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International Journal of Language and Linguistics

2013; 1(3): 70-74 Published online August 20, 2013 (http://www.s ien epublishingg!oup. o"/#/i#ll) doi: 10.11$4%/#.i#ll.20130103.11

Syntactic analysis of Arabic adverbs between Arabic and English: X bar theory
Mohammed H. Al Aqad
&' ult( o) *'ngu'ge 'nd *inguisti s, +ni,e!sit( o) -'l'(', .u'l' *u"pu!, -'l'(si'

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-oh'""ed 1. Al A2'd. 3(nt' ti An'l(sis o) A!'bi Ad,e!b4s between A!'bi 'nd 5nglish: 6 7'! 8heo!(. International Journal of Language and Linguistics. 9ol. 1, :o. 3, 2013, pp. 70-74. doi: 10.11$4%/#.i#ll.20130103.11

Abstract: 8his stud( w's unde!t'/en to highlight so"e linguisti de,i es o) st!u tu!'l 'nd s(nt' ti 'n'l(sis o) "ulti-position A!'bi 'd,e!bs, the stud( o))e!ed ' s(nt' ti b'seline between A!'bi 'nd 5nglish, the !ese'! he! sele ted si; senten es o) A!'bi 'nd 5nglish 'd,e!bs, 3 in A!'bi 'nd 3 in 5nglish, in o!de! to se!,e the t's/ o) 'n'l(sis 'nd s !utini<e so"e indis e!nible 'd,e!bs lo i o) A!'bi o"p'!ing with one /e( position in 5nglish. 8he "'in pu!pose o) this stud( w's to in,estig'te whethe! the lo us o) 'd,e!bi'l senten e in A!'bi is "'t h'ble to lo us o) 5nglish senten e o! othe!wise. 8he sub#e t o) this stud( w's the )le;ible position o) A!'bi 'd,e!bs, whi h "'( 'pp!o' h in the initi'l, "iddle o! e,en end o) A!'bi senten e. 8ow'!ds th't end, ' o"p'!'ti,e "ethodolog( o) the A!'bi 'nd 5nglish 'd,e!bs h',e e;pli 'ted so"e de l'!'ti,e 'nd inte!!og'ti,e senten es )!o" A!'bi 'nd its o!!esponden e in 5nglish, ,i' 'dopted ho"es/('n s(nt' ti theo!( (=ho"s/(, 1>>?, -ini"'list P!og!'") with p'(ing heed to the s(nt' ti si"il'!ities 'nd dissi"il'!ities o) 'd,e!bs lo us in both s(ste"s 'nd del,e )o! the )le;ible position in A!'bi whi h ould h'nge the sententi'l "e'ning 'nd the g!'""'ti 'l st!u tu!e b( 'dopting =ho"s/( 64 theo!( (1>>?). Keywords: -ini"'list P!og!'", 3(nt' ti An'l(sis, A!'bi Ad,e!bs, *inguisti @e,i es, -ulti-Positions

1. Introduction
All l'ngu'ges h',e g!'""'!s 'nd 'll g!'""'!s '!e e2u'l, A!'""'! is 'lw'(s 'li/e in b'si w'(s, A!'""'! h'nge o,e!ti"e 'nd e,e!( l'ngu'ge h's it is own s(ste" in the wo!d o!de! o! senten e st!u tu!e. A!'bi l'ngu'ge is one o) the uni,e!s'l l'ngu'ges whi h h',e di))e!ent s(ste" o"p'!ing with othe! l'ngu'ges, )o! inst'n e, A!'bi h's "ultiple wo!d o!de! 39B 'nd 93B. 8his stud( highlights the -ode!n 3t'nd'!d A!'bi l'ngu'ge (-3A), whi h di))e!ent )!o" l'ssi 'l A!'bi . 1en e, 3t'nd'!d A!'bi l'ngu'ge is the n'ti,e l'ngu'ge )o! "o!e th'n 22 ount!ies in the -iddle 5'st. Ct h's it pee!less h'!' te!isti whi h identi)ies )!o" )u!the! l'ngu'ges. 8he inte!esting point he!ein is th't 9B3 'nd B93 wo!d o!de! '!e possible in A!'bi l'ngu'ge. 8he -3A l'ngu'ge is used in p!inted boo/s, newsp'pe!s, 'nd o))i i'l do u"ents. 8u /e!, (2010) gi,es ' )ull i"'ge o) A!'bi l'ngu'ge des !iption su h 's the wo!ds o!de!; whi h 'llows the 39B, 93B, 9B3, 'nd B93. 7esides, he shows the distin ti,e )e'tu!es o) the :ouns, 9e!bs, 'd,e!bs, Ad#e ti,esDet . A!'bi l'ngu'ge is !i h in the g!'""'ti 'l st!u tu!es.

