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ESTABLISHMENT The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok with the signing of the ASEAN eclaration !Bangkok eclaration" b# the $ounding $athers of ASEAN, na%el#, &ndonesia, 'ala#sia, the (hili))ines, Singa)ore, and Thailand* Brunei arussala% then +oined on 8 ,anuar# 198-, .ietna% on /8 ,ul# 1990, 1aos and '#an%ar on /2 ,ul# 1997, and 3a%bodia on 24 A)ril 1999, %aking u) what is toda# the ten 'e%ber States of ASEAN* The ASEAN eclaration states that the ai%s and )ur)oses of the Association are5 !1" to accelerate econo%ic growth, social )rogress and cultural de6elo)%ent in the region and !/" to )ro%ote regional )eace and stabilit# through abiding res)ect for +ustice and the rule of law in the relationshi) a%ong countries in the region and adherence to the )rinci)les of the 7nited Nations 3harter* ASEAN COMMUNITY &n /442, at the 9th ASEAN Su%%it, the ASEAN 1eaders resol6ed that an ASEAN 3o%%unit# be established b# /4/4* 8owe6er, in /447, during the 1/th ASEAN Su%%it, the# decided to accelerate the establish%ent b# /410* The ASEAN 3o%%unit# is co%)rised of three )illars, na%el# the ASEAN (olitical9Securit# 3o%%unit#, ASEAN Econo%ic 3o%%unit# and ASEAN Socio93ultural 3o%%unit#* Each )illar has its own Blue)rint, and, together with the &nitiati6e for ASEAN &ntegration !&A&" Strategic $ra%ework and &A& :ork (lan (hase && !/4499/410", the# for% the ;oad%a) for an ASEAN 3o%%unit# /4499/410*

ASEAN Political Security Community (APSC) Ai%s to ensure that the )eo)les and 'e%ber States of ASEAN li6e in )eace with one another and with the world at large in a +ust, de%ocratic and har%onious en6iron%ent* ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Ai%s to transfor% ASEAN into a stable, )ros)erous, and highl# co%)etiti6e region with e<uitable econo%ic de6elo)%ent, and reduced )o6ert# and socio9econo%ic dis)arities* ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Ai%s to contribute to realising an ASEAN 3o%%unit# that is )eo)le9 oriented and sociall# res)onsible with a 6iew to achie6ing enduring solidarit# and unit# a%ong the )eo)les and 'e%ber States of ASEAN* &t seeks to forge a co%%on identit# and build a caring and sharing societ# which is inclusi6e and where the well9being, li6elihood, and welfare of the )eo)les are enhanced* ASEAN CHA TE The ASEAN 3harter ser6es as a fir% foundation in achie6ing the ASEAN 3o%%unit# b# )ro6iding legal status and institutional fra%ework for ASEAN* &t also codifies ASEAN nor%s, rules and 6alues= sets clear targets for ASEAN= and )resents accountabilit# and co%)liance* The ASEAN 3harter entered into force on 10 ece%ber /448* A gathering of the ASEAN $oreign 'inisters was held at the ASEAN Secretariat in ,akarta to %ark this 6er# historic occasion for ASEAN* !UN"AMENTAL P INCIPLES The Treat# of A%it# and 3oo)eration in Southeast Asia !TA3" of 1976 also contains the following funda%ental )rinci)les which ASEAN 'e%ber States abide b# in their relations with one another5

%utual res)ect for the inde)endence, so6ereignt#, e<ualit#, territorial integrit#, and national identit# of all nations= the right of e6er# State to lead its national e>istence free fro% e>ternal interference, sub6ersion or coercion= non9interference in the internal affairs of one another= settle%ent of differences or dis)utes b# )eaceful %anner= renunciation of the threat or use of force= and effecti6e coo)eration a%ong the%sel6es*

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