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1. Contents and Authorship As in 4 we have the vision of Him that sitteth on the throne, to whom the world and all that is therein owe their being, in v. we have the vision of the amb into whose hands the destinies of the world and all that is therein are !ommitted. "# His vi!tor# on!e and for all $, 5%5, and , 5%&' He has shown Himself e()al to this tas*, for whose a!hievement none else !o)ld be fo)nd. And as in iv. the iving Creat)res +raise ,od as the All Hol#, the Almight# and the, and the Elders fall down and worshi+ Him as the Creator of all things, in 5%/ s((. first the iving Creat)res and the Elders fall down and worshi+ the amb who thro)gh His redeeming death had won the right to !arr# ,od0s +)r+oses into effe!t, ne1t $11 s(.' the !o)ntless hosts of angels +raise the amb as ,od, and finall# $12' the whole world of !reated things in heaven, in earth and )nder the earth 3oins in a )niversal b)rst of than*sgiving to Him that sitteth )+on the throne and to the amb. Th)s as in 4 ,od the Creator is the !entre of worhi+, in 5 it is ,od the Redeemer, who thereb# !arries ,od0s +)r+oses into f)lfilment, while the !ha+ter !loses in the 3oint adoration of Him that sitteth on the throne and of the amb. As regards the a)thorshi+, ever# !la)se of it is from the hand of o)r a)thor e1!e+t two glosses in /, 11, whi!h are intended to be e1+lanator# and s)++lementar#, b)t are both in !onfli!t with the tho)ght of the writer. 4hilst the di!tion and the idiom $ 5', whi!h latter is not so +rono)n!ed as in the earlier !ha+ters, are !learl# those of o)r 6eer, there is not an idiom or +hrase that is not his. 5. Diction and Idiom There !an be no do)bt as to this !ha+ter being from the hand of o)r a)thor. $a' Diction. 2. % again in 17%1, 1/%51. % again in 14%8, 9, 15. 4itho)t in 5%15, &%17, 8%5, 17, /%12, 17%2, et!. Contrast the non-:ohannine in 1/%5. 3. . Cf. 12, &%9, 15%1. Elsewhere in ;T 8 times. 4. ! " . <or # with +art. or ad3. Cf. 5%5, 2%5, 57%15. 6. $ . This word is a++lied to Christ 59 times in o)r a)thor and not elsewhere in the ;.T., where $ is )sed $<o)rth ,os+el, A!ts, 1 Pet.'. 9. %&! '&( !) % !f. 14%2, 15%2. % !f. &, 15, 12%/. * % !f. 14%2, 4. + , % !f. 1%5. - . / . 0 . 1" % !f. 8%9, 11%9, 12%8, 14%&. 10. 2! 3 4# % !f. 1%&. 2!5! 3 - - %!f. 57%4, 2=! 1> both statements referring to the ?illennial @ingdom. Contrast 55%5. 12. ! ! 6 $ 2# . &5! % !f. 11%18, 7 . &5!. ( &5! . 0 . <or the same seven, save in the !ase of 0, !f. 8%15. 13. + "8 3 . "8 . + $8 . Cf. &%1&, 8%17, 14%4, 55%1, 2. $b' Idiom. 1. 0 " 3 . " . Cf. 8, 12, and the note on 4%5, for the )ni()e )se of these +hrases in o)r a)thor. 4. 1! . The +ast im+erfe!t is not fre()entl# )sed in o)r a)thor, and its )se is ver# for!ible $e1!e+t in 5%14'% !f. 1%15, 5%14, 5%4, 14, &%/, 9, 17%17, 19%14, 51%15. N.T. New Testament.

5. 9 . 6even times elsewhere in o)r a)thor% twelve times in <o)rth ,os+el% ten times in rest of ;.T. : : - - . <or this )se of the art. !onne!ting the no)n with a following +hrase, !f. 1%4, 5%54, /%2, 9, 11%19, 14%18, 1&%2, 19%14, 57%/, 12. 6. 8 = 8 A . . . A B in the midst of = and C>a Hebraism. : A fre()ent idiomati! )se of in o)r a)thor. $ 1 . This brea!h of !on!ord in gender fre()ent in o)r a)thor. Cf. 5 $! , whi!h follows. 7. ;" 3 7 : !f. /%2, 18%1, 51%9 for this 6emiti!ism, whi!h does not o!!)r in the <o)rth ,os+el. Dntrod. to DD.EDDD. 5 $a', +. 29. Dt has been +ointed o)t that the )se of the +erfe!t 7 is !hara!teristi! of o)r 6eer. 11. : $!" . Another instan!e of this brea!h of !on!ord !ommon in o)r a)thor o!!)rs in 12, < = . 13. = ># . < +re!edes its no)n in o)r a)thor e1!e+t here and in /%2, 12%15. 5:1. 3 7& 3 ( & != 0 " 3 0 " 2!2 1" 3 ?!"@ ! #! A . <or the !onstr)!tion 3 ( & !om+are 57%1, 3 ( #. The boo*-roll lies on the o+en +alm of the right hand, not in the hand. .+inions are divided as to i. the form, and ii. the !ontents of the 2!2. i. The form.>$a' ,roti)s $ii. 11&7', Fahn $Einleit. ii. 59&', ;estle $Text. Crit. of NT 222', ta*e it to be not a roll b)t a !ode1G for $1' it is said to be 3 ( & . Had it been a roll it wo)ld have been & !. This arg)ment is alread# answered above. $5' BThe word )sed for o+ening the "oo* is $# ! $5%4' and not, as in the !ase of rolls, $!@ $!# or $5!.C ")t this is not so. $# ! is )sed in Dsa. 28%14 $B! > A 6 2!2' as a rendering of , , the word whi!h EHe*iel )ses in 5%17, and whi!h the II renders there b# $.

$ ! is )sed of )nrolling a boo* also in )*e 4%18, where J !orre!t the $ into $5 , against A" and most Kersions. Dn )*e 4%57 5 is )sed of rolling )+ the boo*. ;estle f)rther adds% BThat it was not written on the o)tside is also shown b# the fa!t that it was sealed with seven seals, the +)r+ose of whi!h was to ma*e the reading of the boo* im+ossible. ;ot till the seventh seal is bro*en is the boo* o+en and its !ontents dis+la#ed.C ")t the idea in o)r te1t is that with the o+ening of ea!h s)!!essive seal a +art of the !ontents of the boo*-roll is dis!losed in +ro+heti! s#mbolism. Hen!e these s!holars read 1" 3 ?!" !, ta*ing the two latter words together. To this it has been reasonabl# re3oined that s)!h a des!ri+tion is s)+erfl)o)s, as a roll is never written on the o)tside and sealed on the inside. $b' 6+itta, 5/1, s)++oses that the 2!2 is a boo* !onsisting of +ar!hment leaves, ea!h +air of whi!h is fastened with a seal. $c' ")t with most s!holars we ta*e the 2!2 to be a boo*-roll. Dn EHe*. 2%1, EHra &%5 this is sim+l# !alled $ ', in EHe*. 5%9, Ps. 29%/ 2!2 $

' . The roll was C!", written on the ba!* also as in EHe*. 5%17. ( iv) Petrograd. Sd. &.

