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i-COST Electronics & Conuuunicauou CenferenceProceeding 13-15 );JIl-201 t.

Power Flow Control by Using TCSC Controller in Power System

S. D. Wadhai, . G.c.o.E. Amral'ali. Maharashtra State, India. htra Stale. India. san Dr. N. D. Ghawghawe'" Prof ElectricalEngg. Dept .. G. C. o.e. Amravali,I1Malzaras ghaw!!

Abstract-Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) controller. the first generation of flexible AC transmission system (FACTS), can control the line impedance through the' introduction of a thyristor . controlled capacitor in series with the tra;:!:;;:;:ssic-f:line. TCSC is used as series compensator in transmission system. The TCSC controller can be designed to control the power flow. to increase the transfer.limits or to improve the transient stability. The TCSC controller can provide a very fast action to increase the synchronization power through quick changing of the equivalent capacitive reactance to the full compensation in the first few cycles after a fault. hence subsequent oscillation are damped. TCSC. provides variable impedance, which is required for the compensation .Jn capacitive zone. The mathematical analysis of simplified TCSC circuit is deriving for computing the TCSC reactance for the firing angle. The TCSC controller is modeled in MATLAB SIMULINK and can be used in power system for power flow control. . KEYWORDS: FACTS, TCSC, Power system,Stability, Model, simulation, Mathematical Analysis, Firing Angle, Power system flexibility. -

Power Transformer Inrush Currents and Its Effects on Protective Relays

Electrical Engineering Department Bharati VidyapeethDeemedUniversity Collegeof Enggineering, Pune, India Evmail: rajeslunholmukhe@hotmail.colll

Electrical Engineering Department Bharati Vidyapeeth DeemedUniversity Collegeof Enggineering,Pune, India


Abstract-There are a variety of protective relays using different measuring techniques to provide reliable &secure transformer protection. They include, electro-mechanical, solid state and numerical relays. Within each group, various algorithms exist. Advancements made to transformer technology and design over past 3 decades, have changed the characteristics of the transformer inrush current and have often introduced incorrect operations in the existing harmonic relay restraint relays during energization. Topics to be presented inciudeComparison between old & newly developed more accurate calculations of peak values, magnitude of secondharmonic, andother parameters of Inrush current.Design and system parameters which influence the magnitude and wave-shapeof inrush currents, e.g. winding design and connections,core material, core joint geometry, short circuit capacity of network, etc.Impact of transformer design & performance parameters and new developments in the transformer technology on magnitude & nature of inrush current.Current Transformer influence on the speed, selectivity, and dependability of transformer protection. 111is paper will addressthese topics as well as provide. solutions for selecting & selling transformer protections. Keywords-power transforme.Lnrush current.protective relays

S.S.V.P.S.'s B.S.Deore college of Engineering & Polytechnic.Dhule.

Page 27

Power Transformer Inrush Currents and Its Effects on Protective Relays

Electrical Engineering Department Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College ofEnggineering, Pune, India E-mail: rajeshmholmukhe@hotmaiLcom

Electrical Engineering Department Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College ofEnggineering, Pune, India E-mail: rajeshmholmukhe@rediffinaiLcom

Abstract-There are a variety of protective relays using different measuring techniques to provide reliable & secure transformer ~ TIIq ~ eIecIrD.f......" .,. Wile .WiI.tiI ~ ~ --.s ~ aisL Abta ..tie III ~-.u kd"""'D ..tJ.hip __

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htre ~ lite ~ of lite iJuas6 CWI'TtW" htre iat:r:t ~. ;" tile e:xistiaK reIIt.F,'t!.StIWiId reItt.P ~ energization: Topics to be presented include ~ ~ oItl & ~ MYdopeIl-.-e.:alRlle cwkwletWs IIfpetlk -..pihuIe of~ .---. and other parameters of Inrush current. Design and system parameters which influence the itr* .- ....,. t:tUrr1IIIs. e..~ ~ .hip __ aw-nio-s, awe.-en.J. awejtDt~. sIuwtcirctIit ~ of---*. de.. IIIIJMd of tr.asf-.u ~ & po:f~ pttTlII8dDs .~ ;" ,. kd1UIIot:F magnitude & nature of inrush current. Current Transformer influence on the speed, selectivity, and dependability of transformer protection.


