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PROPHET MUHAMMAD, THE BEST EXAMPLE OF HUMAN Assalammu'alaikum wr.wb. Rabbisrahlishadri wayasirli amri wahlul uqdatammilisani yafqahu qauli.

Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, praise we pray to God, the Lord of the worlds. Prayers and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. respect the !ud"es, teachers and the entire audience is happy .. thank you for the opportunity "i#en to $me$ to con#ey a bit of information that know, about the morality of the Prophet Muhammad, with the intention and hope that we "et to know our prophet, Prophet Muhammad, and that we are more lo#ed. %herefore, there is a pro#erb which says& $'o not know it was lo#e, not lo#e then it is not lo#e.$ Attendees who lo#ed God ... %hat we lo#e the Prophet Muhammad, then we must know, then, how do we know( %he answer, can we know the way a lot of readin", the first thin" we read is the )uran, because in it are many stories of the prophets and e#en the morality of our Prophet is the Al*)uran. +ecause ,iti Aisyah r.a. -ife Prophet said& khuluquhu al*)ur'an .Muhammad ,A- is the moral of the )ur'an/. ,iti Aisyah ra want to say that the Prophet was like a walkin" )ur'an. After identifyin" a prophet of Al*)ur'an. then we know by readin" Al*0adith and history books reco"ni1e prophet.

Attendees were happy Allah says in surah al*)olam para"raph 2 which means& $3erily, you are really the "reat #irtuous character.$ And the Prophet said& $3erily ha#e been sent to perfect noble character.$ .4arrated by Malik, Ahmad and +ayhaqi/. n the Prophet "athered noble morality and main properties mannered, humble, "entle, honest, do not like lookin" shortcomin"s of others, impatient, arro"ant, and does not like compliments. 5riends and Attendees who lo#ed God, 6ur prophet also an e7pert in leadin" because since childhood been trained to be a leader, that is the way a lot of "oats and entrepreneurship 8 business until abroad, so he ne#er has such despair in the attempt. %herefore the noble Prophet with Morals are role models for all mankind. in#ite your friend to a lot of readin" )uran, Al*0adith and history books and the stories of the prophets, definitely e7citin". not e7actly what friends(. Attendees were happy n closin", let us pray for each other, hopefully we can replicate the character of the prophet in a way to "et to know and dili"ent shalawat to the prophet. )uite so first my friends .... f there were one word and less pleasin", it comes from $me$ and if there is the ri"ht word comes from G6'. -abillahi taufiq walhidayah wassallammu'alaikum wr.w

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