ClicktheOKbuttonandyoullbeabletomovetheschematicsymbolofthecomponentyouchoseacrossthe screenwiththemouse. Torotatethesymbol,justrightclickthemouse.Toplacethesymbol,simplymoveittoadesirableposition andthenleftclick.Youmayplacethesamesymbolasmanytimesasyouwant.TogetoutjustpressEsc buttonandCancel,orjustclickonanytoolicon. ThebesttoolwouldbetheMovetool.YoumaynoticethatafterselectingtheMovetoolyoucanmoveany componentbyleftclickinganddraggingit.Withthisparticularcomponent,andinsomeothercomponents (especiallyconnectorsandswitches),youcanmovesetsofcontactsseparatelyinthesamedevise.Ifyouwant tomovethewholepartusetheGrouptool,highlightthepart,thenrightclickandselectMove:Group.Same goesfortheMirrortool.Youcanmirrorthewholepartorjustseparatecontactsfromthesamecomponent. TomirrorthewholecomponentselectGroup,Highlightthecomponent,selectmirrortool,rightclickon highlightedcomponent,andselectMirrorGroup.Youcanusethedeletetooltodeleteyourcomponentasa whole,byusingthegrouptool,orbyjustclickingoneachgroupofcontacts. Thenametoolletsyoutonameyourcomponent.Selectthenametool,clickonthecomponentanditwill opentheNamewindowwhereyoucantypeanewname,clicktheokbutton. YoucanalsousetheValuetooltotypethevalueofyourcomponent.Togiveyouanexampleletsgobackto theLibraryRCI(whereresistorscapacitorsandinductorsarestored)RUS0204/7,clickok. SelecttheNametoolandtypeR3,clickok.SelecttheValuetool,clickonthecomponentandtypethenew valueinthevaluewindowandclickok. Letsstartwithschematicdiagramforthe5Vpowersupply. Ifyouhaventdoneityet,deleteallthecomponentswepreviouslyplacedontheschematicwindow.










ToaddthePowersupplysymbolsSupply1>+5V(GND)>OK>Esc. Rearrangethepositionsofthecomponentsbymovingthemclosertogether.PresstheFitbuttontomake yourdrawingfitthewindow.UsetheWiretooltomaketheconnections.UsetheJunctiontooltomake connectionswherethewirecrossingsaresupposedtobeconnected.Ifthejunctiontoolnotusedwherewires arecrossing,theprogramtreatsitasnotconnected.Eventhoughthereisnovisibleconnectionbetweenthe groundsymbols,allgroundsymbolsareconnected.Thesamegoesforthe+5Vconnectionsandanywiresthat thathavethesamename.

PresstheboardbuttontogeneratethePCBboardfile.IntheWarningwindowthatappearsclicktheYes buttontocreatefromschematic.


Beforewegoanyfartherthereareafewthingsyoushouldknow: It is cheaper and faster to make a single sided printed circuit board. If you are planning to use the auto router to generate a single sided board, set the top layer to N/A in the General tab; this will make the auto router avoid putting traces (tracks) on the top of the board.

Trace (track) guidelines.

Be careful selecting the trace width. In general, you want to make the traces as wide as possible. Even if your board maker can handle small traces, you still want to make them as wide as possible. The smallest trace width is 8mils (0.2mm). Try not to make it smaller then 16mils (0.4mm). Smaller, more closely spaced traces also yield more crosstalk and less power-handling capacity. You have to consider how much current and voltage the trace will carry. Traces that carry more current need to be wider. Traces with high voltage need greater separation from other traces. The current-handling capacity is proportional to the cross-section area of the trace. You need to know the thickness of the copper on the board. Typical boards are rated as1ounce (35 uM) or 2 ounce (70 uM). We use boards with 1oz (ounce) of copper.

Here is the table of the current-handling capacity. (We use 1oz. copper boards)
CONDUCTOR WIDTH 5 mils (0.13mm) 10 mils (0.25mm) 20 mils (0.51mm) 30 mils (0.8mm) 50 mils (1.28mm) 100 mils (2.5mm) 1 oz. copper 500mA 800mA 1.4A 1.9A 2.5A 4A 2 oz. copper 700mA 1.4A 2.2A 3A 4A 7A

Spacing guidelines.
With spacing, the critical factor is the maximum voltage difference between conductors. For example: A 5V supply trace and 12V supply lines have 7V between them. The exact spacing depends on several factors; the voltage differential, any coating (like solder mask) in use, and even the boards operating altitude. Spacing between the traces (tracks) should not be smaller than 16 mils (0.4mm). When creating the ground plane select 16 mils isolation. This will create enough separation between traces, pads, and the ground plane, without this it would be too easy to bridge the traces while soldering.