1.1. Objectives Pe!t'ining to the wo!d o!de! o) both A!'bi 'nd 5nglish, 8his stud( )o us on the A!'bi EAd,e!bs4 lo i/positions 'nd how to o"p'!e the" with 5nglish 'd,e!b positions using 6 b'! theo!(. 8he!e)o!e, this stud( 'i"s to ' hie,e the )ollowing ob#e ti,es: 8o o"p'!e the Ad,e!b position in both A!'bi 'nd 5nglish l'ngu'ge. 5;'"ines the 'd,e!bs )un tion o) A!'bi l'ngu'ge in the 64 theo!(. 8o dete!"ine whi h s(nt' ti theo!( is !ele,'nt to A!'bi 'd,e!b. 1.2. Research Questions Cn o!de! to 'n'l(<e the A!'bi 'd,e!bs, the !ese'! he! t!ied to )ind 'nswe!s to the )ollowing 2uestions: F Gh't '!e the positions o) A!'bi 'd,e!bsH F 1ow ould the position o) A!'bi 'd,e!b '))e t the senten e "e'ningH F Ghi h s(nt' ti theo!( o) =ho"s/( is si"il'! to A!'bi l'ngu'geH

Cnte!n'tion'l Iou!n'l o) *'ngu'ge 'nd *inguisti s 2013; 1(3): 70-74


2. Literature e!iew
-ost o) the linguists 'nd 'utho!s de)ine the 'd,e!bs 'nd des !ibe thei! lo us in 5nglish 'nd A!'bi senten es, so"e o) the" 'g!eed th't 'd,e!bs ould o"pli 'te the senten e st!u tu!e due to the ,'!ious positions in the senten e. 8his o"pli 'tion 'tt!ibut'ble to s(nt' ti 'l 'nd se"'nti position, then the lo us o) 'd,e!b "'( not onl( h'nge the senten e "e'ning, but 'lso "'/e the senten e "e'ning)ul/"e'ningless o! e,en g!'""'ti 'l/ung!'""'ti 'l senten e (='te!1>%>, 7ing 1>%>, P'!!ot2000, A!een 2004; - ='!th(2000, 'nd J'i"es2001; 5dge! 2004, 'nd =el e--u! i', 1ughes 1>%>). Je)e!!ing to A!eenbe!g (1>$3: p $3) ited in (Al--o"'ni (2010)): K"ost o) uni,e!s'l l'ngu'ges st'!t with p!in ip'l 93B o!de! h',e 39B o!de! 's ' substitute o! 's the onl( substitute b'si o!de!L. 3e,e!'l studies, su h 's J'd)o!d (200>), 8!',is (1>%%), - =onnel-Ainet (1>%2), 'nd I' /endo)) (1>72) h',e 'g!eed th't the 'd,e!bs "ostl( !el( on its pl' e in the l'use, 'nd th't inside spe i)i senten e )ields, the 'd,e!b is E"o,'ble4 unde! 'n in,'!i'ble l'!i)i 'tion. J'd)o!d (200>), !e)used the 'se o) p!ob'bilit( o) "ultiple positions o) 'd,e!bs o) the s'"e l'ss. =ho"s/( (1>$?:103)) noted th't the!e is ' lose lin/ between p'ssi,e 'bilit( o) ,e!bs 'nd "'nne! "odi)i 'tion, 'nd 'dded th't the ,e!bs whi h do not get 'd,e!bi'l o) "'nne! )!eel( 'nnot be p'ssi,i<ed (e.g. weigh, h',e, !ese"ble, )it, 'nd "'!!( on the !el'ted inte!p!et'tion), 'lso des !ibed th't the 'd,e!b o) "'nne! ont!ibute in sub- l'ssi)i 'tion, ' t!uth whi h w's onst!u ted into his )o!"'li<'tion o) the p'ssi,e t!'ns)o!"'tion. A o!ding to (@'i"i 2001, &eh!i 1>>3, =h'l'bi 2004) the( list so"e "'#o! points !el'ted to A!'bi l'ngu'ge: A!'bi is )le;ible, )!eel'n e l'ngu'ge, A!'bi wo!ds '!e built )!o" the !oots ,A!'bi is w!itten )!o" !ight to le)t, A!'bi is 'n 'dditi,e 'nd onse!,'ti,e l'ngu'ge. 3olt'n (200>) 'n'l(<e the distin ti,e )e'tu!es o) i"pe!'ti,es ,e!bs )o!" in 3t'nd'!d A!'bi 'nd l'i"ed th't the l'ngu'ges th't h',e p!e-,e!b'l neg'tion whi h don4t 'llow neg'ti,e i"pe!'ti,es while l'ngu'ges with post-,e!b'l neg'tion 'lw'(s 'llow neg'ti,e i"pe!'ti,es. 2.1. Theoretical Background 6-b'! theo!( w's )i!st p!oposed b( :o'" =ho"s/( (1>70). Ct 'i"s to identi)( the si"il'! st!u tu!es '"ong l'ngu'ges. 8he lette! 6 in the 64 theo!( !ep!esents ' p'!t o) spee h whi h "'( be :oun (:), 9e!b (9), 'd,e!b (A@9), Ad#e ti,e (A), P!eposition (P), o! 8ense (8). KAll 6Ps 'n be b!o/en down into th!ee le,els. 8he 6P onsists o) ' spe i)ie!, whi h is b'si 'll( ' "odi)ie!, 'nd 6-b'!. 6-b'! onsists o) 6 (he'd) 'nd the o"ple"ent. &o! e;'"ple, 'n :P spe i)ie! is ' dete!"ine!, ' 9P spe i)ie! is 'n 'd,e!b, 'nd 'n AP spe i)ie! is ' deg!ee wo!d. 6-b'! st!u tu!e is thought to be uni,e!s'l, be 'use it o u!s in 'll l'ngu'ges. 8he wo!d o!de! is )!ee in A!'bi ; the wo!d o!de! is not #ust 39B 'nd 93B. KA!'bi l'ngu'ge h's st!u tu!e o) ' no"in'l senten e o) both sub#e t 'nd p!edi 'te ph!'se, with