LXX Septuagint.

Dn the latter +assage it is des!ribed as Bwritten before and behindC> = =

1" 3 = C $' , b)t in o)r te1t as Bwritten within and witho)tC> 1" 3 ?!". This ma# be d)e, as "o)sset s)ggests, to the fa!t that in EHe*iel the roll is o+en, b)t that in o)r te1t it is !losed. .n the )se of s)!h C!" amongst the ,ree*s and Romans, 4etstein ()otes )!ian, Vit. Auct. 9, D ) & ! " 1! ( 3 C!" 2!2G :)venal, i. &, B6)mmi +lena 3am margine libri s!ri+t)s et in tergo ne!d)m finit)s .restesCG ?artial, /%&5, B6!ribit in aversa Pi!ens E+igrammata charta,C ii. The contents.>$a' A!!ording to H)s!h*e $Das Buch mit den sieben iegeln, 1/&7', Fahn $op. cit.', and :. 4eiss1 $Die !ffenb. 58 s((.' the "oo* re+resents a 4ill or Testament relating to the .ld and ;ew Testament Covenant. A will, a!!ording to the Praetorian Testament, in Roman law bore the seven seals of the seven witnesses on the threads that se!)red the tablets or +ar!hment $see 6mith, Dict. of "ree# and $oman Ant., +. 1118'. 6)!h a Testament !o)ld not be !arried into e1e!)tion till all the seven seals were loosed. The 6eal visions are, therefore, on this view onl# signs of the end, the BwoesC of the ?essiah. ")t, if this view were right, then o)r a)thor !o)ld not have omitted the most signifi!ant +art of the whole +ro!ed)re>the o+ening of the "oo* itself after the )ndoing of the seventh seal. $b' The roll !ontains the divine de!rees and the destinies of the world. Dt deals with the things E ! "!. 4ith the loosing of ea!h seal a +art of its !ontents is revealed in s#mboli! re+resentation. Dn other words, the "oo* is a +ro+he!# of the things that fall o)t before the end. .wing to the solemnit# with whi!h it is introd)!ed and the im+ortan!e atta!hed to it b# the 6eer, it sho)ld !ontain all the f)t)re histor# of the world des!ribed in the A+o!al#+se to its !loseG and so ;i!olas de #ra, Corn. a a+., "engel, JLsterdie!*, "o)sset, et!., e1+lain. This a++ears to be the right view, tho)gh it is hard to re!on!ile this view with the rest of the A+o!al#+se. That this "oo* is sealed with seven seals shows that the divine !o)nsels and 3)dgments it !ontains are a +rofo)nd se!ret $!f. 17%4, 55%17G Dsa. 59%11G Jan. /%5&, 15%4, 9', whi!h !an onl# be revealed thro)gh the mediation of the amb. Dn a+o!al#+ti! literat)re we have !on!e+tions !losel# related to that of the "oo* in o)r te1t. Dt re!alls the tho)ght e1+ressed b# the +hrase Bthe heavenl# tabletsC $4 0 >0' whi!h is fo)nd in the Test. IDD Patriar!hs, the "oo* of :)bilees, and in 1 Eno!h. The !on!e+tion )nderl#ing this +hrase is to be tra!ed, +artl# to Ps. 129%1&G E1. 55%9, 47, 5&%27, where we find the idea that heaven !ontains divine ar!het#+es of !ertain things that e1ist on earthG +artl# to Jan. 17%51, where a boo* of ,od0s +lans is referred toG b)t most of all to the growing determinism of tho)ght, for whi!h this +hrase stands as a !on!rete e1+ression. The !on!e+tion is not a hard and fi1ed one% in 1 Eno!h and Test. IDD Patr. it wavers between an absol)te determinism and +redi!tion +)re and sim+le. Dn the following +assages as in o)r te1t the heavenl# tablets deal with the f)t)re destinies of the world in 1 Eno!h /1%1 s(., 92%1E2, 17&%19, 178%1G and the blessings in store for the righteo)s 172%5. The# are a++arentl# !alled the "oo* of the Angels, 172%5 $gm, 2', and are designed for the +er)sal of the angels, 17/%8, that the# ma# *now the f)t)re re!om+enses of the righteo)s and the wi!*ed. Here there is a divergen!e between 1 A colleague of . !eiss (op. cit. p. "#$ n. %) &as 'een s&own t&at it is possi'le to construct a roll in w&ic& t&e seals fastened to t&e cords can 'e so fastened t&at wit& t&e removal of one a part of t&e roll can 'e unrolled$ w&ile t&e rest remains secure.

the "oo* in o)r te1t and the boo*s in Eno!h. The "oo* in o)r te1t is !losed, and !an onl# be o+ened b# the amb. Those in Eno!h are o+en to be +er)sed b# the angels. ;otwithstanding the ideas are !losel# related. 6ee m# notes on 1 Eno!h 48%2 and :)b. 2%17. 2. 3 & 6 5 . A Bstrong angelC is referred to again in 17%1, 1/%51. The strength of the angel is dwelt )+on, as his voi!e +enetrates to the )tmost bo)nds of heaven and earth and Hades. The +hrase $see note on 17%2' re!)rs in 14%8, 9, 15G 5 is a Hebraism. ! $# ! 6 2!2 3 0! = #& >0 . ! here A 4. ?att. /%/% !f. 5 Cor. 5%1&, 6 0 4G Dn :ohn 1%58 it is !ombined with ,. The BworthinessC $$ !' is the inner ethi!al +res)++osition of the abilit# $4' to o+en the "oo*. Dn $# ! 3 0! there is a h%steron proteron, or else we ma# ta*e 0! as defining more nearl# the +re!eding word $# !. 3. 3 >&3 &5 + >+ >&F 3 - - >&F - - $# ! 6 2!2 >&F 2! > . .)r a)thor )ses &5, never &)". Dn the whole s+here of !reation none was worth# to o+en the "oo*. This threefold division is fo)nd alread# in E1. 57%4 $!f. 57%11G Ps. 14&%&', tho)gh in an earlier and different form% Bthat is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water )nder the earth.C This latter agrees e1a!tl# with the "ab#lonian division of the world into heaven and earth and water $apsu A water )nder and aro)nd the earth% see Fimmern, &.A.T.2 ii. 257, &15', ea!h of whi!h had its own god. Dn E1. 57%4 the "ab#lonian +ol#theism has of !o)rse disa++eared, tho)gh the !osmi! division has s)rvived. ")t, inasm)!h as there has been a great es!hatologi!al develo+ment between E1. 57%4 and the time of o)r A+o!al#+se, the third division has be!ome s#non#mo)s with Hades. This a++ears !learl# in Phil. 5%17. .n a fo)rfold division of !reation see note on 12. 4. 3 1! 5@ G! >&3 ! " $# ! 6 2!2 H 2! > . The 6eer began to wee+ )nrestrainedl# be!a)se no being in !reation was fo)nd worth# to o+en the "oo*. .thers thin* that his wee+ing was d)e to his fear that the ho+ed for revelation wo)ld now be withheld, as it de+ended on the o+ening of the "oo*. 5. 3 9 I 2 ! ! J( #K &L : : - - M5&@ D NO P&@ $# ! 6 2!2 3 = A= #& >0 . 9 is fo)nd twelve times in the <o)rth ,os+el and eight times in the A+o!al#+se. .ne of the Elders here, as again in 8%12, intervenes, as elsewhere do other angels, 17%4, / s((., 18%1, 19%9, 51%9, 55%/, in order to inform or g)ide the 6eer. ( #% !f. :ohn 57%12. The a!t)al +hrase is )sed b# Christ in )*e 8%12, /%55. &L . The &5 serves to introd)!e vividl# the s!ene re+resented in the ne1t verse. is to be ta*en here, as alwa#s in the II and the ;.T., absol)tel#. Dt states that on!e and for all Christ has !on()ered% !f. 2%51, $Q , and the ob3e!t of this !on()est was to em+ower Him to o+en the boo* of destin# and !arr# the histor# of the world thro)gho)t its final stages. Th)s the $# ! is to be ta*en as an infinitive of +)r+ose. The vi!tor# has been won thro)gh His death and res)rre!tion. The Ki!tor is designated as : : - - M5& in de+enden!e on ,en. 49%9, 5 M5& = $Q !)" , and as D NO P& in (.A.T. Sc&rader)s Die Keilinschriften und dasalte Testament $ edited and rewritten '* +. ,immern and +. !inc-ler$ 1./%.