*" ~

between inrush current and short circuit incidents. Proper calculation of the minimum % of 2nd harmonic Of inrush current is a very imponant parameter for this diffi:rentiatioo. Also in recent years, there have been transfunner design improvements that in fact have lead to a significant impact on magnitudes, wave shapes, and ba:rmooic of inrush current..




Fig. I shows an un-Ioaded trnnsfonner supply. Let the flux in transformer be + =+msinwt And the applied voltage be, v =vm sin (IDt +9) Where, = angle at switching instant d$ Also v = N --, Faraday's Law dt


TIIis JIIIIT wiIllMItIrru ~ IDpia a wdl a JI'f"IUe for seItUrg & seIIiIIt: prtJIediD-.. .: Vm Sin (IDt transformer.inrush f. current.protective relays

+ 9) =



vm .. d$

Sin (rot + 8) dt

Inrush current is a form of over current that occurs during energization of a transformer and is a large transient current which is caused by part cycle saturation of the magnetic core of the transformer. For power transformers, the magnitude of the inrush current is initially 2 to 5 times the rated load current but slowly decreases by the effect of oscillation damping due to winding and magnetizing resistances of the transformer as well as the impedance of the system it is connected to until it reaches finally to normal current value. This process typically takes several minutes. As a result inrush current could be mistaken for a short circuit current and the transformer is erroneously taken out of service by the over-curreot Of" the diffi:rential relays. The traosfurmer design and station installation parameters affect the magnitude of the inrush current significantly. Therefore, it is important to have an accurate calculated value of the magnitude and other parameters of inrush current in order for relaying to properly differentiate

Nr.o vm

.. $

Cas (rot + 8) + k


( 1)

To find k, we put initial condition At t = 0, let $ = $R

Where $R is residual flux vrn

., K=+-.+ -NID


............. (2)

Now we put ego (2) into egn (1), we get vm vm





q. - -Nro

Cos (rot + 0)

gets trapped in Delta-connection, so only 5th order ,/J..lPJllonic required to be monitored. It is found that ;th~ 5th order harmonics always are more than 8 % of fundamental. IV.

vm Let Nro . + ............ +. .(3)


+ +m cos 0 ,.. +m Cos (CDt + 0)

Thus the flux in the transformer is a function of i) Residual flux (+.) ii)1nstant of switching (0) and ill) Magnetic properties of core i.e, amount of magnetizing current required to produce given amount of flux. ThusfurO =0, and if+. =+m at wt = 1(, we get fiom eqn .(3) +=J+m - (4) Thus the flux attains an amplitude of = J+m. Now to satisfy the flux demand of + 3+m, the transfunner- primary winding draws very large magnetizing current (8-30) times full load ammt with peaky nonsinusoidal wavefonn as shown in fig 1(b). Furdlc:r-such a high current tlows only on one side of the bansf(KUter (primary), it looks like an internal fault to the differential scheme, ~ ~~ cwrent flows through relay coil, so that % differential relay maJ-operates on magnetizing iorosb. To protect the transfurmer fiom magnetizing inrush, percentage differential relay with bannonica restraint is used Ill. OVER VOLTAGE INRUSH CURRENT

Occasionally, for a short duration, voltage may increase during abnormal conditions. Any abrupt increase of the power transformer terminal voltage will result in a transient current that in greater than the rated current of the transformer. This transient current is generally termed over voltage inrush cwrent and is typically caused by Energization of the power transfurmer Voltage recovery after the clearing of a heavy short circuit in the power system (recovery inrush). Energization of another parallel connected power transfonner (sympathe6c inrush) Out-of-pbase syncIJroomd:ioo of a connected generator. The over voltage may cause saturation of transformer resulting in high differential cmreot.. At (20-25) % over-voltage, in a grain oriented steel material may cause (10-100) % increase in excitation cmreot.. An increase in magnetizing current due to overvoltage causes 3rd & 5th harmonics. The third harmonic