no i"pli it ,e!b o! opul'L. 5;'"ple, KAl-2'"'!o "ush!i2un - 8he-"oon Alitte!ing - (8he "oon is glitte!ing)L 8he "o!phologi 'l s(nt' ti 'n'l(sis o) A!'bi is so o"pli 'ted o"p'!ed with othe! l'ngu'ges. Cn )' t, while e;p!essing the 'd,e!b, in 5nglish, the 'd,e!b o u!s be)o!e the ,e!b it "odi)ies. Bthe!wise, in A!'bi l'ngu'ge it o u!s be)o!e 'nd ')te! the ,e!b it "odi)ies, whi h "e'ns th't 'd,e!b position in A!'bi l'ngu'ge is )le;ible. As "entioned 'bo,e, A!'bi l'ngu'ge is ' )!ee wo!d o!de! l'ngu'ge; the senten e ould h',e )ou! )o!"s o) wo!d o!de! su h 's: 2.1.1. Example o !"O 8he bo( spe'/s 2ui /l( Al-w'l'du M't'/'l" 7eso!'4' NOPQR STUVW XYZY[ 2.1.2. Example o "!O 3pe'/s the bo( 2ui /l( M't'/'l" Al-w'l'du 7eso!'4' NOPQR XYZY[ STUVW 2.1.#. Example o "O! 3pe'/s 2ui /l( the bo( M't'/'l" 7eso!'4' Al-w'l'du XYZY[ NOPQR STUVW 2.1.$. Example o O"! \ui /l( spe'/s the bo( 7eso!'4' M't'/'l" Al-w'l'du XYZY[ STUVW NOPQR

". Methodolo#y
3i; /e!nel senten es h',e been tested in this stud(, th!ee senten es w!itten in st'nd'!d A!'bi l'ngu'ge 'nd thei! o!!esponden e in 5nglish, 'nd th!ee senten es w!itten in 3t'nd'!d 5nglish 'nd thei! o!!esponden e in A!'bi . 8he stud( 'dopts =ho"s/( 6-7'! 8heo!( in o!de! to displ'( the s(nt' ti st!u tu!e 'nd se"'nti "e'ning ,i' d!'wing the t!ee di'g!'"/ '!tog!'ph( 'nd e;pli 'te the senten e st!u tu!e. 8he stud( )o uses on the 39B o!de! o) A!'bi 'nd 5nglish l'ngu'ge.