de+enden!e on Dsa. 11%1, 5! N2& - NO $ ( ( ' M@ 3 " - NO $ ( ( ( ' $2)!, and 11%17, 3 1! DR D NO $

' 0 M . The first +assage was inter+reted ?essiani!all# in the 1st !ent.


as we see from the Test. :)dah 54%5, and the se!ond in Rom. 15%15. 6in!e Dsa. 11%4, BHe shall smite the earth with the rod of his mo)th,C is a++lied to the ?essiah in Pss. 6ol. 18%29, we ma# !on!l)de that Dsa. 11%1E17 was inter+reted ?essiani!all# in +re-Christian times. Dn 55%1& of o)r te1t the a)thor ret)rns to these designations of the ?essiah% Q 3 D NO 3 6 P&. 6. 3 S& 8 0 " 3 I OT 3 8 I 2 $ A6 . The +osition of the amb, in the s!ene de+i!ted, de+ends on the rendering assigned to 8 = 8. 1. The te1t ma# mean Bbetween the throne and the fo)r iving Creat)res $on the one side' and the Elders $on the other'.C Dn this !ase the ,ree* wo)ld be Hebraisti! A . The II !onstantl# translate in this wa# the Hebrew +re+osition literall#, and not idiomati!all#, as in ,en. 1%4, 8, 1/, 2%15, 9%1&, 18, et!. .n this view the amb wo)ld stand somewhere between the inner !on!entri! !ir!le of the iving Creat)res and the o)ter !on!entri! !ir!le of the twent#-fo)r Elders. 5. .r the two +hrases 8 ma# be +arallel and em+hasiHe the fa!t that the amb stood in the !entre of all the beings above named. Dn favo)r of the latter view ma# be !ited 8%18, 6 $ 6 $= 0 ". Df this view is !orre!t it wo)ld im+l# that the amb is standing in immediate !loseness to the throne. ")t 5%8, 3 ;" 3 7, is against this. A!!ordingl# the te1t seems to tea!h that the amb, when first seen b# the 6eer, a++eared in the s+a!e between the !ir!les of the iving Creat)res and the twent#-fo)r Elders. The term $ as a++lied to o)r ord is +e!)liar to the A+o!al#+se>elsewhere in the ;.T. it is $ that is )sed% :ohn 1%59, 2&G 1 Pet. 1%19G A!ts /%25. This last +assage is a ()otation from Dsa. 52%8, 2 3 ( B" 3 $6 0 >6 . That this +assage was inter+reted of Christ b# the first Christians is shown b# A!ts /%24 s((. The +ro+het a++lies it to himself in :er. 11%19, Q &F $ $ 0 "5"! > 1 . The word is )sed twent#-nine times in twelve !ha+ters of the A+o!al#+se as a designation of the !r)!ified ?essiah. Kis!her $2/E4&' has tried to show that $ is an inter+olation in the +resent +assage as well as thro)gho)t the rest of the A+o!al#+se, b)t )ns)!!essf)ll# save +erha+s in 12%/. 6o far, however, is Kis!her from being right as to the +resent +assage, that with :. 4eiss $+. 58' the !on!e+tions of the "oo* and the amb are to be regarded as Bthe *ernel of the Kision.C , i.e. as tho)gh slain in sa!rifi!e and still retaining the a++earan!e of death wo)nds on its bod#. These wo)nds are to*ens that the sa!rifi!e has been offered. The amb is re+resented , be!a)se in ver# tr)th He is not dead b)t alive% !f. 1%1/, 5%/. 1 A . The horn first of all s#mboliHes +ower in the ..T. Cf. ;)m. 52%55G Je)t. 22%18G 1 6am. 5%1G 1 @ings 55%11G Ps. 85%4, /9%18, et!. ;e1t it mar*s *ingl# dignit#, Ps. 115%9, 14/%14G Fe!h. 1%1/G Jan. 8%8, 57, /%2 s((.G A+o!. 15%2, 12%1, 5, 18%2.Dn 1 Eno!h 97%9 the ?a!!abees are s#mboliHed b# Bhorned lambsC% BAnd D saw till horns grew )+on those lambsC% and in Test. :ose+h 19%/ s(., one of this famil# is designed )nder the term $, whi!h destro#s the enemies of Dsrael. 4hile the idea )nderl#ing $ is !learl# derived from Dsa. 52%8, it is ver# +robable that the !on!e+tion )nderl#ing 1 A is s+r)ng from a+o!al#+ti! tradition. 0.T. 0ld Testament.

