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A response function perspective on yielding of

wet granular matter
S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, J. Vollmer, S. Herminghaus
and M. Brinkmann
EPL, 87 (2009) 14002

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July 2009
EPL, 87 (2009) 14002
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/87/14002

A response function perspective on yielding of wet

granular matter
S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, J. Vollmer(a) , S. Herminghaus and M. Brinkmann
Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Department of Complex Fluids
37073 Göttingen, Germany, EU

received 6 April 2009; accepted in final form 22 June 2009

published online 24 July 2009

PACS 45.70.-n – Granular systems

PACS 62.20.M- – Structural failure of materials
PACS 68.08.Bc – Wetting

Abstract – When dry ganular matter is tilted beyond a critical angle θc , grains start to flow until
a state is reached where the slope of the surface is smaller than θc . In dry granulates this relaxation
preferentially involves surface fluxes. In contrast wet granulates yield in the bulk. We uncover the
origin of this behaviour by focusing on the structure of the balance equations of the forces, rather
than applying a continuum model. The predictive power of the approach is demonstrated by a
parameter-free prediction of the yielding of 2D packings with thermal motion and mass disorder.

c EPLA, 2009

Introduction. – Soil can be viewed as a granular pack- Packings and forces. – We consider spherical grains
ing, where individual grains are held together by fric- subject to a gravitational force giving rise to acceleration
tional and cohesive forces [1,2]. For submillimetric grains g, a strong short-range repulsive binary force and attrac-
this cohesion is predominantly caused by liquid bridges tive capillary bridge forces. Friction between the grains is
which give rise to capillary forces between neighbouring neglected.
grains [3–5]. In spite of the fact that the microscopic Let Fi be an external force (i.e., gravity) acting on grain
details of this interaction are complex, it turned out that i, and fij = fij eij be the force exerted by grain i on j. Here,
the statistic features of wet granular matter are very well eij is a unit vector pointing from grain i to j, and fij the
described by a minimal model assuming a constant force magnitude of the force. The latter is positive for a repulsive
which is switched on immediately after a collision, and interaction, and it takes the constant negative value fb
persists until a cut-off distance ℓ is reached where the when there is a stretched capillary bridge1 . The force fij
capillary bridge ruptures [1,6,7]. vanishes for all pairs ij of grains that do not interact, i.e.,
In contrast to the dynamic properties of wet [1,2,8] in the vast majority of cases. Due to Newton’s 3rd law
and dry granular matter [9,10], and the statics of dry the force is symmetric in its indices, i.e. , fij = fji . We
granular matter [11–13] there have still been considerably explore now the consequences of the fact that in a stable
less efforts to explore in how far stresses and forces in wet stationary system the forces acting on each grain must
granular matter can be understood from a physical point vanish:
of view. In the present paper we generalise the response

fij = Fi , for all i. (1)
function formalism developed to describe forces and the j
rigidity of dry granular matter [13–16] to wet systems.
This provides interesting insights into the breakdown of When the geometry of the network and the external forces
its mechanical stability [4,17], which is discussed in the acting on the grains are given, this equation can also be
following for a wet granular packing on an inclined plane written as
(fig. 1(a)). 
The formalism applies to general isostatic packings with eα α
ij fij = Fi , for all i, α, (2)
mass and size disorder. However, for conciseness only appl- j

ications to two-dimensional packings of grains with differ- 1 This is a simplification since the capillary force is known to
ent masses are discussed in the present communication. depend on grain separation [6,7]. However, it has been shown [1]
that the assumption of a constant force provides a surprisingly good
(a) E-mail: description of the collective behaviour of wet grains.

S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari et al.

Fig. 1: (Colour on-line) (a) Regular packing of grains with a non-trivial height profile. The grains in the lower-most row (shaded
in green) are fixed, they form a wall supporting the pile. The others move when θ is increased beyond the critical slope θc .
(b) Forces acting on the topmost grain of an elementary tree: eup and edown are unit vectors towards the neighbours support-
ing the grain, and α and β the respective angles with respect to the wall-normal direction ex . (c) Elementary force tree for
θ > β where the force f up takes negative values. There are tensile forces acting at the indicated capillary bridges along the uphill
edge of the elementary force tree. The force balance for the grain at the top of the tree amounts to f up eup + f down edown = mg.
For a periodic packing the forces propagate along straight lines towards the outermost green grains, which support the full
weight. In contrast, for an irregular packing the force balance can only be fulfilled by allowing for smaller forces towards the
interior of the tree. For instance, in the situation shown in (b) the force f up eup will be split into a component acting towards
the large disk to the far left and a smaller one towards the one in the centre of the tree.

