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SAP Training Participants Guide

Production Master Data is a process that occurs only at the plant level for the work centers, routings and production versions.

Master Data
Work Centers Routing Production Versions

Version: 1.0

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Master Data

Work Centers, Routings and Production Versions

W!" #aster data #anage#ent is $oth a central logistics and plant function that can $e used to change various aspects of production $asic data. %&a#ple' W!" #aster data #anage#ent at the plant level will create(change #aster data pertaining to work centers, routings and production versions. In )!P, this scenario is used to #anage approved work centers, routings and production versions. Routing * ! routing type that defines one or #ore se+uences of operations for the production of a #aterial. Routing Group * ! routing group co#$ines routings that descri$e si#ilar production processes and are used to produce si#ilar #aterials Routing Sequence * ,he order in which several assets are assigned to one collateral agree#ent Routing Operation * Independent part of a recipe e&ecuted on a processing unit. Routing Control Key * Deter#ines which $usiness transactions should $e e&ecuted for the o$-ect that $elongs to the task list or order .for e&a#ple scheduling or costing/.

Routings: ,he routing descri$es the operations, production steps that need to $e applied for production of an ite#. It is possi$le and reco##ended to define group routings without a specific product nu#$er. Products are allocated to this group routing. Re*using applica$le e&isting routings reduces the nu#$er of new routings to $e created. Routing is plant specific. It can also $e defined for a lot*si0e. ,he header contains a usage, status and planner group.

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SAP Training Participants Guide O"%ectives

Introduction * continued By the end o this chapter! you will "e a"le to understand: #or$ Center 1. Create Work Center .CR21/ 3. Change Work Center .CR23/ 4. Display Work Center .CR24/ 5. Work Center 6ist .CR27/ 7. Work centers assign#ent to cost center .CR28/ 8. Work center 9ierarchy .CR2:(CR31/ Routings 1. Create Routing .C!21/ 3. Change Routing .C!23/ 4. Display Routing .C!24/ 5. Create Reference ;peration )et .C!11/ 7. Change Reference ;peration )et .C!13/ 8. Display Reference ;peration )et .C!14/ <. Mass Change Work Center .C!:7n/ :. Display Change Docu#ents .Routings/ .C!81/ =. Display Change Docu#ents .Ref ;peration )ets/ .C!83/ 12. Maintain Production Versions .C334/ 11. Work Center Where*used .C!:2/ Production versions 1. Maintain Production Versions .C334/ Prerequisites: ,he following scenario*specific #aster data is re+uired for this scenario' ,he following specifics are re+uired for accurate #aster data for work centers, routings.

"ou have entered the #aster data re+uired to go through the procedures of this scenario. %nsure that the following scenario*specific #aster data e&ists $efore you test this scenario'

Plant Material Ite# >u#$er ,ask 6ist Work Center Control ?ey ;peration Description ;peration nu#$er ase @uantity ase Anit of Measure !ctivity @uantity !ctivity Anit of Measure !lternative Anit of Measure Asage Co#ponent Ite# Category @uantity Page 3 of 24

SAP Training Participants Guide O"%ectives

Change >u#$er .if applica$le/

Introduction B continued Reco&&ended: >one Audience: eginner users Pro-ect tea# #e#$ers Pro-ect leaders )upport personnel )uper users %nd users

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Master Data Work Centers, Routings, Production and Versions B continued ,he step nu#$ers in the Process ;verview ,a$le and the Process Clow Diagra# sections refer to the steps in the usiness Process Procedure docu#ent for this scenario.

Process Overview Ta"le


Step 'a&e

()ternal Process Re erence >(!

Business Condition Re+uire#ent to create(change work center #aster data Re+uire#ent to create(change routing is approved.


Transaction Code CR21, CR23,CR24

()pected Results ,he work center is created. Routing is changed using the change order nu#$er Production version is changed using the change order nu#$er Reference rate routings as an option

Create(change Work Center

Planning Personnel

Create ( Change routing

Planning(!ccounting Personnel

C!21,C!23, C!24

Create ( Change Production Version


Re+uire#ent to create(change production version is approved.