Dt is +robable also that it is the :ewish ?essiah that is designated $ in the above +assage of the Test. :ose+hG and s)!h is !ertainl# the !ase in 1 Eno!h 97%28, BAnd D saw that a white b)ll was born with large horns.C BThe amb,C then, Bwith the seven hornsC is the all-+owerf)l $observe the +erfe!t n)mber BsevenC is )sed' warrior and *ing. Cf. ?att. 5/%1/G :ohn 18%1, 5. .ver against the Christ so re+resented we have His !o)nter+art in the "east with the seven heads in 12%1. 3 C"L A@ , ! = UA=V 5 0 "0 $! < ( - . .mnis!ien!e a++ears to be here attrib)ted to the amb. The +ossession of the seven e#es has this im+ort% for these belong to Mahweh in the ..T.% !f. Fe!h. 4%17, A= W! C" ! 4 !2 $! ! " " ' 3 < ( -. The !la)se , ! = - has been re3e!ted b# 4e#land, 6+itta $+. &8', KNlter, iv. +. 15, 4ellha)sen $+. 9' as an e1+lanator# addition. Dts removal wo)ld !ertainl# ma*e the inter+retation of the te1t easier. ")t there is no ob3e!tion to this !la)se as !oming from o)r a)thor0s hand% !f. 2%1. Dn 4%5, on the other hand, we fo)nd that ali*e the verse str)!t)re of 4%1E/ and the order of the words were against the originalit# of 4%5b $O', b)t not against its insertion, when he edited his visions as a whole. <)rthermore, sin!e $! or $ seems to be a ver# loose b)t inde+endent translation of !!$ II, !2', and sin!e we have alread# fo)nd that o)r a)thor does not de+end for his *nowledge of the Hebrew on the II, this forms a +res)m+tion in favo)r of his a)thorshi+ of this !la)se. A!!ordingl# re!ogniHing its originalit#, we sho)ld ne1t determine the tr)e te1t. This, we fear, !annot be done with an# !ertaint#. The a)thorities are divided between $!@ $, and $. This word !o)ld be )sed either of the Be#esC or of the Bs+irits,C and hen!e gives )s no hel+, tho)gh the original +assage in Fe!hariah is in favo)r of !onne!ting the words C"5 and $!. ". 4eiss $+. 445' de!ides definitel# for this view and a!!ordingl# reads $!. .n the other hand, the !onte1t is rather in favo)r of !onne!ting 5 and the +arti!i+le. Dn this !ase "o)sset thin*s we sho)ld read $ or $. ")t there is no ne!essit# whatever for so doing. 6)!h a !onstr)!tion as 5 = $! is ()ite a normal one in o)r a)thor, however abnormal in itself. The seven e#es are here identified with the seven s+irits of whi!h the amb is ord and ?aster, 2%1. The !on!e+tion of s+irits being sent forth as the agents of Jivine Providen!e is easier of !om+rehension than that in Fe!h. 4%17. .n the +robable origin and meaning of the e#es and Bs+iritsC in this !onne!tion, see note on +. 15 s(. Dt is ()ite im+ossible to !on!eive a fig)re embod#ing the !hara!teristi!s of the ion of the tribe of :)dah, the Root of Javid, and the seven-horned amb with seven e#es. The A+o!al#+se deals with ideas, not with +lasti! !on!e+tions. The terms )sed have be!ome for the most +art +)rel# s#mboli!al and meta+hori!al. The# have been derived from vario)s so)r!es. Ta*en b# themselves and se+aratel#, the# are b)t one-sided and +artial re+resentatives of the ?essiah of o)r a)thor. 4itho)t an# fear of seeming !ontradi!tion he !ombines a++arentl# in one !on!rete whole these vario)s !on!e+tions, in order to embod# fitl# the ?essiah of his faith and visions. Df we !onfine o)rselves to the ideas, and ignore the !onfli!ting +lasti! manifestations, we shall find no diffi!)lt#. The ion of the tribe of :)dah is the one strong member par excellence of this tribeG the

Root of :esse,1 is, of !o)rse, the +lant s+ringing from the root of :esse $!f. Dsa. 52%5G Je)t. 59%1/'. Th)s in 55%1& D NO and 6 are +ra!ti!all# s#non#mo)s. These two e1+ressions designate in tradition the e1+e!ted ?essiah of the tribe of :)dah. 4hen we !ombine with these the f)rther one, Bthe amb with seven horns and seven e#es,C we have a being +ossessing f)ll +ower and omnis!ien!e>the s)+reme r)ler )nder ,od des!ended from the tribe of :)dah. P)ite another idea )nderlies the +hrase $ . As in the former e1+ressions s)+reme +ower and omnis!ien!e are indi!ated, b# this latter it is s)+reme self-s)rrender and self-sa!rifi!e. ")t there is no !ontradi!tion between the ideas, however it ma# be with their s#mbolsG for this absol)te self-sa!rifi!e whi!h has alread# been )ndergone, as o)r a)thor indi!ates, has be!ome the aven)e to s)+reme +ower and omnis!ien!e. 6)!h a++ears to have been the meaning atta!hed to the !on!e+tion of the amb b# o)r a)thor. ")t some of the elements in the !on!e+tion ma# +ossibl#, as ,)n*el $'um Verst(andniss NT, &7 s((.' and "o)sset $559' +oint o)t, go ba!* to an an!ient heathen m#th. .ne s)!h element is the o+ening of the sealed "oo*. ?agi!al boo*s, magi!al rings, magi!al oaths and form)las were ever#where !)rrent in the East. He who !o)ld ma*e himself master of s)!h boo*s or oaths5 be!ame to a great degree lord of the )niverse, and a new deit#. "# virt)e of his magi!al +ower, however won, he has +ower to loose the seals of the boo* of destin#, to bring the old world to a !lose and enter on the sovereignt# of the new, and th)s be enthroned among the an!ient deities, as ?ard)* in the "ab#lonian !reation m#th. ,)n*el and "o)sset ass)me the !)rren!# of some s)!h heathen m#th whi!h was s)bse()entl# ado+ted into :)daism and from :)daism into Christianit#. However this ma# be, o)r a)thor has no !ons!io)sness of the e1isten!e of this m#th, even if in the above form it ever e1isted. 6ome elements of the +i!t)re, however, do a++ear to go ba!* to a heathen original. 7. 3 ;" 3 7 - & !< 0 " 3 0 " . Dn ;" 3 7 we have a 6emiti!ism $!f. /%2' not fo)nd in the <o)rth ,os+elG !f. /%2, 18%1, 51%9. 6ee Jalman0s )ords of *esus, +. 51. ")t the ;" ma# not be a mere 6emiti!ism, b)t ma# des!ribe the a!t)al advan!e of the amb from the +la!e where He a++eared between the iving Creat)res and the Elders to the throne of ,od. 4eiss, followed b# "o)sset and 6wete, ta*es the +erfe!t 7 as +ointing to the +ermanent res)lts of the a!tion. BChrist re!eives the revelation of the se!rets of the f)t)re as an abiding +ossession.C .n the other hand, ?o)lton $"ram. ;.T. "ree#, i. 145' and "lass $+. 577' regard 7 as a gen)inel# aoristi! +erfe!t, as well as the +erfe!t in 8%14, /%5, 19%2, and +robabl# in 2%2, 11%18, 5%58. .ther e1am+les are fo)nd in 5 Cor. 5%12, 1%9, 8%5G Rom. 5%5aG ?ar* 5%15. Dt is !hara!teristi! of the A+o!al#+se. 814. Adoration of the amb>first b# the iving Creat)res and the Elders, 17G ne1t, b# the !o)ntless hosts of angels, 11E15G ne1t, b# all !reation, 12G where)+on the iving Creat)res sa# BamenC and the Elders fall down and worshi+, 14. 1 1n er. 1.21. t&e e3pressions 4lam'5 and 4tree5 are applied to t&e same

su'6ect$ i.e. eremia&. 7 8ompare t&e magical oat& in 1 9noc& :.21" s;;.$ '* virtue of w&ic& t&e &eavens were made fast$ t&e sea created$ t&e eart& founded on t&e waters$ and all t&e planets and stars -ept in t&eir courses. <ic&ael t&e greatest of all t&e angels and t&e patron of 1srael &ad t&e c&arge of t&is oat&.

