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Department of Community Development Staff Report

Subject: SPEX14-LE-010 and SPEX14-LE-011 Ott/Rodriquez Date: January 30, 2014

Topic Description: T e O!ner, Ja"e# $% Ott, and &''(i)ant, *aria Rodriquez, are #ee+in, a''ro-a( o. a /ate,ory 0 S'e)ia( E1)e'tion to a((o! .or /(a## 2/3 S'e)tator and 4on-S'e)tator 5ie(d E-ent# and &)ti-itie#, and a /ate,ory 23 S'e)ia( E1)e'tion .or u#e# !it in a .(ood'(ain% T e /(a## 2/3 e-ent# are to in)(ude ,rou' or#e trainin, !it (i-e and/or re)orded "u#i), and are to 6e o'en to t e 'u6(i)% T e trainin, a)ti-itie# in)(ude ro'in,, #ortin,, 6arre( ra)in,, and ot er eque#trian re(ated a)ti-itie#% T e &''(i)ant i# reque#tin, u' to 24 e-ent# 'er year !it a "a1i"u" attendan)e 7! i) in)(ude# 'arti)i'ant#, .a"i(y "e"6er#, and 'u6(i) #'e)tator#8 o. 900% T e &''(i)ant a# #tated t at 'a#t e-ent# a-e ad a "a1i"u" o. 300 'eo'(e attend a #in,(e one 718 day e-ent, and t at t e#e e-ent# a-e 6een "o#t(y )ondu)ted on Saturday#% /urrent(y, #u6:e)t to a''ro-a( o. t i# /ate,ory 0 S'e)ia( E1)e'tion, t e &''(i)ant i# '(annin, on t!e(-e 7128 #e'arate e-ent# in 2014% T e e-ent# are to o))ur in a ne! o'en arena, to 6e (o)ated on a''ro1i"ate(y 9%; a)re# o. t e )entra( 'ortion o. t e #ite% Par+in, .or t e 'arti)i'ant# and #'e)tator# !i(( 6e in a ,ra## 'ar+in, area (o)ated ad:a)ent to t e arena% T e e-ent# !i(( 'ri"ari(y 6e on !ee+end#, !it ,enera( our# o. o'eration 6ein, noon to 0<00 '%"% T e &''(i)ant a# #tated t at t e e-ent# !i(( 6e "ana,ed 6y trainer#, #+i((ed e('er#, #a.ety ,uard#, an e-ent e-a(uator, and 'ar+in, attendant#% T e a)tua( nu"6er# o. ea) !i(( -ary de'endin, on t e #ize o. ea) e-ent% T e &''(i)ant i# 'ro'o#in, #e-era( u#e# !it in t e .(ood'(ain, ,enera((y t e#e u#e# e1i#t )urrent(y on t e 'ro'erty and t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion #ee+# to 6rin, t e" into )on.or"an)e !it t e =onin, Ordinan)e% T ere are "u(ti'(e #tru)ture# !it in t e .(ood'(ain ! i) are a))e##ory to t e a,ri)u(tura( u#e# ! i) o))ur on-#ite, ! i) need S'e)ia( E1)e'tion a''ro-a(% T e#e in)(ude a 30> 1 100> a,ri)u(ture 6arn 7! i) !a# )on#tru)ted in June 2010 to re'(a)e a ?@0 year o(d 6arn8, an a,ri)u(tura( !e((, t!o #"a(( out6ui(din,# 7# ed and .ra"e 6ui(din,8, and an eque#trian arena% T e 'ro'erty a(#o )ontain# a #et o. #tair# ! i) 'ro-ide a))e## to t e Ra''a anno)+ Ri-er% S ou(d t e /ate,ory 23 S'e)ia( E1)e'tion a''(i)ation in it# entirety or .or any o. t e indi-idua( u#e#/#tru)ture# (o)ated !it in t e .(ood'(ain not 6e a''ro-ed, t o#e #tru)ture# !ou(d need to 6e re"o-ed or re(o)ated to a 'ortion o. t e 'ro'erty out#ide o. t e (i"it# o. t e .(ood'(ain% Topic Background: On Ae)e"6er 4, 2012, t e 5auquier /ounty =onin, O..i)e re)ei-ed a )o"'(aint a6out e1)e## noi#e, t e )on#tru)tion o. #tru)ture# in t e .(ood'(ain and e-ent# 7rodeo#8 o))urrin, on t e #u6:e)t 'ro'ertie# !it out t e ne)e##ary 'er"it#% &.ter re)ei-in, t e )o"'(aint# t e =onin, &d"ini#trator 1

"et !it t e 'ro'erty o!ner, *r% Ott, and a''(i)ant, *#% Rodriquez% T ey !ere in.or"ed t at t e rodeo# o))urrin, on t e 'ro'erty required S'e)ia( E1)e'tion a''ro-a( 6y t e 5auquier /ounty Board o. Su'er-i#or#% &dditiona((y, *r% Ott and *#% Rodriquez !ere a(#o noti.ied t at a(( )on#tru)tion !it in t e .(ood'(ain required a''ro-a( o. a S'e)ia( E1)e'tion 6y t e Board a(on, !it 6ui(din, and zonin, 'er"it#% &t t i# ti"e t e =onin, &d"ini#trator !a# in.or"ed 6y t e a''(i)ant t at t e e-ent# !ou(d )ea#e% On June 24, 2013, t e =onin, O..i)e re)ei-ed anot er )o"'(aint a6out un'er"itted a)ti-ity ta+in, '(a)e on t e #u6:e)t 'ro'ertie#% On 4o-e"6er 2@, 2013, a''(i)ation# .or a /ate,ory 0 S'e)ia( E1)e'tion .or /(a## 2/3 E-ent# and a /ate,ory 23 S'e)ia( E1)e'tion .or u#e# in t e .(ood'(ain !ere .i(ed to addre## t e zonin, -io(ation#/)o"'(aint#% Cn order to addre## t e )on#tru)tion o. t e 6arn in t e .(ood'(ain, *r% Ja"e# Ott 7Pro'erty O!ner8 #u6"itted a zonin, 'er"it and .ar" a..ida-it on January 20, 2013% Cn )on:un)tion !it t e #u6"i##ion o. t e zonin, 'er"it *r% Ott #u6"itted a Letter o. *a' &"end"ent 7LO*&8 to t e 5edera( E"er,en)y *ana,e"ent &,en)y 75E*&8 #o t at 5E*& )ou(d "a+e a deter"ination a# to ! et er or not t e 6arn i# (o)ated !it in t e 5E*& 100-year .(ood'(ain% On June 13, 2013, 5E*& deter"ined t at 6a#ed on t e .(ood data 're#ent(y a-ai(a6(e to t e" t at t e 6arn !a# in t e .(ood'(ain% T ere.ore, 6a#ed on 5E*&># deter"ination, a S'e)ia( E1)e'tion i# required to a((o! t e 6arn to re"ain in t e .(ood'(ain%
Location / oning !ap