-oh'""ed 1. Al A2'd: 3(nt' ti An'l(sis o) A!'bi Ad,e!b4s 7etween A!'bi 'nd 5nglish: 6 7'! 8heo!(

$. %ata Analysis and &indin#s

A!'bi senten e: m^[ nop bY[ q_r`Y[ sq_p A!'bi 8!'ns !iptions: gh'd'! 'l'2'd il' g'<' '"s 5nglish t!'nsl'tion: Al'2'd le)t to A'<' (este!d'( *ite!'l t!'nsl'tion: le)t 'l'2'd to g'<' (este!d'( &rgument and Thematic !tructure' gh'd'!: i,j: i:P1, PP1j kAgent, go'll 8he :oun : (A'<') "e!ges with A@9 ('"s) to )o!" :P, th't :P 'd#oins with P (il') to )o!" PP (il' A'<' '"s). 8hen the :oun (Al'2'd) "e!ges with the PP (il' A'<' '"s) to )o!" the 'nothe! :P (Al'2'd il' A'<' '"s). A)te! th't,the 9e!b (gh'd'!) dete!"ines gende! ("'le) 'nd whi h e"bodied tense in A!'bi l'ngu'ge, will "e!ge with :P to )o!" 9P with 'gent o! spe i)ie! (Al'2'd) to get the )in'l )o!" o) the senten e 's shown 'bo,e, Ah'd'! Al A2'd il' A'<' A"s, whi h "'t h in 5nglish Al A2'd *e)t to A'<' (este!d'(. :otwithst'nding, the 5nglish ,e!sion o) the s'"e senten e shows so"e s(nt' ti 'l di,e!gen es, whi h begin with sub#e t 'nd )ollowed b( ,e!b, he'ded b( 8ense Ph!'se, despite, being st'!ted with :oun, thus the p'!sing o) the 5nglish ,e!sion is p'!ti'll( di))e!ent th'n A!'bi one, p'!ti ul'!l( in the wo!d o!de! 'nd s(ste"'ti "e'ning, whe!e's; A!'bi ,e!sion shows st!ess on the ,e!b o! ' tion (gh'd'!) itsel), whilst; 5nglish one st!essed on the p'!t o) the sub#e t hi"sel). 1owe,e!, the A!'bi /e!nel senten e h's he'ded with 9P (,e!b ph!'se) p!o eed with :P, PP, 'nd :P. 7ut the 5nglish senten e he'ded with 8P (tense ph!'se) p!o eed with 84, 9P, PP, 'nd :P.

%igure 1. Parsing of Arabic sentence

A!'bi senten e: ]^_`a bcPdY[ e^ g f hTR A!'bi t!'ns !iptions: t'3'"'l be-lot)) "'3 'l-"'!d'h 5nglish t!'nsl'tion: /indl( t!e'ted the p'tients (p'st tense) *ite!'l t!'nsl'tion: t!e'ted /indl( the p'tients &rgument and Thematic !tructure' 8'3'"'l: i,j: i:P1, :P2j kAgent, the"el 8he ,e!b (t'3'"'l) "e!ges with the :P ('l "'!d'h) to )o!" the 94/ 9-b'! (t'3'"'l "'3 'l-"'!d'h) in o!de! to 'd#oins o! "e!ge the 'd,e!b (/indl(/ 7e-lot))) with the ,e!b to )o!" 9P (7e-lot)) t'3'"'l "'3 'l-"'!d'h) so in this senten e the "ini"'l p!o#e tion is the :P ('l "'!d'h) whe!e's the "';i"'l p!o#e tion is (7e-lot))) hen e, in this senten e we 'n see th't the position o) 'd,e!b in 5nglish o"e be)o!e the ,e!b it "odi)ies 'nd so"eti"es ould be 't the beginning o! the end o) the senten e, whe!e's; in A!'bi the 'd,e!b position/lo us is o"ing be)o!e o! ')te! the ,e!b, 'lso the beginning o! end o) senten e. 7ut 5nglish l'ngu'ge shows !e,e!sing whi h "e'nt the 5nglish senten e 's shown 'bo,e should st'!t with the A@9 E/indl(4 !eg'!dless the senten e is "e'ning)ul o! "e'ningless.

