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Espaol: "Los abajo firmantes, legisladores de los pases involucrados en la negociacin del Acuerdo de Asociacin Trans-Pacfico (TPP por sus siglas en ingls , !acemos un llamado a las Partes para "ue !agan p#blico el borrador del te$to antes de "ue se alcance o firme cual"uier acuerdo definitivo, con suficiente tiempo para permitir un efectivo escrutinio legislativo % un debate p#blico"& Ingls: "'e, t!e undersigned legislators from countries involved in t!e negotiation of t!e Trans-Pacific Partners!ip Agreement, call on t!e Parties to t!e negotiation to publis! t!e draft te$t of t!e Agreement before an% final agreement is reac!ed or signed (it! sufficient time to enable effective legislative scrutin% and public debate"& )*+,A-T./0
Australia Peter Whish-Wilson, Member of the Senate, Spokesperson on Trade, Green Party Canada Don Davies, Member of Parliament, Critic for International Trade, New Democratic Party Dp t, Porte!parole, Commerce International, No "ea Parti Dmocrati# e Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament, $eader of the Green Party Chile [Ver adjunta la carta firmada or !" di utados y #$ senadores el %&'#('(%#! idiendo la ublicaci)n del te*to+ ,a an Ms Mizuho -./.012MA'Ms, Social Democratic Party, %&!Minister of State for Special Missions, 'o se of Co ncillors Ms 3a4a4o 0.5./2, New Party Daichi, 'o se of (epresentati"es, Member of the 'o se Committee on ) dicial *ffairs Mr /atsumasa 0.5./2, People+s $ife ,irst, 'o se of (epresentati"es, Secretary General of the Party Ms 3omo4o /AM2, )apanese Comm nist Party, 'o se of Co ncillors, Member of the 'o se Committee on *-ric lt re, ,orestry and ,isheries Mr 3a4ashi 012671A8A, Democratic Party of )apan, 'o se of (epresentati"es, .ice Secretary General of the Party, Chairperson of Diet Members/ Ca c s to Ca tio sly Consider the TPP Mr A4io -./.3A, Democratic Party of )apan, 'o se of (epresentati"es, Member of the 'o se Committee on P blic Mana-ement, 'ome *ffairs, Posts and Telecomm nications *dministration

Ms Eri 37/.6A9A, Democratic Party of )apan, 'o se of Co ncillors, Member of the 'o se Committee on *-ric lt re, ,orestry and ,isheries, 0 rea Chief of Diet Members/ Ca c s to Ca tio sly Consider the TPP Ms 3omo4o A:E, Independent, 'o se of (epresentati"es, Member of the 'o se Committee on 'ealth, $abor and 1elfare Mr 0hizu4a /AME2, Independent, 'o se of (epresentati"es, %&!Minister of Transport Mr 3aro ;AMAM737, Independent, 'o se of Co ncillors, Member of the 'o se Committee on Cabinet Malaysia Mahfuz 7mar, Pakatan (akyat< Parti Islam Se!Malaysia 2P*S3, P*S "ice!president 9ooi 1siao =eun>, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat 2P4(3, "ice!chairman of P4( 4edah Azman 2smail, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat ,ohari Abdul, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat, member of P4(/s national S preme Co ncil 6 0urendran, Pakatan (akyat, Parti 4eadilan (akyat, P4( "ice!president /amarudin ,affar, Pakatan (akyat< Parti Islam Se!Malaysia, member of P*S/ national Central Committee 8aja /amarul :ahrin, Pakatan (akyat< Parti Islam Se!Malaysia 0im Chee /eon>, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party /asthuriraani Patto, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party 5airil /hir ,ohari, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party 2D*P3, member of the Central %&ec ti"e Committee of the D*P 6> Wei Ai4, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party, D*P *ssistant P blicity Secretary 7oi Chuan Aun, Pakatan (akyat, Democratic *ction Party 0im 3ze 3zin, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat Mujahid ;usof 8a?a, Pakatan (akyat, Parti Islam Se!Malaysia, head of P*S/ National 5nity 0 rea 6>a /or Min>, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party, D*P assistant national treas rer Michael ,eya4umar Devaraj, Parti Sosialis Malaysia 2PSM3, member of the Parliamentary Ca c s on the TPP, fo ndin- member and central committee member of PSM 0u /en> 0ion>, Pakatan (akyat, Democratic *ction Party 6>eh /oo 1am, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party, member of D*P/s Central Committee and head of the Perak state committee /o Chun> 0en, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party =ee :oon Chye, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat, P4( "ice!president Mohamad 2mran Abd 1amid, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat -uziah 0alleh, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat, P4( "ice!president William =eon> ,ee /een, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat, member of P4(/s S preme Co ncil and Treas rer General of P4( 5uraida binti /amaruddin, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat, head of 1omen/s 1in- of P4( Mohd 8afizi bin 8amli, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat 7n> /ian Min>, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party 9obind 0in>h Deo, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party, secretary of D*P national le-al b rea Won> Chen, Pakatan (akyat, Parti 4eadilan (akyat, member of the Parliamentary Ca c s on the TPP, chair of P4( Trade and In"estment 0 rea 1ee =oy 0ian, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat Pua /iam Wee, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party 0ivarasa /@ 8asiah, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat, P4( "ice!president /halid bin Abd 0amad, Pakatan (akyat< Parti Islam Se!Malaysia, P*S Central Committee member 9@ Manivannan 9o?indasamy, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat Charles Anthony 8@ 0antia>o, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party, member of the Parliamentary Ca c s on the TPP 0iti Mariah binti Mahmud, Pakatan (akyat, Parti Islam Se!Malaysia Abdullah 0ani bin Abdul 1amid, Pakatan (akyat, Parti 4eadilan (akyat 3an /ee /?on>, Pakatan (akyat< Parti 4eadilan (akyat, former Dep ty $and and Cooperati"e De"elopment Minister, P4( S preme Co ncil member 6urul 2zzah An?ar, Pakatan (akyat, Parti 4eadilan (akyat, member of the Parliamentary Ca c s on the TPP, P4( "ice!president 0im 3on> 1im, Pakatan (akyat, Democratic *ction Party Mohd 2dris bin ,usi, Pakatan (akyat, Parti 4eadilan (akyat

