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Introduction A network is defined by Noergaard (2005) as a collection of two or more connected devices that can send or receive data.

He further adds that the relationshi between these connected devices in a network determines the total architecture. !he ur ose of this re ort is to understand the networked a lications architectures. !wo networking architectures are covered here" the client#server architecture and eer$to$ eer architecture. !he re ort first gives an outline of these two architectures and their advantages and disadvantages. %t is seen that the industry divides its roducts on the conce t of client$server model or eer$to$ eer model. &ome a lications erform better with the former model while others erform better with the later model ('lemt 2005)( )**2). +ased on the understanding of this re ort( two se arate scenarios for a basic networking a lication will be analysed. !he idea will be to ,udge the ty e of networking architecture to be used for each scenario. -inally based on the entire analysis( a conclusion will be drawn as to which resource has to be used in what situation.

Part 1: Review of Client/Server and P2P application architecture Client/Server architecture .lient$network com uting is one of the most basic aradigms of distributed com uting( and this architecture is based on the aradigm as described by /alote (2005). !his

architecture has a minimum of three com onents 0 a client( a server and a network that connects these two systems. !his is a two level architecture where a client re1uests a service and the server rovides it (&ingh 2005). !he server is usually accessed through a remote rocedure called 23.( re1uest of which is defined by their signature. !he

rocessing of the re1uest is internal to the server and is trans arent to the client. !he client and server may be on different or same systems Advantages of client#server architecture .lient server architecture using 23.s has been used for over a decade for system wide e4change com uting (&ingh 2005). !he main reason for this is the high level of reliability this architecture rovides. %t is also found that the cost of the entire system over a eriod of time is less than that used by other architectures. %n addition( the architecture also enhances safety since any of its com onents can be removed without a ma,or im act on the other system. !his architecture leads to a better distribution of resources through the system. !his architecture also leads to increased roductivity because the front and back end distribution of rocesses is o timised (/alote( 2005). 5isadvantages of client#server architecture

!he main disadvantage of the client#server architecture is that there are multi le databases in the client#server environment( making the management and synchroni6ing of the data shared between them difficult. !his also leads to a difficulty in software distribution and configuration management rogram( as the system is distributed. !he cost of maintenance may also increase because of the different networks being inter$ networked. P2P architecture 3eer$to$ eer or 323 architecture is another way of managing distributed a lications. %n this method( the individual nodes have similar and com arable roles( unlike the client#server systems. %n this architecture( the nodes are given roles such that both can act as client and server. !his ty e of connection re1uires at least two com uters connected to each other (2eid( 2007). %n order to function correctly each node of the system should know the address of at least another node. 8ach node can directly contact the other node of the system for using its resources( without going trough the server (Heathcote 9 :angfield( 2007) Advantages of 323 Architecture !his ty e of communication e4ists since the time of old %+; 3.s. !he rimary

advantage of a 323 network is that it is fault tolerant and there is no single location for the fault. !his means that the system works well even when several of its com onents are missing (<erma( 2007). Also the combination of rocessing ower of multi le nodes in a network greatly increases the efficiency of the system in terms of combined rocessing ower and storage when com ared with a central server. 323 systems are hence e4tremely autonomous and can secure anonymity. !hey can be generally de loyed in an

ad hoc system without re1uiring central management or control. -inally( unlike the client#server systems there is no need for a se arate network o erating system (2eid( 2007). 5isadvantages of 323 Architecture !he manageability of eer$to$ eer systems is much harder( due to the e4tremely

distributed nature of the system. &ecurity is also not centrally controlled and the users need to remember different asswords for accessing the resources located on different nodes on the network (3orter( 200=). -acilities such as backu are the res onsibilities of the individual user unlike the client#server systems where the server can schedule them. !his system works best for lesser number of systems in a network( usually under )0 (2eid( 2007).