where α labels the components of the vectors. For N grains determine the magnitude of the forces fij at the
in d dimensions with an average of ν neighbours per grain, contacts with grains closer to the wall.
we hence obtain d N equations to solve for νN/2 forces
fij (see footnote 2 ). This shows i) that there can be no – Following the contact network from grain i towards
stable packings with ν < 2d contacts per grain on average, the wall provides an elementary force tree with a
ii) that there is a unique solution for the forces fij leading unique force distribution relaying the load exerted by
to a stable packing when ν = 2d, and iii) that there is a the external force Fi towards the wall (cf. fig. 1(b),
multitude of solutions for ν > 2d. The latter packings are (c)).
called hyperstatic, while case ii) is referred to as isostatic
Incompressible grains without friction form isostatic – Since the set of eqs. (1) is linear, its solution can
packings [14,16]: in the bulk the forces in the stable steady be written as a superposition of contributions of
state are uniquely determined. elementary force trees starting in each grain. The
weights are proportional to the respective external
Influence of boundaries. – To explore the stability forces.
of a wet granular packing in the simplest setting we focus
in the following on the conceptually simplest non-trivial
case of a two-dimensional packing where all grains in the Force propagation. – We now explore the conse-
bulk have exactly ν = 2d = 4 neighbours. A system that is quences of this general approach. All directions will be
bounded by the solid wall to the bottom and a free surface specified by angles with respect to the normal direction
at the top admits then an elementary representation of towards the wall. Gravity acts in a direction θ, and the
the propagation of forces to the solid wall: every grain at forces propagate from disk i towards the wall in the direc-
the surface is supported by d contacts from grains further tions αi for the uphill direction and βi for the downhill
down in the pile. Each of these in turn has d contacts in direction, respectively3 . The corresponding unit vectors
addition to those used to support grains further up in the are
pile, and this carries on to the grains in the lower-most up
cos αi cos βi
row which are fixed to the substrate (fig. 1(b), (c)). For ei = , edown
i = . (3)
sin αi sin βi
conciseness the immobile lower-most row of grains will be
called wall in the following.
For conciseness we suppress the index i in the following.
This representation of the force network provides a
Denoting the magnitude of the associated forces as f up
number of remarkable insights:

– The force balance for each grain gives rise to d 3 When the unit vector points in uphill direction the associated

equations which is exactly the number needed to angle α opens in clockwise direction such that it takes negative
values. Analogously β is positive since it opens in counterclockwise
2 The factor 1/2 accounts for the symmetry fij = fij of the forces. direction.

