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Multiple Intelligences 3er4al I en5oy reading6 writing 7 spea"ing Mat!ematical I en5oy wor"ing wit!

num4ers 7 science

Blooms Taxonomy: ix T!in"ing #e$els

%nowing & '(I)T *nderstanding + '(I)T ,pplying - '(I)T ,nalysing . '(I)T /reating 0 '(I)T 1$aluating 2 '(I)T

Write out your list words in different fonts. Write out your list words from least amount of letters to most amount of letters. /reate a crossword using your list words.

/!oose 0 of your list words. *se eac! word in a different sentence. *se scra44le tiles to wor" out t!e sum of eac! of your words.

/reate an acrostic poem for one of your list words. 'lay spelling dollars to wor" out t!e $alue of your words. a8 & 48 + c8 - etc9

/reate a word searc! and swap it wit! a friend. :roup your list words according to !ow many letters t!ey !a$e. W!ic! words !a$e t!e most and least amount of letters. /!oose t!ree spelling words. *sing t!ose letters to see !ow many ot!er words can you ma"e< :o on a !unt around t!e room and write down words t!at start wit! t!e sound of t!e wee". /reate words t!at r!yme wit! your list words. ?um4le up your words. @a$e a partner un5um4le t!em.

*se a dictionary to find t!e meanings of 2 of your most c!allenging words. 'lace your list words into groups. 1xplain !ow you grouped t!em.

Write . dictation sentences using your list words. 'ut your words onto a scale from easiest to spell ; !ardest to spell. W!y did you order t!em t!at way< /reate an artwor" using only your list words.

3isual= patial I en5oy painting6 drawing 7 $isualising

/!oose 0 words and draw a picture for eac! one.

'ut your words into tagxedo.

%inaest!etic I en5oy doing !ands>on acti$ities6 sports 7 dance

'lay cele4rity !eads wit! a partner. :i$e t!em clues to !elp t!em wor" out t!e word. ing your list words and record yourself singing t!em. 'lay a game of categories wit! t!e class.

/omplete a spelling acti$ity on

/reate t!ree 5o"es using your list words.

/reate a cartoon t!at !as at least . 4oxes. Write a caption under eac! image t!at includes a list word. Write a con$ersation 4etween two people t!at uses ten of your list words. Write a song using your list words.

Musical I en5oy ma"ing 7 listening to music Interpersonal I en5oy wor"ing wit! ot!ers

/lap and record t!e sylla4les in eac! of your list words. /omplete a parent test for !omewor".

/reate a tongue twister using t!e sound of t!e wee". /!oose 0 words and explain to a partner w!y you c!ose t!em.

/reate a new spelling acti$ity to !elp ot!ers learn t!eir words.

Intrapersonal I en5oy wor"ing 4y myself

#ist t!e words t!at you find !ard and easy.

/omplete a loo"6 say6 co$er6 write6 c!ec" for !omewor".

/!oose 0 words t!at you !a$e trou4le wit!. Write t!em out &A times eac!.

/reate a word ladder using all of your list words.

(rganise your words in re$erse alp!a4etical order. B ; ,.

/!oose any acti$ity from t!e grid and complete it. 1xplain w!y it !as !elped you learn your words to score t!e full 2 points. /reate a !and clapping c!ant wit! a partner and say your list words. !ow t!e teac!er. *se ten of your spelling words to write a paragrap!. Write t!ese words incorrectly and !a$e a partner correct t!e misspelt words. *se your list words to write a story. *nderline your list words in red.

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