8. 3 G 12 6 2!2@ = O+ 3 4 7! 25! 1 /! 0 $ . 6+itta $+. &8' removes 1 = $ as a gloss, $1' be!a)se elsewhere not the iving Creat)res, b)t onl# the Elders fall down and worshi+. ")t this is not so in 19%4, and there is no reason wh# the Cher)bim in o)r a)thor0s view of them sho)ld not +rostrate themselves. $5' As the Elders had har+s and !ensers in their hands the# !o)ld not fall down. ")t Hirs!ht $Apocal%pse und ihre neueste &riti#, +. 48' add)!es the Eg#+tian +i!t)re, in whi!h Rameses 11. is re+resented as falling down before the s)ngod Amen-Ra, holding the offering in his left hand and a !roHier and a whi+ in his right $ e+si)s, Aeg%pt. )andgem(lde d. &+nigl. ,useen2, 1//5, +. 5&'. $2' The falling down of the Elders first ta*es +la!e in 5%14. This +rostration removes, as "o)sset +oints o)t, the diffi!)lt# alleged in $5'. "esides, as Hirs!ht states, 11 seems to +res)++ose that the iving Creat)res are again standing, and the Elders are sitting on their thrones. $4' Thro)gh the addition of the verb the following +arti!i+les are bro)ght )ns)itabl# into relation with the iving Creat)res. There is no more !ogen!# in this ob3e!tion than in the first. The iving Creat)res, i.e. the Cher)bim, were sim+l# angels, and no longer bearers of the throne of ,od. As s)!h there wo)ld be nothing strange, even if the Cher)bim were !on!eived as holding har+s and !ensers in their hands. ")t the latter belong e1!l)sivel# to the Elders. .n the other hand, :. 4eiss $+. 55' wo)ld e1+lain the !la)ses referring to the Elders as additions of the final editor, as in 4%4, 5%&, and wo)ld th)s re+resent the iving Creat)res as holding the har+s and !ensers. ")t tho)gh 4%4 a++ears to have been added b# o)r a)thor when re-editing an earlier vision, there seem to be no ade()ate gro)nds for the view of 4eiss with regard to the other +assages. 1 X !" 3 ! < 5 "! U, ! 4 3 I YV . The words 1 X a++ear to refer onl# to the Elders, tho)gh, so far as the grammar goes, the 1 !o)ld refer to the = O+ ta*en = 5!. Cf. 1 in 4%8. ")t the offi!e of the Cher)bim is not of a +riestl# nat)re, as we have alread# seen above, whereas that of the Elders is $see note'. The# have har+s $!f. 14%5, 15%5' and !ensers in their hands, and the theme of their h#mn is the selfsa!rifi!e of the amb, b# the whi!h He has won the salvation of His +eo+le !hosen from ever# ra!e and tong)e. The , refers to "! and not to !. Dts gender is to be e1+lained b# attra!tion from . The +ra#ers of the saints are s#mboliHed b# the in!ense% Ps. 147%5, "") D ) " /! . The Z!! are those dedi!ated to ,od, i.e. the ChristiansG for so the latter are fre()entl# designated in the A+o!al#+se% !f. /%2, 4, 11%1/, 12%8, 17, 14%15, 1&%&, 1/%57, 57%9. 6+itta $+. &8' and KNlter $iv., +. 12' bra!*eted the !la)se , = Y as an e1+lanator# gloss, and a wrong one to bootG for the in!ense and the +ra#ers are not identi!al. At most the# !an be !om+ared to in!ense. The gloss is d)e to a s+irit)aliHing of the idea in /%2, to the effe!t that +ra#er is the tr)e in!ense of heaven. This is no do)bt a tr)e idea, b)t it does not belong to the A+o!al#+se. The tr)e relation of +ra#er and in!ense in o)r "oo* is given in /%2. The offi!e of +resenting the +ra#ers of the faithf)l before ,od, whi!h the gloss attrib)tes to the Elders, is assigned to ?i!hael in .rigen, De -rin. i. /. 1, and to the g)ardian angels in the A+o!. Pa)li, 8E17. Dn 2 "ar. 11., ?i!hael des!ends to the fifth heaven to re!eive the +ra#ers of man*ind. A!!ording to the A+o!. Pa)li, 8E17, the doors of heaven were o+ened at a definite ho)r to re!eive these +ra#ers. :)daism is the so)r!e of these views, as we see b# going ba!* to an earlier wor*, the Test. evi 2%5E&, where it is said that in the highest heaven the ar!hangels, of whom ?i!hael is the !hief, Bminister and ma*e +ro+itiation to the ord for all the sins of the righteo)s, .ffering to the ord = a reasonable and a bloodless offering.C ;e1t, in 2%8, in the fifth heaven, is