Location" oning and Current Land #se: T e 'ro:e)t area )on#i#t# o. .i-e indi-idua( 'ar)e(#, tota(in, a''ro1i"ate(y 14@ a)re#, (o)ated at ;40;, ;41;, and ;3;9 Su"erdu)+ Road 7Route @918% T e entire 'ro'erty i# zoned Rura( &,ri)u(ture 7R&8% T e 'ro'erty, +no!n a# Re"in,ton Tur. Cn)%, i# a)ti-e a# a #od .ar" ! i) #er-e# 6ot re#identia( and )o""er)ia( )(ient#% T ere are t ree re#iden)e#, #e-era( 6arn#, "u(ti'(e # ed#, and an eque#trian arena (o)ated t rou, out t e 'ro'ertie#% Cn addition to 6ein, an a)ti-e #od .ar", t e #ite a# 6een o#tin, eque#trian trainin, and ,rou'-!ide e-ent# .or t e 'a#t t ree year#.
$erial !ap

& 'ortion o. t e 'ro'erty, a''ro1i"ate(y ;3%@@ a)re# a(on, t e Ra''a anno)+ Ri-er, a(#o (ie# !it in t e 5(ood'(ain Ai#tri)t 75P8% T i# o-er(ay di#tri)t in)(ude# a(( area# #u6:e)t to inundation 6y t e !ater# o. t e one undred year .(ood, in)(udin, a(( area# !it in t e 5E*& .(ood!ay di#tri)t and t e 5E*& #'e)ia( .(ood'(ain di#tri)t% Ct !a# )reated .or t e 'ur'o#e o. 'rote)tin, t e 'u6(i) ea(t , #a.ety and ,enera( !e(.are !it re#'e)t to t i# "o#t #en#iti-e area ! i) i# #u6:e)t to .(oodin, and i# en-iron"enta((y i"'ortant a# a re#our)e% Ct i# a(#o -ita( to "aintenan)e o. #ur.a)e and ,round!ater qua(ity and quantity% Re,u(ation# !it in t e di#tri)t are intended to 'rote)t t e area a# a re#our)e and to en#ure t at u#e# !i(( not #i,ni.i)ant(y in)rea#e .(oodin, 'otentia( or unne)e##ari(y e1'o#e 'er#on# to t e azard# o. .(oodin,% T e u#e# reque#ted 6y t i# a''(i)ation are 'er"itted in t e 5(ood'(ain Ai#tri)t, !it a''ro-a( o. a /ate,ory 23 S'e)ia( E1)e'tion 6y t e Board o. Su'er-i#or#% 3

T e #u6:e)t 'ro'ertie# are a 'art o. t e )ore area o. t e Ra''a anno)+ Station CC Batt( and t e Ra''a anno)+ Ri-er 1D@2 4ort ern Eir,inia /a"'ai,n Rura( Fi#tori) Ai#tri)t% T e 're#en)e o. 're i#tori) ar) aeo(o,i)a( #ite# on t e 'ro'erty i# i, (y 'ro6a6(e due to t e 'ro'erty># 'ro1i"ity to t e Ra''a anno)+ Ri-er and it# tri6utarie#% &dditiona((y, t e Aa-i# 5a"i(y /e"etery )an 6e .ound !it in t e 'ro:e)t area, (o)ated a''ro1i"ate(y 390 .eet .ro" t e ri-er 6an+ on PC4 @DD;-31-002@% P(ea#e #ee t e atta) ed "a' and "e"orandu" .ro" t e /ounty># Pre#er-ation P(anner .or additiona( in.or"ation and re)o""endation#% Surrounding oning and Current Land #se: *o#t o. t e ad:a)ent 'ro'ertie# on t e #out !e#tern #ide o. Su"erdu)+ Road are zoned Rura( &,ri)u(ture 7R&8G t e e1)e'tion i# one 1%;9-a)re 'ar)e( zoned /o""er)ia( 4ei, 6or ood 7/-18% T e 'ro'ertie# on t e nort !e#tern #ide o. Su"erdu)+ Road, dire)t(y a)ro## .ro" t e 'ro:e)t area, are zoned Re#identia(< 1 unit 'er a)re 7R-18% &# one "o-e# )(o#er to Re"in,ton, t e 'ro'ertie# on t e nort !e#tern #ide o. Su"erdu)+ Road, are zoned Re#identia(< 2 unit# 'er a)re 7R-28G ! i(e t e 'ro'ertie#, "o-in, a!ay .ro" Re"in,ton are zoned R&% Cn a(( )a#e# t e 'ro'ertie# are 6ein, u#ed .or a "i1 o. re#identia( and a,ri)u(tura( u#e#% Pro'ertie# a)ro## t e Ra''a anno)+ Ri-er, in /u('e'er /ounty, are 6ein, u#ed .or a -ariety o. re#identia( and a,ri)u(tura( u#e#% Land #se !ap