In order to understand the effect of Inrush current, it is necessary to sIudy 1be working of Hannonic ~ Relay. in brief As already seen. when an unloaded transformer is switched on, it draws large magnetizing current, which is several times the rated current of the transformer. This magnetizing ammt is called Magnetizing Imusb Current. Since the Imusb current tlows only in the primaIy winding, the differential protection will see this inrush current as an internal fault and give unwanted 1ripping. The barmonic contents in the inrush current are diffaent than in usual fault current, the harmonic (3070)-/., while 3'" barmonic (10-30)"-.. The second bannonic is dominant in inrush ammt than in fault current . This feature can be used to distinguish between a fault and an inmsh current. Fig 2 (a) shows high-speed biased differential scheme using barmooic n:straint feature, while fig 2 (b) shows it's concepbJa.I rqwesentation.. The relay of this scheme is made insensitive to the inrush cum:oL The operating principle is to fitter out the harmonics from the differential current rectify them and add to the percentage resttaint. The tImed circuit Xc, x..; allows only current of fimdameotaI fu:quency to flow through operating coil. The bannonics mostly 1"" order are diverted into restraining coil The relay is adjusted so that not to operate when ~ barmonic exceeds 16% of fimdameotal cmreot.. The harmonic restraint relay fails to operate on occurrence of internal fault, which contains considerable harmonics due to an arc or saturation of CT, at the time of switching. To overcome this difficulty, an instantaneous over-current relay is also incorporated in the harmonic restraint scheme. It will operate on heavy internal faults in less than 1 cycle.



The simplified equation often used to calcuIate the peak: value of the first cycle of inrush current in Amps is as follows:
2U IrE. = [Amps] (WLY+R' ............... Eqn(J) 2u.,+B,,-Bs

where: U

Applied voJtagt; Volts. Air core inductance of the transformer, Total DC resistance of the transformer,




BR Remnant flux density of the transformer core, Tesla Bs Saturation flux density of the core material, Tesla BN Normal Rated flux density of the transformer care, Tesla. In reality, the above equation does not give sufficient accuracy since a number of transformer and system parameters, which affect the magnitude of inrush current significantly, are not included in the calculations. As well, this equation does not provide information on the subsequent oscillations throughout the duration of the inrush current transient. An improved inrush calculation has been developed by ABB which provide the magnitude of inrush current versus time it; hence the entire wave-shape of the inrush current can be determined. The calculation also incorporates the following important transformer and system parameters which can have as much as 60% impact on the magnitude of inrush current. The inductance of the air-core circuit adjusted for the transient nature of the inrush current phenomenon. Impedaoce and short cin:uit capacity of the system. Core geometJy and winding configuration A coooecbons, e.g., I-vs 3-pbase" Y-vs Delta windings connections. Grounded Vs non grounded Y connections etc. The fig (3) is shows the first 5 cycles of the inrush current wave-shape for a large power transformer calculated using the ABB method of calcuJatiOlL A COIIIpdison between magnitude of the first cycle of inrush current as calcu1ated by the old funnula in equation (J) above versus that calculated using the rigorous ABB calculation, including the above parameters. provides much lower magnitude of the first peak of inrush current compared to that calculated using the old formula commonly used in the industry. In fig(3) in shown the first 5 cycles of the inrush current wave-shape for a large power transformer calculated using ABB method of calculation. A comparison between magnitude of the first cycle of inrush current as calculated by the old formula in equation (I) above versus that calculated using the rigorous ABB calculation, including the above mentioned parameters, provides much lower magnitudes of the first peak of inrush current compared to that calculated using the old formula commonly used by the industry. YI. EFFECTOFTRANSFORMERDESIGN PARAMETERS os r" HARMONIC OF INRUSH CURRENT Effed ofDesip 8u Detasity The mioimmo % bannonic I peak inrush current ratio decreases with induction as shown in fig3. Modem transformers generally operate at higher flux density value since higher grain oriented steels are used more & more. It thus results that modem, transformers will have lower minimum % 2nd harmonic / peak: inrush current ratio. EFFECT OF CORE MATERIAL Another new feature of modem transformer is the use of Hi-B electrical steel type materials which have higher saturation flux densities, a larger linear portion of magnetizing curve, a lower remanence flux density valves compared to Regular Grain Oriented (RGO) type materials. Thus, there higher grain orientation materials are associated with high her minimum % 2nd harmonic / peak inrush current ratios. For the same flux density, the Hi-B and Domain refined materials have an appreciably greater minimum % 2nd harmonic / peak inrush current ratio than RGO material. EFFECT OF CORE JOINT TYPE Until a decade or two ago, the non step-lap joint was commonly used in transformer cores, however modem, transformers use the step-lap type joint. Because of the high reluctance of the core joints, the remanance flux density buds of a transformer core is significantly lower than that of the core material As the non step-Iap joint bas a greater reluctance than a step-Iap joint, it fullows that a care with the step-Iap joint would have a much lower minimum % of 2"" harmonic/peak current ratio than those of a core with a non step-Iap joint.. EFFECTS ON RELAYING Effects oa RdayiJlg TraasfonDer diffeJ"elltiaiprotcrlioa Any abrupt increase of the power transformer terminal voltage wilJ result in a transient current that is greater than the ratio current of the tran.sfonoer_ This transient current in generally tenned as inrush current and is typically caused by : Energization of the power transformer. Voltage recovery after clearing of a heavy short circuit the power system (recovery inrush) Energization of another parallel connected power transformer (sympathetic inrush) Out-of-phase synchronization of a connected generator. VII. INRUSH DETECTION BY HARMONICANALYSIS OF INSTANTANEOUS DIFFERENTIAL CURRENT Referring to fig.(3), it can be seen that the minimum 2nd harmonic content is in the range of 20% - 25% at low flux densities.. Tr.msfunner protection relays that use the second hannonic as the restraint criteria have setting values for-this 15% - 2oo~ range_ This was correct for-tnmsfonner designs operating at low flux densities, The second harmonic content fur present day transfunoer designs are significantly lower, in the range of 5-100/0, as indicated in fig(3)_ This will affect the performance of relays that use the second harmonic setting set to the range of 15-20"'/0 harmonic restraint relays may not restrain correctly during the energization of power transformer that have a higher rated flux density (1.5 - 1.75 T).