Planning Personnel


Reference rate routings


Reference rate routings

Planning(!ccounting Personnel

CR278 Work center report.C!41, C!43,C!71

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Master Data Work Centers, Routings, Production and Versions B continued Process ;verview ,a$le

Process .low /iagra&

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Master Data Work Centers, Routings, Production and Versions B continued ;rgani0ation )tructure Creating Production Master Data is a process that occurs only at the plant level for the work centers, routings and production versions. ,he current organi0ational roles will fit with the processes descri$ed here' %ngineering .new products/ Master Data #anage#ent Plant Planning(!ccounting personnel ! routing is co#prised of infor#ation co#ing fro# various process areas .engineering, costing, production, #aster dataD/ which forces all the infor#ation to $e consolidated in one place. ! W!" $usiness process needs to $e developed for #aster data #anage#ent to support the $usiness change that will $e re+uired to assure data integrity. ,he routing infor#ation will now $e consolidated into one area of the syste# hence increasing data accuracy. Realign#ent of resources and -o$ roles will $e re+uired as a result of this i#ple#entation

I#pacts to the $usiness process are identified as follows'

! plant function can $e changed for various aspects of productions $asic data D.

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SAP Training Participants Guide

! Work Center is an organi0ation unit that defines an operation and how itEs carried out.


Create Work Center

Create a Work Center

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SAP Training Participants Guide Purpose

,his work instruction is used to Create ( Change ( Display Work Centers.

! work center is an organi0ational unit that defines where and when an operation should $e carried out within a plant. ! work center is uni+ue within a plant. Work centers can $e #achines, people or production lines. ;perations that need to $e e&ecuted are defined on a task list and e&ecuted at the corresponding user assigned work center. ,his transaction ena$les the user to create $asic data, set defaults, assign#ents, and define capacities and scheduling data pertinent to a work center. Work centers contain default values that are copied or referenced in operations at the ti#e of task list creation. ,hey also contain costing, scheduling and capacity data re+uired for lead ti#e scheduling and capacity planning.

0nput 1 Required .ields Plant Work Center Work Center Category Copy fro# Plant Copy fro# Work Center .ield 2alue 3 Co&&ents %nter the plant code for the work center %nter the identifier for the work center Choose fro# pull down #enu .la$or, #achine, etc/ %nter plant Id to copy fro# !>D %nter Work Center to $e used as a #odel .ield 2alue 3 Co&&ents ;R

Output 4 Results .ields >ew work center within a plant

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SAP Training Participants Guide

6etEs Fet )tarted with Create a Work Center.


#or$ Step
Via ,ransaction Code B CR21 Step * %nter the Client nu#$er given to you $y your ad#inistrator. Step + %nter Aser code. Step , %nter Password. Step - Click %nter. 'ote: When logging into )!P instead of this si#ulation, you will need to use your )!P user na#e and password supplied $y your co#pany )!P !d#in. If your co#pany utili0es G)ingle )ign ;nE then these steps are irrelevant as you are already signed onto )!P and only need to choose the desired syste# fro# the list. Many of the actions associated with the #enu paths can $e perfor#ed fro# icons, key strokes or using the #ouse. ,his duplication or redundancy is $uilt into the syste# to #eet the varying needs or styles of the user. )o#e individuals en-oy using the #ouse and #enu paths, so#e get used to icons easily, so#e desire keystrokes while others prefer GrightE click or Gdou$leE clicks.

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Create a Work Center * continued Results: ,he )!P %asy !ccess panel displays.

#or$ Steps
,ransaction Code B CR21 Step * Click )!P #enu. Step + Click 6ogistics. Step , Click Production. Step - Click Master Data. Step 6 Click Work Centers. Step 7 Click Work Center. Step 8 Dou$le Click Create.

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Create a Work Center * continued Results: ,he Create Work Center' Initial )creen panel displays.