Compre%ensive &lan/Land #se: T e #u6:e)t 'ro'erty (ie# a''ro1i"ate(y 0%10 o. a "i(e out#ide, #out ea#t, o. t e Re"in,ton Ser-i)e Ai#tri)t in an area de#i,nated .or Rura( Land H#e, ! ere rura( and a,ri)u(tura( u#e# are #ou, t% T e /o"'re en#i-e P(an in)(ude# "any ,oa(# ai"ed at en an)in, and 're#er-in, a,ri)u(tura( area# and t e rura( ) ara)ter o. t e /ounty% Pre#er-ation o. o'en #'a)e and #)eni) 6eauty are a(#o ,oa(# o. t e /o"'re en#i-e P(an% T e )(o#e#t 'ro'ertie# !it in t e Re"in,ton Ser-i)e Ai#tri)t a-e a Land H#e de#i,nation o. Lo! Aen#ity Re#identia( and O'en S'a)e/Par+/5(ood'(ain% Special '(ception $nalysis: T e #tandard# 6e(o! a''(y to t i# S'e)ia( E1)e'tion% 5o((o!in, ea) #tandard i# a #ta.. e-a(uation in italics% )*++, -eneral Standards for Special &ermits and Special '(ception #ses 1% T e 'ro'o#ed u#e # a(( 6e #u) t at it !i(( not ad-er#e(y a..e)t t e u#e or de-e(o'"ent o. nei, 6orin, 'ro'ertie#% Ct # a(( 6e in a))ordan)e !it t e a''(i)a6(e zonin, di#tri)t re,u(ation# and t e a''(i)a6(e 'ro-i#ion# o. t e ado'ted /o"'re en#i-e P(an% T e (o)ation, #ize and ei, t o. 6ui(din,#, #tru)ture#, !a((# and .en)e#, and t e nature and e1tent o. #)reenin,, 6u..erin, and (and#)a'in, # a(( 6e #u) t at t e u#e !i(( not inder or di#)oura,e t e a''ro'riate de-e(o'"ent and/or u#e o. ad:a)ent or near6y (and and/or 6ui(din,# or i"'air t e -a(ue t ereo.% Staff does not believe that either the proposed Class C events or floodplain uses will adversely affect the use or development of the neighboring properties, hinder or discourage the appropriate development and/or use of adjacent properties, or impair the value. The applications appear to meet all applicable oning district regulations and the applicable provisions of the adopted Comprehensive !lan. 2% T e 'ro'o#ed u#e # a(( 6e #u) t at 'ede#trian and -e i)u(ar tra..i) ,enerated !i(( not 6e azardou# or )on.(i)t !it t e e1i#tin, and anti)i'ated tra..i) in t e nei, 6or ood and on t e #treet# #er-in, t e #ite% The "pplicant is re#uesting $% events with a ma&imum of '(( attendees and '( horses. "ccording to the Statement of )ustification, the past events have had a ma&imum attendance of *((. +sing $.' people per vehicle ,as has been done with other event applications- when calculating the traffic impact of these types of events, a ma&imum of four hundred ,%((- additional vehicle trips per day, twenty.four ,$%- times per year, would be created by the proposed events. /irginia 0epartment of Transportation1s $(2$ 0aily Traffic /olume 3stimates show an "nnual "verage 0aily Traffic ,""0T- of 2,'(( for the segment of Sumerduc4 5oad ,5oute 6'2- from which the property would be accessed. "s one moves closer to 5emington, the ""0T becomes slightly higher. Thus, twenty.four ,$%- days a year the "verage 0aily Traffic ,"0T- is increased by $67 over e&isting conditions. The "pplicant1s Statement of )ustification included a summary of trips generated by 8elly1s 9ord 3#uestrian Center ,see attached-. :t appears that the comparison summary assumed four ,%passengers/attendees in every vehicle; not two as mentioned in the introductory statement. :t should 9

be noted that Staff believes that the $.' people per vehicle to be a more accurate assumption. <ased on the "pplicant1s comparison one could anticipate appro&imately an additional two.hundred fifty ,$'(- trips or an increase of 2=7. >ittle to no pedestrian traffic will be generated by the use. The Special 3&ception standards re#uire the owner to provide evidence that ade#uate traffic control is implemented for all events. Should the !lanning Commission believe that the vehicular traffic generated by the proposed events will be ha ardous or conflict with the e&isting and anticipated traffic in the neighborhood and on the streets serving the site, they may wish to recommend conditions which limit the number of events, attendance at the events, and/or a combination of the two. The proposed floodplain uses are all accessory to the agricultural uses which currently occur on the property. Therefore, it is not anticipated that they will generate any pedestrian or vehicular traffic beyond that which currently occur on the property, in association with the sod farm. 3% Cn addition to t e #tandard# ! i) "ay 6e #et .ort in t i# &rti)(e .or a 'arti)u(ar )ate,ory or u#e, t e B=& and Board "ay require (and#)a'in,, #)reenin,, yard require"ent# or ot er (i"itation# .ound to 6e ne)e##ary and a''ro'riate to t e 'ro'o#ed u#e and (o)ation% ?o additional landscaping or screening re#uirements are being recommended for either proposed use. 4% O'en #'a)e # a(( 6e 'ro-ided in an a"ount at (ea#t equa( to t at #'e)i.ied .or t e zonin, di#tri)t in ! i) t e 'ro'o#ed u#e i# (o)ated% There are no open space re#uirements for the proposed uses within the 5ural "griculture ,5"oning district. 9% &dequate uti(ity, draina,e, 'ar+in,, (oadin,, and ot er ne)e##ary .a)i(itie# to #er-e t e 'ro'o#ed u#e # a(( 6e 'ro-ided% Lo! i"'a)t de-e(o'"ent te) nique# are en)oura,ed 6y t e /ounty and # a(( 6e in)or'orated into t e #ite and .a)i(ity de#i,n ! en dee"ed a''ro'riate 6y t e a''(i)ant a.ter )on#u(tation !it a''ro'riate )ounty o..i)ia(#% Par+in, and (oadin, require"ent# # a(( 6e in a))ordan)e !it t e 'ro-i#ion# o. &rti)(e ;% <ased on the "pplicant1s Special 3&ception !lat, all improvements related to utilities, drainage, par4ing, loading, and other necessary facilities appear to be ade#uate. The "pplicant has proposed a grassed par4ing area for the events, which is a low impact development techni#ue. " condition has been recommended which ensures that the grassed par4ing area is properly maintained. "ll proposed improvements, including par4ing re#uirements, will be further evaluated during the Site !lan review process, to ensure that the proposed site development meets all applicable state and local regulations. @% Si,n# # a(( 6e re,u(ated 6y t e 'ro-i#ion# o. &rti)(e D, e1)e't a# "ay 6e qua(i.ied in t e Part# t at .o((o! .or a 'arti)u(ar )ate,ory or u#e% Fo!e-er, t e B=& and t e Board, under t e @