For transformers which have the higher rated flux density, it is recommended that the lower (5-12%) 2nd harmonic restraint relay setting be used. Inrush detection by waveform analysis of Instantaneous differential current. It can be observed from fig.(2) of the inrush current waveform that there is a period of time in each power system cycle during which very low magnetizing currents flow. From thri, an inrush condition can be identified where a low rate of change of the instantaneous differential current exists for at least a quarter of the fundamental power system cycle. This criterion can be mathematically expressed for Phase A as: lildiff-a
<: C,

VIII. INTERNAL FA ULTS FOLLOWED BY THE CT SATURATION For heavy internal transformer faults followed by CT saturation, the distorted CT secondary current may contain the high level of second harmonic. As a consequence, delayed operation f the restrained differential protection will occur as indicated in fig. 4. For an external fault, the fictitious negative sequence source will be located outside the differential protection zone at the fault point. Thus, the megative sequence currents will enter the healthy power transformer on the fault side, and exit on the opposite side, properly transformed The negative sequence currents on tbe respective power transfOl1llel"sides will have opposite directions. In other words. the internal / external fault discriminat.or sees these RUTeDts as having a relative phase difference of exactly 180 electrical degrees, as shown in fig.

where Idiff - a is instantaneous differential current in Phase A, t is time and C, is a constant fixed in the relay algorithm. Practice bas shown that aI1hougb using tbe second harmonic restrainlblocking approach may prevent false tripping dming iorosb current conditions, it may somdimes increase fault clearance time foe heavy internal fuults followed bycr saturation.. On tbe positive side, tbe second hannonic restrainJblocking approach will increase security of tbe differential relay for-a heavy external fault with cr saturation.. INRUSH DETECTION BY ADAPTIVE TECHNIQUES The combination of the 2nd harmonic/fundamental inrush current ratios (I 2 / I I) and waveform analysis methods, allow the relay designer to take advantage of both methods, while at the same time avoid there drawbacks. Two possible ways to combine these methods are. : Conditional (recommended) In this mode of operation these two criteria's are used as follows: Employ both the "1 2/1 I" and the waveform criteria to detect initial inrush conditions. Disable the "12/11" criterion one minute after power transformer energizing in order to avoid long clearance time foe a heavy internal faults and let tbe wavefunn criterion alone take care of tbe sympathetic and recovery iorosb. Temporarily enable "12/11'" for-6 seconds when a heavy external fault has been detected to gain additional security foe external faults, Always (traditioaal appl'"Ollld)This option is similar to tbe usual "121I1'" criterion.. The "121I1'" is active at aU times, and in addition, tbe waveform criterion works in parallel. This has no benefits in tams of speed for-heavy internal faults, For an internal fault (with fictitious megative sequence source within protected power transformer), the megative sequence currents will flow out of the faulty power transformer on both sides. The megative sequence currents OIl tbe respective power transfunner sides will have the same direction. In other wards, the internal I external fault discriminator sees these currents as having a relative displacements of zero electrical degrees, as shown in fig. 6. In reality, for-an internal f3ult, there might be some small phase shift between these two currents due to possible different megative sequence impedance angles of the soun:e equivalent circuits on the two power transformer sides. It operation is based on the relative position of the two phasors representing HV & L.V. negative sequence current contributions. It practically performs directional comparison between these two phasors. First, the L V side phasor is positioned along the zero degree time. Next, the relevant position of the H V side phasor in the complex plain is determined. The overall directional characteristics of the internal/external fault discriminator is shown in fig. 7. Using the negative sequence internal/external fault discriminator, the second harmonic blocking feature can be by passed and faster operation of transformer diff. protection will be achieved as shown in fig. 8. IX. RESTRICTED EAlUH FA ULT PROTECTJON