=ie? Chin 3on>, Pakatan (akyat, Democratic *ction Party, D*P political ed cation director, D*P central e&ec ti"e co ncil member 3eo 6ie Chin>, Pakatan (akyat, Democratic *ction Party, D*P assistant p blicity secretary Won> 0ze Phin, Pakatan (akyat, Democratic *ction Party 2>natius Dorrel =ei4in>, Pakatan (akyat, Parti 4eadilan (akyat ,ulian 3an /o4 Pin>, Pakatan (akyat< Democratic *ction Party 6e? 5ealand 8ussel 6orman< Member of Parliament, Co!leader and Spokesperson on TPP, Green Party Metiria 3urei< Member of Parliament, Co!leader, Green Party Winston Peters, Member of Parliament, $eader and Trade Spokesperson, New 6ealand ,irst, former Minister of ,orei-n *ffairs 3racey Martin, Member of Parliament, Dep ty $eader, New 6ealand ,irst 1one 1ara?ira< Member of Parliament, $eader, Mana Party 3ariana 3uria< Member of Parliament, Co!$eader, Maori Party 3e .ruroa -lavell, Member of Parliament, Co!leader, Maori Party PerA Marisol Es inoza Cruz< Con-resista, 0ancada Nacionalista Gana Per7, .icepresidenta de la (ep7blica Claudia Coari Mamani< Con-resista, 0ancada Nacionalista Gana Per7, ,osB =e)n 8ivera< Con-resista, 0ancada Per7 Posible, %& ministro de *-ric lt ra Daniel Mora 5evallos< Con-resista, 0ancada Per7 Posible, Presidente de la Comisi8n de %d caci8n, %& ministro de Defensa MesCas 9uevara AmasifuBn< Con-resista, 0ancada ,rente *mplio 9 *cci8n Pop lar, Secretario -eneral del partido *cci8n Pop lar ,or>e 8imarachCn Cabrera< Con-resista, 0ancada ,rente *mplio 9 *cci8n Pop lar, Presidente de la Comisi8n de Descentrali:aci8n =eonardo A>ustCn 2n>a VDsEuez< Con-resista, 0ancada ,rente *mplio 9 *cci8n Pop lar, Presidente de la Comisi8n de .i"ienda Ver)ni4a Mendoza -risch< Con-resista, 0ancada ,rente *mplio 9 *cci8n Pop lar Manuel Dammert E>o A>uirre< Con-resista, 0ancada ,rente *mplio 9 *cci8n Pop lar 8osa MDvila =e)n< Con-resista, 0ancada ,rente *mplio 9 *cci8n Pop lar ;onhy =escano Ancieta< Con-resista, 0ancada ,rente *mplio 9 *cci8n Pop lar Manuel Merino de =ama< Con-resista, 0ancada ,rente *mplio 9 *cci8n Pop lar Cecilia 3ait Villacorta< Con-resista, 0ancada 5ni8n (e-ional 6orman =e?is Del AlcDzar< Con-resista, 0ancada 5ni8n (e-ional, Presidente de la Comisi8n *-raria Mariano Portu>al Catacora< Con-resista, 0ancada 5ni8n (e-ional Vicente 5eballos 0alinas< Con-resista, 0ancada Solidaridad Nacional, Presidente de la Comisi8n de ,iscali:aci8n 9ustavo 8ond)n -udina>a< Con-resista, 0ancada Solidaridad Nacional Carmen 8osa 6AFez De AcuFa< Con-resista, 0ancada Solidaridad Nacional Vir>ilio AcuFa Peralta< Con-resista, 0ancada Solidaridad Nacional MarCa 0oledad PBrez 3ello< Con-resista, 0ancada PPC 9 *PP Alberto :ein>olea Del>ado< Con-resista, 0ancada PPC 9 *PP .0 [Ver adjuntas las cartas de miembros del Con>reso idiendo la ublicaci)n del 3PP+

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