aut ority 're#ented in Se)tion 00; 6e(o!, "ay i"'o#e "ore #tri)t #tandard# .or a ,i-en u#e t an t o#e #et .ort in t i# Ordinan)e% ?o signage is proposed with these applications. ;% T e .uture i"'a)t o. a 'ro'o#ed u#e !i(( 6e )on#idered and addre##ed in e#ta6(i# in, a ti"e (i"it on t e 'er"it, i. dee"ed a''ro'riate% E1i#tin, and re)ent de-e(o'"ent, )urrent zonin, and t e /o"'re en#i-e P(an # a(( 6e a"on, t e .a)tor# u#ed in a##e##in, t e .uture i"'a)t o. t e 'ro'o#ed u#e and ! et er re)on#ideration o. t e 'er"it a.ter a #tated 'eriod o. ti"e !ou(d 6e ne)e##ary and a''ro'riate .or t e 'rote)tion o. 'ro'ertie# in t e -i)inity and to en#ure i"'(e"entation o. t e /o"'re en#i-e P(an% To ensure that the proposed events do not cause an unanticipated detrimental impact to the neighboring residential properties, particularly in terms of traffic and noise, staff is proposing a ' year lime limit on the permit with a one.time ' year administrative renewal for S!3@2%.>3.(2( . Category A Butdoor 5ecreation for Class C 3vents. ?o time limit is being proposed for S!3@2%.>3.(22 . Category $* 9loodplain +ses, as all of the structures are accessory to the agricultural use of the property and are intended to be permanent. D% T e 'ro'o#ed u#e # a(( 6e #u) t at air qua(ity, #ur.a)e and ,round!ater qua(ity and quantity, are not de,raded or de'(eted to an e1tent t at !ou(d inder or di#)oura,e t e a''ro'riate de-e(o'"ent and/or u#e o. ad:a)ent or near6y (and and/or 6ui(din,# or i"'air t e -a(ue t ereo.% :t is not anticipated that the proposed Special 3&ceptions and associated uses will degrade or deplete the air #uality, surface and groundwater #uality and #uantity, in a manner that will discourage or hinder appropriate development of adjacent properties. :n terms of groundwater #uality, it should be noted that the applicant uses privies for the events, and therefore the septic systems on the property are unaffected. This standard will be further evaluated during the Site !lan review process, to ensure that the development meets all applicable federal, state, and local regulations. 0% E1)e't a# 'ro-ided in t i# &rti)(e, a(( u#e# # a(( )o"'(y !it t e (ot #ize, 6u(+ re,u(ation#, and 'er.or"an)e #tandard# o. t e zonin, di#tri)t in ! i) (o)ated% "ll applicable standards of the 5" oning district have been met. C$T'-.R/ 0 .#TD..R R'CR'$T1.2 )*0+3 Standards for $ll Category 0 #ses 1% 4o o..-#treet 'ar+in, or (oadin, #'a)e # a(( 6e (o)ated !it in .i.ty 7908 .eet o. any ad:oinin, 'ro'erty ! i) i# in a Re#identia( Ai#tri)t% The proposed par4ing area is shown to be greater than '( feet from the area oned 5esidentialC 2 unit per acre ,5.2-, directly across from the project area along Sumerduc4 5oad. ;

)*03, $dditional Standards for Class 4C5 Spectator and 2on*Spectator 6ield 'vents and $ctivities 1% 4o /(a## 2/3 .ie(d e-ent or a)ti-ity # a(( a-e "ore t an 1,000 )u"u(ati-e attendee# 'er e-ent and no /(a## 2/3 e-ent # a(( e1)eed t ree 738 day# in (en,t % /(a## 2/3 e-ent# t at a-e "ore t an 1,000 attendee# or (a#t "ore t an t ree day# # a(( require #'e)ia( 'er"it a''ro-a( .or ea) e-ent% " condition has been recommended which limits the events to a ma&imum of three ,*- days in length. "dditionally, staff has proposed a condition which allows up to twenty.four ,$%- events per year with a ma&imum attendance of '((. 2% Site# e(i,i6(e .or /(a## 2/3 e-ent# and a)ti-itie# # a(( )ontain a "ini"u" o. 90 a)re# and a-e a "ini"u" o. 300 .eet o. .ronta,e on a road de#i,nated 6y t e /ounty a# a "a:or )o((e)tor 7or i, er8 in t e /o"'re en#i-e P(an un(e## t e Board o. Su'er-i#or# .ind# t at t e ty'e and a"ount o. tra..i) ,enerated 6y t e .a)i(ity i# #u) t at it !i(( not )au#e an undue i"'a)t on t e nei, 6or# or ad-er#e(y a..e)t #a.ety o. road u#a,e% 4ot!it #tandin, anyt in, to t e )ontrary )ontained in t i# 'ara,ra' , t e Board o. Su'er-i#or# "ay a''ro-e a #'e)ia( e1)e'tion on a #ite o. (e## t an 90 a)re# or (e## t an 300 .eet o. .ronta,e u'on .indin,# t at (e## re#tri)ti-e #tandard# do not ne,ati-e(y i"'a)t any ot er ,enera( or #'e)i.i) #tandard )ontained in &rti)(e 9 .or t i# u#e and !i(( #er-e t e 'ur'o#e# o. 'ro"otin, 'u6(i) ea(t , #a.ety, and !e(.are to an equi-a(ent de,ree% The total project area is appro&imately 2%6 acres, with appro&imately $,%=' feet of frontage on Sumerduc4 5oad ,5oute 6'2-. This portion of Sumerduc4 5oad is classified as a 5ural Dinor Collector in the Comprehensive !lan, which is a lower classification than major collector. Staff believes that by limiting the number of events permitted and the number of attendees allowed at the events, that there will not be an undue impact on the neighbors or any adverse effects on the safety of road usage. The !lanning Commission and ultimately the <oard of Supervisors will have to ma4e this same finding should they wish to approve this Special 3&ception application. 3% 4o #tru)ture # a(( 6e (o)ated )(o#er t an 100 .eet to any (ot (ine% "ll structures which are to be used in conjunction with the proposed events are further than 2((1 from the application1s limits. There are e&isting structures on the property which lie closer than 2((1 to the project1s boundary, including an e#uestrian arena. Eowever, to satisfy this standard the applicant has proposed a new location for an event arena. Staff has proposed a condition which e&cludes the structures which do not meet this standard from being used for events. 4% 5ie(d #'ort# and t o#e outdoor #'ort# a)ti-itie# ! i) "ay 6e )ondu)ted on or !it in o'en .ie(d area# !it out t e u#e o. an en)(o#ed #tadiu" or arena .or #'e)tator# #u) a# )ro## )ountry runnin,, tra)+ and .ie(d, #o))er, .oot6a((, 5ri#6ee, +ite .(yin,, .(y )a#tin,, .ie(d o)+ey, ru,6y, ot air 6a((oonin,, #o.t6a((, ,o(. 6a(( dri-in,, do, tria(# and t e di#)i'(ine# o. Triat (on, Pentat (on and Ae)at (on% ?o field sports are being proposed with this application. D