Part 2: The architecture of Mr. Robertson s ho!e networ" Network Architecture !he architecture which % would suggest for ;r. 2obertson>s home would be a eer?to$ eer network. !here is no necessity for a client#server model in this case. Also no ty e of hub system is re1uired( since the a lication is very sim le /ustification As is already e4 lained in the section above( a eer$to eer network is used for ease of a lications without e4tra overload. !he system works best for systems which having less than )0 systems. As ;r. 2obertson>s system uses only two com uters( the system is ideal for this ur ose. %n addition to this( the home network does not re1uire the

additional overhead of a server so a ure eer$to$ eer system( one without any server (&ubramanian 9 @oodman( 2005)( can be used. !he a lication mainly used is the file sharing which can be easily done. Also for using the internet( there is no necessity for the system to have simultaneous connections as is already mentioned in the e4am le. Ahile( to most intents and ur oses( a rinter a lication re1uires the use of a server so as to manage the rint re1uest being sent from multi le systems( this is clearly not the case here. !he network should merely have the ca ability to receive rint ,obs from both the systems a simultaneous o erational ca ability is not really re1uired( as the a lication would not be too critical. %n the worst case( the rint ,ob could be cancelled and given again.

-inally( the use of a client server system would in addition to setting a server( also need additional com onents and software like an o erating system( which is not re1uired in this case( as there is no need for tasks like allocation resources( backu s etc. Also( ;r 2obertson gets the advantage of removing any of the two systems from the network at anytime( and the second com onent would work ,ust as well( as neither of the system is a server. Components for the home network %n addition to the 2 com uters and rinters urchased by ;r. 2obertson( he needs very few com onents to get his system u an running. He would need the cable modem( a twisted cable air( media converter for running the internet through cable( a s litter and a rint sharer. !here is no necessity for a hub for such a system( which is necessary only if there are more than two com uters on a network. !he s litter would divide the internet connection to the two systems which will the function of the rint sharer also. A wireless N%. or a wired one can be used to share the network. Bnly single numbers of com onents( e4ce t the connecting cables( are needed because there are only two com uters. Topology of the home network

3.) ;edia .onverter & litter 3.2 3rinter

!he figure above shows the basic to ology of the network. As e4 lained above( there is no need for a hub for ,ust 2 systems. !he rinter can be connected either via a rint sharer or the software can be used to do that by accessing the network. Here( each com uter can access the network rinter. %n addition( the cable connection that comes can be s lit into two using a s litter. !his ty e of networking re1uires basic minimum of com onents and can be used for connecting systems on a home network. !his system is e4tendable to more than two systems. !he only difference would be that in that case( a hub would be used between the two systems instead of ,ust a cable. Also the cable ty e( which is twisted in this case( might be changed for more than two com uter systems( because of load factors. %n this case also( there will not be any necessity for a server( as the rinter tasks will be shared( but not scheduled or managed by an e4ternal system.

Part #: The architecture of the $%& of 'C Inc. Network Architecture -or the com any>s :AN( a client server system is a must. !here are only )= systems( on the :AN would more than fulfil the a lication necessity. !here are multi le a lications needed for this system. !here is the rinter service which is multi le in numbers and locations. %n addition( there is the obvious necessity for an email and web server for the business a lications. All this necessitates are need for the use of a client#server model. /ustification %n many of the situations given above the eer$to$ eer network fails to have any use. -irst and foremost is the number of systems. !he 323 system is only suitable if the number of systems is less than )0( as mentioned earlier. Also it is not ,ust the number of system that is a roblem( since it is not a very huge network. Bffice a lications as a rule need more features and functionality than a home based server( and so the load on the network contributed by each system is also a lot. %n addition to this there is he additional necessity for security and backu s as com ared to the home networks. 3eo le usually refer

