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Prctica sobre conectores Ejemplo: Pregunta: Qu funcin cumple el conector subrayado en la oracin 1? Respuesta: !

umple la funcin de indicar contraste" o !umple una funcin ad#ersati#a" 1$ %ane &or'ed (ard$ )o&e#er *aren (ardly did any &or' at all$ ad#ersati#a +$ ,t-s raining. e#en so. &e must go out$ !oncesi#a /$ )e lac's self0confidence$ 1s a conse2uence. (e is unli'ely to be successful$ !ausal 3$ )e passed (is e4ams$ 5(erefore. (e can tra#el abroad$ !ausal 6$ 7eil plays football and besides. (e runs a restaurant$ 1diti#a 8$ 9&ing a car (as some ad#antages$ 5o start &it(. it gi#es you comfort$ :econdly. it sa#es you time$ :ecuenciadora ;$ <omen li#e longer t(an men$ =or instance. in >:1 life e4pectancy for &omen is ;6. &(ile it is ;/ for men$ !larificadora ?$ 5(e mac(inery &as not impaired@ t(at is. it &asnAt damaged$ !larificadora B$ 5(ey didnAt as' me@ any&ay. , didnAt &ant to go$ !oncesi#a 1C$ , t(in' s(e is #ery interesting@ in any case. , donAt trust (er$ !oncesi#a Prctica sobre referencias Ejemplo: Pregunta: 1 2u (acen referencia los pronombres subrayados en la oracin 1? Respuesta: t(ey D t(e 'ids Elos c(icosF@ it D aut(ority EautoridadF 1$ +$ /$ 3$ 6$ 8$ 5(e 'ids today not only disrespect aut(ority. t(ey (a#e no fear of it$ Et(ey D niGos@ it D autoridadF 5(e irony of punis(ment is t(at t(e more you use it to control your students- be(a#iors. t(e less real influence you (a#e o#er t(em$ EitDpunis(ment@ t(emDc(icosF Hreat teac(ers impro#e s'ills t(at prompt students to &ant to be(a#e responsibly and &ant to put effort into t(eir learning$ Et(eirDestudiantesF :ome call depression a major epidemic$ ,t is estimated t(at one in fi#e. or +C percent of t(e adult population &ill suffer from t(is illness$ ,mmuniIation against t(is &idespread illness can begin &it( de#eloping t(e rig(t attitude early in life$ Et(is illnessDdepressionF 5oo often. parents and ot(er adults do not pro#ide c(ildren &it( t(e encouragement. support. or self0confidence t(ey need to try again$ Et(eyDniGosF Percei#ed !ompetence and :ocial 1cceptance in *indergarten: ,ts Relations(ip to 1cademic Performance E,tsDcompetencia percibida y aceptacin socialF

Practica sobre caso posesi#o" Ejemplo: Pregunta: !ulJes esJson elJlos KcasoJs posesi#oJsA y su traduccin en la oracin +? Respuesta: K5odayAs c(ildrenA D los c(icos de (oy 1$ +$ /$ 3$ 6$ 5(is study determined t(e relations(ip among c(ildren-s perceptions of t(eir competence. teac(ers- perceptions of t(e c(ildren-s competence. and t(e c(ildren-s academic performance$ 5oday-s c(ildren seldom accept somet(ing as fact$ Lomains of c(ildrenAs de#elopment M p(ysical. social. emotional. and cogniti#e M are closely related$ Le#elopment proceeds at #arying rates from c(ild to c(ild as &ell as une#enly &it(in different areas of eac( c(ildAs functioning$ *ey t(eories or t(eorists t(at you may be familiar &it(. include but are not limited to 1lfred NanduraAs social learning t(eory. biological0maturational t(eory Ee$g. 1rnold HesellF. >rie NronfenbrennerAs ecological t(eory. Eri' Eri'sonAs psyc(osocial t(eory. %ean PiagetAs cogniti#e0de#elopmental t(eory. be(a#iorist t(eory Ee$g$. N$=$ :'inner and %o(n <atsonF. and Oe# Pygots'yAs sociocultural t(eory$ >nfortunately. today-s educational establis(ment still (as a +Ct( century mindset t(at focuses on EQ5ER71O 1PPR91!)E: to increase moti#ation$


Prctica sobre traduccin de tRtulos de libros Ejemplo: !onsigna: 5Rtulo D )ig(er Oe#el 5(in'ing$ Respuesta: Pensamiento de ni#el superior J Pensamiento de ms alto ni#el J Pensamiento de ni#el ms alto 1$ +$ /$ 3$ 5(e ,mportance of Early Reading in 5(e :c(ool D Oa importancia de la lectura inicialJtemprana en la escuela 5(e :e#en =aces of 5(e Early !(ild(ood Educator D Oas siete facetasJcaras del docente de la primera infancia 5oys and !(ild Le#elopment D Oos juguetes y el desarrollo del niGo Percei#ed !ompetence and :ocial 1cceptance in *indergarten D competencia percibida y aceptacin social en el jardRn de infantes$ 6$ Sultiple <ays of 'no&ing D STltiples caminos del conocimiento$ 8$ )o& to Engage Uour !(ild <it( Reading D !mo comprometer a tu niGo con la lectura$ ;$ !ommon !ore :tandards for Reading and <riting: <(at Parents need to 'no&$ D Estndares centrales comunes para la lectura y la escritura ?$ 5(e ,mportance of literacy and Noo's in c(ildrenAs de#elopment D Oa importancia de la alfabetiIacin y los libros en el desarrollo de los niGos$ B$ 5(ree Easy <ays to boost Reading :'ills D 5res manerasJformasJcaminos fciles para impulsar las (abilidades de lectura$ 1C$ !(oose Noo's at 5(e Rig(t Reading Oe#els$ D ElegR libros para el ni#el correctoJadecuado de lectura$

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