9% Ae(eted% ?o evaluation re#uired. @% T e #'e)ia( e1)e'tion o(der # a(( 'ro-ide adequate #e)urity, e"er,en)y, tra..i) )ontro(, #anitation and "ent #er-i)e# at e-ery /(a## 2/3 e-ent or a)ti-ity% &t (ea#t t irty 7308 day# 'rior to o(din, a /(a## 2/3 e-ent t e o(der o. t e #'e)ia( e1)e'tion .or t e 'ro'erty u'on ! i) a /(a## 2/3 e-ent !i(( 6e e(d # a(( 'ro-ide to t e =onin, &d"ini#trator !ritten 'roo., in)(udin, )o'ie# o. any 'er"it# or (i)en#e# i. required, .ro" t e .o((o!in, a,en)ie# t at )ontro( tra..i), #e)urity, e"er,en)y #er-i)e# and on-#ite #anitary and "ent .a)i(itie# are adequate .or t e #ize and t e ty'e o. t e e-ent or a)ti-ity to 6e e(d< 5auquier /ounty S eri..I# O..i)e Eir,inia Ae'art"ent o. Tran#'ortation 5auquier /ounty E"er,en)y Ser-i)e# /oordinator 5auquier /ounty Fea(t Ae'art"ent " condition has been recommended which ensures that this standard is met. ;% &(( require"ent# o. t e 5auquier /ounty /ode, in)(udin, t i# Ordinan)e, ! i) 'ertain to (i"itation# and 'ro i6ition# on noi#e in t e a''(i)a6(e zonin, di#tri)t# # a(( 6e )o"'(ied !it 6y t e o(der o. t e #'e)ia( e1)e'tion% " condition has been recommended which ensures that this standard is met. D% &ny retai( #a(e# )ondu)ted on t e 'ro'erty # a(( eit er 6e 7a8 a))e##ory and in)identa( to t e 'er"itted a)ti-ity or 768 )ondu)ted 6y and .or t e o. a non', ta1 e1e"'t or,anization% &t (ea#t t irty 7308 day# 'rior to o(din, a /(a## 2/3 e-ent t e o(der o. t e #'e)ia( e1)e'tion .or t e 'ro'erty u'on ! i) t e e-ent !i(( 6e e(d # a(( 'ro-ide to t e =onin, &d"ini#trator t e na"e, addre## and a )onta)t 'er#on .or ea) indi-idua(, ,rou', a##o)iation, 'artner# i' or )or'oration ! i) i# e1'e)ted to )ondu)t retai( #a(e# at t e e-ent% The "pplicant has indicated that retail sales are not typical at these events. " condition has been recommended which ensures that this standard is met. C$T'-.R/ 78 6L..D&L$12 #S'S )* 78++ Category 78 6loodplain #ses Cn addition to t e ,enera( #tandard# #et .ort in Se)tion 00@ a6o-e, t e .o((o!in, #tandard# # a(( a''(y< )*78+3 Standards for $ll Category 78 #ses 1% 4o #u) u#e # a(( )au#e an in)rea#e in t e (e-e( o. .(oodin, or -e(o)ity o. .(ood !ater#%

The "pplicant has stated, in the Statement of )ustification, that the structures which e&ist in the floodplain allow for flood waters to flow in and around them, and therefore will not cause an increase in the level of flooding or the velocity of the flood waters. Staff agrees with the "pplicant1s statement. "dditionally, the "pplicant1s !rofessional 3ngineer has provided a signed and sealed letter stating that there is no increase in the level of flooding or velocity of flood waters caused by the structures within the floodplain. " condition has been recommended which ensure this standard is met. 2% 4o #u) u#e # a(( )reate a 'otentia( azard o. de6ri# #u6:e)t to "o-e"ent 6y .(ood !ater# ! i) "i, t )au#e da"a,e do!n#trea"% :t is not anticipated that the structures will create a ha ard of debris subject to movement by flood waters which might cause damage downstream. Fhile all of the structures are within the 93D" floodplain, they are outside floodway; meaning that in a in a flood event, this area is used to store the e&cess capacity and is not a part of the active flood waters which may be at a destructive velocity. " condition has been recommended which ensures this standard is met. 3% T e Jo n *ar# a(( Soi( and $ater /on#er-ation Ai#tri)t # a(( 6e ,i-en t e o''ortunity to )o""ent on #u) u#e#% )ohn Darshall Soil and Fater Conservation 0istrict deferred comment to County 3rosion and Sediment Control ,3 G S- Staff. County 3 G S staff reviewed the application and had no comments at this time. 4% T e a''(i)ant # a(( a-e o6tained and # a(( 're#ent e-iden)e atte#tin, any a''(i)a6(e a''ro-a(# 6y State and 5edera( aut oritie# )on)ernin, #u) a u#e% The applicant has stated that there are no state or federal approvals re#uired for the uses within the floodplain. "dditionally, the "pplicant1s !rofessional 3ngineer has provided a signed and sealed letter to this effect. 9% *ateria(# and equi'"ent #tored in t e .(ood'(ain # a(( not 6e 6uoyant, .(a""a6(e or e1'(o#i-e, and # a(( not 6e #u6:e)t to "a:or da"a,e 6y .(oodin, or #u) "ateria(# and equi'"ent "u#t 6e .ir"(y an) ored to 're-ent .(otation or "o-e"ent and/or )an 6e readi(y re"o-ed .ro" t e area !it in t e ti"e a-ai(a6(e a.ter .(ood !arnin,% The applicant has stated that there are not any materials stored within the floodplain that are flammable or e&plosive. " condition has been recommended which ensures this standard is met. @% S'e)ia( E1)e'tion# # a(( on(y 6e i##ued a.ter t e Board o. Su'er-i#or# a# deter"ined t at t e ,rantin, o. #u) !i(( not re#u(t in 7a8 una))e'ta6(e or 'ro i6ited in)rea#e in .(ood ei, t#, 768 additiona( t reat# to 'u6(i) #a.ety, 7)8 e1traordinary 'u6(i) e1'en#e, 7d8 )reate nui#an)e#, 7e8 )au#e .raud or -i)ti"ization o. t e 'u6(i), or 7.8 )on.(i)t !it (o)a( (a! or ordinan)e#% Staff believes that the application will not cause any threats to public safety, create e&traordinary public e&pense, create nuisances, cause fraud or victimi ation of the public, or be in conflict with 10

