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Welcome !

Let’s talk
In first place , an adjective is

a word that DESCRIBES

It tells you:
+ What color
+ What it’s like
+ How many…
and much more….
Cute and Funny,
aren’t they ?

In this way our conversation becomes more colorful,

meaningful, alive.
But can you identify adjectives ?
Do you know how to use adjectives ?
Where to use them ? Let us find out !
Can you identify some adjectives from this group of words ?
Put a checkmark (  ) beside each ADJECTVE .

tiny home

fat a n
er m
t eet Afr
ar s w a
sm ve
kiss round
Now here are some Proverbs. Identify and underline the

A cat has nine lives.

A good conscience is a soft pillow.

A rotten apple spoils the barrel.

Dead men tell no tales.

Great oaks grow from little acorns.

A barking dog never bites.

Once again the old story of the dog chasing the cat !

Select the adjectives that best describe the dog;

Select the adjectives that best describe the cat.

yellow big poor

brown thin small mad
fast scared fat
So… How do we use ADJECTIVES ?
Model 1: Subject + verb + adjective (a complement)

This dog is black.

This dog is white.

This dog is black and white.

Here is another model.
Model 2: Adjective + noun (a noun phrase)

This black dog wants food.

Susan saw a white dog.

I love my black and white dog.

model?? Write
underlined expression:
11. .adjective
complement 22. .adjective

1- Four turtles climbed on the log.

One more task.
2. Their mother made a delicious dinner. Can you identify
3. The young fisherman caught ten fish. the ACTION in
each sentence ?
4. Patricia played beautiful music on her old guitar.
5. These brown cookies are delicious.
6. This blue bird flies fast.
7. These lovely flowers smell sweet.
8. Your face turned red.
9. These Italian pants look groovy.
10. The lost dog was hungry and thirsty.
Here is an important observation:

This is a Noun Phrase:

® a black cat
® these Italian shoes
® your best friend

On the other hand, a prepositional phrase starts with a

® under the wooden chair
® from a distant land Preposition + noun-phrase
® with a sincere smile
Basically this is the position of adjectives in:
® A noun-phrase:
Marker + ADJECTIVE + noun
that blue book


your first French lesson

® Or a prepositional phrase:
PREPOSITION + (marker + ADJECTIVE + noun)
behind the old couch

® Or standing alone as in: Black is beauty. / Your hat is black.

Ordering ADJECTIVES in a phrase !

A wild black elephant

(Marker + AD + AD + n)
This hungry Canadian bear
(Marker + AD + AD + n) H
These two brown African monkeys

Marker + AD + AD + AD + n
Keep this table in mind.
Marker or AD-common AD-color AD-nationality noun
a famous Russian writer

your little blue cap

two young white Siberian tigers

his new Chinese friend

that golden star

( AD stands for adjective)

Here is a sweet and
delicious orange for you
Let’s do some practices !
Practice 1- Select the correct phrase from
each group; Underline it.

• my two little Chinese friends • the red last chair

• my two Chinese little friends • the last red chair
• my Chinese two little friends • the red chair last

• three new writers American • some roses lovely blue

• three American new writers • some lovely blue roses
• three new American writers • some lovely roses blue

• in your first English test A Cuban red and blue hat

• in your English first test A Cuban hat blue and red
• your English first test in A blue and red Cuban hat
Practice 2 - Pick the two best “adjective choices” to complete
each sentence. Make sure each sentence makes sense!
(From_ )

1. Adjective choices: wet, green, floppy, many

The dog had a ____________ nose and ____________ ears.

2. Adjective choices: tall, cold, dry, yellow

The sunflowers in my backyard are ____________ and _____________.

3. Adjective choices: five, delicious, shiny, busy

I found a ____________ quarter lying outside on the ___________

4. Adjective choices: blue, striped, sharp, frozen

The ____________ tiger had ____________ teeth.

5. Adjective choices: dull, salty, hot, cheesy

We all ate the ____________, ____________ pizza.

6. Adjective choices: healthy, beautiful, toasty, many

The refrigerator was packed with ____________ ____________ foods.
One more practice, fellows !
Practice 3. Underline the adjective in the sentence below. Write the
opposite of the adjective in the blank next to the sentence.
(From: )

The ant was small. __big___________

1.) The water was clean. _________________

2.) The sun is high in the sky. _________________
3.) She saw the door was open. _________________
4.) The walkway was narrow. _________________
5.) Dad had a bald head. _________________
6.) They thought the world was flat. _________________
7.) The hot water boiled. _________________
8.) Stay in the shallow water. _________________
9.) Watch out, the table is heavy! _________________
10.) It was dry in the desert. ________________
11.) She had many children. _________________
12.) The old man had a cane. _________________
13.) I saw her happy face. _________________
Our last task.
Read the story below and underline the adjectives.

Today was the first day of school. Dave put on

his new clothes, washed his face, and brushed
his teeth. He grabbed one notebook for each of
his four classes. He rode his red bike. He was
happy with his schedule because his teachers
were nice. Gym class was always fun for Dave.
They served delicious food at lunchtime, too! By
the end of the day Dave was still energetic. He
walked his bike home to look at the colorful
flowers. The other kids walking home were
noisy, but Dave was silent. He was thinking
about how exciting the school year was going to
be! (From: )
Enough for today
Make your list of adjectives. Use them in
writing, in your conversation.
Get ready for our next lesson
Bye !.
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