%igure #. Structural relation of Arabic sentence

%igure 2. Structure Analysis of Arabic & English adverbs

A!'bi senten e: [ fstPQ^ NusXdY[ bY[ vwx XYZY[ A!'bi t!'ns !iptions: 'l-w'l'du y'h'b' il' 'l-"'d!'s'h "'s!o!'n 5nglish t!'nsl'tion: 8he bo( #o()ull( went to the s hool (p'st tense) *ite!'l t!'nsl'tion: the bo( went to the s hool #o()ull(

Cnte!n'tion'l Iou!n'l o) *'ngu'ge 'nd *inguisti s 2013; 1(3): 70-74


&rgument and Thematic !tructure' y'h'b': i,j: i:P1, :P2j kAgent, the"el 8he ,e!b (<'h'b') "e!ges with the PP (il' 'l-"'d!'s'h) with the 9 to )o!" the 94 (<'h'b' il' 'l-"'d!'s'h) then 'd#oins the 'd,e!b (h'ppil() with the 94 to )o!" 9P (<'h'b' il' 'l-"'d!'s'h "'s!o!'n) ')te! th't "e!ge the 9P with the 8 (p'st) to )o!" 84 then 'd#oins 84 to 8he sub#e t ('l-w'l'du) :P !'ises o! "o,es to spe -8, )o!"ing 8P ('l-w'l'du y'h'b' il' 'l-"'d!'s'h) then "o,e the 'd,e!b )!o" botto" to top to "e!ge with the 8P to )o!" =P ('l-w'l'du y'h'b' il' 'l-"'d!'s'h "'s!o!'n), (8he "o,e"ents '!e shown using '!!ows). 8he t!i- onson'nt'l o!e ,e!b is t(pi 'l o) the A!'bi linguisti . 1e!e is the use o) ,'!ious onson'nts de,oted to ' !oot ,e!b to gene!'te ' di,e!se sense. &o! inst'n e, in 5nglish we would s'( zhe w!otez 'nd zhe di t'ted.z 8hese '!e du'l enti!el( not the s'"e wo!ds, but the !oot ,e!b is "'nipul'ted to )o!" one wo!d in the A!'bi l'ngu'ge. 3o the 5nglish wo!d z1e w!otez in A!'bi is z.'t'b',z 'nd z1e di t'tedz is zA/tubz, whi h is ,'!( )!o" 5nglish. 8he A!'bi l'ngu'ge ,'!ies !iti 'll( )!o" the l'ngu'ge o) 5nglish 'nd othe! *'tin-b'sed l'ngu'ges. 8he!e '!e spe i)i g!'""'ti 'l di,e!gen es, the !e'de!s "ust /now be)o!e o""en ing to unde!st'nd the l'ngu'ge. 8hese lues will 'ssist to o"p!ehend "u h st!u tu!e o) the l'ngu'ge.