local law or ordinances. "ll of the proposed uses are permitted in the Honing Brdinance with approval of this Special 3&ception. ;% S'e)ia( e1)e'tion# # a(( on(y 6e i##ued a.ter t e Board o. Su'er-i#or# a# deter"ined t at t e #'e)ia( e1)e'tion !i(( 6e ne)e##ary to 'ro-ide t e a''(i)ant !it rea#ona6(e u#e o. t e 'ar)e( o. (and in que#tion, ta+en a# a ! o(e% The properties total appro&imately 2%6 acres, with '(7 of the area ,=*.66 acres- being within the 93D" floodplain. The applicant has stated due to e&isting permanent structures, drainfield ,including reserve- areas, and the operations of the e&isting sod farm that the structures need to be where they are located. D% T e =onin, &d"ini#trator # a(( noti.y t e a''(i)ant .or a #'e)ia( e1)e'tion in !ritin,, at t e ti"e o. .i(in,, t at t e i##uan)e o. a #'e)ia( e1)e'tion to )on#tru)t a #tru)ture 6e(o! t e one undred 71008 year .(ood e(e-ation 7a8 !i(( in)rea#e ri#+# to (i.e and 'ro'erty, and 768 !i(( re#u(t in in)rea#ed 're"iu" rate# .or .(ood in#uran)e% ?oted. 0% & re)ord o. t e a6o-e noti.i)ation a# !e(( a# a(( S'e)ia( E1)e'tion a)tion#, in)(udin, :u#ti.i)ation .or t eir i##uan)e, # a(( 6e "aintained and any S'e)ia( E1)e'tion# ! i) are i##ued # a(( 6e noted in t e annua( re'ort #u6"itted to t e 5edera( Cn#uran)e &d"ini#trator% ?oted. $gency Comments: Sta.. and t e a''ro'riate re.erra( a,en)ie# a-e re-ie!ed t e a''(i)ation and a-e t e .o((o!in, )o""ent#% Sta.. a# noted o! t e ite"# !i(( 6e addre##ed in ita(i)ized (an,ua,e .o((o!in, t e )o""ent#% =onin,< Ba#ed on our re-ie! o. t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion &''(i)ation# and P(at #i,ned 6y S a!n /% Au-a((, L%S% on 4o-e"6er 22, 2013 =onin, 'ro-ide# t e .o((o!in, )o""ent#< 1% Se)tion 9-00@ Jenera( Standard# .or S'e)ia( Per"it# and S'e)ia( E1)e'tion H#e# a''(ie# to t e #u6:e)t 'ro'erty% =onin, Sta.. to P(annin, Sta.. in t e )o"'(ian)e a##e##"ent o. t e#e #tandard#% !lanning Staff has reviewed and evaluated the Ieneral Standards for Special !ermits and Special 3&ception +ses. !lease see the Special Exception Analysis section of this report. 2% Se)tion# 9-002 K 9-01@ Standard# .or &(( /ate,ory 0 H#e# and &dditiona( Standard# .or /(a## 2/3 S'e)tator and 4on-S'e)tator 5ie(d E-ent# and &)ti-itie# a''(y to t i# reque#t% =onin, Sta.. to P(annin, Sta.. in t e )o"'(ian)e a##e##"ent o. t e#e #tandard#% 11

!lanning Staff has reviewed and evaluated Sections '.A($ G '.A26 Standards for "ll Category A +ses and "dditional Standards for Class C Spectator and ?on.Spectator 9ield 3vents and "ctivities. !lease see the Special Exception Analysis section of this report. 3% Se)tion 9-2301 Standard# .or a(( 5(ood'(ain H#e# a''(ie# to t i# reque#t% =onin, Sta.. to P(annin, Sta.. in t e )o"'(ian)e a##e##"ent o. t e#e #tandard#% !lanning Staff has reviewed and evaluated Section '.$*(2 Standards for all 9loodplain +ses. !lease see the Special Exception Analysis section of this report. 4% & S'e)ia( E1)e'tion 'ur#uant to =onin, Ordinan)e Se)tion 4-40@ i# required .or t e e1i#tin, 6arn in t e .(ood'(ain% !lanning staff has included the e&isting *(1 & 2((1 agriculture barn, an agricultural well, two small outbuildings ,shed and frame building-, and an e#uestrian arena, and a set of stairs which provide access to the 5appahannoc4 5iver as floodplain uses which can be permitted by the re#uested Special 3&ception. 9% Site P(an a''ro-a( i# required .or t e E-ent u#e% ?oted, information provided for the applicant1s benefit. @% C. #i,na,e i# to 6e '(a)ed on t e 'ro'erty, t e #i,na,e "u#t 6e in a))ordan)e !it Se)tion D@01%3 o. t e =onin, Ordinan)e and !i(( require a #i,n 'er"it% ?oted, information provided for the applicant1s benefit. En-iron"enta( 1% T e ,ra##ed 'ar+in, area need# to 6e "aintained in a -e,etated #tate to 're-ent ero#ion and de,radation o. #ur.a)e !ater qua(ity% C. t e tur. doe# not !it #tand t e tra..i) 're##ure or ruttin, and ero#ion o))ur, t e a''(i)ant !i(( u#e one o. t e tur.-'rote)tin, ,eote1ti(e ,rid# or ot er (o! i"'a)t "et od# .or #ur.a)in, t e 'ar+in, area% C. ,ra-e( or a#' a(t i# u#ed, t e a''(i)ant "u#t #u6"it a #tor"!ater "ana,e"ent '(an t at addre##e# runo.. .ro" t e 'ar+in, (ot to 5auquier /ounty .or re-ie! and a''ro-a(% " condition has been recommended which ensures this standard is met. 2% T e a''(i)ant # a(( e1tend t e )a#in, on t e !e(( at t e 6arn #o t at it i# 3 to 4 .eet a6o-e t e ,round #ur.a)e% T e in)rea#ed ei, t !i(( redu)e t e 'ro6a6i(ity o. .(ood !ater o-er-to''in, t e )a#in, and )onta"inatin, t e ,round!ater% " condition has been recommended which ensures this standard is met. 3% T e !e(( # a(( not 6e u#ed a# a 'ota6(e !ater #u''(y .or u"an )on#u"'tion, e#'e)ia((y 6y attendee# at e-ent# and trainin, #e##ion#% 12