Breakdown of the insulation between a pease conducto.- and ground in an effectively grounded or- low impedance grounded power system reseals in a large fault current.. A breakdown of the insulation between a transformer winding and the core or-the tank may result in a large fault current which in tmn causes severe damage to tbe windings and the transformer core. A high gas pressure may develop, rupturing the transformer tank.. Fast and sensitive detection of ground faults in a power transformer winding can be obtained in solidly grounded or low impedance grounded networks by the

K-FadDI"CaIn fil a Tvoia N<Jn-.1ioeaI" load








(DIIIIIin caI" c:um:ot


cr) 1 3 5 7 9 II

15 17 19 21 2J 25

10CU", 67.7 37.7 12.7 4.4 53 2.5 1-9 1.8 1.1 0.6 0.1 0.4


1-000 0.432 0.142 0.016 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1596

0.7'Tl. 0520 0.298 0.101 0.035 0.042 0.020 0.015 0.014 0.009 0.005 0.006 0.003

0.626 0.270 0.089 0.010 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1-00

0.626 2.439 2.226 0.495 0.091 0.213 0.066 0.051 0.059 0.027 0.010 0.021 0.006 633

Power bansfuliliin can have a large inrush aareIIl wbm being enagized. This inrush amant can have R!SiduaI current compoueuIs. The pbmomI:pon is due to saturation of the transfortnel" magndic core dming parts of the cycle. There is a risk that the inrush cum:nt will cause a residual current that reaches a levd above the pjck-up cum:nt of the residual over aareIIl protedion. The imush cum:nt in the neutral point has a large second barmooic content. This can be used to avoid unwanted protection of the ground fuult protedion. Therefore the ground fuult protection. Therefore the ground f.wIt protection has a possibility of second bannonic restraint if the level of this a harmonic current reaches a value above a set pen:eutage of the fundamental mm:nL New transformer core materials have a much lower impact on the second harmonic current magnitude in the neutral point current then for individual phase currents. Xl. DERATING OF TRANSFORMERS (K - FACTOR CALCULATION)

restricted earth fault protection. !he onJy requirement is that the power transformer winding IS connected to ground in the neutral point (in case of wye connected windings) or via separate grounding transformer (in case of delta - connected windings). The REF protection is a differential type with balancing of the neutral current (fium the neutraI- side Cl) with the residual cmrent (3 times the zero - sequence current fium the phase CI's). Because the protection is based on the zero sequence currents, which tbeoreticalIy only ex:ist in case of ground faulL The REF can be made very sensitive, regardless of load cmrents. h is the fastest protectioo that power transformers can have. It should be mated that the high sensitivity and high speed tend to make such a protection unstable. Thus special measurer must be taken to make it secure and block. operation in the case of heavy through phase - phase or-extemaI faults. With reference to fig. 9. REF zones of protection couId be applied to wye-<:onneded windings of power transformer in the fullowing applications 1. Single breaker 2. multiple breaker such as double or-breaker -and-a-balf. 3. auto transfunner h is not only ground f3uIts that REF sboidd be stable against, but also heavy phase to phase f.wIt:s. not including ground. These &uJts may also give rise to zero sequence currents due to saturated line CT's. Such fauhs, however. produce no neutral current, and can thus be eliminated as a SOlU"Ce of danger. at beast dwing the fauh, As an additional measure against unwanted operation, a directional check: is made between the neutral current (reference) and the caIculated current at the transformer bushings. Such directional checks insure REF stability during power transfor-mer inrush as well.