the order of angels who +resent the +ra#ers of the faithf)l to the ar!hangels, who in t)rn la# them before ,od. $6ee m# edition with notes in loc.' Cf. Tob. 15%15, 15. Thus in our text $e1!e+t in /%2E5' the four and t.ent% Elders have definitel% ta#en the part assigned in man% circles of *udaism to the Archangels, if the gloss is a valid inter+retation of the te1t. The# +resent before ,od the +ra#ers of the saints, whi!h the# have +robabl# re!eived from a lower order of angels. Dt is a +riestl# f)n!tion, as that of the Ar!hangels in Test. evi. 2%5E8G .rigen, De !rat. 11 on Tobit. Dn the ..T. and later :)daism, as D have shown in m# notes on Test. evi 2%5, the angels a!ted as inter!essors for man*ind. ")t in the fa!e of /%2E5 the rQle of the Elders !an hardl# be that of +resenting the +ra#ers of the faithf)l to ,od. The# e1er!ise +riestl# f)n!tions, it is tr)e, b)t their !hief f)n!tion is the +raise of ,od and of the amb, who has redeemed h)manit#. 9. 3 %&! '&( !( . This song is s)ng e1!l)sivel# b# the Elders, who +la# on their har+s to the a!!om+animent of their song. BHeaven is revealed to earth as the homeland of m)si!C $C. Rossetti'. The '&( !) $# ' was originall# a song of +raise ins+ired b# gratit)de for new mer!ies. As s)!h it o!!)rs si1 times in the Psalter% 25 $22'%2, 29 $47'%4, 95 $9&'%1, 98 $9/'%1, 142 $144'%9, 149%1. ")t in Dsa. 45%17 the +hrase has a f)ller !ontent, !orres+onding to the dee+er sense of Bnew thingsC in 45%9. The one !#!le of events is f)lfilled, the other is abo)t to begin. However great the glories of things of old time, the# shall be dimmed b# the s+lendo)r of things to !ome. To this new !#!le the new song belongs. 6)ddenl# in o)r te1t the old ,oda++ointed :ewish dis+ensation, with its animal sa!rifi!es and ra!ial e1!l)siveness, is bro)ght to a !lose, and the new Christian dis+ensation is initiated, as the Bnew songC de!lares, b# the self-sa!rifi!e made on!e and for all $' b# the amb, and the )niversal Ch)r!h thereb# established and drawn from ever# +eo+le and nation and lang)age. The !ontin)o)s song $%&!' is the note of !ontin)o)s than*f)lness and 3o#. The !>the newness in !hara!ter, +)rit#, and +remanen!e of the ;ew @ingdom is a favo)rite theme in the A+o!al#+se, and rightl#G for form the beginning of and thro)gho)t a+o!al#+ti! literat)re there had been a +romise of a new world and a new life. Altho)gh in earlier times the e1+e!ted world ma# have been in most res+e!ts merel# a glorified re+etition of the world that then was, in later times the e1+e!tation be!ame transformed and a world was loo*ed for that was new, not as regards time $', b)t as regards ()alit# $!'. And so o)r A+o!al#+se, as !losing the long develo+ment of A+o!al#+ti! in the +ast, dwells nat)rall# on this theme. The 6eer beholds in a vision the >6 !6 3 - !) and the M( !)> the new )niverse !reated b# ,od, who in the vision de!lares &L != !I , 51%5, 5 $!f. 2%15'. Ea!h !itiHen, moreover, of this ;ew @ingdom is to bear a new name ? !, 5%18, 2%15, and in +raise of this *ingdom the Elders sing the new song '&( !), and li*ewise the angels, 14%2, and the blessed !om+an# of the mart#rs before the throne, 15%5. [ ! S 2# 6 2!2 3 $# ! = #& >0 , G! 3 * + "+ + , - 3 / 3 0 3 1" , 3 >L + "+ DI 2! 3 4# 3 2!5! 3 - - . O"! is, as 6wete +oints o)t, )sed to des!ribe the death of Christ in this "oo* $&, 9, 15, 12%/' in de+enden!e on Dsa. 52%8, 2 3 ( B", and the death of the mart#rs in &%9, 1/%54. $O! e1+resses the idea of salvation as one of +)r!hase.

Christ has bo)ght the faithf)l for ,od b# the shedding of His blood $!f. 1 Pet. 1%19'. The +ower or s+here from whi!h the +)r!hase sets free is not mentioned here. Dn $14%2 it is from the earth and its evils, and in-a gloss' 14%4 from wi!*ed men that the# are withdrawn thro)gh the +)r!hase. $O! is a Pa)line word, 1 Cor. &%57, 8%52 G 5 Pet. 5%1. ". 4eiss $+. 442' holds that the word +oints ba!* to 1%5, so far as the loosing of the bands of sin ma*es this +ossible, in order that the redeemed ma# be!ome Z!!. "o)sset is of o+inion that the word s)ggests release from a hostile +ower. Dn later ages man# Christian theologians held that Christ +)r!hased His dis!i+les from the devil b# His death. + , . Here as in 1%5 A the Hebrew , denoting +ri!e% Bat the !ost of Th# blood.C - . This e1+ression does not attrib)te the same )niversal s!o+e to the redem+tive +ower of Christ0s death as 1 :ohn 5%5, >6 4 ! = 3 G 0 . - 3 / 3 0 3 1" . These fo)r words o!!)r, b)t in different order, in 5%9, 8%9, 11%9, 12%8, 14%&. Dn no two instan!es is the order the same. The# re!)r twi!e more, b)t not onl# in a different order b)t with 2!0! instead of # in 17%11, and ?! instead of in 18%15. ")t this last o!!)rs in a gloss. There is a similar en)meration in 4 EHra 2%8, B,entes et trib)s, +o+)li et !ognationesC $ A 1" 3 @ 3 3 !! $O''. ;ow the so)r!e of all these is )ltimatel# the "oo* of Janiel, 2%4, 8, 59, 5%19, &%55, 8%14, whether it be the ?assoreti!, Theodotion, or the II. Dn the +rinted te1ts of the II it is fo)nd also in 2%21, b)t it is to be observed here that 2%21E25 were borrowed b# .rigen from Theodotion. ;ow, ( ( ( ( sin!e the ?assoreti! has in all the above +assages ( " ( $ ( " ( (and Theodotion @ @ I!, it will be!ome !lear as we +ro!eed that the en)merations in o)r te1t, whi!h in ever# !ase !onsist of fo)r members and one of these members 1" or 1", !annot be derived from either the ?assoreti! te1t or Theodotion. .n the other hand, the II has 1" or 1" alwa#s as one member of the en)merations, and in 2%4 there are fo)r members in the en)meration >1" 3 I! $A #O', 3 3 I!. Dn the remaining fo)r +assages 2%5, 8, 59, &%55, onl# three are mentioned% in the first three of these 1" 3 3 3 I! $in vario)s !ases', and in &%55, 1"! . /! 3 /!. Here we observe that, whereas is fo)nd in all the +assages in the A+o!al#+se and in Theodotion, it is fo)nd onl# on!e in the II $2%4'. Th)s this list is more nearl# related to the II than to the ?assoreti! and Theodotion, b)t diverges also from the former. Hen!e o)r te1t +res)++oses either the e1isten!e of a translation differing both from the II and Theodotion tho)gh more a*in to the former, or the inde+endent )se of an older Aramai! te1t of Janiel than that +reserved in the Canon. 10. 2! 3 4# . .n the e1+ression 2! 3 4# see note on 1%&. The +resent 2!5!, whi!h is the harder reading, is also the right reading. Dt res)mes the idea in 2! and e1+lains it. In the vision the 6eer sees the saints alread# reigning. Th)s the e1+ression is proleptic, and refers +rimaril# to the ?illennial @ingdom in 57. .r 2!5! ma#, li*e 2! in 5%58, be a Hebraism for 2!5!. .thers e1+lain it as +reserving its nat)ral sense on the gro)nd that the Ch)r!h even then was reigning on earth, and that all things were being +)t )nder her feet as )nder those of her ord% !f. E+h. 5%&G 1 Cor. 15%55. ;ot the Caesars, b)t the +erse!)ted Christians are the tr)e *ings of the earth. ")t this sovereignt# is not referred to here% it is onl# +otential and is not realiHed till 57%4.