" condition has been recommended which ensures this standard is met. 5auquier /ounty S eri..># O..i)e &.ter )ondu)tin, a re-ie! .or )a((# .or #er-i)e, t ere a# on(y 6een one in)ident in 2012 at t e ;40; Su"erdu)+ Road addre##, .or an in:ury due to a .a(( .ro" a or#e% T e S eri..># Ae't% doe# not a-e any o'inion 'o#iti-e or ne,ati-e a# to t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion reque#t% ?oted, no action re#uired. Fea(t Ae'art"ent T ey "ay need to ,et 'er"it# .or 'ri-ie#% One 'ri-y 'er 100 'eo'(e required% " condition has been recommended which re#uires the "pplicant to comply with all re#uirements of the 9au#uier County Eealth 0epartment. Eir,inia Ae'art"ent o. Tran#'ortation /o""ent# not yet re)ei-ed% 5auquier /ounty Ae'art"ent o. 5ire Re#)ue K E"er,en)y *ana,e"ent T i# o..i)e doe# not o''o#e t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion reque#t#G no ite"# noted at t i# ti"e% Summary and Recommendations: Sta.. re)o""end# t at t e P(annin, /o""i##ion o(d t e 'u6(i) earin, and re)ei-e in'ut on t e#e a''(i)ation#% S ou(d t e P(annin, /o""i##ion re)o""end a''ro-a(, #u,,e#ted )ondition# .or ea) o. t e a''(i)ation# are in)(uded 6e(o!% Ct # ou(d 6e noted t at t e a''(i)ation# are not re(ated, and t e P(annin, /o""i##ion "ay e(e)t to re-i#e #u,,e#ted )ondition# to eit er a''(i)ation and/or ) o#e to a)t on t e" inde'endent(y o. ea) ot er% SPEX14-LE-010 - /ate,ory 0 Outdoor Re)reation .or /(a## 2/3 E-ent# 1% T i# S'e)ia( E1)e'tion i# ,ranted .or and run# !it t e (and indi)ated in t i# a''(i)ation a# PC4 @DD;-31-002@-000, @DD;-42-@D30-000, @DD;-23-0002-000, @DD;-22-2@09-000, and @DD;-339944-000% 2% T e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion i# ,ranted on(y .or t e 'ur'o#e7#8, #tru)ture7#8 and/or u#e# indi)ated on t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion P(at dated 4o-e"6er 22, 2013, re-i#ed on January @, 2014, and re)ei-ed in t e P(annin, O..i)e on January @, 2014, a# a''ro-ed !it t i# a''(i)ation, a# qua(i.ied or a#


"odi.ied 6y t e a##o)iated /ondition# and a# required 6y t e 5auquier /ounty =onin, Ordinan)e% 3% &(( e-ent# # a(( )o"'(y !it t e a''ro'riate (o)a(, #tate and .edera( re,u(atory a,en)ie# 'er"it require"ent#% 4% T e &''(i)ant # a(( 6e (i"ited to a tota( o. t!enty-.our 7248 /(a## 2/3 ,rou' or#e trainin, e-ent# 'er year% T e trainin, a)ti-itie# # a(( 6e (i"ited to ro'in,, #ortin,, 6arre( ra)in,, and ot er eque#trian re(ated a)ti-itie#, and "ay in)(ude (i-e and/or re)orded "u#i)% 9% 4o e-ent # a(( e1)eed t ree 738 day# in (en,t % @% 4o "ore t an one 718 e-ent 'er !ee+ # a(( o))ur on t e 'ro'erty% ;% &(( e-ent# # a(( 'ri"ari(y o))ur on !ee+end#, !it ,enera( our# o. o'eration 6ein, noon to 0<00 '%"% D% /u"u(ati-e attendan)e at t e e-ent# # a(( not e1)eed 300 'arti)i'ant#, .a"i(y "e"6er#, and 'u6(i) #'e)tator#, e1)e't t at u' to .our 748 e-ent# 'er year "ay a-e a "a1i"u" o. 900 attendee#% 0% T e e1i#tin, arena, a# indi)ated on t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion P(at, # a(( not 6e u#ed in )on:un)tion !it any e-ent e(d on t e 'ro'erty% 10% E1)e't 6rie.(y .or #ound te#tin, 'ur'o#e#, no #ound #y#te" in)(udin, (i-e and/or re)orded "u#i), "ay 6e a)ti-ated 'rior to noon, or re"ain a.ter t e 'er"itted e-ent a# ended% Cn no )a#e # a(( a #ound #y#te" 6e a)ti-e a.ter 0<00 '%"% 11% &(( require"ent# o. t e 5auquier /ounty /ode, in)(udin, t e =onin, Ordinan)e, ! i) 'ertain to (i"itation# and 'ro i6ition# on noi#e in t e a''(i)a6(e zonin, di#tri)t# # a(( 6e )o"'(ied !it 6y t e o(der o. t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion% 12% &(( e-ent# # a(( 6e a''ro-ed in ad-an)e 6y t e O..i)e o. E"er,en)y Ser-i)e#, Fea(t Ae'art"ent, S eri..># O..i)e and EAOT in )o"'(ian)e !it Se)tion 9-01@%@ o. t e =onin, Ordinan)e% Cn it# #u6"itta( to t e =onin, &d"ini#trator, t e a''(i)ant # a(( #'e)i.y t e ty'e and nu"6er o. re#)ue equi'"ent, 'u6(i) #a.ety 'er#onne(, tra..i) )ontro(, #e)urity and on-#ite #anitary and "ent .a)i(itie# required .or ea) e-ent to en#ure t at adequate #er-i)e# are "aintained on #ite at a(( ti"e#% 13% T e a''(i)ant # a(( )o"'(y !it a(( require"ent# o. t e 5auquier /ounty Fea(t Ae'art"ent% 14% &ny retai( #a(e# )ondu)ted on t e 'ro'erty # a(( eit er 6e< 7a8 a))e##ory and in)identa( to t e 'er"itted a)ti-ityG or 768 )ondu)ted 6y and .or t e o. non', ta1 e1e"'t or,anization# ! o#e 'rin)i'a( o..i)e# are (o)ated !it in t e /ounty% &t (ea#t t irty 7308 day# 'rior to o(din, an e-ent t e o(der o. t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion .or t e 'ro'erty u'on ! i) t e e-ent !i(( 6e e(d # a(( 'ro-ide to t e =onin, &d"ini#trator t e na"e, addre## and a )onta)t 'er#on .or ea) 14