A!'bi senten e but the 5nglish t!'nsl'tion got di))e!ent, 'll wh't h'ppens #ust b( shi)ting the do"in'nt lo us )!o" st'te to 'nothe!. 3o who un' 2u'inted with the A!'bi l'ngu'ge !ules will not noti e the di))e!en e '"ong the 'bo,e senten es, whi h e,e!( senten e )!o" the th!ee h',e di))e!ent "e'ning 'tt!ibut'ble to (no"in'ti,e, ' us'ti,e 'nd geniti,e) stP^ , Z^ , ZP^ !eg'!ding to A!'bi p'!se st!u tu!e. 1e!e, we show 'nothe! so"e e;'"ples o) A!'bi 'd,e!bs 'nd how 'n o"e up with -ulti-positions in the senten e st!u tu!e. Ge should /now th't ' noun Su[ in A!'bi l'ngu'ge sp'ns to o,e! "o!e th'n ' si"ple noun, it e;tends to de)inition o) noun Su[, p!onoun, Pdc 'd,e!b,_'d#e ti,e, Nhen e; inste'd o) s'(ing th't ' noun goes into ' e!t'in g!'""'ti 'l st'te, so"e e;'"ples )!o" A!'bi l'ngu'ge; XW , ] , Pc "e'ning y'id, hild , 'nd hit, so when we e"plo( the g!'""'ti 'l st'te on these 3 wo!ds will see the di))e!ent "e'nings o"es up with t!'nsl'tion )o! these senten es, so )!o" the below; so"e e;'"ple we will see th't A!'bi l'ngu'ge h's no 3ub#e t- Bb#e t o!de! , 's in 5nglish. [ fP{ |[}~^ ( + )* ~] { P c [ fP{ |[}~^ ' ()* ~] { P c 1: y'id hit ' hild l'tel( 2: A hild l'tel( hit y'id [ fP{ |[}~^ ( , )* ~] { P c 3: *'tel( y'id4s hild hit 8he stud( )inds out the )ollowing: Position o) A!'bi 'd,e!bs is "o!e h'nge'ble th'n 5nglish in te!"s o) tense 'nd "'nne!. A!'bi senten es h',e "ultiple "e'ning in !el'tion to the 'd,e!b lo us whi h le'ds to no"in'l, 'd,e!bi'l o! 'd#e ti,'l senten e. A!'bi h's less nu"be! o) i!!egul'! ,e!bs whi h '!e not utili<ing 'u;ili'!ies li/e zisz o! z'!ez in 5nglish. 8he sub#e t lo us o) A!'bi in 6-b'! theo!( is 9P-inte!n'l while th't o) 5nglish is 9P-e;te!n'l. A!'bi senten e ould h',e "o!e th'n one "e'ning pe!t'ining to the 'd,e!b position 'nd e,e!( senten e h'd di))e!ent "e'ning, in ont!'st to 5nglish. As 'n be seen )!o" the 'bo,e e;'"ples o) this stud(, the pl' e"ent o! position o) the 'd,e!b in A!'bi is not e's( to distinguish due to A!'bi 'd,e!bs h',e "o!e th'n one position 'nd so"eti"es !ele,'nt to 'd#e ti,e.

-. .onclusion
%igure $. Structural Analysis of Arabic adverb

[ fP{ |[}~^ X f W ~] { P cA!'bi senten e: A!'bi t!'ns !iptions: d'!'b te)el <'id "o'/h'!'n 5nglish t!'nsl'tion: A hild l'tel( hit y'id *ite!'l t!'nsl'tion: hit ' hild y'id l'tel( A!gu"ent 'nd the"'ti st!u tu!e: d'!'b: i,j: i:P1, :P2j kAgent, the"el 8he!e)o!e; note how the nouns y'id 'nd hild h's being "'de 's sub#e t, ob#e t 'nd p'!t o) ' possessi,e ph!'se, 'lso we 'n see th't the th!ee senten es )o used on y'id 's ' do"in'nt b( noti ed the "o,'ble lo us o) the A!'bi 'd,e!b (l'tel() [ P|[}^ while /eeping the s'"e st!u tu!e o)

8he !esults o) this stud( )ound th't 'ppl(ing 6-b'! theo!( on A!'bi senten es shown h'nge'ble positions o) 'd,e!bs between A!'bi 'nd 5nglish. Also, it shows the sub#e t position o) A!'bi in 6-b'! theo!( whi h is initi'll(. A!'bi l'ngu'ge h's ' lot o) t!'ns)e!'ble onstituents. Cn this p'pe!, the o!de! o) the senten es e'sil( h'nges )!o" 39B to othe! st'tes. 8he 'ppli 'tions o) 6 b'! theo!( on A!'bi l'ngu'ge senten es show the di))e!en es 'nd indis e!nible onstituents st!u tu!es '"ong l'ngu'ges. 8he b'si l'i" is th't hu"'n '!e bo!n with linguisti /nowledge li/e wh't 'ptu!ed in 6-b'! theo!(, in !eg'!ds to so"e /e!nel senten es e;pl'ined 'bo,e, the!e '!e tense 'nd "e'ning di,e!gen e between 5nglish 'nd A!'bi senten es whi h le'd to )u<<( "e'ning o! "e'ningless senten e