11. 3 S& 3 B ( $ I 58 0 " U3 I OT 3 I 2V@ 3 ; : $!"6 >I !& !& 3 !!& !!& . The 3 S& introd)!es a new feat)re in the vision% see note on 4%1. Ro)nd abo)t the two smaller !on!entri! !ir!les of the highest angels, the 6eer sees and hears inn)merable angeli! hosts a!!laiming the amb with one voi!e. D have bra!*eted 3 I OT . I 2 as a gloss. Their s+e!ial than*sgiving has alread# been re!orded in 9E17% that of the !o)ntless hosts of the angels !omes in 15G then the than*sgiving of all !reation. <)rther, when the vario)s orders of heavenl# beings are mentioned, the# are given in the following order% iving Creat)res, Elders, angelsG or angels, Elders, iving Creat)res, a!!ording as the 6eer0s des!ri+tion +ro!eeds from the throne o)twards, or vice versa. 6ee note on 4%4. The order of the words !& = !!& is s)r+rising, and "o)sset therefore bra!*ets !& !& as an addition. The# are omitted b# the K)lgate and Primasi)s. The !ombination is alread# fo)nd, b)t in its nat)ral order, in 1 Eno!h 47%1, &7%1, 81%/ A !!& !!& 3 !& !&, and these +assages ma# have been in the mind of o)r a)thor. The same !ombination is fo)nd also in Jan. 8%17, tho)gh verbs intervene% !! !!& !5 >+ 3 5!! !& !)! >+ $Theodotion'. <or +artial +arallels, !f., 1 Eno!h 14%55G Ps &8 $&/'%1/ $!!@ !!& >"5', Je)t. 25%27G ,en. 54%&7, and o)r te1t, 9%1&. ! ! 6 $ 6 2# ( &5! 3 0 3 3 L 3 !( 3 & 3 > . The do1olog# is )ttered either in re!ognition of the +ower alread# +ossessed b# the amb, or on its immediatel# im+ending ass)m+tion b# Him. The fa!t of this ass)m+tion is s)bse()entl# referred to in 11%18, 7 ( &5! = 3 2. Dn 4%9, 11 there are onl# three +redi!ates over against fo)r in 5%12, and seven in 5%15, 8%15. ;e1t, whereas in 4%11, 8%15 the arti!le +re!edes ea!h n)mber of the as!ri+tion, here one arti!le in!l)des them all, as tho)gh the# formed one word. Again, the seven members of the as!ri+tion in o)r te1t re!)r in 8%15, tho)gh in a different order, e1!e+t that for 0 in 5%15 we find >! in 8%15. The latter do1olog#, moreover, is addressed to ,od, as also those in 4%9, 11. The se+tenar# n)mber ma# indi!ate !om+leteness. Two he+tads of s)!h titles of hono)r are fo)nd as earl# as 1 Chron. 59%11, 15, tho)gh ea!h member does not alwa#s !onsist of a single word, b)t in 59%11 of a !la)se in two instan!es, and in three in 59%15. Dn the latter verse fo)r of the members are the same as those in o)r te1t, 0 = & = 5 = &5! $

. . . . . . # . . . '(. These are not the renderings of the


II. Df o)r a)thor made an# )se of 1 Chron. 59%11, 15 here, he did not )se the II version of it. "o)sset +oints o)t that the seven members of the as!ri+tion fall into two divisions of fo)r and three% the fo)r deal with the +ower and wisdom that the amb ass)mesG the three with the re!ognition of the amb on the +art of man*ind. Dn this wa# he a!!o)nts for the different order in 5%15 and 8%15. 6+itta $5/5' thin*s that the different order in the attrib)tes in 4%11, 5%15, 8%15 is d)e to the wish of the writer to bring o)t more f)ll# the !ontrast between 6 $ 6 and the attrib)tes &5!@ 0@ @ 5. There)+on follow the & @ !)@ >, whi!h in the do1ologies addressed to ,od, however, are at the beginning. 3 < \ + >+ 3 3 - - 3 - - 3 " , 3 = ># @ B .

earth, and in the sea $!f. Ps. /%8E/'G and this is a!t)all# the te1t of , some !)rsives, and two Kersions, whi!h omit - -. ")t the te1t)al eviden!e strongl# s)++orts this !la)se, whi!h is, therefore, to be inter+reted of the inhabitants of Hades, as it !annot well admit of an# other meaning. That the inhabitants of Hades 3oin in the do1olog#, shows the vast +rogress that theolog# has made from ..T. times, when no +raise of ,od was !on!eived of as +ossible in 6heol% Ps. &%5, 27%9, //%17E15G Dsa. 2/%1/. This being the meaning of this !la)se, what meaning are we to atta!h to \ + >+O $a' Df we follow the inter+retation s)ggested above, we have the birds of the air, the men and the animals on the earth, the so)ls in Hades, and the fish of the sea. This is a ver# )nsatisfa!tor# list. .ther e1+lanations of \ + >+ have a!!ordingl# been offered. $b' Th)s Corn. a a+. has s)ggested that it refers to the s)n, moon, and stars. This is ()ite +ossible, sin!e we *now that the :ews attrib)ted a !ons!io)s e1isten!e to these l)minaries, 1 Eno!h 1/%12 s((., and a!!ording to 5 Eno!h 11. The# belong to the fo)rth heaven. $c' .r the !la)se ma# be ta*en as referring to all the inhabitants of heaven e1!e+t the Cher)bim and the Elders, who +rono)n!e the amen on this do1olog#. $d' .r, finall#, the !la)se is to be ta*en res)m+tivel# as in!l)ding all that went before. Dn favo)r of this view it ma# be observed that at the !lose of the en)meration in 12 we have another res)m+tive !la)se embra!ing e1ha)stivel# all the !reation of ,od $3 = ># '. Th)s the )niverse of !reated things, the inhabitants of heaven, earth, sea, and Hades, 3oin in the grand finale of +raise that rose to the throne of ,od. Met 14 might seem, b)t not ne!essaril#, to e1!l)de from these the Cher)bim and the Elders. <or a +arallel res)m+tive e1+ression !f. ?ar* 15%1, 4 $!# = I 2 3 3 G 6 &!. The +hrase = ># is alread# fo)nd in E1. 57%11G Ps 1&5 $14&'%&. " . 6o and vario)s Kersions. , cum gen. im+ossible here. + "8 3 + "8 3 + $8 D > 3 D !( 3 D & 3 6 L I I / . + "8 $see note on 4%5' + "8 3 + $8 . This !on3)n!tion of ,od and the amb, whi!h re!)rs in 8%17, attests the advan!ed Christolog# of o)r a)thor. The throne of "oth is one and the same, 55%1, 2, 2%51, and the worshi+ offered to Ea!h is also one and the same% !f. 8%15. Dn this verse we have the !lima1 of !ha+s. 4 and 5 Cha+. 4 relates to ,od, and 5%1E 15 to the ambG 5%12E14 to the !on3oined glor# of ,od and the amb. The two do1ologies offered res+e!tivel# b# the Cher)bim $4%9' and the Elders $4%11' dwell on the holiness, almightiness, and everlastingness of ,od, and the manifestation of His glor# in creation. The first two do1ologies in 5 whi!h are offered b# the Cher)bim of iving Creat)res and the Elders $5%9E17', and b# the inn)merable hosts of angels $5%15', dwell on the redemption of the world b# the amb, and +rono)n!e Him as worth# to r)le it and to re!eive the sevenfold attrib)tes of ,od $!f. 8%15'. And now the !lima1 of the world0s adoration has !ome, and the worshi+ offered to ,od in 4, and that to the amb in 5%1E15, are )nited in one great !losing do1olog#, in whi!h all !reated