indi-idua(, ,rou' a##o)iation, 'artner# i' or )or'oration ! i) i# e1'e)ted to )ondu)t retai( #a(e# at t e e-ent% 19% 4o #tru)ture ! i) (ie# )(o#er t an 100> to t e 'ro:e)t># 6oundary # a(( 6e u#ed in )on:un)tion !it any e-ent% 1@% T e ,ra##ed 'ar+in, area # a(( 6e "aintained in a -e,etated #tate to 're-ent ero#ion and de,radation o. #ur.a)e !ater qua(ity% C. t e tur. doe# not !it #tand t e tra..i) 're##ure or ruttin, and ero#ion o))ur, t e a''(i)ant # a(( in#ta(( tur.-'rote)tin, ,eote1ti(e ,rid# or ot er (o! i"'a)t "et od# .or #ur.a)in, t e 'ar+in, area% &(ternati-e(y, i. t e a''(i)ant ) oo#e# to u#e a ,ra-e( or a#' a(t 'ar+in, area, a #tor"!ater "ana,e"ent '(an t at addre##e# run-o.. .ro" t e 'ar+in, (ot # a(( 6e required% 1;% T i# S'e)ia( E1)e'tion i# i##ued .or a 'eriod o. .i-e 798 year# )o""en)in, !it t e "ont in ! i) t e Board o. Su'er-i#or# a''ro-e# it and endin, at t e end o. t at #a"e "ont .i-e 798 year# en)e, and en)e.ort # a(( t en 6e #u6:e)t to one .i-e 798 year ad"ini#trati-e rene!a( 6y t e =onin, &d"ini#trator% C., durin, t e ad"ini#trati-e rene!a( 'ro)e##, t e =onin, &d"ini#trator .ind# t at 'ra)ti)e# a-e ) an,ed ) ara)ter and t ere are ne! i"'a)t#, t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion # a(( 6e required to ,o 6a)+ to t e Board o. Su'er-i#or# .or a''ro-a(% SPEX14-LE-011 - /ate,ory 23 5(ood'(ain H#e# 1% T i# S'e)ia( E1)e'tion i# ,ranted .or and run# !it t e (and indi)ated in t i# a''(i)ation a# PC4 @DD;-31-002@-000, @DD;-42-@D30-000, @DD;-23-0002-000, @DD;-22-2@09-000, and @DD;-339944-000% 2% T e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion i# ,ranted on(y .or t e 'ur'o#e7#8, #tru)ture7#8 and/or u#e#, ! i) in)(ude# a 30> 1 100> a,ri)u(ture 6arn, an a,ri)u(tura( !e((, t!o #"a(( out6ui(din,# 7# ed and .ra"e 6ui(din,8, an eque#trian arena, and a #et o. #tair# ! i) 'ro-ide a))e## to t e Ra''a anno)+ Ri-er, a# indi)ated on t e S'e)ia( E1)e'tion P(at dated 4o-e"6er 22, 2013, re-i#ed on January @, 2014, and re)ei-ed in t e P(annin, O..i)e on January @, 2014, a# a''ro-ed !it t i# a''(i)ation, a# qua(i.ied or a# "odi.ied 6y t e a##o)iated /ondition# and a# required 6y t e 5auquier /ounty =onin, Ordinan)e% 3% &(( a''(i)a6(e 6ui(din, and zonin, 'er"it# # a(( 6e a''(ied .or !it in 00 day# and o6tained !it in one year o. a''ro-a( o. t i# S'e)ia( E1)e'tion or t e #tru)ture# # a(( 6e re"o-ed% 4% &(( o. t e 'er"itted #tru)ture# # a(( re"ain a# an a))e##ory to t e a,ri)u(tura( u#e on t e 'ro'erty% &t no ti"e # a(( t e#e #tru)ture# 6e u#ed .or re#identia( or e-ent 'ur'o#e#% 9% 4one o. t e a''ro-ed #tru)ture# # a(( )au#e an in)rea#e in t e (e-e( o. .(oodin, or -e(o)ity o. .(ood !ater# o..-#ite% @% &(( o. t e #tru)ture# # a(( 6e "aintained in a "anner in ! i) t ey !i(( not )reate a 'otentia( azard o. de6ri# #u6:e)t to "o-e"ent 6y .(ood !ater# ! i) "i, t )au#e da"a,e do!n#trea"% ;% T e a,ri)u(tura( !e(( # a(( not 6e u#ed a# 'ota6(e !ater or .or u"an )on#u"'tion% 19

D% T e )a#in, on t e a,ri)u(tura( !e(( near t e 6arn # a(( 6e e1tended #o t at it i# a "ini"u" o. 42 in) e# a6o-e t e ad:a)ent ,round #ur.a)e% 0% 4o "ateria(# or equi'"ent ! i) are 6uoyant, .(a""a6(e or e1'(o#i-e # a(( 6e #tored in t e .(ood'(ain%


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