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Project Description Template

Strategic objective: Sustainable livelihoods available for rural youth Relevant IRs and sub-IRs for this project (with corresponding Results Framework numbers): Barriers to attend school are decreased, particularly for girls (IR 1.1.2) PART ONE

Name of project component/activity cluster: Establish/improve schools - Supply Improvement Brief narrative description: Establish schools in community spaces (particularly mosques) in underserved areas, improve existing local schools, or would build a school where one didnt exist. Rationale (i.e., why are these implementers doing these activities with this target audience? In some rural communities, there are
Target audience(s) community, girls under the age of 12 Timing of activities (year/quarter ) Year 1/Quarter 1 Frequency of activities (how often) One-time activity Duration of activities (how long) Until complete Implementing entity Us, local NGOs, community members

significant physical barriers to accessing education, thus a safe and centrally located space designated for schooling is needed. This addresses the access/supply issue. Additional comments (e.g., linkages to overall strategy for achieving scale, sustainability and successful exit; innovations):

Name of project component/activity cluster: Create community gardens adjacent to schools/mosques - Supply Improvement/Organizational Capacity Development

Brief narrative description Establish a self-sustaining environment to grow and maintain food year 1; ad hoc outdoor classroom, nutrition education. Create one paid job for community member. Year 2 and 3 focus on sustainability of garden - planting perennials?

Target audience(s)

Timing of activities (year/quart er)

Frequency of activities (how often)

Duration of activities (how long)

Implementing entity

Members of community: Religious leaders, Youth (students), Family members, Teachers, Educators, Rationale (i.e., why are these implementers doing these activities with this target audience? Garden will operate as space for community interaction for parents and students and it is designed to address the issue of malnutrition. It will also offer capacity building for local community members, with the intention of supplementing project-provided



3 years

Local NGO, in collaboration with the community.

breakfast and lunch for the students; enhancing bonds formed within the community; and providing training and education for students and community members. Additional comments (e.g., linkages to overall strategy for achieving scale, sustainability and successful exit; innovations): Potential spill-over to community if excess food produced is delivered to households or garden techniques are replicated at household level.

Name of project component/activity cluster: Water Conservation TechniquesKnowledge dissemination Brief narrative description: A drip or subsurface irrigation system will be constructed in each community
Target audience(s) Students; staff; Timing of activities (year/quarter ) Frequency of activities (how often) Duration of activities (how long) Three years Implementing entity Us in conjunction with a community

garden that utilizes grey water from drinking fountains, wash basins and/or kitchens in school/mosque. Students and staff will be trained in grey water recycling techniques to enable participation in construction and maintenance.

members of community

Design and construction of irrigation system will take place in year one. Maintenance and educational activities ongoing.

One time construction; maintenance as needed


Rationale (i.e., why are these implementers doing these activities with this target audience? Community gardens will be built next to mosques where the performance of ablutions (washing oneself before prayers 5 times a day) facilitates grey water recycling thus improving food security for youth in a water-scarce environment. Additional comments (e.g., linkages to overall strategy for achieving scale, sustainability and successful exit; innovations): By training students and staff to create and maintain grey water systems using

inexpensive and recycled materials, this activity is both sustainable and scaleable.

Name of project component/activity cluster: Breakfast and Lunch Provided Material Assistance Brief narrative description Target audience(s) Timing of activities (year/quart er) daily Frequency of activities (how often) Duration of activities (how long) Implementing entity

Provide two meals a day as incentive to come to school/send children to school, with food supplemented from garden after first year. Food sourced locally as much as possible.

children and parents

twice a day

three years

Governing body of already existing school OR us/local NGO if establishing new school

Rationale (i.e., why are these implementers doing these activities with this target audience? Chronic malnutrition affects cognitive

ability in children, thus stunting educational attainment. Food security is a larger issue, so to have immediate food provided for children is crucial. Will also help incentivize parents to have fewer mouths to feed and want their children to go to school instead of staying home for domestic labor. Crucial for incentivizing sending girls. Additional comments (e.g., linkages to overall strategy for achieving scale, sustainability and successful exit; innovations): Linkage to overall strategy is a comprehensive system of education, food. Schools alone would not succeed nor sustain themselves. Training for this to be a successful component will be crucial for sustainability long-term.

Name of project component/activity cluster: Community Fund - Demand Generation / Mobilization Brief narrative description Target Timing of Frequency of Duration of Implementing


activities (year/quart er)

activities (how often)

activities (how long)


Money from our budget set aside for community fund. Children will receive vouchers when attending school. Families who send their children to school will decide how to spend the money (within certain guidelines) to benefit for the community.

Entire community buy in desired to support school age families and project in general.

Continuous collection of funds to communal fund; annual or biannual decision made as to what to do with the funds.

Continuous for the duration of the project.

Our NGO and the community.

Rationale (i.e., why are these implementers doing these activities with this target audience? Parents determine whether or not their children go to school. It is up to contributing members when they carry out the spending. The NGO will slowly limit the amount that contributes to the fund; but, rather, ask members to contribute to the fund themselves if the project needs it. Additional comments (e.g., linkages to overall strategy for achieving scale, sustainability and successful exit; innovations):

Contributions to the communal fund will be ongoing for the duration of the project. Children will receive vouchers upon attendance. Consensus will be reacher by contributing households after six months - can chose to save money and continue saving.

PART TWO Scale Plan Working with already existing schools and mosques as community centers. For the first year of the program, this NGO will identify and work with three existing schools in implementing infrastructure and programmatic activities. Following the completion of month 10, an evaluation of the program will be done to determine successes and challenges that will further inform the inclusion and/or building of four more new schools the following year. This process will continue into the third year of the program in which there will be four additional schools built or incorporated into the program. This NGO will partner with a local NGO and the appropriate Yemeni governmental ministry to implement programmatic activities. Items that can be sustained? 1) Community Garden The training activity can be sustained, as the community members can train each other. The community garden will be sustained. It will benefit the students and save money for families A local NGO will need to take the lead in continuing the flow of the training activities

Sustainability Plan

2) Water Conservation Practices The practice of grey water recycling is sustainable indefinitely once implemented. Occasional training 3) School Meal Program

The activity will be partially sustainable, provided that the community garden can continue to supplement food provision and local community members continue to assist with preparation. The quality of service will be higher if local NGOs are able to continue supplementation of additional foodstuffs, as the community garden is not sufficient alone.

Exit Plan

Involvement of the community fund will discontinue after year three. During the project cycle we will strive to produce tangible benefits that incentivize parents continuing to send their children to school without needing an ongoing fund. Involvement in the community gardens and irrigation systems will be phased down over the course of three years with phasing out upon completion of the project. Students, staff and community members will have acquired enough knowledge for ongoing maintenance. A local NGO or partner may remain peripherally involved. After year three, responsibility for the meal program will be transferred to a local NGO or partner.

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