Again the !ir!le of the worshi++ers is e1tended, and on the do1ologies and than*sgivings of the Cher)bim and Elders, and the inn)merable hosts of angels, follows the great finale +rono)n!ed b# all !reation. Here the writer, who in 2 had given the )s)al threefold division of !reation, now gives a fo)rfold one. 6in!e the inhabitants of heaven have alread# been f)ll# $O' en)merated, we sho)ld e1+e!t the mention of those in the air $ + >+', on the

things thro)gho)t the entire )niverse a!!laim together ,od and the amb, with +raise and hono)r and glor# and +ower for ever and ever. The do1olog# has fo)r members, !onsisting of the last three attrib)tes in the do1olog# in 15 together with one whi!h is elsewhere fo)nd onl# in the do1olog# in 1%&. 14. 3 = O+ 1 ]) . Dt is fitting that the Cher)bim, the highest order of angels, sho)ld !lose the do1olog# of all !reation with the solemn $) of !onfirmation, as at the beginning, 4%/, the# had +rono)n!ed the first do1olog#. "oth Cher)bim and Elders 3oin in this $) in 19%4. Cf. Je)t. 58%15 s((. Amen is )sed in the A+o!al#+se in +robabl# fo)r senses. i. The initial amen in whi!h the words of a +revio)s s+ea*er are referred to and ado+ted as one0s own% 5%14, 8%15, 19%4, 55%57. The earliest instan!es of this )se are fo)nd in 1 @ings 1%2&G :er. 5/%&, 11%5. ii. BThe deta!hed Amen, the !om+lementar# senten!e being s)++ressed $Je)t. 58%15E5&G ;eh. 5%12'.C 6)!h ma# be the )se in 5%14 of o)r te1t. This amen was )sed lit)rgi!all#, in the time of the Chroni!ler, 1 Chron. 1&%2& A Ps. 17&%4/>tho)gh not in the Tem+le servi!e, when the res+onse was different, b)t in the servi!es of the s#nagog)e $6!hLrer, ".*.V. DD. ii. 452E454, 45/', when!e the !)stom +assed over to the Christian Ch)r!h $!f. 1 Cor. 14%1&'. This )sage is vo)!hed for b# :)stin ?art#r, Apol. i. &5, : Q 6 # ]), and later b# :erome. iii. The final amen with no !hange of s+ea*er, 1%&, 8. This )se is fre()ent from the ;.T. onwards, b)t not fo)nd in the ..T. save in the s)bs!ri+tions to the fo)r divisions of the Psalter, 41%14, 85%1/, /9%55, 17&%4/. iv. 6ee note on 2%14. <or other )ses of this word see the arti!le in Enc%c. Bib. i. 12& s(., b# Professor Hogg, whi!h D have drawn )+on for the above notesG and that in Hastings0 D.B. % (is rendered in the II b# ! in the aw, the Pro+hets, and the Psalter, b)t b# $) in the Chroni!les, EHra, ;ehemiah, and A+o!r#+ha. $6ee note on @ $) in 1%8.' 4ith the do1olog# in 12b! and the s)!!eeding amen we sho)ld !om+are 1 Chron. 1&%2&, > 5! : " M( $6 0 I 3 X 0 I@ 3 # < : ]). That the do1ologies in the Psalter were in the mind of o)r writer will be!ome !learer when we !ome to 19%4. 6wete well remar*s in loc., Bthe whole +assage is highl# s)ggestive of the devotional attit)de of the Asiati! Ch)r!h in the time of Jomitian towards the +erson of Christ. Dt !onfirms Plin#0s re+ort% R$Christianos' !armen Christo ()asi deo di!ere se!)m invi!em.0C This was alread# remar*ed b# KNlter, Das -roblem d. Apo#. +. 515, B4enn Plini)s an Tra3an s!hreibt. dass die Christen am Tag ihrer F)sammen*Lnfte gewNhnt seien, !armen Christo ()asi Jeo di!ere, so erinnert man si!h dabei = der ob+reis)ng des ammes in A+o*. v. 12.C Here the Elders +rostrate themselves before ,od and the amb, as in 4%17 the# had done before ,od.

4riters have dealt ver# vario)sl# with this !ha+ter. Kis!her, 54 s((., 6!hmidt, 25, are obliged from their stand+oint of an original :ewish A+o!al#+se to re3e!t 5%9E14, sin!e the glorifi!ation of the amb and His redem+tion of the ,entiles !annot a++ear in s)!h an A+o!al#+se. The former re3e!ts also the words $ = in 5%& and $ in 5%/. 4e#land, 14/ s((., from the same stand+oint goes farther and assigns 5%&E14 to the Christian reda!tor, and I. $in '.A.T.)., 1//8, ;o. 1' is still more drasti! and regards 5%5b, 2E&, /E14 as derived from a Christian reda!tor. Ra)!h, 89 s(.,

=.B. +astings) Dictionary of the Bible. ,.A.T.W. Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft .

151 s(., is !ontent with e1!ising 5%9b, 17, the e1+lanator# relative senten!es in 5%&, /, and the +hrase 3 + $8 in 5%12. Even !riti!s who start from the basis of a Christian A+o!al#+se remove 5%11E14. 6o K Nlter ii., i. 15&, ii. 58 s(., iii. /4E/&, iv. 12 s(., 58, mainl# on the gro)nds that the !hronolog# is e1+ressed onl# in general terms and ta*es no a!!o)nt of the amb ta*ing the "oo* and o+ening the seals, and that He is set on e()alit# with ,od. This addition he vario)sl# assigns to a reviser of the #ear 159 or 114. Dn iv. 145 he finds additions made b# a reda!tor of Tra3an0s time, in 5%&b be!a)se of the e1alted view of the amb, and in 5%9b be!a)se of the !ontradi!tion e1isting between this )niversalisti! !on!e+tion and 8%1E/, and in 5%17b where the final !la)se is added on the basis of 57%4, 55%5. Erbes, 57, 175, regards 5%11E14 as an intr)sion in their +resent !onte1t, and thin*s that it stood originall# after 15%5E4. 6+itta, 5/7E5/8, maintains the integrit# of the !ha+ter on the whole, b)t e1!ises as additions of a reda!tor the relative !la)ses in 5%&, /, the final !la)se of 5%17, and &L = >0 in 5%5, and 1 = $ in 5%/. ")t no valid gro)nds e1ist for an# s)!h m)tilations of the te1t of this !ha+ter or the +re!eding one, seeing that the ideas are so !losel# wro)ght together and elaborated in a growing crescendo $!f. !losing note on 5%12', and that the di!tion and idiom are so distin!tivel# !hara!teristi! of o)r a)thor. To the intr)sion of !ertain glosses in 4E5 we have alread# drawn attention.

>?lter >?lter$ Offenbarung Johannis

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