A response function perspective on yielding of wet granular matter

and f down , the two components of eq. (1) become Yielding. – Dry granular matter starts to move when
the tilt angle θ exceeds the angle describing the direction
f up cos α + f down cos β = F cos θ, (4a)
β of contact points in downhill direction. Wet grains can
up down
f sin α + f sin β = F sin θ, (4b) in that case still be supported by capillary forces as long
which has the solution as no forces larger than the capillary bridge force fb are
f up sin(α − β) = F sin(θ − β), (5a) All required traction forces are propagated to the
f sin(α − β) = F sin(α − θ). (5b) wall, and in a steady state the total forces are obtained
The angle (α − β) between the two directions supporting by superposition of the contributions of all elementary
a disk will typically lie in the range of π/3 to 2π/3 force trees. Since the contact points close to the wall
such that the corresponding sine function is of order are members of the largest number of trees, they are
unity. Depending on the tilt angle θ the factor cos(θ − β) subjected to a random superposition of the largest number
takes values between 0.5 and 1, while sin(θ − β) is a of tensile forces. Consequently, they experience the largest
decreasing function which approaches zero for θ = β. For net forces. As a consequence
larger θ the force f up eventually becomes negative and the
stability of the packing is only provided by the attractive – wet granular systems preferentially yield far away
capillary force between the grains. When the absolute from the free surface, while for dry granulates the
value |f up | of the tensile force exceeds the strength |fb | smaller number of constraints close to the surface is
of the capillary bridge the grains are separated. When the another decisive effect.
distance between the disks exceeds ℓ the bridge ruptures.
Subsequently, there no longer is a restoring force, and the Using a continuum approach to the mechanics of wet
pile yields. granular matter Halsey and Levine [18] came to the same
Note that the attractive forces propagate in uphill dir- conclusion, i.e., that yielding in a wet packing occurs at a
ection along the elementary tree (fig. 1(c)). Equation (5) finite depth below the surface (cf. below for a quantitative
also describes the propagation of these forces along the comparison).
elementary tree towards the wall. Beyond the top node of Minimal model. – We illustrate the predictive power
the tree the force F represents the force propagated down of the formalism by applying it to molecular-dynamics
from the parents to a certain grain4 . Grains on the edges simulations of a packing where the disks undergo thermal
of the tree have only one immediate ancestor such that the motion. For the sake of simplicity disorder is included
direction θ of the force exerted by that grain will typically only in the masses of the disks, and not in their size.
be very similar to α along the uphill edge of the tree and We consider, a regular packing (fig. 1(a)) of monodisperse
β on its downhill side, respectively. Consequently, by far disks with a broad distribution of masses.
most of the force propagates straight on along the outer The position ri of each disk i is followed as a function
edge of the tree until the wall is reached. of time t by using a 5th-order predictor-corrector Gear
The distribution of forces on the lower-most row of the method [19] to integrate Newton’s equations of motion,
force tree is not uniform. Rather one typically observes
only small forces in the centre and two peaks at the d2 ri 
respective sides. This is an immediate consequence of mi 2
= Fi + fij (rij )eji , (6)
dt j
eq. (5) applied along the nodes of the tree: in the top
node the external force is split into two components along
where the sum over j is over grains that have capillary
the directions towards its lower neighbours. These will
bridges with disk i. The interaction force fij (rij ) comprises
pass on most of the stress to the bond opposite to the
a repulsive nonlinear spring force
contact point and only a comparatively small part in the
other direction to account for the fact that the direction r κ
of the former two forces are not exactly parallel (fig. 1(b)). fij (rij ) = (2R − rij )1/2 (7)
As long as (at least locally) there is a preference for
particular directions of the bonds, most of the force will be when grains are compressed (i.e., for rij < 2R), and a
conducted straight down in the initially chosen direction, constant attractive capillary force when the grains are
and only the “scatter” reaches the centre part of the separated, i.e., for 2R + ℓ > rij > 2R where ℓ is the rupture
tree’s support. In particular, for regular two-dimensional length of the capillary bridge. In the sequel we will make
packings (fig. 1(c)) there are no forces in the interior of use of dimensionless rescaled quantities where we set the
the tree. The force exerted by gravity on the first ancestor diameter of the disks, the magnitude of the capillary force,
propagates straight along the edges to the wall. and the mass area density of the disks to unity.
4 To avoid confusion with the up and downhill directions we adopt
The strength of the repulsion is gauged by the pre-
the common parent-children terminology for the tree, where top node
factor κ in eq. (7), which has been chosen to be κ = 104
of each tree is the first ancestor. He has two children and each of these for all displayed simulations. All disks have the same
in turn are ancestors of trees with the same structure. radius R = 0.5, but their masses mi are Poisson distributed

S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari et al.



Fig. 2: (Colour on-line) The evolution of the centre of mass of two wet granular packings where different symbols refer to the
evolution at different angles θ, as specified in the respective legends: (a) a packing with an irregular height profile as shown
in fig. 1(a) (the system is actually wider, and fig. 1(a) shows that part where the system yields); (b) a system comprising
8 complete layers of grains. The left panels show bounded motion when θ < θc , and the right ones show the runaway when
the system yields. In the latter case y is not confined to the periodic cell but measured along the real line, and —in order
to emphasise the early stages of the yielding— a log-log representation is chosen. The dashed lines show a prediction of the
preferred direction of displacement of the centre of mass (cf. main text for more explanation). Length scales are measured in
units of the particle diameter. In order to give a clear impression about the spread of the data for different angles of inclination θ
the insets show the data in a 3D representation, where the distance to the respective critical angles θc ≃ 54.75 and θc ≃ 41.25 is
chosen as a third axis.

multiples of a mass unit μ = π/4, i.e., a disk has mass m packing. To provide room for the motion of the grains
with probability the density becomes slightly smaller, thus leading to a
displacement of the centre of mass away from the wall
e−λ λn
P n= = with λ = 15. (8) towards small negative x − x0 . Due to gravity and the
μ n! inclination of the plane it also slightly moves downhill such
The systems are subjected to periodic boundary that y − y0 takes small positive values.
conditions in a square box of dimension L = 18 and When θ approaches θc it takes values close to β. In
having 16 grains fixed at equidistant positions along that case the packing tends to tilt more and more in
the wall. Gaps between these grains are 0.125 disk downhill direction. Since both the acceleration g cos(θ − β)
diameters. due to gravity and the repulsive forces are very strong, this
Figure 2 shows the results of the molecular-dynamics tilt essentially consists in an almost horizontal motion of
simulations of two stacks with different mass and height the grains against the remaining (very small) component
distribution. For very small tilt angles θ the centre of mass g sin(θ − β) of gravity and a stretching of water bridges
shows only small fluctuations around a position (x0 ; y0 ) (fig. 1(c)). When the amplitude of the fluctuations is small
very close to the centre of mass of the regular static as compared to the grain diameter the centre of mass of