Step * Input Plant .Drop Down Menu B Re+uired/ Step + Input >ew Work Center .Create >ew >u#$er * Re+uired/ Step , Input Work Center Category .Drop Down Menu * Re+uired/ Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. 'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' Initial )creen panel using the required .R/, optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow. .ield 'a&e Plant /escription Code identifying the operational unit of the co#pany where the #aterial is #anufactured and stored. Code identifying a work Center. Code identifying the category of the work Center. )elect the appropriate category fro# the drop down. asic data icon. R3O3C3/ R 9ser Action and 2alues Co&&ents

Work Center Work Center Cat.


Step - Click the

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Create a Work Center B continued Result: ,he Create Work Center' Initial panel displays.

Step * Input Person Responsi$le .Drop Down Menu/ Step + Input Asage .Drop Down Menu/ Step , Input )upply !rea Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. 'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' asic Data panel using the re+uired .R/,optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow. .ield 'a&e Work Center Description Person Responsi$le Asage /escription Anderneath the Plant 6ocation, input a work center description. )pecifies person responsi$le for the work center. )elect the person fro# the drop $o&. ?ey to control the usage of the work center in the task lists. )elect the appropriate usage fro# the drop*down list. Cor routings use 221. ,he supply area is used for #aterial replenish#ent purposes. R3O3C3/ R ; 9ser Action and 2alues Co&&ents Prere+uisite

)upply !rea

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Scroll /own: Create a Work Center B continued

Step - Input ackflush Data if needed Step 6 Input )tandard Value ?ey .Drop Down Menu/ Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. 'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' asic Data panel using the required .R/,optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow.

.ield 'a&e ackflush

/escription )elect the indicator if the #aterial co#ponents are $ack flushed at this work center. ?ey defining the standard values. )elect the appropriate standard value key fro# the drop down. Default values ta$

R3O3C3/ ;

9ser Action and 2alues


)tandard Value key

Step 7 Click the

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Create a Work Center B continued Result: ,he Create Work Center' Default Values panel displays.

Step * Input Control ?ey Data .Drop Down Menu * !s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step + Input A;M of the )tandard Value .!s >eeded B ;ptional/ Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. 'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' Default Values panel using the re+uired .R/, optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow.

.ield 'a&e Control ?ey

/escription Code that deter#ines how an operation or su$* operation is to $e processed. )elect the appropriate key fro# the drop down list. Anit of the standard value for )etup, Machine H 6a$or. Capacities ta$.

R3O3C3/ ;

9ser Action and 2alues


A;M of standard values Step , Click the

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Create a Work Center B continued Result: ,he Create Work Center' Capacity ;verview panel displays.

.or (ach Capacity Category: Step * Input Capacity Category .Drop Down Menu * Re+uired/ Step + Input Pooled Capacity .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step , Input )etup Cor#ula .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step - Input Processing Cor#ula .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step 6 Input ,eardown Cor#ula .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step 7 Input ;ther Cor#ula .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step 8 Input Distri$ution .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step ; Input Int. dist. key .!s >eeded * ;ptional/

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Create a Work Center B continued Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. 'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' Default Values panel using the re+uired .R/, optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow. .ield 'a&e Capacity Category Pooled CapacityI )etup Cor#ula Cor#ula deter#ines the capacity re+uire#ents for setup. Cor#ula deter#ines the capacity re+uire#ents for processing. Cor#ula deter#ines the capacity re+uire#ents for teardown. Cor#ula Ased to calculate Capacity re+uire#ents for networks, #aintenance orders Deter#ines the distri$ution of capacity re+uire#ents for an operation over the periods of the operation duration for the following orders' Distri$ution Cap re+uire#ents .plant #aintenance, process order, network/ ; /escription ?ey which deter#ines the capacity type e&' #achine or la$or. R3O3C3/ R 9ser Action and 2alues )elect the appropriate capacity category fro# the dropdown list. >o Instructions Co&&ents

Processing Cor#ula ,eardown Cor#ula ;ther Cor#ula


Int. dist key

Step < Click the

Capacity icon.

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Create a Work Center B continued Result: ,he Change Work Center Capacity' 9eader panel displays.