Pads guidelines.
General rules for creating Pads and Vias are the same as for the traces. You want to make your Pads and Vias as wide as possible. When we are dealing with Pads and Vias the width is even more critical than when we are dealing with traces. You also have to consider the drill sizes you use. After drilling you need to have enough copper left around the hole for soldering which will make a better soldering connection, and will also make less likely for you to damage your board if you need to replace the component. Small pads tend to come off the board quite easily if overheated. For example; A 0.25 watt through-hole (DIP) resistor would need a 0.8mm hole size but the pad should not be smaller than 1.8mm diameter. With a 1.8mm pad youll have 0.5mm of copper left around the hole. I would recommend making the pad bigger (2.5mm-3.5mm). -------------------------------------------------------------------

Now we can move on to making PCB. Lets change the grid to 0.5mm With Display ON.
Start by moving components inside the board outline. Select the move button; click the mouse with the cursor placed on top of the component you want to move. Place the components in positions that it would take as little space as possible. Use the Move tool to resize the board outline. Use the Hole tool to pace the mounting holes on the board. Use the Change tool > then drill >then choose the diameter of the hole. Now, with the cursor on top of the hole, change the hole size by left clicking the mouse.

Use the Rout tool to draw the tracks connecting components. When you press the Rout button top toolbar will appear. Change the Width to 0.6096mm. From the top toolbar you can choose any type of wire bend you like by clicking on it. You can also change it by right clicking the mouse while drawing the tracks. If you are planning to have the ground plane you dont have to connect the ground wires.

Copper Fills. Certain types of boards, such as those containing sensitive analog amplifiers or analog to digital converters, can benefit by having noise-sensitive traces surrounded by ground traces. This is known as a ground ring. To make a ground plane click on the polygon button, Change Isolate on the top toolbar to 0.4064mm (16Mils). Highlight the icon left of Isolate (On). Start drawing the line on top of the board outline. After you finish drawing, the line turns to dots. Now, if you want your ground plane to be connected to all grounds you have to rename your ground plane to GND by pressing the Name tool and then clicking on the doted line. Now you can press the Ratsnest button. Your board should look like this:



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.5 1.8 2.5 2.82.9

0.007874 0.015748 0.02362 0.031496 0.03937 0.05906 0.0708661 0.0984251 0.11811

7.874 15.748(16) 23.62 31.496 39.37 59.06 70.86 98.484 118.11

Smallestclearance&trackwidth RecommendedPolygonClearance SmallestDrillSize Mostcomponentsdrillsize Drillsizeforheaders Anothercommondrillsize Smallestpad/VIAsize Recommendedpadsize Drillholesizeforthemountingsxrues

Thecomponentsyouareaddingtoschematicsandboardsarestoredinlibraries.Youmaywanttolookatdifferent componentsstoredinEagleLibrary.TheLibraryEditorhasthesameuserinterfaceastheSchematicandLayoutEditor. Therefore,youonlyneedtoknowafewadditionalcommandsfordefiningyourowncomponents. Alibrarynormallyconsistsofthreebasicelements: Package:Thefootprintinthelayout Symbol:Thedrawingfortheschematic Device:Therealcomponent,consistingofsymbolsandpackages Alibraryalsodefinesthingslikethenamingconventionsused,thevariantsavailable,andtheexactcorrespondence betweenthelogicalpinsoftheschematicsymbolandthepadsonthepackage. Certainexceptionsdonthavethesethreedistinctitems.Forexample:powersupplysymbols(likeVcc,VssorGND)have symbols,butnopackages.Framesandotherdecorativecomponentsdonthavepackagesorpins.Youcanalsomakea librarycontainingnothingbutpackages,whichisusefulwhenlayingoutboardswithoutusingschematiccapture. YoucanupdatethelibraryfromtheCadSoftandcomponentmanufactureswebsites.Youalsocancreateyourown libraryanddesignyourowncomponents.Theeasiestwaytocreateyourowncomponentisbymodifyinganexisting component. WewilltalkaboutthelibraryinmoredetailattheLibraryTutorial.

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