-oh'""ed 1. Al A2'd: 3(nt' ti An'l(sis o) A!'bi Ad,e!b4s 7etween A!'bi 'nd 5nglish: 6 7'! 8heo!(

so"ewhe!e whi h h's been e;pl'ined b( the s(nt' ti '!tog!'ph(. -o!e newl(, lite!'tu!e h's '!ose th't o))e!s ont!'di to!( )indings 'bout A!'bi whi h is el'sti but 't the s'"e ti"e on,e!s'nt l'ngu'ge, A!'bi h's ' s 'nt( o) i!!egul'! ,e!bs whi h '!e not utili<ed su h 's zisz o! z'!ez in the tense p!esent, subtle "odi)i 'tions in the ele"ent'!( onnot'tion o) ' ,e!b '!e e"e!ged b( 'dding to the !oot.


@'i"i, .. (2001). Cdenti)(ing 3(nt' ti A"biguities in 3ingle-P'!se A!'bi 3enten e. Cn =o"pute!s 'nd 1u"'nities 3?:333-34>. &eh!i, A. (1>>3). Cssues in the 3t!u tu!e o) A!'bi =l'uses 'nd Go!ds..luwe! A 'de"i Publishe!s, @o!d!e ht, 1oll'nd. A!een.7, et 'l. (2004). :P 3ub#e t @ete tion in 9e!b-Cniti'l A!'bi =l'uses. 3t'n)o!d +ni,e!sit(. 3t'n)o!d, =A >430?.1ono! o) 1ow'!d *'sni/, J. -'!tin, @. -i h'els 'nd I. +!i'ge!e/' (eds), %>-1??. ='"b!idge, -'ss.: -C8 P!ess. I' /endo)), J.3. (1>72). 3e"'nti Cnte!p!et'tion in Aene!'ti,e A!'""'!. ='"b!idge, -'ss.:-C8 P!ess. - =onnel-Ainet, 3. (1>%2). KAd,e!bs 'nd logi 'l )o!": A linguisti 'll( !e'listi theo!(.z *'ngu'ge ?%: 144-1%4.



C" g!'te)ul to Asso i'te P!o)esso! @!. Jodne( =. Iubil'do, 't 1u"'nities @i,ision, =ollege o) A!ts 'nd 3 ien es, +ni,e!sit( o) 1'w'ii 't +3A )o! his insight)ul suggestion 'nd ont!ibution. 8his stud( w's ondu ted using the =ho"s/( 1>>?, -ini"'list P!og!'".
i%j i>j

i1j i2j i3j i4j 7ing, A (1>%>). Bn &io'ting \u'nti)ie!s in 5nglish 'nd A!'bi . Iou!n'ls o) so i'l s ien es. =ho"s/(, :. (1>$?). K-ini"'list in2ui!ies: 8he )!'"ewo!/L. Cn 3tep b( 3tep: 5ss'(s in -ini"'list 3(nt';. =ho"s/(, :. (1>>?) '. 8he -ini"'list P!og!'". ='"b!idge, -'ss.: -C8 P!ess. =h'l'bi, A. (2004). 5llipti Pe!son'l P!onoun 'nd -8 in A!'bi . Cn I5P-2004-8A*: 2004 3pe i'l 3ession on A!'bi *'ngu'ge P!o essing-8e;t 'nd 3pee h.

i10j P'!!ot, I. (2000). 6-b'! 8heo!( 'nd 3t'nd'!d A!'bi . =o"p'!'ti,e s(nt';, 1ogs/ol'n @'l'!n'. i11j J'd)o!d, A (200>). An Cnt!odu tion to 5nglish 3entense 3t!u tu!e. ='"b!idge +ni,e!sit(, :ew Mo!/. P, 27>-2>%. i12j 3olt'n, +. (200>). K1e'ds o) ' )e'the! KAg!eeL togethe!: Bn the "o!phos(nt'; o) neg'tion in 3t'nd'!d. i13j 8u /e!, -. (2010). 8he -o!phos(nt'; o) the A!'bi 9e!b: 8ow'!d ' +ni)ied 3(nt';-P!osod(. +ni,e!sit( o) ='li)o!ni'. i14j Al--o"'ni, C. (2010). Ghole *'ngu'ge App!o' h: Philosoph(, P!in iples, 'nd C"pli 'tions. @i!'s't/edu 'tion'l 3 ien es, 2%(2): 272-2%%, 2001.. (in A!'bi ).

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