Step * Input Capacity Category .Drop Down Menu * Re+uired/ Step + Check Pooled Capacity .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step , Input Cactory Calendar ID .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step - Input ase Anit of Measure .Drop Down Menu * Re+uired/ Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. 'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' Default Values panel using the re+uired .R/, optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow. .ield 'a&e Capacity Planner Frp /escription ?ey refers to the capacity planner group. )elect the appropriate planner group fro# the drop $o&. Code that identifies the factory calendar. Anit in which availa$le capacity is #aintained. R3O3C3/ R 9ser Action and 2alues Co&&ents

Cactory Calendar ase Anit of Measure Scroll /own:

; R

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Create a Work Center B continued

Step 6 Input )tart, Cinish and reak ,i#es .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step 7 Input Capacity Atili0ation .Re+uired/ Step 8 Input >o. of Indiv. Cap. .Re+uired/ Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. 'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' Default Values panel using the re+uired .R/, optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow. .ield 'a&e )tart, finish and $reak ti#es Capacity Atili0ation >o. of Indiv. Cap. /escription Code identifies start, end ti#e of the shifts and the length of $reaks per shift. Code that identifies the capacity utili0ation rates. R3O3C3/ ; 9ser Action and 2alues Co&&ents


>u#$er of ele#ents which #ake up a capacity group. Step ; Input ;verload .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step < Input Planning Details .!s >eeded * ;ptional/

'o instructions on how to proceed to Scheduling screen: ,herefore click the %nter ?ey .,op 6eft Corner/. Click on the ack ?ey .>e&t to the )ave Icon/ to return to the prior screen. Create a Work Center B continued Page 19 of 24

SAP Training Participants Guide

Result: ,he Create Work Center' Capacity ;verview panel displays.

Clic$ on the Scheduling Ta": Result: ,he Create Work Center' )cheduling panel displays.

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SAP Training Participants Guide

Create a Work Center B continued Step * Input Capacity Category .Drop Down Menu/ Step + Input )etup Cor#ula .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step , Input Processing Cor#ula .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step - Input ,eardown Cor#ula .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step 6 Input ;ther Cor#ula .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. 'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' Default Values panel using the re+uired .R/, optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow. .ield 'a&e Capacity category /escription ?ey which descri$es capacity in #ore detail. ,he capacity category ena$les you to deter#ine whether it is #achine or la$or capacity. Cor#ula used in scheduling to calculate the setup ti#e of an operation. Cor#ula used in scheduling to calculate the processing ti#e of an operation. Cor#ula used in scheduling to calculate the teardown ti#e of an operation. R3O3C3/ R 9ser Action and 2alues Co&&ents

)etup Cor#ula

Processing Cor#ula ,eardown Cor#ula

Scroll /own to see other Input Cield ;ptions. Input data appropriately B no instructions given.

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Create a Work Center B continued When data entry is co#pleted, scroll to the top.

Click on the Costing ,a$. Result: ,he Create Work Center' Cost Center !ssign#ent screen displays.

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Step * Input Cost Center .Drop Down Input )creen * Re+uired/ Scroll /own: Create a Work Center B continued

Step + Input !ctivity ,ype .!s >eeded * ;ptional/ Step , Input !ctivity Anit .!s >eeded ;ptional/ Ase the infor#ation fro# the ta$le $elow. Page 23 of 24

SAP Training Participants Guide

'ote: Apdate the Create Work Center' Default Values panel using the re+uired .R/, optional .;/, conditional .C/ and default .D/ fields displayed in the ta$le $elow. .ield 'a&e Cost center /escription Code identifying an organisational unit to which costs or assets are assigned Code descri$es the activity produced $y a cost center. Code descri$es the activity unit used to post the consu#ed activity +uantities. )elect the appropriate unit fro# the drop down list. R3O3C3/ R 9ser Action and 2alues Co&&ents

!ctivity ,ype !ctivity Anit

; ;

Step - A ter inputting all relevant data 1 Click Center.

)ave icon to save the new Work

%nd of Create Work Center.

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