With transformers. bannonic load currents cause additional beating primarily in the funn of additional winding eddy current losses. ANSI/IEEE C57.110 (3) provide ~to derate a transformer for- any given harmonic pro:fiJe. This standard considers the winding eddy cum:nt losses (pEe) to be proportional to the harmonic current squared times its harmonic number squared. This relationship bas been found to be accurate for-the lower power bannonics. but results in an overestimation of losses for-higher bannonics (generally greater than the 11.,. A typical derating curve is shown in fig. Transformers directly supplying single-pbase power supplies may require derating of 30"'" to 4()D'" to avoid overbeating. Undawriters Laboratory (UL) recognized the potential safety hazards associated with using standard transformers with noo-linear loads & developed a rating system to indicate the capability of a transfU:IIII2"to handle harmonic loads. The ratings are described in UL 1561(8) are known as transfunner K-FactOI". K - Factor- is weighting of the bannonic load currents to their effects on transfixmer beating as derived fium ANSI I IEEE C57.110. A K-Factor of 1.0 indicates a 1inear1oad (no harmonics). The higher the K-FactOI". grater the harmonic heating effects, K - Factor = L (Ihi b2 Where In is the load cwn:nt at bannonic H... expressed in a per-unit basis such that the toIaI RMS aureot equals to one amp. L(lhf = 1.0 One problem associated with calculating K-Factoris selecting range of harmonic frequencies that should be

included. Some use upto the 15th harmonic, others the 25th harmonic and still others include up to the so" harmonic. For the same load, each of these calculations can field significantly different K-Factors because even very small current levels associated with higher harmonics when multiplied by harmonic nwnber squared (e.g. 502 = 2500), can add significantly to the K-Factor. Based on the underlying acceptations of C 57.110, it seems reasonable to limit the K-Factor calculations to harmonic currents less than 25th harmonic. . Sample calculations are shown as under: In establishing standard transformer K-Factor ratings, UL chose ratings of 1, 4, 9, 13, 20, 30, 40 & 50. From practical viewpoint individual loads with K-Factors grater than 20 are infrequent at best official areas with some non-linear loads and large computer rooms normally have deserved K-Factors of 4 to 9. areas with high concentration of single phase computers & terminals have, observed K-Factors of 13 to 17. CONCLUSIONS The old formula for calculation of peak inrush current of power transformer provides magnitudes as much as twice that calculated using the more accurate equation recadIy developed by ABB. This calculation accounts for a omnber of important traosfunner and system parameters that significantly impact the magnitude and wave fono of the imusb cum:nt. Accurately predicting the peak inrush cum:ot should be very criticaI in designing and. detennioiog the settings of the over-current reJaying used with power Ilansfunner. Also the new calculation providing the function of inrush current versus time throughout the duration of the transient as well as the magnitude of the 2nd harmonic of the inrush current. This is the parameter commonly used today to differentiate between short circuit

and inrush current occurrences, hence preventing a power transformer of being erroneously removed from service by the over current or the differential relays. Inrush current parameters (peak, 2"" harmonic, and duration) of today's power transformer differ from those of older designs due to the use of higher grain oriented core steels, the step-lap core joint type, and higher rated design core induction values. This should have a significant impact on selecting the proper relaying protection of the transformer.

Bharati Vidyapeeth Engineering, Pune





1) 2) 3) 4) Elmore WA - 1995, "Protective Relaying Theory and Application", ABB Power T &D. RET 670 Technical reference manual, LMRK 504048 UEN. Electrical Transmission and Distribution reference Book, Westing house Electric Corpn. F-Mekic, Z-Gajic, S-Ganeshan A~tive feature on Numberical Differential Relays", (29 Annual Westen Protective relay conference, Spokane, WA October 2227,2002) Z. Gajic, B-HiUsbum, F-Mekic "H V Sham: reacto secrets fix Pratedion F.ogioea", (3{f' AnouaI Wc:sIm Protective relay ronfi:n:nre, Spokane" WA Odoba 21~ 23,2003) Z. Gajic, R Hillstrom, L Bracis, L lvaokorie "Scositive Turn-to-Turn Fault Protection", (32dl Annual Westan Pratedioo relay aJOfen:nre., Spokane. W.A., Oct. 21-23 2003). F-Mekic, Ram Sis Girgi's, Zor.m Gajic., Ed Ie Nyamou's "Power Transformer Characteristics & their effect on Protective relays" (33rd Annual western protection relay conference, Spokane, W.A. Oct. 1-19,2006).




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