manual backu s on their home networks( but almost all the com anies insist on having scheduled backu s for the rotection of data. %n addition( the systems also need to have security u dates with a controlled installation( which is not necessary for a home network( whose security necessities e4tend ma4imum to having a basic firewall. As in earlier case( due to data sensitivity( com anies refer to have all of these controlled rather than leaving it to the discretion of the office em loyees. !here is an obvious burden due to the higher cost of installation and maintenance of the system. +ut this is more than com ensated by the 1uality of security and safety levels given by such a system. Also since( there are only )= em loyees in the system( it is logical to have the email server as the same as the network server. !his is also true for the web server a lications. However( here there is an assum tion being taken. %t is assumed that the com any business is a small si6e( based on the number of eo le working there. !his may very well not be the case. %n addition to this( the web sever installation might be mandatory on an e4ternal system( because of security reasons. -or instance( the com any might not want its intranet lined with its webserver to rovide more security. !his case might necessitate the need for a se arate web server( though for this re ort( a single sever is being considered for now. Physical Components %n addition to the com uter systems and rinters( the com any needs many additional systems to make a network. -irst and the most im ortant of this is the server system( which needs be high ended( with high rocessing ower and s eed. !his is that the system can easily act as a intranet server( a mail server( and also the web server. %n addition to this a router is essential for connecting to the internet via the 5&: modem.

Also there are multi le numbers of cables( based on the systems connected to the network. &ince the system is connected via the 8thernet here( the internet being a 5&: based one" the corres onding cables are also re1uired. !he rinter is connected to the server( which takes care of the scheduling the rint ,obs. !he other servers( as mentioned earlier are situated on the main server itself.

&erver (%ntranet( mail server and web server)

5&: modem 3rinter





!he figure above shows the scheme of the connection diagram. !he above diagram is a very sim listic way of re resentation of the office network. As mentioned above( the server would be common from email and web a lications( and also take care of the intra networking scheme. %n addition( the various rinters and 5&: modem would be added to this server only. !he server would need a network o erating system and the main security firewalls and the rotection schemes like the antivirus would be installed here. 8thernet would be the mode of interconnection in the network. !he system can be e4tended when a new web server is re1uired( which is se arate from the resent server. !here can be

another server attached to the resent one which would take care of the business related websites etc. !he connection would be restricted so that only the urchase related or feedback related information is assed to the main server( which would then direct this information to the necessary client system.

Conclusion %n the re ort mentioned above( there were two ty es of networking architecture which were analysed. Bne was the client server architecture( which is one of the oldest networking schemes available. !he system finds its use in com le4 networks having many systems( and necessity for multi$file sharing a lications( common or shared database and also security. All these are rovided by this system( which the case seen by the com any e4am le is being taken here. !he o erations are very com le4 with multi$ rinters and their multi le locations( the necessary for common access to the internet( and also the need for servers for websites and emails. Also the network needed security and will be needed managed access ermission for files stored on the network. !he restricted ty e of entry for a network is ossible only for a client and server ty e of architecture( which is what was ro osed for this case. !he com any being an accounting firm would also need internal data restrictions and security issues( which can only be tacked by this architecture. %n contrast( the home networking system is a very sim le o eration( which needs to have a mere connection to the internet and the use of a rinter. !here are no constraints of security or access restrictions on this systems and the main a lication need is a basic file share o eration. -or such a system a basic( eer$to$ eer architecture is sufficient. !here is

no need for hubs also as there are only two systems. !he network does not need any server based system which is too much of overkill here. Hence( using these two e4am les( the two ty es of networking architectures are e4 lained here.

References Heathcote 3;( :angfield &( (2007), A Level Computing( Harcourt 3ayne @allway /alote 3( (2005)( An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering( 'an urD & ringer 'lemt H( (2005)( The IBE pert Boo!( +o5 (+ooks on 5emand) Noergaard !( (2005)( Em"edded S#$tem$ Architecture% A Comprehen$ive &uide for Engineer$ and 'rogrammer$( B4fordD 8lsevier 3orter !( (200=)( 'ractical (oI' Securit#( 2ockland ;AD &yngress 2eid -( (2007)( )etwor! 'rogramming in *)ET% +ith C, and (i$ual Ba$ic *)ET( B4fordD 8lsevier &ingh ;3( (2005)( The 'ractical hand"oo! of Internet Computing( -loridaD .2. 3ress &ubramanian 2( @oodman +5, -.//0), 'eer1to1peer Computing% The Evolution of a 2i$ruptive Technolog#( :ondonD %dea @rou %nc.

<erma 5( (2007)( Legitimate Application$ of 'eer1to1'eer )etwor!$( New /erseyD Ailey$%888

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