A response function perspective on yielding of wet granular matter

(a) (b)

Fig. 3: (Colour on-line) The parameter dependence of the yield angle θc for different height profiles of the packings, as specified
to the right of panel (b): “1 + 1” denotes one layer plus an additional grain in the 2nd layer, and “profile” denotes the height
profile also considered in fig. 2(a). For smaller θ the grains stick together and their centre of mass is confined in a small region
(left panels of fig. 2). For larger θ the systems approach a state where the grains slide downwards (right panels of fig. 2). (a)
Dependence of the yield angles θc on the distance x0 − xw of the x-coordinate of the centre of mass x0 from the location xw of
the wall supporting the pile. The solid line indicates the yield angle for a dry packing. (b) The data shown in (a) all lie on the
master curve eq. (12) (solid red line).

each grain is displaced along a line variety of different height profiles and various realizations
of mass disorder for each system we verified that the
x0 − x = (y − y0 ) tan β (9) systems always yield in the bottom layer. As expected
with respect to its position (x0 ; y0 ) in the regular packing. from our earlier discussion we also observe that upon
Consequently, one expects that also the centre-of-mass increasing the number of layers of grains the piles tend
fluctuations will dominantly proceed in this direction. The to yield at smaller θc . Figure 3(a) shows the dependence
uplifting of the centre of mass described by this equation of θc on the x-coordinate of the centre of mass, which is
amounts to the well-known Reynolds’ dilatancy [20,21]. taken here as a means to characterise the load. Due to the
The left panels of fig. 2 show the fluctuations of two very broad mass distribution there is a lot of scatter, but
systems for a range of tilt angels below θc . The easy the expected trend is nicely followed.
direction for fluctuations eq. (9) is indicated by dashed Response function treatment. – The expectation
lines. It provides a remarkably good description of the that the pile yields at the bottom can further be substan-
preferred direction of fluctuations. When approaching the tiated. Since we are dealing with a regular packing α =
critical angle θc from below the fluctuations become very −β = const throughout, the external forces are propagated
large, but the system keeps fluctuating around its ordered to the wall according to
The right panels of fig. 2 show the early stages of up
fij sin(2β) = mi g sin(β − θ), (10a)
the yielding on double logarithmic scales. Initially the
centre of mass follows the direction given by eq. (9). down
However, when the displacement approaches the order of a fij sin(2β) = mi g sin(β + θ). (10b)
grain diameter (i.e., order one), the approximations taken Subsequently the force propagates straight on along the
to derive eq. (9) break down. Indeed at that point the respective lattice directions to the wall. In total the largest
grains approach the next valley where they are accelerated tensile forces appear in the contact points at the wall. At
and scattered. The resulting collisions and subsequent the n-th position we find
ruptures of capillary bridges eventually lead to fluidisation
of the system. The centre of mass has then be lifted, and sin(β − θ)
subsequently, it moves downhill with a constant speed. fnwall = Mn g , (11)
The considerable lift of the centre of mass indicates
that the system becomes dilute in the fluidized state. It where Mn denotes the total mass of all disks in a column to
typically moves quite far into the gassy regime, because the upper downhill direction away from the wall, which is
for wet grains the only source of dissipation is rupture of based at site n —in other words the disks along the uphill
capillary bridges —a mechanism which is considerably less side of a force tree starting at the free surface of the
efficient than friction or a finite restitution of grains. pile and ending at position n on the wall. Denoting the
The critical angle θc can be found by bisecting the maximum of these mass loads as M and observing that
respective angles where one finds bounded motion and the pile yields when the tensile force in the lower-most
downhill flow in successively longer simulations. For a contact of the associated column exceeds the bridge force

S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari et al.

fb , we find an explicit prediction for the stability border ∗∗∗

of the pile
fb We are grateful for very helpful discussion with
sin(β − θ) = sin(2β). (12)
Mg L. Katthän, A. Milchev, K. Röller, M. Scheel,
As shown in fig. 3(b) all numerical data fall on the and M. Schröter.
parameter-free prediction eq. (12). This confirms not only
our assertion that wet granular packings yield at the
bottom but it also provides a systematic means to identify REFERENCES
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